‘God is Tilling the Soil and Sowing Seeds for a Fertile Revival’
‘God is Tilling the Soil and Sowing Seeds for a Fertile Revival’
Walking along Paris’ famed Champs-Élysées this week, actor Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus in the television series “The Chosen,” tells CBN News that he’s humbled by how God is using the show to touch millions of people around the world.
“Do you often pinch yourself realizing the magnitude of the role that you are playing and how well the show has done?” CBN News asked.
“I don’t know if I pinch myself, I’m more ‘bow my head to the ground’ because I never feel that I’m worthy of the things that are happening as a result,” Roumie replied.
Three years after its premiere episode, the series now hits television screens for the first time across France airing on one of this country’s top TV channels.
“To be on a major network is a first,” said Katherine Warnock, one of the show’s producers. “We love our platform, we love having a free app that’s available to the whole world, but to be embraced by Canal + has been such an honor.”
Roumie and cast members joined 500 people for a showing of “The Chosen” at a Paris movie theater ahead of next week’s broadcast, many watching it for the first time…
“My hope is that people will connect, not with the show, but with Jesus through the characters in the show,” Célérier told CBN News in Paris.
Célérier has mobilized hundreds of French pastors and Catholic leaders to hold follow-up ministry and discipleship programs over the course of The Chosen’s seven-season broadcast.
An additional 3,500 Christians have volunteered to hold small groups in their homes and other locations to discuss the series. “We are preparing the fields, we are preparing the hearts with season one, but I hope that season after season people will connect more and more with Jesus,” Célérier said.
That’s Roumie prayer as well, posting on Instagram that he believes “God is tilling the soil and sowing seeds for a fertile revival.”
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(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)
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Dear Lord Jesus, I have seen Christmas with the Chosen-the Messengers. I have seen Episode 7 Season 2. I am moved to tears every time I encounter anything to do with the Chosen. I see You in a new light, You are very real and the Bible comes alive in each episode. Please show me how You would like me to be involved in bringing the message of the Chosen into the lives of my family and friends and neighbors. Many people I know have hard hearts. We do not want to submit to the Lordship of Christ in our lives. Please use the Chosen to continue the Revival that we are in the midst of! Darkness & the Light of Christ are meeting face to face! Thank You, Jesus, that You have not left us or forsaken us! In Jesus name I pray this. Amen.”
“The Chosen” is being used to reach the hearts of millions of people around the world with the penetrating grace of Jesus Christ. Without diminishing His deity and holiness, this series presents Jesus as accessible and desirable in His humanity. Each disciple is an individual, given a plausible back story to suggest how Jesus saw and interacted with them.
I have been praying for the salvation of my intellectual, secular humanist brother Ted for over 50 years. He told me he has NEVER seen any evidence for God or felt the need to resort to God as an explanation for any process or experience. At one point he dismissed the God of the Old Testament as “Hitler–writ large.” He knows the Bible as well as I do and can discuss it and argue it but has had zero spiritual understanding–or interest.
We introduced Ted to “The Chosen” and from the beginning he was drawn to it, enthusiastic, won’t miss an episode. He says “This is what I always thought Jesus was like. This is a Jesus I could believe in!” For those of us who already know Him, the “Chosen” portrayal of our Lord is congruent with all we know in Scripture about Him and deepens our faith and gratitude for Who He is and what He has done and is doing.
Jessica, Thank you for telling us about your brother, Ted. In my life I have my grandson, Jave, 24 years old, whose heart is hard as a stone towards anything having to do with God! Then there is sister, Vicki, who lost her faith in graduate school, liberal professors. My friend, Wayne, I believe the hound of heaven is after him! I hope and pray he might see Jesus in a new light if he is willing to watch just one episode of the Chosen. Transformation is the most exciting thing in the whole world to witness. Let it begin with me!