News and information in this day appear to have one focus: COVID-19. Yes, we are consumed by this virus, its effects, and the response. We are wondering when we will ever shop for a new shirt, have lunch with a friend, worship with our friends, and take our kids to sports practices again. Grocery trips are about finding toilet paper, canned goods, and baking supplies. We are watching the near-daily briefings at the White House, keeping updated about our quarantine status, and praying about all of this. But I can’t help but wonder, have we taken our eye off the ball? Let me tell you what I mean.
While we are busy being consumed by the COVID-19 crisis–much of it in justified prayer, we are potentially missing a whole other focus for our prayers. You see, we are watchmen on the wall. Intercessors. A watchman does not just look in one direction. A view in every direction from a vantage point far above the weeds and trees gives them the proper perspective to address incoming activity, and to respond. I fear that while many of us were knocked off our feet with the coronavirus reality, settling our quarantined families, retooling our ministry for online interaction, and even developing prayer strategies for addressing this virus, we may have missed some of the landscape in our watching. No more.
As people of prayer, we have prayed about what coronavirus is doing to our nation, but we still need to be praying regularly for our elected officials, about abortion clinics that are still operating while churches are closed, about shrinking religious freedoms in some states, and increasing government overreach in others. The enemy is at work, continuing his work to rob, kill, and destroy. We must remain vigilant. And intercede.
We at IFA have had a hard time even finding other news besides the coronavirus for a few weeks. Nobody wanted to write about, think about, or read about anything else. But as the dust settles, and we seek God for our assignment as intercessors, you need to know that discerning, strategic prayer is more important than ever. The stakes are high. Many changes and shifts are happening in our nation. All of it–yes, all of it, needs to be bathed in prayer. Intercessors, this is no time for us to take our eye off the ball. We have a great role to play as our nation–even our leaders–find our footing as a nation. There are things going on behind the scenes that take advantage of the chaos, confusion, and vulnerability of our nation. Will you join us to pray about those things? Will you seek God for insight on how to pray? Will you ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the hidden things so that intercessors might tactically pray?
If you are feeling called also to keep our focus in praying for these other things in addition to the all-consuming coronavirus, share in the comments below that you are keeping your eye on the ball. It will be a great confirmation and encouragement to others!
We invite you to join us tomorrow, Friday, April 3, 2020, to pray about the political and philosophical ideas that emerging in the 2020 presidential campaigns (and in responses to coronavirus). Our April First Friday Prayer Conference Call will be at 12:15pm ET. We strongly encourage you to participate through the webcast on our home page. Use this link: https://www.ifapray.org/#prayercall. And please tell your friends about it! You can also use the traditional call line: 712)775-7430 (no code needed).
(Kris Kubal is the IFA Director of Strategic Resources and Engagement.)
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Praying those who are ill are prepared to meet their maker, keeping God in first place in our lives, and remembering this life is a vapor compared to our time spent in eternity. The death rate from the virus is not as grievous as abortion clinics still being open and adding two trillion more dollars to the national debt. Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children, We are leaving them slavery to a debt. Exodus 20:15 You shall not steal. We are taking money from people who have not even been born. Is this the biggest theft in the history of the world? Forgive us Heavenly Father for we do not know what we are doing. We desparetly need your wisdom, grace and mercy in our country.
Thank you for this article. I do agree we have taken our eyes, as watchmen, off what is closer to the heart of God.
Sadly, I think we can pontificate all we want, but we have to admit that our country is under judgement. We have stained our land with innocent blood of many victims, most notably that of unborn children. We neutralized our abhorrence of this problem, saying that a little abortion didn’t matter. We have made our churches sanctuaries of idolatry putting musicians up front for entertainment and lifting our hands in supposed “worship” when they’re dirty with lifestyles of idolatry and contamination. We have closed sermons early so we could get home to watch sports on TV. We have fixated on cultural issues and failed to realize that the seven “deadly” sins include only a few of those issues, but most are much closer to our hearts, even as believers.
We need to repent. We need to repent. We need to repent.
We can’t blame satan for all this problem. Yes, it seems he’s alive and well and stirring up mischief. But God didn’t remove His protection to spite us: We violated God’s laws for human behavior, and what makes Him angry didn’t change with Christ’s work on the cross. We have lived cheap grace, thinking coverage of our sin allowed us to live however we chose. We have taken liberty and made it license.
We are now suffering from this virus, notable volcanoes, earthquakes and storms. On a legal front, we need to wake up and realize that when God withdraws His protection, we will fall under the slavery of evil rulers: We are there now. The Old Testament happens again! Our government has already removed many of our personal freedoms, made us technology dependent and socially isolated us. We are easy to wipe out, just let an EMP hit the grid. We truly must pray.
And we need to keep watching: Other things are happening in the world besides this virus. Our news or all persuasions reads like the old tabloids used to, with lots of dramatic, emotional hyperbole and very little true substance. Instead, we need truth and light on dark places, however painful that is.
We need to pray that God will open our eyes to see what we really need to see, unstop our ears to hear what we really need to hear, and protect our brains from the disorder and chaos around us.
Much of what I have vented is truly old news to many in the prayer community: But the destiny of America and, as they perceive it, much of the world, hangs on our repentance and humble prayer.
This will not be a popular post, but sadly, I am concerned that those who declare God’s blessing when we are under judgement are conveying false prophesy and misuse His Name.
We need to repent.
I agree with you, Dee. 2Chron.7:14– (parahrased/shortened: My people! 1. humble, 2. seek, 3.Turn from THEIR Wicked ways (REPENT!) & 4. pray (implore, seek, petition) THEN I will hear from heaven and Heal their land.
I am praying and keeping my eye on the ball.
Father, we have allowed the world to “jerk our chain.” Forgive usA and the world for taking our eyes off You. Your son Jesus’ crucified blood shed in remembrance yesterday has DEEP value, LASTING value, and He is with You. Set our hearts on fire and burn the chaff we have accumulated in our hearts–clutter, busyness, business, depravity, lawlessness, terror, trauma and put our eyes on love–for You, our self, others especially our family entrusted to us by Your gracious hand. Life is precious and we have sent it to abortion clinics, senior care centers, schools, day cares, addiction recovery places and even homelessness–places that need You the most because love thy neighbor has died.
We seem to think every people “problem” has an earthly solution instead of a Love solution aka Your solution. Help us come back to You Father God.
I have 12 grandchildren, and at least 5 of them – ages 17 through 26 – are greatly influenced by the wisdom of this world. Two of them were misguided at Christian colleges! In addition, I have a 30 yr old daughter whome we adopted as an infant. She is black and so is her husband, and they have totally bought the politically correct garbage on race and other cultural influences. She and one of the other granddaughters consider themselves followers of Christ and feel He would never want any of us to follow a President like Trump. This all grieves me deeply! While I am definitely praying about the pandemic and all the effects on our culture, I am also keeping my eye on the ball of interceding for my precious grandchildren to not be deceived by the enemy.
I so agree, Lord, during this time of Divine Pause, help all of us remember that You are Sovereign over all things that concern us. Thank you for those who stand in the gap on our behalf for our nation and government. We trust You. Let us not be fearful of the plague and the workings of men behind the scenes. You know. The enemy has many schemes to destroy Your people and the nations who acknowledge You. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Fulfill Your promise in Psalm 33, that “You, oh Lord, foil the plans of the nations and You thwart the purposes of people.” We ask for You to do that for our nation, for those who are called by Your name, for the sake of Your name. May this Divine Pause be a time for more intercessors to rise up and be sent out into the fields that are ripe for harvest. We on our own, can not heal or change our nation. Only You can through the prayers of Your people. Come, Lord Jesus, come!
“SHALOM” fellow & sister Intercessors!! 💕⚓️⚓️⚓️💕 Regarding “dropping the ball” question …. ABBA is still very much having ME pray into 2 Chronicles 7:13 & 14 and 1 Peter 4:17-19 and Daniel 11:32!! I continue to hear that He IS doing a work in HIS BODY right now.. that we may indeed BE HIs LIGHT.. leading the way…. continuing to INVITE HIS SEARCHING LIGHT IN US … to BE turning from OUR wicked ways …. praying for and not judging any brothers or is tees in Christ who ARE prompted by Him – according to James- when we “confess our faults/ sins to EACH OTHER – AND PRAY- THAT WE CAN BE HEALED”!!Soooo many AMAZING ENCOURAGING testimonies are coming in… Dutch Sheets & Chuck Pierce have been continually sharing “dreams and visions” that many Intercessors have had…. ALL GOOD … BUT!!.. NONE OF THEM with an attitude of relaxing or laying down our armor …. but PERSEVERING – WITH ENDURANCE ( INVOLVING LONGSUFFERING) … and REALLY CONTINUING to pray for leaders ( AND congregation) in His church AND in Washington). We NEED TO – while receiving & being encouraged, with “Words of what our Lord is DOING even in the MIDST of the darkness and sadness around us… HIS PROMISE – at the END of 2 Chronicles 7:13 & 14 is : THEN HE WILL HEAL OUR LAND!!! AND as spoken elsewhere in His Word… WHEN OUR WAYS PLEASE HIM – HE WILL MAKE EVEN OUR ENEMIES TO BE AT PEACE WITH US!!! ( ONE of “HIS WAYS… is to PRAY BLESSINGS & FORGIVENESS ON OUR ENEMIES.. to REMEMBER- “HIS KINDNESS LEADS TO REPENTANCE” and “HE DIDN’T COME TO JUDGE THE WORLD – BUT TO SAVE IT”. ABBA- we THANKYOU for Your LONGSUFFERING LOVE for US!! HELP US – TRULY REMEMBER- “ WE DO NOT FIGHT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD …” AND THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE ARE NOT CARNAL BUT MIGHTY THROUGH GOD FOR THE TEARING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS!!! Our Commander and Chief really is working with US .. even according to Psalm 133 being fulfilled!!! YAHWEH CONTINUE TO STRENGTHEN AND UNDERGIRD EACH OF YOU – BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST.., IN YOUR INNER ( AND OUTER!!!) MAN, WITH THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT THROUGH CHRIST JESUS!! ⚓️⚓️🙏⚓️⚓️😌
It seems to me the most urgent thing is to pray for the unsaved who are infected that they will call on Jesus & that many who have drifted will let this be a time of repentance & drawing close to God. All the things you mentioned certainly need prayer also.
I am concerned about the secularization of public education — particularly indoctrinating students about perverse sexuality, Judeo-Christian religions, etc.; the loss of support for healthy traditional marriage; corruption in our government and the art; and religious persecution around the globe.
I agree 100% but I think it’s bigger than that. Lance Wallnau speaks of the 7 mountains of influence: education, business, arts/entertainment/hollywood, media/tv/newspaper/online news, family, church…. his concern is that the biggest influencers at the “top” of those mountains are secular, god-less, even Marxist in their perspective. They are influencing. So I have been praying that God will shake the tops of those mountains, that He will remove the secular influencers and replace them with godly men and women in places of influence. For education, we need that at the university level, public school, catholic and religious schools, private schools, etc. From my typing to God’s ears… Jesus by the power of your Holy Spirit, shake our foundations in these areas, heal our land, remove the evil influencers… in Jesus name, Amen.
Yes, definitely – they are not either/or perspective. We need to pray that in this time of shaking and change that the bad/evil/secular is shaken, weakened and broken off, and we pray Godly values to take their place! Thanks Meg!
Thank you for sharing this information about the 7 mountains of influence, I am so encouraged to pray for this idea.
OOPS!! I meant to write NON-Judeo-Christian religions! Sorry about that! My bad.
Yes! But one good thing is that while kids are online learning, parents are fully able to investigate what they are learning as they are at home! We can continue to pray about the content, and the indoctrination, but let us not miss this opportunity to see first hand what our students are being taught! Thanks for the thought!
This confirms what I have been shown! Thank you! As with all battles we must be very aware of all of our surroundings and the issues that are hidden or even in plain sight that are going on!
Please open our eyes to see ALL that YOU would have us come to YOU about spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.
In Jesus’s/ Yeshua’s name,
In agreement! AMEN
We are continuing to pray for officials and Harvest.
I was just praying, asking the Holy Spirit to show me what to pray about and how to pray and then I opened up the above. “We do not know what we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” Romans 8:26,27.
AMEN Sharon!
Would we Bless God only in good times stated Job. Stand firm. We serve a great God!
Yes I’m in agreement. Oh thank you for this word! In the fog of Covid19 the enemy is using this to try to make advances in other areas. Ezekiel 33 has been on my heart as I’ve felt an increasing urgency the last few days to pray for other concerns as well as for the pandemic. Government overreach in states (mine included). Churches being threatened with fines and closures. Planned parenthood trying to advance its agenda. Increasingly viscous attacks on the President and a renewed investigation committee being started. China making moves. Just to name a few. Agree with you in Ezekiel 33 I made you a watchman on the wall…the watchman stands watch…and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people. Thank you again.
Amen Susan-thanks for standing with us to watch and pray!!
Thank you Lord for IFA. Yes, I am keeping my eye on the ball. Devoting more of my time to prayer and worship.
I focus as the Holy Spirit leads to abuse children, abortion,mental illness, deliverance and world events. I especially pray for our nation, our leaders
And for unsaved souls.
I’ve reading all the comments. Its like a war room, with warriors That fight the way GOD commands us to fight.
In prayer!
GOD bless all of you.
“GOD flourishes the tabernacles of the righteous” Prov 14:11
Blessed be the LORD my strength which teaches my hands to ear and my fingers to fight” psalms 144:1
IT is energizing being with intercessors and hearing the wisdom, the words, and the perspective, isn’t it?!
Thank YOU Julie– we are so thankful to have you a part of IFA!
Truly feel you are right about our focus.
When an Intercessor commented on North Korea ramping up their weapons testing and other countries ignoring their peopl as a standard practice. It reminds me that people in New York may be suffering but people in Saudi are also.
The enemy had made inroads in our Democratic system by creating chaos in our financial systems.
I have seen similar events twice in the 1980’s, in 2000, in 2008 and now in 2019-20.
When i read the comment that God was grieved over the weight of sin pulling down creation, I had to agree that it was time to say again, “Let My People Go.”
Yes Karen–so many things to be watching – and we as watchmen and intercessors need to help watch and intercede! Good word–thanks for sharing it!
Thank you Lord, Jesus, for IFA, and all the intercessors throughout the world. Increase our numbers Lord! the work that we have been called to is huge! Thank you Lord, that You are able to and are working miracles in our behalf. Thank you , Lord, that You are giving Trump and all the DC team, the governers and other state reps, and all our first responders, discernment, protection and provision. Thank you Lord Jesus, for internet and all the ways You have given us to be about Your business of encouragement and intercession for all Your kids! Amen and Alleluia!
Thank YOU for being part of IFA! IFA is truly a collaborative ministry!
I’m keeping my eye on the ball. My church is challenging us to pray for the 317, as that’s our area code. So, I try to pray about that time each day through the stories here.
Amen. Yesterday General Mark Milley said we’re at war with COVID-19, terrorists, drug cartels. Indeed, the natural battle on every front echoes the spiritual battle on every side.
Lord thank You for revelation so we’re not ignorant of the wiles of the devil. Thank You, that what the devil meant for harm, You’ve already planned, prepared and purposed for good.
Help us to stand, humble and united, under Your banner of love that never, ever, fails.
We love You.
Amen Doug! We need to be praying for more than just the COVID-19 Task Force–our military is still engaged in watching, tracking, acting, protecting!
Yes yes yes! We must continue to be Watchmen. Walking in wisdom and revelation. Walking circumspectly not foolishly but wisely interceding as Holy Spirit guides and reveals.
One item that needs very strong and consistent prayer is to ask God to completely dismantle the Chinese Communist Party.
They are a threat to not just the United States but to the whole world. The evil they have committed within their own nation with organ harvesting, persecution of Christians, and control of every aspect of Chinese people’s lives is horrifying.
However, they have been insidiously gaining control in other countries by offering various forms of financial help which then becomes a trap for the governments and institutions which accept it. Even now they have offered to make donations to “help” a university in the U. K. Nothing is given out of generosity or compassion but as a means of gaining control.
The United Stares had ordered and purchased medical supplies from China: masks and other equipment to fight the virus The ship was on its way but was then ordered by its government to return. So what had been paid for is not delivered.
The Communist threat from Russia during the Cold War was dealt with when the Berlin Wall dividing East and West Germany was torn down, and the Soviet Union was broken apart.
God can turn situations around quickly and dramatically. But this is something Intercessors need to be watching and praying over.
Some sources for information about this are The Epoch Times newspaper, Gordon Chang’s book, and Economic War Room on Internet.
Amen Rochelle—those of two of our go-to sources for info on China. Additionally you can check Center for Security Policy who is part of the Present Danger: China group. Thanks for praying!
Yes for sure Rochelle–it is evil! We need to pray that through this situation the CCP would be weakened and not strengthened! Recently the UN included China on a human rights committee. May the world have open eyes to the evil that China is committing. We need to pray their power diminishes. AMEN
trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your strait Proverbs 3:5-6
Thanks Herman–amen!!
As we watch our 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendments being violated, our right to the pursuit of happiness threatened by the denial of the choice to work or where we travel, our freedom limited by how and what we buy or sell, and unprecedented power grabs by governors and mayors, may we be spurred on in prayer and believe God for not only the salvation of people everywhere and especially those who are succumbing to the virus, but also that God would continue to expose those who stand against Him and His purposes for this nation and that He would preserve the freedoms that our founding fathers fought so valiantly for as they leaned on Him for strength and wisdom. May President Trump be a type of Joseph or Daniel and not become a type of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:17). May he trust and lean on God and not on his own strengths. May God grant His wisdom to those around the President who are counseling him and grant increased discernment to President Trump to hear God’s directions and not man’s.
Amendment I: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; … or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, …” (Per the CDC publication, Interim guidance for Coronavirus Diesese, revised on March 14, 2020, “Cancel gatherings of more than 10 people for organizations that serve higher-risk populations. Per USA Today on March 30, 2020, “More than 35 states have stay-at-home orders in place, although they go by different names… they have exceptions for essential tasks … and jobs deemed critical.”)
Amendment II: ” … the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed … ” (according to the Washington Examiner, Mayor Deborah Frank Feinin signed an executive order in March banning sale of guns, ammunition, alcohol, and gasoline. The order gives her the ability to cut off individuals’ gas, water, and electricity and to take possession of private property. A denial of the rights guaranteed in Amendment V without due process of law.
Amendment IV: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated …” (Dr. Scott Gottlieb’s report on National coronavirus response: A road map to reopening suggested strengthening “our public-health surveillance system to account for the unprecedented spread of COVID-19, we need to harness the power of technology and drive additional resources to our state and local public-health departments …” Some accounts say this is a government use of GPS tracking of individuals, a gathering of personal information without a warrant.
I felt this in my spirit a few days ago that this is a huge distraction. That the enemy is at work in other areas while we keep our eyes on this virus. We need to look beyond what’s happening and pray as before, but with more urgency. Saints, dont let your guard down!
As mentioned in previous IFA releases, this is a time of shaking that can reveal true and solid foundations. That makes it the job of the believers to be wall builders on the righteous foundation.
As Nehemiah laid Sanballet’s (his name means enemy in secret)letter at Your feet Lord. We lay at your feet the coronavirus concerns and dire predictions and declare, “I will not be distracted as we are involved in an important work here to build a wall in this nation.” We leave it to you Lord to deal with this pestilence/plague. As Aaron did with his censor in the midst of the plague released against Israel, we have lifted our prayers before you and called a halt to its spread.
We ask for Your voice to continue to go forth through Your Word, prophecy and words of knowledge and wisdom and a boldness to be manifest in Your children. May we each hear our marching orders in these days.
I also call forth at this time the spiritual father’s in the faith functioning as Paul did in the life of Timothy. Release them and let them hear the call and conviction to disciple the immature in the way of faith. We ask You to loose a new level of spiritual fatherhood to our nation where so many are orphans. Reap a harvest in these days for Your glory.
This is a really exciting time to be alive! All Christians and Christians were born to be jere at such a time as this! God is resetting the world and the church! Yes, we keep praying about ALL the other things, but we also REALLY need to plant the seeds of the Word into our heart which is a garden from which great harvest will come if tended every day! God has given most of us time now to do that! Let us dig into the depths and the riches and revelations of God Himself that He wants to give for future events and generations .
God IS the ball!!
Thanks for your great attitude!! Blessings!
Thank you for this chance to share about other concerns that may come to the top of the news in the days and weeks ahead. We pray that the Holy Spirit would lead our prayers. We’re concerned about the layers of bureaucracy that will be put into place in order to actually implement the financial aid package—that the government payroll will go back to where it was before the President started cutting back. It’s likely that there could be many misappropriations with a bill as vast and far-reaching as this one is. It’s not likely that anyone but the Lord can know what would be happening with the details. And that doesn’t even begin to consider the amount of debt being created.
The other concern is for the children who are out of school, what they are being taught, etc. We’re praying that responsible parents would actually take time to see what their children are learning on a subject-by-subject level, up close and personal, and that they would make changes where necessary, even to choosing to homeschool if necessary.
Lord, Jesus, help us all keep our eyes focused on this Holy season of Lent, w/ Passover starting, and Easter just a week away. Thank you Lord, for all the intercessors and internet helps to teach our children, and help them understand this holy season. Thank you Lord, for working miracles and giving us insight and peace regarding all the circumstances we find ourselves in.
For a long while now, my focus has been on what the enemy may be doing that is overshadowed by the corona crisis, especially where it affects our government and Israel. I believe that this Passover is critical. We live and move and have our being IN YESHUA, our Passover Lamb. Not to be legalistic, but there is no such thing as Easter in scripture or black Friday. Next week, all the Jewish people worldwide will be confined to their homes – sound familiar? This corona crisis timing is perfectly aligned with Passover. Let us focus on deliverance for the Jewish people, Israel, our nation and our President. Let us all, as families, apply the Blood a new and afresh to our hearts and homes. We owe Israel a debt – for our Messiah,the scriptures and the Root that we are grafted in to.The gospel is TO THE JEW FIRST! Let us pray for the Apple of God’s eye to say, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Let us cry out to remain a sheep nation that blesses Israel. Let our faith be again properly aligned and rooted in ALL OF scripture which includes the feats, festivals and Holy Days of the Lord.
No weapon formed against us shall prosper ,so the Coronavirus cannot prosper against us in Jesus Name amen
While this virus has interrupted our daily way of life, America is best equipped to handle it. What about countries in the Horn of Africa or other poverty stricken nations such as Bangladesh? If infected millions will die and go to hell. We must stop focusing so much on ourselves and our comfortable way of life and pray for and give to reaching those who will spend eternity apart from Christ!
Yes, Lord… Keep us focused upon you… Let our ear be tuned to your voice…Let our hearts be burdened with the burdens of your heart.
May our prayer efforts be directed by the Holy Spirit instead of by our own worries and fears. May we live as victorious overcomers in times that want to overcome us!
We give you praise, our Overcomer King!!
God has not given us a spirit of fear but one of power , love , sound judgment
1 Timothy 3:7
God is not a God of confusion but of peace
1 Corinthins 14:33
I have been feeling this also. We have prayed many prayers about the corona virus and I have been feeling that it was time to seek the Lord for further direction in prayer. I have been disturbed over the arrest of pastors in Louisiana and Florida. And some of the political shenanigans that have been intensified. I will be leading an online intercessory group tonight and I will suggest guidelines to pray about that will be about the dangers to our freedom in this hour.
Amen – religious freedom is one definite area of prayer concern at this time!
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree…That we must be diligent and prayerful beyond what we see and are experiencing. I am keeping my eye on the ball and seeking the Lord to show me the unseen activity.
Yes amen I will keep my eyes on the ball.
I believe this is so true and very imperative that we stay vigilant in all of our surroundings spiritually. We have to asses the enemy before we go into battle effectively
AMEN and thank you Elizabeth and Kellie R.!
I AM KEEPING MY EYE ON THE BALL! Thank you Lord that you have prepared us for such a time as this. We stand firm in our FAITH that you will be glorified in all the world & the lost will find you. Let our light shine bright!
Dear Heavenly Father, open our eyes and ears to you. Give us insight and reveal to us every area of needed prayer for our church, nation and our world. Thank you for wisdom, discernment and direction through the Holy Spirit that we may lift all the concerns of your church and this world up to you through Jesus Christ, in his name and through his blood. Amen. Amen
Thank you, Father God, for the reminder to pray for other issues that need you Your intervention and blessing. Let us be aware of these as we continue to pray for those affected by this virus. We know that You are in control, keeping all of us safe. Show us how we can continue to share Your light & love throughout the days ahead.
We praise & honor Your Holy name, praying in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus.
Thank you for the reminder of remaining diligent and alert as we serve on the wall. For the past few days I’ve felt that the President was succombing to the advice of others lest he not look like he cared more about the economy than people with the disease. Also giving a voice to the NY Governor (I’m from NY and don’t trust him. Remember he’s the one who had the Empire State Bldg lit up when he passed the abortion law).
So, yes, remain diligent. Don’t “fall asleep” on the watch. Trust the Holy Spirit’s nudge and do not relent in praying for our leaders and our country.
AMEN–let’s ask God for supernatural discernment to pray for the situation underlying the situation we see…
I have felt very strongly thru this corona virus that we, the body of Christ, need to spend more time in the Word and listening to His voice that we do to the news feeds. We need to be intentional about who and what we listen to, because that will control us. This morning I read in Isaiah 43:18-19, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” God is moving in new and powerful ways so that His name and glory may once again be honored and revered in our land. I believe the revival we’ve been praying for is beginning. Death must give way to life. Our God reigns. Let’s declare it. No fear!
Yes Mary!! We need to be immersing ourselves in the word, for sure! And don’t forget to put on the armor of God! Thanks for your comment and prayer!!
I am keeping my eye on the ball. So much going on in the background that will affect our future if we are not vigilant in prayer. Praying each day for discernment to have God’s eyes to see what His priority is right now.
I have seen some very disturbing things concerning child trafficking, abductions, sacrifice and abuse. Things that went on inside of Jeffery Epstein’s castle on his island (in photographs) with Hollywood elites and past presidents. It brought to light the rich and powerful in this world. Names we all know. Names that go back for decades. As I read Psalm 10, I thought of the depth of satanic evil that has been hidden in the darkness. As we know “some of the swamp” it is far deeper than our minds can even conceive. The swamp is more than what we know about the dirty politicians and money laundering. It is a miracle in itself God hasn’t totally destroyed the earth again.
Psalm 10 New Living Translation (NLT)
Psalm 10
1 O Lord, why do you stand so far away?
Why do you hide when I am in trouble?
2 The wicked arrogantly hunt down the poor.
Let them be caught in the evil they plan for others.
3 For they brag about their evil desires;
they praise the greedy and curse the Lord.
4 The wicked are too proud to seek God.
They seem to think that God is dead.
5 Yet they succeed in everything they do.
They do not see your punishment awaiting them.
They sneer at all their enemies.
6 They think, “Nothing bad will ever happen to us!
We will be free of trouble forever!”
7 Their mouths are full of cursing, lies, and threats.[a]
Trouble and evil are on the tips of their tongues.
8 They lurk in ambush in the villages,
waiting to murder innocent people.
They are always searching for helpless victims.
9 Like lions crouched in hiding,
they wait to pounce on the helpless.
Like hunters they capture the helpless
and drag them away in nets.
10 Their helpless victims are crushed;
they fall beneath the strength of the wicked.
11 The wicked think, “God isn’t watching us!
He has closed his eyes and won’t even see what we do!”
12 Arise, O Lord!
Punish the wicked, O God!
Do not ignore the helpless!
13 Why do the wicked get away with despising God?
They think, “God will never call us to account.”
14 But you see the trouble and grief they cause.
You take note of it and punish them.
The helpless put their trust in you.
You defend the orphans.
15 Break the arms of these wicked, evil people!
Go after them until the last one is destroyed.
16 The Lord is king forever and ever!
The godless nations will vanish from the land.
17 Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless.
Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them.
18 You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed,
so mere people can no longer terrify them.
I second that prayer, and Trump was in with those Epstein guys too!!! Amen!
May we watch and pray in this hour. May we not be lulled to sleep. May we be vigilant and strong,In Jesus Name.#Watch #Pray
Keeping my eye on the ball! Thanks for these reminders. I find myself personally concerned about government overreach (I’m in Ohio) and 5G rollout concerns. I would love if you could report on these and name those we could be praying for.
I do believe this is a word from the Lord. This following Scripture is one I prayed at the beginning of the crisis, but since put aside. I now feel it is meant to be central to our approach to prayer. [Jer 33:3 ESV] 3 Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
Amen Deborah, let us pray that! These days we need direction from God, supernatural wisdom and discernment to pray strategically. Jer 33:3 is our prayer as well!! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for this message. I was up late last night praying Jeremiah 33:3 – Amplified Version – “Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things,fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand). I was praying for all those who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit to have eyes to see and for understanding and strategy that only comes from God. I was reminded of all the witch gatherings and cursings that have come against this administration and God’s people and this nation these last several years.
In Jesus’s Name, all manner of cursings,lies, spells, workings of witchcraft, and death spirits set up in the realms to destroy this nation are stripped of their power and bound. We speak silence to liars and deceivers. We lift up President Trump and all, asking for your Holy Spirit to fill and direct. Amen. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Our family of 10 have been keeping our eye on God. We almost feel guilty for how little the whole crisis disturbs our peace. But that is exactly what God wants to do for everyone. Praise His holy and righteous name! We are very careful to feed our spirits from the Word, truth, and how God may be wanting us to join Him during these times.
He has sealed us with His precious blood and we need not be afraid. We need discerning spirits to filter all we see and hear through God’s truth of reality
I am keeping my eye on the ball!
Thanks Mary!!
Very timely message .. as I look at the worldometer each day for numbers of cases of corona virus, I’ve been struck by the number of other categories of loss of life. I’ve been praying into the lives of those “ other” situations and families as well!! Especially, the humanitarian issue of abortions worldwide.. That number brings me to my knees.. Thank you for the reminder ..
Amen Kim – thanks for your faithful prayers for our nation and for God’s purposes!
Great word. So right on. Thank you for the reminder.
Have been praying Psalm 54 for our nstion… there is/has been/will be a continuing battle for the soul of this nation…may The Lord God yet and always answer the pray that David prayed for his time and crisis
..which is now our time and moral/physical crisis…in Jesus Name…amen
Thank you for the reminder to adjust our focus to other needs than the virus. I pray that believers do just what your article suggests. HE is with us!