California needs your prayers. The book Destined for the Throne may be the best book I’ve read on prayer and it says that “God will not act unless we pray.” California needs God to act. Once the envy of the world with beautiful landscapes, perfect climate, thriving economy, robust agriculture and of course the world leader in entertainment, California now is sick and broken and stumbling towards death. California needs your prayers.
Mayor Wells was the special guest on our July 5, 2019 prayer call. What he shared was shocking and the prayer times were powerful. Did you miss it? Listen to the recording any time–dial 712-775-7432 (participant code 2452) or watch by clicking link below.
I have the perspective of being the Mayor of El Cajon, a city in San Diego County, and I am also a psychologist and a business owner. Our cities are overrun by the homeless. These poor zombie-like people roam the streets; some are psychotic from drug use, some are predators and all are helpless and hopeless. California has increased the number of people on food stamps by 123%. California is only one state but it accounts for over 30% of the people on welfare. Only 6 out of 10 adults work. Every major city has homeless problems and some have seen the rise of tent cities.
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These calamities have not come on by chance. California has passed several laws that have “decriminalized homelessness.” In fact, California has been very focused on realignment which is the concept of decriminalizing many crimes so as to empty the prisons as much as possible. New laws have made it a minor offense to shoplift up to $950 and to sell or use most drugs. California is a scoff law state legalizing marijuana and refusing to enforce immigration laws. New proposed laws would make it impossible to stop some children from having sex change operations. New and graphic sex education programs are targeted at kindergarteners and families no longer have the ability to exempt their children. New proposed laws would take away a cities right to control low income housing so that developers could build what they want, where they want, with no design standards with the permission of the state but not the local community.
California assaults business owners and people who work, with high income taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes and a multitude of impossible to meet housing and climate change fees. Californians are being bludgeoned with fees associated with driving a car because the Sacramento leftists believe that the state has the obligation to force people out of their cars. As a result families and businesses are fleeing California leaving less and less people to shoulder the burden of those who will not work.
I believe however that California can be saved. The extreme views of the hard left are inculcated into the government at all levels, but I do not believe they represent the majority of the people. It’s true that churches have seen decreasing attendance and the state is more hostile to religion and people of faith, but I see hope and not defeat when I talk to believers I meet.
I would encourage all the people of the nation to pray for California. Pray for the people and pray for the government. Pray for those trapped in poverty, drug addiction, homelessness, sex trafficking, violence, pain, and despair. Pray for leaders who still honor God and pray most of all for a revival. Revivals have happened in California before; why not now?
Dr. Bill Wells is the Mayor of the City of El Cajon which is a city just east of San Diego in California. He is also has a doctorate in psychology and owns a behavioral health company. He has been a guest on shows like Tucker Carlson, Fox and Friends and Fox Business talking about homelessness, sanctuary state issues and faith. He has written for many publications such as Charisma Magazine. Currently he is running for the US Congress in California’s 50th District.
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Heavenly Father, I pray for help to come to Christian Californians, not for the people who have totally gone against you in morality, faith, charity, and Christianity as a whole. You have taught us by the scriptures both New & Old Testament. It is time for California and other states who have blatantly disregarded your laws to be brought down from their pedestal. I pray for the few Christians that are in this horrible “Sodom & Gomorrah”, give them a spirit of faith, hope and the ability & wisdom to leave that corrupt and deviant state while there is still time to save their children. I know Lord that my prayer is harsh, but you have destroyed & brought down the mighty in past generations, and the only way to clean the corruption is to destroy Satan’s followers and their habitat, the den of snakes and vipers.
Forgive us as Christians for standing on the sidelines & hiding behind “sweet prayers” instead of taking action as soldiers of the cross and fighting the enemy with fervor and might. Give us Lord the courage we need to stand up to the advisory as true soldiers of the cross, I pray in Jesus holy name, and Lord forgive us for being sideline Christians for so long, that we and we alone have brought America down by our own inaction’s. We stood by as they removed the Holy Scriptures from library’s, we stood by as they removed the Pledge of Allegiance from our schools, and Government meetings, we stood by as they remove the plaques with the 10 Commandments, stopped Christian Christmas displays from being displayed first in the government facilities and now even in front of our own homes, we allowed Roe vs Wade to stand by continuously electing non-christian politicians to rule over us and promote Satanic values in front of our very noses, yes Lord God, we have allowed this to happen by empty prayers with no action.
Forgive us for being so passive & give us the courage to speak up, to march publicly in the enemies parades and voice loudly that we are Soldiers of the Cross, and elect christian men & women who will stand up for you in high places, and quit voting by the “Party”. Open our hearts & minds as you did with the prophets of old and give us instruction, courage & the wisdom to defeat the devil at his own game and turn his weapons against him & his minions; In the precious name & blood of Jesus we pray!
Oh father God we pray the prayer of Jehoshaphat. This vast army of elected leaders and their laws that go against your word seem overwhelming. “ Oh our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.” You always have a plan God we wait to hear your plan. We’ll follow you and go wherever you go with your plan!
you have set your people to stand in the gap for California until her leaders come to their senses; and if they are reprobate, Lord may a leader of humility before you take their place. Raise us your Church there as mighty warriors, cause them all to know the power of prayer. Cause them to clean their own lives of all sin and idols that they might stand strong. Protect the Homeschoolers and give Christian Parents the boldness to remove their children from schools that are practicing soft porn against their children. May Leaders like this Mayor be protected, dear Lord, and may more leaders rise up and say enough.
Open eyes that are blind and ears that are deaf. In Jesus mighty name, Amen
Heavenly Father, please forgive us. We have stood idly by and watched this slow erosion from your ways over the years. We ask for your forgiveness, your mercy, and your grace. Please hear our cry in California and across our land. We need you, Lord. Please intervene in these horrific and sad situations, and bring glory to your holy name. May each of us be fervent in prayer for California … and our nation.
Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You Lord for California. Lord this state is so beautiful and so blessed but it has turned from You and is suffering for that action. Please Lord help this state to turn itself around. Help people to believe and repent and come to You. Bring revival to this state and throughout the country. I pray this in the name of Jesus.
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm pitted against purity and freedom in Christ in California. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus’s name, Amen.
I pray for wisdom in this situation.
Yes, Absolutely!! So many homeless, orphans and foster care children right here in our nation. Without our prayers, taking action these “lease among use” do not have a hope. But We God’s people have the answer, the resources and ability to make this all change.
Dallas, Texas is doing the same thing as California. Dallas courts have approved theft up to $750.00 if it is for a need!!?? They have a plan to destroy our nation. This is a carefully planned and We the Chruch must have a plan to stop them.
Americans in every state must stand up, speak up and not sit idly by as we are being takne over. Let the sleeping church arise and Pray yes, but do something. This may be our final chance to take action.
I am requesting weekly prayer calls for our nation and our leaders and to pray against the onslaught of darkness blanketing the nation and approaching our front doors. As Franklin Grahan said “We can just sit idly by!”
Hi Carolyn, I believe that was Autin, but the governor of the state doesn’t agree with it and said he was going to pass a law so they cant. Pray that our laws change so families who have loved ones that are homeless due to drugs or mental illness can get them help. Pray that we can be a country where the mentally ill who can’t help themselves can get help and don’t end up homeless or in jail.
Dallas, Texas is doing the same thing as California. Dallas courts have approved theft up to $750.00 if it is for a need!!?? They have a plan to destroy our nation. This is a carefully planned and We the Chruch must have a plan to stop them.
Americans in every state must stand up, speak up and not sit idly by as we are being takne over. Let the sleeping church arise and Pray yes, but do something. If not now, when? This may be our final chance to take action.
I am requesting weekly prayer calls for our nation and our leaders and to pray against the onslaught of darkness blanketing the nation and approaching our front doors. As Franklin Grahan said “We can just sit idly by!”
It is now are never!
Father God, may the recent seismic activity jolt the hearts and minds of the residents so they turn to You. May it be the beginning of revival. Your kingdom come. Your will be done.
Adonai is continuously revealing how important it is to pray for the country, including California and for believers in Him to unite and battle the spiritual forces in the most effective way- spiritually, not just talk. Thank you for sharing and for bringing us together to do just that. There can be nothing more effective as we unite and follow our Commander in Chief. May our love and prayers for His truth and goodness be established and turn this nation.
Father God, we thank you for the recent seismic activity. May it jolt the hearts and minds of the residents. May they turn to You. May it be the beginning of revival. Come, Lord Jesus, come.
This is not a kind prayer.How would you feel if you lived in California and people were praying that natural disasters would be used to convert and convict you? Do you pray for tornadoes to blow sense into peoples minds and tear up their lives so that they can be humbled or floods to overflow the homes of people so their hearts can be softened? Pray the Lords prayer over California instead. When Jesus was faced with a storm he told his disciples not to fear and he took authority over
It and brought it to peace! He did not let the storm rage to teach them a lesson and then lecture them about their need for repentance. Please pray differently, with compassion, and ask the Lord to deal with the forces of evil that are raging and causing havoc. There are 24 thousand Christians in California, your brothers and sisters in Christ, pray for us, don’t Curse us.
Forgive me if I wasn’t clear. We praise Him in all things and I pray that what has already happened would turn hearts to Him – just as 911 did. It was an invitation not a curse.
If we don’t agree in prayer it is sufficient to not say Amen, which means “Let it be so, Lord.”
Father you are the Sovereign God who rules over every nation and city. Forgive us as a people for we have turned our face from you and have allowed sin to rule among us. Would you reach down and cleansed the state of California, for give us for the condition we have allowed to rule over this beautiful city. Forgive the lawmakers for the many liberal decisions that have controlled the direction of the city, would you break through the darkness and bring light in its midst that would reveal truth, for ” the truth shall set them free”. You sent the Son, that all who believe would be saved, may the revelation of Jesus come to this state that salvation would bring forth a mighty revival, hearts changed and a city rebirthed in Jesus Christ for He who the Son sets free is free indeed. Remove the blinders that blind leaders from seeing and let us face the sin of our hearts and glorify your Name. You were willing to save Sodom for the sake of one righteous man, raise up the righteous that they will repent and be saved as a city. To God be the glory, honor and praise.Amen
And so be it.
And Jesus said when two or three agree in My Name it shall be done, the power of agreement and faith can move mountains, believing we will see God move on behalf of our cities.
Yeshua our King, praise and honor and power belong to You. I kneel, humbled in agreement with my brothers & sisters. Please for the sake of the few righteous we pray God Your Spirit to move mightily through this state and soften hard hearts, give clarity where the enemy has brought confusion. Please revive Your people to pray and intercede. In Jesus name.
Psalm 44, verses 5 and 26:
Psalm 44:
5 – “Through You we push back our enemies; through Your Name we trample our foes.”
26 – “Rise up and help us; redeem us because of Your unfailing love.”
Oh Lord our God, raise up godly leaders in California. Send those to evangelize and disciple as you commanded to this state. Prepare hearts to hear the gospel. Heal this land.
Amen and amen
With God all things are possible. Rulers hearts’ are in His hands and he turns them like water. Pray
and pray again. California will not fix itself.
Amen, may the drug trade be stopped, and the spirit of lawlessness be defeated in your Holy name. Protect the children please Lord.