I Prayed have prayed
The mind of a person plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps (Proverbs 16:9).
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Legal expert Phillip Juaregui of Judicial Action Group culled direct quotes from the decision to help intercessors understand what was decided in Trump v. U.S.

On July 1, 2024, the Supreme Court issued a decision in the case of Trump v. United States.

The vote was essentially 6-3.

ROBERTS , C. J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which THOMAS , ALITO , GORSUCH, and K AVANAUGH, JJ., joined in full, and in which BARRETT, J., joined except as to Part III–C. THOMAS , J., filed a concurring opinion. BARRETT, J., filed an opinion concurring in part. SOTOMAYOR, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which K AGAN and JACKSON, JJ., joined. JACKSON, J., filed a dissenting opinion.

The court addressed three types of immunity and then addressed four criminal counts against President Trump.

Immunity relating to core constitutional powers

At least with respect to the President’s exercise of his core constitutional powers, this immunity must be absolute. As for his remaining official actions, he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity. (Emphasis added.)

The Court thus concludes that the President is absolutely immune from criminal prosecution for conduct within his exclusive sphere of constitutional authority. (Emphasis added.)

Immunity relating to acts within outer perimeter of his official responsibility

Taking into account these competing considerations, the Court concludes that the separation of powers principles explicated in the Court’s precedent necessitate at least a presumptive immunity from criminal prosecution for a President’s acts within the outer perimeter of his official responsibility. (Emphasis added.)

No immunity for unofficial acts.

As for a President’s unofficial acts, there is no immunity. (Emphasis added.)

Court Addressed 4 Criminal Counts Against President Trump

Count 1: The indictment alleges that as part of their conspiracy to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election, Trump and his co-conspirators attempted to leverage the Justice Department’s power and authority to convince certain States to replace their legitimate electors with Trump’s fraudulent slates of electors.

Held 1: Because the President cannot be prosecuted for conduct within his exclusive constitutional authority, Trump is absolutely immune from prosecution for the alleged conduct involving his discussions with Justice Department officials.

Count 2: The indictment next alleges that Trump and his co-conspirators “attempted to enlist the Vice President to use his ceremonial role at the January 6 certification proceeding to fraudulently alter the election results.”

Held 2: The indictment’s allegations that Trump attempted to pressure the Vice President to take particular acts in connection with his role at the certification proceeding thus involve official conduct, and Trump is at least presumptively immune from prosecution for such conduct.

The question then becomes whether that presumption of immunity is rebutted under the circumstances. It is the Government’s burden to rebut the presumption of immunity. The Court therefore remands to the District Court to assess in the first instance whether a prosecution involving Trump’s alleged attempts to influence the Vice President’s oversight of the certification proceeding would pose any dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch.

Count 3: The indictment’s remaining allegations involve Trump’s interactions with persons outside the Executive Branch: state officials, private parties, and the general public.

Held 3: Determining whose characterization may be correct, and with respect to which conduct, requires a fact-specific analysis of the indictment’s extensive and interrelated allegations. The Court accordingly remands to the District Court to determine in the first instance whether Trump’s conduct in this area qualifies as official or unofficial.

Count 4: The indictment also contains various allegations regarding Trump’s conduct in connection with the events of January 6 itself. The alleged conduct largely consists of Trump’s communications in the form of Tweets and a public address.

Held 4: Whether the communications alleged in the indictment involve official conduct may depend on the content and context of each. This necessarily factbound analysis is best performed initially by the District Court. The Court therefore remands to the District Court to determine in the first instance whether this alleged conduct is official or unofficial.

Please post a prayer in the comments!

Phillip Jauregui is President of Judicial Action Group, and senior counsel for AFA Action and director of the Center for Judicial Renewal. He served as law clerk to Chief Justice Hooper, Alabama Supreme Court and Assistant Legal Advisor to Alabama Governor Fob James. He has appeared on Fox News, CNN, CNBC, ABC, and other news programs and his work has been featured in various publications including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is an Allied Attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund and serves on the boards of Church of the Highlands, the Justice House of Prayer, and two Christian missions to the people of the Basque County of Spain. He graduated from the University of Alabama, and Samford University’s Cumberland School of Law. He is admitted to practice law in Alabama and before the United States Supreme Court. Photo credit: By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=49611649.


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July 3, 2024

I guess then President Biden also has complete immunity and can use seal team 6 to kill Trump.

July 3, 2024

Cult 45 survives!

A T,
July 3, 2024

What a sad day when the one charged with upholding and enforcing the law does not have to abide by it. Shame.

    July 3, 2024

    Could not agree more.
    We could be executed for such opinions tho.

    Laura M.
    July 3, 2024

    That’s what happens when you have a cult of personality infiltrating your politics & religion!
    Trump is the new Jesus!
    This is the future!
    Good luck!

July 2, 2024

So thankful that SCOTUS made some really good decisions that will enable our country to get back to the nation God miraculously created when it seemed impossible. The people sought the Lord and He heard them. It took miraculous help from God to found the USA 🇺🇸. Let us do what the people did that founded our nation. Happy Fourth of July!!

Dennis Crouch
July 2, 2024

I pray that our elected politicians recognize and reflect on the SCOTUS decisions on the manner of immunity. God intended as implemented by our founding fathers a Republic that separated powers between the 3 branches of the government. It is extremely harmful to our country to find extreme fault with the SCOTUS and discard and refute their decisions. I pray that the American people regain their respect for our branches of government through study and prayer, and that the branches pray on the many matters that come before them, and consider what God has brought forth to us all. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

July 2, 2024

I’m grateful!

Susan CC
July 2, 2024

Elohei Mishpat- God of Justice

The balance and scales of justice have their origin in Adonai; all the weights in the bag are his doing. Proverbs 16:11 Complete Jewish Bible

The Lord demands accurate scales and balances; He sets the standards for fairness.
Proverbs 16:11 New Living Translation

Dear Lord and God Almighty, You are Judge over all creation and I am eternally thankful we live under Your dominion. And because You set the standard for fairness, I pray You will continue to show Phillip Jauregui Your favor, he is a just man. I also pray for Justices Robert, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett. May they know Your favor, which I believe is shown to those who practices fairness. As for Justices Kagan, Sotomayor, and Jackson…I pray they realize this truth before it is too late. I so hope Your decision will soon be rendered for Donald Trump and I pray the same scrutiny he has been under will applied to Joe Biden. Lord, I also hope it is Your desire to bring balance and justice to America. I ask this and so much more in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

July 2, 2024

The mind of a person plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps (Proverbs 16:9).
ThankYou Lord for providing us with a modicum of justice in this matter.please guide president Trump intoyourgospel and have him act in exactly that way. Help him repair our country. guide him into your pathsof righteousness. lead us all into that path, Jesus that youhave commanded us to walk in. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen

July 2, 2024

May the perfect will of God continue to be done

Marianne Allen
July 2, 2024

Don’t despair or be unkind! Pray Psalm 82 for the judges of our land! Ours is the mighty God who can change hearts. If President Trump’s really said those things yesterday, he really needs the Bible verses prayed over him as well. We may have only little daggers as we pray, but the Bible is God’s two edge sword. It can do the work!

Darlene Estlow
July 2, 2024

Father, thank you that the Supreme Court made its ruling. Guide the District Court in their decision. May truth be revealed. May righteousness cover these decisions. Work in President Trump to your glory as all this goes forward.

July 2, 2024

Abba Father, show your face to people who are involved all those things. And reveals your righteousness and justice to people who against you. Protect and guide Mr. D.T who is fear of you in your Will.
Father in Heaven, we prase your name on high, and may all people of America kneel down before God and praise your name on high!

July 2, 2024

What about the bias of the district court? Where is the equal justice under the law for Trump? Where is the district court being under scrutiny?

    Doris Ehlenfeldt
    July 2, 2024

    The article on praying for those in leadership also applies here. God is the One who changes hearts and directs the steps of men. Pray that the individuals inthe court system will have a hunger and thirsting for righteousness, seek truth and persue it. We can make a difference through prayer!

July 2, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: I thank you for allowing this to happen. I pray you keep the justices in this court and others convicted of their duty causing them to be just and fair. Those that know you, I pray will continue to do YOUR WILL and those that don’t love or follow you I pray will find themselves unable to do the dirt the devil has planned. I know your timing and ways are way different than mans and that we must be patient as you work your WILL and plans for us. Help us continue praying for those in authority and standing on YOUR WORD. I continue to pray that someone from this organization (IFA) or other Christian organizations and evangelists will reach out to Mr. Trump and ask for a sit down with him. That someone would truly talk to him and point out the hurdles you have already brought him over and help him truly find you so that he could be the effective president we need and so others would have to see him as you do Lord. He did a lot of good things even without proclaiming to be “saved” by you. I can only try to imagine the wonderful things you could work through him for our good, if he were truly saved and not getting in his own way because of pride or what “man” or the world says he should do. Father, please let some of the strong evangelists you know, reach out to him. Let them work with him on how to respond appropriately and how to get closer to you so that others will see the changes YOU make in us when we surrender to your leading. I know you have a plan for each of us and that they will come to pass. Please continue to show everyone what a train wreck Biden is not only visually and audibly but how impaired his judgment is so we are not forced to follow directives his demonic associates are putting in place. Convict more and more democrats who say they are your followers to vote with your statues and laws in mind. Father, we need very strong and courageous leadership during these coming end days, please help us get the person YOU DEEM ABLE for the challenge in place. I love you, I TRUST you, and I stand on your promises that your Will will be done and that you know what we have need of even before we ask. You are worthy to be praised and I thank you, My precious God. Amen.

July 1, 2024

I really would like to encourage us to tesd Nehemiah, especially look and meditate upon all those enemies trying to oppose tje rebuilding of The Wall, a rightful misdion given to Nehrmiah to do, he faced much opposition and uses of such discord in forms of Ch.4: Ridicule, Ch.5: Extortion Ch 6:Compromise , Slander and Treachery! All so common still to this day to prevent tbe Righteous acts needing done by God’s chosen ones! Not one human was perfect that served God to the end, but, The Goal to serve and Do God’s Will prevailed! Also, seeing and understanding Nehemiah’s resolve and fortitude Is Encouragement!
God Has Given His Whole Holy Word , in the written form, and in the Person His only Son, John 1:1-18!
God bless each one, Love to all tnrough Jesus Christ
Hold up His Banner of Love over us all, Our gift from Him, to others everywhere.
They will know we are Christians by our Love…Working with each other side by side, not our pride,
Yes they will know we are Christians, and not hiding our Light under a bush!^

July 1, 2024

I don’t speak lawyer, so a lot of this doesn’t tell me much. From what I do understand, Trump is immune from prosecution for a few things, and the other things need to be better defined by the district court.

Bottom line, Trump is the biggest threat to the deep state, and I believe they will stop at nothing to get rid of him.

We pray for continued exposure of those against God, justice for the victims, and divine protection for Trump, his family, and team.

    July 2, 2024

    ..everything that President Trump has done is for the betterment of this country.. and I for one believe he would not purposely do anything or even accidentally do anything that would be illegal. As far as the ongoing controversy about whether or not his behavior is crude.. that is so worn out and pointless. Various Presidents throughout the course of our history have been crude. As much as I loved President Reagan he was still vilified by many- and to this day I have encountered younger people, ( I am 70 years old).. who have been somehow in possession of the opinion that Reagan was misrepresented and actually fake in his legacy as an American president-,as he only “favored the rich”.. obviously without a complete or any understanding of how a capitalist system works. President Reagan as well did not end abortion because he was too timid. I am not maligning President Reagan in any way, it is just the truth. I am very grateful for president Reagan. Remember that our Biblical and historical model that President Trump has been compared to, as he has definitely been appointed to his position, for such a time as this, by the Lord.. is and was cyrus.. Cyrus was kind of a crazy guy which the Lord used mightily. We had smooth and Polished presidents with Jimmy Carter and Obama-, and look where that got us. And finally let us remember that we are taught that our Lord appoints or sees to it that ..*All- ..presidents, are put in office by Him.. if a president is in office, it is because the Lord decided he should be there. So that means he also installed Obama.. how about that?
    Lord it is so painfully obvious that any soldier of the Cross-,any appointed missionary, person of faith, or otherwise willing believer of your word that is trudging the path.. if we are true to what we are claiming when we call on your name- and call ourselves by your name- our daily incurring and encountering all kinds of slings and arrows and other torment.. that one who calls himself Christian who has a polished smooth existence without any calamity or criticism is at best suspicious- as to why they would not encounter criticism in our modern and Godless times. We remember that Jesus said, “if they hate you, remember that they hated me first..” and Lord even though we realize president Trump has not publicly declared his acceptance of your salvation.. we know again that like Cyrus he has done your will, he has honored you, he is honored Israel, and has done everything that an actual believing Christian would do.. and historically and traditionally you work through those type of ( scandalous) people and honor them as much as you do any Christian. Lord I pray that you would continue to protect president Trump and sustain his mental capacity..in fact let his mind and his brain Thrive let his health Lord be blessed and let all his family-Melania, Baron, Don Jr, and Eric and their respective wives and children-, be blessed and be at peace Lord and protected by your guardian angels and let president Trump go forth and serve out his term as he was supposed to Lord, and let America flourish in these remaining end time years as best as possible.

    In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

Brian Lynch
July 1, 2024

Thank You, Lord. May this be the first in a series of many legal victories for Donald Trump. I also pray for his campaign and his re-election. Thank You, Jesus.

Margaret Nezhadpour
July 1, 2024

My concern is that the courts have been given the authority to determine what actions are “official“ and what are “unofficial”. Given the demonstrated bias of the DC court system, the very reason the charges were brought there, I believe at any level the courts will find his actions“unofficial”, necessitating another Supreme Court appeal. God is sovereign. We will pray and see what He chooses to do.

    July 2, 2024

    The courts were never intended.. the Supreme Court that is, – were never intended to rise to such a level of power. And actually in the original Inception of the concept of our government.. the office of president was never intended to be so powerful either. The states in their legislative Office, were originally designed to be the thrust of responsibility towards the maintenance of our country

July 1, 2024

Joining with all in prayers for Righteousness Justice, Truth and Sanity to be Heard above all else.

If any have heard some of the Senate and Congressional hearings, in the past 4 years, about anything Republican vs Democrat issues; such as,the Merrick Garland possible impeachment hearings. Not one person, especially Mr. Garland and his flunckies ever answer in truth or with any sort of clarity to details in their explanations. Its all double speak and vague.
So we do know as many have stated, evil intent by the enemies is apparrent. God us In Control though🙏🙏🙏✝️

Yvonne Morgan
July 1, 2024

I Pray for America to return to their values in the word of God. I love my county and former President Trump and his family I pray God gives him strength , knowledge and wisdom in the word thru the Holy sprit ,that he will be blessed as he learns to lean on the everlasting God. I know God has a plan and a purpose for his life and the enemy that wars against him shall fall to the wayside as he leans to God for his strength. No man could endure this treatment without the help of God. I praise you and think you God for protecting our country from evil doers for their greed and their hatred , that seemingly is controlling our political system. But I proclaim that your holiness and righteousness will prevail for the thousands of believers are praying for the salvation of man kind. We pray they will realize they need you to correct the direction of our country. We ask that we rerun to one Nation under God as Oklahoma took a stand. voting to bring back the Ten commandments in Schools and the reading of the Bible . Its possible , defeating Row verses Wade turning laws against murder . Yeah seven things you hate and Murder is one of them . I love yr truth and righteous indignation. You are a sovereign God and will judge as you will. I give you honor and Glory to God for America . I pray for revival and our missionaries who preach the good news across the nations. Lord have your will be done in Trumps life . Happy Birthday America the land of the free and the Brave . I solute to my God and flag. Amen

    Macey Haley
    July 3, 2024

    There was no vote in Oklahoma to put the 10 commandments in school. It was solely done by Ryan Walter’s, State Superintendent of Education as a distraction because he cheated the state out of millions of dollars in Federal Education Loans, whilst pursuing a political career. He’s not even a Christian in reality & is being sued; he made a mockery of Oklahoma!

July 1, 2024

An almost amazing piece of “Double-Speak and Califudgery” which is hardly surprising given the gracious backgrounds of their eminences !
Is this really a quiet suicide plot by these esteemed personae ?
In the end, I suppose we must not expect clarity from the nonsense of “Justice” during the Biden reign of insanity.

Kathy Casillas
July 1, 2024

Can’t say I comprehend all of what was said…but the truth will always win and I desire to stand with the truth.. there’s no hope or mercy otherwise. Praise the Lord for all He has done in and thru His willing vessels..thank you for your stand Supreme Court Justices!!! And for all who prayed for America!!

July 1, 2024

Lord, I just pray that every bit of the truth all comes out, and that this confusion can all be resolved quickly, and completely. I pray for America’s leaders. amen

Carol Carnes
July 1, 2024

Lord, one of Satan’s devices is to create a situation garbed in such confusion and complexity that he can manipulate AND cause people to throw their hands up in exasperation. Holy Spirit, give clarity, courage, and strength to your people. Give understanding and a backbone of steel to judges, all officials, all in positions of power, all communicators. Help all of us to grasp the basic principle of life, the fear of the Lord. Yes, give us clarity, courage, and strength.

lila Wright
July 1, 2024

Thank you Lord, for directing the paths of every citizen and every elected governing person. Thank you Lord for Your Wisdom and Authority.

Rebeca Portilla
July 1, 2024

Lord, I am asking you by Your hand set the limits of immunity in the facts and allegations against Trump, and also bring the light of Your Truth over all the people involved in this matter, I declare light prevail over darkness John 1:5 and the wicked will not always rule over the godly, provoking them to do what is evil Psalm 125:3 TPT. Thank you Lord because even before I pray, you already heard me, so let Your Will and Your Plans be done! Thank you Lord.

July 1, 2024

Father God you are faithful, all knowing,the ALPHA AND OMEGA, our creator, and above all else truth and justice. You are who you say that you are. ALMIGHTY GOD. All praise and honor and Glory forever and ever AMEN.

Suzanne Nazario
July 1, 2024

Lord, I pray for Pres Trump’s legal team. Grant them insight and expertise as they prepare my defense. May they be diligent in their research, strategic in their approach, and persuasive in their arguments. Let Your truth be a beacon of light amidst the complexities of the law.

I also lift up the judge and jury, asking that You guide their decision-making process. May they consider the facts impartially and render a just verdict. Lord, I trust in Your justice, even when the outcome is uncertain. Hold Pres Trump close and strengthen his faith throughout this court case. In Your name, I pray, Amen.

Ms Mary
July 1, 2024

Father, righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne.
I pray that President Trump will be found not guilty of all of these bogus charges that have been brought against him. Thank You for giving us this bold, courageous leader, Your David, to lead us in these horrific times.
I thank You that Your hand is on Trump and on this nation, and You are leading us out of slavery and into our promised land.
Open peoples eyes to what is going on even if it is a rude awakening.
Grant us a great revival, a Great Awakening.
Thank You, Jesus!


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