Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you are probably aware that a great majority of the younger generation believes that socialism is a good idea. They vote for it and march for it and convince your kids of it through entertainment and social media. Unfortunately, they learned this in the very progressive public school system. . . .
Chris Talgo, in his report, “Witness to Public Schools Brainwashing,” says:
“According to the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation’s (VOC) fourth Annual Report on US Attitudes Toward Socialism, Communism, and Collectivism, today’s youth is quite fond of political-economic systems that have resulted in more than 100 million deaths over the past century. At the same time, these misguided youths are increasingly hostile toward the political-economic system that has lifted countless millions more out of abject poverty over the same period.” . . .
You may be thinking: How is this possible?
I think I have an answer for you. The U.S. education system is brainwashing today’s youth to believe that capitalism is evil while also indoctrinating students with utopian, false, and fairy-tale notions about socialism and communism.” . . .
“The greatest abuse is the sins of omission.” . . . It’s painfully clear that students don’t even know much history. Not world history, not American history. . . .
How else could Communist clubs exist in American high schools?
It’s no secret that the college campus is a bastion of liberal, socialist thought. Communism is openly embraced and applauded. These are the very institutions training teachers for K-12 government schools. It’s a vicious cycle. Couple that with the heavy emphasis on testing, and the picture is complete. . . .
The ideas behind socialism and communism, at their very core, are fairness and equality. At the heart of these is greed and selfishness, or being jealous of what another owns or has accomplished. This leads to wanting the state to “do something” about the unfairness, like taking from the rich, raising the minimum wage, controlling the economy, giving handouts, and making things “free.” . . .
Maybe you’re shocked at these statistics, but you don’t know what to do? Where do you start? Maybe you don’t remember your history or government or economics lessons that talked about these things. Maybe you want to brush up and prepare to instruct your children. You’re not alone! . . .
To understand communism, you must understand capitalism, because every communist sees capitalism as the enemy. In order for communism to work, capitalism must be destroyed. . . .
An easy way to teach these concepts, even to your youngest children, is with chores in the home. Listen to this excellent podcast by Courageous Parenting on Chores, Teamwork, and Why we don’t give allowances. . . .
The history of communism begins with Karl Marx. He published the Communist Manifesto in 1848; ‘the political pamphlet – arguably the most influential in history–proclaimed that “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles” and that the inevitable victory of the proletariat, or working class, would put an end to class society forever.’ . . .
Another very important fact about communism is that it must exist apart from God. . . .
Though Marx and Engles theorized about the utopia of Communism, it didn’t get put into practice until 1918, when Vladimir Lenin spearheaded the Bolshevik Revolution. This was simultaneous with the creation of the U.S.S.R. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic), which was ultimately responsible for over 61 million deaths. . . .
Communism always-always-always ends in the suffering and death of the people under its rule. Citizens are not allowed to be free; free to think, create, worship, or disagree. If they do so, they are subjected to cruel punishments, both psychological and physical. . . .
Read one story of persecution in Tortured For Christ: Richard Wurmbrand suffered 14 years in underground prison cells, months in solitary confinement, and years of physical torture. His only crimes were his fervent belief in Jesus Christ and his public witness for that faith. Richard Wurmbrand exposed the persecution of Christians by atheistic Communist governments—his testimony shocked the Western world. . . .
What is the connection between socialism and communism? One leads to the other, as clearly stated by its supporters: “The goal of socialism is communism.” (Vladamir Lenin)
“Socialism destroyed my life in Venezuela.” Watch this 6-minute video Venezuelan Who Escaped Socialism Warns Us: Never let America become a socialist country. . . .
Everything about communism is against the individual, and every communist and socialist leader insists that their perfect vision of communism must exist without God. . . .
Communism (and socialism) exist because of greed, envy, and a grab for power. These are completely opposite what the Bible teaches about coveting and stealing. . . .
Charity is not socialism. Giving to the poor, feeding the hungry, caring for orphans — these are not to be government programs; they are to be gifts from one individual to another (or to an organization). . . .
Parents, it’s up to YOU to make sure your kids understand socialism, communism, and capitalism. Your kids are capable of understanding much more than you think. The basic ideas can be taught in upper elementary or middle school. The entire truth of it all is a must for high school. Do not let your kids vote or go to college until they have been thoroughly educated in the truth about all these movements.
(Excerpt from Nicki Truesdell.)
How are you, as parents and grandparents, educating your the younger generations about the dangers of communism?
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This warning is about two generations too late.
How can ‘parents’ teach their children the economic and political diffences between these polar opposites, when most if today’s adult population cherish a false, and even romantic view of Socialism/Communism?
This indoctrination started in the 60s. Now the grandparents, and their children are so reeducated that today, not a one, could articulate the horrific consequences of Communist totalitarian regimes, even if someone put a live gun to their head.
With most if our populus dancing unwittingly to the beat if the Communist mantra, there are too few if us to turn the proverbial Titanic away from the iceberg. The only window of hope is for the few to pray even more fervently, and urgently than ever that the Holy Spirit will supernaturally convict hearts and minds of sin, righteousness and judgment AND for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear to speak up and stand our ground…no matter the consequences.
Well said. May Jesus Christ be glorified in all that we say and do.