I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for Your plans and purposes for America and for Donald Trump to be fulfilled.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

“It was God alone.”— former President Donald J. Trump

What is it about Mr. Trump that offends his political opponents? From the early days of his political career, the anger toward this man has been irrational. The media vilification. Frivolous lawsuits. Impeachment proceedings. The list goes on.

Do you want state prayer alerts?


And now: an assassination attempt.

The assassin fired eight or more shots, with one grazing the ear of Mr. Trump. One inch from death. Even though the assassin meant to kill, his efforts resulted in Mr. Trump standing with his fist in the air shouting, “Fight, fight, fight.” The blood streaming down his face requires – does not suggest – the protection of God on this man. Sadly, another man, Corey Comperatore, was killed and two others injured. The sister of Mr. Comperatore put it very well: “The hatred for one man took the life of the one man we loved the most.”

Say what you want about Mr. Trump’s personality, his business practices, and his policies … God has preserved this man through nearly a decade of assault, not just against him but, more importantly, the call of God on his life.

It’s not just about the person of Mr. Trump; it’s more about how God wants to use him.

Many have concluded they dislike Mr. Trump for some reason, but the entire country witnessed God’s hand of protection on this man.

God is bringing glory to Himself by orchestrating miraculous events. God is reminding us and accentuating that He has a plan for our nation.

Amid the events around the assassination attempt, we must not forget (and we must continue to pray for) God’s miraculous hand in elevating leaders He chooses so nations can accomplish divine purposes.

This is not the first time a miracle like this has happened involving our nation’s leaders. There are many examples to draw from, but two are similar to what happened to President Trump on Saturday.

In 1755, George Washington fought fiercely in the battle of Monongahela in the French and Indian War. It was a devastating loss; however, Mr. Washington survived.

After the battle ended, Mr. Washington found a strange tear in his jacket. He took off the jacket and discovered it was a bullet hole. As he inspected his jacket more closely, he found three more bullet holes, but not even a scratch on his skin!

Four bullets tore Mr. Washington’s coat but missed his body!

Centuries later, President Ronald Wilson Reagan took office. Sixty-nine days into his presidency, he went to the Washington Hilton to speak to members of the AFL-CIO.

As Mr. Reagan left the hotel and crossed the sidewalk toward his limousine, would-be assassin John Hinckley shot him. Mr. Reagan wanted to be taken to the White House, but Secret Service agent Jerry Parr insisted he be taken to the hospital. This very likely saved Mr. Reagan’s life.

At the hospital, doctors discovered the extent of President Reagan’s serious injuries. He was indeed close to death, as the bullet was very near his heart. Before surgery, he had already lost 50% of his blood.

The position of the bullet, the wisdom of Agent Parr, the skill of the surgeons — all of these variables could have produced a different result. But people were praying, and God saved President Reagan’s life.

A Native American sachem witnessed President Washington’s survival of that deadly battle. The sachem said, “He will become a chief of nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the Father of a mighty empire.” We know how true this was. God saved George Washington so that he could lead the founding and establishment of the United States.

God saved President Reagan as well. President Reagan often spoke of the D.P., his abbreviation for the divine plan, his sense that God had plans and purposes for him. Certainly, his leadership in defeating the grip of communism throughout Eastern Europe was part of that plan.

President Reagan believed that the prayers of Americans were vital. He told John Beckett, co-founder of Intercessors of America, “I firmly believe in intercessory prayer, and I know that it’s prayer that sustains me. Thank you, and thank your people for me.”

Now to the man of Donald Trump.

President Trump echoed President Reagan’s sentiments, posting on Truth Social, “Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness.”

The human brain is wired to react in one of two ways in life-threatening situations: fear or courage. The area of the brain processing crisis situations produces one of these two possible responses. President Trump’s reaction was courage. He could have stayed hidden behind the curtain of the Secret Service. Instead, he had the character to stand, pump his fist, and shout, “Fight.” His reaction was not focused on his safety; instead, his instant reaction was the mission of this nation and the well-being of the American people.

A person’s reaction in a crisis is the purest window into that person’s character.

I have personally watched Mr. Trump ask for spiritual wisdom and want to be directed by God. His statement, “It was God alone,” positions him humbly before God to realize how God wants to use him.

As we process this national trauma, we must not lose sight of the fact that this is a spiritual battle between God’s plan for a man and a nation and the demonic agenda to “steal and kill and destroy.” It is God alone who can safeguard us and our nation.

What is God revealing to you about this assassination attempt? What is he revealing to you about Trump? Share with us in the comments.

This article was originally published at Higher Ground Times. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=121268832.

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Shirley Sanders
October 29, 2024

Come on church only 2034 praying in the most historic, and spiritual battle of our lifetime. Wake up church or are you blind and woke. Like Moses said who is on the Lord’s side. The word of God decides whose side we are on.. what God loves we should love, what God hates we should hate.. If you are a child of God and the Holy Spirit dwells in you then you know what time it is. It is time for the church to stand against the wiles of the devil and his minions. It is time for the church to fall out of agreement with the culture of this world, and be what the Father God has called us to be, More than conquerors, overcomers through Jesus Christ. Pray like you never have prayed before. Pray in the spirit(your heavenly languages tongues) and prayer in your natural language. Pray in the authority that God has given his children to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. Pray in that dunamis power that is inside all true children of God , not just religious people. There is a difference. God loves Donald Trump, He saw his heart, His pure heart for this country. He saw his willingness to leave the comforts of his luxury, money, fame, position ,and family to descend into the chaos and vitriol, and attempted murder, character assassination, you name it the devils minions has done to the President Trump. God saw something in Trump that he did not see in other men for this time. He saw an imperfect man with a heart of love for this country, one willing to give it all for the love of country. A God principle ,giving, For God So loved the world He gave us Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Donald Trump is no Jesus, but in response to our fervent prayers all these years during the Obama administration. His answer to our prayers was Donald J Trump. But many Christians rejected him. Turn their knows up at him , judged him, holier than thou people ,rejected God’s way of deliverance for America. He did not act or look or talk Presidential. I too had a hard time until the Lord began to change my heart. Jesus was rejected also because he did not come as their king the way they thought the Messiah would come. Think about that. Under Trump’s years as President we flourished as a nation . Yes! Trump is on assignment from God and as tough as it has been for President Trump he is tough , courageous enough to stand, so that the left and those on the right who have joined with the left to persecute Donald Trump, and are trying to destroy our country, they are not fighting Trump ,they are fighting God. They should be shaking in their shoes. Pray like your life depended on it. It does. Cover Donald Trump, and JD Vance. In the Blood of Jesus, and pray that the angels will take charge over them and their families. Pray that God’s will be done in and through Donald Trump and JD Vance.. Increase those numbers praying for Trump. Don’t stay home go vote for Donald Trump and JD Vance and vote red across the board. This is the way through the Red Sea. To victory to the other side Jesus is coming back soon , until then we occupy until he comes, voting is a part of it. To not vote is a vote for the disastrous administration we have lived under for these last years. To vote for Harris ,or to not vote plays against God’s plans. And into satan’s hands. Use your spiritual weapons, and Fight,Fight, Fight. Ye are of God little Children and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you then he that is in the world 1John4:4

August 2, 2024

When I heard of the assassination attempt on President Trump, one person, I said, NO, God is using P. Trump to save America. Use him for Your glory, cause his heart to be totally devoted to You. Further revival in this nation!
God bless IFA as the go to GR, MI on Aug. 3. Further revival, break strongholds. In Jesus Christ

July 23, 2024

Basically, the missing component on all sides is our commandment by the Lord:
Judge Not!
“Oh, well, I have to have an opinion!”
But, the Lord did not say, “If you have a cherished opinion,
you can just go ahead and ignore My commandment not
to judge (because as you judge others, you will be judged).”
Also, while you are at it, forget to acknowledge Me in all your ways
and then blame Me when your paths are not straight and plain and
you have no peace or joy or faith!!! Yes, you can sacrifice your faith
which is a gift from the Lord by having to be all-knowing (“wise in your
own eyes”) and garnering attention by your vast knowedge instead of
waiting on Him as the ultimate Judge of all things.
God is more than enough and we should act as if this is true,

July 22, 2024

President Trump’s life was spared by God for a reason. He wants him to lead our nation back to HIM. We must pray together and surrender to the will of God.

David Turner
July 22, 2024

Of course God Has a plan for Donald Trump. The problem is that too many Christians in America have their minds brainwashed by social media and/or other sources of information so that they are too carnal to see that we are not trying to elect a Pastor to run this country but rather a person who is sympathetic and supportive to Judeo-Christian values and a supporter of the nation of Israel. We need a man who is best qualified to run this country on a business/economic level, one who commands the respect of the terrorist organizations/and the enemies of this country. There have been too many prophesies spoken over Donald Trump for us to just skip over and ignore. He is alive today because of the prayers of God’s people. We must continue to pray for his safety, because this probably won’t be the last attempt on his life. I would not be surprised if there is a conspiracy against him in high levels of government. DON’T BE SUPRISED IF ELECTION FRAUD OVER THE 2020 ELECTION IS FINALLY REVEALED. REMEMBER, GOD DOES THINGS ON HIS TIME TABLE, NOT THE TIME TABLE OF MEN.

Cynthia Quattrocelli
July 22, 2024

In my intercession times lately, I have sensed God showing me that HE Himself has built the Trump platform not only to help our nation escape communism and socializm, but HE will use it to draw people to a relationship with Him. Trump literally has a platform that I believe he will eventually be directed by the Lord to speak to the world about Almighty God and Christ our Saviour from. Praise the Lord for the Great Awakening thats on the way! Amen.

Judy Hamrick
July 22, 2024

The attempt on President Trump’s life is a reminder to the people of the United States that God is in control and that He is a powerful God. He is also a jealous God and requires His people to honor and serve Him. How do we honor Him? We pray continually just as His word teaches us. God is teaching us that HE alone chooses whom He uses to fulfill His purposes. He also uses the simple to confound the wise. We, the people of the United States must awaken from our slumber , pray, and seek His face to hear clearly from Him. We must rededicate our lives to Him and listen for His instructions on how to implement His plan. Speak, Lord! We are listening.

Jay Gregory
July 22, 2024

The older and older I get, there is less and less I know for sure. Here is one thing I know for sure. God is not surprised by any of these events. I have heard 2 Chronicles 7:14 quoted more during the past several weeks than during the previous 60 years. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

I think America, and particularly American Christians needs to begin at the end of that promise. Perhaps God is giving us a rest-bit, a brief pause to “turn from our wicked ways” And seek His face.

July 20, 2024

Sounds like a broken record. Gun clubs didn’t distort the shooter’s mind or in fact any crazy shooter’s mind. Remember the politicians who insight violence against their political opponent (democrats aka demoncrats) or the media holding a decapitated head or an actor asking when was the last time an actor assassinated a president. This has been going on ever since President Trump won in 2016. So call all of those hateful people out for their part in this because they are guilty of spreading hate. That is not God’s way. I believe that gun clubs do more about safety and use of guns than not having them. As for me I support gun clubs. Be safe trust in God and God bless. 🙏😇🙏

July 20, 2024

In the midst of the finger pointing of who is responsible for allowing the shooter to get so close with a firearm, i do not see anyone expressing concern that tge shooter’s high school had a rifke club and it is not the only one in aamerica. I cant be the only one who thinks handing a rifle to High School kids as an extra carricular club is a bad idea.

    July 20, 2024

    I expressed this concern on other public forums and responses included the fact that archery is also taught but i have not heard of mass shootings with bows and arrows at schools or public areas in modern American history. Another respibse was tge necessity to teach proper firearm handling. i think thats fine for the military and police to teach to recruits tgey deem stable and mature enough to handle those roles. They cant teach prayer or God in school but can have a rifle club. i dont know why parents and school administration are allowing these clubs. So many kids are sadly immatrue and unstable and ill prepared for bullying at school and other high svhool related heartaches and challenges yet hand them a gun, God please intervene on this sensative issue

    July 22, 2024

    Perhaps you missed the fact that he often went to a long distance shooting range with his father, who had an extensive collection of guns.
    As others have suggested, however, I do not blame the presence of guns, which have been in private hands in America since pioneer days, as essential tools to provide sustenance and protection. They may not be needed on a daily basis as they once were, but the fact that many Americans have functional firearm skills is surely a deterrent to those who may want to mount a coup here.

July 20, 2024

Father thank you for sparing Donald Trump’s life. I pray also for the victims and that you comfort their families, including the shooter, who i feel was also a victim of the Trump hatred the media, Celebrities and even other Politicians have encouraged and spewed on Donald Trump and his supporters. While we rejoice that you spared DJTrump, i cant imagine the pain and loss these victims are feeling and ask you to Firbid the media and other

    July 20, 2024

    continued: to Forbid the media to encourage public hatred toward any politician or citizen or group. In Jesus name I ask.

July 20, 2024

As President Trump recounted what he experienced during the attempt on his life, one thing in particular moved me very deeply. When he was down, he was able to look out at the people and saw the fear and sadness on their faces at what they had just witnessed . At that moment, wounded and bleeding, he determined to let them know that he was ok. So when they stood him up, he raised his fist in the air and repeated the word “fight!” and the people rejoiced! In that moment of his story, the Lord brought to my remembrance Nehemiah 4:14. “When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people: “Do not be afraid of them, but remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.” We are at a pivotal moment in our history as a Country sbd people in covenant with God. We must continue strong and courageous, praying without ceasing, asking for God’s divine intervention, and remembering that if God be for us, who can be against us?

    July 20, 2024

    great comment.

    July 22, 2024

    How wonderful that the Lord would bring that verse to your mind! You are obviously very well acquainted with the Holy Scriptures.

July 19, 2024

I may not be able to vote because of my past mistakes and current rules and regulations of the state but I like what Mr Trump is doing and I admire his ambition to make America great again. So my prayers would be for God to guide Mr Trumps hand and help him make the right decisions for this country and her people. Help him make the violence that is everywhere I look and show people how to love and live with each other in peace and help the ones who can’t help themselves, the homeless and unfortunate. I pray for healing in this world and the will of God to be done…AMEN !!!!

Linda Byrns
July 18, 2024

For we know the plans HE has for us! Plans of good not evil! With a future of HOPE!! God has good plans for our country and he is using Donald Trump and all our prayers to help bring them about! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Prayer is essential!! The week before the attempt on Donald Trumps life I had been praying in the middle of the night to the Blessed Virgin Mary. I prayed the flame of love prayer at the end of the Hail Mary and envisioned the flame of love going into Donald Trumps heart then circling around him then going throughout the entire world. I had prayed the prayer often but never had I prayed it for Donald Trump— this prayer is said with the Rosary- so I would say 40 or 50 Hail Marys before falling back to sleep. This I did almost every night the week before- but had never said that prayer for Donald Trump prior. In conclusion I believe it was the Blessed Mother who saved Donald Trump just as she saved Pope John Paul 2. The blessed Mother ALWAYS works with God and gives all the glory to God so to say GOD ALONE is SPOT ON! The reason I share this is because it is the PRAYERS OF EVERYONE THAT BUILDS UP BARRIERS AGAINST EVIL!! Let’s all continue to pray!! And save our country! Let us not conquer evil with evil! Rather conquer evil with good! And PRAYER!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Larry Feather
July 18, 2024

Thank you Lord!

July 17, 2024

I echo what was said above and add that right away I saw President Trump’s fist pump as a sign to America that he was ok. I also believe it was solely the hand of God that saved him. To me it also showed the stark spiritual battle that is going on in the heavens. It is clear that light overpowers darkness.

Debra Schwartz
July 17, 2024

God has a plan for our nation and for his chosen vessel, Donald J. Trump! Only God could have ordered those timely steps.

M Gilson
July 17, 2024

Trumps persecution sounds very similar to the persecution of Paul after his conversion to faith. He was hated everywhere he went, numerous assignation plots. But God… uses the most unlikely people for His purposes. That’s good news for all of us !

Thank you President Trump for persevering like Paul did. You will again do great things for our country , God’s hand of favor & protection be on you!

Lorrie Crismon
July 17, 2024

All glory & honor & power & might & & blessing & THANKSGIVING be unto Your Name, LORD GOD Most High! With our Thanksgiving, shame the devil everyday. May Your ppl keep their Praise & Thanksgiving on repeat until You return! Psalm 45:5,6:
“Your arrows are sharp; the ppl fall under You; Your arrows pierce the hearts of the King’s enemies. Your Throne, O God, is forever & ever!” The Scepter of Righteousness is the Scepter of Your Kingdom” (which never retreats, nor the sound of Your trumpet)! Dearest Lord Jesus, pls set a banqueting table for Pres DJT in the midst of his enemies (psalm 23:5). You are his personal bravery, surrounding him with Your invincible Angel army. Cause him to never flinch from Your divine purpose; & cause him to walk, making spiritual progress in the places of trouble & suffering & responsibility. Pls give DJT an intimate understanding on how to wield Your precious Blade, the Scepter of Your Strength until You make Your enemies Your footstool (psalm 110:1).
Your testimonies are VERY SURE! Thank You, Father, that Your faithfulness endures forever & ever!

July 17, 2024

Thank you My Lord and Savior for not only answering prayers to protect Mr. Trump and his family, but also for working in him and on him to change his heart. Bring him closer to a real, lasting and fruitful relationship with you. Many of us have been praying earnestly for that to happen, knowing that you have a plan for each of us and that your plans are always good. To you alone be all Glory, Honor, and Praise. I pray Mr. Trump continues to look heaven bound to see where his help comes from — allowing you to direct his path and his footsteps — for you alone Savior are Awesome and Able. Help him remain strong and courageous looking to you for guidance and direction. I adore you, My Savior. There is NONE like you. Amen

July 17, 2024

Here i thanks LORD JESUSCHRIST for save Mr Donald Trump from the assassination,also pray for to fulfill your plans in his life.
[email protected]

Cheryl Gibson
July 16, 2024

I tend to forget that God is the possessor of heaven and earth. I believe that God wants to be our advocate as we stand against the enemy I just want to worship Michael WSmith song My Jesus My Savior ..Shout the the Lord power and Majesty praise to the king.. We got to bow in worship.. Y ou ain’t seen nothing yet. He wants to take back the years the locust have eatten. We out number them in the heavenlies. We got to have faith God’s bigger than all this. No weapon formed against us will stand. God has already disarmed our enemy. His ways are not our ways nor our thoughts his thoughts cause his ways are higher. Keep focus on God waiting for Him to show up. His wisdom is makes man’s wisdom look like fools.its really a new birthing process. David was not looking at Goliath he was looking at His God. Are we winning the little victory s of life. God’s waiting to train us for battle. Will you join Him in the battle. Our enemy is not flesh and blood.We have to call on the Lord of the heavenly hosts to be with Trump and protect him

Susan CC
July 16, 2024

Romans 8:28, 31; 11:29 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose…If God is for us, who can be against us? For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.

Exodus 21:6

I believe the Lord has made His call upon Donald Trump evidently clear. God is for this man and His call upon him will proceed as His chooses. I believe many more today believe this as well. One more thought….in the Old Testament, if a servant did not want freedom after 7 years, the master would pierce his ear with an awl. After that, the slave would serve his master for life. I believe we witnessed this piercing on Saturday. I pray it is so.

Tina Mosier
July 16, 2024

I have personally pray for our leaders, I priest, the Lord for answering prayers of safety around my community, and I have been praying for Mr. Trump, his family, his children, and those around him ; his advisers, as well as his attorneys. I have prayed the blood of Jesus to surround Mr. Trump and those who are fighting to bring this country back to God’s authority. This is a nation under God, how wonderful and loving our god is to answer our prayers! Praise God!

July 16, 2024

Dear Judy, I was just watching the replay of this morning broadcast. May I offer that everyone that understands on any level Yahweh’s involement in human affairs.. knows that The Lord has chosen Our president for such a time as this.So much press has covered that topic-,. .with the elephant in the room comparison to Cyrus.. I cannot even count how many times I have read about that.. I have even read discussion about that frequently here on IFA. While I confess that again I am not anywhere near the level of accomplishment of IFA management and staff in understanding world events and in having bibkical education.. I must say that one of the most frequently mentioned topics when it comes to our president is that he is the Cyrus for our times. Let us not back pedal now while we’re worrying over whether or not someone thinks we are endorsing a candidate. Let us also remember that there’s always someone gossiping about something.. here, there, and everywhere- and all over social media and we cannot let ourselves be burdened by always trying to placate every wild voice on the horizon. Blessings to all,

July 16, 2024

We need more of your articles, Dave.
They are succinct and godly and to the point,
and I personally want to thank you.
My prayers for Trump have from day one been:
Bring him to the solid, unwavering trust in You,
Lord, that He will put You first.
I have prayed through every challenge for this man.
I have shared with others the Scriptures that the Lord
encouraged me to pray for him
and asked them to pray via these Scriptures.
The unceasing evil treatment of anyone to
the level that he has had to endure presents a clear
picture of the opposite, which is the love of God for
all mankind. We do not need to apologize for our
sincere prayers for President Trump.
At the same time, we must also surrender our wills,
our opinions and personal desires to the will of God
for President Trump and for our nation.
Thank You, dear Lord, for Your love for us
and for Your hand of mercy for President Trump.

Don Johnson
July 16, 2024

The hatred for Donald Trump is actually quite rational. People who have sold their souls to globalism, and therefore to satan, have a lot to lose if he is able to dismantle the totalitarian world state they lust for so openly. The rancid vileness of “commentators” like Joy Reid is a case in point. The woman drips off pure, venomous hatred and cannot afford to be wavering. It is clearly a demonic form of hatred and is, frankly, easy to see by just looking at her face. The twisting of her lips, the loathing in the eyes. Everyone on the left is infected because they have so much at stake and they know that Trump sees through them and understands the political system now well enough to be a real threat. Even the average liberal has literally given up their humanity by supporting the murder of babies in the womb, often by gruesome forms of torture such as burning with saline solution or the ripping off of limbs by way of a vacuuming device. Interestingly, some of these very same compassionate liberals won’t eat lobster because we now know the crustacean feels it when being boiled alive. But humans? No problem. As long as they don’t have to see it much like the Germans under the Nazis didn’t have to watch the gas chambers in operation.
Perhaps God will have mercy on this nation although it is hard to rationally understand why. It seems that the cup of our iniquity has long since been filled…but of course I am not God and wish Trump the very best.

Brian Lynch
July 16, 2024

I have been lead to pray for President Trump daily. I believe that God IS going to use Mr. Trump. The good news is, that none of the people that God used in the Bible were anywhere near being perfect. Nor are the people that He uses today anywhere near perfect. Mr. Trump certainly has his flaws- who doesn’t? The very fact that Trump survived this assassination attempt confirms the fact that Trump is being used by God . Thank you, Jesus.

July 16, 2024

Dave, thank you for this great historical perspective on how president Trump fits into the hallowed halls of american

Marc Whitlock
July 16, 2024

James 2:12-13 spoke to me as I asked how I should respond to the evil and wickedness of those leaning left: “Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that give freedom, because judgement without mercy will be shown to anyone who’s not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgement.”
The media and many of my friends continue to hate out of fear of retaliation or pride, but God calls us to trust in his ability make peace with our enemies (Pr. 16:7). I pray that Donald Trump shows mercy and reconciliation that Christ showed him, for we fight not with the weapons of the world, but rather with divine power to demolish strongholds, arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. (2 Cor 10:3-5)

Sue Craddock
July 16, 2024

When Donald Trump was first running for president, but had not yet been elected, the Lord gave me a picture of the White House with the words “I am your servant” written across it. This was referring to Donald Trump and his being elected and seated in the White House. When I was praying for Donald Trump about a year ago, the Lord spoke this to me, “The first time he came, he came as a servant of the people. The second time he comes, he will come as my servant” in humility and with a bended knee in submission to his Lord and master. I have also seen a picture of Donald Trump with a bended knee before the Lord saying, “My liege” with the Lord in position of king, placing the sword upon Donald Trump’s shoulders as a king would do to a knight.

Shpend Shyti
July 16, 2024

Praise the Lord for the protection of President Trump!
Condolences to the family of the killed firefighter and prayers to the wounded ones.
May the Lord open the eyes and the ears, the minds and the hearts of the American people to confront the evil that wants to take advantage in the country and in the world.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Marlin Moschell
July 16, 2024

I think what the evil one meant for evil in shooting President Trump God has turned into good. It is like D day. It is a turning point to bring this nation back to God, bring a leader to Him in greater surrender and a turning point in the battle to bring common sense to Government. There are many more battles to win but God is showing us that he hears our prayers and is at work in a powerful way. Thank you Jesus.

Barbara Hockett
July 16, 2024

We as a nation and especially Christians need to be on our knees and pray to God, praise Him, ask for the forgiveness of our national and personal sins and
beg God, Jesus and the Holy9 Spirit to hear our prayers and come to our aid to cleanse this nation and return it to the country our founding fathers brought together. We all need to be praying because we know God hears our prayers and we don’t know God’s plans for the USA. Donald Trump needs to humble himself and pray for God’s wisdom. protection and guidance.

Jackie Gililland
July 16, 2024

I pray for President Trump daily & I will continue to pray for his protection because I believe that Satan and his demons will continue to attack him. God has a plan for Trump & for America & I am thankful Trump is courageous & puts his trust in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Gena LaMere
July 16, 2024

Because God is going to use him to expose something so huge that only a man of God will be equipped to do so. This will be a global exposure and nations will turn against those that have been plotting and planning against their own people. A move of God is coming like never been seen before.

Anita Malaro
July 16, 2024

Praise God for His faithfulness! Lord thank You, for intercessors who’ve dug in their heels. We will not be moved, but we continue to stand praying & believing that God’s purpose & plan for President Trump & our United States 🇺🇸 will come to fruition. America is saved, restored, alive & well one nation under God! Jesus is Lord!!!

July 16, 2024

I have been praying for Donald Trump for a humility of character before man & the Lord. That he would bow the knee and earnestly seek God in all his endeavors, That he would not talk ill or bad about anyone but leave the judgements to the Lord. I sense a true humility in his character after the attempted assignation and will continue to pray Philippians 1:9-11 . May our Lord protect him and bless him as he chooses to serve Him and Him alone. May He choose to walk close to the Lord and be guided by His divine wisdom all the days of His life. And may he live out God’s divine purpose for his life. And may no weapon formed against him prosper.

July 16, 2024

He gets it 100%: “It was God alone.”— former President Donald J. Trump
Saturday was clearly the hand of God. We give heartfelt condolences to those hurt and lost. But this tell me OUR FATHER IS NOT THROUGH WITH THE UNITED STATES.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His mercy endures forever.

Diane Aeschliman
July 16, 2024

It has been the prayers day in and day out prayed for the Trump family and our country. Thousands have humbled themselves and prayed faithfully for our country and our representative and that God’s justice will prevail. This attempt on his life was a wake up call to all, We don’t stop interceding. God id in control.

Teela Wentz
July 16, 2024

Our Faith and stamina to pray without ceasing is our call to bring about God’s Glory and plan for the United States of America. Our voice should be what we hear the Holy Spirit say. Let us seek God like never before.

Ron Stafford
July 16, 2024

Excellant, Divinely inspired article, Thank You

Hannah D
July 16, 2024

All praise and glory and honor to you almighty Father, Lord of Lords, sovereign Creator! President Trump models what we are to follow—in the face of the enemy, not fear but courage. “Fight”. The battle shall be won on our knees for the mightiest battle is spiritual. Praise to You, Father for victory is Yours! And President Trump also responded by giving God the glory, acknowledging that only by Your grace, Father, did the unthinkable not happen.

Father, as we go forward in this election and in our lives, let us all us remember to put on the armor of God, for we are in a spiritual battle (Eph 6:11), face the enemy with courage knowing you are fighting our battles for us, and always give PRAISE to you, GLORY to you!! Victory is Yours oh Lord God! In Jesus’ name! Amen.

Joe Healy
July 16, 2024

Many things point to Divine intervention for the United States. President Trumps survival is the latest. Future President and Continental Army commander Washington’s survival, the miraculously timed fog that shielded the retreat across the Hudson after the battle of Long Island are others. President Reagan was protected, as was his ally in the liberation of Europe from communism, St. Pope John Paul II who was similarly spared after an assassin shot him on May 13th, the anniversary of the first of six apparitions of the Virgin Mary to the children at Fatima in 1917, on the 13th of each month (except Aug. when she appeared on the 19th because the children had been seized & held by a local official). The Pope was ardently devoted to the her. President Trump was spared on July 13th, the anniversary of the third apparition at Fatima. This is another signal to us, that God’s favor is on Mr. Trump who he will use for his good purposes.

July 16, 2024

Lord, we are still basking in the glorious reality of your miracle, working power and saving President Trump‘s life! What a plan you must have for this man in this nation, and what a vivid reminder that your ways are not our ways! Such an avid hatred by so many has prompted so much evil! Lord, I just pray for dreams and visions to overtake some of the sharpest, harshest critics with your love, truth, and your plan. Remove the obscuring veils of demonic hatred and anger, and replace them with eyes that will long for the pursuit of truth, leading them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Lay out the indisputable plan for Donald Trump in dreams and visions – even illuminating the minds and hearts of the unsaved and seemingly incorrigible . It is obvious you were still very much in the miracle business so we are asking for more of those Lord!

Mary Shields
July 16, 2024

Praise God for miraculously saving the life Donald J Trump! What the evil one meant to do, God thwarted! The prayers of His church and His people partnered with God Almighty created this miracle! Claiming the promises of Psalms 91 works, faith works! Keep it up, Remnant warriors! We’re going to continue to see more and greater miracles of God going forward!

July 16, 2024

I wholeheartedly concur that God saved President Trump’s life and immortalized the heroic deeds of another that gave his life for those he loved the most. God be with them both.
Let us pray fervently for protection over President Biden and all our government leaders as well. Any assassination would bring terrible loss and irreversible division to our country.. This is not the way God works. God changes hearts.
“ONE nation under GOD INDIVISIBLE with Liberty and Justice for ALL. “

    Barbara Janicki
    July 16, 2024

    yes and Amen! “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is Mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord. On the contrary: ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:19-21) http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

      Sherry B
      July 17, 2024

      Amen, Barbara! I see and read about so many Christians that spew venom not just in the political arena, but other hot button topics in America. Shame on us for behaving like like the world! We are to counter with prayers and love through GOD, not fist fight verbally. Let’s pray for Christians to Let this mind which was in CHRIST JESUS also be in us. WWJD may be old, but i think before engaging our mouths downright ugly remarks , ponder what Would JESUS do?

Faith Lopez
July 16, 2024

I give Glory and Honor to the one that made the Heavens and the Earth, Our Lord Jesus Christ. God is truly in control and the whole World clearly saw the hand of God on Saturday upon Former President Donald Trump. Our country is under attack in every area possible, but when a nation prays God hears the prayers of His people. Let us continue to pray and Honor our God. Our nation needs a lot of prayers. Let us not stop praying everyday, every minute and every second. May God continue to put His mighty hand upon our nation and the whole World.

July 16, 2024

As all us Intercessors often pray for DJT, I was led to pray out loud for him and his family on Saturday morning, for their protection and that no weapon formed against him would prosper. I have no doubt that was the leading of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit for protecting Mr. Trump. Keep praying prayer warriors! May Truth and Justice rule in America!

July 16, 2024

Lord, we are still basking in the reality of your miracle working power in saving President Trump! What a plan you must have for this man and this Nation and what a vivid reminder that your ways are not always our ways! Such an avid hatred by so many has prompted so much evil! Lord, I just pray for dreams and visions to overtake some of the sharpest, harshest critics with your love, truth and your plan. Remove the obscuring veils of demonic hatred and anger and replace them with eyes that will long for the pursuit of truth, leading them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Lay out the indisputable plan for Donald Trump in dreams and visions – even illuminating the minds and hearts of the unsaved and seemingly incorrigible. It is obvious, you are still very much in the miracle business so we are asking for more of those Lord!

Alana Brookins Hartz
July 16, 2024

A confirmation that this is the man God saved for this time we are in!!
Keep praying for him! It’s not all don ed yet!

Ken Smith
July 16, 2024

Psalm 127:1 says, “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” God’s purposes can be hindered (Mal 3:13-18) but they cannot be turned aside. I think that President trump knows how very nearly this could have had a different result, but it didn’t because of the hand of God. I’m encouraged to hear trump acknowledge that “It was God alone.”

My prayer for President trump is that he will take the next step into the Kingdom of God.


Peachie Barry
July 16, 2024

God’s plans for America WILL NOT BE STOPPED by hell nor evil men. God’s chosen Anointed vessel President Donald John Trump WILL Implement Heaven’s Godly Agenda come November 5, 2024 AMEN.

Lydia B. Miller
July 16, 2024

millions of prayers are being lifted for P. Trump!
He will sense the warm healing prescence of God!
God himself shall hold P. Trump close to His heart, where he can hear God’s heart beating for him,where He can be comforted!
A kind heavenily Father will lovingly embrace P. Trump!
We speak peace, grace and strenght to P. Trump.
May the wind of His Holy Spirit wash over P. Trump, a gentle breeze from heaven bringing restoration to His soul!
Taste and see that the Lord is good!

Toni Kushner
July 16, 2024

The glory shall be God’s alone for He knows all and will continue to work for His plan to be brought to completion. He asks us to continue to PRAY AND TRUST IN HIM.

Toni Kushner
July 16, 2024

The Glory shall be God’s alone for He knows all and will continue to work for HIs plan to be brought to completion. He asks us to continue in PRAY and TRUST Him.

July 16, 2024

So many saw last evening, at the RNC, President Trump’s “affect” on his face. This means, the after appearance as a result of any kind of trauma or emotional assault to the mind, body and spirit.
If one is touched by the Hand of God the facial and body reactions will be apparent, there will be no understanding of it by those outside of The Lord Jesus Christ, because the Holy Spirit is at work!
However, although its been seen, the change in President Trump, just walking to the front of the Convention seats, some people are
having a diffcult time descibing it.
Thanking God for not only the invisible Spiritual Things that occurred, but tbe visible after affect, and effects are seen!
Thanking our Heavenly Father for His hand upon each and every moment in all of our lives, including President Trump! And, those asking, “what about the injured and especially death of the bystander, the fans, and the murderer ?”,
1 John 13-16, answers each question, including the one about the murderer, but listen in your spirit, vs. 16
” By this we know Love, becaude He laid down His life for us. And, we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren”
…GOD IS LOVE(vs. 8) of 1 Jn.4:7-20
Let us walk and trust, and Have faith and Love through Our Savior Jesus Christ, and our Father, our God, and be strong through the Holy Spirit….
Bless each of you always

Emma Whitaker
July 16, 2024

Thank you Father God again
Please establish your kingdom on this earth aligned us with heaven. Let your purpose be done in America 🇺🇸

Lydia B. Miller
July 16, 2024

God created a miracle for more than just one reason, first to reveal His divine intervention
He may also use this to open the eyes of those fighting against P. Trump , to let them see, He, God Almighty is on P. Trumps side fighting for Him, Don t mess with what God is doing.
There is some soul searching going on….and God may be establishing a healthy fear of God. Even though this may have not been His perfect will as He wants no harm to come to anyone , He transforms and redeems these earthly broken matters , turns them around for His honor and glory!!!

Certainly God will use this to bring increase to the Republican party…..yes I understand God loves both parties and it is not about partially at all, it is about a movement where God wants to bless the nation and restore our values that our fore fathers established many years go… satn doesn t get to have a say on what God wants to redeem.
God may also be working on the heart of the never Trumpers to bring conviction to hearts full of hate towards Trump. He never also a traumatic moment go to waste, instead He redeems and restores, and brings people back to him!!
This nation ought to be humbled, may they be awaken to the fact that if this can happen to an important political person that something is very wrong with the current state of our country!
Its not what a political party wants, (both parties have room for improvement….) its What does God want? What is He trying to accomplish?
God is rooting out the evil in all of us!

Lynnette Sullivan
July 16, 2024

Praise God for His interventions and continued unity worldwide through prayer
May God be Glorified!
Fear Not We will remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of evil

Margaret Clodfelter
July 16, 2024

I have believed for many years that God selected Donald Trump to save our nation from many who want to destroy it. I have watched how the demons have infiltrated our schools, our law and order including judges and lawyers. Only God can save us through a man He selected.

Jim B.
July 16, 2024

Donald Trump has been chased by the “hounds from hell” since he took office in 2016. All attempts to attack, indict and destroy him have failed and even the sniper’s bullet could not take him down. Truly God’s plan, shield and our continued prayers for Trump’s guidance and protection are working. May our Mighty God’s will be carried out for our nation and Donald J. Trump!

Linda DeMare
July 16, 2024

This country is being torn apart by pure evil. The woke agenda is part of this, along with a large majority of liberals. Evil cannot tolerate normality nor goodness, thus we have an extremely dangerous society. Prayer is our answer. President Trump was correct. The only thing that truly saved him was God. Pray that God will intervene against the woke mob of lost souls to save this election from their lying, cheating ways and let goodness prevail!

Diane Cooley
July 16, 2024

This response confirms everything that is in my spirit and mind. Being shaken with this attempt on President Trump’s life, I am more humbly shaken by the fact the we all witnessed the Lord’s Hand in real time. I believe we all experienced a glimpse of biblical realities. The Lord Himself responded to our cries for this country and has given us hope. His Words …”so that they will know” rings in my heart. Keep on keeping on dear saints! As in chess, the King has the final move. Glory!

July 16, 2024

Amid the prayers for the continued protection of President Trump, I am also praying for his personal faith and relationship with Jesus to be established or strengthened.

Doug Coleman-Roush
July 16, 2024

One prophet, I saw on the Benny Johnson show, prophesied in March precisely the way Trump was shot in the head…and other details. He also prophesied a serious economic collapse after Trump resumes the presidency.

I’m praying for God to restore our Republic….and our prosperity. God doesn’t give and then take away. His blessings are permanent and eternal…universal…!!!! Amen.

July 16, 2024

Thank you, Lord for his protection & may it draw us all to You.

July 16, 2024

Father we declare and decree that through this obvious intervention of YOU in his life that President Trump will more closely align his values with YOURS !!! Amen and Hallelujah !!!

Lauris Stancliff
July 16, 2024

The article “God has a plan for Donald Trump…”, resonated in my soul confirming my deepest beliefs.
From a very young age, I have believed that God’s will is the only certainty in life. It was God’s divine intervention that saved Donald Trump’s life.
No matter what happens in this world, we are children of the Almighty God who loves and protects us all. Prayers, giving thanks and praises to God.


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