The Joe Biden campaign’s Texas Political Director has been formally accused of helping to run an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits filed Monday at the Texas Supreme Court.
Two private investigators, including a former FBI agent and former police officer, testify under oath that they have video evidence, documentation and witnesses to prove that Biden’s Texas Political Director Dallas Jones and his cohorts are currently hoarding mail-in and absentee ballots and ordering operatives to fill the ballots out for people illegally, including for dead people, homeless people, and nursing home residents, in the 2020 presidential election.
The affidavits were filed as part of the class-action lawsuit against Harris County and the state of Texas, filed by citizens, called Steven Hotze, M.D. et al. Journalist Patrick Howley of NATIONAL FILE has exclusively obtained this testimony and much more evidence will be coming out in the case. Dallas Jones was named the Biden campaign’s Texas Political Director in early September. . . .
AFFIDAVIT OF MARK A. AGUIRRE “My name is Mark A. Aguirre. I am above the age of eighteen years and am fully competent to make this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct.
“I am a retired captain with the Houston Police Department I am now a private investigator.
“I am currently involved in an investigation related to a wide-ranging and fraudulent ballot harvesting scheme in Harris County intended to rig the elections in the Houston/Harris County area. This scheme involves voter fraud on a massive scale.
“Based on interviews, review of documents, and other information, I have identified the individuals in charge of the ballot harvesting scheme. These individuals includes political consultant Dallas Jones who was recently hired by the Joe Biden for President campaign to oversee their Harris County initiative. District 13 Texas State Senator Borris Miles, who is the handler of Mr. Jones, political consultant Gerald Womack, and Precinct 1 Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. One of the companies these individuals are using as a front for this operation is AB Canvassing, although there are others that have been identified that we are investigating.”
“I have in my possession video-taped interviews of witnesses attesting to the aforementioned people having groups of people completing thousands of absentee and mail-in ballots, including completing ballots for deceased individuals; illegally going into nursing homes, with the complicity of the nursing home staff, and filling out and forging the signatures of nursing home residents; signing up homeless individuals to vote using the ballot harvester’s address then completing the ballot and forging the homeless individual’s signature. . . .
“My name is Charles F. Marler. I am above the age of eighteen years and am fully competent to make this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct.”
“I formerly worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigations where I was an Investigative Specialist conducting undercover operations on espionage and terrorist targets. I am now a private investigator.”
“In December of 2019, I was approached by two individuals who witnessed activity from an illegal ballot harvesting operation in Harris County. Since that date, I have been investigating the illegal ballot harvesting operation.”
“During my investigation, a core group of names continued to surface regarding the organization and operation of the voter fraud scheme. Witnesses have stated to me that Precinct 1 Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and District 13 Texas State Senator Borris Miles are leading the illegal ballot harvesting operation in Harris County, Texas. Their chief lieutenants are Houston businessman Gerald Womack and political consultant Dallas Jones who work directly under them in executing the ballot harvesting operation in Harris County, Texas.”
“Witnesses have shown me and described to me how the ballot harvesters take absentee ballots from the elderly in nursing homes, from the homeless, and from unsuspecting residences’ mailboxes. The ballot harvesters then complete the ballots for their preferred candidate and forge the signature of the “voter”. Two witnesses stated to me that there are two individuals employed at the Harris County Clerk’s Office who are aware of the illegal ballots and help facilitate and mask the processing of the ballots into the legal stream of ballots.”
“I have been made aware of a law enforcement investigation in the Spring of 2020 regarding illegal ballot harvesting. Several interviews of individuals were conducted. After the interviews became public, former Harris County Clerk Diane Troutman, resigned alleging health concerns due to COVID-19. However, witnesses have told me that Ms. Troutman was arguing with Commission Rodney Ellis about the legality of the mass purchasing and mailing of mail-in ballots and that Troutman was concerned she would be included in the eventual arrest pertaining to illegal ballot harvesting. Instead of coming forward and exposing the scheme, Ms. Troutman abruptly resigned. Witnesses have stated that Commissioner Ellis was not deterred and continued to move forward with the plan to mass mail ballots and expand the illegal ballot harvesting scam. Another witness stated to me that an employee of Commission Ellis, Tyler James, has bragged that he could guarantee that the illegal ballot harvesting operation, with the help of mass mail-in ballots, could harvest 700,000 illegal ballots.”
“It appears that law enforcement agencies are currently investigating these alleged crimes and I will provide them with the evidence that I have already collected and am continuing to collect. Sadly, these law enforcement agencies will be working to prosecute these crimes well after the November 3, 2020 election.” . . .
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton recently announced 134 felony charges against four defendants stemming from an alleged 2018 Democrat primary scheme to use fake disabilities provide mail-in ballots to people who were not disabled.
Harris County is sending mail-in ballot applications to county voters 65 and over, so nursing homes remain a hotspot for potential fraud. Texas began mailing absentee ballots to voters for the presidential election on September 19. . . .
Citizen journalist Colleen Vera has discovered evidence of what appears to be a massive voter fraud ring operating in the state of Texas involving mail-in voting and Democrat political campaigns. Evidence presented below includes a video of a Democrat campaign surrogate harvesting mail ballots from a nursing home, audio of a Democrat campaign worker admitting to harvesting ballots from a nursing home, and mail-in ballots from Harris County that all have the same handwriting and envelope process. . . .
Breaking: Vote By Mail FRAUD BUSTED ON TAPE
— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) July 30, 2020
Colleen Vera of Texas Trash Talk Reports…
After the 2016 Democratic Primary, a candidate for Harris County Constable (Pct 3), Jasen Rabalais, filed a lawsuit claiming that a campaign worker for another candidate,Michel Pappillion, “deliberately falsified, illegally completed or unlawfully influenced the ballots and early voting applications of elderly residents in Harris County.”
The lawsuit was dismissed. But the following audio tapes had been made by the Rabalais campaign after he found out that an “alleged harvester” was working for an opponent’s campaign.
Link to Audio #1: Gives name of “alleged harvester”
Link to Audio #2: “Alleged harvester” explains the services provided (phone # redacted)
Then during the 2018 Primary, the following video was posted by Direct Action Texas. It appeared to show a campaign worker for Texas State Rep Harold Dutton Jr harvesting ballots of 400 elderly voters.
After viewing the video, I decided to do some research. I figured, if there was any evidence of mailed ballot voter fraud to be found in Harris County, the more recent one – Dutton’s race – was the best place to start.
I filed a request for public information covering the 1359 voters who voted by mail in Harold Dutton’s race. I requested electronic copies of the voters’:
- applications for ballots by mail and
- returned ballot carrier envelopes.
My first thought was to match each voter’s mailed ballot application with the voter’s ballot envelope and compare signatures to find those which may not match. But as I reviewed the documents, something else jumped off the page…
32 handwritten applications for mailed ballots – all from different voters – but all written in the exact same handwriting.
All 32 returned their application for a ballot by mail in the same pre-printed envelope with the same style stamp. . . .
… But then I printed out the envelopes which carried their returned ballots and the BIGGEST COINCIDENCE of ALL jumped off the page…ALL THESE VOTERS LIVED IN THE SAME PRECINCT! Precinct #259…Additional research showed this same handwriting on multiple ballot by mail applications from precinct #259 every year going back to 2008…If that wasn’t enough to cause concern, I had to title this set of applications “Alleged Harvester A” because I found two more sets of multiple applications with similar handwriting, envelopes and stamps from varying precincts. I titled those “Alleged Harvester B” and “Alleged Harvester C.”…
30 ballots from Precinct #259 – in which the voters voted for ALL the same candidates – and they ALL used the same style “X” to mark their ballots.
…I filed another public information request and received a handwritten sign out sheet for persons who had picked up packages of 50 or more applications for mailed ballots in 2018. Two concerning issues from that list.
- The FIRST PERSON to pick up multiple applications for ballots by mail in 2018 is the SAME WOMAN from the 2016 audio tape who explained how she accesses nursing homes to acquire mailed ballots for candidates.
- TWO of the first three persons who picked up multiple applications for ballots by mail in 2018 have FORGERY convictions…
Federal Election Commission records show that US Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee did make multiple payments to convicted forger Gloria Palmer in 2016:
(Excerpt from National File. Article by Patrick Howley. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
What do you think about this evidence?
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I am amazed at how truth people are willing to deal with the fail play of others. It is an answer to prayers. Lord continue to expose the hidden things and bring it the light and True justice of it. Amen amen amen.
Father God, I pray that the works of darkness regarding voter fraud will be burned up by your Holy Fire!! I pray that the lies, deception and darkness regarding the ballot harvesting, will all be exposed and brought into your glorious light and that all the wrong things will be made right! I pray that this whole evil scheme will be brought down and will work in favor of the candidate (Trump) who holds your values and plans for America and will carry them out when he is re-elected. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Trump has values? Wow
Praise be to God! Yes!
Father God, continue to EXPOSE EXPOSE EXPOSE REVEAL REVEAL REVEAL so that just, fair, legal elections can take place! In Jesus name amen!
Lord I pray that you not only block and end all vote stealing, and illegal registration- but that you return the stolen votes supernaturally seven times over, as is just for theft. This is theft of our very freedom. Please take freedom in whichever manner you see fit, from the wicked attacking us on all sides.
Thank You for this info. Thank You that YOU ARE YOU. You Are all knowing God.
We desperately need Your supernatural invention on Nov. 3, 2020 as no way we ban beat the Democrat & Party (MSM, their $ supporter).
The opponent double down on everything, they are fighting all the way. Without YOU we are not able to win or save America or keep America or build America back to You.
Please allow P Trump to get a winning of complete landslide both electoral and popular votes in all 50 states. All 50 states become RED STATE because the blood of Jesus cover all 50 states.
Please allow the Church (individual and corporate) from this 2020 be a fervent prayer warriors to pray without ceasing and slow to win back the heart of our family first so that all of them can see Jesus in our daily walk. Then allow us to help our friends, neighbors and co-workers to see our daily walk with Jesus.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
In Jesus’ name we pray and thank You. Amen.
Thank you Mel. Love and agree with your prayer. Jesus, all you have to do is say the word and voting fraud will be destroyed and just elections and voting will occur and our land will be healed. We see dimly and in part. You see clearly and in full. Everything is seen and known by You. Nothing is too difficult or too wonderful for You. Help all Your people in our land to awaken and let Christ give us light to dispel darkness and display the Gospel in every area of our land. May our salt have savor. You will destroy the works of the devil for which You were manifested to do. You are greater Jesus than he that is in the world. You are in us. It is not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit saith the Lord of hosts. May we all have your Presence in all areas of our lives. Let us do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. Let us speak Your word with boldness and may it be attested by signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. You are in our midst Jesus. You see and hear and know everything. Let us always have the singers go before us. Let us always meet the conditions of of Pentecost in Acts 2:1 being in one place and in one accord in every location. You are the Creator of all things in heaven and in earth. All things are held together by the word of your power. Let us love You and love one another by which all men will know we are Your disciples. After telling the account of the Good Samaritan Jesus told us to go and do thou likewise. Let us love our neighbors. Let us as Abraham stagger not at the promises of God through unbelief. Let us hope against hope. You are God who can quicken the dead and call into existence things that do not exist. All You have to do is say the word and our land will be healed. By your mercy and grace we ask You to send the goodness of God to lead us to repentance. Whoever thought Saul, later Paul, would be a Christian, a new Creation in Christ, when he set out on the Road to Damascus that morning in wrath to do harm to the Christians there, and that it would happen before the sun set that same day. Whoever would have thought that Nineveh, that wicked city, would fear God at the preaching of Jonah and repent and fast three days, including the king and by decree of the king all the people, and even the domestic animals, and that the city would be spared judgment. Wonderful Lord, breath on Your people. May the goodness of God send the powerful fear of God on our land to lead us to repentance and salvation. Lord let us listen and hear the cries, coming up from our land, of the little lives taken by abortion and all its deeds, and let us weep with these little ones that are crying out in unimaginable pain and suffering. May all Your people awaken and listen and speak for these precious lives and may your goodness bring the repentance we need, starting with us. May all who know you awaken to vote and to vote for life. May we follow David’s example and say with him, “I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Ps. 34:1 We love you Lord. Let us press into your Presence and may Your Presence always go with us. As Gabriel told Mary after giving her the astounding news of the upcoming virgin birth of Jesus, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” from Luke 1:37. In Jesus’ mighty name above all names, before whom every knee will bow and every tongue confess.
The enemies views removed by those the Lord has chosen..I will correct that with the proper wording as I am learning to be conscientious in my wording, I am learning how to edit by practice, I need to honor our Lord..He says to be careful in all we say…I hope to improve. Forgive!
I hope to perfect my comments, line two was missing …the enemies views removed..sorry I did not catch that before first draft.
I know Satan’s tactics are most often, like the sleuth he is, hiding in plane sight, that it is until we have views removed from those Our Lord has chosen, to shed the light of what is going on, I am so thankful when we see, hear and sound the alarm for the benefit for us all other believers; and sound the clarion call to arms! Thanks and praises to all doing their special assigned tasks…Hallelujah! Since the works of Satan to have his captives harvest baby and people organ parts for money under the lie it is for good it is logical they have no problem harvesting votes for their own kind. So, we must expect and be vigilant whatever job our Lord assigns us to be on the offensive, poised like our Lion of Judah, ready in the Spirit of our Lord and pounce on the enemies activities. Remember we are to be as cunning as a serpent and innocent as a dove (like a lion and a dove)! The sons of Aaron, the priests are to blow the trumpets. This is to be a lasting ordinance for you and the generations to come. When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy who is oppressing you sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the Lord your God and rescued from your enemies. Numbers 10:8,9. We are the royal priests in our Lord’s army, now. The Lord told me before Mr. Trump was elected that he would be His trumpet and His trump card…let us join him in this fight for life, freedom and our republic under God, stand and not be fearful of blowing off the cover, deceptions of the enemy’s works. In Jesus name, Amen.
Father God, I come with thanksgiving in my heart for answered prayer. We have asked You to release Your warring angels and Your Heavenly Hosts to watch over Your Word that we are praying, and to watch and guard over every voting station, and to remove all illegal ballots and expose all wrong doings; therefore, we praise Your Holy name for answering our prayers. Blessings, glory, honor, power, praise, and thanksgiving for Your angels establishing Your Word and watching over Your WORD to perform it, in Jesus’s Holy name, Amen. Jeremiah 1: 12
Lord Jesus,
You knew every moment in our lives before the foundations of the earth were laid. We find comfort and hope in YOU alone. May these evil plans be the very net that snares the evil planners in the end. Just as Haman laid a snare for Mordecai and he was the recipient of his own trap, I pray that these plans will be abolished and the planners will either come to repentance or be ensnared in their own evil plans. Proverbs 29:25 – Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.
Proverbs 26:27 – If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. If you roll a boulder down on others, it will crush you instead.
Praise be to you Father and Creator of the Universe. You hold every piece of history in Your mighty hands.
Lord, I am reminded of Jehoshaphat and his people who said, We do not know what to do but our eyes are on you. We CAN trust you, Lord. Father God, we pray for those who want power so badly that they are willing to cheat. We pray for those who are so poor that they are subject to bribes. We pray for those who are so crooked that they are subject to being blackmailed. We pray that they would LOOK UP! That they would look to you for self-worth, look to you for financial provision, look to you in repentance. We pray for those who continually persecute President Trump. Show them a better way, Lord. Show them the Love of Christ. May a spirit of repentance fall upon the media members who are against your will and ways. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Praying for Truth to be Revealed and Lies to be arrested, in Jesus’ Name for God’s glory and America’s Good!
Thank you for the information and the evidence you have given of the past voter fraud and the present. I pray that our Lord protect the voting process in this country that no matter what the devil tries to do, God’s Will be done and President Trump will be our President for the next 4 years. In Jesus Name by God’s Holy Spirit I pray.
We can not just pray this is such obvious fraud and a small reflection with what went on in the 2018 election and before. Very sad but the spirit of tyranny has been released into the USA. Will the church become pure pray and take action. This is so serious. We know they will do anything to get power. Scary.
Lord have mercy & break the power on the USA from these occultic spirits at work through human agency.
This evidence is a very compelling. I am thanking Hod for shining a light on these fraudulent activities. Thank you father. Guide these and others in doing what is right. In the name of your magnificent son. Amen
Article this morning that Labron James has recruited 10,000 follwers as “poll workers” especially in the South and minority districts where apparently there is a problem geting poll workers due to COVID.
Earlier this week, two Republican observers were denied access to a polling place (cited by POTUS). In NJ, you cannot just sign up to work at the voting locations – there is a 2 year process. Moreover, unless you are handicapped, if you go to a voting location to bring in your ballot, it will be considered “provisional” until after all votes are counted.
NJ mailed ballots (you also could not request an absentee ballot) to all “registered” (dead or alive) voters in the State. In the Primary, I received two ballots as I had prviously been registered in my maiden name.
If you have access to the RNC, etc. please let the powers that be know about the Lebron James initiative!
At the very least Republicans MUST be allowed to work at the voting locations and be observers.
Lord, expose all these works of darkness over this election. You placed the sun, moon, and stars in their orbits and call them my name. Nothing is too hard for you!
Wow! Doesn’t surprise me. I though wish Steven Hotze was not the one bringing this lawsuit. He is a quack. it would be wonderful to see Sheila Jackson Lee go down. She only takes care of certain constituents in her region. When these mail in ballot applications came out, I even received a couple and I am not 65 years of age. My husband has already received around 6 now. How many do they need to send to one household?
Praise God that these dishonest , unethical actions were caught and exposed for the lie that they are. By Your great grace, please let it happen that ALL deception and dishonesty in our American electoral process be brought to light, and to be prosecuted. Let a spirit of truth prevail. In Jesus name.
Father I pray Joe Bidens campaign manager will be apprehended and prosecuted for Ballot Harvesting in all States, it is happening in. Father we put a restraining order on perpetators that resort to wickedness!
We call it down and put it under the feet of Jesus! This election will be fair and orderly. No fraud in the name of Jesus!
Oh Father satan’s time is short and he unleashing his wrath, full bore to take our nation down. You are above all, nothing is impossible with or for You. We are united all over the world in prayer 2 Chronicles 7:14, marching, standing, proclaiming. You have set Donald Trump as your man for this time, your battle axe. We pray for our president, for the democratic radical agenda’s defeat. Send the angels to snatch the fraudulent ballots. Send seed, alerting agencies, investigators the locations where fraud is happening, bringing these people to justice. Revealing to all this is in fact happening, pricking their hearts to get to the polls to vote their choices. Father “heal” or land and take us back to your heart. In Jesus Name we pray.
Father God, please protect the votes and guard the integrity of our free elections. Also confuse and frustrate the plans of the enemy. Give us a discernment so as not to be deceived by this wickedness!
this one event times hundreds and hundreds satan has been working at this for a long time,
Crimina!!!!! This is an outrage, and these crooks need to be immediately arrested, and put into jail!!!
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling voter fraud. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground In Jesus name, amen.
I’m not shocked at all my prayer is that wherever there is fraud and abuse, ballot harvesting any type of cheating be spotlighted by our Father in Heaven – He knows all that is going on and I PRAY He will expose it wherever it is going on so that we don’t turn into a 3rd world nation – a nation of cheaters
I’m astonished. President Trump is right, there can be fraud made voting by mail. Help Jesus Help.
Heavenly Father,
Nothing gets past You. You see all. Thank You for revealing this evil and injustice. Bless those that are revealing the perpetrators. I pray justice will be done. Continue to uncover wickedness. What a mess. Lord, we pray law and justice will prevail in this election. Oh how we need Your guidance and help. Come to the rescue. We know nothing is impossible with You. We know we have the victory in Jesus. Jesus, You hold everything together. We keep our eyes fixed on You.
Amen. Praise God he can bring righteousness into the election and to the plans of evil. We praise His name.
Yes, Lord. Even the darkness is not dark to you. The night shines like the day for darkness is as light to you. You are our rock, our fortress, our firm foundation. You are faithful, powerful, and trustworthy. We glorify you. We exalt you over our nation.
Lord, continue to expose all fraudulent voting. We ask that this practice be stopped dead in its tracks and that Nursing home employees and/or family members would be starkly aware of what is going on so that the perpetrators and harvesters be caught red handed in the process and be exposed and stopped!
We call for our voting process to be just and fair and that You would even supernaturally remove EVERY SINGLE fraudulent vote in Jesus Name.
Lord Jesus,
You know All things and pray that by Your Power and Grace, You show us what You would want us to know and see. Thank You Lord for showing us the Truth even if the enemy continues to rob, steal, kill, and destroy. Change hearts for Salvation belongs to You Lord.