But though it was announced earlier this week that Biden would hold his first official presser on March 25th, reporters are still raising issues about the administration’s treatment of the press. One roundtable interview between journalists Tuesday was particularly revealing on this front.
NBC News White House correspondent Geoff Bennett was asked by Politico’s Ryan Lizza during a panel discussion if he was concerned if current COVID restrictions could lead “to more permanent changes in the way that the White House allows us to cover them?” Bennett was shockingly candid in his assessment, admitting that the press corps was aware of how the Biden administration was using COVID protocols to limit interactions with and be selective of the press, in part, to avoid the risk of having to field “uncomfortable questions”:
But I think one of the things that people didn’t get a good enough sense of, and this was certainly the case during the transition, was that the COVID restrictions allowed the Biden team to really limit the reporters who were brought into those press conferences in that theater in Wilmington. And then beyond that, they were able to select the folks who got to ask questions of then-President-elect Biden. That’s not to say — and frankly, by doing that, the White House comms — now the White House comms, but then the Biden comms team, they were basically doing their job, right? They had a message they wanted to get forward, and they were trying to protect their principal.
They didn’t know the questions we were gonna ask, but they certainly knew who we were, all the reporters were known quantities. So there was no chance that they were gonna call on, you know, some local reporter from some unnamed newspaper who was gonna ask Joe Biden a potentially difficult or uncomfortable question.
In other words, Bennett basically admitted the White House knows who the reporters are (including him) in the national press corps who will lob softballs at them rather than ask tough questions, and they plan press interactions accordingly while also using COVID restrictions as an excuse to severely limit media access.
What are your thoughts and prayers about press coverage and the Biden administration? Share in the comments!
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The Biden Admin is just using the COVID-19 crises to further advance their agenda and it’s pretty much about power, control, and fear. Did they not say before: Let’s not let a good crisis go to waste??!!
The reason why so many pastors will not speak up about abortion, transgenderism, same-sex marriage, etc. is that they do not want to lose their tax-exempt status and they are afraid of their congregations. Also they are afraid of losing their retirements. But they are required and expected by God to preach and teach the WHOLE counsel of God, not just part of it. Sadly, too many pastors are not stepping up to the plate of teaching the Entire truth.
I believe YHWH is Omnipotent, Omniscient,and Omnipresent and Perfect. Man and his familiarity make plans, but the Lord God Almighty, in the end directs his steps. I do not try to predict the future. Today is yesterday’s tomorrow. Yeshua, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour. What have I to fear?
I have been consigning myself to ancient history lately, and some of Marx and Engals.Yet still incumbent upon me is scriptural study.
Why anyone; intellectual or otherwise would consume and digest a philosophy, and attribute it being on par with God’s word is beyond my pale frame of existence. I take note that the Lord will finish what he has begun. This is my solace. I will leave the Biden regimen to itself.
In the meantime, I will pray. May our Lord Bless you and keep you.
It’s another violation of Free Speech and honest reporting. We pray daily for the removal of all these corrupt politicians. In addition we write, call and email to legislators on many issues. If HR1 passes, we will never have an honest election again. I beg all of you to call 10 Senators tomorrow or today, and ask them to vote NO on HR1.
We cannot afford to do nothing. “Faith without works is dead” We pray all of you will do something each and every week along with praying. I am so disappointed in so many Pastors silent about abortion, transgender, the harmful subjects in the public schools ETC. Sadly, many “Shepherds” act like sheep.
Nan, I agree with you about pastors being silent about issues that our Lord is concerned about. Not a word from my pastor on HR 5, HR 1, abortion, family issues, sexuality that is being twisted (transgenderism). He is not alone. I know several friends from different churches and their pastors are talking about them either! Father, I pray in Jesus’ Name, that You would stir the pastors here in America to talk to their congregations about present-day issues that You are concerned about. I pray that these pastors would put down their fear of man and stir their congregations to call their congresspeople and senators (state and federal) about anti-family bills, attempts to take away our First Amendment rights, etc. I thank You in advance, Abba, that You are changing hearts. Even though I can’t see You working, I know You are. Amen!
Thank you, dear Stephanie,
There is a book to give your Pastor: JESUS IS/WAS INVOLVED IN POLITICS,BY Neil Mammen, Rational Free Press, 8321 Will Glen PO, San Jose, CA 95155-8321
I think you can get it cheaper there than from Amazon. I gave out 10 copies to Pastors, and 2 of them are now working hard to get their congregations involved and some are.
ALso, has a Constitution Course that I started yesterday. It is awesome. We must
pray, write, email and call to stop the tyranny coming at us form D.C. and some Democratic Govenors.
Please send me an email address if you like, and I will email you 4 pages of Senators to call to oppose HR1. HR1 turns the elections over to the Fed Government. Epoch Times has a full page of what it would do. Free elections would no longer exist. PLEASE, call at least 5 Senators and ask them to vote NO on HR1. I have almost 80 people doing it from this area.
These silent Pastors are failing to lead their sheep as God directs. We must stand and fight for righteousness. “Faith without works is DEAD” James 2:26.
Thank you again for your response and please get as active as possible.
Thank you, Nan, for the information on the book. I will order at least 2 copies! Another good blog that I follow is Mario Murillo. He talks about the issues of the day and has written twice now directly to pastors to take a stand. I sent info to my pastor about HR-5. He didn’t even have the courtesy to reply. I am very disappointed in him. You can email me at [email protected]. I’d love any further info you have!
God bless you.
Unfortunately we no longer have a free Press. If they are honest & want to actually investigate & ask hard questions, they are demonized. If they are part of the Mockingbird Press, they are lauded as Truth bearers. I pray more & more people will have a heart to seek Truth…the Only Truth which is a person, & that person is Jesus!
Amen and thanks for your comment. The only solution I can think of to change the lies from the press, is if masses of people would not buy any of their sponsors products.
Did anyone see the Biden green screen video released by Bloomberg?
(check out his hands over the microphone near the end)
Father, Bring out all truth and expose what is hidden into the light of Your eyes that the Nation will see the motives of evil hearts and motives. You can bring out those things that are being hidden, that the people will stand for righteousness. We need You Father to do what we cannot, “our eyes are on You.” Show us Your Glory!!
Yup !…did na the WH also request for reporter’s queries to be advance submitted ? Selective screening !
If you dig deep enough into who financed the Bolshevik Revolution, you’ll find billionaires in Europe and multi-millionaires in the USA, who became the first billionaires in 1925. You will also find these same people have controlled the media for over 100 years. This is one reason why they usually lob softballs at Biden. If you dig deeper still, we will find these same people were satanists. This is why an antichrist named Krishnamurti was financed by them during the 1930’s as the answer to the Great Depression, which they caused with the Stock Market crash in 1929 and FDR’s policies. I learned FDR was a member of the Illuminati from a Christian, former FBI agent, a Christian USMC intelligence officer, and FDR’s own son-in-law, who was in Army intelligence. FDR’s son-in-law was in the Oval Office on the day before the Pearl Harbor attack. Someone from the Navy entered the office to inform FDR they just broke the Japanese code and knew Pearl Harbor would be attacked the next day. Admiral Forrestal was there and he stepped forward to say he could get everyone out to sea to engage the Japs in battle. He said that even if they lost the battle, they would be able to inflict heavy casulties. FRD told him to stand down because he wanted to sacrifice all those military personnel and ships to get public opinion on his side to enter the war. Adm Forrestall told FDR he believed the American people would support his desire to enter the war regardless of the outcome. FDR told him to stand down again and promised to name an aircraft carrier after him if he obeyed. Lt. Col. Dahl hated his father-in-law from that day forward and used his skills as an intelligence officer to investigate his background. That was how he discovered FDR was in the Illuminati. The Democrats have put 4 more satanists in the WH since then. To be fair, I should also point out that the GOP put 2 satanists in the WH since then too. Donald Trump is the first president since 1988, who is not a satanist.
I had also heard that FDR had prior knowledge of the attack. He was an evil man.
The plan to destroy America has been in the works for far longer than we know. And Tthat’s why they hated President Trump. He was not in their “club”.
Our only hope is in our Lord Jesus!
Albert Pike (Prince Adempt of Freemasonry) & Guiseppe Mazzini (head of the Illuminati) planned 3 world wars during the 1860’s to destroy the 3 nations that stood in their way for world government. Those nations were Germany, Japan & the USA. The Democrat Part was founded by a member of the Illuminati. They made plans to enslave the world under communism years before Marx ever wrote his manifesto. However, what you said about our only being the Lord Jesus is spot on. Corrie ten Boom said God told her He plans to start a nationwide revival somewhere at or near to where I’m living now. When God called me to ministry in 1966, He gave me a dream about this revival. God used revival in Indonesia in 1964 to prevent a communist coup. God used a revival in Argentina in 1953 to drive the dictator out of the country for 17 years. Hitler and thousands of his Nazis found refuge in Argentina with the help of the Vatican, but that revival drove them into Brazil, Peru & Chile. I’ve been praying that God will do this here. You might find it inspiring to see the dvd series on modern revivals called Transformations Series by The Sentinel Group. I personally know the widow of the leader of the revival in Cali, Columbia. I also know one of the 2 leaders of the revival in Manchester, KY. There are at least 8 dvds in the series. My favorites are: Transformations, Transformations II, Let The Sea Resound & Appalachian Dawn. If you get Unconventional War, you should see Transformations II first. The second one builds upon the first. God led me quite sovereignly to where I’m living now. We were living in TX and searched 35 counties for a place where we could get out of debt. Our realtor has a father, who was a pastor. After praying for us about this in church, he said God would lead us to our Promised Land in 11 months. 11 months later we bought a place in north-central AR. 2 months later we discovered the area is called Promise Land. A month after that I heard what Corrie ten Boom said. I was not conscious of God leading us here at that time. He did it sovereignly. What He will do to fulfill what He told Corrie is also under the control of His sovereignty. He is working on us to get us ready. He will draw intercessors like you into it when the time is right.
What is north-central AR.?
God first spoke to Corrie ten Boom about a revival below when she was flying over the Ozarks. She asked the pilot what was below and he told her the Ozarks. She made a trip to Harrison, AR when her schedule was free to pray about this. After a few days of prayer with other Christians from the area, she took them out onto the balcony of her motel room and said, “The revival will start somewhere east of Harrison in north-central AR. That could be anywhere in Marion or Baxter counties. It would also include the county east of here, whose name I forgot because I rarely go there. All 3 of these counties are on the MO border. It might also include a couple counties just south of us. I’ve been amazed at the number of Christians I’ve met, who said God told them to come here in recent years. I’ve heard of others, but I never met them. One of them is from Brazil and knows more about spiritual warfare than anyone I know from what I’ve heard about her. My daughter tried to get churches to join together in prayer about this, but covid messed things up.
Corrie ten Boom reportedly had a vision of warring angels protecting this region you speak of. For anyone interested in possibly relocating to this area go to They are heading up a Christian community of intentional neighbors. Parcels as small as an acre are for sale, and much larger as well. You can build or rent.
I didn’t know about this. The person, who told me about this was with Corrie in Harrison when she went there to pray about what God told her on the airplane. He didn’t know about those, who acted upon her vision to come here. All the people I know, whom God told to come here, didn’t know what Corrie said. They only knew God sent them here. Even the sister from Brazil didn’t know about Corrie. I can’t say God told me to come here. He did it sovereignly without my being aware how He was guiding us until after we got here. God has done so many things sovereignly in my life that I see my life as a series of divine appointments. My greatest concern about these things just now is what is known as Q and QAnon. All of the top people I know in that movement are into white magic. I was into white magic myself for 6 years before the Lord Jesus helped see it is really black magic in disguise and saved me. I was patriotic before my regeneration, so I believe Q and QAnon are patriotic like I was. They claim to be doing something to bring Trump back and plan to try all the satanists and communists for treason. They also claim they are doing God’s work and when their military action is complete, God will bring revival. However, their concept of revival is what I refer to as Christian occultism. We need a revival that is pure and not a mixture of occult crap. The Antichrist will be able to counterfeit the second coming of Jesus using white magic better than black magic. Because anti-gravity was discovered at Princeton U. in 1943 and Uncle Sam has a UFO base in Alice Springs, Australia, I suspect the Antichrist may show up in a UFO. I’ve been warning Christians about this since 1982. We need a revival that will prepare the true saints for Jesus’ return. I’m inclined to think it will start when Jesus opens the 6th seal of Revelation, but I’m open to other options.
Our nation is at the place where those working for the press have to ask the question of themselves – am I willing to be courageous enough to venture outside the lines? Am I willing to challenge “status quo”? Is truth more important than my comfortableness in not upsetting those being questioned?
The Biden administration resides in office through the end result of cheating, lying, etc. What makes us think they will tell America the truth now??
A good and accurate reporter is supposed to seek the truth regardless of what it takes. The present administration is determined to tell us only their version of what they think truth should be – not what is.
The border patrol was put under gag order for “what reason”? -(no reason given, so we know the truth is purposely suppressed). This administration is determined to deflect the truth at any and all cost – exactly like they did PRIOR to the election. The more they do this, the easier it is to see they don’t want the truth to leak out. We must understand that this administration doesn’t care about Americans… they only care about agenda. They will protect and cover for this president because they know he isn’t up to the job before him and his handlers “know that we already know that”. It’s a game of charades and chess with the nation at stake.
*Lord, give courage and strength to the press corps to venture outside the lines. Move in their hearts to seek truth and not accept status quo. Help them to want to do something greater than just go through the motions but to actually report truth to our nation. Create in them the deep desire for truth and honesty to become part of who they are. Help them to expose the lies and deceit that are continually being pushed upon this nation. In Jesus name amen.
Praying Your Word (Psalm 5) over this false media, Father;
Give ear to our words Lord, give heed to the voice of our cry, our King and our God. You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness, nor shall evil dwell with you. You hate all workers of inequity and shall destroy those who speak falsehoods. You abhor the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.
Lead your people in Your righteousness, because of our enemies make your way straight before our face. For there is no faithfulness in their mouth, their throat is an open tomb. Let them fall by their own counsel, Lord. Cast them out in their transgressions, for they have rebelled against You.
But let those rejoice who put their trust in You, let them ever shout for joy because You defend them.
Father God, we have asked for Your Truth to invade every area, including the media and the corruption of the evil manipulation of covid, from the vaccine, to lockdowns, to misinformation, to masking, and to election fraud. You have heard our prayers! In every area we ask for Your righteous right hand to move, to turn what is intended for evil to good and expose and remove the enemy’s footprint!! In Jesus name we pray Your will be done Your kingdom come on earth as it is Heaven!
Why hold a press conference. We already know he’s just there on show since media has. Even wondering why he hadn’t made a speech. Anyway, media is in their pocket they can continue with the fake news.