I Prayed have prayed
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Here is a recent testimony shared with Intercessors for America in response to our story about Tywana Hampton and her decision to change her vote to a different partyā€¦

ā€œGod is changing the hearts of His followers. He changed mine as well. I had moved from one state to another and had not registered to vote in my state, yet. When I first saw President Trump was running for presidency I couldnā€™t change my voting address quick enough to vote against him. But, once I changed my address God began to change my heart politically, as well.

For 35 years I voted Democrat, only because I was blind to the truth. The belief that democrats are all about helping the poor and needy and being what is best for America is a lie. I didnā€™t know that quite yet. But, then I switched from Democrat to Independent so I could pick and choose based on the person, still blinded to much of the truth because we shouldnā€™t vote just on a personā€™s demeanor or how well they speak. God warned us that wolves come in sheepā€™s clothing.

God led me to do my homework before voting! No shortcuts.

1) I read each partyā€™s platforms (blinders began to come off).

2) I looked at each issue they were representing and fighting for (an eye opener).

3) I even tried to find out what faith they were and how engaged they were in Godā€™s work. Thereā€™s a difference between stating youā€™re a Christian and living a Christian life, being a doer of the Word,

4) Do they stand on the issues the way God would vote: politically, morally, constitutionally, biblically (marriage, gender, safety, govt, financially, etc), and lawfully? Will they represent the truth of God and His will, His heart?

My eyes were now open. Wide open! Before you know it, I voted for Trump in the primary. I was then registered Independent, voting Republican. Seemed safe enough. But 2 weeks ago I couldnā€™t take it anymore. I needed to take a stand and change my party to Republican because it was the right thing to do. This is as close as you will get to voting godly people into office. Itā€™s the Republicans who are trying to do the right thing and uphold the Constitution and vote for biblical values. It shouldnā€™t be about individual parties, but it has pretty much become that way, unfortunately. What it should be about is the truth, especially in following Godā€™s truth, His Word.

God changed my heart. He is changing hearts in America and around the world. The lies are being revealed. Praise you Lord.ā€ (From a comment in The Informer by Linda H)

Here is another comment from an IFA Facebook follower:

ā€œThis happened to me also. I was not aware of the platform back then. I had received a voter guide in the mail, maybe when Bill Clinton was running, and I knew right then I could never vote Democrat again. When you say, ā€œvote your values,ā€ that says it all. I think many that were uninformed are getting information now to show them what those parties are about.ā€ (From Shannon J.)

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Sylvia Frisch
October 24, 2018

I can’t believe that someone would vote for Truman because “he is a practicing Christian!” In my Bible I read love God and your neighbor as yourself! Trump evidently loves himself but in my estimation he is far from loving our neighbors! He also lies, makes fun of God’s people, and disrespects our earth in the name of the gas and oil industries and allows Monsanto to manipulate the natural seeds God created! This is not what I envision as good stewardship !

October 24, 2018

While the intention behind voting for a third party candidate is good, they rarely get elected. So that vote really doesn’t register in the long run except to possibly cause the better party a loss. Unfortunately, we are at a point in this nation where we have to think of the long term and vote party lines because of holding majorities in both House and Senate. Giving the House back to an angry liberal party led by Nancy Pelosi is the worst thing that can happen right now. Nothing good will come of that as there will be nothing but impeachment, false investigations, and nothing good getting accomplished. They will block every attempt of this administration to bring positive reform in our nation. Do we want more Kavanaugh trials? Do we want open borders where anyone can force their way into our nation? Do we want the government to control our healthcare? It’s called Socialism. Lord, please continue to bless America and keep her free.

Linda H
October 23, 2018

Thk you Angela W for watching my back. Yes, I’m aware of the liberal republicans. I took a conservative stand and changed my party to republican but in the election I will vote for the most conservative candidates. Thx for the heads up. LH

October 23, 2018

Agree Angela! Due diligence is necessary these days. Part of responsible casting our vote should include prayer and insight. Check out Susan B Anthony List for rating candidates on the pro-life issue!

Angela Weigle
October 23, 2018

Hopefully the author still carefully researches the candidates. Here in New Jersey, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate is pro-abortion and pro-“marriage equality”. Therefore, many social conservatives will be voting for a third-party candidate. Do your research, no matter how you are registered.

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