Coming soon–the new Intercessors for America app! Our desire is to make accessing all the features of the IFA sites easier on your mobile device, and introduce some great new abilities to interact and personalize your IFA experience. While we are developing the app, we want your input! Share with us which of the three logos YOU like for our new IFA App–called My American Prayer Journal. Comment to weigh in and share which of the three images resonates with you. Choose A, B or C.
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I like B best. The stars around the capital stand out, with hope in the dark night.
The Effectual Fervent Prayer of the righteous avails much and makes tremendous power available
I like B
Don’t know where to vote so I’ll say I like B. God bless you all!
When will this app be available?
I would like just praying hands for logo
Because we pray not only for Congress, The Capitol. The other 2 show only the Capitol.
Logo B.
I choose B for the new app
B, for sure!
B. the 7 stars have significant meaning and the circle makes me think of never ending prayer.
B. I like that the capitol is there. I don’t like the scribble circle around the capitol on C.
I choose B
I agree with Kathryn Miley, and for the same reasons. “B” would be my choice of these, but perhaps go back to the drawing board…
I like B the best!
I don’t think any of the three really convey prayer journal or intercession. M is a monogram–like Mary or someone. Don’t know what those rings around C are suppose to represent–the blood? But I feel it may bring more representation of being tied up/bound–and don’t want any picture of our capitol as ‘bound up’. So, if I had to choose, I would choose B–it looks more ‘American’ with the stars–like a bit of the flag.
None of the small logos three candidate pairs strike the thought of “Prayer!” in my mind.
Logo A emphasizes “My”, which is easy to send the wrong direction. I see the M and I think “Michael’s”.
Logo C may be about a prayer journal model which I don’t know about, but it seems on the verge of scratching out the picture of Capitol.
I like logo B best, because it shows the Capitol with the dignity that we are praying to preserve/recover.
B definitely
B is my preference.
B is my favorite. The star add a bit of zip!Su
Lowell and Barb Smith choose B. Represents our nation’s capital and the red, white, and blue.
B is wonderful!
I like B!
I vote for Logo C
B will probably appear best on either dark or light backgrounds.
My choice would be B
I want to inform the IFA staff, not sure if you’re aware. I recommended the App to a friend and she informed me that she could not find it at the Apple Store, so I tried to find it at my Android store and couldn’t find it either. Are you aware of this?
I prefer C. The circles around the logo seem to represent the prayers that are going forth for the nation and it shows constant movement.
My favorite is choice B
I like B for the new app
A looks cleanest
C. I like C because to me the circles represent us intercessors encircling Congress and all of America. We are encircled with our founders and our Lord. As we knit our hearts together in one accord by standing firmly on the Word we are united in spirit with our Living God, Jesus. His Word encircles every aspect of life. He is Lord and Savior to all who receive Him. Through Him we find salvation in all things that line up with His Word. Jesus came to save every single person, every branch of govt, every office, every-everyone. He is our Intercessor to the Father. I like the circles to show that as His intercessors we encircle all things in His name, which means victory.
Thank you for including us in helping to choose a logo and icon. I like them all.
God bless IFA and all intercessors.
Open the eyes of the blind Lord. You are the Light of the World. In Jesus’ name I pray.
B is the most recognizable and “true to brand” icon. Love it.
All is good but B is the best I think. Your will be done in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Have you heard of a coup by rogue CIA, FBI, and NSA personnel (or past) including Craig Sawyer who is posing as Trump supporter and Christian. Please check it’s validity.
I like “B” the best. It looks the best, is easiest to read, emphasizes the right things the most.
Definitely C!!!
I like the c drawing best. It uses an actual spelled out name of the site and picture of the building.
I like the “B”. the capital with the stars. the red white and blue and the stars are significate of our flag.
Thank you for allowing us to share out choices.
Debi Oakes
I like B – It has the most put together look and feel, as best I can say.
I vote for B
I like B the best. Thanks for the opportunity to vote on this And thank you for all you do to keep us informed and to make us effective intercessors for our nation and the world! God bless you abundantly!
I vote for B
select B – like the capital building and the stars — stars give me impression of guidance from above (as the star in the East guided the wisemen, may God give us his wisdom to guide our nation.)
Also as stars are over the capital – so must God be over all. He is Supreme. We can trust in Him.
Also the 7 stars – reflecting our 7 culture areas – all needing our prayers
I choose B
I vote for B. Great idea, by the way!
Best for Immediate Brand Recognition
Love it!!! Thanks for asking for our feedback!!!
I Vote B.
I vote B
I like C.
B is the icon I vote for
I vote B
I prefer B
B is great!
I prefer C
I vote “C” because of the rings around it reminding me of our prayer shield around the government.
I choose logo B. Classy and seems to include all.
B is the Logo
I really like “B”. Classy!!
C is my choice as it seemed to focus on surrounding the capital in prayer.
I vote B.
I vote for
I vote for A. Let God’s ways be uplifted always. IFA is a tremendous resource for all America. Even after the election and beyond. God Bless us all!
I vote B.
I prefer C. Of the 3 logos that is the one that would most easily remind me what it is because it symbolizes wrapping prayer around our country.
I like C..then B.
I prefer C because I think it can be associated with the reason for the app: putting a circle of prayer around everything related to America. Bingo!
My choice is “C”. The logo is prophetic with the trinity surrounding the Capitol
representing the government of the United States of America.
Thank you for your hard work, dedication and obedience to the call.
My choice is B
My choice would be C
I like b and c. We are standing for all of America and it is staring from the White House down. C makes me think of Christ Jesus’s crown of thorns worn for all of us in redemption, restoration, sanctification and eternal glory.
B is my choice
My choice is C. I like the circles representing the circles of prayer, the circles of God’s protection. Thank you.
I choose B
I choose A. I like B as well but the I believe the capital dome is too limiting for this purpose. I’m assuming the app will encompass prayer for more than just legislature.
I chose B
I choose B. I like the stars around the capitol rotunda for some reason.
And thank you for all you do to keep America great and especially for reminding me to pray for men and women in the political realm, and prayers for ifa.
Like the Capitol Dome encirdled in red.
I choose C.
I select A. I also like B, but the stars remind me of the EU.
B – Thank you. The Capitol dome and the the stars of the U.S. flag are inspiring.
Thank you for asking…
I like option B for the new app’s logo. This option highlights the Capitol dome and shows the stars of the U.S. flag. The words are effective, but the Capitol is prominent. Also, featuring the dome reminds me of my fervent prayer, “May the Lord’s righteous standard be over the halls of our government.”
A is my top choice for the App.
I like B!!
I like B. the best. To me it looks the best.
Praise the Lord, thank You Lord for all the gifts You have bestowed upon us!
I like A. It says My American and we do live in America!!!
B. Thanks for letting us give an opinion
B is good ^^
I choose B
I choose B as the logo.
I love the app: number B because of the 7 stars and Capital of the USA.
Thank you for letting me participate.
B is good.
I like “B”. 🙂
I think B is by far the best. It looks dignified and clearly American. I will be able to easily recognize the app and remember what it represents. A depends too much on words, and being “American” doesn’t mean that it is actually about America. Also the app icon for A is too vague. C is clearly about America, but it looks messy to me instead of dignified.
I was drawn to B with the seven stars. Which for many years now, many have been praying for the seven mountains of culture that Lance Wallnau has brought out in his ministry. This has really helped us from wondering all over the place. It really has helped in our prayer group to keep all the mountains in our prayers. Currently they are ALL in need for our prayers. Well, we come before court and ask that those mountains be moved in Jesus name. MY God be glorified.
At first I thought (B). But, I like the simplicity of (C) and then I saw it! 3 rings protecting our nation in our spiritual warfare. The Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I choose C.
I like B the best because of Rev 1:4
Not only the 7 churches, but also it is a Menorah, 7 lights.
Because the logo includes 7 stars around the capitol.
Revelation 1:20 describes the image as seen by John as having 7 stars representing the 7 Angels of the 7 churches.
B. I like the 7 stars which means perfect in the Bible.
I like B the Best. 🙂
I’m Prophesying and Decreeing the 7 Stars represents Isaiah 11:2 and Revelation 1::4
(1) The Spirit of the Lord
(2) The Spirit of Wisdom
(3) The Spirit of Understanding
(4) The Spirit of Counsel
(5) The Spirit of Might
(6) The Spirit of Knowledge
(7) The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord
Revelation 1:4 “Grace and Peace to you from the One Who Is, Who Always Was, and Who Is To Come, from the Sevenfold Spirit before
The Throne of God The Father and from Jesus Christ. He is the Faithful Witness to these things, the First to Rise from the dead, and the
Ruler of ALL the kings of the world.”
Rules and Reigns in our National, State and Local Government Administrations, Republican and Democratic Leaders.
Grace and Peace,
What is the purposed plan for this app. I personally don’t care for any
IFA says:
October 24, 2020 at 5:19 PM
We are not changing our name at all. 🙂 we just have a new app we are developing that gives you a personalized interactive experience with IFA and allows you to integrate your own personal notes with our content. 🙂
This was IFA’s reply to me (& others) when I thought they may be changing the name. I like the idea of personalizing the app & adding my own notes too. 😉❤️
I pick “ B”, 7 stars – No. 7 is very biblical as in the Book of Revelation!
B. It represents “American”. The letter ‘M’ places the emphasis on ME/my.
I choose B
B for me!
I choose B
I choose B
I like “B” the best.
I like B.
They are are great but I especially like”B”!
I like A. It’s modern yet artistic.
I like ‘A’.
‘A’ all the way!
B is the best
B. Clean design and visually clear
I like the flow and closeness of C
My eyes are drawn to C
I choose A
Thank you for another chance to vote for something good! I feel this will be a great new feature.
B was the one that I decided on. It has the capital building in it, which I think is important. But the seven stars really stood out to me…as they have so much others have also pointed out.
Thank you for asking for our input! A is my first choice because of it’s simplicity, and B is my second choice. But I would center the logo above the “American Prayer Journal”, and leave the window and other details out of the Capitol and put the word “My” in the Capitol. It was a positive experience just thinking about the new Logo and icon. I pray for the one that will evoke engagement and prayer from all of us!
B for me
My vote would be B
We have been praying to save this nation and B represents that!
Option B is my vote
My vote is for A. There are many prayer issues that don’t emerge from Washington, which the others seem to center around.
“B” is the only option that works!!!
B with the 7 stars which could represent the 7 mountains of influence
B or C
I like B. It has a reflection of America and it looks stately!
Thank you IFA for your faithfulness. It’s so important to be able to join with others across the nation to pray on specific issues.
I’m partial to the stars in B…reminding me of the covenant the original colonies made with God.
I vote for B
Just a thought. But, I think that it would be wonderful if you could have an emblem with angels in chariots around a mountain with a city, the U.S. Capital, or whatever in the middle. If possible, also have incense representing the prayers of the saints. This signifies when Elijah spoke to his servant in 2 Kings 6:16.
B – Book of Revelation 7 stars = 7 churches over capital – The churches
I vote for A because it has a simple and clean look. This is particularly important because of the small size of app logos. I don’t like Logo C because I feel it looks a bit crowded and the three circles look busy/ messy – I am sure the three circles have symbolic meaning but because of the small size of app logos, too many elements overlapping don’t lend themselves. I don’t like Logo B because it consists of two separate parts and does not have a “together” look, although the left element (Capitol) looks nice.
A. Feels neat and tidy, personalized, without the negative association of politics.
B is also my favorite. It’s awesome, and so is Our Lord Jesus!!!
B is my favorite
B is my favorite..
My picks: First – C, Second – B (I like them almost equally, but C may feel slightly more personal with the red hand-drawn looking circles drawn around the Capitol.)
To add to my comment — I agree with another’s comment below. I like the simplicity of the app logo for A. But the app icon for A in my opinion makes me think of a paper crafting company’s logo.
I vote for B. Thanks for asking me.
A is my favorite 😄
Love B
B. is my favorite.
I choose B for app
A. Definitely A.
B for me.
I like B the best.
B has a flag feel (and the button logo is simple and clear)
I would vote for B.
I like B the best. It’s simple and to the point. C has too much detail and looks “crowded”. A doesn’t really bring in the “America” detail.
I’m torn between B and C but I would not likely use the app. I do not want a lot of content on my phone. It drains the battery too quickly. I would continue to use my PC.
I prefer C. God bless you.
I love these articles and use them as a guide in praying more specifically.
I love the idea if the app!!
I like. B. Logo the best!!
C is my choice!
C then A
I like B
Definitely A!
I choose B.
C is the one!
C is what immediately caught my eye. The circle around the capital reprints to me the unity of prayer around the seat of power.
C. It has color and stands out more
I like B. Simple.
I like B. It is simple and to the point.
I like C for the reason Tara does and because B is way too busy. It as all the symbolism people seem to want but at the cost of a weaker design. A is a strong simple design but the “My” is too dominant. Just my opinion but my occupation was artist/art teacher.
Choose C. Am OK with either of the others too.
Its not about me or my- its not about the white house -America is a big place-its about prayer, people,
leaders, churches -all of us and its about calling on the name of God for His purposes in our land –
and praising the King of Kings for His many Blessings. I like Intercessors for America.
Thank you for all you do to keep us one in the Lord.
B. Looks like a thin red line encircles the Capitol surrounded by 7 stars. The red,appears to be symbolic of the Blood of the Lamb and 7 stars, are symbolic of 7 spirits of God.
I like Logo B the best. Logo C has a better balance with the text and logo but without the stars doesn’t seem instinctively American.
I choose B.
Thank you for your diligence in service to God and our nation. May God greatly bless all your efforts and these United States of America and may the American people take up your mantle.
B. Is the one!
With A. MY is too predominant
With C. It looks like the circle is an error. Like you are scribbling it out.
Is there a 4th choice?
B…. I like the logo because it’s not too much and it’s simpler. I also like the app logo with the White House without the red.
Thank you for your servant hearts may God continue to bless I FA!
B is my favorite
Thank you for your faithfulness to God and hard work on behalf of our nation. May God be glorified in all you do!
B is light and bright
I like B
Lord thank you for Intercessors Of America, especially these days where the truth is hard to find, praise God you raised them up for such a time as this. May they continue to be a beacon of light and truth for our nation, The United States Of America, I Declare to always be One Nation Under God. Lord continue to Bless Intercessors Of America and provide for their every need. Oh that you would bless them and enlarge their territory. Let your hand be with them and keep them from harm so that they will be free to do what you have called them for. In Jesus name, Amen
B. I do not really like the navy blue background. Something lighter in color?
B – it would be cool to have a silhouette of Gabriel behind it.
Logo A for the app because it’s clean and contemporary, but you need a different app icon. It takes a long time for an icon to be recognizable by the public (E.g. Nike and Coca Cola) and this one is too obscure.
I like “Intercessors” better but……
B is my choice
Logo B
Lord, please surround with Your Holy Angels our capital, our officials who are trying to pass laws according to Your Laws, and the citizens who love You. Thwart the plans of the evil one, convert those who are unwittingly being used has his pawns to destroy our nation, tear down the walls of the enemies’ camps and put the evil ones to flight. Scatter them and render them impotent, O Lord, for they are but mere creatures of Yours. Their power is nothing in Your sight, for You alone are Powerful and Omnipotent. We work to help You in this battle and place all our trust in You, knowing that the battle belongs to You, Lord.
I choose logo B.
Lord, please guide, direct & bless all of the staff at IFA. Strengthen them as they continue to love You, serve you & to bring forth Your truth! In the powerful name of Jesus, amen.
Logo “B”
Where is that anything about God in the proposed logos– you can pray to anything–need to identify Who we are praying to…
✔ B ☺
Not liking the name change
Please keep “Intercessors for America”
We are not changing our name at all. 🙂 we just have a new app we are developing that gives you a personalized interactive experience with IFA and allows you to integrate your own personal notes with our content. 🙂
I like how clean the first choice is; however, for the app icon, I like the second choice that shows the seven stars around the capital. It makes me think of the seven spirits of God providing counsel, wisdom, revelation, fear of the Lord, etc to our leaders.
B is the logo That resonates with me most for My American Prayer Journal app. The capital building is represented for The Union, One nation under God and circled in red, in the blood of Jesus. His blood was shed so we could be saved. The stars represented individual states and although there are 50 states, the 7 stars are very significant. We often see the number seven in reference to holy works of God. God creates the earth in seven days (Genesis 1). He commands the Israelites to make the seventh day of the week, Sabbath, a holy day filled with no working activities (Exodus 20:8-11). Seven represents something is being finished or complete. Hence, God’s creation was complete on the seventh day. It also tends to represent divine perfection. When someone upholds the Sabbath, they uphold (or fulfill) a divine command. When Americans pray for America, we are upholding a Devine command 🙏
Would like to keep the name Intercessors for America. I guess it’s not very catchy for an app? But it keeps the focus off “me” or “my”. We are just humble intercessors seeking our Savior. Love the app idea. May the Lord lead you. Blessings and multiplied intercessors to come 🙌🏼
B would be my choice for the app😊
B is my fav
I really like B. To me, it’s a perfect logo
B is my choice.
I like B
I like B
I vote for ”B” because of the seven stars and because,
In Scripture, seven often symbolizes completion or perfection. Genesis tells us that God created the heavens and the Earth in six days, and, upon completion, God rested on the seventh day (Genesis 1; 2:1-2).
To the point
Less congested with graphics
…and it’s not always about the Whitehouse
I choose B- clean looking and easier on the eyes.
I’m very grateful for IFA technology that has helped me organize my praying. It has been a joy, especially in this season, to join with others and get involved in God orchestrated prayers.
I like B. They are all great and I’m looking forward to the new app!!!
First choice is B and second is A
i vote B
My choice is A with stars on either side or in a semi circle above the M.
I prefer A, second choice B and C third
I choose C!
I’m leaning towards B! Clean, but makes it’s statement.
I prefer “Intercessors” for America with B logo but would appreciate any! 🙏
We are not changing our name at all. 🙂 we just have a new app we are developing that gives you a personalized interactive experience with IFA and allows you to integrate your own personal notes with our content. 🙂
My choice is “B”. It looks great!
Great job everyone!!!
I vote for B. Easy to identify as an app on your phone.
Thank you for all you do. I can trust your articles and love to pray for the needs I often would not know about.
I choose B.
Thanks for asking. I like A or B. A because it feels clean and with clarity. B, however because it points to a picture of focus as well. Thankful to the Lord for IFA. God bless you
Praise the Lord I’m so excited for this!!
I vote for B. 😎
May God continue to equip all His intercessors and may His will be done as it is in heaven!🙏🙌
I suggest the app logo B but, the app Icon in the same position as shown app logo C.
I like B but also like the name Intercessors for America better than “My Prayer Journal”. Is there a reason for changing the name?
I totally agree with B logo and IFA instead of my prayer journal
We are not changing our name at all. 🙂 we just have a new app we are developing that gives you a personalized interactive experience with IFA and allows you to integrate your own personal notes with our content. 🙂
B or C without the circles
I like B the best, but I’ll be thrilled with any of them. Thank you so much for creating an app. It will be so helpful!
I like B the best
Joan Courtney, San Antonio Texas
The current name “Intercessors for america” is excellent. Its a rally for all denominations to intercede & pray for america.i agree update the app, I recommend not to change the name
We are not changing our name at all. 🙂 we just have a new app we are developing that gives you a personalized interactive experience with IFA and allows you to integrate your own personal notes with our content. 🙂
I choose App *B, I’m thankful you are creating an app site.
Thank you and bless you…God’s people are waking up and interceding for our nation! Thank you for your work!
I like B the best…😊
I truly appreciate this website.. thank you for keeping us informed to pray meaningfully🙏🏻
I like “B”. The circles in “C” seem too random like it is being crossed out.
The icon in “A” puts too much emphasis on “my.” Any would work, however.
I choose B
I like B best. Or C without the circles as someone suggested.
I like B. It just hit my spirit with a resounding YES !
I like B
I pick “B” as the best, and also agree with Jina Sanders’ second comment, too. The stars above are a reminder of looking up at God’s creation and knowing we were created for a purpose in understanding God’s plan for our life’s journey by focusing on the light shining from out of the darkness. May we all continue to pray for man’s laws in government to hopefully aline more similarly to God’s laws that will greatly affect our daily lives in everything that we choose to think, say, or do as we remember to keep the faith and believe and trust that God is in control forever and ever. AMEN!
I like “C” icon, but I like the “A” logo design only if you could add the Capitol in it instead of the emphasis on “My.” I would like to see the Capitol in place of the “My” and make “My” smaller print.
I prefer B
I like B
I choose C
Thank you for allowing us and put
B has a governmental appearance.
A appears a bit generic.
C without the circles would work.
I like C.
I like the feel of the Governmental Center of our precious country being targeted by intercessors who love America and what God established her to be: ONE NATION UNDER GOD
B looks the best to me.
I would say A because of it taking ownership and declaring something great and reminding us to seek you Lord in all of this
Thank you
A for my prayer journal app
B is the most attractive choice. I don’t like the “MY” being so predominant in Choice A. I don’t like the messy scribble circle on Choice C.
They are all beautiful for your App! I chose “B” because I saw the 7 stars above the White House dome. Biblically the number 7 is associated with completion & promises (Joshua & Revelation are great examples).
I like C. It seems to represent best what we’re committed to, praying for our nation.
Thank you for allowing our input.
I work a lot with graphics so my choice is A. On the app logo can you add a star on each side. It looks like it is missing something. The others have too much detail. B looks more like a government logo. C looks like a teacher marked it up. Sorry that was my first impression. Hope I wasn’t too harsh with my comments. Thank you for all you do.
I prefer B. For many reasons, consistent logo of White House, the red circle feels harsh and the ‘My’ leaves out White House.
But I also love the current IFA logo, so hope this is only for the app and that you keep Intercessors for America main logo for all other things.
Yes this is just for the app-we are still Intercessors for America! 🙂
I prefer B. The scalloped edge makes it unique and I like the stars.
A does not identify the purpose enough – could stand for “My grocery store”
I like C with the capitol but it is a bit plain to me.
B stands out to me. I like the 7 stars circling the W. H. And the icon is easily recognized.
C would be my choice
I choose “C”.
It has a focus on the head of our government. The circle draws my attention to the capitol like a laser light.
I would choose “B” as we plead the blood of Jesus to cover all within the White House and the 7 stars are perfect! The app is nice, it will remind me to pray for all in office and their families.
B…you have the red—signifying the blood of Jesus shed for us…you also have 7 stars—love that and the clean picture of White House. It is perfect.
I like “C”. I love the symbolism of circling the Capitol in prayer, and red, in His blood.