IFA’s Warning: The Department of Education Is Not a Good Idea
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IFA’s Warning: The Department of Education Is Not a Good Idea
The Department of Education released its annual Nation’s Report Card on January 29, 2025, revealing another year of disappointing student academic levels. Reading scores declined and math scores slightly improved. Once again, parents and educators searched for reasons to explain the decline.
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As President Trump starts dismantling the Department of Education (DoED), could his actions be on target to remove the federal department most responsible for our nation’s academic decline? If so, President Trump is not the only one who considers the DoED a detriment to students in our nation’s schools.
Intercessors for America (IFA) perceived the danger to our nation of creating a department of education and, on October 1, 1979, voiced their opposition in a letter addressed to intercessors urging them to pray and contact members of the U.S. Senate and ask them to veto the new Department of Education Act that had already passed in the House of Representatives. The letter stated, “The larger and more serious objection is that a new DOE, for all practical purposes, would be little more than an extension of the NEA.”
The cloud over the creation of the DoED was cause for great concern for IFA leaders. While running a close race for the 1977 Presidential election, candidate Jimmy Carter looked for blocks of voters he could count on to help him across the finish line. One of the largest labor unions that represented the education sector, the National Education Association (NEA), needed a President who would create a new U. S. Department of Education, complete with a federal cabinet seat. Candidate Carter and the NEA made a deal. The NEA members would vote for Carter and, if elected, President Carter would create a U.S. Department of Education. Jimmy Carter won the election and, as president, signed the Department of Education Act, complete with a federal cabinet seat, into law on October 17, 1979.
Mr. Terry M. Moe, author of Special Interest: Teachers Unions and America’s Public Schools, labeled the NEA as the major policymaker in public education. Mr. Moe wrote, “The NEA is a union, and as such, it represents the job-related interests of its members, and these interests are simply not the same as the interests of children.” Intercessors for America was correct; the DoED proved to be an extension of the NEA.
While the organization’s prediction proved correct, IFA never stopped encouraging intercessors to pray for America’s 49.6 million students who attend our public schools. President Donald Trump’s campaign promise to the people was that, if elected, he would dismantle the Department of Education and return the responsibility for education to states and the parents where it belonged.
What intercessors are witnessing now with the dismantling of the DoED is the answer to unwavering faith that stands no matter what circumstances appear in the natural.
Not only must the Department of Education be dismantled, but the effects of almost fifty years of indoctrination, declining academic scores, and moral decline in our schools must be reversed. For intercessors, finishing the work will be one of our most rewarding accomplishments as we tackle the state-level tentacles of flawed educational policy that changed the culture of our nation.
Share your prayers for our nation and its children’s education below.
Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools, Decrees for Your School, and Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Transform Your School. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the U.S. For additional information, go to https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/category/spiritual-warfare-for-education/. Photo Credit: G. Edward Johnson – Own work, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=159600544.
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The Federal government has NO business dictating policy , and funding, to the education of American children. Sanity needs to prevail in our education system. Asking the Department of Education to do this on a federal level is just plain wrong. The authority to govern what happens needs to be returned to the local school boards. Plain and simple. Lord Jesus, may Your will prevail in this matter.
Excellent. Thank you!
Nancy, thank you so much for this important and informative article. May the Lord do all He intends to protect the precious children of America from these who will mold and groom them into ideological error. Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, please help us
Oh God, continue to root out the evil that has gotten into our public school systems. I asked this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, or Savior, Lord and King. I trust in God.

I retired from teaching elementary and special needs preschool in 2000. Putting the care of our education system under the federal control was pretty much signing its death warrant. Terrible policies grew to dominate the system. We are now 40th in the world ratings. We used to be always in the top five. Our schools are in a mess. The Covid lockdown made things even worse. Please pray and stand for the return of our school system to the states and the parents so we as a nation can have quality schools
I just recently became a member of Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). I just read in their magazine about President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of the Department of Education, Linda McMahon. In that article I read this: “Among Trump’s chief priorities for the ED has been to shut down the 4,000-person department and once again empower state and local communities to make their own decisions when it come to education policy. Closing down the department, however, will require congressional approval –and it’s not clear that enough Republicans will support such drastic action.”
That being said, we need to be letting our representatives know what we expect them to do along with praying for them to have God’s wisdom.
My own mother was a teacher. It was told to her that a part of her earnings were sent to the NEA. My mother imagined that the NEA would nationalize good schools, but she did not sufficiently inquire. They are an employing agency and have, with all of our money, taken our public schools into the ground.
Thank you, Nancy, for this article. I pray that the DOE would indeed be dismantled and that Congress would approve what President Trump is doing. We pay for righteousness to reign and corruption to be gone.
Lord, thank you for President Trump, his cabinet, and for DOGE. Lord, continue to grant wisdom and revelation to President Trump and his cabinet on restructuring Government agencies and setting up Your government to do Your will. Lord, I plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump, Vice President Vance and their families and all cabinet members and their families. Lord, bring each one salvation and the infilling of Your Holy Spirit. No weapon formed against them Lord will prosper. Lord, continue to expose the fraud, waste, abuse and corruption that have been carried out for years. Lord, strip the funding from those carrying out evil agendas and use it for righteous agendas. Lord, shut down lawsuits against President Trump and his cabinet leaders and shut down the rogue judges and those standing against you. Lord, thank You for delivering us from evil. Lord, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Lord, change the hearts of the people to see and accept You and come to salvation by the blood of Jesus. Lord, bring an awakening to the church and revival in America. Thank You Lord for your mercies are new every day. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank you for your prayer!
Dear Jesus.
bless our children!! In Jesus’s name Amen 
Now I understand how evil the NEA and the Do Ed is.
Do they NOT know, what they have sew, they will reap???
Nahum1: : 3 The Lord will not leave the guilty, unpunished. HIS way is in the whirlwind and the storm. And clouds are the dust of His feet. He rebukes the sea and dries it up. HE MAKES ALL THE RIVERS RUN DRY.
the mountains quake before Him and the hills melt away.
The earth trembles at His presence, the world and ALL who live in it.Who can withstand His indignation? Who can endure His fierce anger??? His wrath is poured out like fires; the rocks are scattered before Him.
Whatever they plot against the Lord, He will bring to an end.trouble will not come a second time. They will be entangled among thorns; and drunk from their wine. THEY will be consumed like dry stubble. FROM you, O Ninevah, oh NEA, DoEd, has one come forth who plots evil against the Lord and counsels wickedness.
So I pray May Jesus’s will be done in ALLthe Education schools. Kindergarten. ELEMENTARY, MIDDLE, High School, College, etc.
Thank you for your scriptural prayer! I sincerely appreciate your prayers for our students and for all the institutions that shape the lives of the children who are the future of this nation.
Amen! Thank you for the timely prayer!
Praying for our children. As a retired teacher I know how this agenda has destroyed education and damaged our children.
Isaiah 45:2 New Living translation
This is what the LORD says: “I will go before you, Cyrus, and level the mountains. I will smash down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.
Father God, would you level the mountain of ungodly education in our land? We humbly ask you to smash down the ungodly gates of bronze with Your judgment, wisdom, Your breath that pulls down wickedness.
That You would restore Your righteousness and Your Truth!
And Lord, we are asking You to cut thru the iron bars of captivity of our children that are being taught ungodly systems
Would You restore Your Iron of strength to the children and that they would be protected from evil systems that promote lies and unhealthy. thoughts. Your truth and Divine instruction will be restored in Jesus name amen!
Thank you, Judy, for your timely prayer for our nation’s students!
YHVH, I ask for the destruction of NEA as well as the DoED. May our education system become just that, instead of a means of indoctrination in evil.
I am now retired, but was a teacher and administrator in a public school district serving students in extreme poverty. I watched the various federal programs come from the DoEd fail to do anything to increase those all important test scores. Our schools were always identified as low performing and we were threatened with closure if we didn’t get test scores up.
Well, they never closed the schools, test scores are still low and more federal funds have been thrown at the schools with no change in results. It doesn’t matter whether it was Goals 2000, Race to the Top, or No Child Left Behind, the federal government made a mess of public education.
It is ironic to me that when the posting of the 10 commandments was recently defeated in our state legislature, opponents were vocal about the need for local control, yet they are the same ones vehemently opposed to dismantling the DoEd.
It is well past time to dismantle the Department of Education, move programs to other departments to where necessary and give back local control to the states and communities.
Parents must get involved in their children’s education. Tax payers must demand an accounting of how their property taxes are being spent on education, and the powerful teacher unions need to loose their stranglehold on the education system.
As intercessors, we must keep praying for the reformation of the entire education system of the USA, beginning at the university level where teachers are being indoctrinated in Marxist ideology. Those teachers then indoctrinate the next generation. Top down change is needed to change this system.
Dear Kathy, Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience. That means so much to those involved in education, whether as educators, parents, or students! Your reply, filled with first-hand information, is a great motivator for bringing intercessors together to pray for our nation’s education!
I remember over 35 years ago, watching a video on communism wanting to take over our country. Knowing that they would not be able to militarily take over they would slowly, and patiently work through our school systems to teach the next generation and instill it in their hearts their socialistic/communistic agenda, promoting a one world government. And that’s exactly what they did. It has now infiltrated many of the minds of the American people, and they cannot even see that this would be the downfall of the blessing of a free country. Our soldiers have paid a high price for us to have this blessing. A lot of blood has been shed. We can understand why so many are wanting to come to America…they understand this blessing because they don’t have it. We are still a free country and freedom is a great gift from God. But we came so close to losing it in this last election. What President Trump is doing by dismantling the department of education is just one of the many things to keep us out of being part of the globalization agenda. Having the freedom given back to the state and the parents will definitely hinder the spiritual agenda to turn our children away from God and the love of our country. Lord, thank you for your grace and mercy upon us as a nation!
Thank you, Jennifer, for your prayers and comments, especially about the infiltration of Communism in our schools. May God help you continue to sound the alarm and gather intercessors to pray for America’s schools and the students who sit in our classrooms that are indoctrinated with Marxist ideology.
Indeed Nancy !!!! We are united with you in the spirit world, first to stand against these efforts that will weaken America and also for GODS direction to prevail as the DOE is abolished. America will NOT maintain any world power status without also leading in education.
Father we unite in intercession that YOU will guide the hearts of our new decision makers. Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done in our savior Jesus name we pray . Hallelujah !!!
A timely and to-the-point prayer! Thank you so much for sharing.
My mother was a teacher in 1979 and she enjoyed educating high school students in English. She worked in California with less advantaged students in the Bay Area. After the Department of Education was formed she saw educational standards in the Bay Area were “dumbed down” to teach to the bottom and removal of behavioral requirements in the classroom, instead of educating and challenging students to excel. She retired after many years of encouraging hispanic and vietnamese children to learn to read and write and excel in English, since she was no longer allowed to teach children to excel.
It is time to return education to the local communities and allow parental choice in which schools they send their children to. Our taxpayer dollars should be funding educational excellence, not mediocrity.
Thank you for sharing the story of your mother’s teaching experience before and after the formation of the Department of Education. As a teacher, I also noticed the difference in my classrooms as policy changed after the DoED and NEA joined. It was a sad day for America’s children as academics took a back seat to liberal policy.
I look forward to seeing education improve after the local communities oversee their own school systems.