Since Election Day, I have experienced a slow descent into a quagmire of apathy and discouragement. As it lingered on, I began to find it more and more difficult to engage in prayer for our country. The news depressed me; I found myself short on patience. I began praying and asking the Lord to show me how I got to this point, to give me guidance, and pull me out of it.
The Process I used to Develop a Prayer Strategy
For the last five years, I faithfully prayed for our nation and for our leaders. As issues arose, I began to understand the Enemy was using deception and false accusations to try and take down a duly elected President. The media was used to push the lies (propaganda) to deceive as many as they could. I came against the demonic forces behind this deception and wrestled with them over this timeframe. I had prayed with such intensity and effort. As each accusation was levied against the Trump and his administration, I searched for the truth. I found sources of information that seemed unbiased, obtained from actual investigative journalism. I prayed for each issue and the people involved. I prayed over the Russian investigation and all its leads, the Ukraine impeachment hearings, and many other issues along the way.
I developed a plan that I thought was going to play out and eventually bring justice. Since the media was an arm of the democratic party, there would be no truth coming from them to expose the misdeeds of our government. I believed that God was going to bring justice to our nation through our institutions, our DOJ, FBI, and court system before the election in 2020. This justice or truth would then open the eyes of many and bring some sort of stability to our nation. With the truth revealed, Trump would be exonerated of wrongdoing and would win easily in 2020. My prayers were crafted to bring justice to our nation through this plan.
Analyzing My Prayer Strategy
Notice I said that I developed a plan prior to the 2020 election. As I thought about my prayers, it occurred to me that prayers are supposed to end with “Thy will be done”, not “my will be done.” It started out the correct way, but as the battle intensified, I guess I got more and more desperate and lost perspective. Rather than take a step back and reconsider my role in this, I just prayed more fervently. When “my plan” didn’t materialize, I was devastated. I would say January 6th was a day of reckoning where I realized something went very wrong.
Since January, I have tried to shake off the disappointment and ignore it. It would not go away. Something was bothering me, but I did not know what it was. I felt so apathetic. It bothered me to listen to any news whatsoever. I knew this administration was going to go off the rails as soon as they got into power. That is why I was praying so fervently, to keep them out! Finally, the Lord answered my prayers concerning this dilemma.
I listened to this video by Derek Prince,
He talks about the blood of Jesus and what it means to us as believers. In it he talks about how the Israelites in Egypt put the blood over the door posts on the Passover to protect them from the angel of death. His point was that the blood of Christ is only powerful when it is actually used. Just hearing about it does not protect us. We must first understand when the Enemy has his sights on us, then use the power of the blood by applying it to our situation.
Let me explain how I did this. I tried every which way in my own strength to overcome the disappointment I was feeling and the apathy that had crept in that affected my prayer life. It did not dawn on me that the Enemy had gained a foothold over me. When battling the Enemy, I had inadvertently put my will above God’s will. I had developed a plan and took it upon myself to pray that plan into existence. I also allowed the lost and deceived to get under my skin and rile me where I started to view them as the enemy. The true enemy seized on these missteps and then used them against me. I believe I allowed the disappointment, discouragement, and apathy to oppress me. It was due to my actions. I had to repent and ask God to forgive me for usurping his role.
In the teaching Derek Prince states this scriptural truth: My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed, and sanctified by the blood of the Jesus. Therefore, the Devil has no place in me and no power over me.
By speaking these words in faith, I am painting the doorpost of my thought life with the blood of Jesus. I am actually doing something to counteract the Enemy. By doing this, the bondage of discouragement is released from me. The Enemy must obey because of the power of the blood of Christ.
It reminded me of a similar experience I had about three years ago. A high level of anxiety had come over me. Chills, shaking, impending doom lasted for about a week. As I agonized through this time, I was reading a book by Derek Prince and realized that I was dealing with a spirit of fear. Anxiety is really an irrational fear that takes over the mind. He reminded me of 2 Timothy 1:7: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. I spoke this truth to the Enemy whenever the anxiety would rear itself over me. I spoke in the authority by the blood of Jesus to the Enemy. He had to let his hold on me go, and he did.
It has been my experience that when one’s eyes are opened to truth like this, the Enemy will immediately try to hit you harder. But you stand firm and use all the power and authority given to you by the shed blood of Christ and Holy Spirit and you will eventually see the enemy flee. It must do so.
There are much more helpful words in this teaching that defines who we are in Christ. We truly are new creatures in Christ and with that relationship we have tremendous power and authority in our lives to overcome evil.
I now feel strengthened and believe I have learned a good lesson that I will heed in future prayers.
I believe one of my roles is to encourage you, the intercessor, to be able to achieve the calling that God has placed on your life. I truly believe that prayer can change the world. By praying for our nation, you are investing in a better world for all of our future generations.
Know that everyone at IFA appreciate your efforts and we sincerely thank you for your sacrifice. We understand we are in a very difficult time in our nation. We only see in part what God is doing. His plans are far above our ability to understand them. We are learning to trust him. We are in this together and bare each other’s burdens.
In the podcast Derek Prince shows how the Scripture makes it clear that the Enemy is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and word of the testimony of believers. The Enemy is going to try and thwart our attempts. I wrote this article with the hope of helping others struggling with disappointment.
Please share other insights the Lord has shown you to deal with disappointment we have all encountered over the last few months!
Michael Guidera is an IFA intercessor, retired from a 35 year career developing implantable medical devices that have brought help and relief to thousands of people. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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I dont know how I missed this article,but the VeryGood Lord sent it to me ,right on time.A timely word.Thank you so much.
I have a prayer project now through your
Godly advice and Godly teaching here.
Praise God for teachers who send us the right word on time .Thank you Holy Spirit
for leading me here.
God Bless you.
I loved a statement by Louie Giglio – We invite the enemy to our banquet table (the one that God set before us) when we doubt, fear, lose sight of Jesus. (forgive the paraphrase)
We are missionaries (in the 10/40 window) and did a re-set event with several churches and their leadership. We took all our worry, doubt, fear, loneliness and sin and put put it on a visual cross. I cannot tell you how refreshed our fellowship of believers was. Our praise was joined by the Heavenly Host. Put your concerns dear believer at the cross then Praise God in your coming and going listen for the Host join you!!!
These days were set in place before the earth was created – We were chosen to love, serve and praise God during these times. What an honor.
Very good word Leslie. Doubt is a choice isn’t it? Just like fear, lust and other sorts of distractions. The enemy battles us in our minds. It’s our choice to turn and flee from it. I like the deliberate act of putting these things that hinder us on the cross, and reminding ourselves each time it raises its ugly head. Done enough times it will eventually become easier to remove it from our lives.
Thank you: “Thy will–not mine–be done.” And of course the answer to that prayer is a resounding: “YES!”
Resist the devil and he will flee from you. There are days when I have felt this same way. We must not give in to discouragement and apathy. Keep trusting in Him. Keep praying and He will answer in His time. We don’t understand everything God is doing but He is indeed working; even when we cannot see or feel it, He is working. I don’t believe God is finished with us yet.
Thank you.
Great word and perspective.
Michael, thank you for your transparency and for sharing your difficulties and your spiritual growth during this difficult time.
I also have been waiting on the Lord to expose all of the deceptions of the past 4 years and of this election cycle. But I am reminded daily that I trust Him and know He has it all under control. I am still grieved by what I see coming from the White House, but I also know God told us ahead of time to expect troubles.
Unfortunately he did not write exactly what those troubles would look like or in what order they would come. I am surprised that the Church is still here…I thought surely Jesus would have taken us home before now. But He has plans for us in this place, right now, so I accept his plan and simply pray, “please prepare me and my husband, and our family for what you have planned”.
He is faithful!!
I do not disagree that it’s easy to become apathetic, downcast or impatient in these times. It’s possibly a “revealing” of what our heart is holding as treasure.
Jesus Christ, Word of God alone must be our sole passion and trust; otherwise we find ourselves exactly where we’re at now.
O how embarrassing it is to waver so quickly when compared to the continual persecution plight of our brothers and sisters in foreign countries being jailed and tortured for Christ; yet not flinching in their minds.
What grieves me is this author encourages readers to follow this particular man, one whom taught heretical theories.
Prince believed and taught a true born again child of God can be indwelled by a demon, that the Holy Spirit shares the vessel (child of God) with satan. What nonsense! Such heresy! Can believers be demonized? Yes. Would the Holy Spirit share a vessel eith the devil? NEVER. How can anything else Prince taught be trusted? A little yeast ruins the whole batch.
Moreover, how much credit is the devil given when it’s our own flesh and understanding we’ve worshipped thus resulting in what we’re experiencing now?
Why is IFA supporting such heresy especially at such a time in our nation?
Please test all spirits and see if they are of God or the devil.
Only the pure milk of God is to be nourishes.
Kenneth E. Hagin Prayer Seminar April 1983
Prophecies, Words of Wisdom and Prayers
Neither can they hold you captive.
Neither can they hold you in defeat.
Neither can they hold you in sickness.
Neither can they hold you in captivity.
For the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwelleth in you and will quicken your mortal body by His Spirit that dwelleth in you. Yea, look even unto Him and sound forth a note of praise.
Believe ye and ye shalt receive.
Put the enemy to flight.
For you see, he knows that Name by day and by night. That Name that’s above every name. The name of Jesus Christ the Son of the living God. So rise up strong in faith and boldly declare that Name and you’ll enjoy your inheritance. For you see He did it all for your sake.
Just to sit still or stand still, or lie still and bemoan your situation and bemoan your condition, and talk about those that are against you will only give the enemy authority and power over you. Causing you to sink down even deeper into despair and defeat. But rising up in faith and declaring that in Him you are complete will cause you to stand up and not sit down. Will cause you to stand up and not stand still but march forward with your feet planted firmly on His Word, His promise and what He said. And your lips speaking forth a psalm of praise. For the Lord God is alive and not dead. Yea, He is my Father and I am His child. I’ll walk in the light of His Word and in the power of His Spirit. I’ll glorify His Name and worship Him too. For He’s raised me up. Yea, He made me to sit together with Him in heavenly places. Even in Christ Jesus do I have my being, live and move and breathe. And I’ll sound forth praises unto His Name.
Victory is not a thing to be desired and longed for. Victory is mine to enjoy today tomorrow and forever. So praise the Lord and magnify His Name. Know what your rights and privileges are and you will find that the enemy will always be put to flight. And life will not be a drudgery nor every day the same. But life will be sublime. Filled with His presence, yea, filled with His power. Full of His glory; shining forth even unto the darkness. And light through thee shall shine. And many will come and fall in behind to follow you in the light that shines.
Deliverance will come and great victory in the life of those around about. And you will be filled with His praise. And your mouth ever with a shout. And the enemy will be put on the run because he knows what it’s all about.
No gathering of tge evil can overshadow the light of GOD. The evil doers of today, sooner we see them more! No matter how strategically the dark is possitioned, light cannot be hidden.
If they use media to discredit the light, we must adopt media more and show the truth to the world. We must not involve in cospiracy of silence!
Heavenly Father, our Creator, the owner of the Universe and Owner of Mankind, we pray to you to please takeover, rule over us, give us strength,let your wishes be our experiences. For we know that your plans are not of evil.
Take the Glory, honour and aduration in the name of the Father, of the Son and Holy Spirit. We pray in Jesus name, amen.
Derek certainly was lead by the Holy Spirit and truly opened God great word for salvation and service to God ‘a great plan for redeeming those he is calling to himself.
My God, May your Holy Spirit equip me and May I not falter in my testimony. For many still need to know the Truth of your saving grace. Praise you King of Heaven. Amen Amen Amen. Flow Spirit Flow.
This article is very sad. I can’t believe that Christians can put such belief in Trump or Republicans or the circumstances that surround us. Better get in the Word and with other believers and get your eyes off this world.
I have been struggling with shock, extreme sadness and fear of what the future holds. What has helped me tremendously is to take a speck of whatever is around me at the time, a tiny stone or peppercorn, hold it in my palm and pray.
Thank you Father that the earth is like a grain of sand to you. I don’t need to tell You what to do. I am a tiny weenie speck living on this speck called earth. Your plan is perfect. You see the big picture. Your will be done. I need to surrender to You for I have made You way too small. In the precious name of Jesus Isa 40:15 He picks up the whole earth as though it were a grain of sand.
Love and prayers from Canada where a dear pastor is in a maximum security prison cell for keeping his church open. God Your will not ours.
That pastor in Canada is a true hero of the faith. May we all have that kind of courage and boldness!
Thank you for reminding me of these unchanging truths and promises from God’s Word.
Praying on!
Wow! Powerful study with Derek Prince. I highly recommend the link Michael included in this article.
Thank you so much!!! This is exactly what I had been feeling since the election.
Thanks. I’m looking forward to listening to this podcast. I read a book by Derek Prince. The more intercessors the merrier so-to-speak like a columbine instead of weeding by one’s self.
Debbie Bassett commented and I replied that I was going to use “boomerang” for my theme from the Lord for this year. That encouraged me. Maybe 5 yrs. ago, I had a dream of the word in Revelation “Abaddon” which means destruction. I think of Job now, but then I didn’t know how to pray except that Abaddon wouldn’t come before God’s time. Now I muse (from God or not I don’t know) “A Biden.” Mercy! The other thought I had that I am kind of praying is that Joe Biden would regret stealing the vote and confess and would hand over the presidency to Trump, but then how would that work with Mike Pence as VP?
Michael thank you so much for sharing and encouraging us.
Wow! You explained exactly what I have been thinking/feeling/doing for the past four 1/2 years — to a tee! Right up to the election and the January 6th vote. Thank you for sharing! Better days are ahead! God wins!
For more understanding: Here are Life-changing insights on the Power of the Blood that many have never heard before.
Gary Beaton is the founder of Transformation Glory Ministries. He is is widely known as a Seer Prophet, Apostle and Revivalist with a personal commissioning from his close friend Bob Jones. He has travelled the world on assignment for the Lord as a highly-trained intercessor.
Thank you for this article it was so timely and well written. I love the phrase: “I am painting the doorpost of my thought life with the blood of Jesus.” What powerful words and imagery! I believe there is power in the blood of Jesus and we know that our mind and thoughts are an area that the enemy attacks with regularity so now we have a weapon that can protect it along with the Armor of God that gives us the tools of our arsenal to wage war on the enemy. “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:37.
I love the phrase about “painting the door posts of our thought life with the blood”
Praise the Lord who lifts us from hopelessness!!! But he gives us the action and method!!
Thank you so much, Michael, for humbling yourself under God’s mighty hand and then humbly sharing your struggles. God is true to His word in 1 Peter 5:6. As we humble ourselves under His mighty hand with His other hand He lifts us up. What a wonderful picture of us completely enfolded in His hands. Over and under, He is our shelter, our refuge.
This very morning, March 2, I awoke with such burdens and understood that I must come against Satan with God’s word. Then I read your article! God’s perfect timing! Thank you for being obedient to write this article. The Lord is lifting me up through it. Now I’ve got to listen to the link you provided! Thank you so much! Thank you, Jesus, for Michael and your encouragement to me through him!
Thank u! We all need to remember that Gods ways are higher (and often DIFFERENT) than our ways, and he a,ways gets the job done even when I hold up my “honey-do” list a d asked if he forgot to check it…bless Him for his u ending grace.
Thank you for the opportunity to laugh regarding the “honey-do” list!
I am a counselor, he taught me early on that he was good without my organized lists…just love his sense of humor…have a blessed day😃
Excellent and timely testimony. Thank you for sharing this important truth.
Before I read the articles on ifapray this morning I had spent a bit of time reading the Book of Habakkuk. Being a prayer partner with you all I know the kind of really tough situations you find yourselves in. I want to encourage the remnant of Christ through this book. Like Habakkuk, Christians often feel angry and discouraged as they see what goes on. He had been facing the same things in his day and laid his complaints vigorously before God. God’s answer to Habakkuk is the same answer He would give us, “Be patient! I will work out my plans in My perfect timing.” As we rest by responding to His ability that is mightily working within us – Justice will prevail through His Ekklessia as they boldly stand for the truth. To trust God fully means to trust Him even when we don’t understand why events occur as they do. God said in ch. 2 verse 20 “But the LORD is in His holy temple (His Bride); let all the earth be silent before Him.” How do we live today in our time? We live by our faithfulness to God, Who never lied and Who is faithful to His covenant. If we are truly His chosen ones then we must show that we trust Him with our future and our lives “But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.” But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.” (Hebrews 10 vs 38 & 39) We must live through difficult times without seeing signs of hope….but only through the eyes of faith. Amen! Continue to Pray, Praise and declaring His Word UNTIL….🌈
Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Only the blood that can never lose its power can wash, cleanse, redeem, protect, speak, shield and cover us. In everything, all the glory must go to God and God alone. Father, heal our hearts and let us focus on you. Help us in Jesus name, Amen.
This was a great article I could definitely relate to. I have found that I was putting my full flesh and MY will all over things, everywhere……..But you know that God uses all things for good. In myself, God has been using this time since election to reprogram my thoughts to His thoughts………I am no longer, not perfectly, relying on my self will, mind and emotions. I am being more aware that God has used this time to filter out the dross…….for me to rely on God’s perfect will. It was as though I were like Jacob wrestling with the divine being in Genesis, only God touched my mind to be more like His, not my hip. Because for me the battle is in my thoughts. i have learned that when I extend HIS MERCY in prayers to those that have taunted me with persecution, I have relief and HIS PEACE inside that God is in control. Not my fight…….I have been guided and redirected by the HS to pray that God uses the persecution and fiery darts for HIS GLORY, SANCTIFICATION, SALVATION, SOVEREIGNTY, AND JUSTIFICATION. In fact I have had to use deliverance, prayer and fasting to purge myself of the unrighteousness I have allowed myself unknowingly to be exposed to. This is my testimony I received from OUR LORD Jesus Christ in my fasting and praying time over the Purim feast. All glory and honor to you Jesus! Amen, from a faithful servant and prayer warrior.
Thank you for this encouragement! I know the Lord is with us and waiting for our prayers. I feel His presence and support even in these difficult times.
Come Holy Spirit! Help all of us to pray and to encourage others. Bind the spirits of evil in the world and our government. Release the power of the blood of Jesus. Protect us; lift us up knowing You are the victor, the Mighty One!
All glory and Honor are Yours Father Almighty!
My devotional scripture today is very appropriate:
Romans 8:17-18
“Since we are His children, we are His heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share His glory, we must also share His suffering. Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later!”
Thank you. The best part is that the LORD disciplined you to, ” be still” and wait and watch. You had His peace and that is what the LORD wants us all to have. Like Peter we must keep our eyes on JESUS because the storm is ugly! GOD BLESS YOU! I sense the perfect peace that surpasses all of my understanding! Praise JESUS come HOLY SPIRIT come…
I love this article and could relate to it 100%! I’ve learned a lot through this experience of seeming defeat but yet God has used it for greater good thanks in part to people like you!
Thank you Michael. I, too, came to the realization that My fervent prayers were my will. I continue to grieve for America and the loss of President Trump. I will persevere and wait for the Lord. This is one of the darkest and dire events I’ve lived through.
Excellent word! Thank you so much. I believe many of us succumbed to a human focused solution and this came under the political spirit and opened ourselves to second heaven oppression. No King but Jesus and His blood which speaks a better word. Thank you Father for our ‘general’, Derek Prince!
Everything you said made a lot of sense to me, particularly the part about desiring God’s will above our own and a way to use the blood of Jesus to stand up to the Enemy. I had an experience about God’s will last Sept. My wife was dying from covid. I prayed for 2 weeks, often with tears, that God would heal her. I spent a lot of time praising the Lord with my guitar in an effort to attract His presence in such a way that He would heal her. On 9/30/2020 it occurred to me that I was seeking my will more than what was best for her. I changed my prayer that day and asked the Lord to do what was best for her. She died later than day. On that same day, my daughter, her husband, her mother-in-law, and my wife’s 2 daughters also changed the way they were praying to ask God to do what was best for her. It turned out that what was best for her was to be with the Lord Jesus in heaven. As for what you said about Jesus’ blood, I apply it a couple different ways. I proclaim what His blood did for me using all of the scriptures about His blood. There are verses that say His blood is a propitiation, gives us access to the Father, redeemed us, sanctified us, reconciled us, provided forgiveness, defeated Satan at the cross, etc. I even wrote an essay about all of these verses. On the day I did that I was confronted by a satanist into voodoo. I just stood my ground and looked to God in my heart to show me how to get rid of that evil person. Witnessing to him proved to be a waste of time. All of a sudden, the animosity within him subsided and he walked away. I once rebuked a demon after confronting it with Jesus’ blood and it quickly let the victim go free. On another occasion I informed someone needing help from demonic oppression that if the blood of Jesus was divided equally to every person on earth, who needed it, their portion would only amount to 1 drop. I then pointed out how it only takes a drop of Jesus’ blood to meet all of their needs. You were so right to point out the power in Jesus’ blood. Thanks for reminding me.
Thank you David for sharing your story. I wept reading it. You have reconciled a very difficult situation. You confronted something many dare not to. May Our Father comfort you and bless you for your transparency and courage.
Thank you too. What you wrote touched my heart deeply too. Although I haven’t felt discouraged since the coup d’etat last Nov., I have known discouragement at other times in my life. That is what helped me relate to what you wrote. My problem just now is impatience. I believe God will do something about the vote fraud that put a gang of criminals into power in DC, but it’s hard to wait for His timing, which is always best. I expect the revival Corrie ten Boom predicted is part of God’s answer, but I don’t know if revival will become before or after His judgment against the traitors in DC. I’ve been studying revivals since 1968 and most of them began after God judged wickedness first. The most recent example of this occurred in Manchester, KY. You can see for yourself in a dvd called Appalachian Dawn. I got my copy from one of the pastors God used to start that revival, but I don’t have his contact details handy just now. You can get it from The Sentinel Group, who produced it. Although I don’t agree with Dominion Theology, which is believed by the producer of that dvd, he didn’t interject any of his personal theology into it. His dvd just reports the facts as God intervened to judge wickedness in over 40 local government officials before the revival blessed 42 churches in the region.
Thank you SO much. This is exactly what I have been struggling with. I feel like your article lifted a big burden off my shoulders. And I feel confident I now know how to overcome this stronghold. God bless you.
Michael, I truly appreciate your vulnerability in this article. I too feel very humbled by the outcome of the election. You made a great point about my will vs. thy will be done. My will be done only produces disappointment and confusion when it doesn’t go according to our plans or the way we envisioned it. But you cannot go wrong with thy will be done. It produces such peace. The Sovereignty of God tells me it may not go how I wanted, but He is working through it. So very well written and very encouraging for the intercessors.
Ps. That Derek Prince book has really been challenging me as well. It’s a blessing.
Blessings to you Michael
Thanks for the response. I am usually reluctant to share dreams like this (which I have fairly often) but I felt compelled to this time, and I am glad it gave you some encouragement.
Oops, sorry, I posted this in the wrong place. Sorry if this caused any confusion.
I believe we need to sing praises. I have experienced such intense spiritual warfare because I share the gospel and the message of the sanctity of human life with children. Singing in worship, sometimes at the top of my lungs, is what breaks the hold of darkness I feel sometimes. It’s important to sing songs that proclaim Jesus name and His resurrection power.
Dear Heavenly Father, I wish to share part of a dream I recently had in which I felt You were showing me how to respond to events unfolding: America in Chaos
On 22 JAN 2021 I had a dream that I sat on a hill overlooking Fort Bragg, North Carolina (I live near there and spent much of my military career stationed there). In the dream it was getting dark and the air above Fort Bragg was full of military aircraft of every type I am familiar with; helicopters of all types, transports, fighters, etc…. and I had the sense that they were going to take some kind of action. Suddenly, helium filled children’s balloons began to fill the air and I somehow knew that evil people were launching them into the air in the hope they would get sucked into the engines of the aircraft and force them to land or crash. Sure enough, the military aircraft were all gone and the balloons remained. Then I witnessed what looked like mortars or rockets being fired at Fort Bragg and there were many small explosions and one very large explosion, that may have been nuclear. It exploded in a great mushroom of fire and smoke. The ground seemed to be melting in places from the heat. I kept thinking I should go into my house and get a gun, but something compelled me to stay and watch instead. Suddenly the woods around me were full of men carrying weapons but I sensed they were good and ordinary men who were going to stand and fight some evil. One of them made eye contact with me and smiled. Again, I wanted to get a gun and join them but something compelled me to watch instead. I then realized that two of my sons were with me. They are all now grown men but in the dream, they seemed like teens. I told them to go in the house but they refused to listen. I again noticed some patches of ground melting like lava, and then woke up. Lord, what I took from this is that we have all witnessed so much evil in recent times, and know more is coming, and our human instinct is to want to fight. But I felt that You are telling me to watch and wait to see what You will do. Some good people will not heed Your advice on this matter, but I believe the fight is now Yours and You are going to do something; we just need to to watch, wait, and pray. What You are going to do was not revealed but the calming feeling that came over me every time I wanted to join the fight let’s me know You have something planned, and I suspect it will be something surprising indeed! Lord please forgive me for the anger and despair I have succumbed to over the last year. I am now trying to follow Your advice and watch, and wait. I am now even a bit excited to see what You will do, and I am sure You will do something spectacular and unexpected. Thank You for that dream O’ Lord and thank You for this chance to share it. Please forgive me if I was not supposed to share it. Though I do not yet fully understand all of it,I think I got the main points. In Jesus precious name I pray O’ Lord, Amen.
Amen. I feel this too, – watch and wait and see what God will do. Thank you for sharing.
Ever since the coup d/etat last Nov. I’ve had a sense that God will do something about what happened. Everyone in my church feels the same way. There have been times when I’ve felt impatient waiting for what God is planning to do, but the Lord helps me settle down the way He did for you in your dream. Your dream has encouraged me to continue waiting in faith. Corrie ten Boom prophesied that God will start a revival that will impact our whole nation. I’ve been praying for this for almost 7 years now. I see a good chance that the Lord will do something in judgment against this treason before revival comes. I’ve studied revivals since 1968 and it’s amazing how many of them began after judgment. For example, the one in 1953 in Argentina began after God killed Eva Person for her witchcrafts. I know her death was a judgment from God because a teenage Christian boy prophesied God was about to kill her the week before it happened. Revival broke out in Kampala, Uganda after God killed the city’s most powerful witch doctor named Musoki. Revival came to Kiambu, Kenya after the police escorted the city’s most powerful witch out of town and ordered her to never come back. Revival came to a Navaho reservation in the USA after God killed all of the shaman at the same time of the same day. Revival came to Hemet Valley, CA after God burned down the TM center in response to the prayers of intercessors.
Thanks for the response. I am usually reluctant to share dreams like this (which I have fairly often) but I felt compelled to this time, and I am glad it gave you some encouragement.
Thank you, it speaks to me.
I believe in dreams, I also
believe , we are to do our part, and God WILL” do his.
“ Peace on my fellow intercessors”
Please share this video. It is only Part 1. Why Joe Biden over Donald Trump.
(Part 2 available on Youtube – Focus On the End Times
“God’s Sovereignty Is My
Well, Praise God! As you know, we need to hear the truth you have expressed here. Many of us have been discouraged almost to the point of throwing in the towel, alas. Thank you for your wisdom and words of encouragement. We need to gird up our loins, and continue to stand strong in the Lord, clothed in the armor He provides.
Thank you for your transparency in this article. I have had similar feelings and fighting against discouragement. Recently I had it out with God and then fell into His arms in exhaustion. I realized I was trying to fight His battle in my own strength. This battle truly is the Lord’s. I make my declarations according to His Word as I’m led by Holy Spirit. I pray and worship Him in the Spirit and leave the results up to Him. I know and trust He has a perfect plan in this hour. I can’t imagine how it will unfold. I know it will bring all glory to Him and no one else. This is where I find my place of resting in my Father’s arms and abiding in the secret place where the enemy can’t find me. I’m hidden with Christ Jesus in God the Father. What beautiful unity. Amen!
Excellent article! Thanks for sharing. I was feeling this overwhelming feeling while praying for America this past week. A strange thought popped into my brain a couple days ago, which I believe came from the Lord. That thought: As I fight in the foxhole with bullets flying over my head, the Lord tells my a joke, and I laugh. At that point, God spoke to my and said…. “pray fervently, but chill out, the battle is mine… My joy is your strength.” This changed my perspective in prayer to set my focus to the One who has already paid the price and won the battle. Be a worshipping warrior that embrace the joy of the Lord… which is our strength.
I was introduced to Derek Prince through Ellel Ministries of the UK in the late 80s. Peter Horrobin is akin to Derek Prince in his faith based ministry and practice. Ellel is the most pure, balanced, humble, and holy equipping ministry that I know in the world, dealing with heart issues/ discipleship. I highly encourage ALL intercessors to listen to their healing course currently sharing on Note: the Ellel Ministries American Center is in FL. And they host in-person courses and counseling as well as offer church visits, sending an equipping team.
Also- ty for owning this change in heart posture. Father God is well aware of the sin of elevating men above His will. Well-meaning Christians got caught in the idolatry of Trump instead of trusting that when Father is after hearts, He permits things that lead us to repentance and cleansing- He is after the Church, to be made ready for Her Bridegroom’s coming. It is not now but we are in preparation and must make ready the way of the Lord. Also- Praise and Worship is our sacrifice and battle strategy. When we do not understand… we can cast our cares upon the One who always cares- and worship! It breaks a downcast spirit as we put our hope in Him. Psalms speaks of giving sacrifices of praise. May we become a worshipping warring bride!
I am so sick of people saying that we idolized Trump. We did not idolize him. We believed he was being used by God to clean up this country and get rid of evil men, women, and policies in government and our country. Please stop spreading the lie that the left began and “well meaning” holier then thou so called Christians keep perpetuating . We did not idolize Trump.
It’s between the prayer warrior and Father GodCharacter is a huge deal to Him! Many people were blinded from praying “Thy will be done!” I heard prayers for Trump over “Thy will” everywhere during the season leading up to Election Day. And I have worked on GOP platforms for years. But the Father pulled me back from the political arena instead to work with my neighbors, of all races, parties, and persuasions. He reminded me of the two basic commandments re. love and had me to pray His Will be done!
Amy, I understand your walls going up when you hear the accusation of “idolizing president Trump”. I struggle as well and then I find myself in offense. I believe, just as you do that God placed him in office to be our buffer, and all of the battles that have come against him from day one, no, even before he got into office, it seems obvious to anyone who has eyes to see that this is a spiritual battle. Many of us believers looked to him as the earthly “covering” so to say, and believed that with him at the helm, righteousness would return to our country and we would cheer him on through prayer. Then I saw the golden Trump at CPAC, and my heart stood still. I immediately prayed against that spirit of worship and wondered where we have allowed our heart to take us. We are all responsible for our own hearts but we are also called corporately to repentance, so for me, I will use that “heart check” from Holy Spirit as an opportunity to reassess who my hope truly lies in.
You can look at the statue as a “golden idol” or statue with symbolism.
I had to look up what you were talking About because to be honest with you, I don’t pay attention to all this stuff.
I’m sure that there are some people who I have the priorities mixed up but true believers are not worshiping Trump. And as I said, I had to look this up and the one thing that I did find out is that somebody photo shopped a picture of people worshiping and praying around it. But that’s came from a picture of people who are praying around and for Trump. I’m not saying that there aren’t people who are in danger of “worshiping” or messing up their priorities because there is evil going on in this world, obviously, and people get mixed up and messed up. But I hate when people look for bad things. Was the statue in poor taste? Possibly. I personally would’ve thought it was ugly and gaudy more than anything else.
But what I am more concerned about right now are all the people who call themselves Christians yet threw their hat in the ring with and voted for an (illegal) president-one who stands for the murder of children and is pushing every evil policy that could be thought of including the demonic “equality act” and one who is also in bed with communism and China.
I understand your concern. Pray for those who you are concerned about. But please remember that most of us true believers are not worshipping Trump. Perhaps what you are seeing is a slippery slope and one which non believers (mostly) are in danger of going down.
I like what Suzy said.
Of course we are all in danger of idolizing things. None of us are perfect. And as much as I wanted Trump and supported him, I never ever idolized him. I’m not even super fond of him. But I respect that he was trying to save our country and our freedoms. And considering the alternative…I didn’t my best to try to get him re elected. It probably wasn’t enough but I don’t know if I did anything else if it would have even mattered considering the rampant and widespread fraud.
Perhaps people like me were terrified of life under communism and so they enthusiastically supported Trump and that made it appear they were worshiping him. Only God knows their hearts. And He knows that mine is broken for what we’ve lost, what was stolen and for our future. Or lack thereof.
Well, that’s my thoughts.
Beth, when I saw that golden idol at CPAC, I felt like Jesus in the temple with the cat o nine tails! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I wanted to go there and smash it to bits.
After 1/20/21, I too felt very confused, disappointed and then apathetic, until the Lord assured me that He did answer our prayers. We prayed for righteousness to fill our country. That IS His Word, but His answer was not what we imagined it would be.
He continues to assure me that His ways are not our ways. That we must suffer these things to happen so that many more people will see Truth.
We need each other. We need to stay close to our Abba and hear His Words of love. God bless you!
So true Amy! I also want that lie stopped. I worship GOD and HIM Alone! And I still support President Trump! Some faithless Christians have to have an earthly reason for the election so they came up with people idolized Trump, so what happened, happened, which is a lie. It happened because people cheated, plain and simple! Trust GOD. HE IS IN CHARGE! And knows just where we are! And will deliver us and America! We have repented, fasted, prayed around the clock, examined ourselves, and now we STAND! In JESUS Name!
Thank you Suzie. You understand where I’m coming from.
Amy… I too am sick of people saying that we “idolize” Trump. We do NOT. There are a remnant of believers who are standing, praying and watching for the Lords deliverance of our nation. Why do we believe this? There are many long time, seasoned and proven prophets that are standing for this also – saying that God will deliver us from this evil… even though we don’t deserve a rescue when you look at all the baby murders, pornography and abuse all over our nation. I was wrestling with the “why” a couple of months ago…Why would God actually deliver us from the evil in the white house now? He had a verse pop out of a book I was reading and slap me awake… Deut. 30:19,20. He set before us a choice – choose life or death, blessing or cursing. On Nov 3, 2020 we, as a nation, CHOSE LIFE! We voted in president Trump again – we all know that. And we know that it was STOLEN BY FRAUD AND DECEIT! So God, who has a covenant with this nation from it’s inception, will HONOR HIS COVENANT with us because we did choose life, not the party of death…. we chose blessing… not cursing. And it’s up to Him to honor His covenant with us and fix this His own way because we cannot do it with man’s strength as we’ve seen trying to get the fraud even looked at in the courts! God can do this easily, He can turn a SAUL into a PAUL in a day – remember that! Keep praying and standing…and watch what the Lord does with this unholy mess. The battle now belongs to the Lord!
Mr.Guidera,Thank you for sharing your encouragement and learned wisdom. It is helpful for the body of Christ to admit our failings & then testify of Gods faithfulness to not only bring us out of defeat but to also give us wings to rise higher. I am thankful to the Lord for you & all with IFA. God bless and keep each one of you strong, victorious and covered in His blood and power !
I put everything in God’s Hands. It was then that I was able to be at peace. I do not like what I see but i learned to trust my Lord.