Hope for Campuses Under Siege
Praying for America in 2024
The Rise of Islamism in America
Columbia University Refuses to Divest From Israel
Anti-Israel Protesters Seek to Have Records Expunged
Hope for Campuses Under Siege
Chants of “America stands with Israel” and “Let my people go,” and refrains of “How Great Is Our God” rang out at Columbia University’s campus on the evening of Thursday, April 25.
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My husband, Rich, also an IFA contributing writer, and I joined the United for Israel March, organized by Let Us Worship movement founder Sean Feucht; author and speaker Eric Metaxas; Luke Moon, executive director of the Philos Project; and Russell Johnson, pastor of The Pursuit church. Fittingly, this event took place during this year’s Passover season.
At the rallying point, on 115th Street and Morningside Drive, in New York City, Feucht urged our group to bring with us a joyful, loving spirit to the campus, which has for weeks been otherwise rocked with hateful chants against Israel and, by extension, the Jewish people.
Our group, comprising evangelical Christians, Messianic Jewish believers, and Jewish people who do not yet know the Messiah, was perhaps more difficult to corral than Feucht’s typical gatherings might be. In part, this was because our group and other pro-Israel demonstration groups have not been allowed onto the campus. So instead, we marched around the campus perimeters, ending at the main gate, where we sang Christian worship songs and the Israeli national anthem. By the end of our march, the initial group of hundreds had drawn hundreds more. Sara Carter of Fox News estimated that there were thousands in the crowd.
Social media posts, including one featuring a display of a large ad in Times Square, and other online promotions helped draw the initial crowd. Some pro-Israel demonstrators were mixing it up verbally with a few of those dug-in antisemitic protesters gathered tauntingly along the sidewalks.
One of the leaders of the Columbia protests, Khymani James, was reportedly expelled following reports that he had said: “Zionists don’t deserve to live.” The term Zionism, coined with reference to the formation and support of the State of Israel, has become a byword of disparagement among antisemitic protesters.
As we sang along with Feucht, who was strumming his guitar and leading the march, Rich and I were frequently in prayer. At one point, we witnessed a verbal confrontation devolve into a physical shoving match, at which point I began praying for the Lord’s intervention, and the two antagonists were parted from each other. Thanks be to God!
Organizers called this the first overt display of support for Israel and Jewish students by evangelical Christians — including Messianic leaders —and Jewish Americans. The following day, Faith2Action, Truth & Liberty Coalition, MorningStar Ministries, Transformation Michigan, and some churches rented a plane to fly a banner over the Columbia campus, reading: “God Bless Israel.” Earlier in the week, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson led a delegation to the campus to express American support for Israel and the Jewish people.
This support is urgently needed. Rich and I found that many people are intimidated by the idea of going public with expressions of support for Israel and the Jews. One student shared with Rich that a Jewish friend from one of his study groups was struggling hard over the animosity he faced daily.
That student is but one of many. The expression of antisemitic hatred has been finely tuned by the shadowy figures behind these so-called “protests.” As IFA reported last week, the protests have gained literal currency from deep-pocketed groups linked to the Soros family’s Open Society and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. These protests display the same aggressive, Marxist-influenced tactics seen with the BLM and Antifa riots, tactics intended to intimidate and to suppress dissent. They include doxing and similar forms of social media harassment.
All this intimidation is in fact so strong that even a former CNN anchor, Campbell Brown, announced recently that she was taking her children to Israel because they are safer there than in New York City.
The anti-Israel hate has spread to New York University, where rioters chased NYPD Assistant Chief James McCarthy and some of his officers into an NYU building. And similar violence is spilling forth at such disparate places as Emory University, the University of Colorado, and Indiana University at Bloomington.
A clear goal of these protests is the destruction of Israel, but the welfare of the entire Western world may be on the line as well. Cindy Jacobs, a prominent intercessory prophet, disclosed recently that she and others have sensed that these protests are being coordinated by forces seeking to convert Western democracies into Islamic regimes.
Faced with this sort of explosive situation, we intercessors are blessed to be able to turn to the One who is above all. Recently, I asked the Lord how we are to pray for Israel and the war in the Middle East. He answered:
“Choices are a worthy prayer now. This government of your nation has unleashed fearsome curses upon this nation. Pray that My vengeance would be worked only upon those directly responsible. Yes, the judgment is upon you all, but pray that My blood would prevail over My own and over the innocent.
“My remnant is to be prayed for in its choices: choices to see correctly, to pray righteously, to act in line with all that I have for them. With wise choices, My remnant will arise, and the judgment will pass over. With fear and panicked choices, My people will suffer, so these are days in which My own have need of moving with calm spirits and clear minds.
“Remember, judgment is unto correction and revival; but the choice remains.”
We can implement this prayer strategy as follows:
- Ask the Lord to forgive our government leaders who have activated the curse of Genesis 12 over the United States, and to cover over that sin by the blood of Jesus.
- Ask the Lord to turn back the curse that is on America.
- Pray for good choices for everyone, from this point forward.
- Pray that the Lord’s judgment would fall only on those directly responsible for this curse.
- Pray that the blood of the Lord Jesus would protect His people and the innocent.
- Pray for the followers of Christ to make right choices to see correctly, to pray righteously, and to act in line with the Lord’s will for them.
- Pray against fear and any panicked choices among the Lord’s people.
- Pray for calm spirits and clear minds among believers.
- Pray that this judgment would bring the necessary repentance and correction.
- Pray for revival in the Church, salvation for the lost, and reformation for our society.
Lord, help us to walk in Your calm Spirit and to receive the mind of Christ — especially during these days in which You are working Your correction upon the waywardness of many American leaders. Protect Your people and the innocent with the very blood of Jesus through these days of turmoil. Amen.
Here is some footage from Thursday’s United for Israel March, including a brief interview with Eric Metaxas. Here also is a link about Friday’s “God Bless Israel” banner, and a brief interview with Janet Porter of Faith2Action.
Additionally, pro-Hamas protesters who had set up tents on the campus of Columbia University were told they needed to disperse by 2 p.m. Monday, but they refused to take the tents down and protests continued:
How are you praying for Jewish students? Share below, so that we can all take encouragement.
New York City–based Joyce Swingle is an intercessor and a contributing writer for IFA. With her husband, Rich, also a contributing writer for IFA, Joyce shares the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through theater, speaking, writing, and film. Prior to going into full-time ministry, Joyce worked for about 20 major magazines and now works in pastoral ministry and Christian counseling. Read more about Joyce’s work at www.Richdrama.com. Photo Credit: Rich Swingle.
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FATHER, Thank You for Your love of the Jewish people.
Be with all of therse “apples of Your eye. ”
Cover them with the blood of Jesus, which is Your light so they are protected from those who hate You.
Father, also bring Your truth to the protestors and help them see they’re being manipulated. Lead all to the Truth, Your goodness and love.
In Jesus name, Amen
Yes, thank the Lord for those Americans who support Israel. May it increase in numbers 🙏! Oh Lord please bring wisdom to many younger people who lack understanding of Jesus Christ and what he has done for all of mankind!
Thank you Joyce and Rich for being a light in the darkness. This article was very eye-opening and reminds us all of the need to publicly stand up for Israel in the midst of these bold displays of anti-semitism. Many blessings over you and Rich as you continue doing the Lord’s work.
Lord bless you, Angela!
2 Chronicles- 7-14–“ If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.“ Gods words of Faith and Hope!
The Bible is a real thing. And in it, God talks about fairness. Justice to others AND OBEDIENCE to Him. You cannot use it to argue for any activity that is unfair to others, unjust to others and disobedient to God. Gods words in Matthew-15-19-20-says “19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.” Contrary to popular belief, most of the problems that humanity faces Begins in the Heart. Without God, the heart is deceitful and profoundly evil, allowing sin in to the lives of our Youth that are in colleges- The leaders of these colleges have been guided by Liberal elites money and the power of money paid to them. In a lot of these colleges that are practicing the lies of satan, is being Taught to the Youth that are attending these schools. God as I pray for these Youth that Satan is using, I am wondering where the parents ARE. Why are the parents not stepping up? Are they bound by the spirit of Fear and Terror that is invading America? God I lift up Your Words that we have the Authority over the demons that is causing all manner of chaos, pandemonium and panic. God we declare the people will not be drawn into scare tactics and do nothing. God I lift up prayers to You that the government of this nation will not be able to continue to invade anymore with their evil strategies and infiltrate the hearts and minds of parents and our Youth. God says “ God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power , and love, and a sound mind” 2 Timothy-1-7- Father God I pray these words for the families that need Gods guidance, wisdom, & Gods words. “All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.” The ultimate goal of Christianity is to bring families to become believers into Gods vision that they might see His Heart. We all need to anchored in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work on Calvary’s cross to have eternal life. Oh God. God save our Students, our Youth from the bondage that is from the spirit of the devil, help the parents to see the hold-of darkness and bondage that is upon their children. Take the power away from the Directors. Professors and dictatorial leaders and tyrants who for personal gain choke their liberty. We must raise up a cry to keep freedom and liberty in our lives and demand deliverances from all who want to destroy us and America. 🇺🇸 “A Psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. …” Psalms-23” Thank u Father🧎♀️
Father, open the eyes of those who are raging against Israel and let them see that they have yielded themselves to the liar Satan. Soften their hearts as they encounter your laborers that will reveal your love and truth to them. Thank you Father, I ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.
Heavenly Father I pray for the enlightenment of these foolish students who have allowed themselves to be mislead by some of the evil-minded and spiritually blind who we unwisely allowed to indoctrinate whole generations of our children.
Guide their hearts and minds back into the paths of righteousness lest they be forever lost in the fires of hell.
Bind those behind all this wickedness with the powers of Your Angels and defy and defeat their evil minds.
Help us, Lord, to see Thy ways more clearly, that we may heal our children of their foolishness before they become forever damned in Your eyes.
Cast down, Oh Lord, those few evil bankrollers of this evil savaging our lands. Do not, I pray, allow their hate-filled minds to further damage Thy people, the Jews and their land, Israel which You gave them .
This I ask in the name of Your One and Only Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you for this powerful prayer, Greenman21. Your words clearly articulate what we should pray.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray today in the name of Your son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Dear Lord, these students raging on our campuses may falsely believe that they serve a good cause, but they rail against Your chosen people, and serve many other wicked causes as well. Thinking themselves wise, they have become fools. To the dark masters they serve and who manipulate them, they are little more than useful idiots. Lord, in this sense they are also victims of their evil puppeteers, both worldly and spiritual, and I pray for them as well as my nation and people, America, and the nation and people of Israel. LORD , please lift the scales from their eyes that they might be save while there is still time. In Jesus precious name I pray, amen.
Dear Lord, raise up many many more groups like sean feught’s let us worship. They go where the need is greatest with joy love and fearlessness! Please keep Your protection on all of them
These requests sound as if they need to part of prayers during National Day of Prayer.
Father we come before you and stand in unison with Israel and the Jewish Students on the various campuses. You are their solid rock and the enemy ground is sinking sand. We thwart all plans of the enemy and and boomerang their wicked darts back on them sevenfold. America is and always will be One Nation Under God.
When Nations turn against Israel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7cyLXiFoOc. Antisemitism will be judged regardless of which Country you live in so take heed, you will be judged on your attitude toward the Jews.
Watched this live on FB from Sean’s page, praying for everyone and for God to move in this non violent march and stand for Israel. May God shine through big time for His Chosen people here in America. We look to You, Lord, Almighty God, to lead us in our thoughts, words, actions…may they all be under Your authority. Our hearts yielded to You. And draw people to You and change hearts filled with fear and death to ones of love and life. For Jesus’ Glory. Amen.
LORD JESUS, You are the PRINCE of PEACE, JEHOVAH-SHALOM. In Your name we pray for Peace for hearts and minds filled with hatred, anger and Anti-semitism. Praying for Your True Peace for America and Israel and Jerusalem. We know that Peace that passes all understanding can only be found by knowing You personally as Savior & Lord. “Now may the God of Hope fill you with all joy and Peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in Hope.” Romans 15: 13 We lift up our Prayers and Hope to You alone , In Your Victorious, Redemptive Name. Amen.
The parents of these students need to be held responsible.
They need to be asked or even ordered to come to the colleges and pick up their wild, hate-filled off-spring and take them home to teach them how to be law abiding citizens of this GOD blessed nation.
Hold the parents responsible!
Not the college! Tho’ truth to tell, one has to wonder what the college is teaching.
Not the world leaders–we have a choice who to believe.
No, this outrageous behavior is the parent’s responsibility to correct.
They have been indoctrinated into Marxism by the universities they attend. As adults, they are now responsible for their own actions. Lord, shine Your light on the students and the schools. May they see the light and turn from their wicked ways!
I saw a sign among those supporting terrorism held by a parent shaming the school for trying to break up the protest. So sad.
Isiah 10:32 – 12″6 This is God’s promise of judgement of those in opposition to His chosen people. He has preserved a remnant of His people, and He protects His remnant of ALL His children from destruction. LORD, thank You that Your word is TRUTH and it BEVER fails but completes that which You have sent it to do!
America and Israel will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord. In the Holy name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ☦
O Blessed Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we praise You for Your Goodness. We thank You for Your mercy. We ask forgiveness for our offenses against You. We seek Your loving care for all our needs and requests.
You have blessed our nation, and given us countless gifts. Our freedom and the ability to seek Your will every day are among our dearest possessions. But in turning away from You, we not only risk the loss of all our country has stood for, but we also offend You, who are all good and deserving of all our love.
We ask that You hear us, and through Your fathomless mercy, convert the hearts of our people and bring them back to You. May our land once more ring out with praise of You and the most loving Virgin Mary, to whom we have entrusted the petitions in this novena. Most Holy God, we thank You for hearing us. May our hearts praise You forevermore. Amen.
At midnight the pro-terrorist protestors took over one of the campus halls: https://abcnews.go.com/US/live-updates/college-protests-israel-palestine-war/columbia-protesters-occupy-campus-hall-109776958?id=109734946
Lord, we pray for an end to this mayhem, for order to be restored, and for revival to spring up at Columbia and all these campuses that are spilling over with antisemitism.
Yes! In Jesus’ Mighty Name!🙏🙌🙏🙌
Thank you for this report. Father, I declare: “Life to Israel. Life to the Jews worldwide. Life to America.” “You shall live and not die.” ” You shall fulfill your destiny as determined by the Lord God Almighty.” “Peace to your cities; peace to your countryside; peace to the highways and byways; peace to your people.” And now, Lord, overthrow the words and the vile hatred that is fomenting from the mouths of those who despise Your ways. Break hard and stony hearts with Your love and kindness. Save many. Protect the innocent. Forgive the sins of Your people. Correct us. We pray that our government leaders would repent of their deeds against our country, our Constitution, and against Israel, our ally. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
Praying for the plans of the enemies of Israel and this nation to be thwarted by the hand of God and that they would turn and bless Israel. I pray for the students and leaders of this nations to have the eyes of their understanding to be opened to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. That they may receive the wisdom and revelation of the power of His suffering and resurrection. I plead the blood of Jesus over those that are yours Jesus. In Jesus name. Amen,
Deuteronomy 29:19-20: I call Heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before the you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob to give to them.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you for all you’re doing and for the leading us in prayer and for serving . I’m so grateful for your emails and leadership in this cuz I don’t even know how to pray without the help and I’m just so thankful for your help. For the protection and blood of Jesus Jesus over all of you and that we will hold fast to our Savior. I thank you thank you for your presence God bless each of you. And I even got a call from you from the gentleman who prayed for me and I will continue to pray for all of you.
Yes. Thank you IFA and all your leaders. We are in agreement with your prayers and efforts to bring the Kingdom of God to USA and Israel God bless and enrich you all
Thank you, Father God, that you know and see all and hear the prayers of your people. Father, you know that our current “government” does not represent the people of this nation, any more than many “governments” around the world represent their people. I thank you, Father, that you have more than enough true believer’s – sons and daughters, priests in the Kingdom – in America and around the world, to save it all! I thank you, Father, that the curse has been reversed and your Ecclesia is rising to proclaim what Jesus said, the gates of hell will not prevail against us! In the name of Jesus, we sing and shout alleluia and say Amen!
Lord, I pray for the protection of our Jewish students who are targets of hatred. I ask Father to give them strength and courage. Above all, through this crisis, they open their hearts to accept Your Son as their Lord and Savior, in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Father you instruct us to pray for our enemies so I lift up to you those protesting against your chosen ones and America. I pray they would turn to you Father as that is the only way to be saved. I pray their hearts would be changed and that they would experience conviction of their spirits. That they would feel the heaviness and fear they are inflicting on others forcing them to repent. I ask also Father that you convict those who are in authority over us and who are complacent in and creating these situations. And that if they are unwilling to recognize you and turn from their evil ways, that you would shield those of us who do love, serve, and honor you from the wrath they are heaping upon themselves with these behaviors. Help those of us who stand with you and with Israel to stay focused and encouraged as we know that you alone have and will be victorious. Help us to be strong and courageous as we pray without ceasing for your soon return and an end to all of this craziness. (One thing have I desired of the Lord that I will seek after and that is to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his tabernacle. Psalms 27:4) I adore you my Lord and Savior.
Precious Lord, I and many others are praying 2 Chronicles 7:14 for ourselves and our nation: “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Oh hear us and forgive us and heal our land, dear Abba, our father.