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Lord, we lift up the unborn before You. Give our leaders wisdom so that they may best defend these precious, innocent lives.
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Has the “pro-life” label gone out of style? If so, what should replace it? Intercessor, what do you think about all of this?

From The Washington Times. Republican strategists are saying it’s time to get rid of the “pro-life” moniker.

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In a closed-door meeting with Senate Republicans earlier this week, the head of a super PAC allied with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warned that polling shows that “pro-life” no longer resonates with the party’s voters.

“What intrigued me the most about the results was that ‘pro-choice’ and ‘pro-life’ means something different now, that people see being pro-life as being against all abortions — at all levels,” Sen. Kevin Cramer, a North Dakota Republican, told NBC News, which first reported on the meeting.

The rethinking of the label follows a series of election losses for Republicans following the Supreme Court ruling that ended nationwide abortion access, sending abortion decision-making to the states.

“Many voters think [pro-life] means you’re for no exceptions in favor of abortion ever, ever, and pro-choice now can mean any number of things,” Sen. Josh Hawley, Missouri Republican. told the news network. …

There was no immediate new term agreed upon at the meeting. …

Every state allows abortion to save the life of the mother. Even so, Democrats, pro-choice groups and mainstream media outlets frequently refer to state laws placing gestational limits on abortion as “bans.” …

Nearly two-thirds of adults support prohibiting most abortions after the first trimester, or 12 to 13 weeks of pregnancy, while only 37% support second-trimester abortions, according to the latest Gallup Poll.

Even so, Democrats are winning the messaging battle as pro-life advocates struggle to pin them down on what limits they support, if any, on elective pregnancy termination. …

What do you think of the “pro-life” label? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Photo Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

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Mitch Miller
September 21, 2023

If they have to replace ‘pro-life’ as a designation, let them change it to ‘pro-PROPER choice.’

September 14, 2023

Remember when Democrats said abortions should be safe and rare?
First off, abortion is never safe, and they are no longer rare.
Now, it is abortion on demand.
Abortion is a soft term for child murder. We know it, but the world does not, because they have been blinded, propagandized and fed lying, unscientific rhetoric to support this immoral act. Still, this is no excuse. No one has the right to murder another human being simply because they don’t believe a child in the womb is living from the moment of conception.
Abortion must be abolished.
There will always be emergency help for a pregnant woman whose life is at stake. If the baby cannot be saved, then the mother’s life must be preserved. This is logical, moral and ethical. Removal of a baby who has already died in the womb, is not an abortion, as abortion is the act of killing a living baby in the womb.
We end this through repentance, prayer and education. Let’s educate ourselves and our own children and families on the barbaric truth of what “abortion” is, why it is wrong and then teach those around us.
There are many good pro-life organizations. Abolitionists Rising, Live Action and Pre-Born are just a few. And there are charities in most cities that will come alongside pregnant women, giving them shelter, food, clothing and support during and after pregnancy.
Let’s be in prayer and get to work.

Jane Syren Langston
September 13, 2023

A mother’s womb is the most sacred protected home for a life to begin and grow until birth. If this is not affirmed and honored, then life at any stage is vulnerable for extermination. Woe to them who call evil good and good evil. Life must be protected from beginning to end. A nation who forsakes God Almighty will face His judgment and wrath. May America repent and turn back to God before it is too late.

Carol F
September 13, 2023

Life means life, period! Democrats have won seats through chicanery (cheating), not because we are pro-life. FATHER GOD please send laborers to many in the republican party for salvation! Please remove career politicians of both parties from office and let HOLY GHOST filled people fill those seats in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

September 13, 2023

“The measure of society is how it treats the weakest members” Thomas Jefferson
If we can’t protect the unborn, then no one’s life matters. This is Satan’s great lie, that life has no purpose and no meaning. This is why we are to protect the unborn, because God is the one who creates, gives life purpose and meaning. If we fail on this, then God have mercy on us all.

September 13, 2023

Unbelievably sad. “To teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn.” Psalm 78 Praying for your mercy and grace Lord for those whose hearts will not see the sanctity of every life and child, both born and unborn. Crying out for a revival “For Life” as truth is revealed one heart and mind at a time, that their eyes may see Your Love for every Life. InYour Life Giving Name Lord Jesus. Amen

September 13, 2023

Father, at a time when Life is being attacked in more subtle ways, give your people wisdom and discernment – especially those in leadership. Help us all to remember that it is light that dispels the darkness, not the other way around! Give us courage to be Your Light.

Ken Budz
September 13, 2023

Lord please help us please.

Maria Fillyaw
September 13, 2023

Dear Jesus I pray for your forgiveness of us in this country that keep questioning right from wrong. May you open our eyes to see that you and your word are and always will be the truth. Dear God we lift up our leaders, help them not to be deceived. May they stand strong and confident in you Jesus, that pro-life is pro you. In Jesus name we pray and we stand firm amen

    September 14, 2023

    Lovely prayer, Maria!

    Praying in agreement, in Jesus’ Precious Name; amen!

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