Over a year ago, I believe the Lord identified a spirit of tyranny over our nation. The manifestation of that spirit has now arrived. New laws are putting people into bondage and removing freedoms that were once central to our way of living here in the United States. Federal and some state governments are cracking down on citizens who choose not to take the Covid vaccines. The AG of the United States has the FBI focused on school board meetings. Parents feel they are being treated like terrorists for being concerned about their childrenās education. Censorship has become commonplace. Government overreach is the norm.
When I first discerned the vision, I thought ānow the enemy has been identified.ā I shared it with IFA and the reaction was tremendous. Intercessors from all over the world took interest and agreed in prayer against this spiritual force in high places. My lack of maturity in the knowledge of our Lord became evident when I began to focus on the problem more than person of Christ himself. I learned a valuable lesson. Do not let the problems of the world become greater than the presence of God in my life. Or said another way, the voice of Godās word should always be louder in my ear than the noise of the world.
Maturity in Christ is essential for us to pray effectively. What is the process to achieve maturity?Ā I believe one important element of maturity is our attitude toward those around us, including those governing our nation.
Attitude can be defined as a mental position with regard to a fact or state. It defines how we look at people and problems, and then how we think about them. I want to share scripture from the book of Jeremiah that demonstrates an attitude Jeremiah had concerning troubling times in Israel. He prays to God about all he is seeing around him, and then God answers him. He feels disapproval, disappointment, disgust, fear, and self-pity in his dealings with the leadership and people of Israel. Before I discuss Godās answer, I want to briefly discuss the state of Israel at that time in history and what Jeremiah was facing.
Israel had entered a dark time in its history. It had fallen away from God and had turned to idols. It had become a wicked nation. It was a tough time to be a prophet. Jeremiah was threatened with plots on his life. False prophets were trying to one up him with good news, when Jeremiah was trying to tell the people that God was not pleased with them. Jeremiah struggled with all he was seeing in his nation. He was disgusted with the actions of the people.
In Chapter 15, versus 15 through 18 Jeremiah prays to God and pours out his heart. The Amplified version reads,
OĀ Lord, You knowĀ andĀ understand;
Remember me [thoughtfully], take notice of me,
take vengeance for me on my persecutors.
Do not, in view of Your patience, take me away;
Know that for Your sake I endure [continual] rebukeĀ andĀ dishonor.Your words were found and I ate them,
And Your words became a joy to me and the delight of my heart;
For I have been called by Your name,
OĀ LordĀ God of hosts.I did not sit with the group of those who celebrate,
Nor did I rejoice;
I sat alone because Your [powerful] hand wasĀ upon me,
For You had filled me with indignation [at their sin].Why has my pain been perpetual
And my wound incurable, refusing to be healed?
Will you indeed be to me like a deceptiveĀ brook
With water that is unreliable?
These are words of a man trying to justify his attitude by telling God of all the hardship he has endured and how faithful he has been to Him. Notice how much he is focused on himself. He shows his righteous indignation toward these evil people who have turned their backs on God and are practicing such wickedness. He reminds God (as if God doesnāt remember) that he never sat with these people because God had filled him with such indignation at their sin. He also is suffering from some sort of painful malady that God will not heal. He likens God to a deceptive brook. In the Living Bible that verse reads, Your help is as uncertain as a seasonal mountain brookāsometimes a flood, sometimes as dry as a bone. He is saying sometimes you are there for me, but other times, not so much.
I am hearing a man of God struggling, even trying to justify his attitude to God. In some ways, I donāt blame him, and have much empathy for him. Many times, I have prayed to God the same way as Jeremiah. But God does not have the same attitude towards Jeremiah that I do. He answers Jeremiah with a rebuke:
The Lord replied: āStop this foolishness and talk some sense! Only if you return to trusting me will I let you continue as my spokesman. You are to influenceĀ them,Ā not let them influenceĀ you!Ā They will fight against you like a besieging army against a high city wall. But they will not conquer you, for I am with you to protect and deliver you, says the Lord.Ā Yes, I will certainly deliver you from these wicked men and rescue you from their ruthless hands.ā
God does not even acknowledge most of what Jeremiah prayed, except that He will deliver him from these wicked men. God calls his prayer āfoolishnessā and commands to ātalk some senseā. He tells Jeremiah, āDo not let these evil ones influence you, you are to influence them.ā I have come to understand that God so loved Jeremiah, that He needed to speak these words to him, because of how important they are to allow Jeremiah to be His spokesman. I believe these words are important to us for the same reason.
Are we allowing the behavior of our politicians to get to us?Ā Do we find ourselves feeling indignant toward them?Ā Does our anger cause us to focus on how we feel about them?Ā Has this struggle become a giant in our lives?
God does not want us to allow ourselves to get caught up in the problems we see our country going through. This attitude adjustment is necessary for us to grow and mature in Him. If you struggle as Jeremiah did, donāt be dismayed!Ā I believe it is a necessary process for us to confront our giants in our lives that test us beyond what we think we can handle. It is this suffering that drives us to submit our wills to God. The battle is in our minds. It is an opportunity for us to repent of our old ways of thinking and step into a more mature attitude. It is truly a process of dying to the self. I see this transformation taking place in the lives of many believers.
I think Godās plan for our nation is much bigger than we can even understand. By witnessing all the injustice and corruption in our government, God is changing His people from the inside as we realize our attitude must be cleansed and purified to walk by faith and not by sight, or our emotions will consume us. I believe God is changing hearts through suffering to raise up His Ecclesia, filled with His power.
Paul says that the Kingdom of God is not in words but in power. We cannot move in the Power of God when we doubt, complain, or even focus on the problem. Once an issue is identified, we pray and move on. We are being transformed from focusing on ourselves to focusing on the Lord. Our lives are becoming less important and obedience to Christ more important. This only comes with maturity. Maturity only comes from obedience. So let us become aware of our attitude and do what is necessary to change it to a positive one. It starts with repentance from our old ways of thinking and making a concerted effort to keep our attitudes positive. It means to pick our words carefully and guard our hearts from what comes in through our senses. If certain inputs make us stumble, then forego them.
I want to pray for all of us:
Dear Father, I lift up my fellow intercessors and ask You bring revelation to us to understand how our attitudes play a role in our Christian walk. Show us anything that hinders us from doing the things that we so much want to do for You, God. Help us who want to see the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to understand that a wrong attitude will quench the Spirit. May this understanding motivate each of us to change our attitude to that of gratitude. I also pray that You give us opportunities to step out and risk for You to learn how to hear Your promptings in our lives. Mature us to be more effective in the Kingdom of God.
Can you share some tips on how you keep your attitude in check from indignation, self-pity, depression, and judgment of others? Please leave a comment . . .
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I definitely get frustrated at times with what all is going on with our country. I have to remind myself a lot that God is on the throne. He sees everything and nothing escapes Him. He knows the thoughts and intentions of our hearts and he loves each one of us. Dan 2:21 says: “And it is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings.” It helps me to remember evil king Nebuchadnezzar, the ruler of Babylon, and how God humbled him and brought him to his senses. Eventually after seven periods of time, Nebuchadnezzar raised his eyes toward heaven and blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever (Dan 4:34-35). I believe that God loves those who are leading the nation today and desires to bring them to the truth of who He is. Nebuchadnezzar’s story has encouraged me to believe God for a big turn-around in their lives as well.
Praise God! What a wonderful group of Gods intercessors commented here. It will be wonderful to pray with you if even once:). I’m a minister and fellow intercessor in the Holy City South Carolina inviting you to join us every Friday 7am and 7pm as we fervently and
seriously pray for America. For more info email [email protected] . A final great awakening is now or never. Let us awake church and know him and the power of his resurrection for soon the greater fellowship of his suffering will be upon us, but his true followers, his true disciples who truly love and obey him will be unscathed by it all. A Powerful book of ACTS like revival (even more glorious revival is coming ) it will be wonderful, it will be sweet, it will be precious, it will transform millions of lives and quench the thirst of many, sicknesses will be healed, dead raised and many bound set free which will be followed by fiery persecution:) but we will be of good cheer! He has overcome the Lord. For more details email Sister Maggie [email protected] Its time to watch and pray that we may escape the things that are going to come to pass and be found worthy to stand before our beloved Savior, the anointed Christ.
Thank you so much.It seemed like this was written for me Yes I feel exactly like Jeremiah Before I read this article I left a comment on the vaccine mandate article I highlighted some of my feelings I know Father God doesn’t respond to emotions Only thing that pleases Him is Faith but sometimes some things are heavy to withstand I sobbed and felt pain when I saw a report of a little girl that has down syndrome that the school tied a mask on her with rope because of her condition she has a swollen tongue making it more difficult for her to breathe she was in this condition for over 2 weeks until she somehow had her mask on after school And her Dad found out This report was on today Victory News channel Don’t these teachers have compassion I will keep praying for all of you PLEASE keep praying for me JESUS IS LORD šā¤ļø
I must continually remind myself (and it doesn’t come easy) that certain people in authority are NOT the enemy. They act like enemies, think like enemies and use their position as enemies but they are just lost people unwillingly (and some willingly) who are pawns of our enemy Satan and his hordes. That doesn’t mean I treat them with kid’s gloves, go out of my way to be their friend, etc. It just helps me readjust the fact that I must pray for them and keep my fight for freedom(s) in view of what God wants for our nation. This tyranny was put in place because the body of Christ became, in large part, unaware and apathetic of what was happening in America. “Their plan” had been in motion for awhile. If you doubt that, take the time to read ‘Socialists don’t sleep – why Christians must rise or America will fall’ by Cheryl Chumley. In order to fight properly, we need to learn the foundations and belief systems of what we are all fighting against (first we must use the word of God but we often need additional knowledge for combat). This tyranny didn’t get here overnight – it won’t be defeated overnight. Prepare your swords and don’t take off your battle gear. And remember that those who are overreaching and using tyrannical tactics are, at heart, aconfidently rrogant not only towards God’s people but towards God himself. Any person who says or “acts” as if there is no God…who does not carry with them a reverent fear of the Almighty — possesses an arrogance and ignorance towards God. And that is a recipe for personal and eternal disaster. Ask God to shift our attitudes towards praying for such people. Their salvation, awakening, repentance, humbling and their removal from any position of authority.
I must always remember we fight a SPIRITUAL BATTLE.
Keep my focus on the KINGDOM,on His justice, RIGHTEOUSNESS & ON HIS love for the lost. KEEP MY EYES ON JESUS!
“For although we live in the natural realm, we donāt wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead, our SPIRITUAL WEAPONS are energized with DIVINE POWER to EFFECTIVELY dismantle the defenses behind which people hide. We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 TPT
PLEASE take the time to read the new data and watch the videos linked:
“This detailed report with videos from Global Research is damning. Even with the under-reporting of vaccine deaths and adverse reactions, estimated to be at most only 10% of actual numbersā¦ it is staggering! PLEASE study the data, watch the videos- in particular the 20 minute video of Physicianās Assistant Deborah Conrad who reveals that she was blacklisted and her efforts suppressed by the medical facility that she worked at in Critical Care. We MUST be aware of how insidious this medical tyranny has become and realize that it is only getting worse:”
Updated on my very detailed exposƩ on this date Oct. 28, 2021:
Thank you for including this link.
Iām sure youāre familiar with Dr. Zelenco … we all should be if we arenāt.
i have not had a plan besides continuing in the Word,- being more diligent in prayer-and trying to stay open to correction..recently having become more aware of the status of the voices,..more- that was a breakthrough for me..also being more willing to assume a kneeling position in my stiff old age on a floor i would rather not come so closely into contact with…
..and this article has been effective in helping ,although the suggestions are traditional, think it is right place, right time.
I will still maintain that i believe we as achrisitians are called to stand against tyranny and stand FOR liberty as was graced to us by the founders who were Godly and diligent in their pursuit of righteousness in guiding our nation. There is plenty of historiacally verified evidence of this for anyone who cares to look it up.,,go to Wallbuiders,a treasure trove of history and information
“Do not let the problems of the world become greater than the presence of God in my life…the voice of Godās word should always be louder in my ear than the noise of the world.” Micheal Guidera
“Get behind me, satan!” You are an obstacle in My path, because your thinking is from a human perspective, not from God’s perspective!” Jesus speaking to Peter, Matthew 16:23 Jewish New Testament
Father, it astounds me how closely You are aligning us who love You. I agree that “Your plans for this nation are much greater than we can understand.” I also agree we are foolish and we need only trust You and continue to be Yours in prayer and practice. Show us how to be the influence we are purposed to be. Show us how to fight like a well trained army. You are our protection and deliverer, Yes Father God! We will continue in YOUR WILL and wait for Your deliverance and rescue from our enemies. I pray in agreement in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
āStop this foolishness and talk some sense! Only if you return to trusting me will I let you continue as my spokesman. You are to influence them, not let them influence you! They will fight against you like a besieging army against a high city wall. But they will not conquer you, for I am with you to protect and deliver you, says the Lord. Yes, I will certainly deliver you from these wicked men and rescue you from their ruthless hands.ā The Lord God Almighty
Thinking pout this site reading Psalm 78 this morning. Verse 49 mentions ‘angels of destruction’ on the Egyptians ; had never thought about ‘angels of destruction’ as such. For those that are calling evil good and good evil that HE will send those angels to bring judgement and a halt to this. Fear, unreasonable fear as they lay awake at night.
Great reminder!
Search our hearts God and see if their is anything that is not of you!
Indeed our posture should be one of humility. We are not better than another, and we have weaknesses that we ought to repent of.
There seems to be need for some of us, to discern that we do not condone the sin in the lives of others, and we should hate sin,but love the sinner and pray for them, desiring God’s best for them.
So lets discern what is good and what is evil, We should have a “righteous indignation’ of the damage their sin is doing to our country!
This is on a little different note, Some times living in denial is not going to help us and we need to be able to discern what is happening so we can more effectively pray into the matter.
God loves others and we don’t esteem ourselves better than others. Yet we can acknowledge that sin is wrong and what makes us angry is the damage the sin has caused,now use that fire to fuel us into realizing how important it is to pray. In other words we are not angry at people , we have righteous anger at what the enemy is doing therefore our prayers are of utmost importance.
Generally, when I respond to articles on this site, I do so through a shared prayer. However, in response to this article, I wish to respond by sharing something that happened to me yesterday the meaning of which has become a bit clearer because of this article. Yesterday (27 OCT) morning shortly after awakening (around 5AM), as I laid in bed trying to go back to sleep and not really thinking about anything in particular, I āheardā the following words in my mind (the words came to me and not from me): āEveryone encounters God at least once every two days, but most people never realize it.ā This REALLY took me by surprise, but I wasn’t quite sure why I received it. This is at least the third time I have had something like this happen since January of this year (2021), but usually when it happens the message makes complete sense immediately. This time, while I understood the message well-enough, I did not understand why it came to me when it did. I would also add that it usually seems like a friendly and ordinary voice, like a good neighbor or an old uncle you haven’t heard from in a while. For me it never seems like a booming James Earl Jones kind of voice. At any rate, this article, though seemingly on a much different topic, actually did much to help me connect the dots. As we pray, I think we need to start doing as much listening as talking, asking, pleading, etc…. I know this is probably no secret to many, but for many of us it is a lesson we are just now starting to learn. Just try to be open to God’s word. As you pray (and indeed always), KNOW and BELIEVE that you have an open line to God’s voice if you just listen. My personal advice, when words just come into your head from out of the blue, before you try to rationalize it away as your own imagination, ask yourself if it came TO YOU rather than from within you. I believe God wants to talk to us more, but many of us are so couched in our rational, technological world that we don’t even realize it when He does. Have any of you experienced anything like this? As Christ told us, when these dark events (like those discussed in the article above) begin to happen, “Look up.” Start listening too!
Yes! God has been speaking to me regularly since I started praying more and worshipping more (sad to say it took the election debacle to get me to pray more). I donāt like to end my prayer time until I do hear from Him! This season with my Lord has been awesome. I pay attention to what evil is occurring and pray against it, but if I start to get emotional over it, I stop and spend time in His presence until He calms and reassures my heart that this is my time to pray (into all the dreams and prophecies Heās given others, and things He has shown me to pray about) BUT HIS TIME TO ACT!!!!! And act He Will. Be patient. Keep praying and keep your eyes on Him. Spend as much time as you can with our Lord. For such a time as this He has called us to partner with Him to fight what the evil ones are doing! We struggle not with flesh and bloodā¦
The Holy Spirit wanted you to let his people know He is with them, as Jesus said his Father will send a “Helper”. When and where do we get help. Sometimes the Holy Spirit speaks to me, sometimes His Word speaks to me and sometimes I just see God’s beauty in his creation that speaks to me.
As I read in the Word this morning Romans 5: 1Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
This should speak to many today. If you are not struggling with personal tribulations the world in turmoil is a tribulation. This scripture is another way to say we need to know our struggle is strengthening us. I am also moved by Michael’s shared scripture on how we should mature and not let this evil drag us down. The day after the election I was very down and this scripture came to me:
Joshua 5:13,14 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, āAre You for us or for our adversaries?ā āNeither,ā he replied, ābut as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.ā Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, āWhat message does my Lord have for his servant?ā
Do we not have Jesus the commander of God’s army of Angels fighting our battles? YES!!! We can only fight this battle on our knees. We do need to speak truth and call out evil when it is present, we cannot afford to let the enemy win this phycological battle that is being waged. It is mostly phycological. It is meant to wear us down. God is using it to strengthen us! Thanks be to God!
Father, prepare us for battle, full arm us with your wisdom to fight this battle. “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day” Amen.
Great article, Mike. Yes, we ARE dealing with a spirit of tyranny in these times in our nation. From what you have shared with us, I believe that Holy Spirit was reminding you about not getting caught up in the problem. There are many demonic spirits affecting this nation, to be sure. Thank you for reminding us, that God is greater than all the attempts of the evil one to steal, kill, and destroy. He sent Jesus so that we could have abundant life. It is out of this abundant life that He has given to us, that we need to live our lives here on earth. We need to trust in Him. He knows exactly what He is allowing to happen, and, as you have stated, it is for our good. Lord Jesus, please, let us learn through our suffering. These are Kingdom principles that You are instilling into Your Holy Remnant. Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world. Let’s cry out to Him!
Lord God,
Thank You for Your precious Word! Oh that we would devote more time to read, mediate on it allowing Your Spirit to transform our hearts. Thank You for the prophets of old and for giving us insight to their struggles and Your loving rebukes. Oh Lord, I confess that my attitude can be overwhelmed. I am so grieved by the sins of our nation and the rapid decay of our values. Like others, I can focus too much on the woes of our world rather than the power of Christ! Forgive me and lead me to submit to Your will. As David prayed in Ps 51:10, āCreate in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.ā Vs 12, āRestore unto me, the JOY of thy salvation and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.ā We strive so much and focus on the problem rather than the problem solver. āNothing to too difficult for Youā (Jer 32:17). Praise be to You, Oh Lord! Mighty in power and unchanging in character! Find us faithful! Work in us as we choose obedience and submission over our own flesh. You are GREATER! There is none beside You! Lord Jesus, we wait with great anticipation for Your soon return. Keep us clinging to the Hope that never lets us go! We love You! In Jesus Name I pray!
This is an important article and has merit. It reminds me how important it is TO PRAY FOR MY FELLOW INTERCESSORS! Intercessors get weary, discouraged, even cynical. Let’s remember we are not alone; we are many wielding a similar weapon: prayer! So let’s keep our eyes on Christ and support one another as we fight this battle TOGETHER!
I find that this is a real challenge to me, thank you. I overcome through two routes: Jesus time, and fellow believers time. I spend time connecting to God’s heart, and that can sometimes take your breath away. He loves the sinner. He hates the unrighteousness and spirit of tyranny of our country. He wants us to be “Warriors filled with wisdom” so that we “ascend into the high place and release regional breakthrough to bring down the stronghold of the mighty.” Pro. 21:22 TPT
That takes energy in the physical, emotional and spiritual. We are God’s warriors and must learn from others in the past. Do not neglect our bodies and become run down, and get discouraged. Do not neglect our spirits, and become short sighted. We need to spend time loving Jesus, dancing in His presence, loving Him for who he is. Going before our loving Father and getting to know Him and His heart. Do not neglect the family of God and only legislate as the Ekklesia. We need each other to remind each other of big picture.
God will use us to continue the battle as we guard our hearts and minds from all unrighteousness.
Excellent points Virginia. Thanks for posting.
Well done Michael! Absolutely eyes on Him. He is doing a work in all of us to raise us up and help us stand even if there is fear trying to push us back down.
Amen! Thank you, Michael, for obediently sharing what Holy Spirit has revealed. I am studying The Sermon on the Mount and the Word has convicted me of just how much I have allowed the world to influence me rather than allowing Holy Spirit in me to be the Salt and Light. We must be in The Word.