I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, please bless the ministry of Intercessors for America and encourage the faithful intercessors who are praying for this nation.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Did you know the history of Intercessors for America?

Intercessors for America (IFA) is a 501(c)(3) ministry organization and was founded in 1973 when God impressed upon the hearts of a group of godly, respected men the necessity of prayer and fasting. The nation was experiencing a plethora of problems. The Watergate scandal, Vietnam War, Arab oil embargo, Roe v. Wade, a growing acceptance of drug use, and other challenges were changing the way Americans lived and thought.

A group of Christians at a teaching conference in Florida focused on ā€œprayer for the nations.ā€ Challenged by the fresh and extraordinary teachings of the conference leaders, Derek Prince and Ern Baxter, a half dozen men were chosen to steward the movement of prayer and fasting for the nation. This group would become Intercessors for America. One of the first activities of the organization took place at a large dining table where John Talcott and his wife, Roselyn, wrote and assembled a prayer letter. This prayer letter was mailed to a group of like-minded people who recognized the need for God to intervene in U.S. governmental and cultural issues. From these beginnings, IFA has grown to impact the masses. Our leadership is comprised of staff and a board of directors, some of whom have been with the ministry since its inception.


The Board of Directors has adopted guidelines to help us stay focused in ways that align with our organizational purpose. While topics we address may also be areas of political focus, our desire is to underscore biblical positions, not political positions. Our mission is to inform, mobilize, and connect a growing community of people praying for our nation. Following are dos and donā€™ts that help define our intended path:

  • IFA always looks to prayer as our first and primary response to any issue. Our actions always stem from our faith in God, with our conviction that ā€œfaith without works is dead.ā€ (James 2:26)
  • IFA encourages people to put feet to their prayers by prayer walking and other prayer activities. Prayer is never to become secondary.
  • IFA perceives prayer as a powerful strategic weapon, not a passive response; we believe prayer to be a highly leveraged means whereby God involves us to disable major spiritual strongholds.
  • IFA works to stay on the offensive, inviting the prevailing power and authority of the Holy Spirit to drive systemic change, rather than merely react through defensive human measures.
  • IFA provides biblical insight to engage prayer for social and political issues, calling forth results that align with Scripture – such as consistently valuing and speaking up for the life of the unborn.
  • IFA strives for interaction with political leaders that demonstrates grace, patience, and understanding, emphasizing to them that our organizational mission is prayer.
  • IFA reaches out to believers of different political affiliations with the goal of unifying through our bond in Christ and our desire to understand, embrace, and apply biblical principles.
  • IFA points to and learns from those who have effectively engaged prayer, looking to those who have fostered and utilized prayer to birth awakenings and impact entire nations for good.
  • IFA provides intercessors with current news and relates it to Godā€™s will so they may effectively:
    • Pray ā€œThy will be done, in earth as it is in Heavenā€ (Matthew 6:10).
    • Pray that the government on earth will align with biblical principles.
    • Pray to bind the forces of evil and defeat ungodly influences.
    • Pray to discern who the leaders are who know and follow Godā€™s will.
    • Pray that advancing unrighteousness be replaced with those seeking righteousness.
    • Pray that righteousness be promoted in: political platforms, policies, and programs.
    • Pray to encourage Christians to personally seek elective office, become informed to effectively influence public policy, and support candidates who uphold biblical principles.
  • IFA is not, and will never, become connected with a candidate or campaign for political office.
  • IFA does not, and will never, adopt themes or slogans of political parties or politicians.
  • IFA does not, and will never, conflate the actions of individuals as those formally taken by IFA, ensuring the protection of individual liberties by keeping them clearly distinct from those of IFA.
  • IFA will never move away from Godā€™s leading by taking matters into its own hands; we believe prayer requires perseverance with the assurance that God is at work even when we donā€™t see it.
  • IFA will never become so absorbed with the political process that we forget our calling as intercessors; we rest in the confidence that as we lift things to the Lord, He will answer.




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July 25, 2020

I have always been passionate about our nation, it’s origin, history and how God is at work in this nation. IFA has helped me so much with knowledge, research, history and most of all – direction on how and what we must pray about.
I’m grateful for IFA as often the articles reaffirm things that God lays on my heart as I seek His will and His word.
Thank you again IFA and all intercessors for your continued work and prayers as WE pray for our nation to return to God and His word and ways.

Valerie Hines
July 24, 2020

I am so Thankful for IFA!!! Thank you for staying true to your mission! You have been a HUGE blessing to me!

I love the prayers. It has brought great comfort knowing so many are gathering in unity!

I pray for you often!

William Demlow
July 24, 2020

As one who has supported IFA from near the beginning, I can testify that this group of brothers and sisters has maintained their integrity and alignment with their purpose as stated in these guidelines. I continue to look to them and pray for them to present information, direction, and discernment that guides my prayers and decisions. May our Lord continue to guide and protect these precious saints!

Lawrence Paul
July 24, 2020

Glory to God forevermore! AmenšŸ™

Laura K
July 24, 2020

Thank you all at IFA for all that you do and the information you bring that enables informed prayer.

Father I pray your blessings upon all those involved in this ministry. Bring them great discernment and understanding of the times and seasons as they seek to inform others for prayer.

Let the warrior spirit arise within Your people as they pray for Your will be done in all circumstances. Amen

Nancy P.
July 24, 2020

Amen to all the above.


Partner with Us

Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible.

Dave Kubal
IFA President
Become a Monthly Partner


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