I Prayed have prayed
Father, do not let our country fall into any deeper corruption. Let us be a just nation and one that seeks Your face. Give us integrity.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In a series of tweets today, Sen.Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) described the depth of the “Deep State” as so great that its members “get away with political crimes.” In one tweet, Grassley referred to recent remarks by Attorney General Bill Barr asserting that President Donald Trump was indeed the target of an “organized effort” to remove him from office.

Grassley fears U.S .Attorney John Durham’s ongoing investigation into the origins of the Russia hoax may avoid making a final determination or bringing prosecutions, so as not to influence the upcoming election. . . .

An interview aired yesterday on Fox News Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo:

Maria Bartiromo: A source said to me a couple of years ago, speaking of the Russia collusion story, that this was the closest the United States ever came to a coup to take down a president since the assassination of Lincoln. Is that an appropriate statement?

Barr: In this sense I think it is the closest we have come to an organized effort to push a president out of office, but I’m not reaching a judgment as to what the motivations there were. . . .

Grassley questioned whether Obama and Biden deliberately took steps in the final hours of their administration to undermine the incoming administration. “It sure looks like they did,” he concluded.

Grassley then noted how the incoming Trump administration was unaware of the fact that Obama, Biden, Comey, and Strzok were busy setting the stage for what would become a multi-year struggle against the baseless/unfounded/groundless/unsubstantiated notion that the Trump administration colluded with the Russian government.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Written by Joshua Klein.)

What are your thoughts regarding Grassley’s remarks?

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July 15, 2020

There was no Russia hoax. There is collusion and more with Russia. Comrade Trump and Putin are playing you. Gullible or you simply need to deny the truth and obvious.

Do you really think biden Obama comes planned this. Thats even crazier to believe. If this were true how did Trump become president If they have this much power. Look at VP pences comments about Russia during VP debate.

Now indebted Comrade Trump is paying Putin back and more.

Look at Lindsey Graham. What made him change his mind about Trump?


Look at Epstein had a lot of secrets didnt he? Now dead. Suicide? The obvious with most to lose was Trump.
Russia collusion definately meddling with elections. Many Republican Senators have said so themselves.
It was proven and ongoing. Corruption. William Barr is doing what Trump wants. Might as well be his personal attorney.

Do innocent people try to stop investigations?

There already have been numerous convictions. COHEN,MANIFORT ROGER STONE. I guess they did it all on there own. (NOT)

They did have trials.
Authoritarian commander and chief commuting sentences just like Putin would do. Trump goes to bed at night and says: what would putin do? Not Jesus.

WE are at a crossroads. Only country that has just about lacked nothing with all of its excess.
TVs in every room Air-conditioning, hot and cold running water refrigerators freezers stove,oven and microwaves Cars internet electricity every food snack food option imaginable. Its not that way other places.

This has allowed fascism and road to autocracy.
I pray that there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed,or hidden that will not be known.

Trump quote: “when people wrong you,go after those people,because it is a good feeling and because other people will see you doing it. I always get even.”
Jesus: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,bless those who curse you.”

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Where do you see that in Trump?

What is Trumps fruit? Does he love and not hate, have joy and promote peace instead of division strife? Is he patient or impatient, gentle or harsh? Is there love and tolerance for those that oppose? He is not meek,does not glorify God for his talents or gifts.
He is prideful,lives for himself Proverbs 20:11 says, “Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.”

Trump says
“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault.”

“Why do I have to repent, why do I have to ask for forgiveness if [I’m] not making mistakes?”

“Part of the beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”

He obviously was not chosen by God. Is goodness present?

Democracy is threatened when there is distrust in elections (not substantiated), divide its citizens. Making truth and media enemy of the people. Fascists suppress the opposition. It is difficult to discern for example, the swarm of tweets to understand its destructive power as a whole. Not trusting our own intelligence, inhumane policies against children keeping them in dog kennels. Still praising Putin when they paid bounties to kill our troops. Truly all of the foreign policy decisions like abandoning the Kurds, undermining threatening Ukraine by not providing aide has not benefitted America but has benefitted Russia and Putin. One of the things Trump asked was: How long would it take Russia to invade Ukraine.. He is not watching out for our allies or America,, pulling troops out of Germany.. Dismantling our norms and standing in the world.. We need to take a deep breathe here, wake up and pay attention. I pray we are protected from false prophets and that we can see truth and that it be exposed. Pray for love peace and protection during this Pandemic.


Nan A Isaacson
July 15, 2020

Thank you Senator Grassley for exposing the lies, deceit and the criminal acts that have run this country far too long. We pray earnestly for your efforts to indict them, to expose them and to eliminate them from positions in our government ever again to gain momentum and indeed come to pass.

Thank you for your courage and boldness to fight this tyranny raining down on this nation that once honored God with it’s moral standings and influence.

May God use you mightily to turn this evil into good for this nation. Thank you from our hearts.

Janet Roe
July 14, 2020

Please get this done before election. I pray for all the Republicans and God’s hand over them. God bless our country with Christian people. You are Our King and I trust you will put our President back in office. Amen, God is love.

July 14, 2020

Thank you Mr Grassley for speaking out & defending our President. May the Lord bless you & protect you! Where are all the other Republicans? Why are they not speaking out against all the evil that’s happening? Where’s the outrage for the chaos & lawlessness & support for our police? I haven’t heard one word from my congressmen & just last night sent email asking them those questions. Pray for boldness & protection for all our leaders & The Lord would give them wisdom & discernment.

Joan Bartruff
July 14, 2020

Heavenly Father, In the Name of Your Son, Jesus, thank you for the wonderful Christians who post their prayers and thoughts. It really encourages me in my faith walk with You. Bless each one in their respective
place and walk with You. Thank you for those who serve in public office such as Senator Grassley, and Attorney General Barr. I praise You for granting them boldness and a willingness to sacrifice their time and lives in the public forum. I pray for the truth to be reported about the “Russian Collusion” before the election so all Americans are well informed about that truth before going to the polls to vote. Bless all branches of our government, and deliver America from evil. Amen.

E. C. Mooney
July 14, 2020

All righteous must leave, change affeliation. and give no support to the Democrat party. They must leave the party of abortion, infanticide, same sex marriage, socialism. The Dems have abandoned the police and law and order. Pray for the President.Do not critisize him with your words. Reach into your pocket and support him financially also. We need the house and Senate. Do your part
To save our Nation.

July 14, 2020

Dear Lord, your timing is always perfect and your ways righteous. Please lead J. Durham and his team to the right people and to ask the right questions to get to the whole truth. Reveal any and all information and correspondence that brings truth to light. Uncover the hiding places of the wicked and bring justice for the righteous.. Our nation needs You! Bring to light what needs to be known at just the right time so that President Trump will have 4 mores years in the White House. And give him Your wisdom to lead us according to Your ways and will. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

    July 14, 2020

    I’m praying God will raise up “whistle blowers” who can substantiate evil doers and specifically the evil they have done.

      July 15, 2020

      There was no Russia hoax. There is collusion and more with Russia. Comrade Trump and Putin are playing you. Gullible or you simply need to deny the truth and obvious.

      Do you really think biden Obama comes planned this. Thats even crazier to believe. If this were true how did Trump become president If they have this much power. Look at VP pences comments about Russia during VP debate.

      Now indebted Comrade Trump is paying Putin back and more.

      Look at Lindsey Graham. What made him change his mind about Trump?


      Look at Epstein had a lot of secrets didnt he? Now dead. Suicide? The obvious with most to lose was Trump.
      Russia collusion definately meddling with elections. Many Republican Senators have said so themselves.
      It was proven and ongoing. Corruption. William Barr is doing what Trump wants. Might as well be his personal attorney.

      Do innocent people try to stop investigations?

      There already have been numerous convictions. COHEN,MANIFORT ROGER STONE. I guess they did it all on there own. (NOT)

      They did have trials.
      Authoritarian commander and chief commuting sentences just like Putin would do. Trump goes to bed at night and says: what would putin do? Not Jesus.

      WE are at a crossroads. Only country that has just about lacked nothing with all of its excess.
      TVs in every room Air-conditioning, hot and cold running water refrigerators freezers stove,oven and microwaves Cars internet electricity every food snack food option imaginable. Its not that way other places.

      This has allowed fascism and road to autocracy.
      I pray that there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed,or hidden that will not be known.

      Trump quote: “when people wrong you,go after those people,because it is a good feeling and because other people will see you doing it. I always get even.”
      Jesus: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,bless those who curse you.”

      The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

      Where do you see that in Trump?

      What is Trumps fruit? Does he love and not hate, have joy and promote peace instead of division strife? Is he patient or impatient, gentle or harsh? Is there love and tolerance for those that oppose? He is not meek,does not glorify God for his talents or gifts.
      He is prideful,lives for himself Proverbs 20:11 says, “Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.”

      Trump says
      “Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault.”

      “Why do I have to repent, why do I have to ask for forgiveness if [I’m] not making mistakes?”

      “Part of the beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”

      He obviously was not chosen by God. Is goodness present?

      Democracy is threatened when there is distrust in elections (not substantiated), divide its citizens. Making truth and media enemy of the people. Fascists suppress the opposition. It is difficult to discern for example, the swarm of tweets to understand its destructive power as a whole. Not trusting our own intelligence, inhumane policies against children keeping them in dog kennels. Still praising Putin when they paid bounties to kill our troops. Truly all of the foreign policy decisions like abandoning the Kurds, undermining threatening Ukraine by not providing aide has not benefitted America but has benefitted Russia and Putin. One of the things Trump asked was: How long would it take Russia to invade Ukraine.. He is not watching out for our allies or America,, pulling troops out of Germany.. Dismantling our norms and standing in the world.. We need to take a deep breathe here, wake up and pay attention. I pray we are protected from false prophets and that we can see truth and that it be exposed. Pray for love peace and protection during this Pandemic.


July 13, 2020

I believe Obama, Biden, Comey, Hillary and Strzok have eluded the law somehow and the American people and our President deserve justice.
I ask our mighty all powerful all knowing God to reveal the truth with this attack on our president and our republic. To bind up and confuse evil. The truth be shown to all. In Jesus name.

Mel Teoh
July 13, 2020

Good Father, thank you for opening the eyes of people in the USA about the deep states corruption. Father God, You are a Just Ruler who examines heart therefore You know exactly their intent therefore Your punishment will be appropriate. Please help us the Righteous who works in the government to feel that You are blessings their good works that they can see a glimpse of their fight to stand for what is right and truth according to Your teaching.
Your words said that in Psalms 58
1 Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge people with equity?
2 No, in your heart you devise injustice, and your hands mete out violence on the earth.

3 Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward, spreading lies.
4 Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears,
5 that will not heed the tune of the charmer, however skillful the enchanter may be.

6 Break the teeth in their mouths, O God; Lord, tear out the fangs of those lions!
7 Let them vanish like water that flows away; when they draw the bow, let their arrows fall short.
8 May they be like a slug that melts away as it moves along, like a stillborn child that never sees the sun.

9 Before your pots can feel the heat of the thorns—whether they be green or dry—the wicked will be swept away.
10 The righteous will be glad when they are avenged, when they dip their feet in the blood of the wicked.
11 Then people will say, “Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth.”

In Jesus’ name we thank You.

July 13, 2020

Grassley is right and we still need to clean house. President Trump was handed a raw deal when he took over the Presidency. The dems blocked him every way they could and he has had a hard fight from the get go. We must continue to support him, pray for him and for the Lord to keep him strong. I don’t think another man could have handled his situation, but he has and has done a great job despite all the hatred against him. God bless Donald Trump.

    Jackie P.
    July 14, 2020

    God set him in this place for a time like this. President Trump is strong and he resilient. God has prepared him because anyone else would have caved to all the blatant nonsense perpetrated by Obama and his goons. pelowsi & her evil crew is a tyrant who needs to be replaced, she is evil personified. It is not God’s will that any should perish, but all come to repentance. He is a merciful God. But He is also a God who knows and sees all of the evil. He will judge accordingly. Fret not because of evil doers.

Ms. Rita Franklin
July 13, 2020

Senator Grassley is a very down to earth, practical, level headed person. He does not tend to exaggerate, or hype things up. I believe he is telling us the truth.

    Carole Whisman
    July 14, 2020

    Amen, I agree that Senator Grassley is honest and doing his best to serve our country. May God bless him. And may God help us to repent of the sins of our country, asking forgiveness. Amen.

Linda English
July 13, 2020

Lord, please expose the deceit, lies and corruption in the public forum. Let man make no excuses to hide or avoid truth. Let truth prevail in all of government. Holy Spirit come and bring conviction to our sins of omission in which we have done nothing to seek righteousness and justice. Lord help us repent of our desire for power and our greed and pride. We have been a foolish people. Lord, correct our wrong thinking and help us seek your holiness.

July 13, 2020

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16). Amplified states, “The earnest, heartfelt, continuous, prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available power dynamic in its workings.” We can see this promise fulfilled in the last election. Even though the enemy tried to rig the elections, truth prevailed. I’ll never forget the look on the loser’s face when the truth was revealed. No weapon formed against us will prosper!!!!

We as Intercessors must continue to pray for this upcoming election recognizing that the forces are more evil, angry about their last major defeat and desperate to use any corrupt means necessary. We need to pray that their tactics be revealed, destroyed and demolished in Jesus Name. Let us remind ourselves that as His children, “….greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).” We just need to stay focused on the big picture.

July 13, 2020

Those involved in this Coup must be punished and NOW not after the election.

July 13, 2020

There have got to be some convictions for this COUP that tried to take over the United States government how can we look the other way it was organized crime in a presidential ouster that they had in mind They conspired to take over the government of the United States of America you might as well say

July 13, 2020

I would never have thought in all
my years of living that the Democratic Party would turn out to be what I see it is today🤪 have changes too many biblical laws of God. Murdering of babies and same sex marriages and as many others. This party needs alot of prayer.

July 13, 2020

Lord…we ask that you would fill John Durham with the boldness and courage that comes from you. Remove daily any fears he may have and remind him that he serves the people of this nation first and not anyone’s political agenda. We ask that you would help him endure the pressure that weigh on him hourly. Give him the conviction to uphold righteousness, your will, justice and the rule of law. We ask that you would shower him with your favor and blessings. In Jesus name… amen.

Lori Donovan
July 13, 2020

The Lord has put praying for our nation on my heart. I started a blog called WalkwithGod.blog. It is my way of seeking people who are in agreement to do that. I’m glad I found this site while listening to a Derek Prince audo/video on youtube. I am fasting and praying for our nation on July 24th, Sept. 24th, & Oct. 24th. If anyone would like to join me please email me at [email protected].

    July 13, 2020

    Lori – you may already be aware of this but there is a scheduled nation and worldwide prayer and fasting also on September 26th led by Jonathan Cahn and others. There is a website called “The return.org”. You may want to check it out and also pass the word. Blessings!

      Lori Donovan
      July 13, 2020

      Thank you MCN. I was not aware. I will include Sept. 26th and pass the word.

Darlene Estlow
July 13, 2020

Father, we thank you that you are working. We thank you that you are giving the gift of repentance and working righteousness over our nation. May we trust you and not grow weary in the well doing of prayer and living for you.

July 13, 2020

Father, you see and you know every detail you expose the hidden things and bring them to light. We asked you to fight the battle and demolish every evil device that’s orchestrating things contrary to your purpose. Let the enemy’s arrows fall back on themselves. Root out and tear down every bit of corruption in our country. Thy Kingdom Come and Thy will be done. Disrupt the political agendas that attempt to manipulate our country and voters.Proceed post haste to expose any corruption involving Biden /Obama to alter the election results.I plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump and Vice President Pence.Thank you for a hedge of protection around them. Give them wisdom,discernment and clarity of thought to move forward. Let them align with you on all they do,in Jesus name

July 13, 2020

If the Justice Department has enough evidence to bring charges but refuses to do so before the election, isn’t that influencing the upcoming election?

July 13, 2020

Lord God, Your Word says that vengeance belongs to You! We trust that You will bring true justice to those who have practiced evil and deception! We would like to see those who perpetrated the attacks on the administration come to justice, we know that one day You will make all things right! Give us patience and hope as we wait for Your soon return, Jesus! Find is doing Your will and sharing Your Truth. In Your Name we pray! Amen

    William Demlow
    July 13, 2020

    Father God, we pray for those who are our, and your, enemies that you will bless the, and bring them to repentance through your kindness. May the Holy Spirit convict them and bring them to acknowledge Jesus as Lord. Then they will no longer be enemies, but brothers and sisters! In Jesus’s name, amen.

July 13, 2020

My thoughts about Durham not putting people in jail? It grieves my spirit. Honestly, I am not surprised. I pray for this country every day. I have for years. I know many people have and do pray. Just think of how our country would be without all of us praying every day. God is our only hope. I have hope in my DNA. Even if there aren’t any convictions from the wrong that they did. And I believe that there is A LOT of wrong that was done. Our heavenly Father knows all and will balance the books. I would like to see the books balanced, but I trust God enough to take care of it in His time. And take care of me and our country. I am not going to stop praying and I am not going to be bullied out in the marketplace. I am going to bold and stand proud of who I am and what I believe. God is my refuge and my Strong Tower. In Him I will trust. Chuck Grassley is actually my Representative. 🙂

mary florio
July 13, 2020

I believe it!


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