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Father, we thank You for the new webcast, Constitutional Corner. Use it to educate, inspire, and help intercessors, God.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Did you miss this? Our new monthly webcast, Constitutional Corner, premiered in 2022! The webcast features Dave Kubal, CEO of IFA; and Cynthia Dunbar, constitutional scholar and former law professor, discussing our Constitution and its Christian origins.

Rita said: This should be shouted from the rooftops for all Americans to ponder. This podcast is like going to law school. I learned more about the mindset of our founding fathers, where they came from, why they wanted to escape, what their heart’s desires were and their aspirations for this nation than ever.

Pamela commented: Amazing information.

Eric said: This was really good!

And “Jabberjaw” posted on Rumble: Thank you so much for sharing this information, I believe that it is vitally important for us to know as Christian Patriots! Bless be the Lord and bless your mission!! I will look forward to this series 🙂

Don’t miss this essential information for every national intercessor. Join on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2023, at 12:15 p.m. ET. Visit IFApray.org/watch/ or call (667) 771-7909.

Make sure to tune in at 12:15 p.m. ET on the third Tuesday of every month for future episodes of Constitutional Corner!

What did you think of this new webcast? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Photo Credit: Canva)

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Lynne Shaw
January 20, 2023

I absolutely loved this webcast. It is crutial we understand these things in order to better both pray and act. Thank you to both of you!!

Mary Hoesly
January 18, 2023

Bring us back to our founding Lord. Give us a desire for the truth!!! Amen!

Paula Davis Rivers
January 17, 2023

Dr. Dunbar is so good at keeping me riveted and in my seat. What a shame that our history is so interesting and not being taught everywhere.

IFA Thank you so much for creating this opportunity to learn about our Constitution.

Peg B
January 17, 2023

Heavenly Father, I want to thank You for the teaching You are providing through Constitutional Corner with Cynthia Dunbar and Dave Kubal. What a blessing this has been. Spark the flame of understanding in us through wisdom and instruction. Inspire and cause us to employ this knowledge and use it to petition our elected state officials. Laws that are being enforced which are unconstitutionally being written needs to cease. May our attorney generals and judges be turned back to You for true enactment. May laws that were falsely placed on our citizens be challenged and overturned. Let the Pre-existing Law be re-established and again hold highest value. These being under the “laws of nature and nature’s God”. We give You all the praise and glory for the blessings of these teachings. In Jesus mighty name! Amen.

Bonnie Berg
January 17, 2023

I am unable to join these webcasts, but as an additional tool, Hillsdale College has free courses with one of them being Constitution 101 – a 12 session study that is extremely good. Also David and Tim Barton’s book “The American Story”. It should be a textbook and taught in every Christian school. If we won’t teach our Christian Heritage to our kids, why would we expect the public schools to teach it? So grateful for all of these opportunities to educate ourselves on God’s plan for this, our country!!

January 17, 2023

Anyway to catch up on Constitution info if we happen to miss it? Thx

    Darlene Estlow
    January 17, 2023

    It will be available anytime on replay if you go to IFA.

Rick Foster
January 17, 2023

Is there any way that written summary’s can be provided?

Laura F
January 17, 2023

I literally didn’t know you all had a podcast I can’t wait to see what’s going on! I check the emails and really appreciate the truth about the news on this website.

Bettie Mudd
January 17, 2023

This sounds wonderful!! Any chance that you might re-post it for viewing at a later date?

September 28, 2022

Thank you so much!!!!
We desire this knowledge so much!
It is so good to have this classroom online through IFA.
Thank you for Cynthia’s searching God’s truths to make known to us God’s history of our founding fathers and our Constitution

Ardith Zook
September 23, 2022

Thank you so much for this podcast! It is timely and highly informative. Only other comment is that we know there are hundreds praying with us, and it’s a little distracting when the prayers are unmuted.
Keep up the good work! I’ll be listening to this more than once!

Janet F.
September 22, 2022

So good I’m going to listen again.

Laurie Chevallier
September 22, 2022

Could you make this a podcast that could be listened to at any time?

Carol Dunham
September 22, 2022

As I watched and listened to Constitutional Corner my heart was stired even more to pray for America and our leaders. It was incredibly informativeand insightful. The time gave me hope and encouraged me to spend more time in God’s Word and seeking Him. I’ve share this with my pastor and some friends.

Gail Box Ingram
September 22, 2022

Thank you for this…..

Christine Rathod
September 22, 2022

Wonderfully informative!Great understanding of foundation of law, order, and living standards!

Maria Warren
September 22, 2022

Thank you for your ministry and now for adding Constitutional Corner. Our local church has recently decided to become active in Constitutional matters. Our electronic newsletter has highlighted your website as a source of information and prayer resources on issues to pray for and take action on. Thank you, Lord!

Wanda Ulrey
September 22, 2022

Very interesting and educational! Cynthia Dunbar is very knowledgeable and does excellent job in sharing her wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for this webmaster!


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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