God is On the Move – Straight from the Pages of Headline Prayer
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God is On the Move – Straight from the Pages of Headline Prayer
We intercede. We believe for a move, for revival, for the heart of this nation to be turned back to the Lord. We do not waver or grow weary in well-doing for we KNOW the harvest is plentiful and breakthrough is on the other end.
The following articles, most from the pages of IFA’s Headline Prayer, are but a trickle in the way our God is moving. I see ripples in the unseen, a rumbling deep below the surface, the ungirding of a move this country has never seen before. While we only know in part, may each of these encourage and flood you with hope. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” but we are not a people without hope.
Jesus wins!
Virginia has been a hotbed for movement, for dissension, for criticism… But we know where the battle is churning in the natural, there is an upheaval in the heavenlies – chains breaking, mountains moving, captives being set free.
One of Governor Glenn Youngkin’s first executive orders passed decisionmaking to parents rather than the school systems – allowing parents to make decisions on what is best for their own children – determining whether wearing a mask is in the best interest of their children. The order created a social media frenzy in many counties across Virginia – anger and accusations thrown from both sides. School boards across Virginia openly defied the Governor’s orders and asserted their own orders, thus “negating” what was issued from higher up.
Praise God for the work of many parents resulting in “Virginia’s Supreme Court rejecting a challenge from Chesapeake parents against Glenn Youngkin’s executive order to allow parents to opt-out of their children wearing masks in school.”
Mask mandates are gaining attention across our country. A surge of governors, including Democrats Kathy Hochul (New York) and J.B. Pritzker (Illinois) “will announce their decisions to lift mask mandates in their states.” Included in the Democrat-led states list are also New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Oregon, California, Rhode Island, and Delaware – all while President Biden stands behind the continued CDC advisement of mask mandates.
Continue to pray for natural immunity to build across this country. Pray for fearless leaders to hear and look out for the needs of their people, and to stand up for what’s right even in the face of great dissension. Pray for grace as we interact with those who are immunocompromised and/or afraid, that we would not be dismissive, but offer respect and compassion. Pray that we would lead and move from a place of love.
Recently musician Eric Clapton made an earth-shattering statement in a Real Music Observer interview about having his eyes opened to “the theory of mass formation hypnosis.” As his awareness piqued, he realized that it was everywhere he looked. IFA President/CEO, David Kubal wrote about this phenomenon: “This secular concept describes a spiritual condition I have been talking about for months. Our nation – and many nations – have fallen under the influence of a deceptive spirit in ways we have never seen.”
Kubal goes on to share how this delusion gains momentum, including fear, isolation and an authority figure offering a solution. The pandemic of Covid-19 is a case in point.
“As the level of fear and anxiety is ratcheted up, those “hypnotized” become more and more committed to the leader or government’s solution, creating zealous individual propogandists in every corner. These zealots become very passionate and as a group devise effective ways to work together. They increasingly become unable to see beyond the lies and think for themselves…”
-David Kubal
Media influencers, celebrities, sports icons have had their names and their careers slandered in the name of holding to the narrative. Thinking critically is downplayed and “group-think” is the focus. There is a litany of mainstream agendas that fall into the same camp – all areas where “mass hypnosis” and spiritual warfare are deeply entangled. Download our Prayer Guide to Pray for National Deliverance from this spirit of deception.
Austrian immigrant, Kitty Werthmann was witness to the gradual, unsuspecting demise and deception being fed to an entire country. As she highlighted, Hitler didn’t come rolling in by force; he was invited in, he was voted for. He was an authority figure offering a solution to mass unemployment and struggling families. Public education was elevated and religious education and mothers at home were relegated to the few. The government raised and indoctrinated the children. We know how their story of “mass hypnosis” ended. Werthmann warned America, “The whole idea sounds almost unbelievable that the state, little by little eroded our freedom…Don’t let freedom slip away.”
The prayers of the righteous availeth much! Join me in praying alongside fellow intercessors:
Jeannie Peninger: (I pray) the Light of Jesus shine down and illuminate the darkness and reveal the truth to many who are deceived and especially in positions of influence. I (pray) for the positions of influence be vacated by the evil and filled with those who will carry out the good. from the least to the greatest.
Toni Kushner: My prayer is that “My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and Pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.” Daniel learned that repentance for God’s people and confession to God was to be the key that opened the eyes of the people to Truth. “Give ear, O God, and hear; open Your eyes and see the desolation of the city {The Nations} that bears Your Name. We do not make requests of You because we are righteous, but because of Your great Mercy. O Lord listen! O Lord forgive! O Lord hear and act! For Your sake, O my God do not delay”. I pray that the eyes of the hearts of those who are His and have drifted from faith, will Hear, Repent, seek Your face and be healed. Let the generation who has followed Eric Clapton in early and later years return to the one True God. Holy Spirit draw them into Your Word and deliver, set free and heal them from the spirits of deception. Raise them up to be a living testimony of the power of the risen Christ. Many have grown up on Clapton and continue to follow are sitting in our churches and have been drawn into the lies. May we pray for the cleansing of their mind and establish themselves in the foundation of Jesus Christ, by the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Intercessors not only share their prayers, but also their insights. As you read the following comments, pray as the Spirit leads:
Anne Snyder: On point #3, “Pray for release of spirits…”, can I add that Jesus gave us the authority to deal with demonic strongholds. Jesus has been given authority over all creation, heaven, and under the earth, everything. He then instructed us to use his authority here on the earth. When we pray, instead of asking God to do something, we need to take up our position of authority (Jesus’ authority in us.) against these strongholds. We have the responsibility to take the authority Jesus purchased and use it. God’s already done his part in Jesus being the second Adam and regaining the authority the first Adam abdicated. He then left us with the responsibility to use this God provided authority through the name of Jesus.
So, let’s together take a stand against this deception and the lies people are held hostage to, and bind any and all demonic strongholds operating against this nation. Satan is a bully, and we are told to actively resist him and he will flee. Let’s rise up together and resist these demons and their strongholds in our nation and watch him flee.
Norma Koxlien: Thank you for this pointing to, ‘The Rock that is higher than we’. It contains a spirit of HOPE that breaks through hopelessness.. We need to be open to & focused on the wavelength of heaven! Wisdom to know how to. “Stand” with confidence & strength (in the power of HIS might!) & not be overwhelmed. On the offense. Not wringing our hands at seeing the diabolical deception & the masses falling, but linking our “shields of faith” together & STANDING in concerted prayer quenching the forgery darts of the enemy!
Joe Pugh: For several weeks now and strongly this morning between sleep and a wake praying for (my family) and then the people on earth. The word delusional kept coming into my thoughts. I questioned God as to what and how to pray about this. Then the memory of a tongue interpretation from decades ago came to my mind. The battle is in the mind. Pray that the delusional spirit will be broken and for sound minds. Then I read this article this morning. I am a witness to the truth of this message.
Heinz Giesbrecht: As an intercession warrior I pray in the hills every day and I am aware of “mass formation”… The Lord taught me something interesting about the resulting hypnotization of people… He said hypnosis is like fog, it blinds and disoriented… and that cold fog describes the isolation of these people…
He asked me: how does the fog dissolve…? Fog is usually an old stagnant cold air mass in a lower level… Dry and warm air / wind dissolves these foggy air masses and if it is still blowing in turbulently this accelerates the process of dissolution…!
As a former pilot, I understand this image that the Holy Spirit is using here… Warm air is to fog what light is to darkness, it can no longer exist… So let’s pray for this warm turbulent wind and the natural consequence is that people begin to see again…
We see this demonic assault continue to rage as emboldened “converts” unapologetically and boldly convened for the largest satanic gathering this past weekend. Kris Kubal shared some excellent prayer points to combat the darkness and reverse the darkness; I encourage you to pray through those, even though this event is over. The powers of darkness continue to spread their influence and prayer is our greatest weapon. Also available is the “Reverse the Curse” prayer guide.
Let us not lose hope. As we see growing and seemingly prevailing darkness, KNOW that God is intimately involved in the affairs of His people! Center for the Study of Global Christianity released the Church’s trends in their 2022 Status of Global Christianity report. Listed below are direct statements released by Lifeway Research. Be encouraged by clicking through to read the details.
- Religious faith is growing faster than the irreligious.
- Christianity continues to grow.
- Growth is fasted in the global South.
- Christianity continues to spread out.
- The percentage of non-Christians who know a Christian is climbing.
- More than 90 million Bibles will be printed this year.
- Fewer Christians are dying for their faith.
Christianity is growing. No matter how much the enemy tries to come against the Church, we will prevail! JESUS is the name above all other names!
Join me in praying as Mary Kirkendall prayed: O how we praise you, our God and our King! Your gospel is spreading like fire to all Nations. Lord Jesus, we render to you, in the very midst of terrible persecution and the enemy bringing harm and brutality to many, the Name of Jesus is spreading to all Nations. Father God, You open every door that no man can shut, so every tongue, tribe, nation, and people will have the ability to accept Your gift of eternal life.
We praise Your Holy Name and worship You as the undefeatable God. strong and mighty, pulling down every stronghold and giving the faith to all that serve you the overcoming power through faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave us life, overcoming life, as sons and daughters of the Living God. We are children of the light! No war, no enemy can put out the light of our God and we praise You, that in the midst of threats on every side, our God Reigns. May Olam El be known deep within by believers. As you awaken your Body and bring, not just, Revival to her, bring those who will disciple and train each one to know You and the power of you resurrection and be acquainted with your death. May we be strong and courageous, and not tremble with fear, because You, our God, will never leave us or forsake us. We ask for the Master’s Men to be raised up, the Caleb’s’, Joshua’s, Daniel’s, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego’s to the forefront of our Spiritual Army and also the Esther’s, Deborah’s, Mary’s, Martha’s, Mary Magdalene’s, Ruth’s, Phoebe’s, Priscilla’s, Rahab’s, Dorcas’, and Anna’s. Father God, we need an army of all kinds of courageous men and women who will pray, war, love, and lay their lives down for your will and your way. Come now and instill, power, love, and self-control in Your people to fight the good fight of faith.
We ask this in the powerful name of Jesus, our King.
Over a year in and election integrity continues to be an issue in great need of prayer. The prayers of the saints continue to uncover what has been done in darkness. “Epoch Times reported that in North Carolina, “Records that show foreigners registered to vote—and actually voted in North Carolina elections—will be disclosed by the state’s board of elections as a result of its legal settlement with an electoral integrity group.”
Despite continued efforts to resist and evade the truth, election officials are now disclosing the vulnerabilities and revealing where election integrity was circumvented.
Continue to pray for the protection of the voting process in our country and for only laws passed that safeguard the integrity of our elections.
It has been our mantle of prayer for the last few years:
“…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chr 7:14
This is a call for repentance, a humble and contrite heart before the King of Kings. “The Global Day of Repentance” shared that there have been over 800 days of repentance in this nation since the arrival of the early Pilgrims – with the last Congressional or Presidential call being issued over 100 years ago. The year was 1918, with prayers “helping to end World War 1 and the Spanish flu.”
The momentum began with a “National and International Day of Repentance and Sacred Assemblies Regarding Abortion” in Washington, DC early December. Beginning in the state of Virginia earlier this month and progressing through each of the original 13 colonies, there is a call for repentance and intercession for the “restoration of (each colony/state’s) Godly roots”.
We can never go wrong when our hearts are grounded in prayer and surrender.
Read Susan CC’s comment and let’s join her in prayer: “In looking through some suggested scripture, I was heart-struck while reading 2 Chronicles 30. A little history: Hezekiah was 25 at the time of his father’s death. His father was King Ahaz and he was evil beyond belief. Ahaz enforced wickedness throughout his 16 year rule. But when Hezekiah became king of Judah, he repaired and cleansed the Temple. He renewed Temple worship. He sent word throughout all of Israel and Judah and in letters to Ephraim and Manasseh, “to come to the Lord’s Temple in Jerusalem and observe the Passover of the Lord God of Israel.” The letter said: Return to God, unlike your family members who where made objects of horror because of their obstinance. Give your allegiance to the Lord and come to His sanctuary that He consecrated forever. Serve Him so that He may turn His fierce wrath from you. When you return to the Lord your family will receive mercy from their captors and be returned to Judah. The Lord your God is gracious and merciful; He will not turn His face away from you if you return to Him.
Much like today, this message was a target of ridicule and mockery. This did not discourage King Hezekiah, neither did the problem of those who participated in Passover without purifying themselves. He interceded for them praying, “May the LORD, who is good, provide atonement for everyone who sets his heart on seeking God—the LORD, the God of his fathers—even if he is not cleansed according to the purification rules of the sanctuary.” The Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people. They celebrated and rejoiced and in addition to the 7 days ordained, 7 more. Nothing like this had happened in Jerusalem since the days of Solomon. And when the priests and Levites stood to bless the people, God heard their prayer from Heaven.
Dear Heavenly Father, we have sinned and fallen short of Your glorious standard. Thank You that we have been justified freely by Your grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. May the prayers for repentance and healing offered today and in all days, be heard in Heaven. I pray You will keep us repentant so our sins may be wiped away. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God, The Messiah Amen.”
Though the darkness might try to overcome our thoughts and interfere in our homes, our schools, our communities and our nation – our God is on the throne and His NAME is the name above all other names. Do you believe it? His purposes and plans will prevail! Our call is to stay the course, keep ours eyes firmly fixed on the ONE who is more than able! As we choose to partner with Him in intercession and action, let HOPE arise!
Where do you need hope to arise? We want to come alongside one another in prayer. Our God is more than able!!!
(Photo Credit: Unsplash)
Suni Piper is a writer and passionate intercessor for the nation and for the Church. She is determined and surrendered to be a voice of truth and encouragement to the Body of believers. Follow Suni at her website ASurrenderedLife.com.
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“God has not given us a spirit of fear but He has given unto us a spirit of power, a spirit of love and a sound mind. Wait on the LORD and be of good courage. Submit to God, resist the devil and He will flee from you.” 2 Timothy 1:7, Psalm 27:14, James 4:7
“A voice said, “Shout!” I asked, “What should I shout?” “Shout that people are like the grass. Their beauty fades as quickly as the flowers in a field. The grass withers and the flowers fade beneath the breath of the Lord. And so it is with people. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.” O Zion, messenger of good news, shout from the mountaintops! Shout it louder, O Jerusalem. Shout, and do not be afraid. Tell the towns of Judah, “Your God is coming!” Yes, the Sovereign Lord is coming in power. He will rule with a powerful arm. See, he brings his reward with him as he comes.”
Isaiah 40:6-10
Anne Snyder makes an excellent point–we must use the authority the Lord has given us to deal with every issue, not just ask Him to work on our behalf.
Here’s another thought:. We are primarily dealing with demonic forces. One of the most powerful weapons we have against them is praise. It utterly confuses them. See II Chronicles 20.. When the temple choir went out ahead of the army, singing praises and thanking God for His covenant mercy, God confused their enemies and they all destroyed each other.
Is it possible we would see more and swifter victories if we concentrated more on praise and thanksgiving, not just petitions? Just a thought.
Now I’m crying with Joy!
I Thank You Lord Jesus for this most AWESOME website and to ALL who contribute to such a wonderful praiseworthy website with articles and prayers!
I Thank thank our Father God for giving us such Love and Mercy!
Thank You IFA members for your wonderful contributions, articles and Prayers!
You Rock Gods World!!
God Loves You all !
Praise the Lord and I so thank Him too for this article. Of course He is on the move, even in the darkest times and situations. We, believers, who want to believe, sometimes NeeD to remember to add ‘help our unbelief’. After our former President, Trump, lost the election, I saw and heard us, God’s people saying sad, scared things, and we kinda lost our way with the rest of the country. Then I noticed a real difference with the heartache in Afghanistan, not just in the prayers of IFA, but other groups I am part of too. Real repentance. Our repentance first, then praying for others, to be strong or be saved.
None of the chaos and evil we see in our world is out of God’s control. Our Awesome Almighty God is not wringing HIS hands wondering what He’s gonna do about all the wrongs that need to be righted.
I really loved the pilot’s description of fog. Cause this RN has seen that fear fog since 9/11. We started into active labor. Then 2020 had a new component, fear mixed with anger fog got a stranglehold, on the world. But Poppa God is using it, calling us, His children to rise up, remember Whose we are, breath and move in HIS Spirit and strength, and purpose. Calling to a lost world ‘Come!’ with The Spirit! Cause time is so short. This vintage Labor & Delivery RN sees someone is coming! And this time HE is no baby being born and laid in a manger!
Prayer changes things and as this article says, we are seeing results in many different places in many different ways. hopefully, we do not grow weary but pray without ceasing on all occasions about all things. What a privilege prayer is! We can pray for those we do not know and will never meet this side of heaven. Prayer knows no boundaries. “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” (Eph. 6:18) http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com
I started reading a book a Pastor wrote called Furnace Grace; it brought to my remembrance a Story in the Bible: Daniel 3:23- Shadrach, Meshack, Abednego ; I read this story back in the early 1970,s it has never left my mind in all these years. It made such an impression on my life of what God did in the fiery furnace but I never thought of it as a test of Faith in the 2020,s until now. We have been in the Furnace of Nebuchadnezzar’s. The writer Dr. Tim Hill when I heard him speak about The Three Hebrew Children, caught my attention because it was one of my favorites; Then he made a statement about Gods Grace , How it is efficient enough Romans 5:20 Gods Grace is a powerful Tool the dictionary says it is “ unmerited divine favor, and assistance from God.” Greek word for Grace is “ Charis” is a divine importation that “ Empowers” us strengthens us to do what we could never do alone” . The supply of Grace will always meet the demand of any Crisis. 2 Corinthians 12:9. Just as the (3) Hebrew Children had Gods Grace over them, we must rely on Gods words in the Bible “ Gods Grace” is sufficient, God says my Grace is sufficient in weakness made perfect. The first chapter in the book states: how to Live when the Heat is Turned Up!!! My prayer is Jesus by your Grace which u say is sufficient for any Crisis we ask that you give us reminders that we can stand not bow against the ungodly presence of the bullying, the intimidation, the diabolical spirits that want to dilute the gospel message where sin is acceptable in any form. This is the Fiery Furnace where do we stand? My prayer to God is how do we use this Grace? Grace in the New Testament is Supernatural impartation from God/ James 4:6 says He gives us more Grace; “ God opposes the proud, but shows favor to the humble” The Trust we have in you God is not going to fail, we will not bow, we will always put our Trust in you to carry us through the Furnaces because we want to be more like you. These trials we are going through serve as a opportunity to build our strength, getting closer in a stronger relationship with our Father. Phil. 4:13 says we can DO ALL Things through Christ who gives us the strength. Thank you Father God for a reminder of The Fiery Furnace as an endurance Tool We Must never give up or Falter in knowing what God can and will do. We all must have a rich supply of God’s Grace. God’s kingdom works. We praise your name and Thank you Our Holy God. Be blessed I am. ✝️🧎♀️💕
yes, we are in the furnace – and my favorite part of that story is – Jesus was right there with them walking around in the furnace – not looking down from above – right there with them, just as He is right here with each one of us who invites Him in. His presence provides everything we need, peace, comfort, joy, hope, wisdom, guidance, forgiveness, healing and of course grace – always grace. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com
Dear God,
Please release American evangelicals from their bondage to idolatry, particularly the idolatry of nationalism and also release them from their worship of money and power, as well as their worship of powerful rich men who hate the truth.
In Jesus name,
Amen brother, Amen!
Vi pray with you but i hope my prayers are [email protected]
These declarations and prayers give the Body of Christ hope to persevere in prayer! We always ride in the train of His triumph.
Glory Jesus Glory you do the fighting for us and having done all to stand we will stand therefore!
Christ is amongst us! Glory beto Jesus Christ! Glory be forever!!☦
Let’s pray for God to raise up many more preachers/workers in the harvest, as Jesus directed us to pray – Luke 10:1,2. Praise God for Sean Feucht (spelling?), and those with him, going around to many cities, over many months, proclaiming Christ in the open, and seeing much fruit. Pray that those who come to Christ become part of sound churches. Pray for our churches to be purified, trusting in Christ alone according to the Scriptures, and not in methods that tend to please people, and not really love people in Christ – there is a big difference. Thank you for posting this IFA article.
Such an encouraging article, Suni! Thank you for putting it all together!! Now a second wave of prayers and praises will release more of God’s light and power – we pray- on earth as it is in heaven, Lord !! Release revival around the globe! In Jesus mighty name – AMEN!
Our God is able! Thanks for that article, is like a refreshing river in a dry land! I look forward to reading Intercessors for America, and eagerly waiting it’s arrival in my email. I look forward to the articles on answered prayers and seeing the prayer requests. God bless each one involved in this great work!!