“I wasn’t political at all – well, until now. I was busy in life… But God has let me know that our nation is literally at the brink of a cliff. The only thing holding back this evil is the people of God and the Church. But a lot of the Church I am afraid is impotent and they’re asleep; they are not awake, they are not engaged in this battle. But I think a lot of the Church is waking up, even through Intercessors for America – there is an army of warriors praying and interceding for our nation and it just excites me so much! And I know that is what is needed to bring through the victory.”
Have you ever thought “God can’t use me” or asked the Lord “Why am I still here?” This week I had the privilege of speaking with IFA intercessor Sherli Allen and hearing her story of how God lifted her up out of this place of doubt and gave her purpose “for such a time as this”!
Sherli has had more than her share of disappointments and hard life circumstances. With her children now grown and health circumstances taking a toll of her body, Sherli has experienced many personal moments of sickness, isolation, and overwhelming despair.
Through all her hardship, struggle, and loss, Sherli has become a very passionate intercessor. She was tested beyond imagination with “no weapons” to fight her battle. Her mind struggled to figure out what she had done wrong – ‘Was God angry? Did He stop loving me?’ But, God! He has carried her every single step, even when she felt in a fog, unable to perceive His presence.
When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. Is 59:19b KJV
“He is bigger and more than faithful. God will hide you under His wings. He will put you in the secret place. He will come and minister to you – when there is no hope, when there is no way out, literally no place of safety – God is still enough and He is greater yet. He has never left me, never forsaken me. I am still standing!”
PRAYER POINT: Pray for believers who have not yet answered the call to intercession. Pray that they, like Sherli, would become passionate intercessors through hardship, struggle, and loss.
“IFA has literally changed my life.”
And before you think Sherli has had a longstanding relationship with IFA – think again. In December, she was gifted a phone which allowed her to finally send and receive text messages (something she had vehemently opposed). And in January, her daughter, by text, invited her to join an Intercessors for America call with David Kubal. THAT was her beginning. This is the year she has realized God’s call on her life for this season!
“God has called me to this time and made me feel the urgency of this hour in our nation.”
Sherli KNOWS the call the Lord has on her life – the call of intercession. As she reads through each issue of The Informer, Sherli gathers knowledge and strategy to know how to pray for this nation. She finds a connection not only with each author, but also with each intercessor who leave comments. She prays through most of the prayers in the comments as well, often finding that hours have gone by since she first opened her email. She has a strong connection to IFA AND to the intercessors!
PRAYER POINT: Thank God for IFA intercessors! Pray for effective intercession through The Informer and for connection and community through IFA.
She also makes sure she is on every prayer call with IFA. Her life circumstances have allowed her space in this chaotic world to answer “this call”!
“Through everything I have gone through, He has made me understand the power of the intercessor that is completely devoted to Him. So, I know that even though I am nothing in this world, God has called me to this time and to this purpose. And I know that my prayers are powerful and effective for the Kingdom of God and for our nation. And that just gives me great excitement!”
Sherli’s daughter wrote a beautiful tribute to her mother on FB – that through her mom she has learned that Jesus is the only One you can go to fill the empty places in your life. Her other daughter wrote a similar message in a card. THIS is the legacy we can leave – to pass on our love and passion for Jesus to the next generation! At the end of days, THIS will be the ONE thing that matters, as we are called to give account to our King, the Alpha and Omega, the name above all other names… At His name and in His presence will we bow. It will not matter what education we’ve had, how much money we’ve made or what contribution we have made to this world – it will matter what we have done with THE SON. Sherli’s greatest desire is to bring Him Glory! May that be ours as well.
PRAYER POINT: Pray that our lives, and our intercession, would bring glory to God and spread the love and truth of Christ in our families, communities, and nation.
“I literally thought ‘I am no one…’ I’ve always wanted to be valuable to the Kingdom of God, to bring glory to God with my life! I’ve just been in the ‘trapped’ situation where I am not able to bring glory to God. But now I know that I can. I thank HIM that He sustained me. It has brought me to this time where I can fight for our nation, where I can pray and intercede and know that my heart is pure before God. And because of that, my prayers are powerful and effective.”
“To be an intercessor is the highest calling. Man will not see you, but heaven is rejoicing!” -Derek Prince
“I did not know why I was still here, for a few years. I had said “’Lord, why am I still here? I am not able to serve you physically in the way that I want to. My family doesn’t really need me at this point…’ But now I know! Now I know so clearly… I was an intercessor but didn’t know what the big calling of intercession was. The big calling for me is this time in our nation right now, and probably until God takes me home. I am going to be praying for our nation, for we are in the crucible of fire and someone has got to fight this through.”
Many of you have probably struggled with the same questions Sherli has asked of the Lord. Many are probably isolated right now with health concerns and this pandemic. “I know there are many out there that don’t know their purpose any longer and just feel sidelined. They have been knocked down…” God has a purpose for you in the now! Press in and find it.
Sherli has asked two things of the Lord in prayer and I believe they are something each one of us should come before the Lord with:
- That we would bring the Lord glory and that He would use what we have gone through to help someone else
- That He would make the enemy sorry he ever messed with us
May God use each one of us for His Kingdom and for His renown!
I will leave you with these last words from Sherli: “The Lord has taught me spiritual warfare and intercession, even in a time of great isolation… You have to fight this in the Spirit. You need people that can do that!”
Have you ever wondered what purpose the Lord has for you? Ask the Lord to open your eyes to see where He placed you and that your heart would beat in rhythm with His purposes and plans for your life.
Do you have a story? We would love to hear it! Leave a comment.
(Author Suni Piper is a prophetic intercessor who blogs at A Surrendered Life. Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash)
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Thanks, Sherli, I too have been called to intercession. A strong message from the Lord has been that He will receive the glory, He will not allow the world to get glory in His place. The messages of IFA have been confirmed in my spirit as the Holy Spirit has told me before I read their prayer suggestions. It is such a blessing to know God cares so much to keep us on track with Him. Keep it up, IFA, and pray that we will be faithful in our prayers and worship of the Lord. What we hear, let us do and watch what the Lord does with us and our nation. To Him be the glory and power and praise and worship. Alleluia, Amen.
That is soooo true!!! We all are here for such a time as this!! We must cry out to our BELOVED HEAVENLY FATHER, WHO is listening as we repent asking forgiveness for ourselves & our Country’s sins, & asking HIM to heal our land as HE promised in 2nd Chron. 7:14. Blessed be THE GOD OF OUR SALVATION!!!
Thank you, I will look up the info you sent me. So many voices out there. We must be so careful to what we listen to.
Oh my Lord, I am so grateful for my forefathers who believed in You, followed You, and served You. So grateful that they used Your Word in writing the Constitution. Oh, Lord, I thank You for the dedicated History teachers I had in school who taught me the true history of our Country, a history filled with leaders who honored You and sought Your guidance, even in some terribly hard times, when the decision to be made would probably mean death and destruction for our citizens. Oh Lord, give us courage to stand for our Country; but first, may we humbly seek You, trust You, and then do Your will, knowing You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Oh God, bring us together; we need You. Guide us in these times. Make Your presence known to us, Lord, as we seek You with all our heart. Don’t let us stop, don’t let us be satisfied with anything less than serving You, our Lord, we need You. Speak to us, Lord. We need to hear – and see – You. Amen
Lord Father I thank you for awakening me from my slumber in such a time as this. I’m praying for this nation to be used as a tool to bring in your glory across the globe to inspired the church around the world to stand up for the one true King of kings.
Dear God please encourage the intercessors, awaken the church and give us visions and dreams. Continue to grant repentance so we may return and experience times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord and that you might send the Christ, whom heaven has received until the period of the restoration of all things spoken by the mouth of the prophets (Acts 3:19-21), in Jesus’ Name
Thank You, Lord for the transparency of Sherli. I am now brave enough to add my “ditto!” to her testimony. Forgive me Lord for it taking this crises for me to step up and say I too am an intercessor, and I pledge to pray and make a difference, in this election. Thank you Lord for using our prayers and words to bring glory to Your name, in this election.
Family of GOD, can we familiarize ourselves with Pres. Trump’s “Abraham Accord” deal he made with PM Benjamin Netanyahu? Not all said is good. GOD’S people Israel are never to divide or give up the land. In this “Deal” pres. Trump has made a terrible mistake regarding the land of Judea and Samaria. Please google this “Deal”. Seems like PM Netanyahu accepted it last January. That’s when this virus took place. We must be very careful how we treat Israel. For more information go to “thewatchman.org” and look for the videos, Is Trump’s Deal Inevitable ” plus 2 more videos. I like my President and pray for him and his family. My prayer is that someone “Christian ” would warn him of the dangers of messing with the land of Israel. The last PM Ariel Sharon, gave the Gaza strip to the enemies of Israel, passed away soon after that terrible mistake. America will be judged when our leaders make bad choices! If I have quoted wrobg please forgive me. A eyes are o. America and Israel!
Thank you for what you wrote. I don’t know what I should about Israel even though I read and study the Bible. I have been pleased that our President has made it a priority to stay close, I guess that’s the word, to Israel; and everytime I hear of an agreement, etc. with Israel I always think about the Old Testament and say I’m going to find out more, but never do. I am going to copy and save your paragraph, and find information on what you referred to. Thank you for sharing.
patsy, You. need to listen to Amir Tsarffati,a messianic Jew who lives with his family in Israel and speaks all over the world to declare the Gospel. He spoke in September at Jack Hibbs church n California and Israel is not dividing.Palestinians will not accept the peace accord. Find him At Behold Israel. He is on you tube.with archives of teachings.
Intercession and repentance of the sins of our nation are the only things that will save us from the evil that lurks in the darkness. Father God, You are in control. You will ultimately punish those who deny You and curse You. We repent of our sins and those of our nation, and we humbly bow before you in submission. We offer our prayers and fasting to You and beg for You to save our nation from evil. Restore our land to You, oh Lord. Remove the curse that the evil one has brought to our land, and heal our land. It is in Jesus’ Holy Name and by the power of Your Holy Spirit and the precious Blood of our Savior, we pray. Amen and Amen.
Amen and amen. Thank you for the body of believers of intercessors around the world praying 24-7 . The spirit of the living god praying through us , as we stand in the gap and pray. Breaking down strongholds , setting the captives free, hedge of protection over us, provisions that would seem impossible had it not been for our lord to help us, heal us, strengthen us , encourage us . As we stand in the gap and intercede. Praying for our president Donald Trump, vice president pence , our nation .
This story reminds me of Anna in the Bible Luke 2:36 A widow woman who did not leave the temple but served God with fasting & prayers night & day. The Lord saw to it she was there the day Jesus was brought into the temple, one of the first to witness the Christ child. Great testimony for the elderly who want to be a part of God’s plan.
Praise God for your testimony Sherli,so encouraging to us baby boomers.This is what the prophet was saying.We are being used of God for this time, it is why we’re still here.I’m so thankful for IFA.It gives me great joy to be a part of God’s army.We will hold up the arms of our President, that he may finish all God has called him to do.To God be the glory and victory in Jesus name, amen!
What a beautiful tribute to our power as Intercessors before God! Can we also pray that we may intercede again with God, asking that all people of prayer, Christians, and all believers of good and evil be awoken to what is happening in our country. That our churches be shaken awake and all pastors, priests and religious return to God in full force teaching their congregations how to vote your conscience this election. I pray for a flooding of votes for God, for life, for good! I pray that we can stop governmental corruption, protect life and win our country back and that we return to God in mass! In God’s name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Amen
Wow, what a wonderful testimony! Actually, I’ve been going through the same things Suni has, and have come to the same conclusion. I’ve been a Bible Teacher for many years in the past but God is now calling me to the ministry of intercession in my old age. Thank you for bringing us all together to pray and intercede for our nation and leaders as we face this difficult time together.
Thank You Sherli for sharing your testimony.
The church I had been attending since about 2000, asked me not to come to their service: the church board did this, according to my information. I was not given a written letter, just told this by board member. I was told they didn’t like my behavior. I had walked out on a service, when I was hearing about a different Savior than Jesus Christ. That doesn’t stop me from praying for myself and others. Our Lord made a sign that says “jesus is Forgiveness” which I have been holding and sitting on a bench opposite the Post Office and praying and singing hymns. I have also been picking with a sign NO 5G in front of A.T. & T. office. The 4G, which is in use now, is killing our honey bees; 5G is even stronger Electromagnetic waves, we are imperiling our food supply. I have been interceding to awaken those users of wi-fi etc, I am not to popular, but it needs to be said. I have been seeing the bees dead on our walk way. It must be like being in a micro wave oven, I don’t know that for sure. I have done research on this for a class I took at college, and I believe the dangers of 4 and 5G.
Thank you for your stance and for standing alone. The enemy keeps coming against us, life, liberty, freedom, health and prosperity. God bless you. You are prophetically seeing the next crisis, I believe.
Hi Carol, I’m so sad that you were hurt by your church. I pray that Jesus will heal your heart. One thing is for certain. Jesus loves you with an ever lasting love, and He will never leave you or forsake you. Just press into His love.💗
Dear God please encourage the intercessors, awaken the church and give us visions and dreams. Continue to grant repentance so we may return and experience times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord and that you might send the Christ, whom heaven has received until the period of the restoration of all things spoken by the mouth of the prophets (Acts 3:19-21), in Jesus’ Name
When I first got saved in the 90’s I was in a parking lot and a security man for the building came up to me and said God has called you to be an intercessor. And he heard correctly.
Thank you to everyone who has read my story. Thank you for all the comments and prayers you have written. Thank you for sharing your heart with me. Your comments and prayers are so heartfelt and beautiful. My heart is overwhelmed! I have read each comment and prayed each beautiful prayer! I am in the midst of spiritual giants. I have such love and gratitude for each one of you!
Dear Sherli, Your heartfelt story is an inspiration to me. I have sensed a great urgency to pray, but it is sometimes difficult to convey the seriousness of the hour to others. But I am so excited about what GOD is doing in this hour as He pours out His Spirit. There are no many prayer meetings and rallys in the USA and around the world. LORD GOD, please hear the cries of your wailing intercessors for this nation! King Jesus, please do signs and wonders through Sherli’s intercession. Amen(so be it).
Oh Sherli, the Lord God placed your testimony in my pathway. Thank you for your courage and dedication. Father God, raise up many, many more Sherlis and protect, empower and use us as You see fit. Praise You, King Jesus and thank You.
I just read a lot of your testimonies, I’ve been in many of those situations. It really comes down to it’s Jesus and you. I’ve been in my church for approximately 20 years, I’ve been praying for many years for God to send others also to pray. Some have come and gone, others have left, for whatever reasons. I have felt alone and wondered what am I doing here, There’s been little prayer for our President and the Nation, which grieves me. I’m 82 years old and it is hard to think of changing churches at my age, yet I long for unity in the body. I am grateful for IFA and the testimonies as they are encouraging. I was not born in America, but this is the greatest country that I know of, I was a little girl during the war in Europe, I remember the bombs falling, air raids, living in a root cellar as we could not have lights on in the house. America has been my home and I love this country. I’ve prayed for 40 years on and off for this Nation, wept a lot yet grateful I am here, my prayer is for the churches to wake up. I pray for our President and his family, for those in his administration, First responders, Police and our Military as they are so important for our safety. As a Christian we are safe in Him. Blessings to all of you who pray, trust me God knows who you are and that’s what is important.
Hi Elia, thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. Thank you for your faithfulness as an Intercessors all these years. I share your frustration regarding your church and not wanting to leave after all these years. I bet you are loved and appreciated there more than you know, and your prayers for your church are powerful and effective. Thank you for being engaged in this battle for our nation. There are not enough of us, that’s why I believe each one of our prayers are so very vital and important. Bless you dear Eila, you are a treasure to the body of Christ.
Thank you Sherli for your dedication to the Lord’s calling on your life. Prayer and intercession are so important for the day we live in, it is what is keeping this country from seeing the wrath of our Lord. He hears the prayers of the righteous, and they are effective even though we many times don’t see the results personally. I praise God for people like you, again thank you for this great testimony. God bless you and your family.
I know this article was for me to read. I was diagnosed with a rare muscle disease which has progressively gotten worse over the last 8 yrs. Short of a miracle on this side of Heaven there is no known cure. This week, I made the hard move from a walker to a wheelchair. I come from a long line of Intercessors in my family & have been an Intercessor for most of my life & love every minute. Now I’m finding it difficult to type to send out my devotions & prayer lists. I’m trying to learn dictation to adjust to my new normal. I, too, was wondering why I was still here. This article has helped encourage me to do all I can do while I still have the opportunity. Thank you
Amanda, your comments touch my heart. I am so sorry for your physical suffering, it is so difficult to not be able to function the way our heart wants. Thank you for being an Intercessors all these years. Now may be the time of your greatest calling, you encourage me to be steadfast in my calling as an Intercessors. God’s richest blessings on you, thank you for staying in the fight.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I just wanted to share this experience the Lord gave me in the hopes that it may encourage others.
It was one of those days you long to leave your earth tent behind for a new body. Yet, you struggle to want to stay & do God’s work. I whispered to God, “In my weakness give me strength.” I closed my earthly eyes and, in my mind, I saw Jesus standing on the edge of a beautiful river. He motioned for me to come get into the river. How do you say “No” to Jesus. I could feel His hand holding my head above the water so it made floating on my back effortless & peaceful. We passed by a low hanging tree & I grabbed and ate one of the leaves. I remembered reading about the Tree of Life and how the leaves were for the healing of the nations. After a while, I could feel us slowing down. I remember thinking, I don’t want this to end, but it was far from over. To my surprise, when I opened my eyes, I saw that I was at the foot of the Father’s Throne. I heard the words, “Come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy & find grace to help in time of need.” I had prayed in the Throne Room before but not by way of the River. I knelt at his feet and finished my prayer time with Him. God never ceases to surprise me with new ways to comfort me and to make the Scriptures come alive. Let Him take you on an adventure.
Rev. 22:1-3 – He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the Throne of God & the Lamb. In the middle of its street & on either side of the River, was the Tree of Life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the Tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse, but the Throne of God & the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him.
We’re one day closer to His coming!
Amanda, what a beautiful experience you had with Jesus! He is allowing you to experience a touch of heaven! What glorious things we have to look forward to! Blessing upon blessings to you!
Within the last few days, the LORD has impressed on me to pray that the Jezebel spirit Hillary and her Ahab spirit Bill will be held accountable for their willing actions and for justice to prevail. He said that it is imperative that we rid our country of this spirit.
He also said to pray 54:17 over our President. “No weapon formed against President Trump will prosper. Every tongue that raises itself against him will fail. For this is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their righteousness is from Me.”
Also, that we should read Psalm 140 and change it to fit today’s narrative.
Your story is a great blessing to me. I have a similar testimony, being 82, with physical limitations that prevent normal activities. I felt stuck and isolated. I’ve been an intercessor for years through many trials. I’ve come to understand that the way to abundant life in Christ is through a deeper work of the cross, to die is gain, to live is Christ, the way to greatness is through humiliation. Through many afflictions we enter the kingdom of heaven and we enter into the joy of our Lord through grief. To become a vessel of honor we must be battered into shape and use, and go through the fire to contain His glory. How delightfully blessed to be His own, attuned to His heart of Love, living to please Him and bring Him glory!
Thank you for your beautiful testimony; blessed my heart so much. You wrote all the feelings I have at the age of 80 with health issues and not as mobile as I was. I always loved to go and do for the Lord and His work. But in the past few years this thought kept coming to my mind: the only thing that last in ones life is what we do for eternities sake. What greater privilege than to pray. So thankful for IFA and the leadership to raise up many to pray for our nation. I have wept over my beloved America; prayed for forgiveness over the abominations against our God. I want to learn more of how to pray against the wickedness our President and his administration are encountering daily. Our God is greater and He is all powerful. I am standing on the “Promises Of God.” Give me a teachable heart, Lord!
Jan, do you already belong to a prayer conference call group. I belong to one that everyone dials into every morning at 9:00 EST. Our first priority after praying over the line is to focus on the president. We pray for his safety(and his family including Jared’s salvation, plus Ivanka) and for wisdom from God for him, etc.
The number to join is: 712-770-4856 the code is 230273#.
“I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and “STAND IN THE GAP” before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; “BUT I FOUND NO ONE”. Ezekiel 22:30
“So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19
Thank the Lord for all who see the urgency of praying for America. I pray for the eyes of the millions of Christian’s who fail to vote to realize that they play a part in the decline of morals that’s is happening right before our eyes. Voting matters and it matters who you vote for. We are not voting for a Bishop, 1st black or woman but, for those who’s platform align with God’s Word.
Unfortunately we have been influenced by the world and the world definitely has not been influenced by the Church. Wake up those who are asleep, the America that we knew is on the brink if disaster.
Father, I pray for your people who are called by Your name will feel the burden to pray for our nation, share the love of Jesus and vote, Thank You for this nation. Thank You for Amy C. B. and her faith and preparation. Give her Your favor.
My prayer is that all who call themselves Christian will rise up and pray for this election and our nation. I pray that all would storm the gates of heaven, so that the gates of hell will not prevail.
I pray that the kingdom of GOD would rule and reign in all those who are sitting in office. That his children would rise up and be a light in the darkness. Lord Open wide the gates of hell and bring forth your splendor and glory. Go forth in victory. May we Speak out about injustice and crulity of man. Rise within us o Lord and grant us your wisdom as we go further in your most precious name!
What a blessing this article is to me. I so identify with Sherli’s situation,as well as many others who have commented and are likewise isolated with health issues. I believe this is what I have been prepared for also. May I not allow the distractions of life nor the inability to “find the right words” interfere with Your plan for me or the rest of us. Wake up Your church, Lord! Let Your power and glory and Your standard go forth “like a rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives.” Isaiah 59:16Amp. We thank You, we praise You, we love You, Lord and await Your mighty work in our nation! In Jesus All Powerful Name, Amen
Father God, thank you for all of the faithful intercessors like Sherli who are fighting the spiritual battle for this nation. Sustain them, Lord, as only you can, and lift up their spirits through the encouragement of your Holy Spirit. Let them know that their work is not in vain in the Lord. Although we are blessed to see the results of our prayers on occasion, we may not know their true impact this side of eternity. Bless the intercessors, Lord, and IFA, which provides us with leadership and information to fuel our prayers. In the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
Amen, Sherli. May we all strive to be intercessors for our nation. We are living in perilous times right now, but with God’s grace and help, we’ll be victorious. I will continue to pray for our nation, and I encourage others to, also. God sees the remnant of those of us who still believe, and He cares for us.
Sherli’s story touched my heart. Our enemy wants to steal our voice but in the spirit realm our prayers will make a difference. You are coming down Satan and the Glory of the Lord will be seen. Victory! Let the Ecclesia rise up.
Beautiful testimony. God surely uses circumstances to allow our impurities to be released through the fires of life.
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4.
This reminds me of what Jeremiah Johnson said of baby boomers. God is not finished with the baby boomers. They are key to turning our nation back to God. I pray every baby boomer who receives these emails will hear Gods call and obey him in whatever he is asking.
We are! I’m praying for more to join us.
Amazing isn’t it! I had my idea of how my life should proceed But God intervened and I had to struggle with bitterness, resentment and forever asking “Why” as He allowed me to be a housewife and grandmother after completing those coveted degrees from name universities. But God. He saed my life not once but Four times from the thief (literal), who came to steal, kill, and destroy through anaphylactic allergy reaction and questionable surgery.
I am now aware that I am in that timing that says, “it’s for a time such as this you have been raised up. It is no accident of nature that I AM is using three generations to work together to complete His desire for this season. Know each called WILL complete their destined objective to turn the world back to the Saving, Sanctifying, Delivering, Restoring work of the Kingdom. A you go FORWARD BE BLESSED OF THE SAVIOR. AMEN.”
Enjoy this testimony. I am 78 years of age and I been a prayer warrior for our country since about ten years ago when Obama was the president against my vote, I too have gone through lot of health problem and family issues, but through this time he was preparing me for this battle that we are facing right now with the enemy, I am a prayer warrior especially during the early hours in the morning when I get my strength from my Lord, and get ready to confront the enemy with the attacks he has against our president and our country. I uplift His name , the joy of the Lord is our strength.
Sherri could be writing my story. Dealing with grief due to loss of a good friend and having to be isolated due to cv all year has made me depressed and sad. But, I have been drawn more and more into intercession for our President and country the past three years. God has and is teaching me much as I spend more time in prayer and listening to Him.
Sometimes I feel unimportant and useless. But God reassured me that intercessors are very important people. Without us the country would perish. We may be hidden in secret places with God but are catalysts for powerful changes accomplished by God in answer to prayer.
I won’t give up. This is a season different from others for me. Our country and world are in crisis. We need intercessors.
I have been connected with and made great friendships with other intercessors online in prayer groups. I thank IFA and Dave Kubal fir his faithfulness to intercede and to help us intercessors to grow in wisdom and power with God’s authority.
I encourage others to answer their call to be intercessors. It is an incredible and exciting and eye-opening journey.
God bless us all, God bless America. Let’s MAGA.
Hallelujah! Glory and honor to our Lord and King, Jesus!
Sherli’s story is my story as well. I too was feeling trapped and unable to bear fruit for the Kingdom. God has also called me to intercessory prayer, focusing on the nation and the Church. I love that nobody else sees what I’m doing but my Father does and Heaven is rejoicing! Thank you for letting us know we are not alone out here.
Yes Sherli! I too feel the call to intercession. Friends, if God has put this on your heart, don’t let life distract you! Even yesterday l had someone call me out of the blue and offer me a great job. It seemed so perfect. But when l got quiet before the Lord l had no peace. His call in this season is to prayer and He has shifted my life so that l can afford to stay home and pray and worship for most of the day.
If God is calling you to intercession, beware of distractions! Satan will make them look really good! The goal is to keep us too busy for effective prayer. Too busy to listen to the small, still voice of the Spirit.
Don’t ever believe that your one voice doesn’t make a difference; it does! If God is calling you, you are needed! Fight on my friends, the victory is ours to take!
“And the God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet.” Romans 16:20
Thanks Marianna this is so true. I have this call snd you are right, so many distraction’s are presented and I feel somewhat disqualified but no it is satan’s tactic to discourage me. Get behind me satan.
confirmation; that this site is reaching the people we need in these last days. Those willing to pray for our nation, our leaders and our churches. Being an intercessor for years, know the power of prayer. We serve a living God and our prayers will never return void. We pray for the safety and peace for everyone that prayers for others. You will see the wrath of the evil one as we are doing the one thing he hates. He delights in the darkness & chaos that has our country wrapped up in knots. Calling out to God to stop it, that is another thing. We pray for those that pray for others, may God wrap them in His loving arms & protect them and keep them from harm. We pray for our churches that have fallen away from God without even knowing it. Wake up Your saints Lord, remove the scales from their eyes that they may see the truth. We have had a taste of how authoritarian our government can be by not allow churches to gather and worship You Jesus. This country was founded with You at it’s center. May we re-new that convent with You Jesus and our Father God. You are our Lord and we are Your people, bless us this day Lord God that we may be Your light and show others the way back to you. In Jesus precious Name we pray, Amen
This was wonderful & spot on. This am I felt as though I
Was from another planet because even those in our bible study aren’t seeing the seriousness of our immediate situation. But it is God who has put this fervently on my heart to pray as a prayer intersessor . Thank you for your words of encouragement!
Yes Teresa, l have experienced the same thing. It’s as if my christian friends are hypnotized. They can’t seem to feel the weight of the situation and they think l’m overreacting. No one wants to pray with me. It is so strange. This prayer letter everyday has given me hope that God has a remnant of intercessors like you and me! Praise the Lord!
Wow. Thought I was unique in that my Bible study group and church don’t recognize the critical needs of our country and fir intercession. I have felt so alone. Thank you to al my fellow intercessors. We do have each other and God and our united call to prayer. I am so thankful for all of you.
Wowee Carrie. I feel you. The Christian’s are so blinded and influenced by the world. It saddens me to the core. Thank God for those who feel the urgency to stand in the gap.
Hello Teresa, I understand about feeling like you are from another planet too. IFA and all the wonderful intercessors have really been inspiring. I have only been involved for a month, but I feel like I have been a part of this community for years. I don’t feel alone like Elijah did after the showdown with the prophets of Baal and Ashtera. When I listen to the IFA recorded prayers, I can feel the weightiness of the anointing! Prayer does not feel like an inconvenience to me. I feel like when I read the articles, I am getting my battle plans or marching orders. The momentum has been building since the beginning of the pandemic. Intercessors or prayer warriors are prophetic, creative, passionate about the Word of GOD, and sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Even on my job, I told some of my Christian co-workers that we need to pray and fast some days due to the current hour that we are in. I also find myself applying the Word of GOD, as I speak to co-workers. As we pray, I believe that the LORD is resurrecting within us dreams and desires that we thought were lost or died years ago. I am 52 years old, and I believe that GOD wants me to pray fervently in this hour, study His Word (sharpen my double-edge sword), lead others to Him, and worship Him with my all(singing, dancing, and soaking in His Presence)!
Wonderful testimony! Praise God! Stand strong intercessors, stand strong!!! The Lord is with us!
Amen and Amen! I am praying for God to provide me with some women in my city to pray with in person! May God bring us together according to His purposes and plans! May we not grow weary!
It is also a discipline to stop and slow down enough to intercede. God, Help us to remember this is a high and holy calling! Unite your people!
I live in Smyrna, TN
Simply beautiful! Why is it that we attempt to measure our worth by the world’s standards, when the REAL standard is the Word of the Lord! When we step into our true identity in Christ, anything is possible. That place of being seated in Heavenly places with and IN HIM- Everything God does is from the inside out in His image bearers. When we surrender our lives, the Great Intercessor lives IN us to lead us into the Sermon on the Mount lifestyle. Our responsibility lies in positioning ourselves in His Will ( in the “secret place” ) and the Holy Spirit loves to reveal His will to individuals who make up the corporate Body of Christ. We cannot help but become intercessors when we kneel and stand in this place!! I think MLK Jr. said it best: “IF you hang around the Dream King, You get into a dream stream; join yourself to a dream team; And you do the MLK thing.”
Arise people of God – you are called to make a difference! Just ASK for the Spirit of supplication and persevering prayer – the Great Intercessor will not refuse you – then stand back… And SEE the Salvation of the LORD! Let’s not make America Great again… LET’S MAKE ALMIGHTY GOD GREAT IN AMERICA AGAIN!!!
My story is very similar.
Yours touched me deeply.
Thank you for sharing it.
“ Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?” “Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them?” For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.
Romans 11:33-36 NIV
To Suni, thank you for this powerful testimony! I lead a Wednesday Morning Intercessory Prayer group in my church and for a number of years we have prayed that our God would raise up intercessors in each city, county and state in our United States of America. Sherli is “answered prayer”. Thank you Sherli for answering the call of the Holy Spirit to pray and intercede! It’s those faithful ones behind the scenes in the Church that lives are being transformed and the Kingdom of God is advancing forward! THANK YOU FELLOW MIGHTY WARRIOR!!!
I believe we as believers and the church are called for such a time as this. We too have been praying for the church to wake up. Thankfully, I attend a church where the pastors our awake. We are interceding for our nation and our president and all leaders on a daily basis. You never know how God will use you. I’ve been helping out with the RNC in our city in PA by stuffing mailers, going door to door, and making phone calls. I was honored to be able to attend the President’s rally in Middletown. I was given 2 expedited tickets to get in, so my husband and I were both able to attend. We were seated right behind the President. There were over 18,000 people in attendance. I believe God put us there to pray for him. This was about a week before he got COVID. Be encouraged that God is using his people, his intercessors in this time and hour.
I am sharing this with everyone I know. Then I located an URGENT MESSAGE IN MY FACEBOOK FROM MARIO MURILLO. Christian leaders are urging other Christians to vote for Biden!!! Perhaps they don’t know that the Democrats/Marxist/communist/pro-gay/pro-abortion/anti-american/anti-family/blm agenda is ANTI-CHRISTIAN. In fact the only group the communists fear ARE CHRISTIANS. Here is the link form Mario Murillo. https://mariomurilloministries.wordpress.com/2020/10/06/when-christian-leaders-are-so-open-minded-their-brains-fall-out/?fbclid=IwAR0z5rKsqdrorMAwVXmPIJGYF-JhDtFy2lxaDmbimgMCaqUXhTJaB87OKCc . This is so similar to betrayal of the Lord.
Thank You for Jeanne Mercedes Grier’s love for YOU. Thank you for her faithfulness. Thank You for Mario Murillo Ministry.
Father-God, we ask You to take away sins that clouding the judgement of these who call themselves Christian leaders i.e. Ronald J. Sider is president emeritus of Evangelicals for Social Action ; Richard J. Mouw, former president of Fuller Theological Seminary.
Article: https://www.christianpost.com/voice/fri-2nd-embargo-for-noon-we-are-pro-life-evangelicals-for-biden.html
Site: https://www.prolifeevangelicalsforbiden.com/
Please Holy Spirit, nudge these people heart to know that they are wrong and to repent so that they can urge their followers to vote in person for YOUR VALUE i.e. NO ABORTION.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name we pray and thank You. Amen.
Thanks for the prayer. Esther, Her cousin Mordecai, her handmaidens and the Jews at Shushan Palace had to take up the fasting and praying on behalf of all the Jews living in the Persian Empire, in order to have God change the dire situation. Not even ALL the Jews in the Persian Empire participated. When I read the Book of Esther yesterday I was struck by the similarity between Haman and George Soros. Both evil men were willing to fund the destruction of an entire group of people. That total fast (no food no water for 3 days) was powerful. Haman was executed, his sons were executed and a powerful strategy saved ALL the Jews. People are apathetic and uninformed. I believe people of God have to do what is necessary IN SPITE OF WHAT OTHERS (SAVED OR UNSAVED DO). They may never repent and change their actions. We can’t wait for them to change. Wonderful video that explains this much better than me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSMqeJvvXGg
I have to say that this article is confirmation… I was told years ago by my pastor that I was an intercessor.. but he did it in the most inopportune moment.. in the middle of his preaching during service.. it shocked me and everyone else. That was about 15 years ago.. but I ignored him… Then it was confirmed a couple of years after by a stranger in the middle of a parking lot… And I ignored him.. but at the same time I was reading books about intercessory prayer not knowing why… And then when President Barack Obama was running for office God drew me into what I’m doing now… At 64 years old I’ve had hardships unimaginable, no children, no relatives really to speak of.. and I often ask God what am I here for.. but still I could not deny the prompting of the Holy Spirit leading me to where I am now.. I thank IFA for giving me much needed direction and resources..
I for one am sure glad you are “here”! You are more valuable than you can even imagine, and more loved, wanted, needed, and appreciated! You have been called for such a time as this and I want to thank you for obeying God and joining the ranks of intercessors called by our Lord. Have a blessed day my sister, my friend!
I thank you so much.. you just don’t know what this means to me knowing that the same strong desires that I have to pray for this nation and our president and our Christian values is shared by so many. Knowing that the same God that called me to do this called thousands of others… It gives me so much joy to know that I have a purpose in his kingdom. I tell you that when God urge me to buy a shofar and a prayer shawl I thought I was crazy by doing it.. but now I realized that there was so many others that did the same thing… And now I know that there was a purpose in everything that he had me do.. thank you again so much sister..
What a powerful testimony and reminder. God is not finished with us until He calls us home. No pain or hardship is ever wasted with God. I can relate to this testimony on so many levels. I am encouraged to continue in this great calling to intercession. Holy Spirit is my teacher. What a privilege to be called at such a time as this to be a watchman and intercede for America. The Lord introduced me to IFA just this past spring. God is pulling His living stones together in this powerful ministry. So blessed to be a part of this.
Thank you Sherri, for sharing your heart. I know this is a blessing and a wake-up call to many. Eventho I am old and grey headed, I too am of use to the Master. God doesn’t throw away any of His children. Tears flow for you have touched my heart; I too have a cry for the Lord and pray and believe He will do what He has promised and will deliver His people. I keep praying a deep stiring in peoples lives to get on their knees and seek the Lord. ; for too many people are living life as nothing is on the horizaan; but we know God is about to do something awsome and we need to be ready. Many souls need to come into the Kingdom; and I do believe Jesus is STANDING by His seat in heaven waiting /ready to do His thing. Warriors on the wall, yes, and we must and will keep praying and believing for that mighty outpouring of His Holy Spirit, bringing revival and many more will be set free and live for Christ. God bless you.
Hello Virginiav, When you mentioned something on the horizon, it brought to mind the dream that the LORD gave my husband. He dreamed that a great storm was coming and that a bomb exploded in the ocean, but when he began to pray, everything returned to normal. I agree that people don’t believe that something is coming in the horizon, but I continue to pray as the Holy Spirit prompts me. I stand in agreement with your prayer in Jesus’s Name.
Thank you for such great encouragement and an awesome testimony indeed
Glory to our Faithful God !
This is a touching testimony. Thank you for sharing! Thank God for the ministry of Intercessors for America and the tens of thousands lives (if not more) that are being touched and those like Shirli who are taking up the call to Intercession.
To God be the glory!
Glory To GOD!
God’s breath gives life. Our breath to HIM in prayer should keep and sustain us. Prayer is life, The whispers sighed alone that fill the biggest of bowls in heaven and with most incredible impact. Not only a privilege, but a compelled unexplainable longing is prayer. How have we put this huge weapon granted us on the shelf as a nonessential? Talked about as a by word? If you need it, let us know? We have missed the teachings, the verbiage and the activity of desperate children of God in dialogue with our creator. Has the younger generation witnessed calling out to God as a pattern. Have they witnessed standing on a promise and His power through agreement? Has there been no urgency. One now? Thanks IFA for your desperation to unify us w HIS word. Many God winks to you👑
I can relate to this story. I too asked Why- my children are grown and don’t need me and I am homebound more or less due to sickness so I asked why also. My answer was -Now you have time to pray. I feel like I am in the war against the evil one and am so glad to be able to help our world and our leaders that are trying to do GOD’s work. We are in a huge battle and we need all the prayer warriors that we can get. “End Times daily” has a message from Our Lord for America and the final battle is here. God Bless all the intercessors.
This is a powerful testimony! I often disagree with IFA on political issues. But not today! Our nation is deeply involved in spiritual warfare. All other differences aside, today I join IFA as an intercessor for our nation.
Psalm 7 Arise, O LORD my God, in Your anger; lift up Yourself against the rage of our enemies; and arouse for us the justice and vindication You have commanded. O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous; for the righteous God tries the hearts and minds. Our defense and shield depend on God, who saves the upright in heart. God is a Righteous JUDGE.
Last night I happened to open the news and saw that there will be Vice Presidential Debate between Mike Pence and Harris. So I start interceding for Mike Pence. I saw that there were so much witchcraft Curses and the enemy surrounding his head to oppress him. I prayed for Harris too, there was so much freedom and no opposition. So I called other intercessors to intercede for both of them. I began worship on behalf of Mike Pence. After an hour and a half of worship I decide to watch the debate as I prayed In tongue. I battled so much during that time. Enemy came tried to stab on my neck, they tried to stop my lips and tongue to move, they tried to make me weak, they tried to make me fall asleep, and then they try to intimidate me. I pressed on until it was done. By the time it was done I had huge headache, weaknesses, dizziness, trembling ans I wanted to throw up. I went to my husband to cleanse me and he prayed over me. He saw a humongous tail of crocodile Leaving. We pray for President Donald Trump and Mike Pence once a week And I also pray for the president throughout the week. But,
I realized how important it is for Us to intercede while the debates are going on. I also saw the cloud of darkness over President Donald Trump which is from the witchcraft Curses. There has been gap in prayer watch for him. Whenever he spoke words that are harsh, it is because the enemy penetrate the wall of protection. We need to organize 24/7 prayer watch for President Donald Trump. Maybe if the intercessors could sign up To pray, if even for five and 10 minutes of time to cover him 24 hours a day, it may make huge difference. If 10 minutes per day we need 144 committed people, if five minutes a day it will be 288 people. Can we be able to mobilize this? for October 15 the second presidential debate, intercessors need to pray together. The battle that I went through was too severe for individual person to handle.
Amen girl!!
My house shall be called a house of prayer… I heard Bro. Dutch Sheets say recently, that it’s the remnant of the remnant who are praying this breakthrough for our nation to its omega right now. We must continue to pray for one another daily (favorites of mine: Eph. 1:17-23; 3:14-21; Phil. 1:9-11; Col. 1:9-11). The god of this world has blinded their eyes (John 12:40), and he has blinded our eyes to some degree, also. So we pray, let our eyes be opened to see and our ears be unstopped, every human being on the earth! May we see Jesus! Also, for every one, but especially us women, it is essential that we are set in a fellowship (1 Cor. 12:18). God will show you where if you don’t have one; just ask Him. We must have brothers and sisters around us, and godly men of faith over us in the Lord (1Cor. 11:3, 10). God is a Father and a father has a family. ❤️ We cannot make it on our own. That would be like expecting your pinky finger to be able to live all by itself sitting over on the kitchen counter. We are a many membered body. The hand cannot say to the eye I have no need of you (1 Cor. 12:12-14). May God be with you all, my brothers and sisters! I look forward to meeting you all one day soon!❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for sharing Sherli’s story for it runs so very close to my own. Ifapray has also given me a renewed hope that during a time of physical challenges God can still use me. Countless times I have shared your website with others who believe they are powerless in these perilous times. I have been humbled at the change in my own prayers when asked to pray. A new fervency where there once was timidity. I just can’t thank you enough for the availability of this websight and being able to share it with others knowing our prayers do make a difference. Thank you.
36 There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, 37 and then was a widow until she was eighty-four.[e] She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Luke 2 Lord, thank you for continuing to bless our nation with intercessors like Anna. We will see Jesus as he really is and in seeing him we will become like him, perfectly content to spend all day and night in your presence.
Praise God you are called to intercede, we need an army of intercessors for the glory of the kingdom! Father wake up the church, we praise you father for all the intercessors in America and the world. Many countries are praying with us. It definitely is a spiritual battle. Blessings to you!
Thank God for this beautiful testimony! We thank God for Sherli and every other person in the Body of Christ who is answering the call to intercede, because this is an answer to MY prayers! I am praying and prophesying the breath of God into the valley of dry bones within the Body of Christ and expecting that He IS raising up a vast and exceedingly great army! What’s the purpose of this army? To pray! To battle! To dear down strongholds in heavenly places that exalt themselves against the Most High God! We delight in this testimony! We pray greater power in prayer for our sister, greater revelation and joy in her identity in Christ!
We pray thousands and thousands of Sherli’s arise TODAY in the Mighty Name of Jesus!
Thank you, Sherli, for sharing your wonderful, encouraging story with us. Thank you, also, for your days and hours of intercession.
May our tribe increase! God is awakening the army of intercessors. Gear up in the full Armor of God and I will meet you on the front lines.
Great article thank you very encouraging
I knew a wonderful lady who was home bound like Sheril and she was a intercessor and she was such a blessing to the body of Christ. Sheril, you too are a blessing and thank you so much for sharing your story you are making a great impact on the kingdom of God. Thank you for answering the call and your obedience to intercede on behalf of this nation and especially the body of Christ. My prayer for the church is to awake to righteousness. Lay aside every weight and sin that would so easily beset us and run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. We will finish well PTL!
Lord thank You for the privilege of intercession. Thank You also, Lord for my connection with others intercessors through ifa. Bless Sherri and many others with strength, courage and hope as we come before You pleading for our country.. In Jesus name Amen
Praise the Lord! I loved reading this…I relate with every word she spoke! God’s blessing and peace to all who are called!
What a beautiful testimony Sherli shares regarding her role as an intercessor. It inspires me to continue to intercede for our land and others. God bless Sherli and God bless our Intercessors. Keep praying as it makes a huge difference!!! In Jesus name.
God bless you Sherri, and IFA!
This word was another reminder that if we’re still here, HE has a plan our lives have a purpose!
What a beautiful testimony to reinforce that you are never too old to join the Army of the Lord! Even though I participate in other prayer groups I often felt a hole, because instead of being intercessors, the prayers tended to concentrate on self and each one’s personal needs. Besides my church prayer group, IFA’s focus looks at the heart of God and prays out those things that spiritually affect the Body of Christ, this nation, the world and opens the door for the Church to witness the truth of Jesus Christ. This is true spiritual war! Since joining in May, I look forward to bringing my ample supply to the table each day. May others be led by Holy Spirit to join the Army.
I pray in the spirit for our nation, it’s leaders and the people. We are the children of God. Praise and glory to God for ever and ever.
When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. Is 59:19 The comma is in the wrong place.
The correct comma placement is:
When the enemy shall come in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. Is 59:19
Thank you for noticing comma in the wrong place; it certainly gives a different meaning!
It does make a difference. I don’t want others to think a defeated foe has any power.