I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for Godly wisdom for the leaders in America. We pray that the Holy Spirit would guide all governmental officials in decisions of all kinds.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

As American patriots head into Independence Day of 2021, many find themselves questioning the basic premises of the underlying themes of that day. The 4th of July is a celebration of Americanā€™s founding as a free nation. But what is theĀ stateĀ of the American state today? Thomas Jefferson, enshrining our liberties in theĀ Declaration of Independence, stated that governments must be formed that protect our rights:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

These rights, our founders declared, allow us to protect our values and our way of life. Two hundred forty-five years later, how are we doing?

Letā€™s take a look at the scoreboard. In the oft-cited issues of the day, we discussĀ censorship in public spaces,Ā corporateĀ andĀ military institutionalized wokeness,Ā Critical Race Theory indoctrination of our youthĀ in publicly-funded government education centers, upending traditional cultural norms,Ā domestic surveillanceĀ of political opposition, anĀ election no one is permitted to question,Ā enormous spikes in murdersĀ andĀ drug deathsĀ acrossĀ every major American cityĀ coupled withĀ the demonization of law enforcement, a financial sector that is increasinglyĀ working against the interests of working and middle-class Americans, and aĀ manufacturing base that has been sold off to our greatest world rival, the Peopleā€™s Republic of China (who bears responsibility for a deadly worldwide pandemic thatĀ likely emitted from their dangerous lab experiments in Wuhan). . . .

Why is this happening? Because there is a 1% in America that wields powerful influence over the rest.

After college, I spent several years living and working in China. In China, the rules are actually quite simple. The elites are in control, and everyone knows it. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accounts for 92 million membersĀ who oversee a population of 1.4 billion people. Itā€™s not a political party in any meaningful sense. In essence, the CCP functions as both the ruling elite and the government itself. It is not a monolith; there are many aspirants for power, political factions, family ties, and competing regional interests. But what CCP members all share is that they, 6% of Chinaā€™s population, are theĀ ā€œ1%ā€ that controls the rest.

Yes, the United States has popular elections, and China does not (ā€œconsent of the governedā€). But how often do elected officials seem to merely offer a sort of window-dressing or performative entertainment layer over the actual power structure of the country? It seems that almost no meaningful change can occur, regardless of which major American political party is in power. For a time, the election of Donald J. Trump served to upset this state of affairs, as the real estate mogul gained entrĆ©e to political power without gracing the channels of the ruling classā€”yet the personnel of the 45th administration stillĀ bore an all-too-familiar connection to the elite families of the country.

In China, theĀ CCPā€™s various factionsĀ and sub-factions compete for political influence, to control public spending, over the direction of national narratives, and to institute personal fiefdoms in the government, military, academia, and the corporate world. These inter-factional disputesĀ create just enough friction in the system that Chinaā€™s 1.4 billion people are distracted from the fact that a small, ruling minority has been consolidating power for the past hundred years.

State-run media in China serves at the behest of the CCPā€™s factions, with little daylight between them. In the United States, we also have factions within our ruling class, and these factions hold the same sway over American corporate media. In many cases, the elected (read: visible) officers of American governmentĀ take their cues from corporate media itself, not the other way around.

The power flows the same way, between our 1% and theirs, albeit under different naming conventions.

This Independence Day, let us reflect on the current state of our nation. In 2021, we are being asked to exchange classic American values for a new set of moral rules under whichĀ patriotism and national pride is now defined as ā€problematic.ā€Ā In America, a ā€œgeneralized hatred of Western civilizationā€ is being proliferated by ruling elitesā€”a hatred theĀ CCP is all too willing to take advantage of.

CCP members attend National Party Conferences and elite think tanks to flaunt their power over society, plan their next steps, and remind each other of their successes and influence. So too does the American ruling elite, who attend national and international conferences and research institutions for the same purposes: from the Aspen Institute, to the Atlantic Council, Brookings Institute, the Center for a New American Security, all the way to Davos and the World Economic Forum. . . .

Americaā€™s cultural and economic decline came about in the 2000s due to the severe mismanagement of our ruling elites. The backbone of our manufacturing industryĀ was sent overseasĀ while they lined their pocketsā€” as were our troops while, again, theĀ elites lined their pockets. Of course, the CCP took advantage of this, tooā€”everyone else certainly was.

AsĀ major deficitsĀ in our social policies towards children and their familiesĀ stunted and delayed American family formation, the elites institutedĀ open borders policiesĀ rather than deal with the consequences of their mismanagement.

Schools and universitiesĀ ceased their yearning for scholastic progressĀ and instead became indoctrination centers for theĀ new theology of Marxist-based Critical Race Theory, giving the ruling elite a pass to maintain their privilege at the expense of working and middle-class Americans who have been engulfed inĀ identitarian tribalism.

It isnā€™t just the fact that we,Ā the governed, are being failed by our ruling elites. Itā€™s that these failures haveĀ paved the way for CCPā€™s values to dominate the world. Itā€™s no wonder then that our system of government-by-elites is beginning to closely resemble theirs. Instead of the West influencing China to become more open, the CCP has shown Western elites how to become more authoritarian.

The last 20 years of appeasement and elite exchange with the CCP has not caused China to become more liberalized, it has caused America to become more authoritarian. This is the dynamic which needs to change, and it will not do so until the American people begin demanding a return to the values which made America great, rather than the ever-changing whims of a disconnected ruling elite.

The Declaration rightly states, ā€œmankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves.ā€Ā It is time to right ourselves.

Do you agree that China’s and America’s ruling class are similar? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Human Events. Article written by Jack Posobiec. Photo by Istock)

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July 10, 2021

Yes, this is pretty much how I understand it, too. If we, the people, do not put our foot down, our days of freedom to live our lives without undue interference are over. Please, America, wake up before it is even darker.

July 8, 2021

What a truth teller!! This article is telling it like it is! Jack Posobiec, THANK YOU, you are totally right! Amen, it is time to “right ourselves!”

July 8, 2021

There is no question that our nation and Communist China are becoming more and more alike. The only question is, why is it being allowed to happen? Because of the billionaires who truly run our country! They don’t care a bit about us “common people”. They are only concerned about bringing their self-serving agenda to pass, and maintaining their opulent lifestyle. Lord Jesus, You are truly the One in control. We turn to You to intervene in the affairs of men. Please, cause the billionaire agenda to fail miserably in our country. Please, restore our nation to its roots, and restore our government to its place of prominence. In Jesus’ name.

July 8, 2021

Lord God, Almighty! You hold all things in Your hands. Nothing escapes Your watchful eye and nothing happens that has not been first sifted through your sovereign hands. We have Your Word. The USA and China are essentially non-players in the end times. We know You are victorious! Help us to grow in faith and in trust seeking to share Your Word and the love of Jesus Christ. ā€œLet us not grow weary in weā€™ll doing, for in due time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.ā€ (Gal 6:9). Do for us what You have done in the past. Give us eyes to see…2 Kings 6:16-20, just like the servant with Elisha! You have a great multitude in the heavenly places. We are not alone! Give us the courage and foresight you gave to Elisha! Help us to stand firm and utilize the weapons of warfare according to Eph 6:10-18. It instructs us to, ā€œ finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devilā€˜s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. Therefore, put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breast plate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.ā€ Lord, help us to ready ourselves. Thank You for Your Word that gives us all we need. It warns us, readies us and gives us hope! Thank You for Your promise to never leave us not forsake us. Thank You that victory is secure and You are a faithful, trustworthy God who loves us beyond measure or comprehension. We love You and hold fast through the power of Jesus Christ. In His Name we pray!

    Robert Righter
    July 8, 2021

    Father, be blessed in and through us. In Jesus name we pray, Father. Amen. We choose You.
    We felt safe in a nation separated by water. Then evil crossed the ocean.
    We felt safe as a member of a political party that esteemed you. Then evil infiltrated the party and touted itself.
    We felt safe in a small town enjoying your blessings and worshiping You inside our churches. Then the small towns pushed us out into the big towns with its worldly ways
    We have returned to You and as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
    We see now that there is no safety in being part of a nation, a political party, a church, a geographical place to live. There is only safety in You. We are thankful for the opportunity to live only for you. And to enjoy your provision and love for and to us come what may.
    Darkness cannot snuff out the Light.

      July 8, 2021

      Amen, Robert! Peter reminds us in 1 Peter 1:4, ā€œWe have an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for us, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.ā€ Our redemption is near. We can handle these varies trials because our hope is in Jesus Christ and our eternal home is with Him. Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King! Amen, my brother. As my friend Jan Markell always says, ā€œThings are not falling apart, they are falling into place.ā€


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