A House Republican has introduced a resolution that calls for the removal of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who he says lacks the “mental fitness” for the job.
Pelosi, 81, a career politician who has served in the House for 33 years, is third in the line of succession for the presidency, essentially putting her two heartbeats away from the White House.
Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) finds that unacceptable. “It’s clear that Nancy Pelosi does not have the mental fitness to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives. I’m introducing a resolution to push for her removal,” he wrote on Twitter on Sunday. He introduced the resolution on Monday. . . .
The resolution also says Pelosi “has spent the majority of the House of Representative’s time pursuing baseless and fruitless investigations” against President Trump and his administration, including last year’s impeachment inquiry. “On October 31, 2019, Speaker Nancy Pelosi oversaw the first party-line vote to begin an impeachment inquiry into a president in the history of our country,” the resolution says.
The resolution lays out a litany of past actions by Pelosi, including when she “ripped up the State of the Union speech” delivered by the president in February “before the American people.” . . .
“Over the tenure of her speakership, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has started to demonstrate a decline in mental fitness, calling into question her ability to adequately serve the House of Representatives and the American people,” the resolution says.
Collins also pointed out that during an interview this month on ABC News, Pelosi “appeared confused and exhibited bizarre behavior” by “blurting out randomly ‘Good Morning, Sunday morning.’”
Pelosi last month also raised the possibility of impeaching Trump again as part of a ploy to stop him from filling a recently vacated Supreme Court seat, saying on ABC that Democrats “have arrows in our quiver.”
Host George Stephanopoulos pressed Pelosi on the issue, asking, “But to clarify, you’re not taking any arrows out of your quiver, you’re not ruling anything out?”
Pelosi then gave a puzzling answer, responding, “Good morning. Sunday morning. The, uh, we have a responsibility, we take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. We have a responsibility to meet the needs of the American people, uh, that, uh, is, uh, when we weigh the equities of protecting our democracy requires us to use every arrow in our quiver.”
(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Article by Joseph Curl. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
What do you think about this move to remove Pelosi?
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Its about time. She should be brought up on charges–last I checked she worked for us the people of the USA– if I were this insubordinate to my employer—my but would be out of there—SO SHOULD HERS! She is a disgrace to our country!!!!!!!!!
Jesus please remove Nancy Pelosi from office. She is a she devil that hides behind other politicians to pounce and destroy our USA of America. Nancy Pelosi wants to take away all our freedom as we know it. And make our government a Communist run country as like the existing communist states in the world like China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. Like These communist states where people have no freedom.
Jesus please remove Nancy Pelosi from office
The night she ripped up the presidents speech on national tv she should of been hauled off to jail she has spent the last 4 yrs doing everything she can to trash the president instead of doing her job she needs to go
I think She is an evil woman and way too old to be in the workforce
Removing Pelosi is long overdue. She is a bully, she is antagonistic, she creates discention and conflict that is detrimental to the wellbeing of our nation. How she dishonors, disrespects, and challenges our president in and out of the public is nothing less than treason. She has had more power over the President than the President has been able to have to do his job, and that kind of power and control needs to stop! The sooner she is gone, and her cronies with her, there will be less public and national discord, disunity, and violence. Her removal couldn’t happen soon enough. She is the embodiment of evil! Prayer changes things, and I am very pleased that most of these posts are a prayer for righteousness and justice to triumph!
When she ripped up the SOTU speech before America she should have been hauled off. PERIOD
Had that been Obama then any other speaker would’ve been hauled off. There are different laws for democrats and republican’s. Republican’s need to stop being so passive.
Anytime cnn Wolf Blitzer calls out a demoncrat that speaks volumes. It is waaaaay past time for her to be gone. She is disrespectful, evil personified and mentally unfit. Schumer threatened 2 Supreme Court Justices, why isn’t he gone?? demoncratic party is a socialist party
I think it is long past time for her to go!! Her actions are way past unacceptable and she has deliberately done more to divide Americans than should have ever been tolerated by a person in her position. I have prayed for her soul over an over but it may be that a Time Out to get a grip on herself would be beneficial to her… and to our country.
Please do it!
Yes, may justice be served. In the name of our lord, Jesus.
I think it is the responsible thing to do. She has blocked every effort to help people during the pandemic by trying to pass a wish list worth billions more than the US can afford to spend. There are too many things she has gotten away with to list, along with her health issues. Given her age, those will just continue to get worse. It is time she left.
Heavenly Father, we pray that You as the Omniscient God, reveal all truth about Nancy Pelosi and provide all evidences for all findings, so that all measures that will be taken, will be totally justified in the eyes of all concerned, and also the general public. You are the Judge over all judges, and only in You exists just justice. This will avoid unnecessary discussions, and dangerous divisions in the leadership and in the population. May justice be served!
I think it is time we have an age limit on holding office. This is not age discrimination, as I myself am 74, but this protects the nation from having what we are seeing now with even Mr Biden. They have served many years in the positions they now have and there is a time one needs to do what is right and best for all. We cannot fight the aging process no matter how hard we try, it is a normal process all will go through at some point. I pray we can do it with grace and dignity, honoring the God who has given to us the many good years of service.
Yes, we totally agree it’s time for Nancy to step down as she has not been anything but disrespectful to our sitting President and the American citizens especially who support him. She does not stand up for the Life, marriage , and religious freedom which are non-negotiable standards in the Catholic Church which she says she is a member of. Nancy Pelosi has lost her way ! What can we do to make this happen?
It is time to remove her. She lacks the fitness of the office. The position demands someone with manners in front of the people during any facing of the entire public.
Yes, Nasty Pelosy needs to ve removed immediately. Her anger toward Predident and citizens are unacceptable. Remocer her now.
Nancy Pelosi is the most disrespectful House Representative I’ve every seen in my life. How can someone who states they pray all the time be so disrespectful and rude. Where are the biblical standards seen in her?
I agree totally.
I pray for that woman, for she is controlled by evil,
The Lord says , pray for your enemies , I pray she can be removed and the hate and evil go from our government.
Dear Heavenly Father, we cry out to YOU! Please see how our President is mocked, and silence the lying lips! We ask that You would please remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, and replace her with someone who loves and fears You, who rule righteously, and will work for the good of America. We ask for a new Speaker of the House — someone who will honor You, love our country and respect our President. We ask this in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.
Psalms 109:8 says, ‘Let his [Nancy Pelosi’s] days be few [as Speaker of the House]; and let another take his [her] office. Amen
He [God] changes times and seasons; He deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. Daniel 2:22
Lord we declare Nancy Pelosi is deposed.
It is God who judges: He brings one down, He exalts another. Psalm 75:7
Lord we thank You that You bring down Nancy.
Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 Amen.
Father fill her position with a righteous God fearing believer, who will do Your will for our nation.
Our God is sovereign and His word is established. Amen!
Lord, I lift this proposal into your powerful hands. Over and over again we hear hatred and disrespect for our President while he is attempting to do the job he was elected for. Any failures in this presidency are not the result of his efforts, but the result of Nancy Pelosi and those in her party who are doing everything BUT the job they were elected to do. I pray you open the eyes of the American people to see the reality of the past 4 years; I pray you give wisdom to those who are unsure of how to vote and those who are voting only based on a party’s name. Please, Lord, let all gain the wisdom of the true platforms of these political parties and vote for the leader who is ready, willing, and able to instill the platforms based on your Word. YOUR WILL, FATHER…in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!
Lord, you are amazing and powerful. Please rebuke, from the throne room, this Jezebel who continues to stir up strife and division amongst your people..we pray that your perfect justice and mercy be used to stop the advancement of the enemy’s plans, through this woman. I pray that you show yourself mighty in blessing our nation and the people in authority. In Jesus mighty name we pray! Amen
Lord Jesus, please make these people accountable for wanting to give the money to their special interest groups including incarcerated individuals too. Lord, help us to help one another and the church to help those in need.
I sincerely believe the leader of the whole House of Representatives shouldn’t get pay checks either. If Americans don’t get the help they need, then the leading Congressional Democrats shouldn’t get a paycheck either.
Your will be done in this matter. Nancy Pelosi has not been doing her job to unite America but divide. Please forgive Nancy Pelosi. We ask that she will repent of her sin which I’m sure we all need your mercy. In Jesus Name we pray. Thank You Father. Amen.
I agree that Pelosi should be removed from Speaker of the House. She has wasted taxpayer money on foolishness and is not fulfilling her obligations to the American people. The sooner the better.
Too little, too late
My words exactly.
Speaker Pelosi is being controlled by demonic spirits and sees things through that filter. She definitely needs to be removed and replaced but most of all she needs Jesus.
I pray Lord that You will drop the scales from Nancy Pelosi’s eyes that she may see clearly the truth that is Your truth. Let there be a Damascus road experience and clarity of who You are and who she should be in You, Jesus. Amen
We pray Your Blessing for Nancy Pelosi, Father just as we were told to do. Putting Your Name upon her for that which she most needs from You. So we lift our hands up towards Nancy Pelosi for the Blessing of The Lord who is Lord of all. He showers His Goodness on the just and the unjust…May Your Justice and Mercy prevail.
May The Lord Bless Nancy Pelosi and keep her. May The Lord make His Face to shine upon Nancy Pelosi and Be Ever Gracious to her with His Mercy and Grace. May The Lord turn His Face towards Nancy Pelosi and give her exactly what she most needs that His Peace, Shalom be hers that she would be left with nothing missing and nothing broken within her being. All to the Glory of Jesus, Savior of All…for our God still loves the world. Amen
We must be very careful what you say amen to. Yes, God desires that everyone repent and be saved, so we pray that God would grant her grace and mercy to repent. However, if she refuses to submit to God and to repent for her grievous sins then may God’s judgement be swift upon her, removing her from office.
Lord Jesus, I pray that You would establish term limits for our elected officials in Congress. I pray that career politicians would be a thing if the past and I pray You will richly bless Nancy Pelosi with truth and salvation!
In Your strong name I pray,