I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank you for the outpouring of believers, seeking You for our nation this past weekend. May we continue to press in to honor You!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Upwards of 100,000 believers poured into the capital and onto the National Mall over the weekend to usher in the presence of God and appeal for our nation. Several amazing events overlapped, bringing a compounded The Return, spearheaded by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, focused on repentance and prayer for our nation. Tens of thousands of people took a posture of humility and repentance as they listened to worship, prayers, and scripture. Other speakers included Vice President Mike Pence, Ann Graham Lotz, Tony Perkins, E.W. Jackson, Michele Bachmann,Ā  all of whom led prayers of repentance for various segments of our culture.

IFA’s Dave Kubal (pictured left) was one of the featured speakers at the event, challenging intercessors to pray for government, and to engage with government. Moments before Kubal took the stage, Rabbi Cahn received word from the White House, that the President had issued a Presidential Message agreeing to the need for prayer and return (repentance) and declaring Saturday, September 26th a National Day of Prayer and Return. “With reverence, humility, and thanksgiving, we beg for His continued guidance and protection,” the Presidential message stated. The spiritual impact of this declaration made by the President on behalf of the nation is significant.

At the other end of the National Mall dovetailing nicely to The Return, was the Prayer March 2020, organized by Franklin Graham. With no other agenda than to humbly pray for our nation through the streets of the capital city, this event also involved prayer and worship, featuring the Vice President, Governor Mike Huckabee, Michael W. Smith, Kevin Sorbo, and others. Seeing the masses of believers fan out to march down the Mall, praying, and ushering the Presence of the Lord was an amazing sight. As I was there, praying and mingling among the others, I could feel the Presence of God, and the freedom that 2 Corinthians 3:17 speaks of: “…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”Ā  Walking the streets of Washington, D.C. I saw groups of people pausing to pray, gathered in small groups on the steps of government buildings, in front of museums, and even in clusters on sidewalks. It was positively encouraging. It felt as though the city was being cleansed through the power of prayer.

Add to these events, the perpetual praise and worship from David’s Tent (24/7 Praise and Worship on the National Mall since 2012) and the current 50 Days of Blessing in Lafayette Park, and we are experiencing an amazing outpouring of praise covering our nation’s capital. I want to include some amazing pictures of what I saw and some pictures from others who attended. These images are so encouraging.

God is moving. He is hearing us. Let’s keep appealing to the Father in prayer and repentance for our nation.

If you attended over the weekend or watched the Livestream, share in the comments below how you sensed God moving!

(Article by Kris Kubal, Director of Strategic Resources and Engagement for Intercessors for America.)

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Peggie Harrington
October 6, 2020

I along with a group of saints from my church OpenDoor in Burleson, Texas was there. Thursday through Sunday morning. I was in awe of the Glory of the Lord, the many saints in one spot for one thing, in unity praying for our nation. However, away from the Mall behind the White House, was where I was impacted. After we walked through a BLM gathering, we were walking toward the Vietnam Vet Memorial. A homeless man was seating on a bench between two hedges. My two friends didn’t notice him. Holy Spirit stopped me and told me to talk to him. I talked to him, prayed for him, blessed him. In searching through his eyes, I saw loneliness and despair. In our nation’s capital this man represented so many others. In our nation’s capital that is so left winged, were is the humanity for this man, where are they. I didn’t make it home for church service, so I watched in on YouTube very early Monday morning. There was a prophetic painter painting during service. The picture, of a man – Jesus. Jesus eyes in that painting were the eyes of the homeless man in DC who was afraid to tell me his name. Jesus knows his name. Heal our hearts, LORD. Heal our Land. I

Marie Zakaluk
October 3, 2020

Praise God for the opportunity for this 86 year youngster to attend with others, walk, listen to prayers, pray and rejoice and be amazed at the work of God in DC. The only other “walk” so meaningful was when I walked down the aisle on my father’s arm and then up the aisle on my husband’s arm. Both experiences were awesome … no words are adequate…a very small taste of heaven. South Korean ladies asked us to pray for them and the unpublished, distorted South and North Korea situation, gave us delicious hard boiled eggs and tissue packets printed with photos and specific prayer needs…A group of people from several African nations told us that they had come as missionaries to America!…another group had their own prayer-music vigil…a middle-aged woman blew her shofar…and so much more. What a glorious day … and no fires, burning, looting or negative experi
ences … just a foretaste of heavenly joy!

    October 4, 2020

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time of prayer and fellowship with other believers in DC that day Marie. May God richly bless you for your participation in the DC Return, Day of Prayer Day. Amen.

Lydia B. Miller
October 3, 2020

My sister Mary and I were there at the Lincoln Memorial at the Prayer March.
How wonderful to be a part of such a beautiful, powerful celebration of crying out to God and worshiping Him together with thousands of others!
There was this warm glow of His love washing over us, our hearts were filled with His love, as He smiled on His people! It was Christ Himself, who stood in our midst! Our hearts were filled with joy, and in His presence, we felt cleansed.
Coming together with so many brothers and sisters in the Lord, is a sign of God restoring unity to the body of Christ. There was this real sense of unity , We were there all for one purpose, to see God redeem this nation, praying that many souls be saved out of darkness, asking and receiving God’s forgiveness, seeking restoration and healing for hurting lives.
God is a merciful God and He heard our cries. He saw how many people are serious about seeking Him.And millions of Americans were also watching on line ,agreeing in prayer in their homes! God is faithful and God is moving, with God there is always hope, even when we can’t see all that He is doing.
I appreciate Franklin Graham’s humility. He encouraged us saying, we are not there to hear him pray, this isn’t about him, he said “you came here to pray, so every step you take, say a prayer!” So he acknowledged the power of the Holy Spirit in each one of us.
No words can even express how beautiful , that we all put our differences aside to come together in unity to pray! I loved every bit of it!
Thanks every one for your prayers!
in each one of us, this took us into a new level of intercession as he encouraged us to engage in prayer!

Stephanie Staker
October 2, 2020

I started watching around 11 am PDT. What was playing was a song and there were photos and short videos of babies in the womb or in the arms of their mothers. I have a burden for the unborn and this just touched my spirit in such a way that I started sobbing. Our Father in heaven is so grieved that we (the U.S.) have murdered over 62 million unborn babies. I know that this issue is a big one for our Lord along with taking Him out of the public square, our schools, taking the 10 Commandments out of public places, our removing Him from our history, etc. But, abortion is a grievous sin and my prayer is that women and men would not even consider abortion ever again; that it would be unthinkable. Yes, I’d love to see Roe v Wade overturned but women and couples will still seek abortion where they can find it. Roe v Wade will simply put the abortion issue back to the individual states and we have seen how New York and Virginia (for blatant examples) passed legislation the abortion is legal up to and after birth. I know that it will not go away even if every state made it illegal. I know because my maternal grandmother died from an abortion in 1935. I never got to meet her. When Jonathan Cahn played the shofar with the 7 prayers and the crowd shouted, I felt the Holy Spirit all over me and the people there. I saw the Washington Monument and wondered if it would fall like the walls of Jericho! It was that powerful. God heard us on Saturday and He is moving. I truly believe that. We must keep praying for revival in all the nation and repenting of our national sins.

    Marie Zakaluk
    October 3, 2020

    Thanks, Stephanie. Adopted children in my life: my son, daughter-in-law, grandson, niece, nephew,
    several friends and many acquaintances … thanks … Yes, abortion is a killer. One can omit sex or use protection or accept the miracle of birth! There are choices.

October 1, 2020

Praise God that his children rallied together, so amazing so thankful that you all took the time to join together, I watched and prayed with you. God is so deserving of our love , thank you sisters and brothers of Christ. Thank you to Franklin for his terrific foundation and all his energy and enthusiasm is so amazing.

Ruth Brown
October 1, 2020

We loved streaming Saturdayā€™s events and wee deeply moved many times. It was so hopeful. So hopeful.

September 30, 2020

I was there with four friends from church, from the middle of Iowa. We went to The Return at 0900 and then to the Prayer Walk at noon. It was humbling that people made a pilgrimage to DC to contend for our country. To contend for our country on our knees. God hears our prayers and He honors them. We are partnering with heaven to bring His will to earth. The enemy will not take our country. Keep praying! God Bless America! God Bless President Trump! Love you guys.

    Marie Zakaluk
    October 3, 2020

    You Iowans are in a class by yourself! So friendly. My daughter-in-law and her three chidren are from Iowa…so glad you came East! Marie and friend.

September 30, 2020

I watched the March and Return via livestream, it was amazing. On Monday my husband and I traveled to another state through DC. As I looked over the city, I thanked God for those who were able to come and pray, for those who prayed from home, and for what He is doing in all of this. He told me to PRAY then to continue that which had begun and needs more pray, so I did for some time as we traveled. May we continue to do so throughout these days, months, and the years to come… humbling ourselves before Him, repenting of our ways, surrendering all to Him, living out our faith and serving Him, trusting and obeying Him in all things everyday… and giving Him honor, glory, and praise for all He has done, is doing, and will do till Christ’s return. He is a good good Father! Thank you, Lord Jesus!

Carol Morris
September 30, 2020

I watched on line and it was the most powerful move of the Spirit I have been a part of. I am grateful for those who planned and put this godly event together so we could corporately repent and pray for our nation and leaders. BLESS GOD AMERICA!

Mary Ann Christianson
September 30, 2020

I saw angels on the right side of the platform of the return. They were in two columns-it looked like the columns reached from Heavens down to the front of the stage. They were dressed in dressed in accordion shaped skirts: red, white and blue with stars diagonal across them. They seemed to be praying with us. Every once in a while the accordion skirts kinda swooshed. Americaā€™s praying angels. Not huge but a certain dignity. Wonderful!!

Martha Hamilton
September 30, 2020

We watched, prayed and worshipped with a group in our home. It was an amazing day and to end with the Shofar – the 7th horn blown at the exact time of Amy Coney Barrett approaching and standing at the podium was undescrible- Only God could have orchestrated such impeccable timing. May His will be done and may America bless God once again in its resolve to serve Him and others in Jesusā€™Name

    Marie Zakaluk
    October 3, 2020

    So glad you got to see this at home; sadly, little publicity was given to this outstanding event.

      Patricia DeGroot
      October 4, 2020

      I read in another article about this that the only person the 100,000 gathered there wanted to impress was our heavenly Father! We need His attention because we are in a desperate situation. Our enemy doesn’t understand prayer and the word “repentance” is not attractive to many. Father, help us to only care about “healing” for our land. I watched Rabbi Cahn’s message at home with four friends in the living room of my friend’s home. I was moved to tears often during the message. I long for more of these same encounters. We have so much that we need to be cleansed from! We pour out our hearts to you Jesus!

Barbara Ann
September 30, 2020

Such a blessing to be there with so many believers in one accord

Cynthia Coppersmith
September 30, 2020

It was a blessing beyond belief and I wept. Thank you to Franklin Graham and all those in whatever group have and are praying for our nation and our President. I watched Prayer March 2020 livestream. That is what I am commenting on. Governor Huckabee and Crissy Graham ( hope I have her name spelled correctly) were great hosts.

Tim Taylor
September 30, 2020

We arrived Thursday and prayed on Franklinā€™s Prayer March route Friday. That evening we attended ā€œThe Returnā€™sā€ Friday evening event.

Iā€™m not a crier, but I was overcome as i sensed our. Fatherā€™s heart for this nation. I wept frequently.. On Saturday, we spent all day at the Return. We heard the rumbling in the heavens as God marked Jonathanā€™s words (Job 37:2). During most of the day it was difficult to speak as I was overcome by tears as they flowed through. The day. I could reference the whole book of Joel but this is what stood out.

Joel 2:11-13
The LORD gives voice before His army,
For His camp is very great;
For strong is the One who executes His word.
For the day of the LORD is great and very terrible;
Who can endure it?
A Call to Repentance
“Now, therefore,” says the LORD,
“Turn to Me with all your heart,
With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”
So rend your heart, and not your garments;
Return to the LORD your God,
For He is gracious and merciful,
Slow to anger, and of great kindness;
And He relents from doing harm.

We visited Davidā€™s Tent. We prayed with the saints in Lafayette Square in front of the White House on Sunday. We visited many of the memorials and prayed until we returned Tuesday.

There is a remnant Church arising and lending their lips to release Godā€™s words and lending their lives to do Godā€™s will. Father, may we manifest Your manifold wisdom to principalities and powers in heavenly places that you will might be done in this nation….. NOW! Eph 3:10

    Marie Zakaluk
    October 3, 2020

    Tim –

    What insight and extremely well delivered. Thanks – especially for the Scripture.

September 30, 2020

AWESOME!!! I was so blessed to be there…an incredible honor!
I have shared in a comment on one of IFA post yesterday of how beautiful it was the Body of Christ moving joined with Heaven.
As I said yesterday, I have been to a few prayer gathering on the Mall starting with The Call in 2000. I know each time was a significant holy time, but this was different.
As we continue to cry out for our Nation be encouraged… Father did something…there was a shift. Im so humbled, by the sweetness of His Presence as we repented, prayed, marched, loved witness to each and others there. I truely felt the pleasure of Our Father!!! Father continue to pour out Your mercy on Your Bride…we love You Father God, we love You Lord Jesus, we love You Holy Spirit…Have Your Way!!!

Betty in WI
September 30, 2020

PTL I was able to watch through live streaming online. Thank You,Father for all who were able to make the trip and spend the day in DC. The messages were great. The worship was wonderful. Thank You, Father, for sending Your people there to pray, repent and seek Your face. It was very encouraging to see how many people are praying together, Thank You, LORD. Some times we feel all alone in our prayers to YOU. Thank You for all the speakers who shared, prayed, repented, and praised YOUR HOLY NAME. Let Thy Kingdom come and let Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. To YOu be the Gloryu and Honor and Praises forever more. Amen

Cindi DiFrancesco
September 29, 2020

I was blessed to watch Saturday TheReturn via simulcast. The worship, intercession drew me into the Presence of the Lord, filled to overflowing. The continual message of abiding with our Lord given that day, needs to be spread.

Susan Vineyard
September 29, 2020

I watched via LiveStreaming.

From Friday nightā€™s The Return event through their Sunday eveā€™s event, I was riveted by the power of The Holy Spiritā€™s impeccable timing. The March also gave me pause to pray as VP Pence joined with all.

But it was the letter from our our President to The Return that made me drop to my knees. At the end of the letter he used the word ā€œbegā€ in asking for healing if the USA.

Just beyond words, Lord Jesus! Praises and honors and glories to You on High!!!

Dawn Pickett
September 29, 2020

It was an amazing experience praying corporately with tens of thousands of people for our nation and our leaders. I envisioned the sweet incense of the prayers of the saints being lifted into the throne room of God Almighty.

Jessica Renshaw
September 29, 2020

This is how I sensed God moving–in Cindy Jacobs’ powerful words from the LORD late Saturday: see https://www.youtube.com/embed/kL_-4rNphFI

September 29, 2020

AMEN šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ā™„ļøšŸ‘šŸ¼ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøIT WAS AWESOME To Watch IT AND PRAY ALONG With them!! It Would Have Been COOL TO BE THERE BUT circumstances prevented Us From Coming.

September 29, 2020

I wanted so badly to be there. Very thankful to watch and pray from home Friday and all day Saturday- Return and Prayer Walk. To know upwards of 100,000 there and 10 million around the world watching was amazing – to be a part of that was such a humbling, joyful experience that gave me great hope. Once over I went to The Return FB page and read through comments. It was so wonderful hearing all the people from other countries saying they are praying for America. That touched my heart deeply. What happens in America affects the entire world.
Thank you Jesus for You are on the move!

September 29, 2020

Watched and prayed all day. The strong anointing was felt through the internet. There were breaking of demonic stronghold. WE NUST NOT DRAW BACK

Timothy G Newbrander
September 29, 2020

I was blessed to attend both The Return and the Prayer March. So encouraging to see so many people come to lift up our nation before Godā€™s throne of grace. It was also moving to hear the prayers for the nations by believers from around the world. Godā€™s Name was exulted again and again throughout the day as each call for repentance went out. Continuing to pray for awakening and revival/return. A deep heart-felt thanks to all the organizers too.

Kathy Nunamaker
September 29, 2020

“Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf. All the nations gather together and the peoples assemble. Which of them foretold this and proclaimed to us the former things? Let them bring in their witnesses to prove the were right, so that others may hear and say, ‘It is true.’ ‘You are my witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am He. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me. I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed. . .I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘that I am God. Yes, and from ancient days I am He. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?’ ” Isaiah 43: 8-13

We are His witnesses to bear the truth that He alone is God. No one can snatch anyone out of His hand and no one can undo what He has done. . Yes, O Lord, You are God. Thankful for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon these gatherings in Washington DC this weekend. May this anointing be an overflowing stream of salvation, deliverance and healing over us. So blessed and encouraged and strengthened to see the body of Christ responding to His call to repent and call out to Him for His mercy over our nation and the opportunity to be a part of it.

I was overwhelmed when at the ending of the programming for The Return there was, what I believe Johnathan Cahn called, a sealing of the prayers. A time when the shofar was blown seven times accompanied by seven blessing and prayers to end this time of repentance and “seal” the prayers of the people. I happened to be simultaneously watching the coverage of President Trumps announcing of Amy Coney Barrett for the SCOTUS position. I had one on my computer and one on my phone and almost at the same time the sequence of the blowing of the shofar seven times began. . .the President and Amy Barrett began their walk to the podium. The blowing of the shofar’s lasted almost the entire time President Trump was speaking about Amy Barrett. Then Johnathan Cahn has an impromptu time of praise and worship of Almighty God as the ceremony at the White House continued.

I was struck by the fact that there has probably never been a Supreme Court Justice nominated while just minutes away a ceremony for the sealing of prayers of repentance for the sins of this nation, cries for His mercy and deliverance, voices lifted up in worship and adoration to the Father was simultaneously taking place. I had chills as I watched even as I do now as I recall the moment. God indeed orchestrated a mighty moving of His church and His people for such a time as this. . .a demonstration of His power and His sovereignty May His name continually be lifted up over our nation. May His power be made manifest over His church as we rise to an awakening and be the Church Triumphant He has called us to be. May His sovereignty embolden our prayers, His strength lift our spirits, His peace settle our hearts, His truth be called forth from our lips, His enduring love heal the gaping, festering wounds of our nation. He stands as King over these raging floodwaters. . .He is the ONE who has already overcome the world. Let everything that has breath praise His mighty name. . . amen and amen.

    Susan F.
    September 29, 2020

    My husband and I could not be in D.C. this past weekend and were not able to watch online, but spent a lot of time in prayer together using Franklin Graham’s prayer points sheet. We timed it with the event, so we would be praying at the same time. We felt the presence of God with us in the car as we prayed together. It’s very encouraging ready the testimonies here about all that happened!

    Peggy Kost
    October 2, 2020

    As a child of Almighty God, saved by the blood of our Lord and savior Jesus, I fervently join you in prayer and end it with a grateful yes and Amen!

Deanna Coffin
September 29, 2020

I was there in D.C. this weekend to participate in the Prayer March and also participated in the Return around the Prayer March. When we were gathering at the Lincoln Memorial, prior to marching & praying, Michael W. Smith led us in a time of praise and worship. As so many thousands of believers were there singing praises to the Lord together, I was very moved and I said to my nephew “this is a taste of what heaven is going to be like – thousands upon thousands of believers singing praises to our Lord and King!” It was also very touching to me throughout the march as we were walking, different groups of believers would be singing hymns or praise songs and others of us would join in as we walked. Praises were lifted to the Lord throughout DC this weekend!
The Lord has been continuing to bless and encourage me since returning from DC. Yesterday, during my time of devotions with the Lord, I was thinking back over the weekend and praying about all that was done and the Lord spoke to me and gave me Philippians 1:6. The Lord showed me that HE STARTED a huge work of revival, repentance, return and renewal in His Church during the events this weekend and He showed me that HE is the one who will keep doing the work and will complete it too! Praise Him, He is Faithful!

Carolyn Tormala
September 29, 2020

Thank you! That is so very encouraging. How we need God’s intervention amidst all the lies and dirty tricks going on. May Truth and Righteousness prevail!

Kathie Bortz
September 29, 2020

I felt like I was viewing a scene from heaven when men and women from all nations and races will be worshipping together before almighty God in unity and love. Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Catholics, and Protestants from all over the world were seeking God and proclaiming Jesus as their Savior and Lord. What an amazing thing to witness. Thank you Lord for giving us this glimpse of heaven.

Scott Singletary
September 29, 2020

We were there! I have never been more optimistic for Our Church and Nation now!
Why: HE is faithful to thousands of generations of those who love HIM!
We believe we averted National Disaster! We believe we are One Nation under JESUS and HIS Laws and HIS Bible.

Patricia Lynn Cardiel
September 29, 2020

We were unable to be in DC but followed on TV with grandchildren watching praying we all have eyes to see and ears to hear how to and what to repent of. What a blessing to see godly people gathered together showing unity in the love of God and our country.

Linda J Pratt
September 29, 2020

I was excited to be in DC for The Return Prayer Rally. Due to the current unrest in areas I was cautioned about attending. I went however sensing we had stepped into an appointed time by God and humbled to find out we had. The presence of the Lord was tangible and inspiring. I’m grateful God allowed me to bear witness with countless others of what He is doing in our land and the nations. #Make America Godly Again. šŸ™‚

Sue C
September 29, 2020

Unable to attend in Washington DC, but was able to participate in local church gathering with repentance, unity and love it’s focal points. God is moving and can’t wait to see all that He does in answer to our prayers both privately and corporately.

Thea Reust
September 29, 2020

I sensed the move of GOD by His Spirit in the speakers, Rabbi Cahn’s prophecy for America, and the witness of so many thousands who were there. The time to repent and turn is NOW. The time for revival is NOW!

laurie bailey
September 29, 2020

I was in Washington this passed weekend and the sense of unity and one accord was overpowering! Cultures and races came together in humility and then in might! God certainly heard His people this weekend!

September 29, 2020

Praise God for this event! May we all humbly seek His face in the days ahead.

September 29, 2020

It was a powerful time of taking back ground the enemy has stolen. Highlights: Jonathan Chanā€™s messages and time of repentance & blessingsšŸ”„; Michelle BachmanšŸ”„; Kent Christmas, as he proclaimed and declared over our nation! As well as ministry as we went along. This guy started playing next to 2 men raising money and let them have the money for instead of him. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0UV8nKfhMJqbN5WCVMcrmahCQ

September 29, 2020

We livestreamed all day on Saturday! It was amazing. We prayed and wept right along with all of our brothers and sisters and the Spirit of God was with us. We felt like we were right there. So grateful.

Phyllis M Terwey
September 29, 2020

As I watched the prayer from the Mall in DC with friends in Danbury, WI we were drawn into a time of asking forgiveness and a humbling that allowed us to engage freely to repent. Each of us felt we were resonating with the overall presence of Holy Spirit energizing us for greater obedience and with loving service as we draw nearer to our God in His word and prayer going forward.

I could recall a time nearly 30 years ago when I was in Wash. DC on a business trip. It was evening and friends took me touring. As I was standing in front of the statue of Abraham Lincoln a group of young women, were performing a ceremony to curse our Nation on the steps leading to the statue and then up around it. I was dumbfounded that someone would want to do that, and asked God to override their curses. I believe that those curses were met in a powerful wave of God’s cleansing fire and love this Saturday.

I’m expecting to see evidence of holiness reclaiming our nation from the destruction of the enemy day by day.

September 29, 2020

I was in AWE as I watched on television.

What a heart-stopping moment when Jonathan Cahn lifted the earthen pitcher up above his head and didn’t just drop it, but smashed it into pieces!
So many of us need to realize that GOD is not only a GOD of love, but also of wrath!
GOD hates sin; it cost HIM the life of HIS SON!
The fear of The LORD is the beginning of wisdom.
Grant us the grace Father to fear and honor You in all our ways.
Grant us truly repentant hearts, LORD.
Forgive us and help us to do better.
In JESUS Name. Amen.

September 29, 2020

Praise God for His unleashed presence in D.C. Although I wasn’t there, I prayed along where I was and I still could sense God’s spirit. It was great that so many people attended. I pray for lost souls to come to Jesus and be saved and that many will come to repentance.

September 29, 2020

I so agree I saw the livestream and even though I was in Texas I could sense the Spirit of God.

Cathleen Paciello
September 29, 2020

My husband & I were there for the March & part of the Return. The gentleness of God’s presence was quite evident in this crowd. The repentance prayers from The Return were very powerful. It was encouraging to see so many people boldly praying in our Capitol. As God’s people turn to Him, I look forward to seeing His miraculous hand move in our nation. We desperately need Him.

Mary Ellen Caris
September 29, 2020

I was there. I praise God for Jonathon Cahn, Franklin Graham and all the others who participated in this Holy Convocation to the Lord. Many impressions I could share but here is one which touched me deeply: the amount of time given to our most grievous sin to Father God, that of the murder of His children in the womb. Forgive us God for our ignorance of your Holiness and for not speaking up when we should. When the Church of Jesus Christ decides abortion should end, it will.

Vicki Prentice
September 29, 2020

I was able to watch The Return online both Friday night and off and on throughout the day on Saturday. The speakers, the music, the prayers were all so amazing and Spirit led. I also tuned into the Prayer Walk on Saturday. I am so thankful to live in a day when one can experience such an event even when unable to physically travel to where it is, and because it was recorded I can go back and watch again and again. I marveled at how much I felt a part of the events, and spent much time in prayer and reflection, repenting and being renewed and refilled with God’s mighty Spirit. I marvel and rejoice at how even though evil seems to be increasing, God is on the move and His Spirit is increasing even more!

    September 29, 2020

    It was a beautiful celebration and outpouring of love, humbling, praying, repentance, caring, sharing, devotion and more. There is no doubt that God was in the midst. All interceptors keep this going for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
    Praise God for the leaders, pastors, musicians, and all in attendance who love the Lord.
    Hallelujah, and again I say hallelujah to our living God.

Stan & Mary Yackel
September 29, 2020

We felt God’s presence in our home watching 2 hours of repentance & humility. We are proud to be Christian’s and Americans asking for God’s GUIDANCE

Toni Kushner
September 29, 2020

I watched, prayed and repented this weekend and am still on awe and weep for the beauty of what God did in America over this weekend. for many years I have prayed for an army as in Joel 2 that the Lord showed me He would build. May we all take our rank and march in God’s Army for the Kingdom of God to prevail. May our churches awaken and come along and join the army.

Charles K Moore
September 29, 2020

Yes I watched most of it. It was amazing to acknowledge our own sin and the sin of our nation, worship and fellowship. My prayer is that the stance of our hearts are so(humility, broken and contrite) that lasting change and not just temporary behavior happens in our lives and the lives of the American people.

Julia Strickler
September 29, 2020

This is a Hallelujah! Thank YOU God. We need to continue to pray for all of America 24/7. Thank YOU God for allowing us too pray and to praise YOU. In Jesus Christ name. Amen

Jeffrey Dean
September 29, 2020

I am glad that Davidā€™s tent is still active. I accidentally ran into in in 2015.

September 29, 2020

Awesome!!! Praise the LORD!!! Let’s continue to humble ourselves before Him in repentance, brokenness, faith and prayer. God is hearing us. He is our only help in the midst of all this turmoil that is taking place in our nation. May God be praised!!!

judy hansen
September 29, 2020

If my people will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will
hear from Heaven and heal their Land. I watched, was gloriously excited and in agreement and prayer.
This has to continue each day in our lives; we have now turned (repented); We now are seeking first the
Kingdom of God and His righteousness daily; and doing His Will not ours; It is a New Day and waiting to
see all the new things, the new Revival happening. Our Hearts are turned to Him, and we look up to His
Heart. In God is my salvation and my Glory; The rock of my strength, And my Refuge, is in God.
Trust in Him, at all times you People; Pour out your Heart before Him; God is a Refuge for us. Psalm 62:7-8.

September 29, 2020

I watched the return and was was so thrilled at the coming together of Gods people. I was inspired to repent of my own sins and to once again to rededicate my life to God.

Sandra J. Massey
September 29, 2020

I was able to attend PrayerMarch2020 in person on Saturday. Starting at the Lincoln Memorial the Presence of God was palpable. After the speakers prayed, everyone in the assembly was able to pray together. When we moved to the WWII Memorial, I wept as I witnessed the throng of people moving in one direction, in one accord, with one heart and one mind, with one purpose….to seek God in humility and repentance for the sins of our nation. I thought of what it must have looked like when the children of Israel were marching, tribe by tribe through the wilderness. I suddenly had an awareness of why Balak was so terrified he tried to hire Balaam to curse Godā€™s chosen people. My prayer is for continued manifestation of Psalm 133:1-3, where the Body of Christ will be in such united, dedicated prayer, that God will ā€œcommand the blessing….life forevermoreā€ for our nation.

Carol M
September 29, 2020

I was so blessed to be a part of this for the entire day except for the first 15 minutes, as I had a hard time getting connected through live streaming and missed the sounding of the opening shofar but (thank the Lord for the internet). Spending the time with brothers and sisters there in DC and the tens of millions around the world was a blessed event. My prayer then was that this day of Repentance and Return would remain and not just for the moment. I then heard the word ā€œcompleteā€ and I kept asking what are you saying Lordā€”maybe completion, but no, COMPLETE. I brought it up to my pastor that evening as we were sharing our time online with the Return. He said could it be what the Lord says in the Wordā€”what He will complete? It hit meā€”that ā€œHe will complete what He started even unto the day of Christ Jesus.ā€ This I believe is what He was sayingā€”a good work was started during The Return and He will complete it til He comes (The Return of our Savior and Lord). May our hearts continue to draw closer to Him and His love for us will grow in our hearts for each other.ā€” the world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of Godā€”and the world will know us by our love we have one for the other. Yes Lord Jesus May your love be manifest in us. Thank you Jesus.

    Deanna Coffin
    September 29, 2020

    WOW! What the Lord told you about “Complete” He told me also! I was there in DC this weekend for the Prayer March and then also participated in the Return events around the Prayer March. Yesterday, during my time of devotions with the Lord, I was thinking back over the weekend and praying about all that was done and the Lord spoke to me and gave me Philippians 1:6. The Lord showed me that HE STARTED a huge work of revival, repentance, return and renewal in His Church during the events this weekend and He showed me that HE is the one who will keep doing the work and will complete it too! Praise Him, He is Faithful!

      Carol M
      September 30, 2020

      Hallelujah! God is so good. ā€œ….In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.ā€œ 2 Cor 13:1

Craig DeMo
September 29, 2020

Last Saturday, while “The Return” was being simulcast, our regularly scheduled two-hour online international prayer meeting became a 4 1/2 hour prayer gathering as we joined in watching from around the world. We were joined by leaders from Australia, Pakistan, Nigeria and various locations in the USA. One of the things that was striking to me was that nobody wanted to leave the online meeting, even a dear sister from Melbourne, Australia who joined us at 3:00 am her time. What a powerful and impactful time in the presence of the Lord.

    Lori Waltz
    September 29, 2020

    I agree Craig! It was amazing to feel the power of prayer not only from this Nation but from Countries around the world. Together we are all part of the body of Christ. May we truly stand United in Christ across this Nation and around the world as all who are “in Christ” are part of His Body. May God bless United States and the other Nations of the world with repentance, refreshment, blessings and a return to our first love, Jesus, as we wait for His return to us at His Revelation to the world! To God and God Alone be the glory, forever and ever!

Linda Howe
September 29, 2020

My husband and I watched Prayer March 2020 and we partook in communion at home in Massachusetts. We wanted to pray in memory of Jesus (do this in memory of Me he said) and in the presence of God through the Holy Spirit. Communion was important to us that day. Jesus is not only a memory, He LIVES! The presence of God was tangible, we both felt like a warm blanket and God’s protection was covering us. Throughout the entire 3 hours we prayed there was a peace and comfort in us and surrounding us. The sounds outside which are usually loud in our city seemed silenced, and the only thoughts in our minds were prayers of gratitude, thanksgiving and repentence. Joy was overflowing in our hearts, as we witnessed thousands of people whose hearts were knitted together with ours praising and worshipping God. The joy of our Lord was obviously our strength on Saturday. It was a joy and love that could only come from God. God was directing my prayers.

Mike Huckabee and Cissie Lynch Graham were great hosts. The artist who sang 3 songs (John Rich, I believe) brought tears to our eyes. The one new song he wrote and sang titled “earth to God” was so wonderful, simple and very so fitting. The video available on You Tube speaks volumes. The proceeds from the song will be donated to Samaritan’s Purse. I have played it many times already.

Franklin Graham followed his heart and dream and the dream of his father Billy Graham, to pray in Washington, DC, our nation’s capital, and also that a national day of prayer would take place. God bless Franklin Graham. President Trump is amazing in that he called it a national day of prayer. No other presidents have done this. I pray this continues every year, but that we continue to pray for our govt and country daily, to turn to God.

I did stream some of the Return with Jonathan Cahn the night after. That too seemed an amazing event where God was revered and admired and everyone was in repentence. We Christians realize how much our nation and our world needs God. I pray that the lost turn from their wicked ways and realize they need God and seek the Lord for salvation. And I pray for all intercessors, that God lead each one of us to the calling He has for us, as we are His disciples, His voice and His actions. And I pray that all of our decisions 24/7 are made with a heart for Jesus, that throughout our daily lives that God help each one of us be more like Jesus. May the Lord bless each and evey person whom Jesus is their Lord.

These events were amazing and we are thrilled to have been able to participate right from our homes. It was like we were there. It was like heaven on earth, as it should always be. One nation under God. Amen.

September 29, 2020

I was unable to attend in person but watched all unfold on my ipad. My tears flowed freely in joy for the sight of Godā€™s people on their knees before our mighty God. But, tears also of repentance & grief for our country,the Church & my own sinfulness. My prayer is that this Holy time of reflection & humility will usher in a new time in our country, a new beginning. The old will pass away & the Lord will created a right spirit within us. We must no longer be silent or hide our light, the time is now.

Lois P Willis Willis
September 29, 2020

I wash so sad I could not go to DC. However, I will have to say it was AMAZING just watching it all day Saturday from my home. I so felt the connection worldwide of thousands and thousands of Christians. I was so excited to blow my shofar. Blew it so many times realized I was getting better and better at it.
Rabbi Cahn’s message was so anointed- like many others, I just wept and wept.

This was a beginning of a shifting in the heavenly realm over DC and over our nation. It REQUIRES us to keep praying into the prayers that were spoken all through that day- individual repentance, church repentance, church leader repentance and then all the topics that were covered the second half of the day. We MUST persevere in prayer!!

I am finding that many Christians have difficulty spending more than 15 minutes in actual prayer. Why? Perhaps we have not been taught how to pray and about the absolute importance of it? Is it our fast culture that has to go to the next thing quickly? I do not know really. Personally, I am praying for us all to set apart a time of our day to go and enter into His presence, to just sit and listen and soak in His beauty and worship. Then another part to pray into all these things from the Return. We can pray one thing a day. We do not have to do the whole list in one day, but we do need to keep pressing into prayer. The Return should be just the beginning of repentance. All that happened that day is indeed such a huge pillar of remembrance, but it should also be a catapult to encourage us to keep praying until that which we seek and is the will of God be obtained. Perseverance and commitment is much required. May we indeed buy the gold refined by fire and not shrink back!!

Shalom my brethren! So excited to be in battle with you all!!

Dianne Lynn Jackson
September 29, 2020

My daughter and I were there. It was truly a blessing to participate. The heavens opened over Washington DC this weekend. I walked and prayed and wept. We were united in common purpose and it was a blessing to be surrounded with like-minded people. Walking the streets away from the meeting area, we were constantly meeting fellow believers who were singing and praying to the Lord and blowing shofars. Our nation’s capital was invaded by Christianity. We showed the world that we are still a nation who believes in Almighty God.

Anna DuMont
September 29, 2020

Yes, we were blessed to witness and be there in person (Mike and Katie – Tampa,Fl) intermingled in these events. The earnest outpouring of prayers for repentance and salvation, individually and for our nation, saturated our capital city, Wash DC. May we, individually and as a nation heed the call from the Lord Jesus to return…Righteous exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

Debra Horton
September 29, 2020

It was POWERFUL! So thankful šŸ™ŒšŸ»ā¤ļøšŸ”„šŸ’„šŸ”„šŸ’„šŸ”„šŸ’„šŸ”„šŸ’„šŸ”„šŸ’„

September 29, 2020

I was overwhelmed by the people on their faces ., before God., crying out for His mercy., repenting for the sin of abortion. It was an incredible experience. Itā€™s hard to put it into words

September 29, 2020

My husband & I attended The Return & it was amazing. As the prayers of repentance poured out Godā€™s Presence could be felt more & more. As the worship ascended the joy of the Lord was released among the people. We left knowing our prayers had been heard and God was giving America more time. One of the things that amazed me considering all the rioting & protests weā€™ve seen across our country was that we did not see one protester the entire weekend. God & His people had invaded Washington D.C. (both those in D.C. & those around the world praying) & had pushed back the enemy!
Praise our God!!

    Judith Knight
    September 29, 2020

    Thank you for pointing out there were no protestors. I watched all of these events online and never even thought about protests during the entire weekend. May the Holy Spirit flood our nation.

Lorie Horkman
September 29, 2020

Yes I watched the live stream Friday, Saturday during the day and yes Saturday night also. What a awesome event. I felt so honored and blessed to see my brothers and sisters pray and seek Godā€˜s face and worship. So thankful I could join my prayers with theirs. I truly believe God has heard from heaven and will heal our land.Thank you IFA, Dave Kubal, Jonathan Cahn, and all the others who participated in bringing this to us. Truly historic. Iā€™m going back over it all this week little at a time and re-praying.

Mary D
September 29, 2020

It was the most Peaceful time we have ever experienced in Washington, TRULY BEAUTIFUL. We were privileged to be at the RETURN with so many believers crying out to Our Awesome God for ourselves and the Nation! The entire day was annointed with a sweet welcoming presence. We were worshipping, repenting and singing while the March was winding through the streets doing the same! Last week in prayer I saw feathered wings come down over Washington, reminding me of Psalm 91. We were hidden in the secret place! We pray that Father was pleased with the love and praise for His Son. As Holy Spirit guided us! We still felt the afterglow on Sunday, approaching Yom Kippur and Sunday night were able to listen to Jon and Jolene Hamill on LAMPLIGHTERS …..WOW, JUST WOW! I hope they can be on a prayer call with us BEFORE the election!

PS. ThankYou Intercessors for covering DC in prayer before, during and after the event. He heard!

stephanie abdullah
September 29, 2020

I was there and it was an amazing experience. God’s children are calling out unto him. We are repenting. And believing him to restore the land. We are the ones who have to come against these assaults of our overreaching enemy. And we are doing that. I am very inspired by what I see us doing! Praise Jesus Yeshuah! Let the church rise up and be the church!

September 29, 2020

I watched it online. I was moved & also felt God’s Holy Spirit’s presence. I feel so alone in my faith sometimes- my family thinks I’m “out there”, but seeing all those people raising hands, blowing shofars, kneeling in prayer, singing,shouting AMEN & Hallelujah, admitting failures, witnessing of God’s supernatural move, I have renewed strength & desire to be used by God. Thank you to all who made this event possible. Praise and thanks to God, my awesome loving Father, thank You Jesus my Savior, my Redeemer, & my Friend, thank You to my powerful Holy Spirit, my Counselor, my Guide. In & because of Jesus’ blood. AMEN

    Mary D
    September 29, 2020

    Keep going! I want to remind and encourage you that we are all different looking to those who havenā€™t yet come to saving faith! . The world sees it and cannot understand. Christ, the hope of Glory is Now within you, and He also experienced that loneliness and rejection (even from some of His family) and it allows us to identify with Him. BUT as Jer. 29:13 says when we seek Him with all our šŸ’•we have the promise that we will find Him! Keep loving Him and Them! They may be Praising God for your prayer and love for them later here or in eternity. Our Father is the God who sees your entire situation! Your choice to walk with Him through hard stuff and lonelinessf must Please Him very much!! Press on Sister!! Please know you are not alone in this situation. Many of us have experienced or are experiencing the same thing! Keep running the race Dot! There will be Victory

    September 29, 2020

    I feel so alone and out there in my faith in Yeshua also. My family just indulges me and my heart breaks at times, knowing how life will never be the same unless we truly repent and turn from our wicked ways and seek the mighty Face of God.
    God bless you for persisting. I know God is pleased with me also for persisting, and who knows. Maybe we are having more of an influence than we know. I do believe that it is God’s will for us to keep on going on that narrow path He has us on.

      September 29, 2020

      You are not alone! We are blessed we have this community at IFA. We are all part of this intercessory community, called to pray for our nation, and leaders! I hope you will feel connected and know you are among friends hereā€”brothers and sisters in Christ!

September 29, 2020

My husband and watched the livestream in our little TV room. It was powerful. We could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. He is moving! But we must keep on praying and also turn from our wicked ways. Now is the time to speak up for the unborn, for marriage between one man and one woman. All human lives matter. We must speak against all the insanity about us. In His Word He tells us over and over again “Do not be afraid.” Let us stop fearing the enemy’s lies and intimidation tactics and fear only Yehovah Elohim! By the way I was reminded recently that fear stands for FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.

Shirley Posladek
September 29, 2020

We invited people to our backyard and set up a protector, screen and speakers. Washington DC made it to Kansas as we prayed and participated in the prophetic acts as directed by Johnathon Cahn. God showed up and ministered. He broke open our hearts for Him and his Word. He is wooing his people back to him. Our hope is in Jesus. Blessed be the name of The Lord.

Elizabeth Miner
September 29, 2020

I watch the return on live stream all weekend. Amazing event could feel Godā€˜s presence even through the Internet. So happy that so many are praying for our country for Washington for our Presudent. Letā€™s keep it up all you intercessors. Thank you and God bless you.

Marianna Ellis
September 29, 2020

We were there to put feet to our prayers. We felt the peace of God sweep over the city. We were so encouraged. God is on the move, and a shift took place this past weekend. God will not be stopped.

Christine Martha
September 29, 2020

Thank you for sharing this bigger picture of all that went on this weekend in DC! I was aware of some of it, but not all, so this is just a profound encouragement! Free Indeed Ministries gathered in Sycamore, IL, to repent and worship and pray for our nation. We watched Jonathan Cahn’s message and prayer, too, by livestream. Such a blessing to see and be part of this mighty move of God in our land! Father, bring Revival to America!

    Carrie DeSalvo
    September 29, 2020

    We were there…but importantly, the Spirit of the Living God was there. Praying through the streets with the multitudes, and then spending 2 to 5 pm with The Return…how God orchestrated these two movements was a picture of His perfection. All the time I have dpent in DC–the gentle, kind and compassionate atmosphere built an anticipation–you just knew God was doing mighty things through the prayers being raised in DC, in homes and churches around America and around the whole world.

September 29, 2020

My daughter and I watched the live stream from our home for 12 hours. I felt the presence of the Lord throughout the day and I agreed in prayer and worshiped. I had my flags and praised the Lord. I was encouraged with hope and faith as I witnessed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit of so many coming together to pray. Even though I was not able to be there, I participated in THE CALL Washington DC 2007 with Lou Ingle. It was amazing surrounded by believers from the nation and around the world. As Will Graham stated it was like a little bit of heaven came to earth that day. God is pleased and this is where he wants to church to be not just for one day but every day until his return. Let us not grow weary in doing good,seeking,praying and keep our focus on the Lord God almighty and never go back to apathy and slumber. THis battle is the Lords and he needs his remnant to stand in the gap.

    September 29, 2020

    This was my experience. It was living water for a thirsty soul. Iā€™m not sure why but I wept into Sunday. As uplifting as corporate repentance, praise, worship and prayer are, I grieve for the lost. May the Lord hear our prayers and heal the people of this nation. May Gods word go forth and be like living refreshing water for the souls He is waiting for. May we see a return! Amen

Anne Conolly
September 29, 2020

I so wanted to be there, but my husband asked me not to go! I watched it streamed with my husband, and two of my brothers! We came together with all on our knees praying with with one another. It was a beautiful day of togetherness! Seeking God for his forgiveness. Asking for the fear of the Lord to fall upon our nation. I could not get enough! Praise to our God forever and ever.

Yvonne J
September 29, 2020


I am actually fighting for my life in hosital since Saturday night (E-coli in bloodstream hit me out of no-where as I have been interceding for our Country and President)…. I am weeping with joy for this great time in our Country.

PLEASE PRAY FOR MY HEALING…I am 65 with severe arthritis in both hops and now this! I have served God for 50 years and been a prophetic intercessor for over 25 years.

God bless IFA for providing this platform.

    September 29, 2020

    We pray in the mighty name above all names, JESUS, for Yvonneā€™s healing and physical restoration. Thank You, Lord for Your blood filling her blood vessels and destroying every virus, parasite, and harmful bacteria.
    Restore her joints as the Great Physician and Surgeon. Minister to her physically, emotionally, and spiritually for Your glory alone. Give her joy in You which is her strength, and hope with trust that You are indeed working out all things for her good. Rebuke the
    devourer as he has no right to Yvonne. Give her medical staff wisdom and sound judgment.
    Thank You, Lord, for hearing and answering our prayer.
    āœØAmen and AmenāœØ

      stephanie abdullah
      September 29, 2020

      I stand in unity with you and other believers for your complete restoration! Jesus has already done His part and we reject by His name and blood ANY and all purposes of the enemy of God to accomplish anything against Gods will and purposes. Let Gods completed work be established in the earth and in your body!

    Christine Martha
    September 29, 2020

    Praying Ps. 71 for you, Yvonne! “For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth….Do not cast me off in the time of old age’ forsake me not when my strength is spent….So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation!” Father, heal Yvonne and raise her up again in strength to proclaim your might to another generation!

    September 29, 2020

    Praying for you Yvonne. May the shalom peace of God consume you!

    maritza heg
    October 3, 2020

    WOW , Shirley !! AWESOME !! Fruits will be felt from your home to Washington and back and they will spread over our nation and the world !!

    maritza heg
    October 3, 2020

    Dear sister Yvonne, your faithfulness will be rewarded ! We love you and thank our beloved, mighty God for your precious life !!!!!

    October 3, 2020

    This is Yvonne and wanted to Thank everyone for your prayers. I came home from Hospital (with E-coli/Sepsis in bloodstream) since Saturday Night. Dr said my fever broke and ā€œcount of E-coli in my bloodstream was coming way downā€. I have to stay on antibiotics for 10 days then to Dr for tests.

Candy Gilbert
September 29, 2020

I watched the entire nearly 12 hours of The Return as well as The Prayer Walk (had 2 devices going). It felt profound and humbling. I found myself standing or kneeling more often than not. Tears flowed. And at one point I felt a shift. I pray it will continue and grow. I saw a swell like the beginning of a mighty wave out in the ocean making its way in. I pray we have a tsunami of power as Holy Spirit continues to rise up stronger in each of our hearts. May we never be the same.


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IFA President
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