I Prayed have prayed
Lord, give us the grace to love and accept those needing Your salvation, while also holding fast to Your testimonies of holiness.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Among the most entertaining parts of the Super Bowl every year are the TV commercials. But this year, I have to say, I was shocked.

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During the recent Big Game, you might have seen the commercial that shows various “foot-washing” scenes: a policeman on one knee washing the feet of a presumed prostitute; an oil worker kneeling to wash an environmentalistā€™s feet; a white woman washing an immigrant’s feet; a black woman washing the feet of a “progressive” activist; a priest kneeling to wash the feet of a gay man; an older woman washing the feet of a younger woman in front of an abortion clinic.

The commercial closed with this message: Jesus Didn’t Teach Hate.

I confess to being completely confused by all of this. So, I went over to the HeGetsUs.com website, and there I read the following:

ā€œā€¦to love our neighbor requires altering our plans and path to be kind to people without ever expecting anything in return ā€¦ put yourself in the other personā€™s shoes and ā€¦ attend to their needs like you would take care of your own. Jesus modeled this by washing his disciplesā€™ feet ā€” the teacher humbling himself before his students. Jesus wasnā€™t blinded by quick judgments, and neither was the Samaritan. ā€¦ā€

It pains me to have to be critical of this campaign, but this is biblically incorrect at the darndest of levels and sends a message that is actually damaging. It is very difficult for me to criticize this group, which is funded by wonderful Christian men and women, some of whom I know. But I must stand and state the truth.


True, Jesus did not teach hate. But He also did not teach indulgent ā€œtolerance.ā€

The messaging of He Gets Us mixes the parable of the good Samaritan with the account of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. And it does so in a damaging way.

Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, His followers ā€” those who were committed to His message. The account of Jesus washing the disciplesā€™ feet in John 13 begins with Jesus making a statement of spiritual discernment: ā€œ ā€¦ Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean ā€¦ ā€ (John 13:10 NIV).

Jesus makes the spiritual evaluation of His followers: They are clean. The good Samaritan in the biblical parable did not wash the feet of the injured person; the Samaritan made no statement concerning spiritual status. The story of the good Samaritan is directed to those in spiritual authority, so that they should be authentic in their care of people.

Combining the foot-washing of Jesusā€™ disciples (whom He deemed to be spiritually clean) with the story of the good Samaritan (which is directed to spiritual authorities who need to be authentic) only results in a mixed message of ā€œtolerance.ā€

The image of a person of authority bowing and washing the feet of a person who represents a controversial cultural agenda sends the message that Jesus accepts any lifestyle, and that no repentance from any lifestyle is ever needed. As we read above, according to He Gets Us, ā€œto love our neighbor requires [us to] alter our plans and path.ā€

This is heresy ā€” as plain as it comes. It is those who are not the followers of Christ who must alter their paths! Christ came to seek and save the lost and His message is to receive Him and sin no more.

Some will say that this is a conclusion of ā€œhateā€ ā€” a conclusion of intolerance. I believe that it is instead a conclusion of love at the highest level, because being right before God requires repentance and a regeneration in His image. And the result of not being right with God is clearly described in the Bible in many passages. Essentially, eternal separation from Him. So is it hate to share biblical truth or is it in fact true love?

If you want to do an experiment, watch the count of the number of views of this video next Sunday morning. Liberal churches across America will be using this video to help them preach their message of tolerance.

To understand fully why Jesus washed the feet of a group of men who followed Him, we must look at what He said when He did that: ā€œ ā€¦ nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent himā€ (John 13:16 NIV). Jesus’ washing the feet of His disciples is not to be understood as an example of His kneeling to the agenda or lifestyle of the disciples, but rather as an exhortation that they are to humbly submit to His true message ā€” just as He Himself had submitted to the one who sent Him: His heavenly Father.

True, Jesus did not teach hate, but He did teach that we are to be salt and light to our generation. Paul says this best: Let love be sincere, hate what is evil, hold on to what is good (Romans 12:9 NABRE).

Do you think this commercial may have missed the mark? Can the Church find a better way to love people while still being faithful to call out sin?

(Photo Credit: He Gets Us)

Pray with Dave Kubal about it. Click HERE.

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Dorothy Pogue
March 3, 2024

Father God, I come before you with deep concerns of the display that was aired at the Super Bowl regarding the commercial “He Gets Us” and those that agreed with what they were portraying to be truth. It is heartbreaking that millions of people seen the commercial and was led astray from truth of the story that is recorded in your word the Holy Bible. It’s sad how they twist your words and lead many astray. I know your light of truth will prevail as I have seen many people who disagree with the commercial as well as me In and how it was presented to the world. It’s sad that these types of displays and lies can be aired and seen around the world and leading people to believe lies about your word! I pray for your intervention of opening the eyes and hearts of those that left believing what was aired to be truth! I pray you will break the hearts of those responsible for the commercial and bring them to realize the severity of their error! I pray that they will rethink what damage they have done and will never bring such falseness to air again at any event! In Jesus I pray Amen!

Victoria Z
March 3, 2024

Thank you for articulating yiur thoughts and observations based on scripture. sThe scenes did not feel right to my spirit for similar reasons, thank you for taking the time to explain this scriptually. Jesus said on the last days good would seem evil and evil good. it’s amazing how subtilaly the wnemy tries to pull wool over our eyes.

Joe Druciak
February 23, 2024

He gets us is nothing more than an organization for the LGBT message that Jesus would accept their sinful lifestyle. And that true Christianity is hateful.

Randy Waller
February 21, 2024

Dear Mr. Kubal,

Having read several of the comments below, I encourage you to write a follow up piece sharing how and why your view has changed or remains the same.

You fired a shot across the bow of HGU. Are you going to leave it at that and move on? If so, you would be like what Rush Limbaugh called ā€œthe drive by media.ā€

My guess is you have talked with your friends at HGU. It would be good to hear something about those conversations if they happened.

I have one point where I disagree with what you said. I believe your accusation of heresy is the result of a misinterpretation of the HGU statement on the Good Samaritan. Every person I know who is serious about loving their neighbor as themselves can tell of how they have had to alter their path or agenda (not their mission) to help others.

Thank you.

February 19, 2024

I’m not a theologian by any stretch of the imagination, so take my comments as coming from someone who isn’t a John MacArthur-esque apologist.

I think that how people are going to take these commercials will depend on what they want them to be saying. Some will see them as saying that Christians should accept all lifestyles as okay because Jesus would. Some will see them as saying that we should be willing to interact with those whose lifestyles are contrary to God’s laws and desire for our lives. Some will see them as saying that we should not judge others but be willing to minister to others with love as Jesus would. I think it is a case of someone seeing what they want to see.

I can understand that some will see it as calling on Christians to accept and even condone non-Biblical lifestyles because “that is what Jesus would do”. However, I am choosing to see it as “sitting with the tax collectors” as Jesus would do. I looked to John 8 and the story of the woman who had committed adultery. Jesus said that he who is without sin cast the first stone, and the Pharisees at least had the ability to see that none are sinless.

However, Jesus said he didn’t condemn the woman but added the parting shot, “. . . go, and sin no more”. (KJV)

I take the commercials as a call to be willing to meet with those who are sinning and be willing to interact with them and try to plant the seed that the Holy Spirit may grow it within them. I don’t take it as a call to accept and condone sin.

One thing is sure, it is generating conversations, and I guess that is a place to start.

    February 20, 2024

    I think You missed something important that Paul already explained above: feet washing is for/between believers. (People that born again.) And JesĆŗs didnt reject anyone who came to him…in REPENTANCE.

Ezra W Hodgson
February 18, 2024

I canā€™t think of one human being that Jesus didnā€™t die for. Nor is it my ministry to be critical of how Holy Ghost is working on molding another into His image. Our way is to Love one another and let Jesus radiate through us.

February 17, 2024

Thank you Dave for articulating this:
From an article I read from The Washington Stand written by Rob Schwartzwarder. (Sorry to say I didn’t record the name of the article) :
There is no love in affirming something God has declared to be harmful to human flourishing, whatever that sin might be. The apostle Paul writes, ā€œDo you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?ā€ He then catalogs as ā€œunrighteousā€ idolatry, adultery, homosexual acts, theft, greed, drunkenness, and more (I Corinthians 6:9). Then he writes of the practitioners of such things, ā€œsuch were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.ā€

Sarah Crupper
February 17, 2024

Thank you, Dave, for helping us be able to put all this into words we can share with others. You have hit “the nail on the head” about what is going on with this campaign. Now we pray. Maybe this will open doors for conversations about the real Biblical Jesus. Our prayers will make the difference.

Lani Kirsch
February 16, 2024

I have been disturbed by these commercials for a long time. Iā€™m glad people are speaking out against them.

February 16, 2024

Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.
C.S. Lewis.

If a nest of wild hornets
Were left in a room,
And the creatures
Allowed to go free,
They would not compel
You to go ā€˜gainst your will
Theyā€™d just make you
Willing to flee.
ā€œThe Hornet Songā€

Father, Break strongholds!

Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God!
Revelation 22:18-19

Father, Your Hand is Mightier than ours.
I trust You. Direct our steps to You, Your ways, precept and principles. Help us to see from Your perspective- not ours!

Fleeting thought: Isnā€™t tolerance of sin the reason why this country is in the dire shape it is in today?

    Tom McGovern
    February 16, 2024

    Fleeting thought- Itā€™s not the sinners that are winning the battle it is the sleeping church that is losing the battle. I am asking every intercessor what is your church or prayer team doing to reach the lost?

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 16, 2024

      So glad you asked Tom.

      Your groups do not hold the patent on empathy nor reaching the lost. To specifically answer your question, as redeemed sinners ourselves, we believe that 60 years of following Jesus, pastoring one-on-one in the trenches with deeply hurting sinners whose lives have actually been transformed is just as powerful, and sometimes more powerful, than smooth emotional campaigns full of empty promises. Just because you donā€™t hear of the quiet ministries most evangelical Churches offer, does not mean the Church is sleeping. It simply means that we do not openly tout our victories for the world to see.

      Because you specifically asked, we would like to draw your attention to the benefits of what you claim is the ā€œsleeping churchā€ that is brought to businesses and surrounding communities. Not only is the evangelical Churchā€™s first priority to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ but visitors hear messages of encouragement, conviction, and empowerment from individual members as well as from the pulpit who meet their spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional needs. Sermons help us connect with God; promote accountability; encourage us to imitate Christ-like behaviors through morality and good manners; opens our eyes to the hurting needs of others; give visitors an opportunity to connect socially while families reconnect with each other to strengthen the bonds of love that nurture everyday worries. The Churchā€™s therapeutic benefits enable individual members and visitors to learn the true meaning of reverence for God and forgiveness, to find the deeper meaning of life, reflect on gratitude, give back to the community, learn how to reckon with diversity to gain victory and overcome trials; provide individual and collective prayer ministries; and fills our hearts with song.

      More specifically, members of our Church promote social and welfare services when we take special interest in and actively feed, clothe, and provide shoes for children and the elderly living in the community. Members pay for medical care, prescriptions, and supply transportation to and from medical appointments; members cook and deliver meals; they comfort and carry the emotional burdens of the heartbroken, the suicidal, and grieving; they plant flower gardens, mow yards and other lawn care; provide financial assistance in emergency and time-sensitive situations such as car repairs, medical bills, and funerals.

      You might want to re-look at the ā€œHe Gets Usā€ website when you speak of the sleeping church because your leftist ideology apologizes for Jesus, the original Creator of His Church. He would not recognize the church you’ve described in any of your posts so we wonder whether you realize that you have not been able to support any of your positions from Scripture. Jesus is very real and His Word is active in Hebrews 4:12 because ā€œthe Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.ā€

Tom McGovern
February 15, 2024

Here is more info for those that are interested in setting up prayer teams in their churches. There have been over 100,000 people asking to know more about Jesus through these campaigns. Please get your church signed up. Gloo partners with HGU and other campaigns including Luis Palau Association and K-LOVE and several others to deliver Explorers looking for meaningful connection to your church. Each campaign is designed to reach a certain demographic who are seeking support on slightly different topics, but all want to connect with someone on lifeā€™s deep issues. It is up to the church to bring Jesus to the lost. Look at all the additional resources gloo gives you to help minister too including videos, teachings, and podcasts. Here is a link to some of the campaign partners, which are always changing. https://help.gloo.us/en/articles/6934953-what-campaigns-are-reaching-explorers

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 16, 2024

    To be honest Tom, if the advertisements and “He Gets Us” website are representative of the Churches and organizations that answer your call, those over 100,000 suffering souls will never hear the transforming power of the Gospel.

    You offer temporary empathy but not the only permanent solution that exists. Your repeated resistance to the hundreds of rebukes on this site make us wonder, are you, yourself, Saved by Grace? Do you fully understand the Cross and resurrection of your beloved Savior of Whom you profess to believe.

    Do you realize that none are righteous and that we all have sinned (Romans 3:10), that Jesus provided a way of Salvation by Grace through the Cross (Romans 3:25), that through faith alone and not by works that we receive His Salvation (Romans 3:25, 5:2, 8) so that He gives us an entirely new life by transforming us into new creatures (Romans 5:3-8, 6:4b).

    We leave your heart to Jesus even as He exhorts His disciples in Matthew 7:16 and again emphasizes in Matthew 7:20 that we “will know them by their fruit.” The fruit that your posts bear in this thread do not reflect Scripture. Your very own words ” . . . not to get them saved . . . . ” indicts your own misunderstanding of Who Jesus Is. The heartbroken are seeking the Bread of Life in Matthew 7:9 but your groups are responding by starving them for eternity. Simply let the Holy Spirit woo them instead of trying to do His job for Him.

    I am a Pastor who has walked with Jesus in the trenches for nearly 60 years so I empathize with the heartache the lost and newborns in Christ experience. I do not leave them in their pain nor expect others to fill the gaps that organizations like yours create. Hurting souls need Jesus’ transforming power immediately, not hours, days, or weeks after the crisis or even later when some “Church” can get to them.

    Over recent decades, we have watched well-meaning groups fall prey to subtle infiltration of relativistic ideology that distorts Biblical truth as that relativism gains more and more ground in American culture. Jesus requires Biblical accuracy not vague emotions that leave out His power to heal and transform. The Great Commission blends His great empathy with the victorious transformation of His Cross. It is not emotion that washes the sinner, it is His blood that cleanses the soul.

    Again, we pray for the true Biblical intentions of your heart and that Jesus untangles this distorted gospel to reveal His Saving power.

      Tom McGovern
      February 16, 2024

      HGU/gloo is not my organization. I am part of a church prayer team that follows up with the responders that want to know more about Jesus that are near our zip code. I present the gospel the best I can backed up by scripture. Some get saved but most do not. In fact, most we never hear from again. Jesus left the 99 for the 1.

        Keith and Megan Johnson
        February 16, 2024

        Understood and amen. This is the first, most encouraging post we’ve seen relative to “He Gets Us.” You’re absolutely correct about leaving the 99 for the one. Thank you for standing in the gap.

Tom McGovern
February 15, 2024

Brothers and Sisters: We are on the same team. HGU is really getting a bad rap in this commentary. Please understand these ads are designed for the lost to want to hear more about Jesus, not to get them saved. If someone responds to an HGU ad or one of the many other campaigns that are going on, the respondentā€™s text or email gets sent to the local church prayer team to connect with them. It is the local churches responsibility to tell them about Jesus and present the gospel message. Please start a prayer team in your church and get signed up. The link is https://www.gloo.us/resources/campaign/hgu. The more churches that get signed up and the more respondents to the ads the more resources HGU sends to that city/state/region. Please donā€™t criticize a ministry that is trying their best to reach the lost the way God is leading them and is paying over $100m annually to fill up our churches. I am way more concerned about a sleeping, critical, church than I am a woke church. I am not looking back over my shoulder to see what the woke church is doing. I am advancing and taking territory for the kingdom. The harvest is great and the workers are few. Are we a faithful people or a fearful people? I just spoke with a high school girl that wanted to give up and commit suicide but reached out for help through this campaign. I prayed with her on the phone. She already knew Jesus as her Savior but is in a dark place. She is so sad and alone and is open to have my wife follow up with her. So grateful for HGU and that she didnā€™t give up.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 15, 2024

    We understand you are sincere and frustrated with us, Tom. However, The Great Commission commands everybody to share the Gospel, including individuals and especially groups who claim to be Christian, such as the “He Gets Us” website.

    Both the commercials and the website present a false depiction of Jesus and we (Keith and Megan) are not comfortable supporting a secular message. It is unfair on your part to persist in asking us to compromise God’s Word so as to present a unified position to the world of something that is Scripturally untrue.

    How can it be that you and the other sponsors are surprised by the response from the evangelical community. When you subtlety present the Church as an institution that should change to accept sinful behavior without offering redemption in Jesus Christ, this is, in and of itself, divisive, particularly because we are called in 2 Timothy 2:15 to rightly divide the Word of God.

    Redemption is all about turning away from sin and obedience to God’s Word, it is not about accepting sin. Using empathy to manipulate emotions so later, after those emotions are hooked, depending on other sources (Churches) to fill in the gaps of the Gospel that your group left out is not an honest introduction to our Savior. Jesus is both empathetic and just.

    Rather than scold us, we ask your group to simply add the Gospel to your commercials and your website, perhaps similar to how Pastor Bambrick presented the Gospel in the link we posted for you in an earlier thread. “He Gets Us” has very creative writers available to them so we’re sure they could easily include the transforming power of the Gospel.

    Although many of the hurting souls that contact “He Gets Us” may realize they need help, they may not understand their need for a Savior. The very basic Romans Road can be simplied by explaining why we need Salvation,Ā because none is righteous and we’ve all sinned (Romans 3:10); how God provided Salvation through Jesus’ Cross (Romans 3:25); how, through faith in Jesus Christ we can receive His Salvation (Romans 3:25 & 5:2, 8); and the benefits of Salvation by Grace through new life by becoming a new creation (Romans 5:3-8 and 6:4b). Jesus literally transforms us.

    We pray that He blesses the Biblical intentions of your heart.

Patricia Romanoski
February 15, 2024

He gets us but do we get Him? He who is without sin, let him judge. Jesus came as servant and ministered to the least of these. He would have talked to everyone and even today He desires that all would come to Him in repentance not condemnation. Salvation is a free gift for anyone who believes. I believe the intent of this ad was good but that it set a message that confused the unbeliever and offended the religious. There is no compromise to the TRUTH.

February 15, 2024

We cannot truly love people if we do not care that they be freed from the horrors of sin. I have had to break out of any passive self-preservation I had that prefers we all just get along. I found I was allowing the enemy to cause me to compromise and that is not Holy Spirit’s way.

February 15, 2024

The full gospel of sin and repentance is not taught in many churches. The teaching or mention of Hell has been replaced with ” separation from God”. This serves the unbeliever well as they are separated now. Jesus spoke of hell. What has happened?

Rick Milordi
February 15, 2024

I agree 100%, the “He Gets Us” ad is a message of complete tolerance to the sins of the world ! We are to love the sinner but “hate” the sin. All of us are sinners and MUST repent and turn away from sinful behaviors and “mirror” the Image & Likeness of Christ: which is to be HOLY AND WALK HUMBLY WITH OUR GOD THE FATHER ! This is a just an “ear tickling” message of God loves you the way you are and its OK to continue in sin ! It is a message of heresy and deception. The Godly believers in Christ must NOT alter their plans & paths to tolerate sin ! We must “stay the course” and be salt & light in a dying & devolving World

Joli Cullen
February 15, 2024

I agree that we need to teach truth not tolerance and that is the most loving thing to do because it is the truth that sets people free. I agree that we need to be very careful to not cause confusion. I agree that there are churches all over the United States that preach what itching ears want to hear and not the Word of God. Iā€™m in pro life ministry and my husband calls 175 churches weekly before one will allow us to come share a Biblical view of Life. Just last week, my husband spoke with a pastor who was fired after we came and shared a sanctity of life message that is based on what the of Bible says. It actually has happened many times. There is a great need in our nationā€™s churches to get back to preaching the Bible.
But I also agree with washing the feet of the unsaved, I personally donā€™t think itā€™s a practice reserved only for those who have been redeemed. I washed the feet of the children during a special outreach Easter event. I felt thatā€™s what is what God wanted me to do. The attendees were Catholic, unchurched and some of the children were believers. God moved mightily during that service. I also heard about another ministry that ministers to women who are victims of sex trafficking washing their feet and watching as God moved so mightily in these womenā€™s hearts to break down that wall of shame that they feel. I am in pro life ministry and would love to wash the feet of the women that went through with the abortion, the escorts, the workers, anyone, if I could.

Va. Knowles
February 14, 2024


Joanie Olbrich
February 14, 2024

I too was conflicted regarding the commercial. When the Name of Jesus is being announced to over 130 million people, who am I to not like it. There is an agenda here and it is a Woke cultural influence that has contaminated the churches. If we do not stand for the Power of the Gospel to save us from the sinfulness, and pain and destructive ways that were shown, then really what do we have to offer. There is a mighty Revolution of Righteousness going on in many brave people. It is the Sanctifying Fire of God carried in our hearts and our minds.
Take your stand and keep standing. We are not here to condemn the hurting confused people, but we are here to minister to them love and Truth so they can be set free. May the Holy Spirit continue to fall upon people and set them free.

Steve Lloyd
February 14, 2024

I get it. The ad is an attempt to strip away most aspects of God by isolating a single aspect as if that is all there is. The ad tries to shame us admitting that God has no character beyond love. They fracture God into lots of pieces and wave around the one piece that might force us to affirm their beliefs.

How could you not love the work the Family Planning Clinic does after God has given you all that love?.

How could you not affirm any behavior after God has given you all that love?

How dare you not lovingly do what I want after God has given you all that love and told us that the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

It is a very limited view of God that doesn’t account for all of God.

Keith and Megan Johnson
February 14, 2024

I think what bothered me the most was how the sponsors of the commercial felt the Gospel wasn’t “soft” enough to draw in sinners. They literally left out the redemptive work of Jesus on the Cross so as to appeal to sinners’ emotions. Without the Cross, there is no Salvation.

Others compared Jesus’ washing of Judas’ feet as validation that humble, heartfelt service was the most powerful motivator to draw sinners into the kingdom. Just as the “He Gets Us” commercials left out the redemptive work of Christ, they also ignored the Biblical truths that Creation, conscience, and dreams are just as powerful motivators that draw sinners to Christc as is empathy. The difference is that these other methods utilized by the Holy Spirit spur sinners on to Salvation, whereas the commercials and website leave sinners to wallow in their own sin. Without preaching the redemptive work of Jesus on the Cross, the website preaches a false gospel.Ā 

Jesus did not wash the feet of the Pharasees or Sadducees. Yes, Jesus did wash Judas’ feet even though He had foreknowledge of Judas’ betrayal and, yes, Jesus modeled supernatural forgiveness through His unrequited love for Judas. Jesus was humility personified and humility is without favoritism, prejudice, nor does humility discriminate. Through Christ’s patience, mercy, and loving-kindness, Jesus still called Judas His “friend” in Matthew 26:50 when Judas arrived with the mob to arrest Him.

Jesus washed their soiled feet, a menial task reserved for the lowest of Gentile slaves, as the Greatest among them became the Servant. He came to serve, not to be served, “for by His wounds you were healed.” 1 Peter 2:24.Ā 

Washing His disciples’ feet was about our Lord’s humiliation in servanthood. Washing was a common metaphor for cleansing and water represents God’s Word.

The Suffering Servant’s washing of His disciples’ feet modeled spiritual cleansing of their hearts when He said in John 13:8 “if I do not wash you, you have no part in Me.” Jesus cleanses those who place their faith in Him by confessing their sins and turning from those sins. Jesus told Peter in John 13:10b that he and the other 10 eternally blessed disciples “were clean” because they had experienced Jesus’ cleansing redemption.

He then said in John 13:10-11 that one of them was not clean because Judas’ heart had rejected Him. Jesus wasn’t kneeling to Judas’ sin as the “He Gets Me” commercials imply, He modeled love to one who despitefully used Him to offer Judas one last chance to repent but also as a caution not to betray Him.

We love our enemies or those who hurt us by praying for them, by offering them a cup of water, by feeding or sheltering them, but not by omitting Jesus’ redemptive work on the Cross, the most critical aspect of the Gospel. Jesus still gave Judas the full Gospel even as He washed his feet. Unlike Judas, the suffering souls attracted by the empathy portrayed in the “He Gets Us” commercial, are not given the full power of the Gospel, they’re only given an incomplete description of the Gospel.

Galatians 1:8-9 warns us that there are consequences to omitting the full Gospel. When man adds to,Ā  or changes, the Gospel because he thinks it’s too harsh, he’s saying that God isn’t sufficient enough to connect with sinners. When the Gospel is changed to accommodate man’s emotions, the meaning is that God isn’t empathetic enough to connect with man. The point of foot washing in Scripture was to illustrate an example of humility, of the inner attitude, not the outward rite. Washing Judas’ feet or any other individual’s feet is meaningless without Salvation by Grace.Ā 

Victoria Papke
February 14, 2024

As a born-again Christian, who could have been any one of the “bad” people depicted in this commercial, I was overwhelmed with joy when I saw this commercial. It did not speak to me of tolerance but of love. I thank God that millions of people, who don’t know Jesus, saw depicted in this ad, His people, and the love that is required of us to show what Jesus showed. Jesus washed the feet of Judas. Jesus loved Judas, because He created him, as He loves all people. He didn’t tolerate his actions. Judas made the decision to continue in his sin. With the loving action of washing the feet of a sinner comes a breaking of satan’s stronghold on that person. If someone would have showed me love like that, I would have come to Jesus much earlier in my life. Jesus can use anything to bring about His will. Look at Cyrus. If there are wrong or ulterior motives behind the message God can deal with that also. Satan has no problem showing his power through the entire Superbowl, but let a Christian message come through and the Christians rip it to pieces. Why don’t we rip Satan’s messages to pieces instead? Let’s attack the enemy, not each other.

    Tom McGovern
    February 15, 2024

    Well said. I know a pastor that got fired because he allowed a stinky, poorly dressed, homeless man wander into his church and meet Jesus. The man was so overwhelmed with emotion when he encountered Jesus and his forgiveness he got loud and wailed with tears of joy but that homeless man didnā€™t fit the profile of their members so the church board fired the pastor. The church is not the judge. Mercy overcomes judgment. Jesus help us.

Fran Anderson
February 14, 2024

These commercials bother me so much. I knew it was mixed messaging. Thank you so much Dave for being csndid..
I pray the Green family will receive revelation of Biblical truth and be awakened. Father have mercy in Jesus Mighty Name deliver from false doctrine.

Tom McGovern
February 14, 2024

I am so grateful for the business community reaching the lost through hegetsus. God will do a great work through marketplace ministry and has already started. One time somebody approached the famous evangelist DL Moody, criticizing his methods. ā€œ I donā€™t like how you do evangelism, Mr. Moodyā€œ the man boldly said. Moody looked at him, inquiring ā€œhow do you do evangelism?ā€ To this the man sheepishly admitted ā€œI donā€™tā€. Moody replied ā€œwell sir, I like how I do it better than how you donā€™tā€

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 15, 2024

    It’s not about the method, Tom, it’s about the Gospel. Touching images without Jesus’ redemptive context still yields unsaved sinners who mistakenly think they’re Saved.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 15, 2024
      Tom McGovern
      February 15, 2024

      I agree. Love this ad more than the Super Bowl ads but who am I to tell them how to spend their money at $14m a minute? Not sure if this ad was used previously or in other campaigns but they are constantly developing new ads. I am sure if each of us were given $100m to spend on the kingdom we would all have different ideas on how to best reach the lost. I am just grateful the business community is partnering with the church. Does your church have a prayer ministry team signed up with HGU to respond to the texts when they come in? It is the church prayer ministry team that presents the gospel.

        Keith and Megan Johnson
        February 16, 2024

        Hey Tom, we just saw this response and your other reply about you, yourself, doing your best to share the Gospel and enjoying the “Jesus Saves Us” video. We appreciate your explaining that you are, in fact, spreading the Gospel even if “He Gets Us” does miss the mark.

        Yout sharing this fact encourages us because at least one group (your own Church?) recognizes the importance of Salvation by Grace. Again, thank you for standing in the gap.

        May God bless the works of your hands in His service and the Biblical intentions of your and your Wife’s hearts!

Vashti Monica Ford
February 14, 2024

This is an on time explanation of how God’s Holy Word is being twisted to excuse sin. Thank you have clarified that. Maybe Christians should begin to create God’s true message for those events.

February 14, 2024

Revival, the Revival we are contending for, in Jesus name. It will come when the Body of Christ is in One Accord, as it was in the upper room, in the Book of Acts. How will we get in one accord, in Unity?? By taking our marching orders from Jesus, the Head of the Body. How are we going to get our marching orders? By Hearing the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ spirit (Rhema) John 10:4 says My sheep know my voice. This means we Christians can truly hear the voice of our shepherd. And, also knowing the Truth as it is written in the Bible (Logos). John 1:1 says In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This is JESUS, the Word, the Word of God as written in the Bible. So, we need both the written Word and the current voice of Jesus to get it right and function in unity with our Head (Jesus) and unity with the body (each other). Sooo, if we don’t know Truth and we don’t hear from Jesus if what we are doing is correct, we will be out of step and out of unity with what Jesus wants, and the rest of the body will be puzzled bc it is not what they are seeing in the Word or hearing from their Shepherd. I decree: Every Christian who is a true sheep will know the Truth as it is in the written word, and will hear the voice of their shepherd and discern what Jesus wants them to do, in Jesus name. And then we all will be in Unity and Jesus can bring the Revival He LONGS to bring on this earth. Amen.

February 14, 2024

After spending 6 years engaging principalities, rulers, and authorities and praying for our political system to change, I became mentally and spiritually exhausted. I took an hiatus from this “spiritual warfare” and sought out the scriptures to find the will of God for my life. I could not sustain my sanity with my world view and my understanding of my role in it. Through months of reading the word and meditating on it, I realized my whole focus did not line up with the teachings of the Scriptures. First of all, true spiritual warfare that we can influence, takes place in our minds, not anywhere else. Decreeing and declaring prayers over governments, territories, or the heavenlies is simply nonsense. Ephesians 6 makes it very clear that our response to the principalities et all, is to put on the full armor and then stand when they try and influence us. It says to stand 3 times. There is no mention of us to attack them. In fact our relationship with them is not adversarial, for in Eph 3:10, we are to demonstrate the manifold wisdom of God to them! You cannot demonstrate something to them and at the same time fight against them.

With this understanding, I moved on to realize that God is implementing His plan to redeem His entire creation. Of course the cornerstone of this plan is Christ His Son. God is building His Kingdom here on earth, not to transform nations but to gather a people to represent His Kingdom on earth. Gods number one desire has been to have relationship with the human race that He created. This happens when people enter His Kingdom. All true believers bring people into the Kingdom, as we are literally the body of Christ. To do this, we must be transformed by the Holly Spirit in us, so the world sees us as in the world but not of the world. What trait demonstrates the difference? It is love for one another. The world sees a church divided, a church fighting each other within, and a church fighting outward to change our nation. The world looks at our behavior and wants no part of it. I don’t blame them! This advertisement during the superbowl might seem unbalanced in its message, but it is trying to counterbalance the extreme behavior of the church that has alienated Christ from the world,
Since I have seen the error in my ways, I have changed my focus to loving people and helping those in need. They now see Christ, the Holy Spirit who lives in me. I now see fruit bearing from my efforts. I saw absolutely no fruit coming from my previous approach of trying to change political and governmental systems. I have much more peace and I feel like I am being led by the spirit again.

Bridget E Colp
February 14, 2024

I agree with your statements concerning this ad. My husband and I came to the same biblical conclusion that you brought forth. I pray that this ad does not hinder the truth of the Word of God and His Righteousness. We must all repent of our sins, receive Jesus then we are clean and follow Him.

February 14, 2024

Thank you for this deeply thought-through response to the Super Bowl adā€™s mixed messaging. True, we ARE to reach out in love to our enemies and those who do not see things biblically, but condoning sin is not biblical at all. As my pastor-son explains, the Hebrew word for repentance is ā€œtshuvaā€, meaning to turn, to do a 180, but to turn to a Personā€¦the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who loves, forgives and strengthens us sinners to walk in His ways. I agree with the comment pointing out Jesusā€™ telling the woman caught in adultery, ā€œNeither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.ā€ Thank you!

Chuck S
February 14, 2024

Pastor Jamie Bambrick posted an alternative to this ad which, I thought, was much more effective. It is worth finding if you haven’t seen it.

February 14, 2024

Just a quick question? Didn’t Jesus wash Judas’ feet when he knew the whole time that he would betray him? There is a time to tell people the truth in Love. People really need to know we care. however we do need to pray for real Holy Spirit conviction to hit the world. We need revival. We need humility. We really need to be the hands and feet of Jesus. What does that look like. Jesus loves the Jew and the Greek. The lost and the saved. The spiritually clean and the spiritually. What does a balanced perspective look like. There is an equation that our church coins, grace plus truth equals love. I pray that since now these folks have the worlds attention with their commercial, that they can get to root of the gospel. Jesus Christ came in to the world to save sinners of whom I am chief. That we are all in need of a savior. That the lost will come to their senses and come running to the father, where he will meet them, where they are at, however he will not let them stay as they are. Lord help your church to love the lost into the kingdom, but that your Holy Spirit will convict them of sin. Lord open the eyes of the blind. Help us to see you as you are and not as we want to see you. Help us to submit to your Lordship. In Jesus name amen.

February 14, 2024

Had this been an accurate depiction of Jesus, the mainstream media would have come unglued, if it made it on TV at all! The women on ā€œthe Viewā€ would be calling for all Christians to be killed. Letā€™s donā€™t forget the demons always recognized Jesus and who he was. The antichrist spirit in this country doesnā€™t have a problem with this ad campaign because they dont recognize the real Jesus

Bryan Eagle
February 14, 2024

While I understand and agree with your main point, you completely lose me with the concept that Jesus washed his disciples’ feet because they were clean. He washed Judas’ feet, too! That decimates your point, as far as I can tell, and you completely omit that inconvenient truth.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 16, 2024

    Some Christians think faith-based messages commercialize the Gospel but our own concerns were never with the idea of faith-based commercials that actually present the Gospel; as we’re sure you know by now, our concerns were simply that the Gospel was never presented.

    It’s also interesting that a pattern has emerged in those who disagree with us that they tend to ignore the substance of our Gospel concerns as Strang did here when he name-called to define those of us with a different opinion from his as “narrow-minded.” Name-calling and mockery is a tactic of the left to silence and shame to avoid engaging in the substance of debate. Strang may not be a “progrsssive,” but he uses liberal and far-left methods. He never addressed the Gospel, only what he thought was the beauty of the commercial.

    We’ve been re-reading some of the posts on this thread because many have offered insightful applications into Biblical text. You’ve been a very busy man, Tom, because we’ve discovered several of your posts that we missed. You remained passionately engaged in the conversation and we considered carefully your thoughts.

    We cannot express enough our appreciation of your willingness to follow-up to share the Gospel with the lost and hurting within your zip code because you are correct that the workers are few to bring in the harvest.

Tom McGovern
February 14, 2024

I have previously posted comments but feel led to post more. The Christian business owners and venture capitalists and Servant Foundation that give more than $100 million annually to fund the hegetsus.com budget should be thanked by their fellow believers for doing what God has called them to do. I have been a follower of Jesus for 46 years and am a retired small business owner. I have supported many Christian causes through my business and still do on a personal basis. These ads were never designed to be theologically correct. They were designed to get lost people to know Jesus and have the Bible believing church follow up with them and speak truth. These business people understand marketing, technology, and social media in a way the Church does not. The people funding this are model Christian businessmen and women that I look up to as a previous business owner and only wish that I could have had the resources and impact for the Kingdom that they do. They have given up their wealth to employ some of the brightest minds to reach the lost through television, radio, billboards, and most importantly social media. Young people live on social media and are being bombarded with woke and a dark culture. What are you and your church doing on social media to reach the lost? My wife and I have ministered to the people that respond to these ads for the last two years helping them to get to know Jesus and get connected to a bible believing church. What are you and your church DOING to reach the lost? If you donā€™t get your church signed up for HGU the woke church will gladly reach out to them. How many of you have prodigals that refuse to talk to you about God or the Bible and you can only pray and hope that a believer can reach them? How many of you would boycott Hobby Lobby and Chick-Fil-A? Wake up Church or the woke church will.

    February 14, 2024

    I can tell that you are upset with those who criticize this advertisement. I didn’t see this ad, but I doubt that those in the world have any idea what or why Jesus washed the apostles feet. The only thing they know is that someone bending down as low as their feet and washing them is a very humbling position and a loving deed. If the world saw this, their response would not be a Bible interpretation response, but a surprised response at the way someone would love them in spite of their world view. We can only change a person’s world view by loving people. Everyone has their own view of this act of love. I can tell that the intent of this message is better than whatever misinterpretation by Christians would be. That’s because this ad was thought out to catch the eye of those who are in sin, not those who already believe. Both sides are right, but let’s give each other grace like Jesus would and let God use this ad to touch peoples lives.

    Ask a few people who aren’t saved what this ad meant to them and see if they give you a theological reply about being spiritually clean. Let’s stay united and keep on asking God what to do to reach the lost. I did not listen to your you tube video, Tom. But thank you for your heart of love for the lost. When you get to heaven, you will find how many people began thinking about your ad and wanting to know more about Christianity. The above critic may very well be doing something to reach the lost. You don’t know where their heart is, but God does. Don’t be offended at people’s opinions; just stand your ground and do what God tells you to do and God will do the rest.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 16, 2024

    Tom, true Christians actually do sacrifice time, treasure, health, and exhaustion for the sake of the Gospel. We’re sure that you probably sacrifice too.

    The Gospel is not about theology, it is about Jesus’ own redemptive sacrifice on the Cross. Without the Cross, there is no redemption. It is much easier to give out of one’s wealth to hire talented professionals to create touching images than it is to actually counsel and live down in the day-to-day trenches with society’s unlovely sinners. We’re not saying your sacrificial sponsors avoid the trenches, we’re merely saying that they do not labor for Christ any more, or any less, than any other Christian who is truly sold out for Jesus. We should all be thanking each other and praising God that we’re privileged to labor on His behalf.

    To answer your question about what we’re specifically doing as well as what most evangelical Churches in our region are doing, we’ll re-post here our response when you revisited this question later in this thread.

    The sponsors of “He Gets Us” do not hold the patent on empathy nor reaching the lost. As redeemed sinners ourselves, we believe that 60 years of following Jesus, pastoring one-on-one in the trenches with deeply hurting sinners whose lives have actually been transformed is just as powerful, and sometimes more powerful, than smooth emotional campaigns full of empty promises. Just because you donā€™t hear of the quiet ministries most evangelical Churches offer, does not mean the Church is sleeping. It simply means that we do not openly tout our victories for the world to see.

    Because you specifically asked, we would like to draw your attention to the benefits of what you claim is the ā€œsleeping churchā€ that is brought to businesses and surrounding communities. Not only is the evangelical Churchā€™s first priority to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ but visitors hear messages of encouragement, conviction, and empowerment from individual members as well as the pulpit who meet their spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional needs. Sermons help us connect with God; promote accountability; encourage us to imitate Christ-like behaviors through morality and good manners; opens our eyes to the hurting needs of others; give visitors an opportunity to connect socially while families reconnect with each other to strengthen the bonds of love that nurture everyday worries. The Churchā€™s therapeutic benefits enable individual members and visitors to learn the true meaning of reverence for God and forgiveness, to find the deeper meaning of life, reflect on gratitude, give back to the community, learn how to reckon with diversity to gain victory and overcome trials; provide individual and collective prayer ministries; and fills our hearts with song.

    Members of our Church promote social and welfare services when we take special interest in and actively feed, cloth, and provide shoes for children and the elderly living in the community. Members pay for medical care, prescriptions, and supply transportation to and from medical appointments; members cook and deliver meals; they comfort and carry the emotional burdens of the heartbroken, the suicidal, and grieving; they plant flower gardens, mow yards and other lawn care; provide financial assistance in emergency and time-sensitive situations such as car repairs, medical bills, and funerals.

    You might want to re-look at the ā€œHe Gets Usā€ website when you speak of the sleeping church because your leftist ideology apologizes for Jesus, the original Creator of His Church. He would not recognize the church you’ve described in any of your posts. Jesus is very real and His Word is very active in Hebrews 4:12 because ā€œthe Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.ā€

Daniel J Chapman
February 14, 2024

Will there be any measurable way to know if the commercials worked to draw unsaved to the Lord? And also, if they had any undesirable effect?

On here are almost 30,000 views and almost 500 comments, but what of the target audience? I suppose it will take time and would likely be anecdotal?

    Tom McGovern
    February 14, 2024

    The only way to get measurable results is through the people doing the ministering and I can speak from personal experience that people are receiving Jesus, being healed, delivered, and attending our Bible believing church. When I was in business for 43 years I knew the importance of measurable results but how do you measure someoneā€™s heart? Who is counting? Not me. Too many lost to reach. Many of these people we will never hear from again and only a seed of truth ever gets planted but I hope that seed of truth speaks louder than the influencers of social media.

      Judy McDonough
      February 14, 2024

      Tom, thank you for your ministry! This is so encouraging to hear about. I pray for continued impact.

Kurt Manshardt
February 14, 2024

You may be forgetting a very important verse in God’s word God’s word very clearly states ye that love the Lord hate evil nobody can properly love the Lord without hating evil

    Tom McGovern
    February 14, 2024

    Jesus hated sin but loved the sinner. Jesus didnā€™t come to save the righteous but to save the sinner. Mark 2:17 Last nightā€™s scripture in 21 Day of Prayer. Jesus help us.

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 16, 2024

      Jesus did come to Save the sinner Tom because He hated sin. You cannot have love without the Cross. We love Him because He first loved us . . . so much so that He died for us. 1 John 4:19; John 3:16; and Romans 5:8.

Glenda D. Miiller
February 14, 2024

while I agree with what you are saying, and that the analogy of Jesus washing the Disciples feet wasn’t the best one, we will never reach those people in need of salvation without the spirit of a servant and putting away resentment. To me the message of the commercial was don’t judge but reach out in love. Like the song “Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen In Me”. Don’t compromise the truth of Gods word but you have to reach people first.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 16, 2024

    God’s Word is what reaches sinners Glenda. The Bible says the Holy Spirit uses Creation, conscience, and dreams to reach sinners. It does not have to be emotion.

February 14, 2024

2ndTim 4: 3
Remember, as well, that there will be those seeking teachers, that will say what is asked of them to say..
“they want to have their ears tickled”


February 14, 2024

This commercial twists God’s Word and is designed to make sin acceptable in the eyes of people who don’t read the Bible and understand the true message of repentance and forgiveness from Jesus. Jesus forgave repentant sinners and told them to sin no more. This is a call for us sinners to seek to change ourselves to be more like Jesus, not to accept living in sin as something that is acceptable to God.

Judith Kowalski
February 14, 2024

These commercials “Jesus gets us” just didn’t sit right with me when I first heard them. Something did not ring true. The more I heard the commercials the more I realized what they were saying. It’s all about love. Yes, but where is the accountability for sin?
Even Jesus said to the women caught in an adulterous act. Where are your accusers?
They had all put their stones down. and walked away. Jesus said neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.

February 13, 2024

When we see a person like this, the first thing to do is meet any need that one may have and then share with them the story of Jesus and Salvation. If they receive Christ, proceed to stay in contact with the person as Holy Spirit leads through prayer and even fasting. Then that one can be discipled in what the Bible says about right living and why itā€™s the best way. It may take a long-term relationship over time and commitment to that man or woman. Usually itā€™s more effective if both are the same sex because we understand each other better. Invite them to your church or your home. Always accept their ā€œnosā€ with great love and patience; pray daily about the relationship. If they decide not to relate to you any more, accept that, but itā€™s possible to continue in prayer for them as you are led. Luke 14:13, 14 ā€œ But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just. ā€œ

February 13, 2024

WHAT an interesting forum of replies!! I will be reading these for several days as this surely has created a record for number of responses. Love all you guys and remember JESUS is LORD !!!! Ha haHallelujah

Keith and Megan Johnson
February 13, 2024

The Babylon Bee satire site published this article about the “He Gets Us” commercials. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.


    February 14, 2024

    Oh yikes! I didn’t hear the song, but after seeing the ad and hearing the song, it seems sinners took it a different direction about He Gets Me. The devil is pretty sly. You are right, it is sad.

    Tom McGovern
    February 14, 2024

    What do we expect from the liberal media but twisting and spinning everything n their favor? If there is only one person that texts into HGU that they need help in their struggle with homosexuality and a believer responds to their text and can get them on the phone or meet in person and they receive Jesus as Lord there is a celebration in heaven. I celebrate too.

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 16, 2024

      Tom, the Babylon Bee is a Christian conservative satire site, not a liberal site as you assumed. Unfortunately, much of the site’s satire tends to be prophetic, not in the Biblical sense, but in the truth sense. The message that repentance is not necessary is the message “He Gets Us” portrays.

Linda Tuggle
February 13, 2024

Excellent overview of a potentially confusing cultural deception. Thank you for keeping is alert and informed of Truth

Carolyn Tormala
February 13, 2024

Absolutely, it missed the mark! Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! He is not a compromiser with what He Himself declares to be evil. So sorry for such a confusing ad!

Nancy Krueger
February 13, 2024

I agree Jesus came to seek and save us the sinners from our sins. We need to examine our hearts and motives, so we can repent and make things right with the Father.

February 13, 2024

I donā€™t understand why Dave Kubal wrote this article before talking to those who were trying to reach the world with the gospel. Dave said he knew some of these people sponsoring the ad, so why not talk to them first before criticizing their efforts. If a conversation had taken place, maybe it would not look like Christians are fighting and criticizing one another. We are operating no differently than the world. This was a missed opportunity to show the world a different way to disagree. Yes, there were problems with the ad but why is one Christian organization attacking another. Very disappointing and disheartening.

    Mary Beth
    February 13, 2024

    Lindy, I saw no attack here, I only saw disagreement. I didn’t even see vitriol. Today it seems that any form of disagreement is considered divisive. If truth is what divides us, then we are in good company – Yeshua was also accused of being divisive, and He admitted He was when He said He did not come to bring peace, but division. See Matt 10:34-39, Luke 12:51-53. Are you sure Dave had not already expressed his thoughts to anyone, or is that an assumption? I admit that I choose to give him the benefit of the doubt in this situation, perhaps because I agree with him – but I think it is an important issue to discuss because it can be so misleading. True spiritual unity has nothing to do with compromising in order to not disagree. Unity of the Spirit comes only as we individually align with Him – His Word, His will, His purposes, His mind, His heart, etc. – and then as a result find ourselves in alignment. I pray in agreement with Yeshua’s prayer in Jn. 17 – that we may be one even as He and His Father are one.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 16, 2024

    Lindy, the problem with the commercials is that they replace the Gospel with emotionalism. Touching images do not Save people; the Cross of Jesus Saves them.

Grant Windholz
February 13, 2024

Lord God Almighty šŸ™, thank you so very much for your grace and mercy to be sent out internationally during the Super Bowl commercials, for billions of people to witness! For a world of lost, fearful people to open their eyes to see Jesus Christ as their true Savior šŸ‘!!!! To actually have a relationship with Him with trust and prayers šŸ™ ā¤ļø!

February 13, 2024

If I were still an unsaved person , sitting on the couch, watching this game , and saw this commercial, Iā€™d come away thinking ā€œAlright! Cool! Iā€™m good with Jesus no matter what I do , no need to seek any furtherā€ . I donā€™t even have to wash anyoneā€™s stinking feet! Thatā€™s the ā€œChristianā€™s jobā€. Absolutely the wrong message if this is the target audience , but if this commercial is meant for Christianā€™s, then Iā€™m to love people by loving their sin also. Another wrong message. Telling people the truth is loving them. Withholding the truth is hating them. Jesus didnā€™t teach us to hate.

    February 14, 2024

    I disagree but it is a respectable comment David. I’m the one who wrote a book below about what I found that has a bit of a different take. Reading other passionate and intelligent takes on the effectiveness of the commercial has me searching my heart for sure.
    If one does digging then they will eventually be led to the Bible right from the He Gets Us site, but perhaps much is lost because people just won’t go that far? Then again, we will attract with honey more than vinegar. Going out there on live television, during one of the most televised events know, it probably isn’t a great idea to just all out call people sinners?

Linda Killman
February 13, 2024

I totally disagree with you and I hate to say that but I think youā€™re coming from a perspective of judging before loving and expecting submission before understanding. Weā€™re not reaching the lost if we expect them to react in a certain way before we reach out to them in love. Weā€™re not condoning their lifestyle when we do that but we are showing them they can be loved.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 16, 2024

    Linda, we’re told to leave the heart to the Holy Spirit but to observe the fruit in one’s life. This is not about judgment, it’s about drawing responsible conclusions. Matthew 7:16, 20 and Matthew 12:33.

    Do you not think sharing the Gospel is love? Touching images do not Save people; the Cross of Christ Saves them. John 3:16.

Connie Haas
February 13, 2024

Right on target Dave…I felt embarrassed by this confusing message while watching the game with someone who is not yet saved. We are not to bow down and accept every kind of sin without dealing with it. Repentance is the message that changes people’s lives and trajectory!

February 13, 2024

Really? Must the family of God fight with each other while the world is dying for lack of a Savior?
The message I saw was that God is love. He is here to love us where we are. As believers we are His
hand and feet. Read Mark 9 38-41.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 16, 2024

    Touching images do not Save sinners; the Cross of Jesus Saves them.

    Penni, you’re misunderstanding Mark 9:38-41 because these commercials misrepresent the love of Christ when they leave out Who our Savior really is. Jesus is both empathetic and just.

    The Gospel of repentance is missing in these commercials and on this website.

Keith and Megan Johnson
February 13, 2024

We vehemently disagree Sean. Where is Scripture in the commercials? Where is Scripture on the Home page? Why is Scripture not even mentioned until embedded deep within the website after a verrry lengthy humanistic “explanation” of a secular guess of what Jesus was about. Redemption is completely omitted.

The real, first and foremost question is “Do We Get Him?”

    Tom McGovern
    February 16, 2024

    The people HGU is reaching with these commercials is not interested in scripture. They have been beaten over the head with a bible, many by their parents and now are living a life style where they have been accepted and wonā€™t even talk to their parents. How many of you have prodigals? We are losing a generation and expect them to meet Jesus on our terms and not theirs. These ads are not condoning sin they are trying to get the viewer to identify with the sinner and seeing a loving believer that is willing to serve them. Unfortunately, that is not the church they have come to know. If the viewer takes the next step and responds to the ad then the text or email goes to the local church by zip code to follow up and give them the gospel message and scripture to go with it. Will your church prayer team get signed up and minister to them person to person? The Church must be involved. Please help.

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 16, 2024

      Tom we’re already reaching the lost through the Cross of Christ. No, we’re not expecting sinners to meet Jesus on our terms; we’re asking sinners to meet Him on His terms. It’s called the Gospel.

      Unrepentant sinners do not have a problem with believers, they have a problem with God.

February 13, 2024

Come on Dave, you can do a little better. Like, you, I did a little research. After doing so I actually think the advertisements are brilliant, and I’m saying that as a born again believer. I can be so quick to judge sometimes! Don’t be like me, be like the Bereans!

There will be other click-paths, but here was the first one I took:
Then I scrolled down to the bottom and clicked on Reading Plan 5 “Who did Jesus Say HE was?”
Then I read this interpretation/ synopsis. Look, please (with GENTLENESS AND LOVE) correct me if I’m wrong, but how can we say people are misled by what is being read here? And, because like a good Christian you are, you start to think, “well that is somebody’s interpretation”. Okay, but then it actually links to whatever Bible translation you prefer to read the Holy Scripture itself.

“He wants us to get him.
When people first met Jesus, some were impressed; others were just curious. The manner of Jesusā€™ life was so different, no one would deny.
Some were open to what Jesus taught; others got angry or defensive. A few walked away.
Some followed him for the show. Whatā€™s your next trick, Jesus? He was doing something outside of traditional religion, that was for sure.
There were some honest skeptics among them, with real questions. Still, some were already convinced when his life matched his words.
This man walked a single path. He taught a revolutionary message. He loved like nobody else they had ever met.
It was the first century. If you asked anyone in Israel about Jesus, they had likely heard of him. In just three years he became the famous, next-door rabbi who captured the heart of a nation. Anyone would tell you Jesus did things a little radically, reason enough why he was both loved and hated.
Listen to what he taughtā€”itā€™s like truth that they had heard their whole lives but now on a whole new level.
Watch how he treated peopleā€”some thought it was scandalous the way he invited just anyone and everyone to follow him. Some thought he lacked discretion on who he welcomed to the table, but if you were the one so lucky to sit next to him, you would say he changed your whole life.
And have you heard him pray? It was like he was right there talking face to face with his dad. No one had ever prayed like that before.
Nothing about Jesus was as people expected. To be honest, no one expected this hometown rabbi to pay attention to the fringeā€”the lost, the wounded, the one barely hanging on. But he did. No one expected him to serve anyone in need. Yet there he was, helping people everywhere he went.
Neither did anyone expect the wind to listen when he ordered it to hush. Or for thousands to be fed from a boyā€™s lunch of fish and bread. Or for bodies ravaged by severed spinal cords, detached retinas, and ovarian cancer to be made whole in a snap. No one dreamed their dead child would sit beside them again at the supper table. But all that happened.
Who is this guy? Who is Jesus? Maybe youā€™ve wondered that too. Sure, weā€™ve all heard stories, but once and for all, letā€™s get the truth right from the source.
In one book of the Bible, the Gospel of John, Jesus described himself seven different ways. Each time he painted a word picture. He said, ā€œI am… bread, I am… a shepherd, I am… the vine.ā€ Each picture is fascinating and bold, with plenty of room for questions and exploration.
He wants us to know him. The real Jesus invited those he met to ā€œcome and seeā€ (John 1:39). He invites us to come and see also. And he invites us to follow him.
Not only does he get us. He wants us to get him.” END QUOTE

You are now encouraged to read the Bible. That is wonderful is it not?

    February 14, 2024

    Yes, absolutely – sad for the false witnesses here. May God show them mercy if they fail to recant. Jesus gets us, but only a tiny remnant seem to get Him!

February 13, 2024

I agree

Nadine Lutrick
February 13, 2024

Dave Kubal, you are speaking absolute TRUTH!!! This is biblical, foundational TRUTH. Soooo good and well spoken!! God’s blessings be upon you for being bold and courageous enough to stand firm on the truth of our Lord God’s Word!šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘āœļø

    February 14, 2024

    Please read the comments by Tom McGovern for a more accurate stance.

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 17, 2024

      Actually Truth4Him, the Gospel is the more accurate stance and is missing in the commercials and on the website.

      Touching images do not Save; the Cross of Jesus Saves. John 3:16.

February 13, 2024

I did not see this ad but I agree with your assessment of this Super Bowl ad. This is exactly how Jesus’s words are twisted to justify accepting the sinful behaviors of mankind all under the umbrella of Christianity. To me this is what is “using Gods name in vain” and clearly why God warned there will be a “falling away” and that “judgement begins at the house of God” I appreciate getting email updates and pray for the concerns you bring to light. Thank You and prayers for you and all your staff.

February 13, 2024

Another article with more comments.

ā€œControversy erupts over He gets us: Jesus superbowl adā€


Craig Hobson
February 13, 2024

I didn’t see the commercial during the Super Bowl but have seen multiple HeGetsUs commercials. Well meaning isn’t always Biblical meaning. I’m confused on the very statement that He Gets Us. We were created in the image of God, He created us to know Him, love Him, serve Him, and obey Him. Jesus knows me, knows my heart, and my life, yes. As I learned about Jesus, I personally gave my life over to Jesus, to honor Him, serve Him, and bow down my desires to Him so He could make me a new creation. Seems a lot of time is spent on talking about “us” and that Jesus “understands why I choose to live my life for me.” Last I checked Jesus shared some words with “us.” Jesus said, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” “If anyone comes after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” Call me simple, but shouldn’t it be that “I get the opportunity to follow Him”?

Jan Decker
February 13, 2024

I totally agree with the above article……I do wonder why Jesus washed Judas’feet at the last supper, knowing what was in his heart to do.

skye alison
February 13, 2024

Thank you for saying this!! I agree, it is painful to say this as it is a message being spoken by well meaning godly people. But you’re so right. Jesus did not indulge sinful behavior. He clearly said “Go and sin no more.” Thank you for this.
Dear Lord, I pray God the message on these commercials will not become lines of division in your church. Give us discernment, Lord, to see what is your truth – even when well meaning fellow believers are espousing what may ‘sound right’ to the ears of many. Amen

February 13, 2024

An article with comments by Christians to consider:

ā€œChristians are livid over ā€˜He gets usā€™ superbowl add: Pure blasphemyā€

February 13, 2024

I think your criticism is too harsh. Nothing in the foot washing video is unscriptural. Our Lord even washed the feet of Judas, His betrayer! It is actually a great illustration of demonstrating love for enemies – how they will know we belong to Christ.. Recall the words of Mark 9:38-41 where Jesus warned the disciples not to judge those who share His message imperfectly. Seeds are planted in hearts that the Lord is fully capable of nurturing to maturity. ‘He gets us’ is to be commended, not condemned!

    L.A. Watkins
    February 13, 2024

    You are among the first in this comment string of “righteous indignation” to note the obvious (congratulations! You get HIM) … that the Lord, according to the Word, washed the feet of a man, Judas, who had a certain fate of everlasting torment.
    { evĀ·erĀ·lastĀ·ing / ĖŒevərĖˆlastiNG / adjective / “the damned would suffer everlasting torment” }

    This fact was apparently lost on many or most who commented here by equating the act of washing the feet of sinners with somehow approving of that persons’ lifestyle. This “otherism,” it seems to me, is exactly the type of love-less religious attitude the commercial was attempting to counter.

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 13, 2024

      LA Watkins, you might want to scroll down and review some of the other 430+ posts on this thread because .
      . there is an unusually high number of people who disagree with Dave Kubal that normally do not post on this site. Makes one wonder whether the site is being spammed to ensure secular ideas are mixed in with Truth to confuse what Scripture actually says. Remember in Genesis 3:1, “Indeed, did God say . . . ?” šŸ˜‰

      What was lost on you was that the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, the most important element of the Gospel, was left out of all of the commercials and the website. We suggest you review John 8:11.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    Truth4Him, the entire commercial was unbiblical. It is not His job to “get us,” it’s our job to get Him.

    Washing His disciples feet was a teaching moment and symbolic of His spiritual cleansing of His disciples’ hearts. In contrast, in John 13:10, Jesus specifically said that not all of His disciples were spiritually clean.

    On a practical level, had Jesus not washed Judas’ feet, such isolation of Judas would have created a distraction from His message because His disciples’ natural curiosity would have caused their minds to wonder why Judas was singled out.

    Remember that Jesus did not wash the feet of the Pharisees nor the Saducees and washing Judas’ feet did not insulate him from the consequences of his own sin.

    This was the primary message of the Gospel that was missing from both the commercials and the website. It wasn’t Jesus’ empathy for sinners that Saved us from Hell, it was His redemptive work on the cross that Saved us.

      February 14, 2024

      Jesus does get us – understanding full well our flawed human condition. Those who fail to see the beauty of that footwashing demonstration are the ones who don’t get Him. Sadly, they instead cause an alignment of such reactions to those of the Pharisees when Jesus associated with prostitutes, tax collectors, drunkards and gluttons. They similarly viewed those scenes as endorsements of sinful lifestyles, rather than illustrations of patience and love for lost lambs. Those shouting amen get Jesus – while others desperately need our prayers. Peace and hope to all!

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 17, 2024

    You’ve misunderstood Mark 9:38-41. Jesus was both love and just. He was not one-dimensional.

    What is unbiblical is that the Cross of Christ is missing. Without the Gospel, noone can be Saved.

James Alfano
February 13, 2024

I agree. This commercial didn’t sit right with me, couldn’t figure out why. Thanks for explaining it.

February 13, 2024

I really appreciate your article and I feel you are spot on. These commercials always trouble me because they are so seeker friendly they are not scripturally accurate. I really appreciate how you so clearly illustrate what it is that has been bothering me

Emily Ching
February 13, 2024

In each foot washing scene, the feet of the unrighteous “victim” were being washed. If the intended message was “love your enemies,” why were the unrepentant not washing feet? Jesus calls us to love our enemies and pray for them, but never to submit to immorality and not call out sin. This ad is evidence of spiritual warfare twisting the truth to deceive people and to divide the Church.

    February 15, 2024

    We cannot presume that all whose feet are washed there were unrighteous based upon appearance. Realize indeed that the washers are humble enough to recognize their own sinful nature apart from regeneration through Christ. Seeds of love have great potential to produce gloriously fruitful gardens. Prayers for repentance of those yet to discover the transforming power of the real Yeshua!

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 17, 2024

      Yes Truth4Him, the “washers” were humble enough to recognize their sinful nature, the problem is that the “washees” did not recognize their own sinful nature. It’s called repentance and the Gospel was omitted from commercials and the website.

Robert E. Brook
February 13, 2024

I agree with the commentator. Jesus accepts us on his terms. His forgiveness in unconditional and our repentance also must be unconditional. Repentance means turning away from our sin and going the other direction. If we want Jesus’ forgiveness, we must give him our full repentance. Jesus did not teach unconditional tolerance, he requires conversion.

February 13, 2024

Thank you Dave for providing the distinction (context always matters) between the two parables and after going to their website to get understanding and clarification of what the commercial message was all about, then “speaking the truth in love”.
Ephesians 4

John 8 is Jesus’ example of what you mentioned above.

Dear Lord Jesus, may all who believe in You for salvation, continue daily in your word, and be a Berean who daily searchied the scriptures to verify even what the apostles taught, for Jesus said those who do so shall know truth and the truth shall set them free. Acts 17:10-11 and John 8:31-32

Thank you for Holy Spirit and 1 John 1:9.
Thank You for mercy and grace to “walk holy as You are holy.”

Lord Jesus, we pray for Your leading to be faithful witnesses to those around us. LORD Jesus, we come before your throne of grace and pray for those that do not know You. We pray that You would work on their hearts that they may have soft hearts like the good soil and that You would send faithful witnesses as seed sowers of Your good news to them, and faithful witnesses who would water the seeds of truth, confirming your truth to them personally in a way that You open their eyes to see and ears to hear spiritually and that they would believe in their hearts for salvation and confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus. We look to You as Holy Spirit brings the increase. We trust You.

February 13, 2024

Yes, the commercial misses the mark, and further demonstrates why the faith of some is hated, while the faith of others is lauded. It really goes back to even why people hate Jesus- they do not like truth that points out to their sins. Tim Tebow wasn’t hated so much for sharing his faith, he was hated for pointing out the sin of abortion. When others simply state they are “blessed” like so many influentials do (athletes, Hollywood types, etc), giving credit to God but fail to ever talk about sin, it is actually a disservice to those who need the message the most- the unsaved.

The latter type don’t risk the “offending” part as it may cause unpopularity or hurt their own “brand”. So immediately those with discernment can question the motives of the person. Do they bear fruit? For example, just because Ice Spice calls herself a “Christian” on social media doesn’t mean she bears fruit (wears an inverted cross and makes sure to throw up baphomet signs as soon as the camera pans over to Taylor Swift’s luxury box). The Super Bowl is rife with symbology and has become a spectacle beyond the game itself.

However, if you are on IFA and reading this article, let alone this commentary, you are “the choir” so to speak. The ads may not be meant so much for those who have steady spiritual meat in their diet over milk. This article does very well articulating the confusion many of us are experiencing about these commercials as we ask, “who is this for?”. But, God has already opened our eyes. By contrast, the largest group of Super Bowl watchers wouldn’t have their spiritual eyes open yet.. I’d say that what this article challenges whether these commercials are even fit for “milk”! They might be more like the junk food people are physically eating during the big game, but spiritual food instead.

It is the age-old paradox of getting the message of Jesus to the masses, but doing so in a loving way. When those who are sharing the Gospel are truly living in grace, they will deliver the message in grace too. I hope that’s us. Where are the “good” churches putting up the biggest cash so that the most authentic messages can get out there rather than junk?

February 13, 2024

I totally agree that the message was about tolerance. I was very troubled with the one in front of an abortion clinic, portraying the pro-life prayer warriors as being indifferent to the girl’s situation. That is a total misrepresentation of the pro-life movement. They are praying for everyone involved: the women going in, the workers and the baby. Thank you so much for your article.

    February 15, 2024

    How do you know that the foot washer wasn’t praying the young woman would choose life for her baby? Perhaps she prayed with her!

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 17, 2024

      Pro-lifers generally do pray for the life of the baby and often do pray with the Mothers who allow them. They also pray for the abortion workers and everybody directly and indirectly involved.

      We would have loved to have seen an image of a repentant abortion worker washing the feet of a pro-lifer.

Bruce Little
February 13, 2024

Did Jesus get and understand those selling in the temple to make money to live? Did he get and understand the Pharisees who sought to undermine his message and methods? Quite the opposite!

Dawn Beth
February 13, 2024

I just saw this and wanted to share, this is the Jesus commercial we should be seeing

Janice Rhodes
February 13, 2024

I felt the commercial misrepresented Jesus. Since I am very visual the images troubled me because you don’t have time to discern the message. The underlying theme was “tolerate everything our culture offers”. In other words, I’m okay and you’re ok. The one image in front of an abortion clinic is what impacted me the most. It clearly was saying abortion is okay. Is that really what we want Jesus to be saying to the public? I worked at Planned Parenthood in the past and I’m so glad I didn’t see this type of commercial that would affirm what I was doing. Thankfully, people prayed for me and Jesus spoke the hard truth to me. For this, I am grateful.

February 13, 2024

Very well said. We need to pray that God will remove the confusion and lies that were perpetrated in this “commercial”

Tom Muldoon
February 13, 2024

My grievance is that the visible church did not help me find a good job, and now a former pastor is encouraging me to buy another car when I fear that I cannot afford it and must keep the old car. I think you are right about this commercial and holiness. Sometime in the study of God one must encounter Godā€™s predestination, and the natural man doesnā€™t like that.

February 13, 2024

When I saw the pictures, not the video/commercials. . . This made me sad and mad. These commercials to fuel the lie. Those that are already confused in these situations arenā€™t getting the true message of them needing Jesus as their Savior and what our role is as a Christian. Iā€™m also sad about who is behind this funding that say they are Christian.
Heavenly Father I pray that those that watched this, feel conviction and that it wasnā€™t correct and to look it up. I pray it leads them to look up the word of God and they see for themselves truth. I pray that Christians stand up to tell the truth about the lie of these commercials.

Marie Hodges
February 13, 2024

It was not the true Gospel. God did not teach this at all

Suzanne BonneĀ“
February 13, 2024

Amen thank you. This week I have been called unloving by 2 people who are buying into this ideology. One is an AOG pastor. I just learned that the head of the AOG church in America has told its pastors they must not speak about politics. Easy to see then how deception and compromise sneaks in.

Pamela Kay
February 13, 2024

Thank you for this explanation and teaching on this. You made this very clear and it is Very Excellent in explaining why this is not good doctrine, or correct. Your explanation cuts out all the confusion that this creates; and probably for many in the church as well. You should run this following every one of those commercials–if that were possible. It certainly needs to be put out for the public to see and read !! And, also through every Christian news group that will share it, in one way or another. Again, Thank you….

    Pamela Kay
    February 13, 2024

    I should have added that we as believers should always have a heart of humility and Christ’s LOVE. Nothing bothers me more than for a Christian to share the message of Christ’s LOVE and TRUTH, in a hateful or haughty prideful way. I have observed so called, Christians, using the Word of God like it was a weapon to cause harm on the heads of those who are sinners in need of a Savior, and in need of repentance. That is so distasteful and causes harm to the message of Christ as well. If we are followers of Christ, we need to be balanced out by the Holy Spirit, letting our gentleness be evident to all. Another scripture says, a gentle word can break a bone. In other words, a gentle word it is far more POWERFUL in CHRIST, than a harshly spoken word of correction to someone’s life. We need to remember where we were before we came to the GRACE and MERCY of Christ Jesus !!

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 13, 2024

      Yes Pamela but it isn’t our empathy that Saves the lost, it is hearing of the redemptive work of Christ that Saves them.

February 13, 2024

Why should we be held to this person’s interpretation of scripture. I don’t know ow where the reference to the Samaritan story came from but that message was to have compassion on those in need. Unless the recipients had dirty feet I don’t see the application. As for the foot washing, I believe the original was just a lesson in humility for the disciples. That I believe the washers accomplished.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 17, 2024

    Ji, you are correct that the Good Samaritan did not wash the feet of the injured man, the Good Samaritan was an example for the hard-hearted in authority to follow. This parable does not apply.

February 13, 2024

I asked the Lord what he thought of this commercial after it aired and he said, Ephesians 5:6. In context:

1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

3 But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. 4 Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. 5 For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 7 Therefore do not become partners with them; 8 for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light

February 13, 2024

BLM hate used this in 2020… &
Say the name…

Ekklesia NEEDS TO PREACH ROMANS 1:32 !!!!
Affirming EVIL is just like,
The same as doing EVIL
Per YeHoVaH

Gyendolyn Renkes
February 13, 2024

Amen ! What is” preached” in this commercial is doctrine of demons.

February 13, 2024

Thanks for addressing this Super Bowl ad. The message just supports churches, who accept sin and lifestyle contrary to fellowship in Christ and acceptance of salvation through repentance. A poor steward of millions of dollars. Iā€™m not sure how you condone the gentleman behind it as being good intentioned. It is very clear what the intent was by the final product. Again, thanks for speaking the truth against the lie.

February 13, 2024

I understand your concerns but I do need to point out that when Jesus washed the disciples feet Judas was a disciple. I think washing feet of even people who will betray, dishonor and ultimately hand us over to our killers is an ultimate act of true love. I am in absolute agreement that as Christians we should be committed to living an obedient life according to scriptures. I believe we must always speak truth and demonstrate truth but always in love. My point is 123 million viewers of an over hyped, secular event heard about Jesus Sunday night! This is good, as an intercessor it is my prayer that these people would be led by The Holy Spirit to seek truth, to desire truth and most importantly accept the most gracious invitation they will ever receive to make Jesus Lord of their life. The commercial did not present the full gospel (it was a 1 minute commercial) but it did introduce Jesus and I believe someone watching needed to know that Jesus washes the dirtiest of feet. It was an advertisement WE need to be the story.

    February 13, 2024

    Agree! I was thrilled Jesus Name was on the tv during the Super Bowl too and believe Holy Spirit is drawing people to the Father even now! I intercede for them that in their dreams Jesus visits them. I love the Christmas story of when the angels went to the dirty and stinky and poorest shepherds in fields and declared ā€œFear not, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for ALL the peopleā€¦ā€ (Luke 2) Faith, Hope, and Loveā€¦and the greatest of these is love. For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son! To God be the glory!

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 13, 2024

      Missy, it’s Jesus’ redemptive work on the Cross that Saves singers, not emotionally driven commercials.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    Angie, Jesus washed His disciples’ feet as a symbol of His spiritually cleansing their hearts. He even said one was not clean (Judas).

    Review some of these other posts on this same example because although Jesus did exhibit love for His betrayer, He clearly did not condone Judas’ sin and said it would have been better had Judas never been born.

    It is not our love for our enemies that Saves the lost, it is the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross that Saves them.

      February 15, 2024

      Yet, the way they will know we are Jesus’ disciples is by showing His love through humble service to them. Only then will they listen to the Gospel message of what He did to redeem us.

        Keith and Megan Johnson
        February 17, 2024

        The Bible says the Holy Spirit uses Creation, conscience, and dreams to draw sinners to Christ, not simply touching images that do not Save. Only the Cross of Christ Saves sinners.

S Forster
February 13, 2024

The sad thing is that this does not accurately depict Jesus. All that money was spent and failed to show Jesus in his true light. The commercial implies that Jesus accepts everyone no matter how they are living- and we that follow him know this is an incomplete statement. He accepts you when you know you are a sinner and you accept him and you repent from your SINS. The commercial shows no turning away from sin! We should challenge them to remake the commercial!

    February 13, 2024

    But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
    Romans 5:8

February 13, 2024

I hadn’t seen the commercial yet, but when I saw the title “He Gets Us,” I knew something must be off with the messaging of the commercial. The Gospel is not about Jesus “getting us,” it’s about him showing us our need for a Savior and providing a way for salvation.

    February 13, 2024

    Hebrews 2:17-18 Thereforre he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

    For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.

    ā€­Philippians 2:5-8
    Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

    He most definitely gets us.

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 17, 2024

      Of course He gets us because He created us. The real question is . . . do we get Him?

Gail Segars Rainey
February 13, 2024

I would like to make a comment before praying. Those who are Jesus’ true disciples were shown by their Shepherd and Teacher, the Son of God, that love first comes with humility. Jesus was showing His disciples that God loves His disciples who are devoted to Him.. Judas was a traitor and it cost him a life to eternal hell. If you truly love your son, your daughter, your friend, your spouse, would you tell them a lie or the truth? Would Jesus ask you to “wash the feet” of the Hamas demons from hell beheading and torturning defenseless Israeli citizens of all ages? Jesus is teaching us how to serve the Body of Christ which is a way of rolemodeling being a disciple of Christ and to evangelize with our testimonies.
Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that you give your Church discernment of spirits, as we need today more than ever before. We ask for wisdom and revelation from Holy Spirit as we read Your divine instruction book for our lives on this earth and in the millennium. Thank You, Lord, for showing us true love by forgiving us of our sin when we truly repent and as You have shown us through the sacrifice of Your Only Son in Whom we may all receive eternal life in His presence for eternity when we accept Your gift of salvation through Yeshua HaMashiach. And Lord, thank You for this wonderful group of intercessors who are being radically obedient to Your call to intercession. In the Most Holy Name of Jesus, Amen and Amen.

    February 15, 2024

    Beautiful prayer – but your prior comment seemed to deny Jesus’ clear teachings on His command to love and pray for our enemies – yes, even Hamas. John 3:16 is clear that He died to redeem all who will come to repentance!

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 17, 2024

      Jesus did not wash the feet of the Sadducees nor the Pharasees. He washed only His disciples’ feet because they were already spiritually clean. He declared that Judas was not clean because He had already rejected Jesus in His heart. Jesus would not have washed the feet of members of Hamaas because they reject Jesus.

      Jesus washed Judas’ feet to give him one last opportunity to repent but Judas declined.

      Having said that, you are correct that we are to pray for the Salvation by Grace of all of our enemies, including Hamaas. However, we did not interpret Gail’s post as saying we should not pray for our enemies, she simply described Hamaas truthfully as “demons from Hell.” She did not address whether or not we should pray for our enemies.

Nancy Gibson
February 13, 2024

This is a Cheap Grace ad… “love one another” requires justice, mercy and humility. Micah 6:8.

Marianne Allen
February 13, 2024

There are times to be the Good Samaritan and times to share ā€œRepent and believe the Gospel.ā€

    Marianne Allen
    February 13, 2024

    Stay in touch with the Holy Spirit n donā€™t judge when Jesusā€™ Name is used in a good way. ā€œ Mark 9:39-40

    Neal Youngquist
    February 13, 2024

    Agree! We need to meet people at their point of need with seeds of love and compassion. The repentance part will follow in due time if we are faithful to model God’s love. ” But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

      Ms Mary
      February 13, 2024

      Yes! While we were still sinners!

        Mary Beth
        February 13, 2024

        Well He had to make atonement for us while we were still sinners, or He never would have been able to do it. That in no way meant He condoned or tolerated our sin – He died a bloody, horrible and painful death because of our sin. Bypassing that fact doesn’t bring people into true repentance.

          Keith and Megan Johnson
          February 13, 2024

          Amen Mary Beth.

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 17, 2024

      Repentance is not dependent upon whether or not we model love. The Holy Spirit can Save any soul with or without us.

      Salvation is also not based upon how we behave, it is based upon the Cross of Christ. We don’t Save, the Gospel Saves.

February 13, 2024


Walter-Henry Hoskins
February 13, 2024

The He Gets Us Campaign is a starting point of awakening the senses us some who say they “are believers,” but it is in word only. I for one thought it was a good, thought-provoking message. There are far too many other things happening around me to disagree with, He Geet Us is not one of them. Pause, reflect, receive.
– Waltr Henry-

February 13, 2024

Thank you so much for for this well-articulated article. I agree wholeheartedly!

Rhonda K Chesnutt
February 13, 2024

The Holy Spirit within me cringed. There was no “go and sin no more” message here. There was no repentance. I believed we are called to Love the sinner but Hate their sin. If we require nothing and just accept all others what scripture tells us that?

Mary Ann Canfijn
February 13, 2024

Thank you for this clear delineation. It goes to show that there are those trying so hard to accommodate
a decaying culture. It will take people who know the Word of God to discern whether the portrayal of
such ads is true to that Word. May God help us to beam the light of the Gospel! It is the only thing that will cut through the smog and pierce the darkness. In the meantime, may the mention of Jesus draw
many to inquire after Him. In the end, He gets us, because He’s the One seeking us.

    Ms Mary
    February 13, 2024

    Yes, we don’t need to accommodate their sin, but we need to show the love of Jesus, even before they accept Him.

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 13, 2024

      How is that Biblical Ms Mary? The Bible says some come to know Christ through Creation while others come to know Christ through conscience. Christ even uses dreams to draw others to Himself. It is the Holy Spirit that woos the lost sinner, not our emotions.

Kathy G
February 13, 2024

You are so right in your explanation so thank you. So many of the commercials were steeped in witchcraft and to Christians can’t even get it Biblically correct is such a travesty. God forgive us!

February 13, 2024

I too had a check in my Spirit for what the agenda might be behind their message. I dug deep into their “About us” at the bottom of their page and found some statements that were kinda vague but not all bad. One statement that gave me some hope but I am still holding it loosely:
It was under “Frequently Asks Questions” :
“Who do you believe Jesus is?
We believe there is something in the story of Jesus for everyone.
Thatā€™s why fans of the campaign and those working on it include people who are curious about this man and his story and want to explore it for themselves, those reconstructing their faith, and those who believe in their hearts that Jesus Christ is the son of God. All of us work together relentlessly to share the transformative power that unconditional love, forgiveness, and sacrificial generosity have to change us, our families, our communities, and our country.
It wouldnā€™t be hard to guess that many of those backing the campaign believe that Jesus is who the Bible says he is. He Gets Us is an initiative of Come Near Inc., a nonprofit organization committed to sharing the life and love of Jesus, that believes Jesus was human and divine, he rose from the dead, and more. No matter who you are and what you believe, weā€™re glad youā€™re here.”

I am still concerned but hopeful they draw some to Christ.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    It is not the transformative power of unconditional love that transforms the lost Terri, but the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross.

    Christ’s redemption is not in the commercials or on the Home page.

February 13, 2024

Please note, the NFL is an entity where adult men play a childā€™s game and adult females cheer them on.
Please note, as the wife and mother of combat veterans, NFL players do not go to war on a football field-they play a childā€™s game on a childā€™s football field.
Please note, the NFL is a liberal political organization.
The anti-Christ spirit of the NFL could easily usher in the anti-Christ.

After looking up the commercial and site, although Jesus is miraculously 100% divine and 100% human – Jesus Christ, the Promised Jewish Messiah, Savior of the World was not Human. Hegetsus.com plagiarizes the Bible about the life of Jesus Christ to fit their political social justice agenda (Democratic Party arm) without the truth of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. When Godā€™s inspired history is interpreted to fit a desired message contrary to His Truth, it is apostasy. No genuine Christian would ever flippantly state, ā€œHe gets usā€ in referring to Jesus. Jesus is Holy and He paid the penalty of our sin debt that we may be received into the Kingdom of Heaven AFTER ā€œexclusiveā€ belief in Jesus Christ and repentance for our sin.

If a Christian wants to reference or share a teaching with someone for whatever reason, send that person to a reliable site for Biblical teaching, like:

The War of 2024 Part 1 -Jack Hibbs

Jean Dukes
February 13, 2024

I know it’s a cliche, but we are to love the sinner and hate the sin. As Christians, we need to demonstrate love to all, even those we don’t agree with. If they don’t experience Christ’s love through believers, how will they ever know Jesus? We are to be His salt & light.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    The Bible says Salv is not dependent upon us, some come to know Christ through Creation, conscience, and dreams. The Holy Spirit is not dependent upon emotionalism.

February 13, 2024

Sorry, but that’s ridiculous. Washing feet in Jesus’ time was a posture of servanthood and humility. We are to emulate him in this attitude of serving everyone, not just those considered “clean”. This is exactly the attitude that turns people away from the church. God judges people’s hearts. That’s not for us to do.

    Rhonda K Chesnutt
    February 13, 2024


    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    What turns people away Lisa is not hearing about the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross. The Holy Spirit is not dependent upon our emotionalism.

Karen Stavrinakis
February 13, 2024

Initially, I was excited when I learned about these commercials. I felt the same uncomfortable feeling about the one I saw (I did not see both.) If we do not acknowledge the sins in all of our lives, how can we be repentant? Christ started His ministry (as did John the Baptist) with repentance. We need to humble ourselves, repent, and draw near to God.

Brenda Remus
February 13, 2024

My spirit felt VERY UNCOMFORTABLE watching that ad. Thanks for the explanation and it’s good to know that I wasn’t the only one feeling this way.

Theiline Heckelmann
February 13, 2024

Wholeheartedly agree. Thank you for articulating so well.

Norma Brown
February 13, 2024

The secular world, those who vaguely know the origin of feet washing, and even the agnostic might think the well meaning of this commercial is “humility.” Not knowledgeable of the biblical meaning, those persons would either think this an act of insanity, one of tolerance, or be curious to learn biblical truth. Many biblical scholars, and ministries do not teach the act of washing feet, nor practice in their churches. The greatest effects of this commercial, then, raises questions for the Church and the secular world to look into the reality of the message portrayed, and in so doing, learn the love of Jesus in and for their lives.

    February 13, 2024

    How long were you agnostic before you got Saved? 50 years for me. He gets us promotes the misinformed, and eternally deadly, concept that it’s really all about being nice to people, helping folks, and being a good citizen. NONE of that leads to Salvation. I did all those things and yet was headed straight for Hell. Heaven is not the place decent people go when they die. Diluting the true Gospel of Salvation just reinforces these agnostic misconceptions.

Kathleen Small
February 13, 2024

It’s deception on a high level. Leading people astray, even out of a good heart, is still leading people astray.

February 13, 2024

Love the person NOT their lifestyle.

February 13, 2024

The reason Jesus washed their feet is to demonstrate what the disciples are to do for one another.
Joh 13:15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.
Jesus also washed the feet of Judas but remember that He pointed out Judas was on the road to destruction (Mark chapter 14). It would have been better if he had not been born. Good article.

February 13, 2024

I concur with this response. It is another example of cleverly twisting words and concepts, especially words of the Holy Bible to create acceptance of satanic “woke”, “new normal” thinking and indoctrination. It is similar to when the serpent in the Garden told Eve that ‘God didn’t really mean that she and Adam would die’ (paraphrasing) if they ate from the tree of knowledge. The “hater” label has become handy to use on anyone who simply disagrees with the “woke” religion and sinful behavior. Frequently, the one judging another through use of the word “hater” is the real hater who hates Christians and the Word of God itself. God will ultimately judge all of us — especially the “false teachers” within churches who lead others away from His Word using “new” interpretations of His Holy Bible.

February 13, 2024

Jesus always forgives but He also said, “Go and sin no more” John 8:11

Pastor Eric J. Hanson
February 13, 2024

The commercial did indeed send a seriously flawed message. I am surprised that there are real believers who are part of the group that put this on.

    February 13, 2024

    Anyone can claim they are a Christian or anything else for that matter. You will tell them by their fruit.

David Fassett
February 13, 2024

I thank those behind the He Gets Is campaign to reach the people of American who have not committed their lives yet to Jesus. To break through the media barrier so that truth may be heard by those who would never hear it otherwise.

As has been said context is everything especially in a controversial topic and one contrary to culture today. The viewing context is people who are watching the Superbowl. We know from recent studies indicate the vast majority of people in America today do not have a Biblical worldview. Given that context of viewership the ad is likely taken out of context intended and interpreted as a clergy/religious approval of the tolerance of all lifestyles without repentance or contemplation or any change in heart or direction. The majority of viewers do not have a Scriptural basis to see the bigger picture of necessary repentance as part of the invitation of Christ to become a son or daughter of God. Culture today in America is that all must accept without repentance every lifestyle and that the lifestyle defines the identity of the person.

So a beautiful portrayal of meeting the needs of those in need and to love others even whom are different than you as you would want to be loved. But likely taken out of context by the vast majority of those who viewed it confirming a false narrative prevalent in the current culture.

February 13, 2024

OUTSTANDING Tues 12:15 pm webcast on this commercial! Dave and Judy, thank you so much!

I do ask that you possibly reconsider your way of putting up comments from others as you do the live prayer time. I find them distracting. They can easily put their comments in the IFA website and people can read them if they desire. I personally am interested in whomever is talking as the official speaker on the webcast.

But I love IFA and am so grateful for your ministry! You have helped me immensely.

jefferis peterson
February 13, 2024

Compromise of Biblical Teachings is heresy. Heresy is to over emphasize one aspect of the truth to the exclusion of the whole. The idea that Jesus “gets” abortion as part of his acceptance is demonic at the root. Tolerance of sin was never his method. “Neither do I condemn you, but Go and Sin no More.” This message is saying murder, adultery, sexual perversion are all acceptable in His sight because he “gets us.” Yes he forgives us, but he doesn’t endorse our behaviors. He accepted prostitutes and tax collectors, but the didn’t encourage them to continue in their professions.

Maria Griffith
February 13, 2024

I think this as needs to be seen in context with all their ads over the past year. They are all just off of truth. Even my husband who claims to be an atheist has said in the past “that’s not what the bible says”.

February 13, 2024

Thanks for this explanation. When I saw this commercial, my spirit was bothered but I didnā€™t know why. now I understand. Thanks again.

February 13, 2024

I did not watch either the game or the ads. As I read down through the comments, however, what I see over and over is confusion. God is not the author of confusion. Neither is He blessed or honored by confusion. That should settle the question of the source of the ad. That said, the testimony of Jackie Pullinger, missionary to Hong Kong’s drug addicts, records her saying she stood on the streets preaching but not one person was ever saved. Then Yahweh told her to demonstrate His love. That is the rest of her testimony and it is powerful. Yahweh blessed her actions because she has been obedient to what He said to her. The church in America has too many board rooms making decisions on the right actions to take and until the church starts being obedient to Yahweh, it is wasting its time and efforts. The Spirit of God blesses only what He ordains.

February 13, 2024

I also didn’t understand these commercials and felt troubled in my spirit by them. I was pretty sure that 1) they were either too obscure to be an understandable gospel message or 2) they were teaching a new gospel which would be worse!

Judie Walauskis
February 13, 2024

Nothing but false teaching, itā€™s always about tolerance, not standing for truth.

February 13, 2024

In all due respectā€¦Please consider the audience that is viewing this commercial. It is the average person who has no theological background or biblical literacy. The Bud Light drinking , chip eating , often ā€œ ā€œfour letter word using,ā€ American.
Yes there are Christians watching too.
But to whom is this commercial targeting??
The insights in this article are respectable and in certain contexts can be completely accurate and appropriate in calling out the inconsistencies of facts &truth. Think: showing this to a church audience or divinity students. They might notice the points you have brought to light.
God used a lot of people as his leaders who weā€™re t always completely acccurate in their actions & witness.

Admittedly, I have no theological background but have walked in Godā€™s grace & truth for many years.
Realistically, in the few seconds of viewing this commercial, one would take away a basic message of ā€œsacrificial love.ā€
Washing anotherā€™s feet or helping someone when ā€œdownā€ does not mean that we espouse to their belief system or lifestyle.
This message seems clearly intended for those who are confused with the gospel message of grace or have given up on Christianity .
There is certainly a time and place to draw a line between offering Grace and adopting / tolerating anotherā€™s life views. We are ā€œin the world but not of the world. ā€œ
The message could have certainly been more Biblically accurate , but at face value , we see a message of ā€œgospel grace that is foreign to this world and this brings HOPE to those that so desperately need itā€¦

    Lynn Hopwood
    February 13, 2024

    Thanks Robyn-While I agree with what Dave has said I have to remember the target audience and that I would have been attracted to this commercial in my pre Jesus days.

    February 13, 2024

    It’s great that they reach out to the audience that they do. However they can do that and still be biblically accurate. In some of their commercials I think I would be more confused than anything else if I didn’t know the Bible at all.

    February 13, 2024

    I agree! I’m honestly appalled by all the comments saying the ads were not biblically accurate or condoning sin. That’s not the point of the ads. They are trying to show the spirit of Christ’s humility and love for people, which we are to emulate. Jesus doesn’t tell us to judge people to determine if the ate worthy of love. Just love people and God will take care of the judgment.

      February 13, 2024

      But what’s the message then? I just got Saved 3 yrs ago at 50 yrs old. I was agnostic for 50 years. This message doesn’t point towards Salvation. It’s almost like a rebuke of Christians for not serving well! THAT’S what I would’ve taken from this in my agnostic viewpoint!

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    The issue here Robyn was that the Gospel was not presented, but instead, mere feel-good emotionalism that said nothing of Christ’s redemptive work on the Cross.

Georgann Bennett
February 13, 2024

I have been bothered by this series for a while. Yes, Jesus was fully human and He has walked in our shoes, so to speak. But He is also fully divine and has the right to make demands with the expectation of obedience. An unbalanced focus on either aspect of Jesus leads us astray.

February 13, 2024

First, let me say I am a strong conservative, born again, a strong upholder of God’s word and a Christian of 40+ years.
What I got from this ad was that we care for others despite our disagreements & that we don’t allow those disagreements to prevent us from sharing God’s love and His gospel.

Mari Williams
February 13, 2024

It absolutely missed the mark!
The LORD JESUS CHRIST washed the feet of His disciples. . . .
There is no scripture to support their ad that JESUS washed the feet of sinners!
The TRUTH is that HE gave His life on the cross for us sinners!
He told the woman caught in sin to, ” Go and sin no more.”
In Luke 7:38 the scriptures tells of a woman who washed JESUS’ feet with her tears and dried them with her hair which was her expression of repentance and love and gratitude,
I heard that the ad was paid for by a wealthy person, not by a Christian organization.
It is NOT the Gospel truth and in no way is a true representation of Our Lord Jesus Christ who tells us all who would follow HIM to go and sin no more.

Jim Crawmer
February 13, 2024

That’s how I felt also. Too generic. Too fluffy. If the trumpet does not make a clear sound nobody will know what to do. How about this? Instead of Jesus gets us, say Jesus died for us, Jesus rose again, Jesus is coming again, or Jesus is Lord! There is great pressure now-a-days to compromise on the word of God. But, Jesus said narrow is the way to eternal life and few are going because they want the broad way that leads to destruction. The Bible says , “Don’t you know that those who do wrong will have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, who are idol worshipers, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, abusers, and swindlers–none of these will have a share in the Kingdom of God. (1Co 6:9-10) Repentance is mandatory because faith without works is dead. May the Lord help us to preach the truth in this ear-tickling age. The real truth that will set the captives free.

February 13, 2024

Love the sinner. HATE the sin.

February 13, 2024

Throughout history, man has continually tried to make God in his own image. This is a form of pagan idolatry; and a direct violation of God’s commandments. The Love of Jesus truly is available for every person, but each person must come to Christ on Christ’s terms.
If a follower of Christ is washing the feet of someone else, out of compassion and a desire to manifest the love of Christ to that person, that is always going to be pleasing to God; but as this article has so clearly stated, washing feet is not even remotely related to “tolerance.” Anyone who says that it is, is blind to the deception that ‘tolerance’ is nothing more than a boat ramp to the lake of delusion that is in flood stage and now almost covers the earth.
The heart of God is always open to any person, of any lifestyle, who is moving towards repentance, but tolerance that condones wickedness, and considers it virtuous to let others make destructive choices without warning them of the consequences, is as far removed from love as any hatred ever was.

    February 13, 2024

    “Throughout history, man has continually tried to make God in his own image”
    THIS is exactly what this whole campaign is!

jeffrey daly
February 13, 2024

Spot on, Dave ! Thanks for speaking the TRUTH and calling out this heresy! Yes! It’s time for personal and national repentance, not for “tolerance” of life styles contrary to His Word. Thanks again. Great word!

Scott Jones
February 13, 2024

Great analysis of a mixed message, that in the end is blasphemous. Jesus loved sinners enough to die an agonizing death for them. But there is a requirement – the must repent and turn from their sin, agreeing with God that they are indeed sinners and need a Savior. None of that was in view in the He Gets Us ad.

Zoe Ella
February 13, 2024

It is imperative to be able to accept someone as they are, without agreeing with their ideas. They exist, they have the inherent right to be held with respect to their dignity as a human being whom God created. That does not imply agreement with everyone. (That way lies chaos and insanity) Do not hate people. Accept them for who they have decided to be, or who they are, as you prefer to look at it. Also, hold to your own being, your own understanding. You are not less than they. You, too, have inherent dignity. Hold to your beliefs while acting in a non-hateful way, even if you are hated for that.
There is a movement to weaken or destroy culture, such as organized religion (Church and others)and to destroy the family unit, perhaps even the connections such as the loyalty of deep friendship, so that a new culture, dependent on the state as God, can be imposed. You can read more about that elsewhere. However, for the moment, read “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley and then “Brave New World Revisited” , also by Huxley, written 5 years later, and explaining why the original story. It is an eye opener. In the meantime, hold fast without hate and judgment (discernment, yes, absolutely!) Judgment belongs to God.

February 13, 2024

True. Jesus taught, proclaimed, and MODELED His live for all mankind. His death on the cross was for us all, not only a select few. He accepted is where we are, and CHALLENGED us to become HIM. He does not leave is in the state in which He found us. We are challenged to BECOME HIM. This dies not mean we cannot wash feet or live the unlovable

Lisa Gauger
February 13, 2024

Correct. Amen.

February 13, 2024

Dave Kubalā€™s assessment of these ads is right on. The ā€œHe Gets Usā€ ads is another attempt to draw people to Christ without confronting with Truth. The Good Samaritan parable and the account of Jesus washing His disciples feet is twisted ever so slightly to make Jesus ā€œpalatableā€. These ads will just add to the confusion of who Jesus really is and Iā€™m sure the enemy loves it.

    February 13, 2024

    That’s the whole point. The Father of Lies has been twisting The Words of God from the beginning!

February 13, 2024

When I watched the ads during the Super Bowl, I did not take away from the pictures of the foot washing that the people being served were perfect, and in a good relationship with God. What I saw is that we as Christians must love them as Christ loved them. No one is too dirty or too sinful to be loved by God. We don’t condone sin, and know that repentance is necessary, but we will never be able to bring them the gospel if we show them that we think we are better then they are. We are all sinners, and Christ understood that long before He gave His life on the cross for us. Does He get us? Yes He does, and was still willing to die in our place! Thank God for those two truths!

    February 13, 2024

    So what was the message to the Unsaved? That Christians aren’t being very good servants, like Jesus wants them to be?
    And this will bring people to Salvation how?

Mary Liwe
February 13, 2024

Disagree! This is a conversation starter with those folks who have a bad taste in their mouth about a Christian. The lost need the salt and light of the believer. Thereā€™s time for that redeemed person to get a lifestyle change that only the Holy Spirit can affect,

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    They left out the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross. Hardened hearts only grow harder with age. We’re unsure how hearing half of the Gospel offers a lifestyle change to a hardened heart.

Marcia Benson
February 13, 2024

Thank you for the opportunity again to send concerns as well as prayers to our state and country’s leaders. The Lord is so gracious and loving. Praying for wisdom in all these situations. God bless you all and this amazing ministry the Lord has called you into.

Russell Mushakian
February 13, 2024

Excellent representation of truth!

February 13, 2024

Well, I did not agree with the commercial either, for its undertone of affirmation. With that being said I did not see any other ministries, or pastors, or those with high platforms who are Christ followers come together and make a commercial to put on TV for the world to see. The only thing I pray is that this commercial would reach those who need it the most, and they would find Jesus, the real Jesus in this.

February 13, 2024

I found the commercial confusing. Itā€™s unclear who the target audience is and what the message is. I agree with John Douglas that before criticizing the ad we should understand what the intention is. What I do know is this: hypocrisy on the part of Christians is, to our own shame, the reason many friends and family and non-Christians in general, do not come to Christ.

    Mari Williams
    February 13, 2024

    I beg to differ.
    All the hypocrisy in the world on the part of Christians or perhaps of just Church-goers cannot prevent anybody from coming to Christ–The Holy Spirit’s power to draw His chosen to Himself far outweighs the sin of others even of those who would try to hinder somebody from following Him. I know.

Carolyn Berilla
February 13, 2024

As a longtime Believer, I am appalled at the intense criticism of this very worthy effort to reach the lost! This ad wasnā€™t intended for Biblical scholars/Pharisees.
Talk about straining a gnat and swallowing a camel!!! It is ā€œHis kindness that draws us to repentance.ā€ If I was a trans, a Muslim or just had an abortion and saw the beauty of humble love being demonstrated towards me by people I knew didnā€™t agree with me I would become thirsty for more & be drawn by that Light. I saw no acceptance of the sin in this ad only a love for the sinner. The ad was beautiful!

    February 13, 2024

    We are told to preach the Gospel.
    But would you not agree that the ad misrepresented the Gospel?
    Jesus died an agonizing death on the cross of Calvary as payment for our sins.
    Nowhere in the scriptures does it show Jesus washing the feet of sinners.
    And wouldn’t you agree then when we realize what it cost Jesus to forgive us that we are more than willing to follow His instruction to “Go and sin no more”?
    Whereas, foot washing would not bring home to us the enormity of our sin and how much it cost The Lord Jesus Christ to save us? And worse, foot washing would not have the same impact to help prevent a person from falling into that same sin again–especially one involving abortion? Babies lives are at stake, especially here in Massachusetts. So, I pray for all those who were misled into thinking that foot-washing cleanses us from our sin would meet a real Christian and learn about our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ who died a horrible death on Calvary’s cross and shed his Blood to save us from our sins.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    Where was the Gospel in the ad Carolyn? The redemptive work of Christ on the Cross is what Saves the lost and was missing from the commercial, not someone’s kindness. Your outrage is a little revealing.

February 13, 2024

Yes, those commercials appear to be a New Age hyper grace message of a sin tolerance expression of love. True love requires repentance .!True love requires the death of self.

    February 13, 2024

    It was about being a nice person and good citizen. Which is not the Gospel message of Salvation.

    But back when I was agnostic this ad certainly would’ve reinforced my misinformed view that if there is a Heaven, I would get into it cause I was a nice person and good citizen. A DANGEROUS message that leads people to Hell!

February 13, 2024

Lord, lead these into truth with love – these cannot be separated. Thank you Lord for articles like this that show clarity. We are honored to be included in Your holiness Lord; show many the truth of Your word, and cancel these confusing mixed messages. Redeem this ‘commercial’ in Jesus’ name.

February 13, 2024

“ā€œto love our neighbor requires [us to] alter our plans and path.ā€
This is heresy ā€” as plain as it comes. It is those who are not the followers of Christ who must alter their paths! Christ came to seek and save the lost and His message is to receive Him and sin no more.”

No, this is not heresy. This is what Jesus taught. The Good Samaritan altered his plans and path to take care of someone in need. Ministering to the needs of others often takes us off our path and out of our comfort zone.

Also, as others have pointed out Jesus washed Judas’ feet and Peter would even later deny him. Feet washing does not condone sin. Before Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery “go and sin no more,” he said “neither do I condemn you.” It was that act of unconditional love and an encounter with Jesus that empowered her to go and sin no more.

As a street minister I have seen people delivered, and give their lives to Jesus just by the simple act of washing their feet. I pray for all of us to have a genuine encounter with the love of Jesus and for the judgment and condemnation to be replaced with true unity.

    February 13, 2024

    But who was this ad for? How does this ad lead the Unsaved to Jesus for Salvation? It seems to me like a rebuke of Christians for not being good servants, like Jesus wants them to be. Is this even true? Most of the churches I know have MULTIPLE ministries that help the needy, in a plethora of ways.

Karen Peters
February 13, 2024

Wow! Thanks Dave, for your perspective which puts into words what many of us felt but maybe couldn’t express. We must never lose sight of the ultimate, uncompromising holiness of Jesus. Unfortunately many are on the “broad” road, and there will be much gnashing of teeth on that final day! We are not to relax even the least of these commandments, Mathew 5:19. I, for one, don’t want to be among those “whom He never knew,” Mathew 7:23. May we pursue Bridal intimacy and Holy Spirit discernment (Mathew 25), and please, be ready!

Bob Fox
February 13, 2024

I love the ministry that this website represents but the writer of this article has missed the mark I think. Iā€™ve been a pastor for 35 years and Iā€™ve got a masters in theology and Iā€™ve been a Christian for 60 years I think Jesus is well represented by loving the unlovely, even by washing their feet. I do not think that indicates that Jesus agrees with their spiritual, beliefs or lifestyle. Jesus intervened to save the life of a woman caught in adultery. He showed her incredible kindness. He probably healed many people who were full of sin, even the grossest sins. He touched them. He even touched lepers.

I know the author met Well, but I think that his article does not represent Jesus is in the Bible. I think Jesus would wash the feet of anyone, if he felt that that would help him understand the love of God , the kindness of God, which leads to salvation

    February 13, 2024

    Pastor Bob, in response to your last statement “I think Jesus would wash the feet of anyone, if he felt that would help him understand the love of God, the kindness of God, which leads to salvation” But He didn’t, why didn’t He? He only washed the feet of the His disciples. For you to say that the writer of this article missed the mark and did not represent Jesus of the Bible is in error. I had a pastor who had a dream about a man in hell going around picking people up by their hair look in their face and drop them. Someone asked what was he doing to which he replied, “I am looking for the preacher who told me I was ok!”

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    Bob, how could you, with all of your knowledge, have possibly missed the Gospel that was not presented? We’ve studied God’s Word for well over 40 years and it is the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross that Saves, not a feel-good message that leaves the sinner mired in their sin.

Patricia L Wenzel
February 13, 2024

Thank you for speaking TRUTH!! When I saw this commercial, I too was disturbed by the message released. The efforts of the anti-Christ government has often focused on “hate”.

I would suggest a more correct and helpful message would be, “hate the sin, love the sinner”.
“Be angry, but do not sin.”

An even better message might have been, “Come to Christ Jesus, for He will set YOU free from the oppression that lies, steals and destroys in this present age.” OR “Jesus ā¤ļø YOU! HE will set you FREE!”

May the Lord continue to give you the wisdom and courage to stand for TRUTH!!

S Aldridge
February 13, 2024

I guess I had a different take on the ad. Sometimes in order to get the chance to preach the gospel, you must show kindness not condemnation. Jesus made it clear when He sat with sinners and winebibbers that only the sick need a physician. You can be gracious in order to help others see the truth of the need for repentance.

February 13, 2024

Imagine if the commercial showed immediately after every act of “mercy” that the sinner REPENTED.

What a powerful demonstration of the TRUE Gospel that could have been, resulting in actual Kingdom Harvest fruit.

The fact about seed is that it can only produce after its own kind – weed seed will never produce wheat.

The Holy Spirit only convicts of Truth.

The Holy Spirit convicts hearts and minds unto Eternal Life when God’s Truth is preached.

Moreover, the Holy Spirit is not a spirit of confusion.

The Holy Spirit will not convict the pre-saved with a counterfeit gospel.

Mercy without Truth is Enabling.
Enabling is disabling.
Disabling doesn’t promise Eternal Life for any involved.

The great falling away (apostacy) is occurring through the preaching of a false Christ with a counterfeit gospel.

When countless and increasing professing Christians embrace deception and promote a counterfeit gospel to the pre-saved, tragically bowing to demonic agendas and the lawless spirit of this age, it is heartbreaking since a false Christ is powerless to save.

Only Truth will save – and Truth has a name: Jesus Christ.

John 14:6 –
Jesus said to him, ā€œI am the way, the TRUTH, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me.

If the purpose of the commercial was to lead people to salvation, I suggest that the commercial “repents” by being updated with Truth ā€“ perhaps show the sinners repenting and receiving Jesus, and be rebroadcast.

Imagine that?!

Then when the pre-saved download a Bible app to explore Godā€™s Word of Truth because they experienced a spark of Holy Spirit conviction, there will be no confusion about the True Gospel from the one and only True Jesus Christ that will lead to their Eternal Salvation.

May professing Christians have the courage and conviction to defy fleshly desires for the accolades and approvals of men who move in the spirit of this age; may professing Christians arise to boldly live and share Truth for His Great End-Time Harvest to manifest.

Dave – thank you for boldly and courageously sharing Truth in Love.

Denyse Synave
February 13, 2024

The whole NFL spectacle is godless, vulgar, and without talent and creativity.
It is mind numbing.

February 13, 2024

I can tell the author of this article reads the Bible.

These commercials sound like a push for ecumenism.

The Pope has been engaging, among other elites, sports figures to recruit youths to his Catholicism (which is Latin for “universalism” or one-world religion). The Pope claims to be head of the Catholic church. But the Bible states Jesus is Head of His Church.

The images in the “He Gets Us” commercials promote the Pope’s views on things like open borders and priests blessing gay unions. Furthermore, sports figures are today’s idols. Some Christians worship them. I’ve seen a pastor show more enthusiasm toward an upcoming Sunday afternoon football game than he did his Sunday morning sermon. A football game consists of violence and idolatry. Think about it. We sing hymns like dirges. But we shout and jump out of our chair when our favorite player injures another player and scores a touchdown.

The theme song for “The Jesus Revolution” is “They Will Know We Are Christians by Our Love.” It was written by a priest to promote ecumenism. Well-known actor Jonathan Roumie is a strong believer in ecumenism. He’s become the new “Jesus image.” An idol. When a youtuber talks about Jesus, they show Roumie’s face. I’m even seeing young Christians use Roumie’s face as their avatar.

Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:24 that even the very elect would be deceived.

Christians need to exercise discernment by holding everything up to what the Bible says. Which means we’ve got to read the Bible. Hosea 4:6 warns us, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge….”

As far as Jesus washing feet, there’s more to it. We should read the whole chapter and the ones before and after, rather than taking one line out of context. We can’t read the Bible in bits and pieces taken out of context.

“Tell me what I want to hear” instead of “what I need to hear” is popular but dangerous doctrine.

Thank you for your courage.

February 13, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father, you are the only one who knows every hair on the head of each individual who saw this commercial. You alone know their hearts, souls, minds, background, beliefs, strengths and weaknesses perfectly. My prayer is that you will enable each person to take what they saw and apply it in exactly the way they need to in order to draw them to yourselfā€”whether it be an immediate revelation or a stepping stone toward an ultimate reconciliation with you. I thank you for this IFA discussion because preaching to the choir is also necessary, and all of the insight is worth hearing in order to better understand ourselves, others and you. I ask that you help us be genuine disciples of Jesusā€”with his heart and mindā€”and that the Holy Spirit would be our guide in every situation where we are called to be your representative. I ask these thing in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Mike Kustic
February 13, 2024

Why are supposed Believers so afraid to speak the truth? Jesus called sin, Sin. He gave mercy to those who knew they didn’t deserve it, but asked anyway. The Church is not supposed to be led by culture, Rather Culture Directed by the Church, which is supposed to be led by the Bible, the word of God. Heaven is real, as is Hell. All will spend eternity in on or the other. Every one Must alter his or her life to, and in accordance with God’s Word or they have chosen rebellion against God, or eternal separation from him. Because he loves us and gave us free will, he will honor our choice even if is Hell. Not a pleasant thought but True Love does not Force His will on anyone. This is why we can’t bow to culture, wrong is still wrong even if everyone is doing it. Right is still Right even if nobody is doing it.

February 13, 2024

Leviticus 19:19 – a very short verse with momentous implications for today. It forbids 3 types of improper or illicit mixtures. A puzzling verse for me in many ways, but it’s message has taken on a clarity today in the conversation in these comments. “Kilayim” (in Hebrew) means “improper mixing”, and it results in “tevel” (in Hebrew) which means “confusion”. Illicit mixing results in confusion is the concept or principle. The message in this ad was not pure, unadulterated Biblical truth – it was a mixed message and a misapplication of Biblical truth. And a half-truth is not really truth at all – the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is actually more dangerous than a bald-faced lie. The warning in the Torah is clear. I cannot ask God to use something that is not the truth of His Holy Word, and it is apparent that the enemy is using it to breed confusion. Thank you, Dave, for clarification in the midst of that confusion.

February 13, 2024

“He Gets Us” does not get it; this group misunderstands the message of the gospel, which is repent and follow Christ’s example. “Go and sin no more,” was Lord Jesus’ message to the woman caught in adultery. This commercial sent a most anti-Biblical message to the unbelieving world.

Bradley Johnson
February 13, 2024

I appreciate the desire to holdfast to the truth, yet I am concerned at a time when Christ is striving to unite the Church and bring about a worldwide revival that we need to seek the Truth that unites us and not those things that further separate us. All churches have misconceptions and beliefs about our Lord. The enemy has used this to divide and conquer the Church. Some churches reverence the Word, other purity and holiness, others celebrate the gifts of the Holy Spirit, still others find strength and comfort in rituals and traditions, and those that promote God’s grace and love. I believe the Lord wants us to find the areas of truth on which we agree to build up the Church. As some try to dissect Jesus’ parables/allegories to demonstrate their inadequacies instead of focusing on the main point, we should extend grace to others seeking to share Christ while not sacrificing truth. The Truth is a person, Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:2 For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

February 13, 2024

I haven’t researched HeGetsUs to really know their goal. When I watched the commercials, I only thought of Jesus washing MY feet. Made me remember when my pastor once washed my feet as well as the other’s on staff and it was the most humbling thing I had ever experienced. Did it bring up “repentance” within me? You bet it did. As well as “forgiveness.” If Jesus walked this earth again in our time, I figured I would see Him at the homeless campsites washing feet. If He was here and just walked around washing people’s feet, saved and unsaved, what would be the reactions from those whose feet He washed? Some would repent… Peter after the great catch of fish… some would scoff and think they deserved it… the chaff. Maybe putting myself as the washer of the feet of murderers, fornicators, liars, righteous, pure would cause me to forgive others or to repent from sins I’m still bound to or unknown within me? Jesus washed Judas Iscariat’s feet in John 13 and did state that he was not clean, but He did wash his feet. Jesus does not have to repent, but I do think of MY need of repentance while I think of His washing my feet. Jesus does not need to be forgiven, but I need His forgiveness and I need to forgive others. As far as Jesus “getting us,” I think He does.

Father, If the organization is not of You nor in Your plan, I pray for it to dismantle and be gone. If it is from You and part of Your plan, I pray it fulfills Your purpose. Destroy evil agendas. I also pray to You, the Lord of the harvest, to send out workers into Your harvest field because You said the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. (Matt.9:37&38). May Jesus be lifted up over the whole world, because He said He would draw all people to Himself. (John 12:32). I pray for a downpour from Your Spirit to convict people of our sins in which it causes us to truly repent bringing forth Holy Spirit fruit which can be seen growing where it has not been… and that lush fruit of Your Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are seen by others and draws more people to Your heart. Thank You, Jesus, for coming to seek and to save the lost, for I once was. IN Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 13, 2024

My thoughts were that they were trying to portray the hands and feet of Jesus to people other than Christians. This is where Jesus spent most of His time. Our world needs us and itā€™s time we get over the us and them. He is the judge and we are not. Just my thoughts.

February 13, 2024

“Jesus accepts any lifestyle, and that no repentance from any lifestyle is ever needed.ā€ This is heresy ā€” as plain as it comes.

Agreed, Dave.

This commercial looks like it is lecturing Christians to accept any sin: abortion, gay unions, etc. I’m not sure if that is what the sponsoring group intended, but it does seem to echo what I see on social media when people following a false “Jesus” berate Christians to be “inclusive” – their meaning being, accepting of all sinful lifestyles.

Jesus came to save sinners, but He never left them to wallow in sin. “And Jesus said to her, ā€œNeither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.ā€ (John 8:11) “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

Jesus died to save mankind. You can’t get anymore inclusive than THAT.

Holly Neale
February 13, 2024

In all of the years I have watched Super Bowl commercials I have seen advertisements for beer, phones, snacks, etc but it is not very often I see folks invest millions of dollars to talk about Jesus, whether these commercials hit the mark of the biblical teachings is not the issue, in my heart they are speaking to people that are lost, afraid, don’t feel worthy of Jesus and this could be the opportunity that gives them hope and want to learn about Jesus, turning to him. This is a starting point, not an ending…….

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    These commercials offer false hope because they rely on emotionalism rather than the complete redemptive work of Christ on the Cross.

Cindy McRae
February 13, 2024

I have mixed emotions about it. Jesus is love and shows compassion to sinners. That is spot on. If this commercial brings someone to want to know Jesus, who has never heard TheTruth of who He is, then Praise God. Let the Holy Spirit use this as a tool to get these folks to seek Jesus further. I do see that they miss the point totally about repentance

    John Douglas
    February 13, 2024

    Hi Cindy, if our primary goal is to make people repent, then I would agree that the maker of the commercial missed it but if our primary goal is to love people and leave it to the Holy Spirit to bring them to repentance as we demonstrate to the lost His kindness, then we can be working with God. Knowing the Truth will set them free. The Truth is the person (Christ in us) that they see in us as we stoop down to serve them. This commercial is probably as much for the Christian as it is for the lost. And I pray that it will open up our eyes to see how we are working against the very things that Jesus wants to do through us.

      Keith and Megan Johnson
      February 13, 2024

      The problem is John that the Truth is not presented in these commercials. The redemptive Cross of Christ is missing.

        February 14, 2024

        Keith and Megan, you state it exactly right, each time. Repentance is so hard, at first. It seems to be continual, as well..unless I could be sin free.
        Thank you for being strong in the word and consistent. I got saved late in life and it’s been a struggle ever since.. and I found out when I was 53 years old that I had been violated by my biological mother when I was about three so now I know why my whole life has been messed up.. that Discovery was 18 years after my salvation

Joseph Burns
February 13, 2024

Very good discernment, and well stated post concerning, ā€œHe Gets Usā€. When two mind sets compete on any venue, and only one winner can be declared, there is always conflict, and many times war. In the battle of good against evil we fight against an opponent that does not believe in truth, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ , is completely emotionally unbalanced, and will implement any strategy to win. The subtle strategies of the enemy of Truth would outwit and overcome Godā€™s children if provision for this scheming had not been addressed. Thank you Holy Spirit.

February 13, 2024

I think one of the biggest mistakes we make as Christians in the western world is to preach a gospel of “God loves you”. That is not the gospel that Jesus or the disciples preached. Yes, God does love us, but that message preached to unbelievers can tend to make them comfortable in their sin. “Oh, God loves me and he would never send me to hell because he is a God of love and a God of love would not do that”. I have known so many unbelievers who believe that, and have formed God into their image of what they think love is, and what “love” would or would not do. We must begin to preach repentance again and that God is holy and righteous and commands all men everywhere to repent and believe in the one he sent. We must preach once again that when we come to Jesus we are laying down our lives to follow (which means obey) him, and it doesn’t matter what the culture is saying, we must hold fast to the truth of the word, so that they have a chance to be saved, and so that we don’t just remain as salt that has lost it’s savor. It is the most hateful thing to do to tell them that God loves them “just the way they are” and leave it at that. We need to remember the “go and sin no more” part. If we don’t hold up the light of the truth, who will?

David Anderson
February 13, 2024

You’re right on brother and I’m so glad to hear you say these things it reassures me that your heart is still loyal to the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel. There is another gospel being preached here which is really no gospel at all. To all those allowing this deception into your life let me quote the Apostle Paul; Galatians 1:6 “I am amazed how quickly you are deserting the One who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel!” You shock me! Jesus warned us of false prophets coming among us and the deception they would preach. You better take a fresh look at Matthew 24:11 and seek repentance from who you have become. SHAME ON YOU!

    February 14, 2024

    Another mindset or popular type of thinking in the last 88 years is AA..which promotes “a god of our understanding”.. which they openly declare can be anything you want it to be.. and has confused the foundation of our country greatly. The foundation of our country being God’s word.. meaning- has confused in the minds of people who hear that..and it is unfortunately very popular

PW Masters
February 13, 2024

I think your level of self-righteousness is what turns people away from Jesus instead of meeting them where they are at presently. Call yourself prophetic but I say pathetic. I will be unsubscribing from your ā€˜prayerā€™ for America. Be careful of the condemnation coming your way.

    February 13, 2024

    Things of The Spirit will always be offensive to those in their flesh. Thats not going to be avoided, Jesus said the world will hate you because they hate me! We are never instructed to make Jesus more palatable. Jesus is not trying to win a popularity contest. If more people accept Jesus but it’s not the real Gospel of Jesus, guess what? They’re still going to Hell! That’s not a blessing to them!

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    Interesting, PW, that you name call (“self-righteousness;” “pathetic,” “condemnation”) but offer no rationale nor explanation for your verbal attacks. Perhaps you might want to review John 8:7.

February 13, 2024

I too was a bit confused.,without sharing the truth of the gospel,all that we are doing is removing dirt from peoples feet.We should be more concerned about removing the sin from their soul with the presentation of the gospel or Jesus Christ. along with the washing of their feet.

February 13, 2024

“Go, and sin no more.”
“Repent and believe the gospel.”
“Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.”

Karen Secrest
February 13, 2024

I still believe Mario murillo was right on when he said many years ago, :beware being so open minded your brains fall out.”
Jonathan Cohen, reminded in his bookHarrb8nger II that it is Repentance And a turning away from sin to prevent even corporate judgment

It’s interesting how rarely you hear the word sin used.
Franklin Graham announced the definition of Cowardice not tolerance.
This message made me look at my beliefs more closely and how biblical doctrine is applied.
This has been an informative week. A speaker advised pastors not to be politically active
Another is being threatened for questioning ballot integrity in her state.
So many issues. We seek Holy Spirit for clarity and how to stand.
Thanks Mr
Kubal for the clarification

    February 14, 2024

    Karen, as followers of Christ we’re always supposed to be politically active, – remember that is how our country was founded, as the colonists were fleeing England,and first went to Holland for Refuge and found perversion there- and so then they came here.. and even though there has been political discourse amongst America’s citizens since her founding.. God’s word has always been the anchor that held these different ideas together, in a unified country. It is only since we have stopped teaching the Bible to children, and our schools have become detached from God’s word-, that this has emanated up through our society-, resulting in the foolishness we are now observing,..and sadly- the sin and tragic outcome and abuse that’s happening to the family and to children

Darlene Estlow
February 13, 2024

I agree with you. Even Judas had been with Jesus for 3 years. Jesus had a parable about letting the wheat grow with the tares which happened with Judas. It is a reminder that we need to serve even those who are unsaved, but I’m not sure this ad makes clear what Jesus’s love is.

Alberta Boss
February 13, 2024

Thank you for your take on this. I believe we are called to love people, but also, to hold onto what the Bible tells us is right. Love the person, don’t accept the sin.

Diana Prout
February 13, 2024

We are to love one another as Christ loved us. The world will know that we are Christians by our love. However, the message of the commercial missed the opportunity to present scripture – John 3:16 and Romans 10:9-10, and Romans 6:23.

February 13, 2024

On the surface I think He gets us is inviting a person who is so wrapped in their lifestyle to think maybe I should consider Jesus and clean up my act. Having said that too look deeper is to humanize Jesus to a point of tolerance for our sinful selfs. Yes Jesus is the God man, yes He does ā€œunderstand/getsā€ us because he was the Creator and created but he was also without sin. That is why he spoke with authority. He came to save to lost not by ā€œgettingā€ us but by dying on the cross so we could ā€œgetā€ him. I do not agree with this movement in the least the more I hear things they say. It is twisting scripture to make God more appealing. People need to remember He is holy we are not and when we must stand before Him to give an account, will we be found holy? Of course not. Will we be found just? Of course not. Nothing we do would ever be enough no matter what lifestyle we are in. We have to be born again and that can only happen when we repentā€¦not try to fit in with the world. Be careful people! Rightly divide the word of truth, and let the Bible speak for itself. Donā€™t water down Godā€™s word and try to make it palatable. For your sake understand that we are in the last days and Jesus tells us that deception will be rampant. Test everything by Godā€™s word and do not for your sake cherry pick verses to justify anything! I thought the article was well written and articulate. Thank you.
By the ways Living in the Days of Deception is a new book out by Pastor Jack Hibbs and he explains ways the world/Satan will deceive us in the last days.

February 13, 2024

Did Jesus washing Judas’s feet say he was tolerant of Judas’s sin of stealing money or selling Him for 30 pieces of sliver?

I don’t see their message was one of accepting the sin. I feel it was saying we (Christians) will meet you where you are and show Jesus’s love.

Maybe it was too vague and that gives room to be critical.

All I want to know is how many visited their website and downloaded the Bible app and are reading it?

I am seeing a lot of Christians acting like Pharisees.

    Keith and Megan Johnson
    February 13, 2024

    And we are seeing a lot of false Salvations because the Gospel is not being presented. The redemptive work of Christ on the Cross is missing.

    February 14, 2024

    I will use the bible..God’s word..as the test..not their commercial’ s website

February 13, 2024

I also read that the ceo of hobby lobby contributed to the commercial. It made me see the commercial as positive not negative. Love the neighbor. The second most important commandment.

February 13, 2024

I understand your premise of these commercials Jesus accepts Everything…however, when we go to Jesus do we have it “all together”, are we not sinners all? But thru His truth & redemption we are made whole…my prayer is that this message to “come as you are” will touch many to do that & not think He doesn’t call us all. I am a conservative Believer, yet my prayer is God will use these commercials to touch many who would not otherwise reach our to Jesus & receive Him as their Lord & Savior…then He can mold then to be the people He desires, as He does for us all. Blessings…

    February 14, 2024

    That was the other thing…when we first are aware of our sin..we are defensive..or sense that we need to “clean up first”.. before realizing our need for a savior. Do we not still struggle with feeling that..” We need to do better”?. What we need is ongoing repentance

Gail Malone
February 13, 2024


February 13, 2024

Yes, That commercial was not biblical.
Jesus washed the feet of those disciples committed to Him, and the Truth of God.
We don’t love people when we tolerate nd allow behavior that destroys them and often those around them. Instead we speak truth in love and help them to know Jesus. Because He transforms us

February 13, 2024

When I saw this commercial I felt something was amiss in it, but did not know what it was. Thank you for clarifying what I sensed.

February 13, 2024

I think you have missed something. In John 13:10-11. Jesus said “you are clean, but not all of you.” For He knew the one who was betraying Him
Jesus proceeded to wash Judas’s feet too, His enemy, the one who was about to betray Him. He certainly wasn’t kneeling to Judas’s sinful agenda.
I don’t go to a liberal church or support the woke agenda, but I do believe most Americans need to get out of our comfort zone and go to people we would normally avoid, not to show them tolerance, but to show them that Jesus’s love is for everyone.

    February 13, 2024

    What churches are y’all attending?? Most churches I know of have multiple ministries that serve the poor and needy. If you’re in a church that has none – find a new church!!!

Barbara Baity
February 13, 2024

Unless you have ever humbled yourself to wash anotherā€™s feet saved or unsaved you miss the point. It shows humility of the one doing the washing. The spiritual blessings flow. In no way approves of the others condition before God. That is the work of the Holy Spirit. Our life testimony is very important.

    February 14, 2024

    That is true, however the point Dave was making is that the leftist ideology that is expressed in the commercial is just exactly that.. and that is..that ‘Jesus accepts everyone’ just as they are- with or without sin, and the leftist ideology even condones sin-,when it celebrates all the different Lifestyles. When Jesus said that he loves everyone.. and we invite people to church just as they are-, the intention is NOT for them to stay that way..and that is the point

Anndre Dove
February 13, 2024

It is calling us as Christians to be compassionate to others. There is a fine line. I see some Christians caught in their cliques and acting like the holiness is from themselves, forgetting that grace is from God. Holiness comes from a relationship with God. Remember where you came from. None of us has it all together. Jesus said if they weren’t against me, they were for me. The world needs to see us loving one another and understanding God’s love.
Talk to these people directly and lovingly share what you think. Pray for them. Love them. This is how the world will know.

February 13, 2024

I didn’t see the commercial but I read what this person said was in it. I see her point, but I didn’t take it that way. I took it just that we should love and serve one another. Love is the greatest way to reach people where they are. That is how I got saved. Someone reached out to me in love even though I smoked and drank and invited me into their home and never criticized me. I knew what I was doing was wrong and that act of love partially went towards me wanting to quit smoking so I wouldn’t harm others. I saw a Touched by an Angel episode once where the Angel, Monica, was washing a homeless man’s feet and he felt unworthy for her to even do that and was reluctant let her. It melts a hard heart when someone does something so humbling. But then again I could see where people could start doing this left and right and it take away the true meaning of it. Just as some people are offended when others take a knee at a game and I take it as it’s in homage to God. But some don’t do it for that reason but for other reasons that aren’t towards Christianity. It’s all a heart issue.

    February 14, 2024

    ..” I knew what I was doing was wrong”..

    That’s the point

February 13, 2024

Several of these comments quoted verses from John 13. If you continue to read beyond those chapters, you will see that Jesus washed the feet of Judas, who He knew, would soon betray Him. Just because He washed Judas’ feet doesn’t mean He was happy with what he was going to do. Jesus showed such great humility and love to so many sinners. Later His disciples did the same. We are to plant the seed. It might take several people to water that seed but God does the rest. Jesus is the Light of the world who lives in those who believe in Him. We are to shine that light in this dark world. That doesn’t necessarily mean giving money to those you see on a street corner, but it does mean to pray for them that God will do a might work in them, as He sees fit, as He has done in each one of us. We are all still a work in progress. God is not finished with us yet. Praise You, Lord Jesus for Your example of humility and love to the least of these. Help us to be obedient and give us the courage to reach out to those who need You!!!

    Maureen Saufley
    February 13, 2024

    … and, if you go even further, He tells us to, Do as I have done (vs. 15).

    ā€­Johnā€¬ ā€­13:12ā€­-ā€¬17ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬
    [12] After washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down and asked, ā€œDo you understand what I was doing? [13] You call me ā€˜Teacherā€™ and ā€˜Lord,ā€™ and you are right, because thatā€™s what I am. [14] And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each otherā€™s feet. [15] I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. [16] I tell you the truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. [17] Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.

February 13, 2024

Unfortunately preaching on line to masses is probably not a techniques Jesus would get heavily involved with in todays America, but It can be done if using great care and wisdom in the Spirit. Knowing that many who read it are very lost even if they are church attenders since childhood they may not understand God yet!. A good wise believer probably shouldn’t go to the football stadium and splatter the audience with thoughts they dont get! They dont get Jesus, and they dont get the deep things of God. The media under the directive of their “leader” from below has turned the thinking of good American family people into upside down thinking especially when it comes to spiritual truths and morals so we cant expect them to even get a clue from foot washing much less understand the intentions of these commercializations of Jesus.. The commercial at the bowl was obviously and definitely a slam on religion and Gods children, and spread hate rather than love. and it was funded by people who may be churched but themselves don’t get Jesus or have a deep relationship or they would never have put Christ on the cross “again” at the superbowl.

    February 13, 2024

    “The commercial at the bowl was obviously and definitely a slam on religion and Gods children, and spread hate rather than love.”

    I took it as a rebuke of Christians’ behavior for not being good servants. Not representing Jesus well. How does that message lead anyone to Salvation?

    February 14, 2024

    Fifty Amens!!

Glenda Vernon
February 13, 2024

Jesus loved the person and hated the sin.
The Good Samaritan did not read the Four spiritual laws to the bleeding man and then help him.
So in order to be good representatives in the earth for Jesus, we are to only help those who are saved!

February 13, 2024

I appreciate your concern, but Jesus also washed Judasā€™ feet. Does that mean he approved of all of his actions? I think the ad showed Jesus humility and willingness to serve everyone, no matter their background. And not just by washing feet but by dying on a cross.

Sandra Dodder
February 13, 2024

I think you missed the mark. Shame on you. We were thrilled with commercial about loving our neighbors. You break my heart.

February 13, 2024

I understand what you’re saying. Just pointing out that Jesus did wash Judas’ feet as well as the other Disciples.

Kay McKeever
February 13, 2024

Maybe it will be a seed for those who are not part of the Christian world and language. Maybe it will be a conversation with someone. Perhaps someone else will come along and water it. Perhaps someone else will come along and help disciple and guide, so that seed can grow and prosper into something beautiful for the Kingdom of God.
I minister to those who have never read a bible, much less owned one.
They ask what does these numbers mean? I explain verses to them.
This harvest that’s coming, and is here, uses a different style of communication.
Perhaps, that visual of feet being washed, could be a first step in understanding the love of a Savior. I don’t know anything about the ones doing the commercial,
but I do know that God can use anyone, in any situation, for His purpose, and anything. I am a grateful proof.

Don Johnson
February 13, 2024

Hard to believe that authentic Christians could be so naive. Whenever any ā€œprogressiveā€ uses the word ā€œhateā€ a red flag should go up. When Nero killed Christians to cover up his burning of Rome he accused them of ā€œ hatred against the human raceā€. We have stupidly loaded this country up with terrorists thanks to a corrupt national leadership and an aversion to self-preservation so liberals can feel good about themselves. But at least we donā€™t ā€œhateā€ anyone. Good grief.

    February 14, 2024

    I just wonder if I will be sharing the gospel.. or hiding- as the terrorists will soon be marauding down America’s city streets

February 13, 2024

So clearly stated ā€” THANK YOU.
Yes, your conclusion is one of love at the highest levelā€¦speaking the truth that sets people free instead of hiding the truth so that people feel better and donā€™t get mad at you, and thereby letting them destroy their lives and their place in eternity because you lacked the courage to say what is true.
Father give us the words, the courage and the opportunities to speak the truth in love, holding out the word of life to those within the range of our voices.

Tom McGovern
February 13, 2024

We have worked with hegetsus.com for over 2 years following up with people who text in for prayer. This is not woke. It is getting people to know Jesus at their level. These are hurting and lost people that are far from Jesus and want to know more about the love of God. We are ministering to so many depressed, confused, lonely, young people the task seems impossible. These souls are far from the church and now the Bible believing church rejects them? I encourage you to go to the website and get your church signed up and start a ministry team to reach the respondents to those ads. I am more concerned about a sleeping church than a woke church. If the sleeping church doesnā€™t wake up the woke church will.

    John Douglas
    February 13, 2024

    Well said Tom.

    Pamela Carnemolla
    February 13, 2024

    Thank you Tom

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    Tom, we had hoped that someone from one of the groups supporting these commercials and websites would show up on evangelical sites to explain the omission of Jesus’ true message.

    These commercials and the website draw in hurting people no more and no less than genuine Bible believing Churches. There is not one true Christian or non Christian who hasn’t been deeply hurt by other genuine Christians because we are all sinful and we’re only promised suffering and pain in this life until . . . we repent of our sins and turn to the redemptive work of our Savior Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 17:9 very clearly states that the heart of man is “more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick.” (LSB) We are not called to use excessive emotionalism to draw nonbelievers into the family of God, we’re called to share the Gospel in full.

    Your website and commercials are definitively woke. There is nothing in these commercials nor on the website about the redemptive work of the hurting soul’s Savior nor how he can be Saved by Grace. The hurting soul simply remains mired in his sin believing that Jesus will forgive his sin without repentance.

    The only sin that is not redeemable is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and Scripture defines blasphemy as the rejection of Christ’s completed work on the Cross and the Father’s resurrection of His Son. It is only through Jesus’ Cross and Resurrection that gives us hope with all the benefits of Justification and Sanctification.

    Your commercial was one-sided and presented only Christians washing the feet of members of far-left causes. There were no black Christians illustrating humility by washing the feet of a white supremacist, a Hispanic Christian washing the feet of a gang member or Chinese soldiers hiding in America’s border states, or a white liberal washing the feet of a President Trump MAGA supporter. The Gospel applies to everybody, not merely favored groups your website deems as oppressed.

    Your website presents a watered down gospel under the guise of defining “love” by the world’s standard of emotionalism and feeling. Jesus’ standard of love was not condoning sin through emotionaism, it was repenting of sin of which is conveniently left out of these commercials and the website. In fact, there is very little, if any, Scripture, much less presentation of the Gospel. Those who do not hear the full Gospel accept a false gospel not based upon Christ. Your commercials are void of Scripture and so subtle, they appear to deliberately hook the viewers’ emotions. We wonder whether these misguided souls will be some of those Jesus refers to who believe they are Saved but Jesus said in Matthew 7:23 “. . . I never knew you; depart from Me . . . ” In addition, Jesus further cautions His Believers in Matthew 7:14 “for the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life and there are few who find it.” (LSB)

    We do appreciate your comments but your judgemental perspective of today’s Church illustrates a misguided understanding of the Gospel. We do pray for the hurting lost as well as the collective Church so will add your website to our prayers.

    Otherwise, may God bless the Biblical intentions of your heart!

Jane Miller
February 13, 2024

Finally a clear explanation of why these commercials which have been shown in our area for several weeks now has really bothered me. I am so burdened by the use of words/gestures/inuendoes to mask truths in a pleasant/tolerant light. The word ‘tolerance’ in itself is distasteful to me as it means I’m starting from a place of distaste/hate/negativity. I pray I’m not. I pray I start with God’s love as the foundation for praying for and sharing with others the truth that has set me free. Therefore, I don’t want to ‘tolerate’, I want to liberate as only our Father’s one way of salvation can – not an act of physical washing but by Christ’s act of obedience, already done, for those willing to see, accept and walk in obedience themselves. Thank you for sharing

February 13, 2024

Let love be sincere (that commercial clearly showed love), hate what is evil (this email is evil – a wolf in sheep’s clothing – what purports to be a call to prayer is actually your own twisted use of political propaganda – a literal attempt to spread hate and advance your far right agenda), hold on to what is good (Jesus can still love you!). Prayers for the leaders of this hate group. May you reject the corruption of politics and return to Biblical teaching and Jesus.

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    Laura, your emotional name-calling (“this email is evil,” “twisted use,” “spread hate, far right agenda,” and “hate group”) clearly demonstrates that you are not on this thread for objective reasons but, instead, are here to demean and disparage.

    Instead of launching defamatory bombs, we suggest you actually read your Bible. These commercials and website do not reveal Biblical love, they the type of love the world espouses.

Paige Brelsford
February 13, 2024

Well said. God is not calling us to compromise with sin.

February 13, 2024

The majority of us who agree with Mr Kubal are “preaching to the choir.” Let’s take our message to the folks at hegetsus.com. Let’s be doers of the Word and lovingly share our comments and caution THEM to “go and sin no more.”

Keith Grogan
February 13, 2024

Thank you for addressing it. Total disregard for Christā€™s message to the world.

John Douglas
February 13, 2024

It’s the kindness of God that leads us to repentance. If I can read between the lines of what I believe they are trying to say, it would be that this message is for the Church more than the lost. We want the world to repent and come out of the darkness, but we aren’t willing to shine the light to show them how kind our God is. I agree that repentance is a must, but we the Church can’t expect that from the lost if we aren’t willing to think differently (that’s the foundation of repentance) of how we are to reach the lost. The Samaritan certainly thought differently than the Levite and Priest as they passed by. I would ask your friends at He get’s us what they were thinking when they put this together. I think it would be wise to hear from them directly before passing judgement.

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    Nobody’s passing judgment John. We are merely comparing the commercial and the website to Scripture and it doesn’t add up. The commercial presents the world’s view of love, not Jesus’ view. Scripture clearly says that sin separates us from God. Seekers would accept a false god if they relied on this commercial, website, or sponsored groups who paid for this ad. They would not be Saved by Grace.

Margaret Lent
February 13, 2024

I must agree with the subtle lie of all inclusive acceptance which can be construed by this commercial. As the article mentioned, this can be used at the liberal church pulpits. If the Holy Spirit dwells in us, we must listen to Him and rightly divide the Word. So we must be in the Word. Just as in the Garden when Eve was deceived by Satan twisting God’s command to her to appear to make sense, in the last days He will be no different. There’s the reliance on the flesh than simply obeying God’s Word. Jesus tells us false prophets will arise to deceive, if it be possible, even the elect of God… Mark 13:22 It’s most important to prove all things against the Word of God.

Margaret McCaul
February 13, 2024

God does not tolerate sin! Christians should not promote tolerating sin. Jesus told those He healed “to go and sin no more.” That seems very plain and easy to understand.

Marcia Pszczolkowski
February 13, 2024

Thank you for addressing this. I was surprised to have had a visceral reaction to the commercial. Many different types of people who either have done damage to themselves or others were depicted in the commercial. Yes, Jesus is a loving God. He gets us. That is why He is merciful when me seek forgiveness. He does not encourage bad behavior nor tolerance it nor should we.

Valerie Hines
February 13, 2024

Thank you for standing up & speaking truth in a Loving & Kind matter!!! We need the TRUTH spoken!!!

You are the third person I have heard speak out ( all three of you expressed the same concerns & shed the light of truth according to scripture) In a world that is screaming at us, mis guided truths about who Jesus is & how Jesus would act, I appreciate hearing the TRUTH to confirm what I know & believe!!!!

The very fact that the message leaves a person feeling confused is a warning to us, this is wrong!!! The message of the gospel is NOT one of confusion!!!

This is painting a clearer picture of what Jesus was saying ā€œ Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, `I am the Christ, ‘ and will deceive manyā€ Matt 24:4-5

Again, THANK YOU!!!!

David Bartholomew
February 13, 2024

I may think it got people to think about God & that he does good to anybody

Lauren E Ramey
February 13, 2024

Thank you for taking the time to break down the heresy in this movement. Jesus is a righteous judge & sin in any form cannot be tolerated. True repentance is what is missing in so many ā€œJesus is loveā€ movements now. Matthew 24 tells us to be careful not to be deceivedā€” this is truly one of those issues. šŸ™

February 13, 2024

The commercial itself was the, “agenda” It had absolutely nothing to do with Christ. Forgive them Lord. Bring them to the true knowledge of who You really are.

February 13, 2024

I initially really loved the commercials, but a brother in Christ asked me to look at their website and tell him what I thought. I am concerned that He Gets Me is being funded and influenced by people who aren’t even Christian. I also felt the website is very non-commital in who Jesus is and how to get to heaven. The website used the word “forgiveness” often, but I don’t think I ever saw the word “repentance.” What do we need forgiveness for if there is nothing to repent of?
I pray that the Holy Spirit will work in those who saw the name of Jesus written and heard the name of Jesus spoken – that they will come to true repentance. There is power in the Name of Jesus!

February 13, 2024

Thanks for addressing this. Something just didnt set right w me as I watched it. Too much of the “woke Jesus” indoctrination of unsuspecting sheeple. A new commercial showing each person PRAYING w those individuals is the Biblical approach to being the hands and feet of the King!

February 13, 2024

In today’s world, it could prompt some to reach out and find out more about Jesus… Asking questions, etc. AND also lead them to reading the WORD and at that point, a better understanding of who JESUS really is might come.

I think just having a JESUS commercial in the midst of all the other mess, is SOMETHING to not just throw out…

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    Except Bevetl, it’s really not about Jesus nor repentance. It’s really about confirming sin. The website in their FAQ’s blame Christians for being judgmental. Thus is not conducive to Salvation by Grace.

Ron Deere
February 13, 2024

Love does amazing things like causing the one loved to become all that he or she can be over time.

February 13, 2024


Dorothy Tubach
February 13, 2024

I definitely agree with your article about this video. My husband and I have always felt the “He gets us” ads were misleading and not biblically sound. We fully desire to have people find Jesus and to be salt and light to a dying world. In fact, my husband is a counselor full time in a faith based drug and alcohol recovery minister.
Thanks for this article.

Nancy Rife
February 13, 2024

Excellent article! God let this commercial be seen for its unbiblical ulterior motives and let it bring many to a truer understanding of Who You are and how You are leading us individually and corporately.

Linda Kay Rice
February 13, 2024

ā€œThose who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean ā€¦ ā€ (John 13:10 NIV). “but not all of you.” You forgot that part. Jesus washed Judas’ feet. One last chance. Loving your enemies is at the center of Jesus’ teachings.

Though I don’t trust the theology of this group nor their approval of the sexually immoral, the conclusion that foot washing equals approval is wrong. Just lame.

    Denise Arnold
    February 13, 2024

    Dear ones I ask you to please consider what happened at the Garden of Eden. The devil spoke a lie about God to Eve and she was deceived. Now we live in a fallen world.
    My prayer for us all is to not be deceived by the ruler of this world. Stand strong in the truth of repentance from our sin, which precedes our redemption. If we do not make that fact to a lost person what are they being redeemed from? You can ask them to receive Jesus but why do they need to receive Him? Because of sin we need Jesus.

    “Loving your enemies is at the center of Jesusā€™ teachings.” YES However, I challenge anyone to give a verse that Jesus taught to tolerate SIN. It is what this sinful world has done to people that brought Jesus here to compassionately redeem us, save us from this SIN.

    The image of the kind (believer?) person bowing down to the immoral failures of society is a dangerous false doctrine.
    As a believer I am reading them loud and clear, bend the knee. ( Just like the BLM rioter images where the police knelled to the rioters.)

    The message of the commercial as stated by the journalist was clear to discern, bow down to the culture because Jesus gets us.
    Well Jesus loves you but he does not love SIN. Anyone who implies that he approves of or accepts SIN is speaking FALSE doctrine,

    Sadly the wonderful christian businesses that financially supported this did not discern the actual message here.

    I know going against the major opinion of society is not popular. As for me and my house we will follow ALL of Jesus teachings.

    The message of Jesus as found in Luke 13:1-5 backs that up.
    There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
    And Jesus answering said unto them, “Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.ā€

    May His exuberant LOVE surround you all the days of your life.

richard rockman
February 13, 2024

My family and myself had quite a discussion during the recent Super Bowl about the “”Jesus gets us” commercials. After discussion and trying to nail down what the actual message was (or succinctly stated, should have been) we came to a collective conclusion. In other words….Jesus came to save sinners, NOT condone their sin and call it compassionate love. I think what really tipped the scales for us was noticing that the “family planning sign” on the building should have rightfully said much more accurately ‘Planned Parenthood’. It felt like the rebranding was to deceive the masses with what these organizations are really all about and enhance the ‘Jesus gets us’ message with word choice and visual cues.

    February 13, 2024

    Maybe the Family Planning sign will lead some to search out such a place…instead of PP… Holy Spirit, guide them

February 13, 2024

AMEN!!! To put it very bluntly to “love one’s neighbor as self” does not encourage them to remain on a path tht leads to hell.

Raymond Via
February 13, 2024

Lord, help us to divest ourselves from politically correct interpretation of Scripture and Jesus message of redemption through His Blood. He hated the sin, but loved the sinner. Help us take back our pulpits and preach a Jesus that delivered people from thier sins, and did not allow wallowing in thier sins as “We can’t help it, we’re human so God is required to forgive us if we err.” Thank you God for showing us the truth in Jesus Name

Ken Oswald
February 13, 2024

It was Paul who said to rightly divide the Word of truth, not Pharisees

February 13, 2024

Totally agree. The biggest danger to Christians today does not come from outside of the church but from inside. We need to counteract such falsehoods with the truth in all the Christian forums and environments mainly in our churches educating the Christian members to do the same in their circles of influence.

In this specific subject we need to keep educating our church members and Christian friends that the Biblical application of the royal command that came from our Lord “love God and love our neighbor”, is to truthfully and lovingly appeal with the sinner to change his / her ways to repent and ask and receive forgiveness (forgiveness of sins because of the Lord’s death and resurrection is guaranteed in the word of God), not the other way around as “He gets us” puts it: to change the truth to accommodate sin.

February 13, 2024

Concur with your evaluation of the ads. There is a huge difference between ensuring the material NEEDS (not wants) are met of someone who doesn’t follow God’s path and accepting their lifestyle as a legitimate path towards God’s salvation by catering to their wants. Religious leaders fall off the path towards God’s salvation by failing to grasp the difference. Intolerance of a person’s lifestyle while meeting the person’s material needs is not an act of hate but an act of compassion and charity.

J. L. Semones
February 13, 2024

I agree it could send the wrong message because the washing of feet was done before meals in ancient Israel. The roads were dusty and so it was important to wash the feet before a communal meal, but Jesusā€™ act of washing the disciplesā€™ feet illustrated their spiritual cleansing. For Jesus, it was the display of His humility and servanthood in forgiving sinners. For the disciples, the washing of their feet displayed a mindset in direct contrast to their heart attitude at that time. For us, washing feet is symbolic of our role in the body of Christ – which comes down to humility. So if that is taken into consideration, the best mesage would have been showing Jesus on the cross with John 3:16-17 being quoted and all “types” of people standing at the foot of the cross looking up at Him. (Of course, in this day and time network executives would probably refuse to air that type of commercial.) As Christians, we have to be very careful how we portray our Lord and Savior. And I agree that we cannot condone sin in any form; however, I understand the commercial’s message was not to hate anyone. The question is, “How can we show sincere love without being tolerant of a person’s sin?” We need the Holy Spirit’s discernment in these matters.

Claudia MacPhee
February 13, 2024

Yes! This has been on my mind a lot lately as we try to walk in Light, Love, Acceptance of those in need without selling out Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Light! It seems to me to be imperative in this time to really get Holy Spirit-Centered and allow Him to teach us discernment and guide our path; it’s critical at this time to not become condemning and pass judgement on PEOPLE, but it’s equally important to not call evil good and good evil and accept actions and behaviors that are contrary to the Word! It’s a very tough line but we must rise to the occasion by submitting ourselves more fully to God and ASK for that wisdom!

February 13, 2024

Thank you for posting this. As second Timothy 3:1-9 is being fulfilled before our eyes. True Christians aren’t judgmental..we have a heart knowledge of the Word of God, our Lord and through the power of His Holy Spirit we are to discern these days. We aren’t to compromise but stand firm in the word of God and those who have just a head knowledge of The Lord and the word won’t understand because they don’t truly know The Lord. These days are sad to see so many falling away from the truth and so many who are tolerating sin. Thank you for speaking truth.

Sharon Guyer
February 13, 2024

I think that having an ad that lifts up the unconditional love of Jesus can still have some impact on unbelievers, especially when broadcast on a secular, vs. Christian station. Hopefully, after one views it, he/she will look for more biblical information.

    Lane Harer
    February 13, 2024

    The Heartbreakers is that the focus is only on His love and not on His righteousness and our need to repent and turn from sin. He only washed the feet of His believers of which we must repent and follow Him to be.

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    Sharon, the website nor the commercial encourages Seekers to repent.

February 13, 2024

I saw the commercial and knew immediately in my spirit that it was not right, and that itā€™s message was not correct!

Jesus did not teach Love and Acceptance.

Jesus taught Love and Repentance!!!!!

    Lane Harer
    February 13, 2024

    Agreed. Made it seem Jesus embraced the sin. We share only of His love, but not the wrath upon an unrepentant soul. We are so soft at times that few respond to our need to repent, obey and follow Christ. Just my thoughts.

February 13, 2024

Until I read your article and looked at the bible verses – I was deceived by this commercial. I pray that God will equip me with a more discerning spirit. Thank you for the work that you do.

David Wolf
February 13, 2024

I tie Jesus’ washing His disciples’ feet with His new commandment to them that they are to love each other as He has loved them. This was a different teaching from His prior teaching that one should love their neighbor as themselves. And the purpose here is so that their love for each other will prove to the world that they are His disciples.

Lori Bollig
February 13, 2024

As Charles Spurgeon said ā€œDiscernment is not the difference between right and wrong but the difference between right and almost rightā€¦ā€ I agree with this article. I think one of the best ways to show the love of Jesus is by sharing our own testimonies and helping others using The Word ā€¦.After all Godā€™s Word will accomplish what God will have it accomplishā€¦.He knows the heart of each one of us. Thank you

February 13, 2024

It’s kind of odd but I see a lot of comments to the article using or trying to apply the word “tolerance”. When it comes to sin (of any type), the word or action of tolerance isn’t found in God’s word. However, it is being used, pasted, forced upon, saturated, etc. throughout modern day culture in every possible form & mistakenly, many people (including believers) have taken the bait. It’s a catchy word & has made it’s way into churches – especially mainline denominations.

February 13, 2024

I say the following with all respect and kindness: I don’t believe your assessment of the commercial is what they meant. To me it says to love your neighbor as yourself. It doesn’t say to love a lifestyle. We are to love the person, not the sin. Showing that you care and showing Christ’s love to someone by any means (foot washing, buying a meal, giving a ride, etc.) will “draw” them to Jesus. We are to reach out and meet them where they are. The foot washing was symbolic of that love. Remember, Jesus didn’t come for the healthy, he came for the sick and the lost. I assume you have a personal relationship with Christ and would ask you to remember that you were once unsaved and a sinner and someone probably introduced you to Him. They “loved” you into the Kingdom which is what I believe the commercial is espousing.
Jesus Bless
P.S. I am not from a “tolerance” church.

    February 13, 2024

    I was Saved in 2021 at 50 years old, unchurched agnostic. The message in this commercial is dangerous. We do not get Salvation from following the “good teachings” of a historically important man named Jesus (get on this organizations website) and being good citizens. That’s the kind of thinking that leads agnostics straight to Hell. I know. I was one for 50 years!

Beverly Steckler
February 13, 2024

I still believe the commercial put forward the truth that Jesus did not teach hate

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    Of course Jesus did not teach hatred. What He taught was love through repentance. The first and greatest commandment was to love God with ALL your heart. Jesus said that we show Him our love through obedience to His Word. “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”

    Indiscriminate “love” is the world’s definition of love. Jesus’ definition of love is obedience to Him through repentance. This is Jesus’ message that is missing from both the commercials and the website.

Dana Carbone
February 13, 2024

Exactly, thank you for clarifying this truth, excellent article.

Maureen Saufley
February 13, 2024

ā€­Johnā€¬ ā€­13:12ā€­-ā€¬17ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬
[12] After washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down and asked, ā€œDo you understand what I was doing? [13] You call me ā€˜Teacherā€™ and ā€˜Lord,ā€™ and you are right, because thatā€™s what I am. [14] And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each otherā€™s feet. [15] I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. [16] I tell you the truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. [17] Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.

“Do as I have done.” — Jesus

February 13, 2024

We know that the Lord told us that in “the last days” before His return, that many things would be turned upside down. Deception isn’t always recognized. It’s the subtle tweaking, adjusting, condoning, altering, etc. of a message – especially the truth. The enemy will & wants to continue to use Christians to do his bidding, his subtle & evil tampering – especially tampering, watering down, confusing God’s holy word & examples. Those really seeking & honoring God’s word recognize when this happens. Tragically, many Christians going through “the motions” do not recognize “slight alterations” in God’s word. The super bowl com’l is a poignant reminder that, yes, we are called to love, not hate God’s creation – humans. But we must also carefully carefully & properly apply Jesus teaching & example – it’s not a “one size fits all” Bible.
All I can say is – excellent discernment Mr. Kubal. Thank you.

    February 13, 2024

    A thousand Amens

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    WEWe actually DO believe it’s a one-size fits all Bible. It’s Jesus Who meets us where we are Who individualized His Word.

    We agree with everything else you said MN.

Marsali Bellamy
February 13, 2024

Romans 2:4 ā€Or are you [so blind as to] trifle with and presume upon and despise and underestimate the wealth of His kindness and forbearance and long-suffering patience? Are you unmindful or actually ignorant [of the fact] that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repent (to change your mind and inner man to accept God’s will)?ā€œ
I disagree with this comment wholeheartedly. If we are to show that God is love, bashing people over the head with their sins, and telling them to repent, though true, is not very effective. It makes people angry.
DEMONSTRATING love however, disarms people and softens their hearts thus making them more receptive.
Jesus taught kindness, not tolerance. He healed crowds of people, not just His disciples. God is kind because that is His nature. We are to be kind (to everyone) because we are to Demonstrate His nature.
Love is known by its fruit. This fruit is what fills hungry souls and brings them to repentance, wanting more.
Our commission is to make God attractive and draw people to Him. When they come near, THEN they are ready to hear about how sin hurts them and how they need to repent and change.

sandy lee smith
February 13, 2024

i saw a billboard about 1 year ago for this organization. i got home and looked up the website it took me about 35 seconds to realize the website had nothing to do with getting to know Jesus or any repentance. it was very clear to me to pray for the salvation of those in charge.

    February 13, 2024

    Exactly. They are clear on their website. Have to dig a little bit, but it only takes a minute to find the details of this organization .

February 13, 2024

Do you think this commercial may have missed the mark?
Can the Church find a better way to love people while still being faithful to call out sin?
God’s Holy Word stands on it’s own. His Word will not return void. Faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God. Scripture tells us that we will be offended, the truth often hurts. Yet we must recognize the sin, turn from our wicked ways. It’s taking ownership of the sin, recognizing it as sin against our Holy God and desiring to change.
My question is…
Is this commercial actually portraying the message, love them straight to hell, to eternal life lived out in hell? No repentance only acceptance and tolerance.
People today are looking for lasting relationships. Jesus Christ took His ministry to the streets, He walked with the crowds, He met their needs. He would often say, go and sin no more. Sin no more. Take up YOUR cross daily and follow Him!
Should be working shoulder to shoulder, face to face, in the crowd, at work, while shopping, in the marketplace as we are led by the Holy Spirit as Jesus did?

Father God direct our paths, give us words and actions of healing as we take Your message to others. Thank You for all of the opportunities to serve You. May You receive the honor and glory. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen

Randall Hurt
February 13, 2024

I totally agree with your assessment of the commercial as viewed through the lens of Godā€™s Word.

Arlene B. Muller
February 13, 2024

I think what needs to be clarified is to distinguish between unconditional love & unconditional approval. GOD LOVES EVERYONE UNCONDITIONALLY, regardless of lifestyle & sins, but that does not mean that He approves of everyone.
JESUS ate with tax collectors & prostitutes, which is what scandalized the scribes & Pharisees & contributed to their growing animosity that eventually led to His Crucifixion! I imagine that some of the people Our LORD JESUS healed had sin in their lives. JESUS reached out to people & did not begin His encounter by judging them. St. Paul wrote that it is the KINDNESS of Our LORD that leads to repentance. We do not read about Our LORD’S rebuking any of the people except for the “religious” whose lifestyles appeared spotless but who were self-righteous & judgmental.
I wish the GOSPELS revealed what He said to the tax collectors & prostitutes but they don’t. Somehow Our LORD’S unconditional love for them combined with His holiness & sinless perfection which he did not flaunt but was 100% authentic & pure drew these people to Him, made them experience His grace, & caused them to repent of their sins & turn their lives around. The only words we read Our LORD directing to someone guilty of a sin of the flesh are the words He said to the woman caught in adultery: “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way & SIN NO MORE.” (Another translation is “From now on, avoid this sin.”)
Very clear words indicating that He loved & did not condemn her but He sought her conversion away from her sinful life.
Would JESUS want us to wash the feet of people who “sin differently from us”? Even though He had a different purpose in mind when He washed the feet of His disciples, He might! But if He would it would not be to let the encounter end that way. The message of the Gospel is NOT “I’M OK, YOU’RE OK.” Somehow reaching out in love to people in sinful lifestyles or people who are strangers or otherwise different is supposed to open the door to constructive dialogue, to the person on the end of our service to ask the reason why we did this & the reason for our hope & ultimately lead to their conversion & to finding new life in JESUS CHRIST.

February 13, 2024

I am saddened by the pointing of the finger and the critical spirit. Jesus said if you do it to the least of these you do it to me. How many of us came to Jesus through the kindness of a stranger? I pray this message moves us to humble ourselves and reach out to the hurting. Then we can share the Truth that will set them free.

    February 13, 2024

    So does the commercial draw unrepentant sinners to Jesus?
    It sounds like your takeaway was it’s a righteous chastising of The Saints.
    So does that spread The Gospel? Was that the optimal use of that commercial time? To publicly rebuke Believers?

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    Cathy, the ad does not generally draw unrepentant nor repentant sinners to Christ because it misrepresents the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is incomplete because Salvation by Grace does not occur without repentance. Jesus is not just a loving God, He is also a just God.

    The groups that sponsored this ad may claim that many have come to Christ but they have not actually accepted Christ because the website presented a false feel-good gospel to them as did their commercial presented. The commercial may have drawn them in but the website did not draw them to the true Gospel because it left out the whole reason for Jesus dying on the Cross.

    Your harsh criticism of those who have presented clear Scripture that disagrees with your own assessment is not conducive to the Psalmist’s instruction in 15:1 that “a soft answer turns away wrath.” Name-calling (critical spirit and pointing of fingers) and unusual emotion (saddened) with selective and incomplete Scripture tends to demean and dismiss those you’re trying to reach.

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    Please see our response under Christy’s post below. We agree with Christy’s post but disagree with Cathy’s post.

    This has happened before on other entries and even though we definitely clicked Reply under Cathy’s post, for whatever reason, the System posted it under Christy’s

    Please accept our apologies for causing any confusion.

February 13, 2024

The He Gets Us website also primarily describes Jesus as being a good teacher, and they say some of their staff think Jesus is Divine.

The whole premise seems to reinforce that WE are at the center. That Jesus must get *me*. I’m at the center, I will allow Jesus to enter my circle if He gets me. It’s insidiously the wrong heart posture. A heart posture that will actually veil revelation of Jesus as Lord and Savior.

    February 13, 2024

    Edit to add: I just came to Jesus in 2021 at 50 years old, unchurched agnostic. So I very much know “that side”.
    This ad is misdirection and it’s not accidental. We don’t get Salvation from following the good teachings of Jesus and being nice people and good citizens. That is exactly the type of inaccurate ideas agnostics have confusion about, that actually send them to Hell.

      February 13, 2024

      Your testimony blessed me and thank you Jesus for your conversion! I actually read some information about agnostic teachings and gnosticism, and how they follow esoteric teachings. I did this because I do not want to be deceived. How confusing it must be to unbelievers. You are right it focuses on our works and not Christ’s work on the cross. You’re right about its intention. Thank you for this comment.

Timothy Fowler
February 13, 2024

The assumption in the add was – the feet wash-ee would repent as ā€œit is the kindness of God that leads to repentance.ā€ Sinners donā€™t necessarily understand (or care) about the Word-rightly-divided. Only the Pharisees do.

    Ken Oswald
    February 13, 2024

    It was Paul who told Timothy to rightly divide the word of truth, not Pharisees.

Kathy Orozco
February 13, 2024

Great observation! Thank you! We give people what they need, not what they want, that is love. You captured this heresy accurately. A disciple is a ā€œdisciplined followerā€ of Christ, something the world is not. Jesus would never tolerate what the world says He is. Sadly they are leading people straight to hell. Instead they should point them to Revelation 19:11-16 this is what Jesus Christ will look like on the Day of the Lord. He came the first time as the Lamb, He returns as the Lion of Judah. People donā€™t want to be in the Word of God, they are fed propaganda by the world and fall for it. I am praying for their salvation.

February 13, 2024

Those inculcated in tolerance churches..one in particular here in valencia,California..are so steeped in their feel good-ism..and- defending that with self pity..that any questioning of that results in either condescending quiet..or dismissive barely concealed pouting. I am.still extracting myself economically and spiritually from years of battling with sin and attempted / failed career change..and now old age infirmity has me hamstrung. There is only one church I know of in castaic, ca, that is a patriot church- relative to this area..but im not affluent enough to transport myself there. Very often we may find ourselves stuck in whatever situation is ” leftover”.. Like day old food..and are left to extract the best we can from it..not always gleaning “pleasant” results. Making good choice choices early on always results in a comfortable and dignified daily routines later in life..we pay for our mistakes. ” Tolerance” ..rules the day in most of southern calif..except for orange county and geographically adjacent areas. Or- possibly all the way up to certain regions of Northern California ..5 to 6 hours north…if one has a vehicle.

    Kathy Orozco
    February 13, 2024

    If you want to be fed and cannot make it to a church who teaches the truth from the word of God search The Well Media on you tube. I am in N. Cal and throughout my life have been to so many churches where I never heard the truth, God led me here. You will hear truth. Our pastor walks the walk and lives a holy righteous lifestyle. God is always in our sanctuary. I hope this helps you.

Maureen Saufley
February 13, 2024

ā€­Johnā€¬ ā€­13:12ā€­-ā€¬17ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬
[12] After washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down and asked, ā€œDo you understand what I was doing? [13] You call me ā€˜Teacherā€™ and ā€˜Lord,ā€™ and you are right, because thatā€™s what I am. [14] And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each otherā€™s feet. [15] I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. [16] I tell you the truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. [17] Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.

“Do as I have done.” — Jesus

Those words would be in red in our Bibles. The entire point of that commercial gas been missed by many “Christians.” Just as Jesus healed ten lepers, and only one returned to say, thank You, and a Samaritan, at that! We never know which one will be THE one who returns to say, thank you. Go, and do likewise.

February 13, 2024

I watched the commercial. It communicated Jesus telling us to love one another & serve one another with humility & respect. I did not see the commercial advocating tolerance & acceptance of sinful behavior. Jesus washed the feet of Judas. I respectfully disagree with your point, Mr. Kubal.

    February 13, 2024

    Are you aware of each of the personalty’s identity, as described in the article?..
    Just taking a message at face value without considering the deeper implications and actual meaning results in error. Christianity does Not condone sin. The church has become so much like the world..steeped in its sin..that there is now no longer any difference between the two. No standards. No accountability. Only excuses to allow sin.
    What did Jesus say to the woman caught in adultery… he said,” go and sin no more.”.. , And-,he said “neither do I condemn you”, as well.. but he definitely said “go and sin no more”.. both of those Concepts go together.

    Allowing Grace for our constant broken condition is not a license to create categories of behavior to get special favor or Merit for condoning sin.

    This is how America has been lost..why we are fighting to hold onto our country and the church

    .( I’m using the voice typing software so it chooses which words to capitalize.. I’m not sure what that’s based on.. doesn’t seem to have anything to do with anything that makes sense)

February 13, 2024

Although I agree that the message of that specific Scripture was twisted I believe it still got the message across because it provoked those that just see Christians as judgementalists in memes with anti christ sentiment. The biggest problem I see now in society with the people around me is that because of the labels that have been placed on them they automatically exclude themselves from the possibility of Jesus ever loving them. Itā€™s tragic because He came for the sinner. I pray that those that need the message of the Gospel will get it- and that they will be redeemed and set free.

Barbara Martin
February 13, 2024

For those who don’t “get it,” writer Andrea Widburg writing for American Thinker does. Her article “During the Super Bowl, leftists crusaded to recreaet Christ in a cultural Marxist mode” and you can go to AmericanThinker.com and search for the author or title of the article. Her conclusion?
ā€œThe message is clear: If youā€™re a cop, a blonde, a white person, a pro-life activist, an opponent of illegal immigration, someone working to produce the hydrocarbons that make the world work, a non-Muslim, or someone who believes homosexuality should not be celebrated, you are a hater, and you need to humble yourself before minorities, illegal aliens, weird people, abortionists, Muslims, and homosexuals.
In other words, hidden behind the anti-hate message isā€¦a whole lot of hate.
Whatā€™s happening here is an attempted religious revival that rewrites scripture, and that intends to use the protections of the First Amendment to create a new American theocracy. This one, though, wonā€™t be informed by the actual Bible. Instead, it will be in a Marxist mold with a light Christian gloss.ā€

    February 13, 2024

    Phenomenal insight!

    February 13, 2024


    Nita Brady
    February 13, 2024

    I totally agree with your assessment, Barbara Martin. There is a good reason the Bible exhorts us to ā€œpray for discernment.ā€

    (Thank you, Dave Kubal, for speaking the truth in love) šŸ’œāœļø

Randy Grabill
February 13, 2024

Excellent analysis!ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ»

Michael Matthews
February 13, 2024

The message of the commercial is a totally different message of Jesus. In short, I would say that we as believers must present the REAL JESUS, not the made up on that the progressive woke church presents. Think about it.

Mary Bangs
February 13, 2024

I agree with what you said. Washing the feet of those who are actively living against God is not at all what washing the feet of the disciples. He was also showing that we are servants and no one is too good to humble themselves to serve others. When Jesus healed, he would say go and sin no more. He loved them but didn’t say go on living the same. I think this ad makes it look like those who do try to do the right thing are apologizing to those who aren’t living for Christ. Satan is using this platform to cause chaos. I’m a big fan of The Chosen and it’s concerning that even Dallas Jenkins got defensive when people questioned their commercials bc he knows those involved and that they are Christians. This is where discernment is necessary.

    February 13, 2024

    Their whole idea is to confuse the mind to push away discipline..which is THEE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN CHRISTIANITY….
    Our entire history of a achievement is based on it…how can a society be strong and good..and capable of having a social/ political environment that takes in cold hungry,wet, strangers.. if we’re all wallowing around in our own failed quagmire of a cesspool life?

Darlene Deems
February 13, 2024

I believe The Great I AM is able to use what is meant for evil, confusion or anything that is unintentional or intentionally contrary to Godā€™s Word for His purpose.

Now that we have been educated on what the scriptures actually sayā€”-I am praying Jesus & Holy Spirit will take care of it so people will not be harmed / misled, in anyway.

February 13, 2024

Hmm….it sure feels like you’ve gone past the meaning of the work to a place looking for a reason to critique this effort. I don’t tie loving someone to accepting them. I also think the saying “alter our path” means we, in our humanity, need to embrace God’s love for others and change how we love, which is often blocked by our inabilities to love like He did. The message isn’t to accept everyone but to love as Jesus modeled love for us. He approached sinners in love.

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    Except Mark that these “He Gets Us” commercials present an incomplete presentation of the Gospel. The “He Gets Us” message is “unconditional love” no matter how much your sin hurts you and impacts those around you. The Great Commission does not teach this. Jesus taught us to “go and sin no more.”

    Leaving out repentance is dismissal of the whole reason Jesus died on the Cross. His definition of love is conditional upon repentance, not the world’s false definition of unconditional love.

February 13, 2024

Jesus said to preach the Kingdom. Then we demonstrate what it’s like.

Jackie Hardman
February 13, 2024

Absolutely on the mark. Thank you for this excellent article that exposes this insidious agenda that satan uses to blind the church of Jesus Christ. I am amazed at the number of churches that do not seem to exercise spiritual discernment before jumping on the acceptance of sin bandwagon. The western church is to concerned about being offensive and are often willing to soft pedal or distort the absolute truth of Scripture. It’s become all about being a warm fuzzy to all people and the church will be judged by a God who is loving but requires obedience to absolute truth of His word.
Again thank you. Keep on speaking truth as there is so little of it any more .

    February 13, 2024

    “They will want to have their.. ‘ears tickled’ “..

February 13, 2024

Omg! Sometimes Christians can be the most critical people! Be thankful there was a commercial that gets people thinking about Jesus! I think it is a positive commercial that gets people thinking about their own relationship with Him as well. Praise the Lord!

    February 13, 2024

    Christine: Read what the apostle John had to say about false teachers. Many commenting on this article are not being critical but rather are pointing out false, or at best, incomplete teaching. That commercial was at best, incomplete teaching, and I think thatā€™s a generous assessment. We ARE called to be discerning and to examine like did the Bereans to search out the Scriptures. Itā€™s obvious from the comments here that this commercial could be interpreted differently and it certainly can be seen as a message promoting tolerance as a chief virtue.. Jesus NEVER taught tolerance of sin. Yet these folks who produced that commercial chose to push in that direction. I ask why?

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    What you’re not addressing Christine was that these commercials’ dead giveaway was the sponsors’ illustration of the Christians washing the feet of far-left abortion patients, this false notion of systemic racism, and LGBTQ people but not washing the feet of a white nationalist, a redneck, the drug addict, or the father who gambles away his kids food and clothing day after day after day after day. These commercials are directed at tolerating left-wing sin and not repentance. They also did not wash the feet of the Trump MAGA supporter so that he, too, could be loved into the kingdom.

    Our purpose as commanded in The Great Commission is to share the Gospel of repentance, not some false gospel of “tolerance.” Remember that it is the Holy Spirit Who draws the repentant unsaved individual to the Believer; He does not draw the unrepentant to His true Gospel.Ā 

    The “He Gets Us” website does not address sin, the whole reason your Savior died on the Cross.

    Mike H
    February 13, 2024

    Christine, what about the tolerance occurring in the commercial towards what God calls sin? Are we to be tolerant in that way? What does the Bible teach about sin?

Esther Wylie
February 13, 2024

This article is spot on.

February 13, 2024

I understand everything you say you feel. But as a small business owner dealing with very hateful customers at times, my staff gets upset with me when I ā€œ kill
them with kindness! And I have actually been ask, why are you so nice towards me. I simply say, Jesus loves you! I have seen it turn a miserable person into a God loving follower. I think that was the message. šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øā¤ļøšŸ™

    Susan Call
    February 13, 2024

    Often the unexpected act leads the surprised to ask, “Why would you do this for me?” and leads to deeper conversation. The kindness of God leads men to repentance (Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?). If we are his hands and feet, are we not to do likewise? Perhaps the commercial needs a sequel.

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    BJ, what you’re doing is verrry different than what the He Gets Us” commercials are doing. This is part of growing in Christ through discernment. You are exhibiting the genuine love commanded by Jesus to love your enemies as long as you don’t sacrifice your employees’ dignity while you’re loving your “enemy” customers.

    Your active listening to frustrated and angry customers dissipates their anger and once they’ve calmed down, they finally hear how you’re trying to solve their complaint.

    The “He Gets Us” commercials give a false presentation of the Gospel by tolerating sin. Returning kind responses to unkind consumers does not tolerate their rudeness; instead, it disarms them. “He gets Me” does not disarm the Unsaved, it confirms them in their sin.

Jeane Whiteside
February 13, 2024

That was difficult for me to understand as it seemed right. But at this description you give I see my discernment was being tested. Though I want to wash the feet of those in sin a major step was left out regarding repentance and accepting Jesus work of the cross and in this allowing Him to wash feet if sun of the past. I pray that it will be used for good.

    February 13, 2024

    I believe you can love the person who is caught up in sin but these commercials speak to acceptance not repentance.

Sandra Nienow
February 13, 2024

I truly appreciate your evaluation of this ad. So many people rely on others to tell them what the Bible teaches. Confusion abounds!
I find it difficult sometimes to not get very frustrated with the distortions that are so prevalent.
That can result in a less then respectful attitude.
So I am praying for the love of Jesus to shine through but not endorse every wind of doctrine.
Thank you all YOU do to shine the light in the darkness.

February 13, 2024

All are excellent points pointing out the misguided direction. We are called to stop sinning , repent and turn to Him. The should be ā€œtheyā€ finally got Him. I think the producers could have done much better simply presenting the Gospel message. Godā€™s Word has the power to change lives. We donā€™t need to change/ make it up.

February 13, 2024

I just hope this foot-washing commercial won’t devolve believers into further factions. The world will know we’re His disciples if we have love for one another, John 13 tells us.
It isn’t our responsibility to judge those outside the Church, but those inside the church, 1 Cor 5. They’re not ours to deal with, seriously, and I don’t think we can extrapolate that the message to those in the world is that no repentance from any lifestyle is ever needed as you suggest is the message of this strange commeecial.
The LORD changes the minds of men. One plants, one waters, but only GOD brings the increase. We simply stay the course.
I think that our takeaway could be that the concept of “authority” has gone awry. The believer doesn’t have to look at the state of the world to see this but at the Church, our ‘house of prayer for all nations.’ Are we fervently praying for our leaders, our nations, the peace of Jerusalem, for the lost? Do we minister to one another with the goal to equip one another in the five fold to do the work (“greater works than these…”) of the Kingdom?
I’m stumped by the analysis of the good Samaritan speaking to “spiritual authorities.” I thought the good Samaritan was simply someone who showed unconditional mercy. Unless it is directed to the priest and Levites to be more merciful?
Yes, the Church can find a better way to love people: love ALL the others in the faith. It’s by this that those yet outside will know that we are Christians and by that, along with us lifting the name of Jesus high, He will draw them to Himself.

Vikki Valente
February 13, 2024

The ad bothered me for all of the reasons articulated herein by my brothers and sisters. The dollars spent on these ads could have been better used to massively evangelize at our southern borders ! It was, indeed, a subtle twisting of the Scriptures and contributed to the great deception being manifested today.

Rick Douglass
February 13, 2024

Thank you Dave for bringing clarity to that mixed message. As the church we must have wisdom to clearly define sin while at the same time loving the sinner. May the church find her voice to push back against messages like this that only serve to silence us and keep those who are bound in their slavery.

Roy Keiter
February 13, 2024

Excellent expose of the worldly message of HGU. Surely incredible amounts of money were spent to push this belief during the game, leading me to believe that this is an unregenerate organization or, extremely apostate. Yet another sign of the times.

February 13, 2024

EXACTLY! Like in the natural, a great example is; If we know have knowledge of a bridge being “out, missing” in the mountains and a thousand feet plunge to bottom and we see/know that cars are heading that way, what kind of person would just say, oh well “they might find out before they come to bridge” or maybe highway dept will block šŸš« off roads! But, we can say HEY DON’T GO THAT WAY! We KNOW that BRIDGE is GONE! PLEASE TURN AROUND! How much more WARNING SINNERS about ETERNITY! A little bit more than “He gets us” we don’t want to offend! WHAT?

Kris Kubal
February 13, 2024

There is a false choice being assumed that you either ā€œwash feetā€ or preach repentance. Canā€™t we see that we must reflect Christā€™s love but His love includes at the center ā€œthat none should perish.ā€ Itā€™s not enough to just ā€œloveā€ and Godā€™s plan is not to just make people feel accepted. That is the tragedy of the seeker movement that swept the nation in the 90s+. What a true tragedy that instead of revealing Godā€™s complete character we just settle in on the love because it is us-focused. Wouldnā€™t real love be to introduce them to the Jesus that breaks chains of spiritual bondage, brings abundant life, opens eyes? It is not about Him getting us. Yes, He loves each one depicted in that commercial but when Jesus met the woman at the well, he showed both compassion and truth. ā€œGo and sin no more.ā€

Lucille Wilson
February 13, 2024

Excelente word! Lucille Wilson

Allen Giar
February 13, 2024

In the past it has been stated that there is a Dumbing Down of the Church. This is an example of that statement.
In an age of greater knowledge, enlightenment the body of Christ is experiencing declension by half truths that are whole lies. It does grieve many.

February 13, 2024

I really appreciate this insight. When I saw the commercial I thought it was beautiful in the sense that I think the church needs to be more loving to those who are captive to sin to lead them to truth. Not to tolerate the sin by any means but to build relationships with people we know are lost so that in love we can guide them to truth. But after my initial reaction I felt a little uneasy because I can see how it can send the wrong message to those who donā€™t know Godā€™s word. One that says we accept all lifestyles and tolerate sin. Itā€™s hard finding the line of loving the person but hating the sin.

Deanna Johnson
February 13, 2024

That was very informative it taught me thank you

Cindy Quattrocelli
February 13, 2024

The Best News this organization could’ve told the world through this huge platform was the Gospel. Thats Love Itself! Yes, Jesus taught to love your neighbor and do good, so the message should’ve been, “repent for the Kingdom of God is near and believe the good news of the gospel.” Mark 1:15 Or, save yourselves from this corrupt generation, repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Acts 2:38-40. Jesus never bowed down to sinfulness as this ad displays, instead He lovingly called the sinner to repentence! Father, lift the vail from the eyes of many who are deceived and Holy Spirit draw them to Your Perfect Plan of Salvation….Your Son, our Redeemer, in Jesus name, amen. I decree, football stadiums and all stadium will soon will be overflowing with worshippers of Christ for the Glory of God Almighty! 3rd Great Awakening is NOW! May what the enemy meant for evil, God will turn around for the advancement of the Kingdom of God, for I say their plans are stopped in the Name of Jesus! Amen.

Rebecca Mease
February 13, 2024

I was uncomfortable with this commercial, but couldnā€™t quite put my finger on the reason. Thank you for this great essay. Lord, help us all to be discerning. Amen

February 13, 2024

She doesn’t get us we’re supposed to get him. This is more pharisee lies brought to you by fake media

Rev. Barb James
February 13, 2024

I agree completely with this well written article. Watching the ad really saddened me from the get-go. It was such a great opportunity that purposefully missed the mark. Very subtle twisting of the Scriptures towards a sinful agenda. So very sad but also made me recognize the greater need to keep praying for hearts to not be deceived but be opened to the truth.

February 13, 2024

Perhaps I’m missing something but I believe the only people Jesus judged were the Pharisee and Saducees who thought they had it all together and were busy judging those who they thought didn’t. When I read the Gospel I see Jesus going about preaching the Good News and healing and forgiving. I do remember one incidence when he said ”
Go and sin no more” but He said that after he saved the woman from the judgemental Pharisees.

Also, in the account in Matthew of the final judgement he separates people by whether they feed the hungry, clothes the naked, visited prisoners etc. I didn’t see him rewarding those who judged their fellowmen.

    Mary Beth
    February 13, 2024

    Salvation is not based on our works at all. But those who are truly saved will produce works worthy of the repentance that they have professed. Please read: Romans 3:23, 3:10-18, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9 -sometimes called the Romans road to salvation. All of Romans in the Complete Jewish Bible is my full recommendation! Luke 3:8 makes it clear that works don’t lead to salvation, but should follow it – “If you have really turned from your sins, produce fruit that will prove it!” The Book of James also stresses that works will be evident if one truly has faith, but they do not save you – faith does. True faithful trusting then living out your faith with good works puts the horse before the cart!

    Jesus’ correction of the Pharisees and Saducees was like an in-family discussion – a Jewish man who was also considered a “tzaddik” correcting Jewish religious leaders. Maybe this type of discussion is one the church needs to have within its own community as well – like Dave did in this article. He is calling out a different kind of behavior within the church than Yeshua was pinpointing with the Jewish religious leadership (the opposite end of the spectrum!), but it is still wrong. Needless to say, Yeshua also made it clear that we are all sinners in need of a Savior – ALL. Many people quote John 3:16, but not the verses following – vs. 18 clarifies that those who have not trusted in the One who is God’s only and unique Son are already judged or condemned by their unbelief, or lack of trusting faithfulness.

Leesa Hamilton
February 13, 2024

This video did NOT represent the message of our Lord Jesus – REPENT and be washed white as snow was his message. The message should have been are you broken, depressed, in need of a new path? Jesus is the answer!

This is just another attempt by Satan to make Christians who stand for the truth to be hated on by the world who wants to justify their sin.

Pamela Copenhaver Putnam
February 13, 2024

God loves the sinner, yet hates the sin. To teach a message that God (Jesus) tolerates our sin without requiring repentance simply goes against the salvation message. Jesusā€™ excruciating death on the cross was the great price He paid to save us from our sins, give us salvation and provide a way for us to follow Him. True, God loves us, but we also are required to repent, turn from our destructive lifestyles and follow Christ. God does ā€œget usā€ but requires that we repent and follow (get) Him

Gloria Austin
February 13, 2024


February 13, 2024

YES this “He gets us message” is NOT RIGHT! #1 Jesus Christ is NOT “tolerant” of everyone’s lifestyle! #2 They seem to say we “Christians” must “alter” our paths to accommodate them! WRONG! Jesus Christ PREACHED REPENT and follow him! We humans MUST humble ourselves and follow Jesus! This IS NOT accommodating to the world to “sinners” Jesus is NOT “inclusive” He is exclusive! Very exclusive!

Rachel Carlson
February 13, 2024

My friends responded to this by saying that the money spent on this ad could have been used to help people. Many people agreed with her, and their posts were all negative about the ad.

Dan Moylan
February 13, 2024

exactly, the “he gets us ” campaign is liberal Christians watering down the gospel

February 13, 2024

Jesus , I Trust In You!
Keep us ever faithful to your teachings & always faithful to the truth of the commandments. Praise & thanksgiving to Jesus in all His ways. Amen šŸ™ šŸ™

Paul Cohen
February 13, 2024

I agree with your assessment. I was surprised at how “inclusive” “He Gets us” was in those commercials. Jesus (Yeshua – His actual name in the Hebrew) did not condemn sinners, but He did not coddle them either. He did not die on the cross to allow people to violate the very commandments that He provided to the world through Moses.

February 13, 2024

I knew this add bothered me but I couldnā€™t say why. Thank you for the clear understanding.

Pierre Bruno
February 13, 2024

One Bible. One Jesus, One Holy Spirit, One God and a zillion interpretations. Babel on people. Babel on.

Please Jesus give us wisdom and guidance, so that we don’t lean on each other’s opinions. Amen.

February 13, 2024

They are preaching Jesus in their image who will accept all sin. We know he accepts sinners who humbly turn from their sin to the beauty of holiness. We will be persecuted for speaking truth, and itā€™s coming!
Lord Jesus, help me to walk humbly in the truth and boldly share the narrow way to Life, even if it means suffering. You have already told us to carry that heavy, uncomfortable cross. Give us holy courage for such a time as thisšŸ™

February 13, 2024

Looking over the comments – it looks like many have never been on the streets ministering to those who need to hear the Gospel message. Some think the message was about condoning those whose feet are being washed instead of seeing it as an opportunity to open the dialog to share the love of our Savior. Look for the opportunities God brings to you to serve others as a means of sharing how our Father is preparing a way where there is no other way of spending eternity with our Creator.

    Keith and Megan
    February 13, 2024

    What you’re not addressing Bob was that these commercials’ dead giveaway was the sponsors’ illustration of the Christians washing the feet of far-left abortion patients and LGBTQ people but not washing the feet of a white nationalist, a redneck, the drug addict, or the father who gambles away his kids food and clothing day after day after day after day. These commercials are directed at tolerating sin and not repentance. They also did not wash the feet of the Trump MAGA supporter so that he, too, could be loved into the kingdom.

    We have friends who are street evangelists and their purpose is to share the Gospel of repentance, not some false gospel of “tolerance.” Remember that it is the Holy Spirit Who draws the repentant unsaved individual to the street evangelist; He does not draw the unrepentant to His true Gospel.Ā 

    The He Gets Us website does not address sin.

      Maureen Saufley
      February 13, 2024

      I didn’t see this as a gospel of tolerance. Ten lepers healed, only one returned, and a Samaritan, at that! Jesus, after washing the feet of His disciples, instructed them to, Do as I have done. It isn’t about the washing of feet. It IS about ministering to them where they are, which, hopefully, points out to them that they aren’t where they should be. The Church has got to come together and accept people who don’t look like “we” look. Think about John the Baptist. What do you think he would look like in these modern times? He would look like someone a LOT of people on here would turn away.

Catherine (Kitt) Vermeersch
February 13, 2024

I wonder how actually loving it is to affirm a lifestyle that God has condemned. To watch someone racing towards destruction, and not warn them is not love at all. It is pure and unadulterated hate.

    Maureen Saufley
    February 13, 2024

    Humbling ourselves and reaching people where they are opens up a lot more opportunity to minister to them than telling them they need to repent. Jesus fed the people before He preached to them. He met their needs first, ministered to them, THEN He preached the Word. Washing feet opens the door for an opportunity to speak, and they’re more likely to hear what you have to say if you have met them where they are.

    ā€­Johnā€¬ ā€­13:12ā€­-ā€¬17ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬
    [12] After washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down and asked, ā€œDo you understand what I was doing? [13] You call me ā€˜Teacherā€™ and ā€˜Lord,ā€™ and you are right, because thatā€™s what I am. [14] And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each otherā€™s feet. [15] I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. [16] I tell you the truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. [17] Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.

    “Do as I have done to you.” — Jesus

Angela Williams
February 13, 2024

My thoughts exactly!! I felt their ad showed Christians tolerate what is evil and wrong. Their ads are misleading and I think they should put another message on the screen that states the true message so as to avoid viewers misinterpreting what Jesus really says.

Gail Brundage
February 13, 2024

This is what I see in Scripture too. It is a deception creeping into so many churches! So many of the elect. God, help us not be deceived!! Clear the vision, unstop deaf ears! Amen and amen!

Nicole Ramirez
February 13, 2024

With Jesus being taken out of everything else, it was so refreshing that they were pointing people to him! God never changes, but He is doing a new thing and we have got to come up with new ways to reach the lost and those who are far from Him, especially those who only think of Jesus as some religious figure. Letā€™s point them to him, and then let the Holy Spirit be the Holy Spirit!

February 13, 2024

God hates sin. Jesus hated sin. He died to cleanse it of it. The idea that there is no “hate” in Christianity is a lie. We are called to love one another and to “cleave to what is good and hate what is evil” (paraphrased). The return of Christ is not going to be like his first entrance. It is going to be full of judgement and destruction. That is Biblical.

Larry Brunson
February 13, 2024

It’s another attempt at a cross-less (not necessary to “lose your life” for Christ) gospel.

Richard Jude Spurlin
February 13, 2024

“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” 2 Timothy 4:2-5.

Zoe Hicks
February 13, 2024

Yes, the Church can find a better way to love people while still being faithful to call out sin. If we, the Church, don’t call sin what it is and stand against the tide of culture, who will? In his “Letter to the American Church”, Eric Metaxas notes we are dangerously close to the German Church in the late 1930s, which did not take a strong stand against Hitler’s treatment of the Jews while it could. Who else but the Church will speak out against abortion, school curriculum so harmful to our children, and other sin infecting our society?

February 13, 2024

As I watched this commercial, I asked myself “Is this Christian or Mormon”. I was watching for an LDS claimer at the end of it.
Kudos to the authors of this writing for their Biblical insight to truth!

Lucille Ruth
February 13, 2024

Only our prayers for a repentance and revival in this nation will reveal the deception that was shown in the video. And that repentance must start with me.šŸ™

Marcela Schott
February 13, 2024

Thank you for clarifying this ad and backing it up with the Word!! I watched it and thought it was ok. Not anymore. What a revelation!!

February 13, 2024

Thank you for addressing those misguided commercials. Jesusā€™s love is so great that he does not tolerate sin as He came for liberty and sin is bondage. He hates sin for this reason. However,He does love the sinner and we all fall short of His Glory. But trying to rewrite what Jesus truly taught is wrong. He bled and died so we can be free. He gives grace and says youā€™re forgiven but go and sin no more.

Karen Hairston
February 13, 2024

So many thoughtsā€¦I will say what I told my children after the commercial.
Does Jesus love each of those people (on both sides of each washing)? Absolutely
Does he want us to love our neighbors as we want to be treated with love and grace? Absolutely
Does Jesus say you are good just the way you are and you donā€™t need to change? No
There was no one dirty enough for Jesus to dismiss. I think we could learn from that. We are called to share the gospel and truth with everyone and maybe this commercial will help find something to start the conversation with those who are far from God. BUT Jesus didnā€™t tell the all the people he touched that it was okay to keep sinning. No, he said ā€œGo and sin no more.ā€ Also, we need to remember that our pride can be just as detrimental/ sinful as all the sinful lifestyles we saw in the commercial. We all desperately need a Savior- The Savior.

valye hanson
February 13, 2024

Thank you. Standing on this deleneation. We all have sinned and in asking Jesus into our hearts we become born again to be His new creation. As long as you live on the deleneation you can continue to sin. Not in the new Birth Adam fell to this and Jesus corrected it. We must choose life and walk in it. God provided His son to correct that. I knew i has a problem with these messages and i thank you for returning people to the Word and walking towards Godā€™s freedom in true repentence. He came to save us from this destruction. Ps 103:4/Ps 107:20. Have a blessed day

Kathy Barr
February 13, 2024

Thank you for pointing out the deception in the commercial message. That compromise of tolerance creeps in to dilute the true message of God’s love for us.

Pierre Bruno
February 13, 2024

Big dilemma now isn’t it? If Jesus died for all my sins past, present, and future. And if Jesus died for the sins of murderers and rapists who become saved in prison, then why wouldn’t He want us to love instead of hate?

    February 13, 2024

    He definitely wants us to be His hands and feet and love on those people as He did, but He NEVER stopped with tangible love, He always gave them the truth of their condition and gave the the choice to follow Him. If I went to a doctor and he washed my feet and fed me and gave me warm clothes, but he never told me I had a very curable cancer that he knew about, he wouldnā€™t be loving me..

    Carrie Greenwood
    February 13, 2024

    Of course He wants us to love and not hate. He calls us to love the person, but hate the sin because sin separates people from God. He calls us to love the person so much that we are willing to speak the truth to them in love which says, through Jesus, you can be cleansed of sin and find freedom to go and sin no more. The full gospel provides the power for freedom and transformation, that’s love! We still love people in their sin, but we call them higher into truth and transformation.

    C Greenwood
    February 13, 2024

    Of course He wants us to love and not hate. He calls us to love the person, but hate the sin because sin separates people from God. He calls us to love the person so much that we are willing to speak the truth to them in love which says, through Jesus, you can be cleansed of sin and find freedom to go and sin no more. The full gospel provides the power for freedom and transformation, that’s love! We still love people in their sin, but we call them higher into truth and transformation.

February 13, 2024

I totally agree with you. I haven’t really liked any of the “He gets us” commercials, but I couldn’t put my finger on it as concisely as you did here. Thank you!

February 13, 2024

The example of foot washing is taken completely out of context. Jesus used foot washing as an example of servant hood because the disciples were arguing who is going to be the greatest at the last supper. (Luke 22:24-27). The phraseā€ Jesus did not teach hate ā€œseems to imply from that Jesus unconditionally forgives any wrongs that are being committed in these scenes. Neither sin or the biblical method for forgiveness from sin – confession of sin and repentance leading to a heart cleansed from sin (I John 1:9) is not mentioned .Jesus is not portrayed as the Son of God who died on the cross to take Godā€™s wrath for our sins . Therefore the ads present a false Christ.

February 13, 2024

If you have never humbled yourself to wash the feet of another and prayed for them or have the person whose feet you washed cry because it was an act of kindness and God met them there –then be careful to not throw stones. God works in lots of ways.

Sheila Price
February 13, 2024

Not being a sports fan I don’t watch the Bowl so I never see the adds… thank you for calling this to our attention. And thank you for standing for Biblical Truth.

Father God, I continue in my prayerful statement that spiritual eyes and ears WILL be opened to those who will EVER say Yes to You but have YET to know You and Your Son and Holy Spirit… by the Blood of The Lamb who died for each of them.
Holy Spirit, help Christians who mean well, to get back into prayerfully reading scripture with You helping them to know how to use it without compromise to appease the masses. Give them courage to LOVE YOUR WAY. Unconditional Love is not always warm and fuzzy. Sometimes it has to be bold. Help them take critiquing with the heart it is intended and help them make scriptural adjustments to their thinking. In Jesus’ Name. Yes and Amen!

Donna H Williams
February 13, 2024

AMEN!!!! Thankyou for your commentary!! Totally agree!!

Clarissa Dearth
February 13, 2024

If it were simply a lesson in loving someone you might consider an ā€œ enemyā€ for whatever reason perhaps I could get behind it. But, sadly, in our current culture there is only ONE way to ā€œ love ā€œ someone and that is to give credence and accept whatever sinful decision they are choosing. That is the opposite of love. Itā€™s a very twisted message that the enemy wants to use to confuse and box us in with . Jesus would wash their feet and THEN He would tell them Yao ā€œgo and sin no more.ā€
His goodness is His unwillingness to accept what will destroy us.

Serena Randol
February 13, 2024

I absolutely agree that this commercial missed the mark. And isn’t that interesting? That “missing the mark” or falling short” is what sin is all about. I appreciate the clarity of this article in stating that it is “…love at the highest level.” Just as so many words have been distorted, redefined and whitewashed to advance corrupt cultural agendas, the idea of what love is or is not, and the ideas of what hate is or is not, are seriously corrupted in our society. This sentence says it best: “It is those who are not the followers of Christ who must alter their paths! Christ came to seek and save the lost and His message is to receive Him and sin no more.”

February 13, 2024

Sorry – I disagree with your assessment – the message isn’t about the combining of two separate parables, it’s about serving, especially those who we would otherwise stay away from. Look at it from the 35,000 foot view – God loves everyone and it takes acts of love & kindness on our part to return good for what is sometimes directed in our direction as hate – getting labeled as being judgmental, The commercial resonated with me and so many others – Maybe your view leans a little toward being legalistic when we compare 2 stories and think they don’t have the same message of love your neighbor. I pray you will revisit your view from the heart of our Savior.

    Serena Randol
    February 13, 2024

    People who define themselves as Christians, have for many decades been guilty of religious intolerance, unholy judgment and a failure to love as Jesus loved. They have gossiped, lied, rejected, condemned etc. This is so sad. But to take this epic failure and use it to twist the message of the gospel into one that essentially says: “Love everyone, everywhere with no boundaries” is also very damaging. I believe the assessment of this Superbowl ad is accurate and well written. I would only suggest that we all understand that we are to love and serve each other as one of the many ways we assist the Father to draw persons into His kingdom and toward repentance and change.

    Clarissa Dearth
    February 13, 2024

    I think ,in compassion ,it just doesnā€™t give the full message. Jesus served and walked among us in order to show WHO He was. In the commercials it never quite gets there. Correct me if I am not remembering this about the commercials ..Jesus didnā€™t just come to serve and love all people , He came to show them a better way. If He only came to love them, He would be sending them into an eternity without hope. Itā€™s a very delicate balance. If we truly love like Jesus we not only MUST serve in humility and love, but we MUST give them the truth about their lost condition. The sad part is that the world only wants the love and acceptanceā€¦ they reject the TRUTH just as they always have. Jesus IS the Way the Truth and the LIFE ..no one comes to the Father except through Him. He is the stumbling block for many people .. His love points to a need that we all have for FORGIVENESS..šŸ™ā¤ļø

    February 13, 2024

    Bob, with all due respect, is it possible that you donā€™t know the Scriptures well enough to recognize heresy? God does love everyone & the invitation is open to all, but trying to access the wedding feast wearing your own clothes (that is without the righteousness of Christ) will get you thrown out into the darkness (Matt 22:11-12)

    February 13, 2024

    Then again, there is what Jesus said about ā€œfoot washers in 21st century commercials ā€œ ā€¦see Matthew 7-21:23.

      Maureen Saufley
      February 13, 2024

      ā€­Johnā€¬ ā€­13:12ā€­-ā€¬17ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬
      [12] After washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down and asked, ā€œDo you understand what I was doing? [13] You call me ā€˜Teacherā€™ and ā€˜Lord,ā€™ and you are right, because thatā€™s what I am. [14] And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each otherā€™s feet. [15] I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. [16] I tell you the truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. [17] Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.

      “Do as I have done.” — Jesus

    February 13, 2024

    Jesus washed the feet of Judas, knowing he would soon betray Him. He didn’t hate or judge. Foot washing symbolized a spiritual cleansing which we all need. I didn’t see that the commercial depicted, in any way, acceptance of the sin. Jesus, sent from the Father, humbled himself as a servant and showed His disciples an example to follow.

Brian lynch
February 13, 2024

Yes, while having good intentions, this video is NOT scripturally accurate. I pray, Heavenly Father, that You would convict the people who made the commercial of the error of their ways. By your great mercy, give these people the gift of spiritual discernment. Please give the Church a better, more scripturally accurate way to reach out to the lost. Thank you, Jesus.

February 13, 2024

You are so right!! Every time I see these ads my spirit cringes. It is deception at it’s greatest. And those “Christians” who are pushing this message need to take a hard look at their walk with God.

    Serena Randol
    February 13, 2024

    I am learning that it is not as important to “take a hard look at my walk” as it is so very important to take a hard look at my relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We must not sign on to Christian teachings and values without surrendering our hearts fully to His love and mercy to forgive and cleanse us on a regular basis.

Judy Biemer
February 13, 2024

Amen Dave thank you!! This commercial caught my attention but made me very uneasy and I wondered about their motive in starting off the evening with this? Teaching tolerance and to honor others above self but those that show no honor to be honored? We must pray and bind confusion from this commercial. A secular world takes a part of the truth and mixes it with their own agenda!

February 13, 2024

Not quite with you, though I understand your point. Jesus ate dinner with prostitutes and tax collectors. Was that tolerance? No. We can reach the sinners of this world through acts of kindness a whole lot easier than by pointing a finger of sin and repentance at them. When they feel the love of Jesus and come to him, then we can show them that there is a better way, and lead them into the life he wants them to live.

Was this commercial a mixing of biblical stories? Sure. But I would wash the feet of every gay homeless durg addict prostitute liberal abortion clinic worker in my city if I thought it would bring them to Jesus. The point of the commercial was not to focus on feet washing, but to love and serve those that we Christians tend to hate, and in doing so, point the way to Jesus.

    February 13, 2024

    There are many ways of looking at this commercial and many points of view. My simple reaction to it is that Love overcomes Sin.

    February 13, 2024

    I also believe that the world sees ANY message that opposes the sinful lifestyle choices depicted in this commercial as HATE. So, we are already running on that false narrative. Are too many Christians too judgmental and like the Pharisees?? Absolutely!! It is a challenge to us to love others not ā€œlikeā€us. But, ultimately the most loving thing we can ever do after we show our humble care for others is to give them the truth that sets them free.. thatā€™s the missing element here.

Jay DeFee
February 13, 2024

More than not teaching hate….Jesus taught love through truth and action. He washed his disciples feet show them and us that the leader is a humble servant of the student.
Thank you Jesus for your you life and sacrifice.

Candice Jeszka
February 13, 2024

The commercials break my heart. Yes I agree it has twisted the truth of the gospel. Thank you

Linda L Ciciotti
February 13, 2024

Thank you so much for sharing this message! We need to call out the distortions and apostasy made against the Word of God!

Kathy Kennedy
February 13, 2024

You nailed it.

Lindow Koop
February 13, 2024

So sad to see a great of money spent to miss represent our Lord Jesus message ant why he came.

Doug Stroud
February 13, 2024

Jesus brought the Kingdom to earth.
In Lordā€™s Prayer. ā€œThy Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven ā€œ
Kingdom is Righteousness Peace and Joy. When you repent and accept Jesus in your heartā€¦. He brings the Kingdom When He sent the seventy outā€¦ He said to heal the sick and cast out demons. And then tell them ā€œ this day the Kingdom of God has come nigh unto you. But if someone rejects youā€¦ shake dust off your feet and go your way
God is not willing that any should perish. He demonstrated His love be giving His Son as payment for all sin. And He concludes by saying ā€œ confess me and Iā€™ll confess you in heaven . So confess with you mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord. Mt. 6:33. Seek first the Kingdom

Doug Stroud
February 13, 2024

Jesus brought the Kingdom to earth.
In Lordā€™s Prayer. ā€œThy Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven ā€œ
Kingdom is Righteousness Peace and Joy. When you repent and accept Jesus in your heartā€¦. He brings the Kingdom When He sent the seventy outā€¦ He said to heal the sick and cast out demons. And then tell them ā€œ this day the Kingdom of God has come nigh unto you. But if someone rejects youā€¦ shake dust off your feet and go your way
God is not willing that any should perish. He demonstrated His love be giving His Son as payment for all sin. And He concludes by saying ā€œ confess me and Iā€™ll confess you in heaven

February 13, 2024

Totally agree m. Thank you for having the discernment and love to post the truth

Taylor Nelms
February 13, 2024

You have heard that it was said, ā€˜You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.ā€™ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

February 13, 2024

You have heard that it was said, ā€˜You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.ā€™ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Sue Harman
February 13, 2024

Take the gospel, add water, mix well, and serve it during the Super Bowl. Enjoy the confusion.

    February 13, 2024

    If it were only the social gospel that Jesus came to offer this commercial would be spot on.. but His gospel requires more of us.. it requires a change of heart.. the commercial never gets there. It is only half of the story which I agree we must have in order to have credibility when we speak of Jesus love that redeems us .. itā€™s two sides of the same coin.. LOVE and TRUTH.

frank scherr
February 13, 2024

Good point, I have watched this commercial in it’s various forms since they have been shown and along with the point that we should be salt and light to an unbelieving world, Yeshua didn’t desire for people to remain the way they were. Along with His healing their ailments, He admonished them to leave their life of sin behind and finish the change with their heart. This commercial is an incomplete message at best and an open door to divisiveness in the wrong hands.

February 13, 2024

A homosexual coworker who goes to a church where that is accepted loved the commercialā€¦ā€¦.

Melissa Sugden
February 13, 2024

Thanks so much for taking a stand and calling this out. So many people are preaching a watered-down message of the Gospel that only brings confusion to our young people especially. The truth needs to be shouted from the rooftops so that true repentance can come and bring God’s salvation to the lost and that this nation can turn back to Him and raise up a Godly standard once again. šŸ™ Praying always.

Kristi Strand
February 13, 2024

Thank you for this doctrinally sound response. Thank you for responding in wisdom and discernment.
Who are the sponsors for this add? Who funds it?

February 13, 2024

It may be shallow and what we see as not on target, but for those who havenā€™t heard much on Jesus itā€™s a startā€¦
Phil. 1:18

Nancy Cunningham
February 13, 2024

I agree with you that Jesus loved all but called for repentance. Those shown compassion have the obligation to repent and follow. Thatā€™s whatā€™s so hard to acknowledge,, that He never forced it. He could have been shown washing Judasā€™ feet, fully knowing he would betray Him and end up in hell. I still love those that are on that path but after telling them the Truth, find it hard to see them, like Judas, reject it.šŸ˜” We donā€™t know if the man the Samaritan helped became more righteous, but he showed compassion anyway. I share a tough love gospel with those living in sin coming to a pregnancy center each week. Many agree to surrender to Jesus but, I fear many will fall away if theyā€™re not grounded. I emphasize the need to get connected with Biblical teaching but I canā€™t force them to do that. I can only present Godā€™s Truth and pray that the seeds produce fruit. I grieve that the church, in large part, has left out the ā€œcost of discipleship. As I tell them, ā€œyou canā€™t earn it, but it could cost you everything.ā€

February 13, 2024

I would agree that the “He Gets Us” message was very confusing. Just as the Apostle Paul instructed Timothy, we (as followers of Christ) should always be on our guard (including false teachers that have an appearance of godliness) and hold steadfast to the teaching of the truth.
“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”
– 2 Timothy 3:1-5

Then Paul goes on to say that the word of God is our best tool to point others in the right direction (including reproof and correction):
“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
– 2 Timothy 3:14-17

It is certainly refreshing to see “spiritual talk” becoming more prevalent in the mainstream media. However, we must be willing to gently reproach those who stray from Biblical truth.

Randall J Hekman
February 13, 2024

I agree. How sad for that opportunity and much money virtually wasted on communicating partial truth. Yes, Jesus is very loving and kind. But He is also very truthful. He came full of grace AND truth. We need to speak the truth in love, but we must speak the truth.

February 13, 2024

It’s quite a journey from being a sinner saved by Grace to being used by our loving & Just God. As I watch and read what God’s people share through out our nation. Yet, on here I did not expect to see such an article.

I didn’t watch the Super Bowl, I guess bc I only watch if Patriots are in. Now, I see why clearer. The attempt of Christians reaching out to a lost world at the brink of war & as our economy collapse isn’t something to squabble about. As a Quincy girl walking for 25yrs it angers me to see the way we treat each other in this state and will not allow that to accuse a brother or sister “in Christ”, knowing that their was Great (prayer & actions) to reach the most vulnerable & hateful souls around the nation watching. Which leads me to share these verse that first convicted me b/c did not like the way “I” felt another brother & sister were doing. I am not Jesus but, have a heart for the “Broken & Vulnerable”, and reach out to them. And will do my part to befriend them and allow “God” to win over their precious souls. It was in God’s “Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me…” Not a critical or comparing spirit.

Rev 12:9-11 NLT

9 This great dragonā€”the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole worldā€”was thrown down to the earth with all his angels.

10 Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens,

ā€œIt has come at lastā€”
salvation and power
and the Kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Christ.[a]
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters[b]
has been thrown down to earthā€”
the one who accuses them
before our God day and night.
Ps 51:9-13
Donā€™t keep looking at my sins.
Remove the stain of my guilt.
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Renew a loyal spirit within me.
11 Do not banish me from your presence,
and donā€™t take your Holy Spirit[d] from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and make me willing to obey you.
13 Then I will teach your ways to rebels,
and they will return to you.


Norman Reid
February 13, 2024

I agree that this does not send the message that Jesus intended for us to perpetuate. Actually, it is contrary to His message.

Mel Teoh
February 13, 2024

Thank you for the excellent explanation. Though the Superbowl “Washing Feet” commercial is confusing but intriguing. I pray that it will spark people interest and plant many Gospel seeds and let God prepare the Church to water and disciple them. The Gospel is always the good news about God’s love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Christina Ford
February 13, 2024

Thank you for this in-depth teaching.
One of the comments referenced how satan twisted Gods Word and Jesus called him out on it. Jesus didnā€™t remain silent when the enemy attacked and neither should we. Our voices must be heard so people know to look for complete truth in the Word of God and not the deception of satan.

I pray for this organization and those that are deceived, that God would unveil their eyes to the deception of the enemy. I pray that the Body of Christ would continue to expose the subtle and outright lies of the enemy. I pray that we extend grace to our fellow believers as God lifts the veils from their eyes. I pray for the people lost in their sin, that they would encounter Jesus who gave His life so that they could be washed clean by His blood. I pray for the Church to be ready to stand beside these individuals giving their lives to Christ, to show them the truth in Gods Word and walk with them through healing and deliverance. I pray that God would continue to build us up, strengthen us, and lead us during these times. Thank you Lord that you hear our prayers and we thank You for the souls being added to Your Kingdom daily. We pray all this in Jesus name. Amen.

Daniel J Chapman
February 13, 2024

In presenting the gospel, Billy Graham said “come just as you are.” Did people watching get this message, or did they get the message that they were fine just as they are? I am thankful that the name of Jesus was said before hundreds of millions of people, but that’s a lot of money to spend on a confusing message. Paul said that though he was free from all men, he made himself a servant to all, that he might win the more. That in becoming all things to all men, he might by all means save some. Was that the intent? Thankfully, Jesus gets us, but His estimation of our sin is seen on the cross. Yes, we need to do a better job of going to and presenting the gospel, which requires humility and compassion. Jesus never washed the feet of sinners; He died for our sin, which was quite a price to pay. There has long been conversation among evangelists about adapting the presentation of the gospel within a present culture. How we present the gospel may adapt to the present culture – not the message. True love is to lovingly share the truth of the gospel. The whole NFL woke hypocritical show, with an astounding sum wagered – which the NFL now profits from – was starving for a clear message to cut through it all. In real time, I was confused by the commercial.)

Dawn Beth
February 13, 2024

Thank you for addressing this commercial. I did not watch the Super Bowl or see the whole commercial, but immediately there was a flurry of conversation over it online. I saw the pictures and felt an unease in my spirit over it.
While reading this post, Matthew 24:10-12 was heard in my Spirit :
At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,
Twisting of the scripture, Jesus washed the disciples feet, he told them they were already clean. It is this twisting of scripture that will divide and separate the body and allow the love of many to grow cold. Later in chapter 24 Jesus said be careful not to be deceived in those days ( these days???) even the elect will be deceived if we are not in HIS WORD.

Tom Norton
February 13, 2024

The term you used “Indulgent Tolerance ” is right on. Here in our area a well known pastor has created a pro because of his stance on attending a Trans wedding and even giving a gift. All in name of “love”.

Jeff Johnson
February 13, 2024

Great message David! So many believers I know said that something in their spirit was telling them that the fox had entered the hen house with these commercials. They are nothing but a Trojan horse for the social justice warrior cult and they represent the highest level of Kingdom treason, which is to do this in The Name of Jesus. Jesus doesnā€™t need to ā€œGet Usā€. We need to get Him!

Andrew Powell
February 13, 2024

Thanks for sharing. I too have concerns about the movement. Yes, Jesus loves but the mixed message often purported today is that Jesus loves people right where they are. This sounds wonderful but itā€™s inaccurate. Jesus died for the lost while they were still sinners but the profundity of HIS love is that it loves one to where they are called to be. Justification begins sanctification; the one whose worldview/ agenda/ standing changes is the recipient of grace. Lovely is HIS death because it frees us from sin. The commercials focus on action and clearly use all sorts of ā€œhot topics.ā€ I am all for loving my neighbor as myself but to love one as myself cannot be void of speaking the truth in love. Actions void of the gospel is not love; such movements are not the beautiful feet of the gospel message. I fear the commercials provide half the story to push a well intended agenda, but good intentions donā€™t mean itā€™s the whole counsel of God. He gets us, and because of HIS divine insight, HE died for us AND taught the gospel. That message is lacking. Many want to talk about the Savior but downplay HIS Lordship and such a move means we are idol makers not disciples.

Susan Richter
February 13, 2024

I believe both of Charles Spurgeon and Ray Comfort ( The way of the master) would agree the “He gets us” commercials are a type of unloving message that leads to false conversions. You don’t tell a person to stay in a burning building and tolerate it, You implore them to leave it and flee to safety! Anyone, including this writer, who is saved had to first recognize they are in the serious trouble of having broken God’s law, and are headed for Hell, unless they repent and receive Jesus death on the cross in their place as tetelestai, paid in full, for their sin. Because Jesus rose, those who repent and trust in Jesus will live eternally too. That is the message of God’s love for sinners, that is, the human race. This is the brave message that got Jesus killed, got 11/12 apostles killed, and got Paul beaten, imprisoned, and eventually martyred. The world loves ” He gets us”, no feathers ruffled here, no repentence required. Let’s be brave, and share the true gospel like Jesus did of repent and be saved, knowing He will be with us as we do.

Dawn Pegis
February 13, 2024

Excellent explanation. So vital in this time. Lord help us, and ALL believers, to be discerning of truth, your love and purposes. We must recognize the spiritual battle and the deception of the enemy of our souls. Thank you IFA! May all pastors, parents, teachers, believers everywhere, be aware of the spiritual battle raging and be equipped for battle (Ephesians 6!) Helmet of Salvation, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, belt of truth, feet shod with preparation of gospel of peace, taking the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and Prayer! Praise be to God Almighty who sits on the throne.

February 13, 2024

Thank you! You put into words what I was unable to express.
God Bless

February 13, 2024

Even the title alone sounds like the enemy being sneaky!
We need to remember the devil is the ā€œprince of the airā€ā€¦ā€¦.ā€¼ļø

A deep look into what organization and who is involved will shed light on the truthā€¼ļø

February 13, 2024

God forbid we should love our enemies. After all, someone might think we agree with them. Good thing Jesus didnā€™t hang out with tax collectors and sinners. Someone might have gotten the wrong idea. Oops, guess I missed that part.

    David Kubal
    February 13, 2024

    Jeff, your response illustrates the diffuculty of this commercial – through sarcasm, which I like.

    Of course we are to love sinners. Jesus loved sinners, but repentance is the first step in being right with God.

    This commercial takes many of the hot cultural topics: homosexuality, abortion, immigration, sexual perversion and presents authority as kneeling before those issues communicating to many”its ok.”

    It does not present the true biblical narrative the Jesus washed the feet of those who had given their lives to Jesus, had traveled with him for three years, would eventually be martyred etc.

    Its not that a message of loving these people is incorrect, its that the commercial presents an unbalanced understanding of what it takes to be a follower of Christ.

      February 13, 2024

      David, I am deeply concerned about the moral decay of our nation, and compromise in the church. However, if our takeaway from all this discussion is that we are only to love and serve those who have already repented we are missing something very significant. As the days get harder, will we retreat into anger and fear, or will we fight back with love. Jesus came with grace and truth. We need to be really good at both of them. Otherwise we risk being among those whose ā€œlove grows coldā€ in the last days.

        February 13, 2024

        Jeff; perhaps then realize that in your own words, both Grace and truth are required if Christians. That commercial was pointed at the message of Grace, but truth was at least partially sacrificed. Jesus never condoned nor was tolerant of sin. Remember, He said to the woman caught in adultery, go and sin no more. He didnā€™t say; itā€™s ok, everybody does it. Donā€™t worry, do what feels good and Iā€™ll tolerate it because I donā€™t want the culture around me to call me a hater.

          February 13, 2024

          Robert, thanks for your response. I think your comment illustrates my concern. Iā€™m advocating for loving sinners, and because of that youā€™re wondering if Iā€™m committed to truth. All this hair splitting just leaves us spending all our time debating about words and doing nothing to change our world. Someone spent a lot of money trying to make a difference with that ad. We can sit back and throw stones, saying they could have done it better, or perhaps it can inspire us to get out an make a difference ourselves.

          February 13, 2024

          One final thought and Iā€™ll bow out of this thread. Maybe the ad wasnā€™t mainly aimed at the world. Maybe it was aimed at us.

    February 13, 2024

    The bible says the truth sounds like hate to those who are already perishing. Jesus spent His time calling every sinner to repentance, even those He healed in compassion. I think when we remove the holiness of God and tell ourselves God didnt destroy Sodom or many other lawless nations, Israel included here in many circumstances turning away, we lead people right to hell instead of into eternal life with Him. As a mother of 5, Id be heart broken to find this out and possibly leading my own children to hell. The fullness of God illistrated through the Word is what we need. I love my children so i will correct error, in love, in the hopes they will learn, grow, and flourish in their adult lives. How much more a Holy God? Bless you, Jeff. Im sorry to hear about tje commerical and about the confusion already swirling. Praise Him for full access to His living and active Word we can still read freely for a time and store in our hearts! We do go to the lost but love them enough to encourage them not to stay there! It is the love of Jesus that leads to repentance. All we do is sow the seeds. The Holy Spirit will call whom He chooses. Blessings, brother.

Linda schweickhardt
February 13, 2024

I saw only the commercial after the fact. I see where you are coming from. In all honesty I donā€™t think it is acceptance of sin by washing the feet of a person. But it is an act of love. On the mission field we do a lot that we teach is Jesus. We touch people that are sinners, we take people along that think they are saved and realize they are just as dirty as the people we are trying to reach. Even as leaders we discover we still have to ask for forgiveness-daily.
I have read many of the comments and I am grateful for all the ways this is being discussed. Mostly because it teaches us to go deeper and see that Jesus did touch, heal and even save many and yes they were all but a child sinners. He did also say go and sin no more – but first he touched.
Today we resist touch more than ever before – Covid has robbed us of even that, so in a very elementary way I saw this as a reminder to the Christians we are to serve the broken, humble ourselves enough to find a way to reach the sinner – I did not see this as accepting their sin. But that we can show mercy, remembering I am not Peter who wanted to be washed from head to toe turned his back on Jesus only hours later. It was the one washing the feet that was demonstrating love.
But I am grateful for this discussion.

Chuck Ashford
February 13, 2024

It appears that this article practices the age old methods of propaganda. To be an effective user of propaganda you take a single statement or concept from a larger, more fully described and organized entity (religion) and present the single element as the “whole” of the ideology. Clearer thinking, as Dave Kubal has done here, uncovers the deception and “heresy” of this propaganda.

Jeanette Eells-Rich
February 13, 2024

I thought what you are thinking last year and have gone on their website to see what they believe for they do appear to send a message of tolerance of sin when Jesus told the woman caught adultery to go and sin no more. He died to save us from our sins not so we could continue in our sin, but so we could be transformed into His image of righteousness and holiness and yes, love and forgiveness for all but always witnessing to the saving grace of Christ so they can repent and come to Jesus forgiveness.. Thanks for your message. It spoke out what I have felt. They are preaching tolerance of sin rather than freedom from it through faith in Christ. Yes Christ loves all and redeemed all, but then each one has to come to Christ to receive that forgiveness.

Gloria Robles
February 13, 2024

This article affirms what my husband and I were talking about. He understood it to mean, we should be loving to all which is true
however i agreed with this article. While it does show the loving nature of Jesus, I found it to be deceiving. Yes, Jesus loves sinners none of would be here if he didn’t. However, as many have stated in the comments, his kindness leads us to repentance. He gets us, and finds us, but every born again believer has an awareness of our true depravity and need for a Saviour when we first surrender to Him. If we didn’t realize our sinfulness and how much we fall short of His glory, none would ever call on Him. We often hear come as you are, and it’s true, but born again Christians don’t remain the same. The Holy Spirit is actively at work in our lives. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation Old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new.
Repentance is a change of mind, leading to a change of heart. There should be evidence of that. A drug addict will abandon his addiction when he truly encounters Christ. He then becomes a witness of Gods transforming love. A prostitute will do the same, as will someone living a sexually immoral lifestyle. I felt that “He gets us” is an attempt to create tolerant Christianity. It’s an attempt to silence the mouths of Bible believing Christians. When we speak the truth, we will be branded as intolerant and hateful. When its not true. This caused alot of arguments on social media, and I feel like that was intentional. Deception is a tool of the enemy, beginning in Eden. Satan speaks half truths and knows scripture, we must be discerning. His other tool is creating division.
My final thought is “He gets us” contradicts Jesus message to the woman in adultery, while he was merciful to her, He told her go and sin no more. He didn’t just let her go and let her be, he loved her enough to address the sin.
Great article Dave, I agree this is not an accurate portrayal of Jesus. It was another attempt to influence the church to be “inclusive” which is a buzzword for affirming and tolerant, not of the people but of sin.

Kathy Elmore
February 13, 2024

I had an unsettled feeling watching this commercial and this explained it perfectly. God wants all to come to salvation and Jesus died for us all but we have to accept His sacrifice to be saved.

Bunni Pounds
February 13, 2024

Thank you, Dave for your stand on this. You are 100% correct. Keep speaking the truth in love.

February 13, 2024

You are 100% spot on. I just studied this passage last week in my Bible study group…washing feet means the recognition to daily turn from your sin BECAUSE you’ve been washed in Jesus’ blood!

Ellen Rock
February 13, 2024

Jesus calls His followers to ā€œBe Holyā€ not to justify sin.

Marlene Dawson
February 13, 2024

I appreciated the commercial. We are all broken and in need of our precious Savior, Jesus. He gave His life for everyone, knowing in what state our lives would be when we respond to Him and His love. I do not think Jesus ever tolerated sinful lifestyles, but He loves, lives, and died for every sinner. He knew each instance of brokenness we would suffer, and He chose to pay the price for us! He went to where the ā€œsinnersā€ were, and told them of His Fatherā€™s great love for them.
One of my favorite sayings I like to share isā€God loves us so much He accepts us just the way we are; but He loves us too much to let us stay that way!ā€ (I donā€™t recall who said it.)

February 13, 2024

I believe the people spreading the message of tolerance donā€™t understand the love message. Loving someone is not tolerating their sin. People in sin are miserable! Do you love someone and leave them in misery? When we love like Jesus, we pray for them to be delivered! Love moves with compassion. You have to understand the the love of God to understand how to love people

February 13, 2024

I didn’t interpret the commercials the way you did. It was symbolic and you’re interpreting it literally, as if all the world knows the Bible word-for-word, and they don’t. I think it was illustrating the kindness and compassion of Jesus, and us mirroring that to the world. He gets us = He understands us. Let them first see love then they will be drawn to Him, and learn His teachings, His way.

    February 13, 2024

    Sue: if the commercial meant to display the kindness and compassion of Jesus, the scenes depicted would have been illustrations of the acts of Jesus. Instead, it twisted things, as exactly does the evil one. Simply put, Jesus NEVER tolerates sin. Reflect on Matthew 7 21:23 and realize not all ā€œfoot washersā€ will go to heaven.

Janet Davis
February 13, 2024

Jesus washed the feet of Judas right before he betrayed Him. We are to wash the feet of enemies, ones who would give us up to death.
Grace towards you but you miss the mark with your article. Iā€™m praying for you and this wonderful company putting out these life giving commercials.

    David Kubal
    February 13, 2024

    Yes, I consider the fact that Jesus washed Judasā€™ feet – the only “enemy” he did this to. This builds my point further. Jesus discerns Judasā€™ unrepentant heart and goes as far to describes him a ā€œdoomed for destructionā€ in Jn 17. This only emphasizes the need for even followers of Christ to fully repent and walk blamelessly before God

      February 13, 2024

      Millions of the viewers only know of Jesus as a curse word. To them, what’s sin? They live in a permissive world with few boundaries. If we approach them first with love, with compassion, they are like moths drawn to a flame. Then they can be taught about sin, repentance, how to accept Jesus and how to go to heaven. I work in outreach. If I approached the homeless, the addicted, the LBGTQ, with “you’re a sinner”, they would either scoff or feel beaten down even more. It’s when I feed them, when I give them a blanket for the cold, when I extend compassion and kindness that they are open to hearing about Jesus.

        February 13, 2024

        I dont think Dave in any place in this article said we are to walk up to someone and call them a sinner. Instead its been stated the kindness of God leads to repentance. Rather, making sin okay or justifying people in there sin is whats being addressed. Ive seen many post on praying for the lost here, so I think from what I am seeing satan is having his way in twisting and dividing from misunderstanding. Because the bible does say none of us have an excuse not to know these things are error, we just bring the truth to light so the Holy Spirit may do His work in that person as we love and walk out even our own dying to self and sin daily. I think Dave is aligned with the full Word of God here, which even Timothy was warned to do as well amidst confusion and chaos. I do not see Dave insighting violence of any sort, simply sticking to full bibical truth even Yeshua (Jesus) taught Himself. Us believers are ok to have these talks, but do so in love, as well as remembering there are baby christians all around watching. They will know us by our love for one another. Thankful to hear out your message as well here. As a 3rd party i do not see any error in either of your comments or article. Both true, to sharpen one another in areas so we all stay on the correct path here. Bless you in this outreach, and the many souls saved in it! Praise God for His work and His Kingdom expansion! We need many more out there doing what you are doing! May the Father bless all that your hands do to extend the Kingdom!

    Carol Bond
    February 13, 2024

    This is exactly what I was thinking as well. I am sure this commercial can and will be twisted by those claiming to be in the church, but for people that don’t even know Jesus, like the prostitute, the gay man, the woman that just had an abortion, the Muslim, or anyone else, we are supposed to show the truth, yes, but we’re called to love because “they will know you are my followers by your love for one another .” We have to be willing to serve others and love them while we are telling them about the One who loves them even more, and can clean them from their sins. I heard a quote a long, long time ago that went like this, “You may be the only Bible some people read.” It struck me and stayed with me. To be the church, we must humble ourselves and begin loving people exactly where they are, just as Jesus loved us exactly where we were.

February 13, 2024

Thank you for this article.As l watched this commercial l felt an uneasiness in my spirit that l could not put my finger on it but l did not feel that it was “right”. You have expressed what l could not The Holy Spirit made this prompting in my spirit clear. Thank you for writing this with such clarity.

February 13, 2024

What I saw in this commercial was a deeper message here. We are to love those who are looked down at whether itā€™s the prostitute, drug addict, a woman they just had an abortion etc. Jesus died for them to. We are all sinners! Jesus is the only one who can change them.

February 13, 2024

Mixed messages. Reading the article, not seeing the commercial, caused me to remember this verse, it is the Lordā€™s lovingkindness that lead us to repentance. Romans 2:4 ā€œ Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and restraint and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?ā€ NASB
i believe the article, I believe Godā€™s Word,, we do not tolerate sin, yet to love the sinner, to bring them to Jesus, who then turn them to salvation.

Greg Cook
February 13, 2024

Thank You! Exceptionally well written article and “truth” shared. I am a fan of the “JESUS Gets Us” concept …. He does; He came and walked in this world and experienced it. However I am not always in agreement with their theology and “selective marketing” of scriptural examples. JESUS CHRIST did care, share and teach as you say. We are to have compassion, serve, encourage, and certainly pray for our neighbor at every turn, even those that do hate and will never return the kindness. He did so at the highest and most extreme level (His sacrificial death for all of us); however, He did not “tolerate” or excuse sin but constantly showed mankind the better way of the LORD GOD. This is the path and He is the example we are to follow. Again, Thank You!

February 13, 2024

Thank you for this excellent article. If I, as a Christian, was confused by the commercial’s message, how much more so to the non Christian?
Most important, they left out Peter’s astonishing reply, “Then not just my feet, but my hands and head as well!” This object lesson is deeper than the commercial explained, and Jesus directed it to his disciples.

Anita Malaro
February 13, 2024

I appreciate the way this was explained. Thereā€™s more commercials like this one inciting acceptance & tolerance of homosexuality. People are often offended by Truth. But itā€™s to be expected. Jesus is the Way, the Life, & the Truth. He is also our Living Water that we need not allow to be muddied with hidden agendas of the world.

Cathy Tomlin
February 13, 2024

Thank you for commenting on this. I agree 100%.
Deception abounds and we must pray for discernment.
“Without holiness no one will see the Lord.”

    February 17, 2024

    Yes, Cathy, as Triune God is totally Holy. He made that clear to Moses on the Mount. Moses was
    ordered to remove His shoes as Moses was standing on Holy Ground. No one can see God of the Trinity who is not Holy. Therefore, we only see Him through Jesus’ perfect righteousness and holiness. Thankfully, many, many will see the Triune God because they are depending on Jesus’ righteousness to get them into Triune God’s Eternal Heavenly Kingdom, and the opportunity to
    enter into that Kingdom remains to this day, and until Jesus returns, or, I understand until an individual’s body of flesh dies, and the soul remains.

February 13, 2024

I totally agree with what you say. I have read a few of the comments below, most are saying the same as I would be saying. The enemy has a way of sprinkling just enough truth into a lie to make it sound like truth. For an ex. when Jesus was tempted in the desert, the enemy used PS. 91: 11, 12, God’s own word to temp and confuse Jesus. He even said “It is written” He twisted the Word to fit his agenda. PS. 91 says in v 9, 10 “If you make the Most High your dwelling…. then no harm will befall you….v11 For He will command His angels concerning you ….” The enemy took that scripture out of its context to his agenda. Jesus answered :It is ALSO written.” Do not put the Lord your God to the test” Deu. 6:16.
If you make the Lord most High your dwelling He will give you wisdom and discernment in these matters. Be careful we can not be casual Christians. We must be TOTALLY sold out to the Lord!!

Cynthia McGowan Poole
February 13, 2024

What saddens me is that I felt this group was off from the very beginning when they started posting on billboards. I understood this from the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and it seems that it is difficult for people these days to have that level of discernment. It saddens me that this group of very rich and influential people chose friendship with the world instead of true love that leads to repentance. Jesus requires his followers to leave thier old lives behind in exchange for a better one. This is lost in their message.

February 13, 2024

You are correct because Jesus washed the feet of his followers, not unbelievers.I was raised in a church that included feet washing when we had communion. In order to participate, you had to be a believer and follower of Jesus.

Carlene Race
February 13, 2024

It takes wisdom to rightly discern the truth in this age of deception. Thank you for your thoughtful analysis. Jesus ministered to all who came to Him, and He said, ā€œGo and sin no more.ā€ We must also love all people, but we do a disservice to them if we fail to tell them repentance is necessary.

February 13, 2024

Thank you for highlighting the subtle but deliberate error. This is promoting bowing to & pampering the sinner, instead of engaging the sinner and bringing light & truth to his/her soul in sincere love.
JESUSā€™ amazing love compels us to bring the light of His gospel to sinners, and not embrace/mollycoddle the darkness of sin.

February 13, 2024

This campaign is blasphemous and has wrong directionally. We are not the center of the story. JESUS IS. To make it about US all the time is more of this new age NAR stuff that directly contradicts God’s sovereignty and plan. Wolves in sheep’s clothing often call themselves Christians! BEWARE!

Glenda McRae Morris
February 13, 2024

I saw the same message or misrepresentation also!! We can not use Godā€™s Word, which is absolute Truth and add or take away from or make it fit the worldā€™s definition of love( to accept everything/everyone) regardless of Repentance and Obedience to Our Lord and God!! It sadden me, even knowing friends who accepted it as showing Christlike love!!!šŸ™šŸ½

    February 13, 2024

    In the parable of the wheat and tares Jesus teaches us that in the judgment God will send His holy angels to divide the true believers from those who are not believers at all. This is God’s work and we are not to judge. God looks at the heart, while we can only see the outside and that is not what God’s sees and knows. True repentance does lead to a life of abiding in Christ and He in us. The fact is we can’t always know what’s in people’s hearts. God does and He doesn’t tolerate sin. That is why He sent Jesus to cleanse, sanctify, clothe us and declare us righteous in Him.
    We are called to love people where they are at not decide their cleanliness. God does that through Christ.

Mary Ellen
February 13, 2024

Thank you for your analysis-you have rightly divided the Word and this message. I knew something was amiss about this commercial, only viewed it once but didn’t take the time to analyze it. Thank you, you are spot on, in my humble opinion!

Ciindy Stevens
February 13, 2024

You are correct in this age of mass deception.

February 13, 2024

The weird commercial referred to in the article is woke propaganda disguised as Christianity. I feel like many believers are being unwittingly used to promote dangerous agendas. Be careful, people.

February 13, 2024

I don’t believe “He Gets Us” has anything to do with accepting “tolerance” and turning a blind eye to sin. I see it more as Jesus understanding OUR predicament, as Christians. In our HUMANITY, it IS difficult to separate the sin from the sinner and we, as humans, tend to lump them together. I don’t see this group advocating tolerence at all – – but learning to love the sinner, but not the sin. We don’t have to tolerate the sin to love the sinner. Jesus didn’t/doesn’t tolerate the sin, but He loves the sinner. But the sinner will not find redemption without repentance. That part is up to the sinner. We, on the other hand can, and should and are commanded to love the sinner and teach him/her out of the way of sin into the Light. Again, Jesus didn’t “tolerate” sin – – look what he did in the temple when he got angry when the sellers of sacrificial animals were doing their business right there in the temple yard, turning His father’s House into a marketplace. So we follow JESUS’ lead – – there is “justifiable anger” and Jesus showed it – – He DIDN’T stand back and tolerate it. So yeah, Jesus Gets Us – – he’s been there too. Love the sinner, but not the sin.

    Mary Ellen
    February 13, 2024

    While you have given your opinion on the intent or your interpretation of the intent of the commercial, whether right or wrong, you have neglected the teaching that Dave was making in his analysis. There is something much deeper here, if you have eyes to see. Perhaps you may want to consider this by reading his analysis again, without your opinion on the commercial shading your thought process. Or not. His breakdown is correct on their comparison of the parable and actual.

    Pamela C
    February 13, 2024

    I agree with your assessment Patty. Thank you. We need to remember that Jesus washed Judasā€™ feet as well. And He washed mine. I am still forever grateful He washed my feet. The sinner is blind. We are not. Love is not easy.

      David Kubal
      February 13, 2024

      Yes, I consider the fact that Jesus washed Judas’ feet. This builds my point further. Jesus discerns Judas’ unrepentant heart and goes as far to describes him a “doomed for destruction” in Jn 17. This only emphasizes the need for even followers of Christ to fully repent and walk blamelessly before God.

        Carol Bond
        February 13, 2024

        Yes sir, I see what you’re saying, however the people being depicted in the commercial presumably haven’t yet encountered Jesus! Service to others opens the door to tell them about Him, so perhaps they WILL finally have that encounter with the One who can save them.

      February 13, 2024

      Jesus told Peter he was clean, “but not every one of you” (referring to Judas).

    February 13, 2024

    What is the real question? He gets us, or we get Him? That commercial caters to our self centeredness, as if what is more important is that the focus is on us not on Him. In that sense, that commercial did a great service in pointing out how we can make everything about us instead of focusing on Him.

February 13, 2024

So grateful for you to explain this. I too am sickened by how people use “God loves everybody” to mean that we should go along with whatever sin they are partaking of (gay etc.) And this commercial or website is essentially saying that also. We have too many go alonger’s. People sitting on the fence with one leg for Jesus and one for the World and if someone does not explain it to them, that this is not what Jesus intended, they are going to be lost. There is going to be a huge group of people who profess to Love him, call themselves Christians but are NOT truly following him or living for him that are going to perish.

Jesus loves us, but not our sin. Being Holy there is no way he can accept our Sin. He died on the cross for us to TURN FROM our sins. If he were going to just go along with whatever we wanted or what we liked or felt good to us then his dying on the cross, his AWESOME sacrifice was for nothing? That is a LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL.

Praise you My Lord and Savior, I would never believe or say that your sacrifice was insignificant or for nothing. I totally accept your love and Sacrifice for me. No one else would dare lay their life down for me. You are worthy to be praised. You alone are worthy of ALL praise. I would be nothing without you and I want to model myself after you which includes not falling for false teachings or temptations. I pray for those that are lost Father that more of them will truly get into the bible which is your Word and not listen to false teachings. I pray for you to open their eyes and the eyes of their hearts to the truth.

Please people come to your senses.

February 13, 2024

Thank you for the correct teaching shared on this highly misleading ad. Counterfeit Christ and a form of ” Christianity” is not the eternal life-giving Christ or true Christianity.

February 13, 2024

Yes, I believe that commercial may have missed the mark. Jesus would never tolerate sin and neither should we. The church can find a way to love people while being faithful to call out sin. Love the sinner but that sin!

February 13, 2024

Thank you for a clear teaching on the confusing ad. It is a real help.


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