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Thank God for His intercessors all over this nation. Pray that Christians would respond in godliness to political opposition. Click here to send a prayer to encourage Christians in the Trump Cabinet.

 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.  (Ephes. 6:18)

“A Tennessee woman, apparently discontent with her congressman’s remarks at a town hall held at the University of Tennessee-Martin, did what any normal, curious and courteous constituent would do to have her follow-up concerns addressed — she chased his car down, forced him off the road and started screaming and banging on their windows.

You guessed it. The congressman, David Kustoff, is a Republican. And for Republicans the nation over, it’s getting pretty dang dangerous out there. . . .

All this, meanwhile, comes on the heels of an appeal by a Huffington Post editor-at-large for leftists to simply hound those of the pro-Trump camp by following Republican politicians to their places of work, places of dining, places of living, and stand outside and protest and demand answers. Answers to what? Apparently, to why they’re Republicans, refusing to vote Democratic.

But this is the tone and atmosphere of the country right now. And it’s one created and fueled solely by the left. So what’s a good Republican to do to stay safe?

The easy answer, of course, would be to hide and go underground — to keep quiet, to cower and run. But this is what the left wants. And why should they win? The voters, after all, have spoken.

No, what’s called for in the face of these bullies is to fight harder. Bullies don’t back down unless they’re met with a force that’s to be reckoned with. And how do you best fight lying, deceptive, argumentative, angry, irrational, violent socialist-minded partisans with intent on corrupting the Constitution and destroying the greatness of America? With truth. With courage. With the full armor of God — including the breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith and sword of the spirit.”

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Linda L Maxey
July 11, 2017

Heal my country Lord.

Ellen Potter
May 21, 2017

Heavenly Father, I pray for all Christians to receive inner healing that we may offer the hand of Christ’s love and fellowship to all. That opposition will lead us to cry out to you all the more. As the Psalmist prayed, O God, do not be far from me; O my God make haste to help me! Let them be confounded and confused who are adversaries of my life; let them be filled with reproach and dishonor who seek my hurt.” Ps. 71:13.

Cheryl Johnston
May 19, 2017

Pray scripture every day over our leaders and our country. Be ready “to give an answer for the joy that is in you.” God has given us an opportunity to be watchmen on the wall for the time in which we live, and we as His army stand shoulder to shoulder moving, or standing, as we are commanded to do by our Captain of the Lord of Hosts. Let us continue to be faithful to our call.

May 19, 2017

Psalm 91:7-11 “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”

We remain in the shadow of the Almighty. We rest in him, pray for truth, discernment and direction.

I see many fall as they oppose God’s anointed and they go against His perfect plan for America. When we stand firm, avoid stooping to their level, rise above the chaos, refuse to participate in their petty arguments, avoid their snares and refrain from labeling, name-calling and pointing fingers God blesses our steps. He fights our battles. Praise be to Him and His Holy Name! We bow down on our faces in humility that He is all that we could ever ask for and He is in complete control. We co-labor and make way for the Kingdom of Heaven to be ushered in like a flood.

God Bless America! God Bless the President and Vice President. Peace be over the White House in Jesus’ name.

May 19, 2017

Father God, I praise You for your mercy and grace for the United States of America. I ask that you would cause us the people of this country to fear You and tremble at Your word! That you would pour Your Holy Spirit out upon this people who desperately need You, that we would know the truth and be set free! You would be our Lord & Savior! We would walk pleasing to you in the power of Your Holy Spirit! That love Your love would be our first response to any situation. That we would hear You clearly each day and do whatever You say because You know all things!
Praise,honor and glory be to You forever and ever!

Ruth Bonnevier
May 19, 2017

Pray Psalm 37 this day.

Jerry L Busby
May 19, 2017

Lord I pray today for our leadership of our Country that they will come before you in truth and humble theirselves knowing that you are the one who is in control. I pray they will seek guidance and stand strong for the truth not weaken and try to the evils ones ways of tearing down our Country. Keep our Country as it was founded on your principles Under God and free. I pray that we can shield the light of love to all as you did at the same time being strong to our God. Amen

May 19, 2017

If you start out the article with contempt, it makes me wonder what type of “prayer list” I am on. I am praying for this country, but sites like this tend to dishearten me because you appear to have no love for your enemy. And people who are hurting should not be considered your enemy.

John Adams
May 19, 2017

THis is as opposed to how nice you were to obama for eight years. I saw him being called words I would not use myself ,like N*gg*r… and lies about his birthplace, and his religion. He often quoted scripture and talked about his LORD JESUS CHRIST, but you hated him. Trump doesn’t even know where two corinthians is. Has never claimed to be christian, and is blatantly apposed to the teachings of Jesus CHrist.
And you have the hypocritical gall to be upset when someone disagrees with your non-christian president.
This is America we still have freedom of speech., Christians have a right to protest what they see is unbiblical acts.

Trump has not been treated with near the evil nastiness people used against obama and they did that in the name of god. Woe to you pharisees.

Julia Parker
May 19, 2017

Thank You Wonderful Compassionate Heavenly Father for Your protection over our beautiful United States of America!! Thank You for helping each one of us here in America to use Your wisdom, Your grace, and Your love to bring about Peace between the right and left in our nation! Thank You for helping both sides to come to the place of accepting the mind of Christ on every situation that we face. We forgive those who are opposing themselves by mean spirited words and actions and pray that we as Your people will not participate in any evil actions! Show us how to fight evil with good! Doing evil only lends to more strife and contention so we choose good above any wrong doing! We thank You for intervening everyday with Your Divine intervention! Thank You for the hosts of angels that battle over our nation on a daily basis! Thank You for using unseen forces to battle on our behalf! We even thank those forces for going forth to battle at our requests! We believe that You God are 100% behind our President, Vice President, and the whole Trump administration! Thank You for all the angels that are assigned to them and that faithfully win because of the prayers of Your people!! In the awesome and powerful name of Jesus Christ we pray! AMEN!

E. Culp
May 19, 2017

Dearest Father God, we praise you that you are sovereign over the affairs of our country. We pray that you bind together in Christian love, the hearts and minds of cabinet members, that frayed nerves will give way to your peace that passes all understanding. We pray that our President will look to you more and more for wisdom, and that you will encourage our Vice President as he fulfills his role according to your Wird. Please awaken us across the country to persevere in trusting you. We praise you for your perfect plans for us all!!

Janice Pollock
May 19, 2017

We are praying and interceding for our president and his cabinet daily.
Father. We stand in the gap and ask for and receive grace and favor for or president and his cabinet today. ,Amen

Kay W.
May 17, 2017

Dearest Holy, Heavenly Father,
You are our Almighty, All Powerful and All Knowing Protector. We know Your HEART is broken over the sin of hatred and violence many people are engaging in over political and personal differences. Please melt all of our hearts to remove our personal preferences and instead follow your guidance of
Wisdom, Courageous Love, and Bold Christian Soldiers with Meek (strength under control), attitudes of PRAYER. We KNOW that PRAYER and LOVE are the two most powerful weapons there are that you want us to “fight” with. We ask you to give us the (1) Love we need for our enemies, the needed (2)Strength we need to resist Satan’s warfare, and (3) Wisdom each day that comes from the Bible, your Holy Word. Thank You for the PEACE and CONFIDENCE only You can give and help us to share this wonderful gift with our friends, neighbors, families AND enemies. In Jesus Name, Amen

Nancy P
May 17, 2017

Father, we pray all Christians here and abroad will be as bold and courageous as You want us to be when we are faced with adversity – even violence. That You will embolden us and equip us with whatever we need at the time we need it for we know You will never leave us nor forsake us, in Jesus Name, amen.

Linda L. Erickson
May 17, 2017

I will continue to pray for all members of congress and especially for our elected President Donald
Trump. It is an outrage and horrendous way the liberal democrats are trying to undermine all the
actions that could and would make “American Great Again”!!!

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