I Prayed have prayed
Heavenly Father, You have called us to chose life! Break our hearts Lord, until ALL hold fast to Your word.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

 The CEO of StemExpress essentially admitted in court Thursday that her biotech company supplies beating fetal hearts and intact fetal heads to medical researchers.


She also admitted at the preliminary hearing of David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress that the baby’s head could be procured attached to the baby’s body or “could be torn away.”

“That is an especially gruesome admission, but it begs the question: how did they get these fully intact human children?” says Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society, which is representing Daleiden at the hearing.

“If you have a fetus with an intact head and an intact body, and intact extremities, that is something that would indicate that child was born alive, and then had their organs cut out of them, or that that child was the victim of an illegal partial-birth abortion,” he told LifeSiteNews.

“Both of these are gruesome and violent acts.”

The covertly recorded videos exposed StemExpress as the go-to in California for Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in baby body parts, and the biotech company cut its ties with Planned Parenthood shortly after these were released.

On Thursday, the court saw video clips of the StemExpress CEO, identified as Doe 12, meeting in May 2015 with Daleiden and Merritt, who were posing as owners of a biotech company.

Doe 12 says in the video there’s a great demand for “raw fetal tissue,” and that the “insanely fragile” neural or brain tissue is best shipped in a “whole calvarium,” or head, whereupon Daleiden says, “Just make sure the eyes are closed.”

“Yeah,” laughs Doe 12, “Tell the lab techs its coming…it’s almost like they don’t want to know what it is.”

[The Hearings on the StemExpress body parts scandal continues Tuesday. More abortion workers will be testifying about the procedures and disclosures of the alteration of those procedures to ensure more “sellable” baby parts, that according to prosecutors may not have been the most medically-safe procedure for the mother.

Please pray that the truth of these practices comes out in the court. Ironically, Center for Medical Progress’s Daleiden and Merritt are charged with 15 felony counts of illegal taping of confidential information in connection with undercover videos they released in 2015 after a three-year covert investigation into the buying and selling of baby body parts, which is a felony.]

(Excerpt from Life Site News, article by Liann Laurance.)


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September 11, 2019

Father we ask forgiveness for letting this happen.

Susan Bray
September 10, 2019

We have as a church put our heads in the sand not wanting to know the truth: that life is now disposable and cheap which is why we are seeing more shootings and this is why we intercessors cry out for justice and for the blood of the innocent and the enemy has been systematically erasing our next generation through abortion. We intercessors cry out for the church not to be silent any longer and rise up and speak up for the atrocities in these clinics and on our streets. We plead with Christians to stand up for God’s Word and its authority and in the Name of Jesus the Blood of the Living Lamb will judge and execute judgment on Planned Parenthood and shut it down. Grace is not cheap but those who agree with terminating life at any cost, should evaluate whether they are saved because God does not wink at sin! God help us as a culture of death!

September 10, 2019

It is not just women out of wedlock having abortions it is also the convenience of them for those legally married. I’m thinking of one story in particular( no not me) in case that comes into anyone’s mind. Abortions have been available for whoever didn’t want the baby.

Ray Clark
September 10, 2019

The problem our nation is facing is not just abortion and lgbtq+++ rights, because these things are just symptoms of the problem. The problem is mainly sex outside of marriage. If we Christians would allow God to use us to reach our lost neighbors, family and friends around us with the gospel of Jesus Christ, maybe the pre-marital and extra-marital sex would end and these things would go away. Another sexual problem is 50%+ of Americans have some form of sexually transmitted diseases, with 75% of them being incurable. We need to get back to God’s commandments found in (Exodus 20), and begin practicing them. They are easy for Christians to do because we have “Jesus” the author of the 10 commandments living inside of us, and leading us into the ways of righteousness through our fellowship with Him. Through Jesus Christ, we can do by nature what the commandments command (not suggest) us to do! The world is watching Christians, and if they see us doing the same thing we tell them not to do, they will not believe Christ delivers us from sin. May we humble ourselves, seek His face, repent of our sins, and turn from our wicked ways, and maybe this problem will turn our nation around back to God. Maranatha = our LORD (our personal property owner) comes! We need to get ready.

Sybil Moore
September 10, 2019

Father, I ask forgiveness for the young women who were deceived into getting abortions and not told the truth about abortion. Father have mercy on them in Jesus’Name. May You draw them to Yourself and heal all their pain.In Jesus’Name,

    Janie Dubuisson
    September 10, 2019

    We need to ask our Heavenly Father to break our hearts over the atrocity of abortion . While there are many prolife ministries fighting this I feel that a lot of christians have become desensitized. May the church in America rise up with new courage and boldness and cry out for justice for the unborn.

Marina Lott
September 10, 2019

The heart and soul 9f our nation has been so hardened by the diabolical schemes of satan to destroy us from within. We, the body of Christ must remember we wrestle not with flesh and blood. Father, please forgive us, your people, for our lack of compassion and prayer for all involved. So many decisions and actions by a sick culture can only be changed by a great awakening and a great move of God. Let’s not grow discouraged in well doing and keep praying followed by activism inspired by alarm. Thank you for this article.

John Alton
September 10, 2019

This is so diabolical and demonic that there are no words. God will send these demons to such hellfire without end that even that would not be enough justice.

Ronnie Golden
September 10, 2019

Why would you experiment with a attaching a baby’s head to another’s body unless you are trying to create a baby using dead babies parts! Its like Dr Frankinstien. No medical reasons for this. God will be the judge for all these sins!

September 10, 2019

El Elyon, have mercy Jehovah, You see, You judge. We see and cry….crying for the innumerable infant lives lost, hushed…..til now
The legalization tactic of Satan that was fallen for and swallowed….hook line and lie
Mercy, new mercies El Gehbor, Father, forgiveness and mercy for our failure to pray effectively to way lay, to prevent this abomination. May we Your Body Lord Jesus take up the weapons Your Name, Blood and Word provided and silence this perpetration! In The Name of Jesus I cry

Jerry E Sauls
September 10, 2019

Father, I read about these kind of events that are taking place in our nation and my spirit is broken and grieved to the deepest part of my soul and I ask myself, “how much further can we go down this spiraling pit toward hell”? These people that are involved in selling these baby body parts are speaking as if they are selling auto parts at a junkyard. Oh God, how much further down this road to hell will be allowed to go before you rain down your judgment us as you did upon Sodom and Gomorrah? Forgiver us of our lack of deep sensitivity to the issues that are dear to you, Oh Father, and send a great Spiritual Aweakening among us in the mighty name of Jehovah God, Amen!

    September 10, 2019

    Lord God it is truly shocking and heartbreaking to hear of these diabolical practices. Arise O Lord and bring justice for those babies that didn’t have a chance to live life that You give.

    Debbie Johnson
    September 10, 2019

    Arise oh Lord protect and defend these helpless and innocent babies created by you. Expose and defeat this horrific genocide and those involved reap what they have sown against you and destruction of life immediately. I pray for you to convict the hearts of all involved down to the depths of their spirit and wake them up to this atrocity. In Jesus Name above all Names I pray this is dealt with quickly now.

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