I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, it seems that the spirit of death is all around us. In the midst of this, we know that you bring life from death. We pray for the dry bones of this nation to come alive as your resurrection power is released upon our people and in our land.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

A peculiar trend has emerged, known as the Skeleton Craze. It began four years ago when Home Depot launched an enormous Halloween decoration called “Skelly.” Weighing up to eighty-five pounds, the 12-foot skeleton ignited a frenzy as people dashed to nearby stores to secure their own bony behemoth. Almost immediately these massive skeletons sold out everywhere, but desperate would-be owners traveled hundreds of miles, even out of state, hoping to get their hands on one. Though Home Depot’s original price was $299.00, many were willing to pay exorbitant prices to have it shipped to their home, or to buy it on eBay for thousands of dollars.

Skeletons are Everywhere

Now it’s not just Skelly. There aren’t just 12-foot skeleton decorations everywhere–now it’s skeletons of all sizes, shapes, and types. Houses around America showcase dozens of human-like skeletons crawling up the walls, dangling from trees, perched on fences, sitting in lawn chairs, and scattered throughout yards. Skeletons of dogs, cats, chickens, squirrels, and other animals are quite popular as well. Entire Facebook groups are devoted to “Skelly” owners, or those who appreciate all-things skeleton.

Strangely enough, some people are becoming attached to their skeletons. In Columbus, Ohio, one woman was so attached to her “Skelly” that it became a prop in her wedding, top hat and all. Many claim the decorative skeletons can provide emotional support, while others bring them on “dates” or to the beach. Furthermore, some homeowners have taken the trend past Halloween and into Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter and the Fourth of July. Accessorizing “Skelly” or any size skeleton, is as easy as throwing on a Santa hat, bunny ears or donning an American flag.

The Fear Factor

The first time I encountered a 12-foot “Skelly,” it was a dark, rainy October night in 2020. Startled and bewildered, I almost ran my car off the road! Soon after that experience, I noticed more and more were popping up everywhere. This led me to pray.

The one thing that stood out to me was that all these skeletons were making their debut during a time when people were afraid of the Covid virus. In the midst of  panic, a multitude of giant skeletons (objects of fear and death) were being displayed in yards.

Skeletons have been used as a symbol of death for centuries, whether in artworks, literature or in films/movies. The overwhelming prevalence of the skeletons in 2020 and beyond was a strange, irrational oxymoron of sorts because many of the same people who were afraid of Covid and death were perfectly fine with allowing a 12-foot symbol of fear and death to grace their homes. It reminded me that people were not giving their fear and anxiety to the Lord. In fact, when asked about why the skeletons were so popular, many said they brought them a sense of joy and normalcy. Instead of reaching out to Jesus, some people bent over backwards to obtain these massive skeletons.

We Must Cast our Fears on Jesus

The Holy Spirit impressed me that the skeleton craze was the outward symptom of a spiritual sickness. Whether it was the saved or unsaved, many didn’t know how to cast their fear and anxiety on Jesus, who is the only One who can bring life from death. Instead, people were grasping for the world, which, like the skeleton, is in a state of death. This is still happening today as people continue to pursue fleshly desires instead of what God wants.

The Dry Bones Will Come Alive

While this revelation was important, I realized there was something even deeper going on which is even more crucial to comprehend. The image that came to mind was from Ezekiel 37. This chapter describes the miraculous resurrection of the nation of Israel as prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel.

The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley; it was full of bones. And he led me around among them, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley, and behold, they were very dry.  And he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord God, you know.”Then he said to me, “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the Lord,” (Ezekiel 37:1-6).

These verses compare the nation of Israel to a valley of lifeless, dry bones–essentially, a people dead to the world. But God had other plans.

So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I prophesied, there was a sound, and behold, a rattling and the bones came together, bone to its bone. And I looked, and behold, there were sinews on them, and flesh had come upon them, and skin had covered them… Then he said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Behold, they say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are indeed cut off.’Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus, says the Lord God: Behold, I will open your graves and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will bring you into the land of Israel. And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it, declares the Lord,” (Ezekiel 37:7-8, 11-14).

Life from the Dead

Indeed, the Lord reminded me that while death may seem to have a foothold in this world, He is working behind the scenes to bring dry bones back to life. The Lord declared that life would come from death. As Ezekiel prophesied, the Jewish people were brought back into their land for a purpose, and God’s plan is to bring restoration to their dry bones. All things are working together to fulfill His purposes. The skeletons being displayed around our nation seemed to declare death, but God’s plan will prevail over man’s schemes.

Death Has No Sting

Now when I look at the skeleton craze all around me, I am reminded that God can resurrect from death at any moment. Dry bones are being resurrected. Certainly, we don’t always know exactly how God is working things out, but we can know His plans are in motion and they are good.

For the fall season this year, I traveled to Maine to view the beautiful landscape. I arrived on Rosh Hashanah, which is the beginning of the biblical new year. Surrounded by the colorful leaves, I imagined the piercing sound of the shofar as it signaled the future return of the King.

Unfortunately, I had to cut my trip short because Hurricane Milton was heading to my home state of Florida. My last night there, I stayed at a hotel with a graveyard right behind it. Of course, most people think of death when they see a graveyard. But looking at the tombstones I remembered, “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” After all, Jesus gives believers victory over death, so we don’t have to fear it.

When I arrived back home in Florida, I noticed that everyone was taking down their giant skeletons to prepare for the strong winds of Hurricane Milton. Suddenly, I was reminded of Ezekiel 37 once again.

I will make a covenant of peace with them. It shall be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will set them in their land and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in their midst forevermore. My dwelling place shall be with them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Then the nations will know that I am the Lord who sanctifies Israel, when my sanctuary is in their midst forevermore, (Ezekiel 37:26-27).

These scriptures remind us that God will bring peace to the nation of Israel because the Prince of Peace will return and rule from Jerusalem. But they also declare to all believers that peace, not fear, can reign in the hearts of everyone who puts their hope in Jesus. Yes, there are giant skeletons everywhere these days, but hear the words of the sovereign Lord, as declared in Ezekiel 37: “These bones shall live.” 

Lord Jesus, the world is full of fear and death, but you bring life to our dry bones. Infuse hope into our spirits, even as skeletons rise amongst us. We trust that you are working all things together for good in our nation, in Israel, and around the world.

Have you seen the skeleton craze unfolding all around you? How can we declare that God can bring life from death?

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and former teacher who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, and her first children’s book, Hallelujah’s Great Ride, was released in September 2023. Photo credit: Angela Rodriguez.

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Chrissie Smith
October 25, 2024

Every time I see a skeleton or Halloween decoration, I will be declaring life over our nation and for dry bones of the nation to experience Jesus’ resurrection power.

Judy Parks
October 24, 2024

Thank you for your revelation about these enormous skeletons. I have several surrounding my neighborhood. After reading your words I am now changing my perspective as I pray for the downfall of the death intent from them., Life will spring forth and the abundant life of Jesus Christ will be made visible through these bones.

Gail Prout
October 22, 2024

Great article!

Regina Kiehne
October 22, 2024

Such a great article. Thank you for sharing.

October 22, 2024


October 22, 2024

God bless you, Angela, for writing this very timely, relevant, and inspired article! Now when I see the skeltons all around my neighborhood, I shall pray according to the Scriptures in Ezekiel that you shared.

October 22, 2024

In this neighborhood, not only skeletons, like all that was mentioned, including family and pets, many cults of Wicca, and stores that sell to these groups, various herbs, incense on and on. The one time I was surprised tbat this was a ” thing” I thought I was going into a ” natural food and vitamins, supplements kind of business, no it was way more sinister. Turned around and went right back out, I had frequented this establishment before, under different owner, who was a Christian, who sold it to this group…
Too sad…
Yes we need to keep all of this in prayers, beseeching God to give us boldness in standing up for Truth and Righteousness and to spread His Word to each one we can.

Jennifer Plemmons
October 22, 2024

I have been repulsed by seeing these awful things wherever I go, however, the thought of buying one and then dressing it up as a giant warring angel to stand guard in our yard as come to mind, complete with silicone mask covering the skull and huge wings is my next project. Perhaps I’ll leave it up year round! Fight evil with good!!

October 22, 2024

I believe the movie Coco has been a big influence in the skeleton trend, and led many U.S. Americans to adopting the practice of using skeletons which are a common decor item in Dia de Muertes. The skeletons help desensitize and help assuage fear that people have with death. As explained to me by my Mexican friends, part of the purpose in the Dia de Muertes festival is to help people deal with mortality–of their family members and their own. However, Dia de Muertes has played a big part in normalizing communication with the dead as well. I believe we have seen an increase of a culture of death as can be seen by the skulls that are now decorative objects and the clothing decorated with skulls that is ubiquitous. I have seen skulls adorn clothing worn to church. It is sad for me to see this. Does anyone else feel this way?

    Mary Beth
    October 22, 2024

    Skeletons do not bring fear to me, they repulse me. Death is an abomination to YHVH, and it results in a state of being unclean. Why exhibit something that God hates, and that promotes thinking that God hates? Yeshua died to free us from eternal death. Skeletons and death are not listed among those things we are to think upon.

Angela Hull
October 22, 2024

Very timely article Angela. Thank you for sharing it and reminding us of His Power and Will for us all. I woke up this morning hearing the song “Rattling” by Elevation Worship. It’s time for us to believe and proclaim that He is working His Resurrection Power and Life in us and all around us. Nothing is too difficult or impossible with Him! We live by trust, not by what we see. 2 Corinthians 5:7 !!!We love You, LORD!!!

Lisa Thiessen
October 22, 2024

This is just the coolest. So encouraging!! Totally agreeing in prayer!!

Luis Jaimes
October 22, 2024

Excellent article that shows you what is happening right in front of us. This recent trend must come down in the name of Jesus

October 22, 2024

Lord Jesus, the world is full of fear and death, but you bring life to our dry bones. Infuse hope into our spirits, even as skeletons rise amongst us. We trust that you are working all things together for good in our nation, in Israel, and around the world. Amen.

October 22, 2024

I too have been so troubled by the uptick not only in the skeletons but the promotion of evil even on lawns of “Christian” homes. I pray over the homes in my neighborhood as I walk knowing exactly as you share HE WILL BE THE VICTOR!! It is such an opportunity to prayer walk our neighborhoods and speak the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES as we are so privileged to stand for HIM for such a time as this! Jesus only Jesus!

October 22, 2024

Yes. Now I know how to joyfully pray through my neighborhood! Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for overcoming death, even death on a Cross and for raising dead bones on Israel and would you please do that one more time mercifully in the USA. For Jesus Sake,

AC Armstrong
October 22, 2024

Great commentary on the famous verses that inspired the Black Spirituals, “Ezekiel Saw The Wheel” and “Them Dry Bones”—
Songs of joyful faith and no mistake❣️

Thank to Our Father God, for reassuring us through this Thy Holy and Lively Word that you are the Source of all life and breath! We thank Thee that Thou didst fashion man from the dust with the foundation of skeletal bone, put flesh upon him and breathed into him the breath of life. We join with the article’s author in prayer that once again from dusty provenance Thous shalt cause to arise new lives to invigorate Thy Cause.

October 22, 2024

Intent is everything, folks. Fear not.

October 22, 2024

Abba Father, change hard and evil hearts and corrupted minds to reflect Your love and mercy for all people and to repent of following after death and darkness to titillate their senses that Jesus died to bring abundant life and hope. May people wake up and see that You love all people, but that people must fear and respect You as the One and only creator of life, love and freedom. May people understand that it is “not by power, or by might, but it is by My Spirit, says the LORD”. Bring repentance from the ruins of human depravity and sin and bring beauty from the ashes. May people in every state of life and every community humble themselves and seek You, acknowledging that by leaning on their own understanding and following their own desires, they have been deceived and defied You and Your perfect will. May people’s minds be transformed and renewed in Christ to know You and Your rule and reign which is established forever and sealed by Your word and Spirit in heaven. May Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. For the glory of Christ. Amen

Mary Beth
October 22, 2024

Lord, please unmask and expose the evil that surrounds us, and help us to reject and renounce it, not partake of it. May we be bright lights in the darkness. May we be life-giving proclamations in our culture of death. May we exude hope, faith and love to our YHVH-starved society. Oh, America, “Taste and see that the Lord is good!”

Darlene Estlow
October 22, 2024

Thank you, Angela. Yes, there are giant giant skeletons in my neighborhood and now I realize how I can pray against this spirit of death. Some think all this can be done in humor, but I see more and more the spirit of death in Halloween. Much better to begin to celebrate Thanksgiving in October! We have so much to be thankful for!

October 22, 2024

I find those Skelly displays as baffling as I do Harris Waltz signs in people’s yards. Really some people run headlong into destruction.

    October 22, 2024

    Totally agree, RWH. People trashing their own futures, and those of their children, grandchildren. Sad and puzzling.

October 22, 2024

Praise God for this revelation! Now, everytime I see skeletons, and yes, they are all over the place..I will claim Ezekiel 37 over the inhabitants of those houses and for all of America!

Paulus van Beek
October 22, 2024

Remind me of as in the days of Noah, there were giants …

    October 22, 2024

    And Jesus said in the last days it would be like in the days of Noah. That’s a good point!

Renee’ H
October 22, 2024

So timely!
Let us sing with so many Christian artists, songs about the dry bones rising! Right out of scripture.
Dear Lord,
Let us not miss this time that is right in front of us! Let us proclaim it and declare it…that dead dry bones are rising up with new life! The spirit of God is moving on our land!! Let us call forth the army of God to arise! Life, not death! Hope, not fear!
What’s meant for evil, let us proclaim and declare that God brings the dead to life! Hallelujah! Amen!

Carrie Tyer
October 22, 2024

I am seeing this in my community. Thank you for this insightful article.
One of my favorite songs is “Rattle!” by Elevation Worship, which is based on Ezekiel 37. It’s from the album “Graves into Gardens”. The album came out in 2020!

Sharon Kay Shobe
October 22, 2024

I have been anti-halloween for a few years now ! It seems it’s taking over everywhere! Thanksgiving is being bypassed , and Christmas certainly not celebrating Jesus ! Satan is a imitator, wanting his own holiday! This article helps me to use it to pray for God to do what He does best “Restore”

October 22, 2024

My son-in-law was trying to avoid the giant skeletons in the local Home Depot while there with my three year old grandson. It was impossible, of course. But, upon seeing a giant skeleton, instead of being frightened, my grandson said, “look, Daddy, the dry-bones-rattling guy” (referring to a popular worship song). From the mouths of babes! Praise the Lord!
Sharing that story with many friends has helped us all view these “decorations” in a different light. God is at work!

    Kathy Robinson
    October 22, 2024

    Sometimes things are just done as a joke. My daughter’s office has a skelly and they dress her up for seasons, holidays and other miscellaneous days. They recently gave her a birthday party. My daughter baked cupcakes. We are a family of Christ centered Christian’s and have no problem with silliness. And sometimes that’s all it is.

      October 22, 2024

      Absolutely agree. Jeep people like me have fun with them. Has nothing to do with fear or death.

      October 22, 2024

      Yes people perish for lack of knowledge.

October 22, 2024

This article gives me a new strategy of how to pray for the households that choose to display these symbols of death. Thank you!

Mary D
October 22, 2024

I love this! It is a wonderful reminder from Holy Spirit, that whenever we see these things we can Praise God, plead the Blood of Jesus, and declare His victory and Life over our Neighborhoods,
Communities, States, etc. God is turning the tables and wants us to take territory! Praise God, I will Praise and laugh at the enemy, as the joke is on him. Who can stop the Lord Almighty?

Shanna Medeiros
October 22, 2024

My adult 55 year old daughter has an infatuation with decorative skulls and skeleton’s.
she suffers many so-called incurable diseases . She knows about God but lives without
a relationship . She denies her dance with death in her attraction to these decorations of death.
Pray for her deliverance from all evil and her coming back to the Father in Jesus name.

October 22, 2024

Thank you for this writing, a revelation to me about Ezekiel’s prophecy. Also gives me good prayer points whenever I see Halloween decorations.

Julie Warren
October 22, 2024

I love that the wind of the hurricane, like the breath of God in Ezekiel 37, caused the dry bones to go away! God blows away all fear and Jesus conquered death. The Presence of God (His breath) changes death to life! Hallelujah! I love when God uses what we see to reveal Himself to us. Thank you for sharing this!

October 22, 2024

I don’t understand? People are decorating for Halloween.

    October 22, 2024

    Halloween is a celebration of satan.
    If you research it, you will find it goes WAY back to Isis and Osiris – it is demonic.

Linda Cannon
October 22, 2024

I appreciate this so much because I’ve seen these giant skeletons all over my neighborhood and wondered what on earth was going on. There are several yards decorated that seem over the top but one particular one my 5yo granddaughter must pass every time she and her family leave their house. She talks about it frequently and says that when they drive down the street she has to close her eyes until they pass this house or she will have “bad dreams” at night. Now I know this is not just some silly decoration.

Shellie Maheu
October 22, 2024

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil (the powers of darkness, constituting powerful attacks by Satan): for You are with Me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort Me. (The ideal position for the “lamb” is to allow the Shepherd to fight for him. In fact, the only fight we are told to fight is the “good fight of Faith” [1 Tim. 6:12].-Psalm 23:4 with commentary

Joy Chesnut
October 22, 2024

Thank you for relating God’s holy scripture to the craze of skeletons in neighbors yards. I always think of death and scariness! Now I will decree and declare that dry bones will be shaken alive !!

    Barbara Kelly
    October 22, 2024

    Sing:. “Them bones, them bones, them dry bones, now hear the Word of the Lord.”. Take authority and conquer fear!!!


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