I Prayed have prayed
Father God, thank You for this powerful message from Eric Metaxas. Lord, give us courage to stand up for our rights!
Reading Time: < 1 minute

In this time of vaccines and mandates, do you need a shot of courage? Watch this inspiring interview with author Eric Metaxas. Find out why an intercessor said this about the webcast: “Awesome and informative real truth and tough love guidance . . . this needs to be what we are all geared up to as our regular countenance and thought life in our daily life, in action and prayer, and involvement in our civic duty as Christians.”

Eric has written many books and he discusses the eerie similarities between what Dietrich Bonhoeffer experienced in Nazi Germany and today. You can get his book, Bonhoeffer, and others through ericmetaxas.com. You can also sign up for his interesting email and see how to listen to his daily radio show/podcast.

Did you watch? Please share and let us know what you think in the comments.

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Maria Morais
August 15, 2021

I come in full agreement with Eric and all the prayer warriors that are fighting the good fight of faith!!! If God Almighty is with us …who can come against us?! Nothing and no one… not even the government!!!! hallelujah!!!! Bind and remove the spirit of fear Lord as well as spirits of witchcraft, jezebelle, leviathan, python and all demonic spirits in the mighty name of Yeshua!!!! I pray and ask !!!! Amen!!!!!

August 15, 2021

Bless you! I was refreshed and emboldened to listen to to this.

August 15, 2021

As Eric stated in his way, in unity we become a voice of many sounds and are not a single individual that is easily taken out We must unify in Christ remembering Psalm 133 where the Lord says He commands the Blessing. When faced with employment issues etc recognize it is actually illegal what they are doing and talk to the Lord about lawsuits, rallying others at your work place to stand with you. We know many many businesses cannot find people who are will I’ll get to work… are they really willing to lose good employees, i truly wonder how much is bluffing to see if we will continue to fold….. they cannot put us all in jail, they cannot stand against a true army of believers and patriots who refuse to bow…… Pray for wisdom, He promises to give when we go to Him in faith,,,, action is definitely key in this hour. Also coming together to provide each other’s needs as they did in the book of Acts… they prayed for more boldness to continue to spread the word. Let us be as they were- As One-walking out our callings. Blessings to each and everyone of you!

Deborah Hawkins
August 14, 2021

As a small ministry I am sharing all I can that is sharing truth and hope and freedom information and more in this day and time of all the evil taking place. I find many such topics for prayer and sharing on this site. These are good to share on all social media pages you can.
As we reach out and pray we need to come back and fill back up to stand strong with others called of God to act. We shall not be silent. Thank you, Blessings and prayers.
Reach The Masses Ministry

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Beverly Patterson
August 14, 2021

Father God be with Eric Metaxas as he is fighting the battle for all our freedoms, may hearts be turned for good instead of evil. We know Lord you have called him for such a time as this. I pray in Jesus name, amen

Karen E. Kendrick
August 14, 2021

for your prayers for Washington State where I have lived all of my life!
Sometimes I feel we are forgotten up here compared to all of the other leftist ran states such as california. or new york.
We have a democrat ran administration here from the governor to the attorney General to the lieutent governor to the superintendent of schools and even the secretary of state who claims to be a Republican yet lets illegals vote!
The whole legislative body is ran by democrats who have enacted laws against the peoples wishes such as sex education from k-12 grades and now pushing crt
I am agreeing in prayer with you for our State of Washington named after our 1st President and signed of The Declaration of Independence!
Again I am deeply greatful for all the prayers for our state and all states!
We will stand for Washington State and all of These United States of America!
United we stand..Divided we fall..
God Bless America and God Bless Washington State!!!🙏🔔🙏
And God Bless IFA& IFA INTERCESSORS for Washington State & All States!
Let Freedom Ring🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔

August 14, 2021

This man has gotten the root of our problems. It is that too few of the righteous are willing to pay an appropriate price for righteousness. These costs may be the same as the “sacrifices of righteousness” in the KJV. Too many cave in various fronts. For example: I knew a Christian democrat who said she voted for Obama because even though she didn’t like his stance on abortion, she preferred his stance on education. It is too common for Christians to put first something other than righteousness (Mat 6:33). On another front, many Christians will not boycott godless businesses because they are unwilling to pay somewhat higher prices for goods and services.

The way to resolve this starts with intercessors praying Mat 6:33 into the American Church.

Kelly Marie Nixon
August 14, 2021

Dear Jesus,Thank You that you prayed that we would be one and You get what You pray for! Thank You that 1 John 5:4a says EVERYONE who is born of God overcomes the World! We Trust You Lord! Make us courageous!

Adrian Lee Steininger
August 14, 2021

I posted a video of a doctor who agreed with Eric that masks don’t work with this virus and the vaccine can cause others to get Covid-19 on Facebook. Facebook took off my post and called me a liar. I am an 81 yr young Christian not in name only and I was so angry with them because they let a man put a picture of his private parts and didn’t censor that which disgusted me. This is a double standard. Where has “freedom of speech” gone? I told them they will answer to God! My God says to forgive and pray for them to come to know him and the truth. I am not afraid because Jesus is at my right hand. I am a person with a disability-Post-Polio and get around in an electric wheelchair. I feel I’ve been blessed all my life even with having polio and other problems! Praise God! So glad I was up not feeling well and heard Eric Metaxas message this early Saturday morning! Please dear Lord protect this brave man with angels all around him that those who would do him harm see those angels! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    August 14, 2021

    You are so blessed: Enviably happy, with life-joy and
    spiritual satisfaction, regardless of your outward conditions!
    And, God will avenge the unfair treatment of the godly men
    and women who delight in serving Him. Thank you for your
    faithful stand on righteousness.

    Karen E. Kendrick
    August 15, 2021

    Why are they all censoring?!!( even experts.. scientists who know the truth)
    Because they are scared to death of the Truth getting out
    and their lies being totally exposed and the “blinded” ones who have bought their leviathon twisted lies will wake up to the truth..that they have “hoodwinked” the masses…
    and are in bed with the chinese government, and other communists in our own country & others who want to take over the world!!
    Its always some crazy power hungry
    money hungry
    twisted communist who can’t leave
    good countries alone..& want to ruin other’s lives…who want to be their own god (as lucifer did)&
    they can never be as there is only 1 God..Jehovah..
    and He is rightly a jealous God..
    It always fails but they can’t resist trying it because their egos are so big they just can’t
    But we WILL RESIST..


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