I Prayed have prayed
Lord, our hearts and minds are bombarded by the film industry. Help us to filter and see and hear all of it through Your Spirit.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Gigantic asteroids hurtling toward earth; aliens invading the planet; zombie pandemics all over the globe; total societal collapse — such apocalyptic plot lines are trending in Hollywood. The most popular movies and TV programs revolve around pandemics, nuclear war, cyberattacks, and climate catastrophes. It’s obvious that a dismal, hopeless picture is being painted here, with a broad brush.

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When the COVID-19 pandemic began, interest in these sorts of dystopian movies and shows increased. But even before this, the big screen seemed to be packed with predictive programming. Movies like Outbreak (1995), Carriers (2009), Contagion (2011), Pandemic (2016), and Patient Zero (2018) portrayed societies overwhelmed and destroyed by disease. A steady stream of zombie movies and end-of-the-world films have continued to flood the media and film industry.

Some might believe that these disastrous themes are nothing more than intriguing stories that draw more viewers, but the truth is that powerful corporations and global influencers are fueling the apocalyptic craze. After all, television can be used to “tell-a-vision” that will serve these interests. Minds can be mesmerized, molded, and manipulated with the click of a remote.

Movies: Mere Entertainment, or a Message for the Masses?

A film released in December by Netflix titled Leave the World Behind has created a lot of chatter about cyberattacks and civil wars. This apocalyptic, psychological thriller, produced by Barack and Michelle Obama, simulates a massive cyberattack that disrupts the internet, cell phone service, and all forms of communication. The movie focuses on how two families are forced to survive together amid heightened racial tension. Meanwhile, mysterious happenings such as crashing planes, wrecked ships, disoriented wildlife, high-decibel piercing sounds, explosions in nearby cities, and mysterious illnesses cause great confusion. In all the madness, no one can figure out who or what is responsible for the cyberattack.

The overall message that pervades the film is that the blackout and subsequent disaster are not controlled by anyone. One of the main characters, known as “G.H.,” dismisses “conspiracy theories” by explaining that the elites are just as confused about the situation as everyone else. He describes a “three-stage maneuver” that could possibly be the workings of China, Russia, or any of America’s enemies:

stage 1: isolate people through power and satellite outages;

stage 2: create massive confusion through covert attacks of misinformation;

stage 3: allow civil war to break out, and the people destroy themselves.

Toward the end of the movie, G.H. declares: “Because if the target nation was dysfunctional enough, it would, in essence, do the work for you.” Regarding civil war, he adds: “Whoever started this wants us to finish it.” He stresses that a mixture of paranoia and terror is what will finish off the rest of society.

Who Controls the Media and Film Industry?

Movies like Leave the World Behind continue to be the norm in an industry dominated by the same corporations and billionaires who own the majority of media outlets. Among the biggest are AT&T, Comcast, the Walt Disney Company, National Amusements, News Corp, and Fox Corporation. Mega-movie company Netflix is owned by its shareholders, which include such major stakeholders as BlackRock and Vanguard. It’s worth noting that co-founder and first CEO of Netflix is Marc Randolph, a billionaire who claims descent from psychoanalysis pioneer Sigmund Freud. Moreover, Randolph’s paternal great-uncle was Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda.

Another factor to consider is that U.S. scriptwriters and producers are writing and making films that comply with the guidelines of the Chinese Communist Party, which approves only certain narratives.

Given all that power and propaganda, it stands to reason that the over 400 million subscribers of both Netflix and Amazon Prime are being manipulated by a combination of overt and subliminal messages. With over 30,000 television stations around the world via cable and satellite, as well as a plethora of streaming sites on which binge-watching is available, it’s probable that specific narratives have been planted into the minds of the masses.

Some believe that dystopian narratives condition society into accepting “the inevitable.” Others suggest that it’s predictive programming that will steer humanity in the direction that rich, powerful players want it to go.

The major agendas being pushed by global governments, large corporations, and the elites are spilling into every corner of life, but particularly into television and film. Among the topics that have been sown like seeds are homosexuality, transgenderism, racial inequality, climate change, artificial intelligence, nuclear and chemical war, disease, famine, civil war, economic collapse, and the demise of human reproduction.

Dystopia and Utopia Go Hand in Hand

Hollywood and its benefactors spoon-feed viewers an unsettling diet of dystopia, while simultaneously washing it all down with their version of utopia. In these worlds, crime is controlled, life is orderly, humans live forever virtually, genetic modification limits disease and aging, and flying cars and robots are common. Unfortunately, one essential component is missing: freedom.

Within all these creative scripts, even Hollywood acknowledges that utopias cannot really exist. Fatal flaws such as man’s selfishness, greed, and lust for power prevent its realization. This breaks down the grand illusion.

Whether dystopia or utopia, the silver screen is being used to normalize ideas, change perceptions, and push humanity in a certain direction. As coined in Sir Thomas More’s 16th-century book, the word utopia means “no place,” and this is where humans will end up when they put their trust in man, instead of God.

As Christians, we must be careful what we let into our hearts and minds. In fact, we must filter it all through the Holy Spirit, so that we can discern the messages coming through the screen.

As Scripture says: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).

Let’s pray together now:

Lord Jesus, Hollywood is painting a dismal picture of the future, but You have renewed our minds with a powerful truth: that the only perfect society awaits us in heaven. Until then, we will not let some movie screen tell us the future. Instead, we will pray without ceasing, and we look forward to eternity with You!

In what other ways do you see Hollywood influencing our world? And how are you praying? Share your thoughts below.     

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger, and home-schooling mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the U.S. You can visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. She is the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, and her first children’s book, Hallelujah’s Great Ride, was released in September 2023. Photo Credit: Tiero via Canva Pro.

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Grant Windholz
January 27, 2024

Lord God Almighty, we know as believers that Hollywood has been obviously wicked for many years and their plan has always been to “get rich” while controlling the viewers minds to live in complete fear now and in the future! It’s all spiritual warfare and God Almighty is the one who controls our minds and gives us peace through the Holy Spirit 🙏!!

January 23, 2024

KNOW our Promises. Stand without Fear and Occupy until HIS Appearing. Ignore their films, do not give them $
My Hope is in HIS BLESSED HOPE Titus 2:23

January 23, 2024

The purpose of fiction is to change the reader’s/viewer’s world view. Writers use vicarious identification to pull the reader/viewer into a powerful emotional experience. We rely on the reader’s/viewer’s suspension of disbelief. I say this as a published novelist. There are many dynamics fiction writers use. (Note the terminology.)

Fiction has the power to change a person — and a culture. I strongly caution Christians to carefully screen what they watch, or give up TV altogether.

Jan C
January 23, 2024

These people are showing us THEIR fear. They are projecting it onto the world; however, WE have what they don’t have. Christians, followers of Christ, you have a mighty God who climbs the mountains with you, goes through the fire with you, faces the enemy WITH YOU! Pray for those who fear and those whose faith is weak. Show them how to face fear. Show them the God of love, hope and peace. Father, touch hearts full of fear today. Help them to know YOU. In Jesus’ name.

Debra Benard
January 23, 2024

I pray Psalm 91 over the state of Florida, California Hollywood and film makers and producers, and the financial backers that we should not support, I pray for boots on the ground to help transform the mines of the people, that America don’t fall into a Sodom and Gomorrah strange beings been seen in Florida and California that Marine Spirit, Leviathan Spirit is lose but God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit is much more powerful then all the darkness.

January 23, 2024

Without a true Awakening to God, the creator of ALL life, the ONE who DIED to SAVE us all, there will continue to be wars, rumors of wars and destruction! It is INKY by truly knowing the ONE who made us, and trusting in Him, that we will be saved!!

Bill Johnson
January 23, 2024

Lord, we know who is the god of this world. These forces know that their time is short and they want to do as much damage as possible to steal everyone they can away from You! Open the eyes of your people to the deceptions that are trying to influence them in the wrong direction. Let your people not give up on Your Way but stand and use Your power and might to reveal the truth behind these attacks. Help them to not only see the truth for themselves, but also reveal the lies of the enemy to many others so these may also come to see and know the purposes behind these deceptions. Then these others can also receive the truth of Your Word. As a consequence,
,these many other people can also come to know the One who created and really controls this life and can grant them true life eternal!
In Jesus mighty name!!

Joyce Neeley
January 23, 2024

Job 38:2-4
“Who is this that darkens my council with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand?”
Praying for wisdom and discernment! Lord, show us!🙏


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