I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank You that Your kingdom has always been built by Jew and Gentile laboring together. As we celebrate our freedom and independence on July 4, let us not forget the contribution of this one man who gave all his earthly treasure for the birth of this nation. In Yehsua’s name, amen.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matt.6:19-21

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How a Jewish Man Saved the Country

“The surrender of Yorktown and the nearly 8,000 British troops convinced the British Parliament to start negotiating an end to the war. On September 3, 1783, the treaty of Paris was signed. The war was over. If not for Haym Salomon, however, the decisive victory at Yorktown never would have happened.” Chabad.org

I live just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – the womb of the nation. In the heart of the city, under the shadow of William Penn atop City Hall, is Independence Mall, home of the historic sites of Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was hotly debated and signed, and the much loved Liberty Bell. Just off the Mall is the less well-known landmark of Mikvek Israel Synagogue. It is the oldest continually operating synagogue in the US, and the home congregation of Haym Salomon, financier of the Revolutionary War. This congregation, and Hyam himself, played a crucial but little-known role in our winning the war of independence.

Mikvek Israel and William Penn

Mikveh Israel, a Sephardic Orthodox synagogue, is the oldest in Philadelphia, dating from 1740. Nathan Levy, a Jewish merchant in Philadelphia, desired a consecrated burial place for one of his children and so applied to William Penn for “a small piece of land” with permission to make it a family cemetery. This property, and another given by Thomas Penn, William Penn’s son, became Mikveh Israel Cemetery.

Mikveh Israel Synagogue was birthed as the Jewish community in Philadelphia gathered as a congregation for informal services. Their official charter dates to 1773, and among their congregants are listed revolutionary patriots such as Jonas Phillips, the Gratz family, and Haym Solomon. Their first full time rabbi was a man named Gershom Seixas who left his congregation in Manhattan when the British occupied New York City rather than align with the British crown.

Prominent Philadelphians, including Benjamin Franklin and Robert Morris, contributed to its building once an appropriate site was chosen. At the final dedication in 1782, Gershom Seixas invoked heaven’s blessing upon, “the members of these states in Congress assembled, and on His Excellency George Washington, commander general of these colonies.” Mikveh Israel’s deeply rooted connection to the nation’s founding is a vital piece of our history.

Haym Salomon

Haym Salomon was born in Leszno, Poland, in 1740. He emigrated from Poland after the Polish Partition in 1770, moving eventually to New York City where he established himself as broker for international merchants. The rest of his story reads like a thrilling spy novel.

“Sympathetic to the Patriot cause, Haym joined the New York branch of the Sons of Liberty, a secret society that did what it could to undermine British interests in the colonies. In 1776, he was arrested by the British and charged with being a spy. He was pardoned on condition that he spend 18 months on a British ship serving as a translator for the Hessian mercenaries, as he was fluent in Polish, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Italian. During those 18 months, Haym used his position to help countless American prisoners escape. He also convinced many Hessian soldiers to abandon the British and join the American forces”, reports Yosef Kaufmann on Chabad.org.

In 1778 he was implicated in a plot to burn British naval vessels in the harbor of New York, subsequently arrested and sentenced to death but bribed a guard and escaped, fleeing to Philadelphia. With borrowed money, he started a business as a dealer of bills of exchange. In this capacity, he formed a friendship with Robert Morris, the newly appointed Superintendent of Finance for the 13 colonies. Records show that between 1781 and 1784, through both fundraising and personal loans, he was responsible for financing George Washington over $650,000, today worth approximately $13 million.

Haym and the battle of Yorktown

By 1781, the American congress was effectively broke. The huge cost of financing the war effort had taken its toll. In September of that year, George Washington decided to march on Yorktown to engage General Cornwallis but his troops were on the verge of mutiny. They were weary and lacked food and basic supplies, and so demanded a full months pay, not  in congressional paper money which they deemed worthless, or they would not go on. Washington reached out first to Morris, who said that there were no funds. Washington replied, “Send for Salomon.”

As the story is told, George Washington sent a representative to Mikveh Israel Synagogue on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, to ask Salomon to contribute out of his personal funds. Hyam responded by contributing all his personal fortune. Within days he had raised the remainder of the needed funds. With that contribution, Washington conducted the Yorktown campaign, which proved to be the final battle of the Revolution.

Salomon then personally supported various members of the Continental Congress during their stay in Philadelphia, including James Madison and James Wilson. He never asked for repayment.

Hyam’s Legacy

On January 8, 1785, Salomon died suddenly at the age of 44. Due to the fact the government owed him hundreds of thousands of dollars, his family was left penniless. His grave marker is in the Mikveh Israel Cemetery in Philadelphia.

His obituary in the Independent Gazetteer read:

Thursday, last, expired, after a lingering illness, Mr. Haym Salomon, an eminent broker of this city, was a native of Poland, and of the Hebrew nation. He was remarkable for his skill and integrity in his profession, and for his generous and humane deportment. His remains were yesterday deposited in the burial ground of the synagogue of this city.

No mention was made of his contribution to the war effort nor has his family ever been compensated by the government.

Jews and Gentiles Labor Together

Throughout redemptive history, our God has woven His story with both Jew and Gentile threads. Rahab hid the Israelites spies and eventually married a Hebrew prince. Ruth the Moabitess helped Naomi make Aliyah to Bethlehem and was grafted into Jesus’ family tree. King Hiram of Tyre gave of his bounty for Solomon’s Temple, and Kings Cyrus and Darius passed laws and provided abundantly to return the Jewish nation from captivity.

Our own nation has a God-ordained destiny. And here, at our birth we have a Jewish man giving all for a nation that would represent religious freedom to the world.

On various prayer journeys in Philadelphia, I have visited both the synagogue and Hyam’s Salomon’s grave marker. I have given thanks for him personally, and have thanked our Father for the Jewish people who He created and called as a light to the nations. They have brought us Yeshua and, in our nation, played key roles in our founding and growth.  In this day of rampant and brazen antisemitism let us pause to give thanks for one Jewish man’s life and his contribution to our national freedom.

When someone dies, the Jewish people say, “May his memory be a blessing.” We now say, “Haym Salomon, your memory and contributions are a blessing! We thank God for you!”

Father, may we never overlook any who gave blood and treasure to allow our nation to be born and thrive. For his descendants we ask for salvation, which comes from the Jews, to be their portion. In Yeshua’s name we pray. Amen.

Lori Meed is a leader on IFA’s Headline Prayer Live and an IFA contributing writer. In 2004, God moved her family from Canada to the U.S., imparting to them His heart for this country and for revival. Having walked out her own journey of freedom after being radically born again in 1992, Lori has a heart to see others set free to walk fully in their destiny. She is also passionate about teaching on aliyah (“going up,” the return of the Jews to the land of Israel), the feasts of the Lord, and the rich connections of the gentile churches to Israel. Photo Credit: Farragutful – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=44263120.

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Mary Beth
July 5, 2024

If Hyam Salomon has any living descendants, it would be wonderful to recognize the wonderful legacy this man left by honoring them. Especially as antiSemitism is on the rise in our nation. Do you know if he does have living descendants, Lori?
Lord, forgive us as a nation for not always honoring those who have sacrificed much, both in the past and currently, to provide the benefits and blessings we enjoy as Americans.

July 4, 2024


Nancy Allor
July 4, 2024

Oh thank you so much!! This story is powerful!!! Publish it. Make a movie about this hero! Put it on TV, in newspapers
Each 4th!

July 4, 2024

According to Scripture, Hyam Salomon, “stored his treasure in Heaven” as he sacrificially gave his fortune so America could be birthed, and freedom of religion, Christian and Jewish, could thrive here. May every evil plot to destroy this country, every greedy politician be brought to their knees at such patriotism and love of country. What a worthy article to receive on Independance Day 2024. Praise the Lord….may others like Hyam Solomon be sent to help a sin soaked America win the battle once again for the soul of a free America. May Americans insist on our national leaders doing all that is possible to bless and stand with Israel. Amen

July 4, 2024

Beautiful. Didn’t know this History.

July 4, 2024

WOW! 🤩 Glory to our LORD Jesus, Son of HaShem! Truth is so much richer than fiction! Thanks Lori and ifa , for sharing this rich thread of our history, on USA’s birthday❤️‍🔥There is no doubt many came here for all kinds of reasons, but G-d had a plan to use America for His good plan, His kingdom, like Israel, to be HIS light, of love, grace, wisdom and yes, goodness/righteousness. And authentic, Long suffering patient sacrifice at times, for goodness sake.
Never heard about Haym before, not in all my 65 years. Fitting, to hear of how Poppa G-d used Jew and Gentiles together, to birth America. No wonder He let US be the first ‘friend’ to stand with modern Israel, to recognize her miracluous rebirth. May we be found faithful in this our generation. Maranatha LORD!

Nancy Rife
July 4, 2024

What an awesome article, Lori!! We owe our very lives to this very generous man! And I’ve never heard this story before. But he is well known in heaven!

Susan CC
July 4, 2024

Accordingly, the Hebrew word for life, chaim, is phrased in the plural and literally translates as “lives,” indicating multiple phases and expressions of a single, never-ending life….Therefore, instead of saying: “May their soul rest in peace,” in Jewish tradition, we say, “May their neshamah (soul) continue to have an aliyah (ascent).” For the soul does not rest; rather, it rises, continuously, even after death. https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/5786527/jewish/Life-Chaim.htm

Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.

Psalm 145:15 Blessed are the people of whom this is so; blessed are the people whose God is the LORD.
(no breach in the walls, no going into captivity, and no cry of lament in our streets)

Psalm 146:5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God,

John 8: 36 “If The Son therefore will set you free, you will truly be the children of liberty.”
Aramaic Bible in Plain English

This story is so compelling as is history, which is full of uncounted and unnamed heroes. I am reminded of Hebrews 11. I am reminded of God’s omniscience. I am reminded how blessed we are for so many known reasons but especially for the infinite number yet to be known.

Lord and God Almighty, You see from beginning to end, nothing is hidden from You. On this day and all days, I pray for America and thank You for Haym Salomon all other American heroes. May we be empowered in Your mercy to be free from corruption and lawlessness. Build our faith Lord and keep us. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray we will truly be the children of liberty. Amen

America! America!
God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life.

    Mrs D
    July 5, 2024

    Thank you so much for your faithful expansion on wonderful articles such as this one. Your contribution adds depth and revelation. Again, thank you.

Jeris Joyner
July 4, 2024

I’ve always been fascinated with Haym Salomon’s roll in American history, as a Jewish/American patriot. This is a well written account of how much influence the Jews have had in the overall development of our country.

That said… We need to pray for America to stand up as an important ally to Israel. To pray against any thread of anti-Semitism, and to lift up Israel as partner in the sacred vision for America.

If evil is not defeated regarding Israel, the entire world, including America, is going to suffer…

Israel is at the tip of the spear for the world—the entire free world—the moral world.

Today we find ourselves in the midst of a war of sanity… of morality, clarity, and of dignity. A war of ethics, and of light against darkness.

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”—Isaiah 5.20

We need to remember there is good and there is evil, and we cannot be found on the side of evil. We cannot let a spirit of confusion reign between the two.

In the face of the evil of anti-Semitism, we must always pray, speak up, light a torch, and stand for the sake of moral clarity.

“He heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life.”—Ezekiel 33.5

July 4, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father: I thank you for strong and courageous people like Mr. Solomon. I know, while the nation may not have compensated him for his deeds, that some day he will hear you say “Well done, my good and faithful servant” which is more important than anything man could do for him. I pray for his descendants that they are blessed and are saved. That they know you as their personal Savior and will one day be reunited with their loved one in Heaven. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


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