I Prayed have prayed
Father, forgive our nation for this continued evil and sin. Help our nations leaders to stand against abortion and give them a passion to stand against it.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Though reversing restrictions on abortion access was not among more than a dozen executive actions signed by President Joe Biden on his first day in office, it’s only a matter of time before the new administration follows through on its pro-choice platform.

While pro-life groups cheered efforts by the Trump administration to stand against abortion, the incoming president pledged to uphold abortion rights, and Biden is due to overturn the Mexico City policy—which bars the government from funding organizations outside the US that perform abortions—“in the coming days and weeks,” according to the White House press secretary. . . .

As groups opposed to abortion come together to mark the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and National Sanctity of Human Life Day this weekend, under the new administration, “the bottom line is everything is different,” said Mallory Quigley, vice president of communications for Susan B. Anthony List.

While measures like the Mexico City policy get reversed and reinstated every time a different party assumes the White House, advocates like Quigley consider Trump “the most pro-life president in history” for his efforts to expand typical anti-abortion policies. His administration went beyond the Mexico City policy to offer an additional $8.8 million for international health programs that do not promote abortion. It further restricted Title X funding, barring it not just from covering abortion itself but from going to any clinic that makes abortion referrals. . . .

 During the campaign, Biden withdrew his support for the Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funds for abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or life-threatening circumstances. He also pledged to codifyRoe v. Wadeinto federal law and restore federal funding to Planned Parenthood.

As California attorney general, Vice President Kamala Harris further regulated pregnancy centers by mandating they provide clients with information on abortions—a law the US Supreme Court overturned in 2018. Harris also opened investigations into the Center for Medical Progress after staff members with the pro-life advocacy group secretly filmed Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of fetal body parts. . . .

Even with abortion rights advocates securing the White House and majorities in the House and Senate, Christian groups against abortion still believe there are political, cultural, and spiritual resources at their disposal.

First of all, they don’t plan to stay silent now that that pro-life lawmakers are in the minority on the federal level. Before laws and policies can change, the movement must change the narrative around abortion, said Denise Harle, senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom.

“Christians should stand up and defend the ability of pro-life advocates to speak,” Harle said. “Women who are considering abortion often do so because they ’ve been told they don’t have any real options. Pregnancy centers provide real hope and practical support to women who often feel they have neither, and Christians should come alongside them offering the same.” . . .

Already this year, several states have introduced abortion restriction bills. Idaho has proposed denying state funding to abortion providers. Montana now has a Republican governor who is expected to back lawmakers’ efforts to prevent abortions after 20 weeks gestation and require each expectant mother to view an ultrasound of her fetus.

In South Dakota, the governor has backed banning abortions of babies with Down syndrome. (Some pro-life disabilities advocates, though, have suggested such “selective abortion” laws aren’t an effective strategy.) And, following earlier restrictions, Missouri reportedly became the first state in the country to no longer perform abortions.

“State legislatures are a much more promising venue for pro-life initiatives than a Democratic Congress,” said David Skeel, professor of corporate law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. And though the Supreme Court might not be sympathetic to overturning Roe v. Wade, Skeel believes its current composition will be sympathetic to abortion restrictions.

While public advocacy and legal strategies are critical to protecting the unborn, laws alone are not enough. Christians opposed to abortion continue to prioritize the power of the gospel witness as the greatest potential for change in their communities.

“We often talk about ‘defunding Planned Parenthood,’ but the easiest way to do this is by Christians not [having] abortions,” said Roland Warren, president of Care Net, the evangelical pregnancy center network.  . . .

During a time when the administration’s policies may lead to promoting abortion and abortion clinics, pro-life pregnancy centers are implementing changes to try to become more accessible and open to women in need. Recently Focus on the Family expanded its My Choice Network, an online network that allows women in the top 10 abortion cities in the nation to find pregnancy resource centers.

The ministry has also offered grants to pregnancy resource centers to update and redesign their websites to allow for online appointment booking. “Those of us who believe that every life should be protected under law should be utilizing and leveraging all available technology to meet and serve women where they are,” said Jim Daly, CEO and president of Focus on the Family. . . .

Above all, Christians opposed to abortion have emphasized the importance of their continued witness amid changes in politics and policies.

“Christians should endeavor to be known as people who will stand in the gap for vulnerable people, loving them for the long term, and committing to the flourishing of the people in our local neighborhoods,” according to Chelsea Patterson Sobolik, policy director at the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. “When we humbly serve, in private and in the public square, our actions say something about who God is and what he cares about.”

(Excerpt from Christianity Today. Article by Megan Fowler. Photo by Michael A. McCoy/Getty Images)

How do you feel called to stand against abortion during this administration? Share in the comments below!

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Karen Sholar
February 11, 2021

I have said the same thing – We do not have to have the government’s permission to end abortion! Christians can end it, through God working in and through us. WE CAN BE THE CHANGE! praise God!

February 10, 2021

Things to consider:
This administration is not interested in pro-life policies. They are interested in their poison agenda which place more value on rights instead of responsibility. Biden isn’t in charge – he’s a puppet and figurehead who is being pushed around daily by a shadow government who decided to “use him” to further their sick agenda. We can & should be continually praying that they will have a change of heart and mind but we should not be surprised as to their ongoing actions that promote death. Keep in mind that when we pray for them, spiritual warfare will always be present and that is how we should approach praying for them.
* Local / state level involvement of every kind is critical and effective. This is where the bread and butter is and will be. Contact your local and state representatives. They need to hear from you!!! Be persuasive and persistent – don’t accept “rehearsed or scripted political answers” because many pro-abortion legislators will give you just that. Don’t think you can’t help. You can help in many different ways and contacting or working with established and reputable prolife organizations is important to utilize effective tools. We don’t have to be “called” to do this. Defending the innocent and unborn or just born is a fundamental principle of what God has already called everyone to do.
** Rethink financial support. Don’t always think “big or sizable donations, etc.” – think small but collectively. There are many excellent prolife outreaches / organizations and we often think “I can’t support them all”. Yes and no. You can most certainly pray for all of them. We can “seed money” multiple organizations at one time. We may not be able to give a large sum but what about $3, 4, 5 or $10 if possible? We often think in terms of ” I am just one person” but if we gave $5 to a few prolife organizations as we are able and then across the nation another 1000 people do the same, that’s $5000 during a day or week just to one organization dedicated to saving innocent lives. That’s 20,000 a month which goes a long way in multiple forms of outreach. Pray over any money you send and ask God to increase it 10, 20 or a hundredfold. Then imagine if we did the same thing to 3-4 other organizations and the same thing took place. We are putting God’s law of Use, law of Reciprocity and law of Unity to work. Small donations multiplying to save the unborn and turn over the laws that have brought a culture of death to this nation.
Ask God how you can help. If the enemy Satan wasn’t worried about anything, he wouldn’t be trying so hard to radically change the laws.
Get like minded people involved. With God’s help, we can change this.

Sharon Jones
February 10, 2021

Thank you for your article on what we as individuals can do to stand for life.
I believe the more we inform and educate women to understand her body and the body of the baby growing within her more and more women will not seek Abortion. Also to have the support she needs during her pregnancy is one of the greatest tool we can offer a woman. The new generation is speaking out and articulating this message as never before. We won’t need legislation if our message is received by women of every social and economical standing!
This generation of Women want to take care of their bodies!

Linda Madrigal
February 10, 2021

I am so horrified that this new President don’t even care about abortion. He is doing everything that he will go ahead with it. I appreciate the governor of different states who opposed it. I pray more governors will stand up to remove the abortion in there states . I am so thankful that President Trump cares for and stood for Pro life.

Doug Cullen
February 10, 2021

In 1993,after hearing the testimony of Gianna, who was aborted and lived, my family and I surrendered to full time ministry. In 2005 we started Choose Life Ministries and have been traveling and sharing a Biblical view of Life across America. We will not stop now. We believe “Every Life is Worth the Fight”. We are asking God to open more doors of opportunity this year. We need Evangelical Christians united on what God’s Word says about Life. I call 75 pastors before one will allow us to come and share a Biblical view of LIFE. Even so,we praise God for the 1300 churches we have been Blessed to share at in 34 states. We share with adults, youth and children what God’s Word says about LIFE.

    February 10, 2021

    God bless you, Doug, for all you an your family are doing to protect life! How wonderful!

    Can I ask, what earthly reason did the 74 Pastors who declined your offer, give you for not having you come and speak to their congregations? I’m shocked by this!

    Again, God bless you for your Choose Life Ministries!


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