I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect the freedom we still experience in our nation today. Please heal our land and give us wisdom of how to move forward.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

H.R.1 packs into one 791-page bill every bad idea about how to run elections and mandates that the states must adopt the very things that made the election of 2020 such a mess. It includes all of the greatest hits of 2020: Mandatory mail ballots, ballots without postmarks, late ballots, voting in precincts where you do not live…. The Senate companion bill, S.1, might be even worse.

  • In 2020, states such as Nevada and New Jersey sent ballots through the mail to anyone on their registration lists despite having voter rolls full of errors. The Public Interest Legal Foundation documented thousands of ineligible registrations in Nevada alone that received mail ballots. Some were sent to vacant lots, abandoned mines, casinos and even liquor stores.
  • States also would be blocked by H.R.1 from signature verification procedures.
  • H.R.1 rigs the system for any lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the law. All lawsuits can only be filed in one court — federal court in the District of Columbia. And all opposition must be consolidated into one brief with only one attorney being able to argue the merits.
  • There is a federal mandate, passed in the 19th Century, to have one single election day…. Like Obamacare earlier, H.R.1 transitions our federalist Republic to some other brave new system that purports to right generations of structural wrongs, while at the same time entrenching other wrongs. . . . .


We must let our voices be heard on HR 1! Click TAKE ACTION to send a message to your Congressional representative NOW.

These bills rearrange the relationship between the states and the federal government. The Constitution presumes that states regulate their own elections, but the Constitution has a big “but” in what is called the Elections Clause. The Constitution says, “but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations.”Ā  . . .

Dissatisfied with the effectiveness of the last federal mandate — 1993’s Motor Voter law — H.R.1 dispenses with the idea that an American should go affirmatively register to vote.

In 2020, states such as Nevada and New Jersey sent ballots through the mail to anyone on their registration lists despite having voter rolls full of errors. The Public Interest Legal FoundationĀ documented thousandsĀ of ineligible registrations in Nevada alone that received mail ballots. Some were sent to vacant lots, abandoned mines, casinos and even liquor stores.

States also would be blocked by H.R.1 from signature verification procedures.

H.R.1 rigs the system for any lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the law. All lawsuits can only be filed in one court ā€“ federal court in the District of Columbia. And all opposition must be consolidated into one brief with only one attorney being able to argue the merits.Ā  . . .

It prohibits states from conducting list maintenance on the voter rolls. That means deadwood and obsolete registrations will stack up.

HR.1 and S.1 are omnibus bills that would change every American citizen’s — and foreigner’s — relationship to voter registration. . . .

Naturally, a giant federal database would serve as the home for this list of people who must be automatically registered to vote, whether they know it or not.

Imagine the number of government databases in which your information is contained. Do your names and addresses all match? Does Social Security know you moved out of your birth state? . . .

You can see the pitfalls. One person will be “registered” to vote multiple times, with slight variation in names, and perhaps greater variation in residence addresses. . . .

H.R.1 and S.1 will force states to push ballots into the mail. It builds slack into the election system. Decentralized mail elections introduce error because of error-filled rolls. Mail-in ballots delay results, create uncertainty and push the elections into kitchens and bedrooms where election officials cannot observe the voting process and cannot protect the voter from coercion.

H.R.1 takes the absolute worst emergency rule changes of 2020 and enshrines them as federal law. . . .

It gets worse. The 791-page bill also includes:

  • “Congress can reduce a state’s representation in Congress when the right to vote is denied.” Without qualification or definition, Congress could rely on this sentence unilaterally to cut the number of House members from any state it claims is denying the right to vote.
  • It criminalizes anyone who uses state challenge laws to question the eligibility of registrants wrongly. The penalty is up to one year in prison per instance.
  • It prohibits states from conducting list maintenance on the voter rolls. That means deadwood and obsolete registrations will stack up.
  • It criminalizes publishing “false statements” about qualifications to vote and “false statements” about which groups have endorsed which candidates. Information banned from being published includes false qualifications to vote and the penalties for doing so. What is a false statement will apparently be in the minds of the Justice Department lawyers who bring the charges. And if they do not act, the law provides a private right of action to individual plaintiffs to drag speakers to court. You can be sure this provision would be used as a merciless weapon against political opponents.
  • And in case it was not clear that H.R.1 was dismantling state power to run their own elections, the bill makes it clear: “The lack of a uniform standard for voting in Federal elections leads to an unfair disparity and unequal participation in Federal elections based solely on where a person lives.” In other words, state laws which have the Constitutional authority to determine the voting eligibility of its residents, will be preempted by a federal uniform standard. . . .

Misinformation, protests, unrest, and even violence were all symptoms of the trauma of 2020. Activist groups and collusive officials in 2020 turned courts into weapons to transform state laws into election procedures that were favorable to one particular party. H.R.1 would finish the job, and federalize the policies and election procedures that made 2020 such a mess.

It is no solution to presume that federal rules, even if they were crafted the right way, would solve the problem. When Washington D.C. gets control over elections, the policy always skews in one direction. . . .

There is a federal mandate, passed in the 19thĀ Century, to have one single election day. The bureaucrats in Washington in charge of enforcing that law ignore that law. Federal mandates are a one-way political ratchet. They always and only help one political party.

The nation has seen this line of thinking before. Like Obamacare earlier, H.R.1 transitions our federalist Republic to some other brave new system that purports to right generations of structural wrongs, while at the same time entrenching other wrongs. Unifying American experiences such as coming together to vote on one single Election Day, governed by rules passed by state legislators, well, to the authors of H.R.1, that is just old fashioned. . . .

(Excerpt from Gatestone Institute. Article by J. Christian Adams. Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

We must let our voices be heard on HR 1! Click TAKE ACTION to send a message to your Congressional representative NOW.

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Suzanne Woodard
March 12, 2021


ML Baker
February 22, 2021

This is the thing that the founders and every decent American abhors.

Vickie Duggins
February 19, 2021

Lord give us the wisdom on how to move forward. The worst piece of legislation besides abortion. I pray and thank You for the freedoms we still have and experience today. In Jesus name,

Nancy Buck
February 19, 2021

This is the worst piece of legislation besides abortion, I have ever seen. Our government is evil. We cannot support this evil. May God intervene!šŸ™

Karen Secrest
February 19, 2021

Praying with Jamie Rohrback today is a Great way to begin. See her prayer posted today by IFA.

February 19, 2021

Now, it sounds like the Socialist/Communist agenda is trying to make a mockery out of our election process. They are looking to rig the elections. This reminds me of Nazi Germany in 1933,and every communist/socialist nation. This is the way that ‘elections” take place in dictatorships. Dear Lord, please do not allow this bill, nor its twin in the Senate, to have a chance to get passed. This is a terrible thing for our country. Let Your will be done.

February 18, 2021

If this doesnā€™t prove the Democrats and their RINO accomplices rigged the election, then I donā€™t know what to tell you. Satan really thinks heā€™s won America, but God will have the last laugh. Everything these wicked politicians are doing will come back on them. #SpiritOfHaman

Sharon S
February 18, 2021

4 Corinthians 7- 18.. 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesusā€™ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. 12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.

13 It is written: ā€œI believed; therefore I have spoken.ā€[b] Since we have that same spirit of[c] faith, we also believe and therefore speak, 14 because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself. 15 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

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Sharon S
February 18, 2021

4 Corinthians: 7- 18 … 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesusā€™ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. 12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.

13 It is written: ā€œI believed; therefore I have spoken.ā€[b] Since we have that same spirit of[c] faith, we also believe and therefore speak, 14 because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself. 15 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

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Sharon C King
February 18, 2021


We ask that our President and his cabinet would have wisdom and discernment for the decisions they plan and execute. Please bring godly men & women around them, voices for transparency and goodwill toward all.

May Your Voice speak into their hearts and minds, bringing enlightenment, justice and truth; for ALL citizens!

May Your flock of followers continue to pray and be involved in whatever capacity You can use us; for Your Glory.
In Your Son’s Name, Jesus Christ; Our Lord and Savior. Amen!

February 18, 2021

Lord God, I pray that our voting process not be turned into a sham. May this weapon forged by Satan made to harm our political process not now or ever, prosper. May that which has been secretly conceived in darkness be brought into the light and shouted from the rooftops.

May “the greatest hits of 2020” that are fraudulent, disruptive, deceptive and manipulative be as nothing and perish. Lord Jesus let HR 1 die on the Senate floor never to be resurrected again. May the devices of the crafty be disabled so that the evildoers cannot perform the enterprise.

May the cycle be broken of creating rules resulting in entrenchment of wrongs and erosion of societal norms and mores.

I ask by the mighty power of your strong arm Father God that the monkey wrench of chaos, degeneration and confusion forged by Satan be broken to pieces and cast into the pit of hell where it came from. Thank you Lord for your Glory, power, and majesty. Thank you that your arm is not short and your ears are not deaf. Amen

William Elliott Tobey
February 18, 2021

What an excellent way to take away my individual rights and the states’ rights and give it to a federal bureaucrat! God help us!

John Douglas
February 18, 2021

God is raising up courageous men & women in this day to stand up to the evil that wants to come upon this nation. May the eyes of the church be opened to see what the Lord is doing & stand united with these. May the Lord grant us the gift of repentance to turn from our ways & the courage to stand up in this hour to see His salvation come to this nation & the world.

February 18, 2021

Holy Heavenly Father, I know You are angry at this Country. I know that this evil ungodly government is punishment for the sins of the nation. As I am able I REPENT for the Country and plead for mercy. Just as You sent David to free the Israelites from the Philistines, please instate the rightful President to free us from communist tyranny. I pray in the authority of our High Priest Immanuel. So be it!

Dorthy Johnson
February 18, 2021

Our Constitution enumerates who has authority over each states election procedures. I want this followed exactly. It has served America very well for 200+ years. Leave it alone!

Gayle Sajewicz
February 18, 2021

And one marxist state is being birthed right before our eyes. If we were a nation who refused to rewrite history, we might see two things: history repeats itself and marxism has never succeeded. Pray for out nation.

Angelena D. Sliva
February 18, 2021

Please leave the voting laws in place that were prior to 2020s election.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Angelena D. Sliva

Michael Logston
February 18, 2021

Fair and honest elections are the foundation of our republic. HR1 will open the door to a dictatorship run by a singular political party. Please, DO NOT vote in favor of HR1 or S1.

February 18, 2021

Mighty God n heaven,praise honor and glory are yours.. stir the hearts of moderate Democrats, give them spines of steel to stand and confront their out of control colleagues -this is going to far
Shut and close doors as needed like only you can
You said a government divided against itself will not stand
Destroy ,block , and confuse the plans of the wicked
In jesus mighty name we pray

February 18, 2021

God have mercy
It’s so unreal how fast evil deception is advancing.
We are getting closer to the days the Lord warned us about. This is so obvious to us but it’s alarming how many of the American people have already believed the lies and ungodly beliefs. It is as if the enemy is preparing people for the greatest deception of all times.
We must prepare for the great birth pangs coming and increasing. Yet remember the Lord said occupy till he comes. Thank God for those who are actively involved to preserve what is right through prayer and civil responsibility. I recently watched the movie Left Behind it was amazing to me to see how the Antichrist made war on the saints . I recommend people who have seen it to go back and watch it. It was very interesting how the Antichrist used contaminated Bibles to create a sickness. After a year of Covid and conspiracy theories it was very surreal. We must work while it is day because the night comes the Lord said when no man can work.
Thanks IFA and all our citizens and congressmen and women who work so hard and pray so hard . Lord give us his wisdom how to navigate through these times.Strength and courage come from leaning on God

    February 18, 2021

    You said it!
    God have mercy and help us be pro active and be about His business til the Lord returns

    Where do we go from here

Carolyn Winger
February 18, 2021

Itā€™s time for people to take seriously to be involved in the government. The idea of handouts from the government has got to stop. Voting, not only is a privilege, but, also a duty and responsibility. Doing away with all protections for guidelines for voting needs to stop now. We the people need to get off our behinds and get involved. We need good men and women to uphold freedoms and that includes voting, from the local to the federal positions, for God fearing constitutional abiding individuals. Changing voting guidelines for power control is not acceptable. Voting guidelines need to ensure honest elections. The fraudulent stuff needs to stop. We need the same guidelines inclusive of every state. ā€œNoā€ to this bill!

Candace Giles
February 18, 2021

There is no way to click Take Action

    Laura K
    February 18, 2021

    It worked for me. I would try again a little later.

    February 18, 2021

    I thought so too, at first, but the place to click is not on the final phrase in the article “We must let our voices be heard on HR 1! Click TAKE ACTION to send a message to your Congressional representative NOW.”
    if you scroll back up to the LARGE RED box with the words TAKE ACTION (printed in all caps and large, white font) and click on that box it will work.
    Have blessed day.


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