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Lord, we pray for the House as it investigates the Trump conviction. We pray that all wrongdoing would be exposed.
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Following the historic conviction of a former U.S. president, House Republicans are calling on Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg to testify to Congress.

From The Federalist. House Republicans called top Manhattan prosecutors to testify before lawmakers following the unprecedented felony conviction of the presumptive GOP presidential nominee.

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On Friday, the Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government issued a demand for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his deputy, Matthew Colangelo, to appear on Capitol Hill for a June 13 hearing.

The demand comes the morning after former President Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records over 2016 payments to an attorney marked as “legal expenses.” …

Bragg ran for the top New York County prosecutor’s office on a platform to prosecute Trump in 2021. …

Colangelo was previously the no. 3 official in the Justice Department, and he joined Bragg’s team at the local prosecutor’s office in December 2022 as the Manhattan attorneys prepared to indict Trump. Colangelo had also worked at the New York State Attorney General’s Office, which sought to bankrupt the former president in another politicized investigation. House Republicans on the Judiciary Committee wrote a letter to New York Democrat Attorney General Letitia James two weeks ago demanding records related to Colangelo’s time there.

“Mr. Colangelo’s recent employment history demonstrates his obsession with investigating a person rather than prosecuting a crime,” wrote Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio. …

What do you think of Bragg and Colangelo? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Kena Betancur/Getty Images)

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June 7, 2024

I believe they have chosen to do satan’s will and as of yet show no signs of changing that choice. It may already be too late for them to repent of their sins against God, only God knows for sure.
God’s will can not be stopped and satan knows that and is trying to do as much damage as possible before God puts satan and all his followers into the everlasting fiery furnace.
God help us to persevere and trust in Your plan of salvation. Amen Alleluia

Martha Savage
June 5, 2024

I pray whatever is hid shall be revealed,whatever is kept secret shall manifest, whatever is not planted by The Father shall be uprooted!! In YESHUAS mighty name!!!

Jeffrey Sayle
June 4, 2024

Father, I pray your will be done and that all evil doers will be exposed. Protect the Trump family and all their legal teams. In Jesus Name

William Ahrens
June 4, 2024

The Republicans always act like something’s going to happen something’s going to get done somebody’s going to prison but nothing ever happens… My question is why… I’m beginning to think you are in it with the Democrats… Feel good cop bad cop routine I don’t trust you guys as far as I can throw you…

Darlene Estlow
June 4, 2024

Father, I pray for your revelations of truth when Bragg goes before Congress. I pray for wisdom on the part of Representatives and a spirit of truth to be over the whole body. Thank you that this is taking place.

Mary Shields
June 4, 2024

The evil ones plans have already failed! Trump faced this conviction to set another precedent that can now be used against them!

This is God’s battle and His victory! He requires our partnership with Him by BELIEVING AND TRUSTING that He is fully in control! NO FEAR JUST FAITH!!!

June 4, 2024

Thank You, LORD that ALL works done in secret, in darkness ARE coming to light.

Janice Flora
June 4, 2024

I pray that the evil ones will be ashamed and fall down before the Lord.
We take authority in Jesus name for protection for President Donald Trump.
We claim victory for our nation.
Lord send your mighty warring angels to come and push back the darkness. I pray millions will come to know you Lord. In Jesus mighty name! Amen

June 4, 2024

I think this trial has been a political witch hunt & has twisted & falsified the law, causing US citizens to have no respect or faith in the two tiered justice system that we are now constantly seeing when the democrats are involved. I pray that the corrupt judges, and DA’s and all corrupt government officials would have their own evil schemes come back on their own heads, and that our country would again become a real Christian nation with Godly principles.

June 4, 2024

I think this trial has been a political witch hunt & has twisted & falsified the law, causing US citizens to have no respect or faith in the two tiered justice system that we are now constantly seeing when the democrats are involved. I pray that the corrupt judges, and DA’s and all corrupt government officials would have their own evil schemes come back on their own heads, and that our country would again become a real Christian nation with Godly principles.

June 4, 2024

It’s important to get these men under oath and on the record to freeze the facts of the case. Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD. We owe it to these people to put barriers in their path so we pray for repentance and righteousness to prevail.

June 4, 2024

Dear Father we pray your Will. Luke 8:17 You promise that “nothing is done in secret that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.” We pray that scripture over this and every situation we are facing in America. In Jesus Mighty Mighty Name we pray. Amen

WIlliam Lee Knhler
June 4, 2024

They are guilty of treason and should be hanged.

robert green
June 4, 2024

they have to go to congrass to answer question about there action on trump and the f in watch hurt and for vil lating the law which is againest the law and that judge should be a rested with the evil da


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