Dave Kubal: Hell’s Portals Hidden in Plain Sight
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Dave Kubal: Hell’s Portals Hidden in Plain Sight
Hell’s strategic planning team has come up with a genius plot to destroy America by placing a growing army of radical prosecutors in key locations around this nation. These portals of hell’s agenda have more power than any local occult activity through their positions of authority. They are using their power to replace God’s design for government with an advocacy of chaos.
Hidden in plain sight, at last count 75 radically “progressive” prosecutors, with campaigns funded by the Hungarian national George Soros, serve in key cities and communities. The results after just a few years are clear and measurable: increased crime and murder. Scripture clearly describes the role of government to protect the innocent (Romans 13). Yet the “soft on crime” policies of these hand-picked radical prosecutors primarily protect the guilty.
Not only are they soft on crime, they are also creating a climate of lawlessness. Shortly after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, a large group of these radical prosecutors issued a statement declaring that they will defiantly refuse to uphold their state’s new laws to protect life and will instead follow their own personal radical ideologies on abortion. They state: “…we decline to use our offices’ resources to criminalize reproductive health decisions and commit to exercise our well-settled discretion and refrain from prosecuting those who seek, provide, or support abortions.” This statement is signed by nearly 100 elected prosecutors, under the banner of Fair and Just Prosecution, which is funded by Tides Center, Ford Foundation, and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, among other progressive funders. The laws these rogue prosecutors are blatantly disregarding were created completely constitutionally by state legislators the voters elected.
Recently, I talked with a few friends who are law enforcement officers where one of these prosecutors is in power. Here is what they shared are some of the results of the radical Soros prosecutor in their district:
- Law enforcement officers do not enforce the law, because they know convicted criminals will likely receive light sentences or none at all.
- Law enforcement officers’ morale is incredibly low because officers see few results from their efforts.
- Criminals are MUCH more likely to go “hands on,” during an encounter with law enforcement. That means suspects are willing to get into a physical altercation with police officers, because the prosecutor will most likely support the suspect over the law enforcement officers.
- Law enforcement agencies can’t recruit enough officers to fill vacancies, so they are constantly understaffed. Some of the factors are a general civic disrespect for law enforcement, the fear of lawsuits and reprisal from suspects, and a lack of support from the administration.
- Criminals are more brazen now, because they know they can get away with crime.
The negative impact on law enforcement officers is not surprising. Soros generously funds organizations advocating “criminal justice reforms” like defunding the police. Backing inexperienced, unqualified, and radically progressive district attorney candidates is part of a coordinated, demonic plan to transform criminal justice in our nation, with the result of lawless and crime-ridden cities.
It’s working.
In the past decade, Soros spent $40 million to fund the elections of prosecutors in over 70 districts. Prosecutors elected with the help of Soros money cover districts in half of the nation’s 50 most populous cities. This means one in five people live under the jurisdiction of a Soros-promoted prosecutor. This small, strategic group of leftist prosecutors is increasing crime and disintegrating the rule of law for the entire nation. This is purposefully planned chaos.
The results? More than 40% of homicides and 33% of all violent and property crimes reported in 2021 occurred in Soros-prosecutor jurisdictions. Some major cities with these progressive approaches to crime are seeing record statistics of violent crime. This is no surprise, because Soros prosecutors refuse to prosecute crimes such as drug trafficking and resisting arrest. In fact, with these progressive prosecutors, there is a 19% average decrease in guilty verdicts or pleas and a 20% average increase in dropped or lost felony cases.
Here are some specifics. I have listed Soros money received, prosecutors elected, and the impact on their districts.
- $417,000 for Kim Foxx’s 2020 reelection as state’s attorney in Cook County, Illinois. Results: a 27 % decrease in guilty verdicts and a 54% increase in cases dismissed or dropped.
- $1.45 million for Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, a 2017 campaign. Results: Philadelphia’s aggravated assault by guns up 18% in the first year of his term alone, and a 22% increase in dropped aggravated-assault-by-gun cases. Crime is increased, prosecutions are dropped.
- $236,000 in 2018 for John Creuzot in Dallas. Results: a 15% increase in violent crime and a 27.5% increase in homicides, but felony charges dropped by 20%.
- $958,000 to San Antonio’s Joe Gonzalez in 2018. Results: 13% fewer felony guilty verdicts and 11% more dropped felony cases.
- $922,000 for Loudoun County, Virginia, lawyer Buta Biberaj to become DA with the help of Soros-affiliated grants from Justice and Public Safety PAC ($861,039) and New VA Majority ($61,496).
- 70% of Steve Descano campaign coffers of $659,000 came from Soros-backed groups in Fairfax, Virginia.
- $4.7 million to George Gascon in Los Angeles County, California. Other funds came from Soros-affiliated Democracy Alliance to the tune of $6 million.
- $324,000 went to Kim Gardner of St. Louis, Missouri during her campaigns. Results: per capita homicide capital of the nation.
- $1,072,000 for Alvin Bragg of Manhattan, New York, to crush his opponent.
- $430,000 for Joe Garza, representing Travis County, Texas.
Called “justice reform” candidates, their platform is intended to fashion a philosophy of law and order based on equity, reform, and “justice” in the criminal justice system. Think CRT applied to crime. These prosecutors (who barely prosecute), paired with radical lawmakers, have fundamentally changed a large part of the criminal justice system to remove bail, lighten sentences, and pick and choose which laws they will uphold, all while creating expensive massive reform activist programs attributing crime to race, disadvantage, and bigotry. There is big money to be made in pushing this narrative. Junkets, conferences, symposiums, grants, retraining, and even lavish “retreats” reinforce this ideology, and those who provide them are paid handsomely through your taxpayer dollars.
As we approach an election season, Christians — and especially intercessors — need to recognize the progressive plan to turn prosecutor’s offices into portals of hell’s agenda.
Soros-funded candidates share a progressive mindset. In comparing a progressive mindset to a biblical mindset, here are differences you will see:
The progressive worldview believes in the innate goodness of mankind.
A Biblical worldview recognizes the sinfulness of all men, seeing mankind as broken and needing accountability (and salvation).
The progressive worldview may attribute a criminal’s behavior to outside forces in their environment. They may cite institutional injustice, racism or bigotry, and they may believe that remorse should qualify criminals for leniency.
A biblical worldview understands that humans are personally accountable for their choices and that there are consequences for man’s behavior.
A progressive worldview looks to external programs, policies, grants, and structures to provide the solution for the criminal’s rehabilitation.
A biblical worldview acknowledges that restitution and rehabilitation happen within a person. A change in circumstances alone will not bring a difference in criminal proclivity.
A progressive worldview believes that man has the answers.
A biblical worldview acknowledges that God has the answers.
Dear intercessor, we are witnessing that an anti-biblical worldview DOES NOT work. If you believe in the inherent goodness of man — instead of the broken nature of man — the result is chaos. This worldview brings out the worst in people and the worst in society. The enforcement of the rule of law in accordance with Romans 13 is based on truth and brings order.
So can any one man single-handedly change the justice system in our nation? Can one man’s influence and actions unleash a spirit of lawlessness in our cities? How does a solitary man wield such power as to be able to bring down England’s currency, disintegrate a nation’s law and order, and infuse a culture with growing godlessness? It’s a demonic agenda. And it’s been working. But George Soros’s plans can be stopped through the power of Jesus, prayer, and action.
Our IFA team has assembled a Special Report that outlines this issue. We include a list of Soros prosecutors, the funding, the groups behind this movement, and how you can pray. Which Soros partners are also a part of funding these candidates? Find out how you can pray and what action you can take, and read some hopeful stories of citizens who are pushing back. We need to be wise to the plans of the Enemy, so that our prayer and action are right on target. I encourage you to download this Special Report and continue praying about this issue. I believe it is one of the most destructive plans of Satan against our nation today. Informed intercession is key for these days we are in! Take heart! We partnered with God to move to dismantle Roe v Wade through our prayer and action. That gives us faith for winning other big battles! Read the special report to see how we battle this new Goliath!
Leave a comment with your insights on this issue with your fellow intercessors in the comments below.
Photo credit: Canva.
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Father intervene and turn the plots and plans of the enemy back on to themselves. Let them fall prey to the things they knowingly and willingly hope and wish and plan against others. Father when the wicked join hand in hand together thinking there is safety in numbets, when they agree to one pot as it says in proverbs, to lie in wait for the innocent, father let them know there is a God in Heaven who sees all and knows all and works justice allowing the wicked to fall into their own traps. Father your word says you are famous for your judgments. Thank you that give what we ask, that you do what we ask, and that it was even you prompting us to ask.
I am joining you in prayer and action.
Not only are they soft on real, violent criminals but they also weaponize the legal system to go after political opponents. Please pray for protection over God’s people to be hidden from their evil machinations in that regard as well.
The human race was cursed by sin shortly after our creation, and, as We Know, and thankfully praise God for it, He himself paid the price for our Redemption. The ongoing Battle of humanity to turn to God instead of turning to sin- to fulfill our needs.. is what has continually caused these evils to befall us. The link I posted in this column.. is for the national decree- that was written by Dr Gene Bailey, moderator of Flashpoint .
Because the Lord took the curse of our sin on himself- we are redeemed from that-,and must continually turn to him in prayer.. and as we do so-, we will be able to walk through this attack on our country-and by extension-, on the rest of humanity, we therefore must believe and pray.. that the collateral damage will be minimal,-as there has already been much damage.. so
Lord I just come before you now,blessing you and praising you..and offering you glory and honor and praise, -and beseeching you.. to have mercy on us,Lord as we turn from our sin and seek You.. Lord that the ongoing wave of sin and chaos that is breaking over us now-,of the effects of sin in various phases of the leadership ..in our country- in various cities ..even up to Washington d.c. -,have given in-over many many years-, to the temptation of sin, that has rooted itself deep in our land…we pray again-, and ask you Lord..to shield us from this,-to help us in prayer.. root it out of our nation,-as so many hundreds of thousands of people ..even millions of people ..come to you in repentance-,realizing the need for You-, now.. and as reformation and revival is forming in our land- we pray-, Lord.. that this movement will be blessed by you.. and gaining momentum, that the evil roots are being replaced as we speak and pray, by Godly roots…of revival.
Lord we pray and hope that damage could be minimalized.. if not completely eliminated Lord,- – have mercy on us Lord.. in our sinful flesh, Lord,and help us-as we reach out to You-, to continue to turn you.. and not grow weary in well-doing,- and I just declare right now,-that these prosecutors in the cities named will repent,.. – those that do not repent will be removed – , and activist Grassroots citizen legislators will rise Up from individual cities and communities.. as we go forward -,to learn to be the self-governing nation that we were originally intended to be. Have mercy on us Lord- and our battle against evil.. as we take our country back,- and I declare -,we will take our country back -,as stated in the National decree.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
Thank you for shining the light on this subject. Isaiah 60 gives me hope for our future.
Helena Harris
This is truly scary, but we must remember that our Heavenly Father is much more powerful than any of satan and his agendas, and He has given us the authority to overcome thru prayer and decrees. I really believe God is saving America. We only need to stay strong and have faith in our Lord Jesus. Praise God, for He is Good.
Be strong and very courageous. For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind.For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind. 2 Tim. 1:7.
I’ll be praying.
Soros wants to destroy America. That’s his goal. He has been doing this around the world for too long.
There are countries, such as his own, Hungry, who have banned him.
I’m trying to understand how Soros benefits from lawlessness. What is his self interest? Lord how do I pray for or against this man not knowing what his real motivation is? Is he simply evil, doing the work of the devil or is there more? Give all of us discernment so we an pray accordingly to your will.
He wants to destroy America.
He’s been going around the world for Ling time now
I agree with what you said and your prayer. Besides the obvious question of motivation behind his actions, I am frustrated that many if not most don’t want to hear about it or don’t believe it—intelligent Christians. It is like if they acknowledge it they ???
At the very least (which is actually MOST/BEST) we can pray for God’s will and intervention.
George Soros stated many years ago that his life goal, as he hates America so much, was to destroy america. He stated that publicly. There was a brief biography I read on him at the time saying that his roots go back, which is not so surprising .to communist-,actually Nazi Germany ..and there is more,but I don’t remember it all.. but his roots are in Nazi Germany-,and that describes a lot of it.. and then once a person allows themself to be immersed in that..the rest of it is satanic- so anything that is Godly or represents Redemption,on the part of God- or sacrifice- or any obedience to the Lord God Almighty, is going to be hated by them
Lord save Soros, not because he deserves a break or even what he could do changed by Your Blood and Spirit Jesus…but for Your glory, honor and praise. I do ask You to cover Him with Your Spirit, a holy fear of You, Mighty God, so he sees his puniness and deep need for You, salvation, repentance, mercy, grace and newness of life. Save all the other captives too Lord and restore what the locusts have eaten as a result of their folly and wickedness…it’s a lot I know Lord, but not too hard for You. Thank you for that gift of praise from You….for Your love, new every morning!!!
Heavenly Father, I pray that you send your strongest angels to bind the efforts of this evil Soros and
his prosecutors. Please give this country another chance to make a difference following the decision
of the Supreme Court Justices who listened to your direction. I ask your protection on these brave men and woman and their families, staff and neighbors. Let the eyes and hearts of the people be opened to the deceitfulness and hatred of those satanists battling against Your decrees. Please keep us strong to the end. In the mighty name of your Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Amen!
I capture this day, time is being redeemed! The people of God will take authority over the watchtower. The airways will be filled with prayers and Jesus will intercede. The atmosphere in this country will construct a godly stronghold in times of trouble!
In Jesus name I pray
Think things are bad now? https://theprayersentry.com/2022/07/11/bare-bones-judgment/
Lord have mercy.
Please stop all this lawlessness
Decreeing who God is in each city, state and the nations:
In the beginning god create the heavens and the earth. The earth was unformed and void, darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water. Then God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. So there was evening, and there was morning, one day.
Let there be light where there is darkness and let there be order where there chaos and especially where there is law enforcement.
The earth is Adonai’s, with all that is in it, the world and those who live there; for He set its foundations on the seas and established it on the rivers.
Forgive us for failing to watch over the land, its resources and those who dwell within. Praise the Lord for His supernatural work that is shutting down every enemy plan and for His Body unifying and speaking His Word into all the earth, all that is in it and those who dwell within. Truth is prevailing and Light and order of the Lord putting all things in place for Gods agenda across the earth. Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You are a great and mighty God who is worthy.
Thank you for keeping us informed. We will continue to pray for this nation and against the evils being unleashed. God is answering our prayers. We must lean on our Lord and keep the faith as we pray.
I pray God smites down the Jewish Soros dinosaur and all of his offspring and their schemers.
If two or three agree and set their prayers before the Father in Jesus’s name, it will be done. Thank God He is working this out to the benefit of His children and for the Kingdom!
Dave I appreciate your hard work to get the facts so we can understand what is happening. Thank you
I will pray now for you and your staff as you move forward. Diane Lemyre
Dear Heavenly Father, Your word says that corporate prayer and fasting can cast down these strongholds but only through fasting. I ask father you raise up a hunger in your people to be serious and that we as your people start to join as one in heartfelt prayer that as these times grow darker, that we may be the Spark to ignite a Holy Spirit revival like the World has never seen. In Jesus name
Please make it possible to share this article on social media platforms such as truth social or Facebook.
Father we pray for modern day David’s & Gideon’s full of Courage & Boldness to arise & run to the battle & take off Goliath George Soros head – the satanic seed head of the Kazarian Mafia globalist cabal (Fake Jew)
Jeremiah 51 v1
Thus saith the LORD , Behold I will raise up against Babylon (Baal, Globalist Tower of Babel Nimrod New World Order Repackaged NWO) that rise up against Me, a destroying wind.
Father GOD you hardened Pharaoh’s heart so that You may show Your Signs & Wonders and You are the same yesterday, today and Forever – You change not.
We believe You have hardened modern day Pharaohs (globalist NWO ‘leaders’) so You can demonstrate to the world that You alone are GOD.
So Father, smite satan’s NWO with supernatural Signs & Wonders and a modern day EXODUS 2.0
A precursor to the promised Revival & Reformation in the earth before Your Son returns to take His Rightful place.
Yes..Amen!! I Hope Dave Kubal has a chance to read this.. a glorious assessment of scripture applied.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Pray, Repent, Forgive others as He has forgiven us. May His mercy continue to reach all people who repent and call upon the Name above all names — Jesus Christ.
Many Nations have been afflicted by these political policies from Mr. Soros including my Nation of Canada. Unfortunately many people in positions of power bow to the god of money. Prayer changes things and the church, the Body of Christ needs to awaken and begin to hold prayer vigils across our lands.
There is an old saying that comes to mind right now and I believe it is crucial.
Use it (FREEDOM) to pray or lose it!! Amen
Father, we want You. Thank You for hearing us. We pride You for Your victory!
Thank you for this report am praying 🙏
Seeking & Serving JESUS is only True Answer to reach the Needs in Our Lives!Read Proverbs 3:5-6
Lord thank You for this exposure. Please break the strangle-hold the state media has on the “news.” Please give voice to all that is done in darkness, done with evil intent, done to promote satan’s agenda. Help Lord. Raise up some Bonhoeffer, some MLKs, some Finneys. F F Bosworths, some DL Moodys; more and more voices of life, truth and reformation. Lord please dispatch Your angels to reclaim the 7 mountains. Jesus help! Save or remove those who mock Your holy name.
Nice…our holy history!!☺️✝️✝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Would you write an article on the reasons that G. Soros has never been charged
with anything, such as treason or election fraud or manipulating public officials
or other charges?
NOW is the time for the Sons of God to declare His word and agree with His prophets! The “word of our testimony MUST take effect now. Go before the Lord and get His guidance. Discover what He has already said regarding this time- and the portals. It is time that we war with our words of faith and CLOSE the “portals”, including the funding of such evil. We have the authority over ALL the power of the enemy, but until recently we have been lax in using it! The gates of hell will NOT prevail against the Church of the Living God!
Amen sons of Yahweh, take dominion.
I totally agree with your analysis! I know we have a God omnipotent and who sends forth. His heavenly Host of warring Angeles when we pray !
This article is absolutely on target.
“If my people who are called by my name will bow down, and humble themselves, and pray, I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land.”
We know sores is funding all that evil. I do not recognize America any longer. It is almost like living in a third world country, not able to help much. We are not recognized as a Holy Nation. We have lost many freedoms that God gave us due to evil control of Our government
Our children are being taught immoral things early on so as to lead them against the truth.
We need to pray to God to forgive us as a nation who have Allowed this to happen.
God is judge of all! God Please remember the acts of kindness and goodness that America has displayed in
The past and help each one to put YOU
First in every thing we do. Help us to continue to share the gospel in every way we possibly can. And when we find a situation where the person or people reject what we say, let us move forward in faith knowing that you saw and heard everything that happened.I have cotton on personal family relation called me evil because I tried to lead a female relation out of lesbianism. Your sister told me I was evil because that changed when the cloth was ripped from bottom to top. She told me I was speaking on Old Testament law and we’re living in the New Testament she said don’t ever call me again. I was very sad, but I believe and know God witnessed it all and unless she turns from her wicked ways she will be lost forever in the burning pit. Not sure about the sister who called me evilMost likely will be in there with her since she denies the gospels truth. I felt so bad I wanted to write to her but I decided not to I know the truth and the truth of the New Testament is the same coming from the old testament. God help them both.
This is just another way the gospel is being watered down Because people are living more and more in the world’s ways. The Bible is the only way and Jesus is the only way to the father. I think all the intercessors who are praying are being Heard and God will, on His time make everything beautiful once again
It is time for the sleeping church to wake up and repent for being lax! God has not called us to become comfortable in our easy lifestyles. We have been given freedom and have taken it for granted. One day we won’t have it. They are rewriting our history. Our schools have become cesspools of teaching hatred for a person who is a different color. The only good thing about covid is that it exposed what the NEA has been doing to our kids. The end of this age is coming and we are not ready. We need to let go of our things and put God first. I am not saying sell your home and move into the woods. We place too much emphasis on getting things. First we need to get back to church, make sure you go to a bible believing preaching one. We have many who are nothing more than social clubs. We need to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for each other for our leaders, our families, our communities. GO VOTE! Get involved in some way you are able to. Contact your leadership, state and federal, let them know you are watching them and praying for them and if they don’t live up to our constitutional values let them know you won’t be voting for them.
Every “progressive” worldview you note assumes that these people want to do good. The truth is, as you also note, people like George Soros are evil and want to do evil. Most humans, even if they are not Christian, want to see peace and good will in the world. They, including (especially) Christians do not understand evil. So many people have come to believe “there is no God” that they also believe there is no devil. But the devil is very real and operating without restriction. They see the world’s problems as ‘just bad’ not evil and won’t accept that there are evil people who want to cause chaos and hurt. Until we accept that, we can’t combat it. Otherwise people like Soros and all the other “progressive” billionaires funding this chaos would have been imprisoned long ago.
V2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Dear Father God, We pray for godly prosecutors to be voted in 2022 and the ungodly exposed and voted out.
We pray for those unjustly encarcerated for Jan. 6 event will be soon released and no more unjust convictions and sentencing of the innocent citizens!
I count it a privilege to stand with God’s people in taking our Country back through prayer and perseverance. Just this week (7/6/22) a man at our prayer meeting whose grandfather was a judge many years ago told me his grandfather told him after lawyers have passed ‘The Bar
Exam’ & take their oath to practice law, hidden in this oath is an evil statute written in Latin that most have no idea that it is an evil agenda
they are partnering with. Lord, open our eyes and expose this hidden plan. Make it plain to every reader and cause it to be removed from this oath to practice law in our United States of America. In Jesus’s name, amen. (I thought it was timely to have received this insight from my friend & then this prayer agenda 3 days later against Hell’s own agenda from IFA). God bless our Nation with continued Reversals and The harvest of souls promised to us! In Jesus’s name.
Wickedness has a time until the cup of iniquity is full. Only from now until that time is it possible to pray for those judging and acting unrighteously. Who but the watchmen of the Lord Jesus Christ will spend precious time in prayer for these souls so deceived by the enemy as was Eve…. Believing the lie… “you will not surely die.”
I knew this was happening! God is revealing it to us to pray because it’s obvious why crime went way up! Cops are tied and abused and people live in fear ! God ! We will pray!!!
Much thanks and appreciation IFA for putting together this Special Report on how Soros is attempting to change the USA justice system and unleash the spirit of lawlessness in our nation. It will truly help me as well as all Christians alike to be equipped and participate in spiritual battle against the evil principalities of this world. I plan on sharing this Special Report with my fellow believers. God Bless IFA
YES. Thank you, IFA.
Yes! I believe we should be watchmen but we need to pepper our words with more praise, worship, encouragement and hope to keep us all going and courageous. Please remember we are all counting on you to keep the Hope High even though we, of course are praying fervently!
Wow…after reading this and just now ‘Psalm for Today’, Psalm 9…
So much in this Psalm speaks to this article and admonishes me when feeling hopeless about the state of America and the world today.
‘I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;
I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.
2 I will be glad and exult in you;
I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.
3 When my enemies turn back,
they stumble and perish before your presence.
4 For you have maintained my just cause;
you have sat on the throne, giving righteous judgment.
5 You have rebuked the nations; you have made the wicked perish;
you have blotted out their name forever and ever.
6 The enemy came to an end in everlasting ruins;
their cities you rooted out;
the very memory of them has perished.
7 But the Lord sits enthroned forever;
he has established his throne for justice,
8 and he judges the world with righteousness;
he judges the peoples with uprightness.
9 The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
10 And those who know your name put their trust in you,
for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.
11 Sing praises to the Lord, who sits enthroned in Zion!
Tell among the peoples his deeds!
12 For he who avenges blood is mindful of them;
he does not forget the cry of the afflicted.
13 Be gracious to me, O Lord!
See my affliction from those who hate me,
O you who lift me up from the gates of death,
14 that I may recount all your praises,
that in the gates of the daughter of Zion
I may rejoice in your salvation.
15 The nations have sunk in the pit that they made;
in the net that they hid, their own foot has been caught.
16 The Lord has made himself known; he has executed judgment;
the wicked are snared in the work of their own hands. Higgaion. Selah
17 The wicked shall return to Sheol,
all the nations that forget God.
18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten,
and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever.
19 Arise, O Lord! Let not man prevail;
let the nations be judged before you!
20 Put them in fear, O Lord!
Let the nations know that they are but men! Selah
God…Your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, Oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
I pray against the demonic spirits at work here, you would open the eyes those being used as tools of the enemy, that they would come to repentance and would in turn serve and glorify you. Forgive us for not keeping and seeking you first. Righteousness be exalted, again. Break every chain in Jesus name.
I was in the Air Force back before the Berlin Wall came down and I got to witness the evil atheistic communism first hand. The things that I saw going on then are the same thing that is happening here in America today. This is spiritual warfare but Jesus Christ has already won the war so besides praying we need to be talking to everyone we know on what is happening in America. 2Chron7:14 is the only way forward for us.
Communism is atheist JUDAISM. CHRIST himself called it out. But few of his pious, bible quoting, chest-pounding “Xtians” will do so. Take on the enemy and FIGHT! God helps those who help themselves- and each other. NOT the enemy. Instead, we have these same Xtian apostates actually WORSHIPPING these same degenerate evil jew psychopaths and empowering them at every turn. Then turning around and wailing and bemoaning how evil the world has become.
I rebuke YOU, Satans helpers as well as Satan.
My husband (Air Force) and I also saw Berlin and behind the Wall. We should thank God everyday for our Freedom. Communism crushes the life out of a Nation. Cultural Marxism (satanism) will destroy a Nation. We have been so blessed by God to live in America. But as we see Communism and Marxism
attempting to take root in our Nation and other free nations across the earth we must stand for Freedom. We put on our Spiritual Armor everyday, Bind the enemy off our Nation, our children, schools, government, etc. and loose God’s justice, law, order, righteousness and truth to prevail. We decree our Sovereign Nation Will be Free and Old Glory will stand One Nation under God.
Again, Bible prophecy is coming true: Matthew 24:12 “And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.” (ESV) On our part, let us not grow cold and become passive. “We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.” (John 9:4, ESV)
I love to pray. Yet simply praying isn’t enough. It never has been enough. Ukraine is living in the “risk it all” phase.
The founders of our nation saw the opportunity to “risk it all” for freedom.
Christian society as a whole, wants the good but simply ignores how much we support the opposing side mainly through fear.
Here in Salem Oregon I was released by the Holy Spirit, after waiting 16 years, to lead a street corner church in 2006. All along this road I have been walking in the Greg Harris model of “do hard things”.
Just living our lives in these epic times isn’t enough. I am stationed in Oregon’s Capitol. I have chosen to advance instead of retreat. I knew I couldn’t advance without joining national prayer teams.
In 2011 I joined Cry Out America, in 2012 they accepted my application for leading Oregon’s 36 counties, that year I founded the Salem Patriotic Sidewalk parade on Sept. 11th. Hard to get more than half a dozen people, one year more people showed up but not enough to hide in a crowd so they left.
2013 I joined Governor’s Prayer Team as Marion County Coordinator.
In 2014 I joined the infamous Oathkeepers and got permission to lead on the national forum a online chapel and a chapel for Oregon group.
Before 2015 I joined with Aaron Auer who helped found Reviving Oregon’s Amazing Roots had acquired the Original Willamette University, when founded 180 years ago, Book of Heaven Bible.
In 2015 after asking God why Oregon didn’t have a state wide prayer breakfast the Holy Spirit suggested I start one at Willamette University
During these times I joined with National Day of Prayer task force leading events that other churches had led at Salem Riverfront Park. A Salem House of Prayer volunteer drew one year about 30 to come to the Riverfront event. NDP supported COA a few years, now IFA does. I don’t have a steering committee and I don’t have the physical Charisma to draw others. I do need to form a steering committee though. I have joined with the Prayers of Jason Lee founder of Willamette. I have a full time job as a pesticide applicator and self employed in grounds maintenance.
Don’t just pray for me. Find out who is leading in your state in NDP, COA, IFA & local house of prayer. Join with the Prayers of the saints who have gone before us.
We do not stand a chance without God’s intervention.
Lord, we lean on You. Lead us in Your wisdom to ways to effectively move against these evil tides of darkness. We appeal to YOU, Father, for Your favor on behalf of your children and the progress of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank-you.
Thank you for specific information to help us pray specifically and intentionally about this issue. We certainly do see the results everywhere of crime not being prosecuted and certain crimes being decriminalized. It is chaos and lawlessness and lack of peace and safety for law abiding citizens. The ones with all the rights are the criminals – no longer can we say “crime doesn’t pay” when it is practically encouraged in some cases. Concerning that actual laws aren’t enforced but mask wearing and getting the vaccine have been strenuously enforced when those things are not even laws passed by an elected legislature – but “rules” put in place by unelected bureaucrats who don’t answer to citizens – these “rules”/mandates are unconstitutional and unenforceable – we need to stand up to them in the future. Ignoring the laws that are there to protect us and instead enforcing mandates which are destroying us, taking away our autonomy, our freedoms, our inalienable guaranteed constitutional, God-given rights – leaves us where we find ourselves today – subject to the whims of those in power- many appointed, not elected. God is our only hope, a return to Him and His ways – which is what our nation was founded on in the first place. I will continue to pray for a return to Biblical values which as you pointed out are the opposite of the values and beliefs that drive this progressive system. It feels overwhelming – but the battle is the Lord’s. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com
In all areas we are now seeing God’s judgment on this country. There has not been corporate repentance, and now we will see the horrors that Henry Gruver and others have seen in visions and dreams from God about America. Repent and flee to whatever country God leads you to.
The portals of Hell are wide open. That said, we who have the power and authority as God’s elect need to be bombarding the gates of Heaven. Christians need to wake up from the spirits of complacency and indifference that the enemy has so cleverly crafted. These spirits are nothing new, it is just that satanic activity has become SO much more prevalent in all facets of our society. We need to stand up and be counted, and intercede as though our lives depend upon it, because they do! Lord, please, raise up a nation of intercessors to cry out to You, binding this satanic activity, and loosing the fruit of Holy Spirit upon our land. In Jesus’ name.
Life in New York City has changed radically under Alvin Bragg. Joyce and I had a bag of mail stolen from our door and several others have had packages stolen. People talk on the elevators about how they don’t go out at night any more. A friend drives her son to class when it would be a ten-minute walk.
I believe globalists want chaos so we’ll call out for a big global government to save us.
Lord, bring Revival and Awakening! May people look to You to save the day!
Thank you so much for what you are doing. Like WW2 this is a hard fought war but by the Grace and mercy of God and faithful people like you we are winning.
But God. He is our only Hope, & prayer is key. We stand in the gap for the unborn, the children, the disabled, the elderly, the Body of Christ, and all of mankind. God stands with us, as we turn out eyes toward Jesus, looking to the Author and Finisher of our faith.
He does hear our cries, as we fervently seek His face.
“May God arise and scatter the enemy.”
We are “more than conquerors” because of His great love for mankind & His children.
And that great love will guide us to obey God rather than man.
We march on in the army of God, coming against the demonic strongholds that are attacking our country.
Thank You Jesus that our security rests in You, and You are able to do exceedingly, abundently, more than we ask or think.
May Your faithfullness be in each of us, as we follow You wholeheartedly into unfamiliar territory, trusting You Jesus, as our Commander in Chief.
Onward Christian soldier, marching as to war, with the Cross of Jesus going on before.
Amen & Amen.
Expose, Dysmantle, Destroy All and Every snare of the enemy In The Name Of Jesus. Blood Of Jesus Cover Every Judicial Post In All 50 States Of America and Drive Back the devil By Fire 🔥 Of God From Our Judicial System In America and Reclaim For The Glory Of Our God Of Righteousness and Order Restore With Righteous Judicial Officers and Heavenly Father God Jesus Holy Spirit Person 🔥 Petition Of The Removal Of All the wicked Judicial Officers Now In The Name Of Jesus and Blood Of Jesus Christ. Repent For The Sins Of Our Nation In Jesus Name🙏💕🔥🇱🇷
Thank you for covering this issue which has been overlooked for to long. One that is deep on Abba Father’s heart for He is a God of justice!! As we partner with Him on this issue He will give us wisdom and we will see change. Thank you
Amen!! Thank you Jesus!!!❤️
My God is greater than any man!
George Soros is a sorcerer who’s magic wand is money, backed by the god of this world. But redeemed by the blood of Jesus intercessors wield the sword of the Spirit against the enemy’s sorcery, wearing the corporate armor of Light and taking ground back for the Kingdom of the one true Almighty God!
America,will not be destroyed,God’s Word says ,Jesus has entered heaven and will remain there till the Restoration of All things.Lets get in tongues intercessors,The Bible says God can turn the hearts of the kings like a river,we are not fear based people,God’s Word says the Glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the water covers the sea.Meaning His Righteousness having expression.Lets get our focus on Jesus.Let God fight,the battle is the Lord’s not ours.Hes more than able.
Lord of The Heavenly Armies, I/ We cry out to for Your Battle Cry to lead us through these Troubled Times. You are my/ Our Commander in Chief. I/ We wait for Our Marching Order and where you lead us May we just say YES And Amen!!!!
“Lord, You ask, Who will go? May I say . . . Lord send me . . even into the fire . . . The lions den, And may I know . . . If you send me that I will NEVER go there alone but may I know that “
“YOU will NEVER leave me or FORSAKE me”. Help me to fix My Eyes on YOU. In Yeshua’s mighty Name, Word & Blood I pray Amen. Onward Christian Soldiers. . . . .
“Mr. Sores”, fits him well, and while leading and funding the progressive agenda, he is a pain, a spear in the side of all who call Christ Savior and King. This is the spiritual battle we are in against all who try to raise their thrones above the most high God of Creation.
David, thank you for this excellent educational, inspirational, data-driven, call-to-action article. It’s HOPEFUL, HALLELUJAH!
In the book of Psalms David prayed many imprecatory prayers for God to deliver him from his enemies. In our current corrupt political arena perhaps it’s about time we start praying some of these prayers against George Soros and these appointed prosecutors. We as Christians need to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY more diligently than ever.
I pray that George Soros is removed from the political arena and God awakens the evil leaders to do Soros bidding. In Jesus’Holy Name.
How does one edits comments on here from typos?
I made a typo in my first comment. It is meant to say that God will awaken the leaders WHO do Soros’ bidding so they will go against the wrongs Soros wants.
Then we know that we must fight harder and pray unceasingly. Jesus knows what we are up against. Satan has a grip on these disciples of evil.
Again IFA has pinpointed the issue. As I was praying about Mr. Sores and his condemnation, the Lord turned my prayer to praying for his salvation. I could “see and hear” demons being scattered. They were sent to the feet of Jesus for HIS direction.
Is there a template for Patriot groups desiring to come alongside our Police Officers by way of offering support, needs we can meet, public awareness, rallies, etc? Anyone?
No weapons formed against us will prosper. — open our eyes Lord Jesus to the steps of the enemy so we can be useful in the Kingdom
God be praised for this clear article and call to pray specifically.
Looking to Jesus and his victory we will continue the battle,
May we all faithfully pray for our country and not be fearful. For we know God is in control and we are His. We Love you Jesus and we thank you, because we are in your team, amen.
In the Name of Jesus, we stand against this wickedness. Lord, thank you for Dave Kubal and IFA assembling this information, let it be spread far and wide all over the United States. Bless it and cause it to multiply into every intercessory prayer group across the United States. Lord, by the movement of your Holy Spirit, cause George Soros to be brought to justice. Drive him away from our country as far as the East is from the West. Let his wicked plans implode, let his organizations be defunded, and let justice be served from the highest courts of our government to bring an end to this tyrannical and Satanic plan. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.
YES and AMEN! Bless this info and cause it to multiply into every intercessory prayer group across America. And may the plans of the enemy be brought to nothing, as the saints of God come together in agreement in prayer. Thy will be done on earth Lord. If we bind on earth, it is bound in heaven. If we loose, it is loosed in heaven. We bind lawlessness and we loose righteousness across this land! In Jesus name!
There us no question that battle lines have been drawn as witnessed in the extensive report by IFA. Although this action is no surprise to God, He has allowed it to happen! And I trace it back to the fact that America (and the world) has moved away from God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is so applicable – “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves, seek My face, pray and turn from their wicked ways, then, will I heal their land”. And until that happens, nothing will change! Our prayer focus should be on repentance, revival and restoration!
To God be the glory!
David Littlefield
Romans 8:37-39
If the police can’t keep them in jail perhaps they could deliver “accident prone” criminals with broken noses, ribs, and knees from “falling down” trying to escape?
The best presentation of truth one can receive. Proud to support this organization.
Me, too!
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for IFA and their dedication to truth, justice and Your Kingdom, and for all your courageous intercessors here! In Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!
“When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” ~ Prov 21:15
In God all things are possible. It’s time for us, the intercessors to take our God-given divine authority to fight back in decree and declare the words of God in the name and the blood of Jesus Christ. Though evil is rampant, I believe our God who was able to help David fought Goliath will help us fighting the good fight, because He is Almighty God. Let’s get our hearts and spirits align with who God is, and what His words say He is!
Ephesians 1:19-23
Satan doesn’t even bother being discreet anymore. Lord, pour out Your Spirit in a new and powerful flood, to clean up our country!!! We need a cleansing wave !
I find it hard to believe that we think that America has come to the place we are in just a few months. We have been going down the path of perdition for a very, very long time. Sin does not just sprout up overnight. We are reaping what we have sown. America had decided that we no longer need God as our King, just as Israel did. We have decided that we are more intelligent than God and we have all of the answers. We have declared that we are “One Nation under God” and leave Him out of every decision that we make. We are looking for a man to help us. What? Don’t we know that we are not to put our trust in man? Especially when they don’t seek God’s guidance. We are doing everything that He says not to and think that He will bless America. Read the Bible. God hates sin. Until everyone realizes this: we have sinned against God and need to repent, downward is our only path. Our government is removing our Christian liberties and allowing non-believers to rule what we do as Followers of Christ. Wake Up, America!
Arise, O Lord , in Your anger; Lift Yourself up because of the rage of my enemies; Rise up for me to the judgment You have commanded! So the congregation of the peoples shall surround You; For their sakes, therefore, return on high. God is a just judge, And God is angry with the wicked every day. If he does not turn back, He will sharpen His sword; He bends His bow and makes it ready. He also prepares for Himself instruments of death; He makes His arrows into fiery shafts. I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness, And will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.
Psalms 7:6-7, 11-13, 17 NKJV
This article is an eye opener! “Jesus presented another parable to them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also.” Matthew 13:24-26 NASB1995
Soros Has been sowing tares for a long time while we’ve been sleeping. God have mercy, and help us know what to do and how to do it now to restore righteous prosecutors to our cities.
Here in Kentucky a judge has stayed our trigger law that went into effect when Roe v Wade was overturned. Please pray and call all of our representatives, Senators and legislators to demand that this judge be removed.
It’s stunning how one man can be responsible for so much chaos with illegal immigration and violent crime. The people he’s buying for these DA positions are dark, dark, surrounded by security while they’re unfazed by the murder, robberies, assaults and rapes going on in their cities. Violent crime is up in NY by 26% since last yr. when Bragg was installed. Not only is partiality shown to offenders based on minority status or because they’re illegal aliens, but justice is turned upside down, making the victim who defends himself the criminal. A bodega owner defended himself against an assault with a knife and now sits in Riker’s Island with a quarter million dollar bond. Jesus said that lawlessness would increase in the last days, and I believe we’re seeing it. People running things with integrity and Godly character seem to be nowhere. We need mighty prayer against this demonic agenda causing incalculable suffering of innocent people. We also need to pray that people’s eyes be wide open and that they have the will to throw these horrendous prosecutors who don’t prosecute crime out.
Thanks Dave, you paint a picture of the one world religion. As the early Church, defied the Godless laws that commanded bended knee to false gods and caesars. This new religion defies, Godly laws, that command, thou shalt not murder your own baby. The masks are down, gloves are off, fangs are glaring. The shades of grey have faded. God makes it clear. Life and death. Choose Life.
praying Psalm 58. Lord Jesus break their teeth. Take away their power. Remove those who do evil
There may come a time real soon
That we all may have to take a life to save another
And our own lives are in grave danger. We have a bunch of tyrant cops they are wanting to weed out the ones who stands against them. Right now de- Funding the police. And let the people take over. We also have TYRANNICAL government regimes there are so many Hitler mentality headed idiots that will follow ignorence so fast it will leave their own kids to fight a fight they should be fighting. And needless to say most of them will not win. I pray that I am wrong .
PSalm 9 – This is the word that the Lord
Jesus gave me about this situation.
I believe on the word of God and the
power of prayer.
We will give thanks to you Lord, with
all our heart.
There may come a time real soon
That we all may have to take a life to save another
And our own lives are in grave danger. We have a bunch of tyrant cops they are wanting to weed out the ones who stands against them. Right now de- Funding the police. And let the people take over. We also have TYRANNICAL government regimes there are so many Hitler mentality headed idiots that will follow ignorence so fast it will leave their own kids to fight a fight they should be fighting. And needless to say most of them will not win. I pray that I am wrong .
Thanks for this in depth explanation. Knowing what we Christians are up against, specifically, is vital. I pray in agreement with IFA. Blessings, Christee Coleman
Lord, thank You that Your Word is Truth and the Truth is that when You created maand woman in Your image, You didn’t just call us good, YOU said we are very good! So we hold onto that Truth bc we know our war is NOT against flesh and blood, but it IS against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this age, and the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places as Ephesians 6:12 says, so give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand from heaven’s perspective, rather than our own. Give Your Church a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus, that we would know You more, Jesus. Help us to pray from this perspective so that we don’t give the enemy more access to people by praying prayers to curse anyone. Turn these men’s hearts toward You, Jesus! Visit them in their dreams, these men who are currently in agreement with evil. Influence their will that they would know You, Jesus and be radically saved and delivered. You can do it, Lord! You can turn the heart in a moment! I’ve seen You do it in the evil that is human trafficking. Men who used to use and abuse women are now being used by You to further the Kingdom, God! Do it again! Do it again, God and we will glorify You! We will believe! And we will pray without ceasing, in Jesus Name, amen!
I feel so powerless to stop Soros and the evil within our justice system. It is almost impossible to reverse the damage being done to law and order when the Government refuses to enforce our laws, etc. Have we become a banana republic? May the Lord have mercy on our nation and it’s evil ways. May Saint Michael defend us against the wickedness of the devil and cast him and all who follow him into hell.
With man it may be impossible but with God ALL things are possible. That is why we pray and move by the power of the Holy Spirit. The LORD of Hosts can move Heaven’s armies in response to our intercession so trust God and pray! Remember Saul of Tarsus? Look what God did!!!
Lord as they call for defunding the Police. Please Lord dry up the funds of the rogue God hating radical soros funds. Lord please allow the evil that they are exacting on others be swiftly turned upon each of their heads and their families. This is evil personified. Soros is an atheist, he is said he is god. I pray this in Jesus name.iii Amen