Finally, States Are Retracting Hydroxychloroquine Bans:
TownHall says, “In an abrupt about-face, the Ohio Board of Pharmacy and governor of Minnesota have recently retracted their decisions to ban the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients. As the saying goes, it’s better late than never. . . . .
On March 21, President Trump tweeted:
“HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine. The FDA has moved mountains – Thank You! Hopefully they will BOTH … be put in use IMMEDIATELY. PEOPLE ARE DYING, MOVE FAST, and GOD BLESS EVERYONE!”
Finally, nearly five months after Trump’s tweet, some state leaders are allowing residents in their states to take a drug that could literally save their lives.” . . .
Hydroxychloroquine is effective, ‘helped save lives,’ new peer-reviewed study finds
According to The Washington Times, “Hydroxychloroquine was widely denounced as dangerous and ineffective after being touted by President Trump as a treatment for the novel coronavirus, but newly released research found the drug actually works.
A peer-reviewed study published Thursday in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases found that 13% of hospitalized patients treated with hydroxychloroquine alone died of COVID-19, compared to 26.4% who died who were not treated with the drug.
“Our analysis shows that using hydroxychloroquine helped save lives,” said Dr. Steven Kalkanis, a neurosurgeon, CEO of the Henry Ford Medical Group, and senior vice president of the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, where the study was conducted. . . .
The results of the large-scale study, which included 2,541 patients hospitalized from March 10 to May 2 across the system’s six hospitals, differ from those of previous U.S. studies, including a Columbia University Medical Center analysis that concluded in a May 11 report that the drug was ineffective. . . .
After initially approving hydroxychloroquine, or HCQ, for treating COVID-19, the Food and Drug Administration withdrew its emergency-use authorization on June 15, concluding the drug was “unlikely to be effective” and citing the risk of side effects such as “serious cardiac events.”
The drug, which was still permitted for clinical trials, has long been approved for treating lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and malaria, but carries a risk for those with a heart condition known as prolonged QT interval. . . .
In a peer-reviewed study of 2,541 patients hospitalized at Michigan’s six Henry Ford hospitals during the coronavirus peak, scientists found that hydroxychloroquine “cut the death rate significantly” without “heart-related side-effects.”
Study finds hydroxychloroquine helped coronavirus patients survive better
According to CNN, “A team at Henry Ford Health System in Southeast Michigan said Thursday its study of 2,541 hospitalized patients found that those given hydroxychloroquine were much less likely to die.
Dr. Marcus Zervos, division head of infectious disease for Henry Ford Health System, said 26% of those not given hydroxychloroquine died, compared to 13% of those who got the drug. The team looked back at everyone treated in the hospital system since the first patient in March.
“Overall crude mortality rates were 18.1% in the entire cohort, 13.5% in the hydroxychloroquine alone group, 20.1% among those receiving hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin, 22.4% among the azithromycin alone group, and 26.4% for neither drug,” the team wrote in a report published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.. . . ”
Study finds hydroxychloroquine may have boosted survival, but other researchers have doubts
According to CNN, ” A surprising new study found the controversial antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine helped patients better survive in the hospital. But the findings, like the federal government’s use of the drug itself, were disputed.
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America’s Frontline Doctors have been pushing for use of Hydroxychloriquine for months. They have been censored, ridiculed and lost jobs. Still, they continue to speak out. God bless them!
Don’t forget Ivermectin.
Thank you for this article. My prayer is for the information to be widely spread.
They had to shut President Trump’s mouth because once again, he stood in the way of them getting to us. They had their sights set on a billion dollar money making vaccine. They could not allow us to recover using a $50 regimen. It’s nothing short of a crime against humanity. We should make our voices heard.
“cumulative deaths through July 15 are 140,000. Had we permitted HCQ use liberally, we would’ve saved half, 70,000 and it is very possible we could have saved 3/4, 105,000. “
Dr Harvey Risch, MD, PHD, Professor of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health and published in affiliation with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Dr Risch who has 39,779 citations on Google Scholar.
Here’s the link to schedule telemed visits with Frontline physicians. They prescribed for me prevention HCQ plus special formulation of zinc- it will be delivered to my home. These doctors are true American heroes. I thank God for them.
FDA and liberal media killed many by opposing the President, instead of listening to doctors with success stories.
They are responsible for most of whom died by the Corona virus.
This 75yr old Beth’s COVID testimony should be running 24/7 on ‘LIVE BREAKING NEWS!!!?” re: Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin worked!!!!! Hundreds/thousands have died just to spite this righteous President’s every step
FIRE fall, mountains melt, crooked places be made straight, Jesus, show yourself mighty for the whole world to see.
My husband came back to life when he started to take hydroxy choloriquine. It was a lifesaver for him. In the hospital they were giving him nothing and he was dying. I insisted they give him this drug. It really helped him. And my sister has taken it for arthritis for a long time already.
I am a 75 year old woman with asthma. I had the corona virus in October. I was very sick until my pastors wife said that there was a treatment for viruses; unlike what my doctor said. I called the doctor she told me to call, I got the drugs Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin and also took zinc and within a couple of hours my feeling of heaviness in my chest lifted ,and I felt at least 50-65% better! I was completely symptom free after three more days on the medication!
it’s so sad that so many people had to die because of these governors and politicians hate for trump and the money that they make from the drug companies. those pills cost about $1 0r 2 and doctors and drugs stores where told not to prescribe them and drug stores not to fill them. just imagine the lives that could’ve been saved early on. if they were so worried about side effects why are they now pushing for people to get vaccinated by an untested vaccine. a vaccine made from aborted baby fetal tissue, cancer tissue that can cause cancer, sterility in women, changes your dna, and the list of side effects just keep going on. the few test they did where on young people not the they have no idea what can happen to them. the virus has a 99.9% recovery rate and with the vaccine the rate of recovery is 94%. do you have a better rate of recovery from the vaccine.
Wonderful information as usual!
I encourage everyone to click on the AMA Addendum link and scroll down to read Resolution 509. How many lives could have been saved by prescribing Hydroxychloroquine early on!
Looks like the gov of MN is feeling the heat and already worried about the next election. While this is a good decision, it does not offset his thousands of other bad decisions which have annihilated the Lake Street businesses as well as so many other businesses in MN. The governor and the people working with him are a total disaster for the people of MN and they MUST be removed from office ASAP.
Contrary to what they say, the hospitals are NOT overflowing with COVID. The politics of MN and the media are overflowing with lies and unsubstantiated fear.
What about those patients who received HCQ in the first 7 days and not later “in the hospital”? Those patients had TREMENDOUS outcomes (see Dr Zelenko’s papers and videos).
Lord, please bring the real truth out into the open including the real preventive benefits of HCQ.
Thank You Lord,
Amen and amen.
I believe that we are truly in our last days, our nation is accepting the lies and listening to the evil one who is leading them astray….God help those who are embracing these lies to open their eyes and ears to see and hear the truth.. Our nation is on the edge of being destroyed, our way of living taken from us. Then they will say what have we done….. Oh God have mercy
As a person who suffered with the disease Lupus for years, and took the drug hydroxychloroquine for nearly 18 of those years, I can testify to the safety of the drug along with millions of others who have taken it. I believe the drug was restricted from us for totally political reasons, the major one being that President Trump had suggested that it might be helpful in battling the Covid19 virus. We have been manipulated by big Pharma and the left leaning fake news machine. How sad. Who knows how many lives could have been saved by the use of this drug in combination with others?
Lord have mercy upon us. Thank you for this decision of OH and MI. Please give more states courage to do what is right. Tune our ears to your voice and truth and away from lies. Give us discernment in these evil days. Please raise up more godly leaders in this nation. Amen.
In Europe HDC saved lives and it is used in hospital since March 2020.
Trump did not invent that the combination of the above medicine was a life saver.
The spiteful ness against Trump word will be judge by the Lord
Of course since they’ve destroyed President Trump with blaming everything about Covid on him and refusing to allow people to take HCQ (which would have saved 100’s if not thousands of lives) its ok to allow it back on the shelves all of a sudden its ok – sick sick sick! God save our country from destroying itself!
I agree with the overall content of your statement/prayer. However, I believe and decree that though they have done everything evil they could devise to destroy President Trump THEY CANNOT SUCCEED! The hand of God is upon Donald John Trump and though myriads of weapons have been forged against him, they cannot prosper! God has the final say, and He has not said He is finished with Donald Trump.
When everything looks impossible, that’s when the God with Whom All Things Are Possible has the final Word!
Totally agree – it’s just sick to watch everything and everyone around this president turning on him – but God – still praying and believing God is going to pull this off – Look 11 more senators just joined in on not complying with the electoral college votes – pray without seizing and amen!
As long as God has not turned against him, President Trump is still in the majority! Amen!
God is simply exposing the Judas spirit and the cowards on all sides, in both political parties and the church.
Gideon only needed a small army and God! David didn’t need a fearful Israeli army; he just needed the weapons he new how to use and God. God only needs a remnant in the earth to agree with Him. All glory to God!
I declare and decree God Has The Final Word and He Is Not Done with President Donald John Trump!