Did you read the visionary IFA article, “A Dream About a Powerful Prayer” from Jan. 30th? The writer, Michael Guidera, shared the details of his vivid dream where he and many others experienced the mighty power, peace, and love of God. What sparked this release? Believers praying in unity with a heart of compassion for people arrested for horrible transgressions! In the dream, those facing criminal charges appeared to be gang members as they were all dressed alike. Some might discern that they symbolized today’s coup of corrupt politicians.
At the forefront of the many suspects, one guilt-ridden man asked for prayer and was full of repentance. As the Body of Christ all stretched out their hands, Michael felt assurance that, “our prayers for that man, and for all the men arrested, were going to give each one of them the opportunity to repent. Their eyes would be opened to see their sin for what it was.”
Although it was a dream, the whole event sounds supernatural, and it would have to be of course! ONLY THE HOLY SPIRIT can enable us to show that kind of love for vile offenders. Equally miraculous is Jesus’ ability to draw out true repentance and remorse from those who are godless and suffering from hearts of stone.
Perhaps there was a reason that God did not give Michael notable faces in the dream or name the crimes committed. Without this information, we will not focus on who is guilty and what they’ve done, but instead take note of the solution: Unified prayer that stems from love and humility can be used by God to cause the spiritually blind to see!
In actuality, we know that way too many of the real political players of today are corrupt and morally bankrupt. It’s the patriots versus the elite, who sell America to China and champion the globalist agenda for their own self interests. Rightfully, we seek justice and stand for freedom, but what are we truly fighting for? Inevitably, AT SOME POINT, A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT WILL COME (Revelation 13:7-8). Then why bother praying? Yes, why bother if through it all, we are not praying for the salvation of EVERYONE involved!
It’s human nature to desire tangible results showing that “the problem” is fixed. However, when Jesus healed the paralytic, He actually corrected the unseen spiritual issue first. “Your sins are forgiven,” he pronounced. Of course we need to pray for both areas. We want to see the unbiblical laws and broken processes in America set right, but let’s remember JESUS’ TOP PRIORITY – He came to set the spiritual captives free!
Scripture directs us to SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE, both TO our enemies, AND ABOUT them. This is NOT NATURAL. AT. ALL. It is SUPERNATURAL. We must remember who the true enemy is and get back to the basics of the Great Commission, which includes praying for and reaching corrupt and lost leaders! Jesus himself exampled this ministry with Matthew the tax collector and Saul turned Paul, once a devout Pharisee who persecuted Christians.
In relation to reaching our spiritually lost leaders, below is a trilogy of Scriptures to guide us. These 3 verses teach us WHO we should pray for, WHY we should pray for them, WHAT we should pray, and the ever important, HOW we should pray IN REGARDS TO OUR ATTITUDE. Thank you, Father, for giving us the information and understanding we need for effective prayers!
1. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 ESV
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires ALL PEOPLE to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2. 2 Timothy 2:24-26 ESV
And the Lord’s servant[a] must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will (Based on current political agendas and policies, this seems to be the case.)
3. Titus 3:1-7 ESV
Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient (unless of course it defies God’s word), to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. FOR WE OURSELVES WERE ONCE foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by HIS GRACE we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
Focusing on 1 Timothy 2:1-4 was something I learned through the ministry of IFA, 2 Timothy 2:24-26 are verses the Lord led me to pray post election, and Titus 3:1-7 came to my attention the morning after “A Dream About a Powerful Prayer” was posted. When I called in for my 7am IFA Bible Read-A-Thon shift, I found that the previous hour ended at the beginning of 1st Timothy. Through this time, I was also able to cover 2 Timothy and Titus as well, which means I read all 3 of those powerful verses in one sitting. It was then that the Lord showed me that Titus 3:1-7 is THE KEY to position our hearts for prayers of compassion towards leaders steeped in corruption!
Is repentance even possible for TRULY EVIL leaders? Will God have mercy? Two days ago I started writing this article and yesterday during another Bible Read-A-Thon shift, my assignment included reading the book of 1 Kings. Chapter 21 records that Elijah delivered words of warning to King Ahab regarding impending destruction which was the consequence of his sin. Pertinent to these times, this passage informs us, “There was never a man like (King) Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, urged on by Jezebel his wife. He behaved in the vilest manner by going after idols, like the Amorites whom the Lord drove out before Israel. When Ahab heard these words he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, and fasted.”
What was The Lord’s response delivered through Elijah? “Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself before me? BECAUSE HE HAS HUMBLED HIMSELF, I WILL NOT BRING THIS DISASTER IN HIS DAY, BUT I WILL BRING IT ON HIS HOUSE IN THE DAYS OF HIS SON.” In this account, we find God’s grace displayed even before Jesus died on the cross! How much greater is the mercy that God now offers to repentant sinners, including the “vilest” of politicians.
This admonition was delivered by Elijah. THE LORD SPOKE THROUGH A MAN to FOREWARN King Ahab! We can be “Elijah” to current leaders, through prayer and Spirit-led letters. Meditating on Titus 3:1-7 will increase our desire to do what Jesus commanded in Matthew 5, “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, …For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?”
Very challenging words indeed, especially for those who have been a productive part of society, and a generally moral person. Jesus states that those who have been forgiven much … love much, as exampled by a shameful woman’s adoration and outpour of expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet (Luke Ch. 7). This same concept transfers to our relationships with others as well, and is noted in the parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew Ch. 18). Once again, we must refer back to Titus 3:1-7. Out of gratitude for what Jesus did for us, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will love the people in our homes, our neighbors next door, AND nefarious politicians!
Considering that revelation about the future led to King Ahab’s repentance, it’s important that we share vital information about impending judgment with politicians and people of today.
This is where Revelation 22:12 comes into play. Everyone needs to know these 3 R’s before the real test comes!
Jesus is Returning. (The Greek transliteration for quickly is tachu, which “does not mean “immediately” or necessarily “in a very short time”, but rather “without any delay.” )
His Reward is with him.
He will Repay each person for what they have done.
Our work is not done yet. In regards to Revelation 22:12, let’s ask God for opportunities to pass this information to lost leaders and unbelievers, praying they would:
Divinely RECEIVE this knowledge,
Unless leaders steeped in sin possess proper perspective of the future, which only Jesus can truly give, they will not likely repent (that’s what it took for evil King Ahab to turn).
What Michael wrote was just a dream, but let’s pray it becomes reality. We can plead for the Lord to move in a mighty way! God often uses IFA and other news to snap us out of complacency. Many search for independent fact-finders with insider connections, who have possible insight into future developments. However, the most reliable news source leading up to future events is the book of Revelation. It’s not just corrupt politicians and unbelievers who need the reality check of Revelation 22:12. For this reason, I recommend reading the very short, “Final Four” chapters of Revelation regularly. Doing this will keep us on track and motivated to pray for others, share the gospel, and live full of hope – even excitement, for what lies ahead!
Speaking of being excited, the NEW IFA MAP TOOL used to pray for our state officials and local issues is perfect for INTENTIONAL INTERCESSION! Prior to this resource, sometimes I would feel overwhelmed about who and what to pray about. Now we can be even more aware and organized with a personal dashboard, easily send messages to leaders, and strategically pray for time sensitive topics noted by flashing beacons. It’s time to pray IN LOVE and UNITY!
Karen Quiroz is an intercessor, homeschooling mom, and past coordinator of the Bible Read-A-Thon. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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Karen, thank you very much for your article. Your tone is loving, gracious, truthful, and compassionate–just like the heart of Jesus! He is in the business of saving absolutely “terrible” sinners! That includes all the politicians recently elected who have gone off the deep end morally. Jesus loves them! They are the kind of people He came to earth to save. Thank you for reminding us of this. You are a good writer and expressed this so well!
As Jesus said, He didn’t come for the self-righteous and those who consider themselves better than others. He came especially for sinners. That includes “really bad, evil sinners”! He says in Matthew 9:12, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I desire mercy, not spiritual sacrifice. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” His mission is to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). All of us fit into the category of “really bad, evil sinner” before Jesus started healing and transforming us by His compassionate grace. Now Jesus wants us, His people, to extend the compassion He is showing us to all the other sinners we encounter. It is the goodness of God that will lead them to repentance too (Romans 2:4).
God’s grace and cleansing forgiveness are what are going to heal our nation. But I am concerned about the anger, judgmentalism, and vindictiveness we intercessors may be feeling as a result of the political situation becoming so radically different than what we’ve been praying for. We can be developing a Pharisee spirit: self-righteous, angry, and vindictive. That’s the spirit of this age, the attitude that is ripping America apart. Without realizing it, in our shock at America’s sudden plunge into radical evil and immorality, we Christians can be adding fuel to the fire, contributing to the problem instead of healing it. We need to “come in the opposite spirit,” the opposite of the anger and outrage rampant in our nation. Jesus is calling us to help Him minister His wonderful solution: amazing grace.
It is so hard to achieve a balance between hating the sin but loving the sinner. God is both just and holy as well as merciful and gracious. I appreciate your article because I think you present the balance well. I pray the Lord will bless your new book. You have so much to share! He will use you to build up the Body of Christ as you exemplify the grace and truth of Jesus, which are shining from your life. God bless you, Karen.
Thank you so much for the encouraging words Joy Anna! I really appreciate your prayers and wisdom to come at the problem in America with the opposite spirit. You are right, balancing grace and truth is so tricky but Jesus did it (John 1:14), is still doing it (John 1:17),and will continue moving in mighty ways as we cry out for revival! Many blessing back to you – Karen
Thanks, Karen! I am praying for us intercessors, as well as for America. The horrible moral onslaughts we have suddenly been plunged into are such a shock, and we aren’t sure how to deal with them. Your insights are stated so lovingly, as I said before, and they carry so much biblical truth in the right context–grace! I pray the Holy Spirit will guide you to write other articles for IFA. I believe you have the heart of Jesus, plus the words of the Spirit. God bless you.
Thank you Karen. I read this article twice as it’s very enlightening! Bookmark those 3 verses in Timothy and Titus.
at some point we need to release people to be the sheep that God calls them to be an honor their hearing ear and require growth and maturity that we will pray what the father shows us individually. There are many things to pray. And God works uniquely in each believer. If we all just repeat one We missed the many facets that God ordains through his people.
Trudy – thanks so much for sharing the excellent point that each believer must learn to be intune with The Father who speaks through the Holy Spirit and act and pray as He leads! You are right, there are so many different things we can pray for our leaders. The Holy Spirit can use things like IFA articles to bring biblical concepts to mind, confirm what He has already spoken to an individual, use it as a springboard for additional prayers, and as a spark to ignite brand new prayers. I see all 4 things happening in the comments below as each believer seeks The Father individually. When I read Michael Guidera’s article, I think The Lord used it to speak in all 4 ways to me. Also, I love reading and praying through the comments and prayers people post below all articles because the exact same things happen. However, I don’t “Amen” every prayer or comment because they don’t all resonate with me or I don’t always see that they are scriptural. It is so important that each individual seek The Lord and pray as they feel led, but it’s equally important that we work and pray together in unity which is why I love the IFA ministry and community. I realize that at the end of the article, my school teacher mode came out and it does seem that I am asking people to pray rotely with me that lost leaders would receive, respond, and remember Rev. 22:12. This is simply a mnemonic tool. The heart of what I’m saying is, would you please join me with love and humility in praying for the salvation of lost leaders and others, knowing that repentance often comes through revelation about the future and no one is beyond hope, as we cry out to The Lord to bring revival! If The Father is leading you to pray something specific for our leaders, please share it below so The Body of Christ can grow!
Praying for the Lord to open the eyes of many so they see their sin and can repent before it’s too late! God will have mercy on whom He will.
Thank you for your article, Karen!
Thank you, Karen for this wonderful article and scriptures to apply wholeheartedly as we remember to pray for our nation and the people in leadership. Salvation is the most important thing to pray for!
Something that has helped me have a right heart attitude when trying to pray for wicked government leaders has been to look at them and think — there was a time when that person was a small child, 3 or 4 or 5 years old laughing and playing carefree. Imagining the innocence of the person as a child helps me see them perhaps as God does. I often wonder what happened to cause each person to be on the path they are on?
It does help me be able to ask God to forgive, heal, and deliver them from enemy strongholds so they can be restored to God’s original calling and destiny for their lives. I ask Him to send conviction of sin and sincere repentance. Thinking of the transformation of Saul to Paul, and the stories of Islamic terrorists who have turned to Christ in recent years helps me have faith to believe this can be done.
The love and gratefulness I feel for my Father God and Jesus and Holy Spirit, because of what they have done to protect and guide and bless me over my lifetime, gives me the motivation to pray in a way that pleases Them and gives Them joy.
That is beautiful Rochelle – what great perspective! We often say babies are “adorable and precious” and appreciate these gifts of life. This appreciation should’t stop with babies though. I like your prayer to speak life over lost people, remebering they are precious to God and He has a calling and destiny for them!
Hi Nikki :),
Firstly, I thank God for your salvation! What an awesome testimony and welcome to God’s family!
As I read your comment several thoughts came to mind. In answer to your question about pressing in/sitting at His feet, I would say YES! to both. This journey as children of God is learn as you go. He sees your heart, accepts you where you are, and doesn’t expect more than you can give. Please don’t be too hard on yourself! Phil. 1:6 says He’s carryING the good work he started in you on to completion. It’s an ongoing process! I’d like to suggest Tasha Cobbs song “He Knows My Name.” He’s holding your hand!
When I am overwhelmed by so much that is happening (and so quickly!), it helps me to spend time acknowledging who God is, b/c He never changes and His plan and purpose for our nation has not changed. Keep coming back to His Word, I believe we can know peace in the midst of the crazy. It really sounds like you’re already on the right track. I encourage you to rest in His presence if that’s all you can do, and then as He leads, pray for who/what He brings to mind. Know that you’re not alone!!
I pray the backbone of depression will be broken, that you will be anointed w/ the oil of gladness, and put on the garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3)!
Grace, mercy, and many blessings to you, Nikki!
Your sister in Christ,
We thank and praise You, Lord, that NOTHING is too difficult for thee. By the power and love of Holy Spirit, please make a way, where there would seem to be no way. Please, snap Christians in our nation out of their complacency and inhibition. Give us reason to not be concerned with putting most of our energies into trying to fit into this world. Please, get us focused on what truly matters, which is being Your servants I ask this in Jesus’ name.
Thank you Karen for your insightful words and scriptures pertaining to the dream I had. I can only have compassion for the lost, when I realize how lost I was. For me this process of understanding my sin is still happening, after decades of walking with the Lord. For me these last 5 yrs have been difficult, especially the last few months. I have to say the brokenness I am experiencing currently, is opening a door for the Holy Spirit to shed light on the nature of my transgressions. Not in condemnation, because when each it is brought to my attention, I know to lay it at the cross where forgiveness is found. I wonder if God is using this difficult time in all our lives to change us to bring us into unity and holiness where we can experience the power of the Holy Spirit as I did in the dream? I truly believe this is the direction we are heading in. Many are talking about revival. I believe God is raising up his church to be able to bring revival. He is using this time of testing to change our hearts, and to love as He does.
I can relate to what you are saying. I was saved at 13 and I’m now 65. But I didn’t always walk with God in a active ongoing and growing relationship. I believe that at times I really didn’t know or understand God, who he is, etc. I had a major breakthrough after going through a period of brokenness after a devastating divorce. But then I fell back into a lukewarm justifying sin period again. But the last 4-5 months there has been a sizable heart change / shift. I have really grieved deeply over certain sinful things I did years ago. I literally had to cry out for mercy because of the sheer fear of the depth of certain sins I had committed against God and people. It hit me that then how I had affected certain people by my willingness to sin. I became truly sorry and a major shift took place in my heart. I can’t say it was a pleasant experience – it wasn’t. But sometimes change is like that. Now I feel like I’m catching up again with God because I was AWOL for too long.
So I can appreciate what you are sharing.
GOD bless you both for your honesty and testimony! I too can relate to what you are saying. Praise GOD for HIS patience, discipline, mercy, and love!!
Thanks for sharing some of your journey Michael and of course for writing the article about your dream. I agree, it does seem The Lord is bringing The Body of Christ into greater unity and refining us in a signficant way to love as only He does. Lord, please let your revival come!
Father in Heaven, in Jesus’ Name, I pray your mercy on Your world. Jonah did not believe, nor want the
evil people of Nineveh to repent, but You desired they repent, and You saved Nineveh from destruction.
You are the same God yesterday, today, and forever. Thank You for encouraging us to pray for our leaders, and against the evil prevalent in governments. With You, “all things are possible”. I pray for revival to sweep the world. In every corner, men, women, children will be bowing their knee to you, confessing their sins, and desiring to follow Jesus throughout their lifetime here. By the power of the Holy Spirit, enable all Believers
in the Triune God to be fervent in prayer, and trust that “greater is He” who is in His people than he who is in the world”. You have, “the whole world in Your hands”. Amen
To be honest I AM feeling completely overwhelmed! Jesus saved me just 3 years ago as a dying Jewish atheist who thought Jesus was completely fictional. There’s so much that needs prayer & im just trying to grasp the basics, understand grace & how to abide in it, memorize Scripture and keep my head above water. I desperately want to pray for these things as is so needed but find that it’s overwhelming because I’m not fully grounded (and am also now finally dealing with my lifelong depression which destroyed 25 years of my life). What would you all recommend? Should I just press in and do the best I can or just sit at the feet of Yeshua until I can walk?
Thank you Karen for your commitment to prayer & to all the IFC intercessors who pray without ceasing as we are commanded! May God bless you & give you favor & honor for your obedience!
Praise God for you new life in Christ Nikki! What a powerful story you have. I also struggled with depression for 25 years, even as a Christian. For me (and many) it stemmed from unforgiveness. Ask The Lord to reveal if you have any unforgiveness in your heart towards yourself, others, or even God. If the Holy Spirit reveals something, then ask God to give you His perspective (Eph. 4:32 and Romans 8:28) so that you can be healed. I recommend reading the book of Ephesians, esp. Ch 1 frequently which tells us our true identity in Christ and lists all of our spiritual blessings which we can never lose, regardless of what is going on in the world. Eph. 2:10 also tells us that God has assignments for each of us, so pray and ask Him to show you what yours is/are even for that day, minute by minute and rely on the Holy Spirit to help you accomplish them. This reminds us tha 1 person cannot do everything or even pray for everything. We weren’t meant to because we are The Body of Christ and are made to work together and live in community! (Eph. 4:15-16). Do you have a community of Bible based Christians that you can meet with regularly. Is there a mature Christian woman you know who could serve as a mentor? I am praying for you!
Thank you sooo much, Karen! I’m my pastor’s assistant & the church secretary & have a solid community of spirit filled believers who daily study & do The Word. One of my Elders is my spiritual mother so to speak. My problem is that I’m so ashamed of my depression & it’s debilitation (which is extreme) that I have great difficulty asking for help. My husband divorced me when Jesus saved me & I live alone which is quite a challenge. I have no other family who wants to have relationship with me, so it’s just my church. Thank you for your advise & prayers. I see now I actually do need the guidance & grace of those in the body to achieve victory over depression, in addition to a relationship with the Lord.
Wow Nikki, The Lord has blessed you with quite a gift of community! Shame is one of the dirty little tools of the enemy – He’s dirty, not you! You are now completely clean and there is NO CONDEMNATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS (Romans 8:1) One of Satan’s tactics is to keep believers in isolation, to hide their sin, but we are to confess our sins to each other and pray for each other that we may be healed (James 5:16). I realize that I could receive a lot of criticism for saying depression is a form of sin, but because I chose to be stuck there for 25 years, I think I have some grounds. I am writing a book on the Christian walk which includes the topic, but basically it is a form of disobedience (read 1 Thess. 5:16-18). That being said, it can also be a medical condition that is hormone and chemically related (even depression that doesn’t start as a chemical imbalance can become one) so I pray The Lord gives you wisdom and direction in that area including the spiritual side. Our medical problems can be just the result of living in a fallen world with imperfect bodies, demonically caused (read the 4 gospels), or a combo. Given an open door, the enemy can mess with our physical bodies which was the case for me. When I allowed Jesus to address my emotional wounds AND confessed my sin (pride, judgement, and unforgiveness), renounced the ground I gave the enemy, and told him to take a hike, 80% of my medical hormonal imbalance was resolved within a week! You must fight to maintain freedom though because the enemy has nothing better to do than harass you, which is why the advice Michael gave you to be transformed through the renewing of your mind by listening to audio scriptures on healing, might be very helpful. Carolyn prayed The Lord would give you a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness – Amen! In fact, this is one of the major ways The Lord has helped me maintain my freedom. For me, this garment of praise includes unchoreographed worship dance (usually I do it in my home) 3x a week, which is also exercise. Scripture tells us to take care of our bodies which are the temples of the Holy Spirit and do everything for the glory of God. God also created our bodies to release endorphins through physical activity which elevates our mood. If you want to try worship dance which is a physical, emotional, and spiritual release, I am holding Zoom gatherings on Sat. morningings at 9am E.T. in FEB/MARCH. Usually about 7 wonderful women (many from the IFA community) participate. Email me @ [email protected] for more info if you are interested. The enemy will have us stuck focusing on our sin, when Jesus wants us to take us to the roots (depression is just a “fever” indicating deeper issues), and JESUS IS, and GIVES, the solution to our sin and pain! He will use other believers on your healing JOURNEY. It won’t happen overnight as we are all continually being transformed into His likeness. For me though, serious healing has been about a 5 year journey and it snowballed and gained momentum to the point of being in a place where I can barely remember, much less experience,those old desires to sleep my life away and feelings of “I can’t go on, life is hopeless.” PRAISE JESUS for the miracle He did in me! The Lord will provide many people on your journey to help you, but ask The Holy Spirit for discernment because not everyone is equipped to help you speifically, and no 1 person has all the answers or they would take the place of God in your life. The Holy Spirit is THE counselor you should rely on most. You asked if you should just sit at the feet of Yeshua more, and Carolyn above wisely said yes! While The Lord has plenty of Ephesian 2:10 assignments for you, He also gives us different seasons, and this may be a season just to rest and heal. Sometimes new believers (and old) spend so much time and energy serving, that they don’t become grounded in their faith. They forget their 1st love and burnout. Even in this season though, know that The Lord will still use you greatly and you might not even be aware (he used you to confirm I need to finish writing a book :-). Also you are already involved in formal ministry through your job. Finally, Ephesians 2:10 assignments can be simple like being a listening ear, or giving someone a gospel tract. They don’t have to involve programs and projects or even seem “spiritual”. When I play backyard baseball with my kids I feel it is as much of an Eph. 2:10 assignment as writing this article. As I look to their interests, enjoy spending time together, and encourage their exercise and sportsmanship, I am being and becoming the woman God created me to be for His glory. Nikki I pray that The Lord frees you to be the woman He created you to be, increasingly,for HIs glory, knowing that HE WHO BEGAN a good work IN YOU, WILL BE FAITHFUL TO COMPLETE IT!
Aloha Nikki,
i would highly recommend that you ask your mentor(s) to recommend a translation of the Bible that is readily understandable to you. There are several “good” ones. Next, submit to the spiritual discipline of DAILY Bible reading AND study. That may be a challenge at first because the flesh (mind) has a tendency to lose focus until we commit, “i AM DOING this REGARDLESS.” Find a place and set aside a particular time each day and stay committed, no matter what it takes. Also find a program that takes you through the whole Bible. Sometimes a year-through-the-Bible guide helps, not so much in terms of actually reading through the entire Bible in a year (remember, this is a study, not a race), but it is a good guide to staying in the Word (Bible) every day and gives order to the discipline of knowing where you are and where you are going. Do NOT avoid the Old Testament, especially because of your Jewish heritage. You will find so many characters who struggled, made some wonderful decisions and some decisions that were harmful not only to themselves but to subsequent generations. You will see REAL people, real dysfunction and real transformation! That in itself is enlightening and encouraging.
In addition to “simply” reading scripture, spend a few minutes (hopefully increasing in time, over time) in actual STUDY.
A great resource is “” Use the tutorial and when you read a verse in your daily reading program that stands out to you, go to and look up the actual meanings of the words in that scripture. The instructions on are excellent and so you will understand exactly how to do that.
Also, keep using this IFA website and scroll through the comments. As you are learning, other people share some amazing insight and include great resources.
When you don’t understand something or even feel ashamed of something, ASK for help. You will find that in a spirit-filled environment, there are wonderful people who want to help and, most of all, want to share their amazing love that emanates from the Father’s heart.
Personally, i would highly recommend getting into a well-known national or international Bible study that meets on a regular basis with application-type questions to provide a stimulus for group discussion and mutual growth. Bible Study Fellowship ( is excellent for a non-denominational, in-depth approach to time-tested, well-researched study. You will want to be in a group that is truly focused on study, not just fellowship. It is the hearts of people that will determine the potential for growth.
Finally, if you haven’t already sought baptism of the Holy Spirit and FIRE with evidence of speaking in tongues, find someone in your church who seems more “alive” and involved in seeking continual transformation in thinking and acting more like JESUS.
People like Karen Quinoz, Michael Guidera and many, many of the people who write similar articles and/or respond with comments to the various articles have spent hours and hours, in fact years and years, talking to GOD, asking Him questions, wondering about/meditating upon verses that may seem confusing, convicting, impossible or about which there is a lack of personal understanding. GOD longs to hear your voice, heal your hurts and spend time bringing revelation to you.
Remember, GOD is a FATHER who is TOTALLY in LOVE with you, is on your side and desires even more than you do that you grow in relationship with Him. He is never offended by your questions, never disappointed in your lapses except in terms of His knowing the struggle that it causes you.
Remember, you walk by FAITH and not by feelings. There will be times when you don’t “feel” Him, don’t really understand the greatness of His love and other things. But HE is FAITHFUL and is LOVE Himself. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. He’s always ready for an intimate encounter to share His heart/His love with you and, often times, you will find that the most unlikely and “unlovely” person will be that next encounter with HIM!
As you learn, share what you are learning with others and simply pray for those who may return a blank look, or even an unbelieving one. GOD wants to use YOU just like He has used those around you who have shared their stories and stimulated your search.
May you be richly blessed as you continue this BEAUTIFUL ADVENTURE…and…WELCOME to the FAMILY!!
Father, I lift Nikki up to You and ask for revelation to be brought to her that can open the door to freedom from the depression she experiences. I pray you give her insight into what is true and what are lies in her mind. Give her the strength to choose to focus on truth and turn away from all that is false as a believer in Jesus. I bind the spirit of fear that can bring anxiety and depression in her life. Father, teach her how to take command of her thought life and focus on good, productive thoughts. Pour out Your love for Nikki and teach her how to receive it.
Nikki, I have found that listening to healing scriptures can be helpful. You can find hours of them read by people on You Tube. Just search for “healing scriptures” and you will find a variety of videos to choose from. Some nights, I connect and listen as I fall asleep. It is very soothing and helpful to hear the promises of God for us.
Thank you for sharing your story. I will pray for you. As the Body of Christ, that is our job. Just know that many are lifting you up to the Father. Also know that Jesus makes intersession for you (Romans 8:26-27) because as humans many times we don’t know how to pray or what to pray for.
Thank you Karen and thank you IFA! Amen, from the beginning to the end. Amen.
If we do not pray against the evil in government we will never know the mercy&grace God will show our country. His mercy is all that keeps us in a place of hope for our survival. Press in. Keep seeking, knocking&believing that change is possible in our mighty God!