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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for the Ukrainian refugees, for those who cannot leave and for those who have already fled. We pray that you would be their refuge, comforting them in their time of great sorrow and need.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Ukrainian invasion has impacts beyond the Ukrainian borders. We are now seeing mass migration and a refugee crisis in Europe-the largest refugee movement in Europe since WWII. 

From The Wall Street Journal.

More than two million people have fled the war in Ukraine since Russian President Vladimir Putin began his onslaught in the country on Feb. 24, according to the U.N.’s refugee agency.

The speed and scale of the exodus has outstripped any such movement of people seen since World War II, according to the UNHCR, and is set to grow as the Russian assault on Ukrainian cities and civilians continues.

The refugee crisis triggered by the war has seen border crossings, trains and bus stations in neighboring countries flooded with refugees—mostly women and children—seeking safety. Many have been welcomed with offers of places to stay and basic provisions they had to abandon before they left. . . .

Successive efforts to set up evacuation routes out of civilian areas in Ukrainian cities under Russian fire have collapsed. The most recent on Tuesday saw one civilian convoy escape the besieged city of Sumy only for Russian shelling at the city’s exit to halt the effort. Local authorities said the evacuation would resume later in the day. . . .

Some 2,011,312 people have fled Ukraine since Feb. 24, according to UNHCR, as of March 8. A further one million are estimated to have been forced from their homes and internally displaced, the agency says.

The numbers are fluid and fast moving, said Christine Pirovolakis, spokeswoman for the UNHCR in London. She said initial estimates that the war could create four million refugees could be exceeded.

It took one week for the refugee numbers to hit one million, the agency said. In just five days since then, that figure has doubled.

Most of the refugees are women and children because of a law in Ukraine that prevents Ukrainian men of fighting age from leaving the country.

Share your prayers for the Ukrainian refugees in the comments!

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal.  Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Carolyn Thoensen
March 9, 2022

I just ask the Lord to uncover the truth in all these matters. I also ask the Lord for wisdom, understanding, and discernment for us all. Please Lord allow us to see & hear the truth

René B
March 9, 2022

Father in heaven I pray you protect the people of Ukraine . I pray that you will defeat the forces of darkness, Satan‘s angels, who seek to kill steal and destroy. Oh Jesus, Lord of host go forth with your angel armies and scatter the Russian army. Chase them with your fiery storms, tempests and tornadoes. So pursue them and terrify them that they will turn back and return to their own country. Cause them to fail in everything they do and let them be confounded in their schemes. Scatter their plans and nullify their counsel. Let their strategies be ineffective and may they not succeed to overtake Ukraine. I pray that man will not prevail against God as Asa prayed in 2Chronicles 14.Bring peace to the Ukrainian people again and let them return to their homes quickly and be united with their families once again. May you be glorified, magnified and exalted in Ukraine for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever! Amen.

Joanie Allen
March 9, 2022

Dear heavenly Father
Protect the innocent children and families of the Ukraine. . Please provide assurance for all believers
Raise up leading to come against this onslaught. Show us how to pray and provide assistance


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