Since 2008, health insurance costs and medical care costs have skyrocketed for most Americans. Our legislators need God’s wisdom and intervention! Pray, and click HERE to share your prayer with your senators.
Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Heb 13:20-21)
“Senate Republicans appear poised to ignore President Trump’s demands that they immediately resurrect ObamaCare repeal and abolish the legislative filibuster.
Trump has waged a public pressure campaign against GOP senators since they failed to pass even a ‘skinny’ bill repealing ObamaCare last week.
Unless Republicans are ‘total quitters,’ Trump tweeted, they will revive their years-long effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare. While they’re at it, Trump wrote, Republicans should get rid of the 60-vote procedural hurdle for legislation, saying they “look like fools and are just wasting time.”
But Trump’s demands might fall on deaf ears.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) warned reporters Monday not to ‘leap to conclusions’ that Republicans won’t be able to pass a healthcare bill, but appeared to hint that a second vote isn’t imminent.” (Excerpted from The Hill, reporting by Jordain Carney.)
“Billionaire Mark Cuban has proposed scrapping insurance companies from the U.S. health-care system and instead using federal funds to boost medical staff numbers and make care more widely accessible. . . .
‘Dear politicians. Let me ask a question. If every person in our country had health insurance, would we be any healthier?’ Cuban posited in the first in a series of tweets. . . .
He then went on to criticize the U.S. system, which relies on individual health insurance policies, and claimed that eradicating the role of private insurers could reduce costs by 50 percent or more.” (Excerpted from CNBC, reporting by Karen Gilchrist.)
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I pray that every politician would be made acutely aware by experience the law of sowing and reaping.. I pray that Supernatural wisdom would be given unto Trump and Mike Pence for the leading of this nation. I pray for those politicians who have devised corruption for their own selfish gain to be exposed. I ask father God that you would exalt Your Righteous cause and that all corruption selfishness self-seeking politicians would be brought to repentance. May your kingdom come and your will be done in American government amen
I pray our congressmen and woman will look to the American people’s interest. May they desire to do the best for us and provide for us as they have provided for themselves. May they ask for God’s wisdom. He is willing and able to help give the best possible medical care for us.
The rise in the cost of Health Care has doubled 3 or 4 times for me in the last 8 – 10 years. It doesn’t help a fixed income.
Congressional men/women’s should be limited to 2 terms.
All government officials should be on the same insurance as we are, and their salaries should end at the end of their terms.
A list of the Republicans not supporting our president should be made available so that we can make sure they are not reelected.
The rise in the cost of Health Care has doubled the cost of mine 3 or 4 times. It sure doesn’t help a fixed income.
It is time for all government officials to have the same insurance as we do, not be able to serve more than 2 terms, and not receive their salary after leaving office.
My prayer is that all the personal agendas would be put away and the “pork” added on in these bills would no longer be added. That Senators and Congressmen/women would have the same healthcare as we have to have. I pray for God’s wisdom and discernment and that all who are involved with the healthcare bill would truly have a heart and concern for the people of this country. In Jesus name, Amen. Have a blessed day.
I pray for wisdom and all confusing information about health care to be cleared up. That the smoke screen for Obama Care will be once and for all E posed
I pray for Congress to realize that they promised to appeal Obama care completely!!!! That’s the reason most of them got voted in……it was not for their own agenda, wheeling and dealing. I agree with Phil Kerpen of “The Federalist”. “The President should end Obama’s bailout of Congress’ healthcare……which is worth about $12,000 per year for each lawmaker……that was designed to exempt them from the law they created.”
If they created it, voted for it for the people, than why don’t they have it also????? Bet we would have great healthcare if they had to have the same as us!!!!
Time to get the government out of it….look at the VA mess that the government is in charge of. Like to see free market like we had before. I pray for time limits for Congress…..then they couldn’t make a career out of “what’s best for them”. Pres. Trump inherited such a corrupt mess. It’s time to get off the lies of Russia collusion and do the job they were elected to do……they had seven years to do it…..they should be ashamed of themselves!! Time for a few of them to go!!! God help us.
Lord, having used Obamacare from its inception, I pray divine wisdom upon every Congreve man and the President in the plans for our future. Allow them to do unto others as they would do for the self. Let their thinking be out of the box guided by the Master Physician. We thank God for his guidance throughout this challenge. Amen.
Congress should not be exempt from Obama care. Fix this mess or go home. What a disgrace they are given perks above those they represent.
My prayers are that the Lord will speak to the hearts and minds of our President, Vice President, and all members of the Congress and Senate, and remove all malice, disagreement and obstructionism. I pray that the Lord will direct them, give them the wisdom, insight and good honest judgement in planning repeal of Obama care. I pray that He will be instrumental in showing them how to work together for honest, provisions that provide true good, affordable HEALTHCARE plans that are workable for all Americans. In John 6:43 Jesus said “Stop your grumbling among yourselves!” Men make their plans, but it is the Lord who directs their steps. May everyone, stop obstructionism and come together for the good of America’ people. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Pray we don’t become a communist w/government controlled healthcare country, but instead the USA become healthy again, by turning to God Almighty and Jesus cleans our land of Sickness at least for believers. Pray the controlled and blackmailed congress & judges are exposed & removed, and are replaced with Christians.
Only you Lord God can keep your children to task,
may sanctity of life be the priority for all your children, those praying here, and those in high office in our land. We beseech you again to bring a repeal to this horror that gives money to those who kills your little ones, we ask Lord that you would defund Planned Parenthood. In Jesus name, Amen
I actually agree with Mark Cuban to a large degree. Why does the government have to be involved? I believe that there are many creative ways to deal with healthcare other than insurance and government. One thing for sure, with insurance companies and government getting involved, all freedom of entrepreneurship and amazing human creativity that could actually make healthcare better goes away; hence, we are left with a messy, confusing, incompetent albatross, which we all (with the exception of Congress/staff) have now.
Along with that thought, with insurance and government out of the way, physicians could actually do what they initially intended…to help people stay well and get well. Right now, they are also the victims of this mess, and I think many doctors are totally frustrated, fed up, and many really good doctors are leaving their practices.
I am praying that you would repeal and do away with Obama Care and replace it with a better plan. It’s very hard not being able to see a doctor due to the high cost. I have to travel to Mexico to get my teeth cleaned and fixed. I am asking you to please do something. Support our president. Stop arguing and get the job done. That is why we voted you into office.
Thank you,
We should always remember that our Government loves us and wants to take care of us….just ask any veteran or Native American….God help US!