. . . Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has signed a sweeping omnibus bill on voting elections, SB 202, on Thursday. . . .
The bill expands early voting for most counties and requires identification to vote by mail. More controversial provisions would change the structure of the State Elections Board.
The at-times complicated and controversialĀ 95-page billĀ changes when, where, and what is needed for Georgians to vote.
It also changes the makeup for the board that oversees voting.Ā . . .
The Georgia legislative session is set to end March 31, meaning this bill could the only major election-related legislation passed this session.
Share your prayers and praises for this Election Integrity Bill!
(Excerpt from The DC Patriot. Article by Matt Couch. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
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Governor,American Patriot President Trump voters may forgive you for your betrayal and corrupt dealings in the nov2020 election But,we don’t trust you and will not vote for or support you in any future elections.You will reap what you sow Ed!!
I pray that Governor Kemp has repented of pass deeds and that he is really
enacting on his heart and not just to get votes.
Praise for this bill in Georgia that will help voters to have more confidence in our elections. Governor Kemp has been under heavy criticism because of this and needs our prayers.
Praise God.God Bless Georgia Other states need to follow Georgia. In Jesus Name. Amen
Praise God. May other states follow suit!
I appreciate the effort here by Gov Kemp, but in the moment of history when he could have stood for righteousness he and VP Pence failed us. We need an Article V Convention of States. God inspired this great document for a nation HE created for His glory and His purpose. We need 34 states in order to meet. 15 have already passed COS resolutions. 18 more are debating in statehouses this year. Get informed. Get involved. We must always PRAY for the nation, but we must also ACT.
Praising you Father, the Great I AM. We are grateful Lord for all you have given us. We are grateful for who you are, and who you call us to be in your name. Amen.
Firstly, patriot review has said this is all show and will not fix their fraud issues. KEMP is snake, Rassenberger is bad, full house cleaning is needed. Recall/impeach those attempting to deny justice.
Secondly, Justice Scalia and Phyllis Schlafley have spoken out on the hazards of trusting these snakes (who have EVERY ability to rectify this election fraud but didnt and WONT to do the right thing, and now tell us they need to expose our ENTIRE Constitution to modification or replacement (see ‘Newstates of America’ replacement the left/globalists have prepared decades ago if they can get states to go for a CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION).
Additionally, should we trust those that wont even fully disclose WHAT they are doing by renaming/rebranding their agenda? The new name, Convention of States is a rebranding of a call for a CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, that has no rules to stop them from replacing our entire constitution once they have the numbers THEY want. They can even modify the minimum for ratification once they begin the process. It is a free for all and doesn’t ever resolve why only a handful of our representatives have done anything to protect our individual soverignty with their current tools, but we are supposed to trust they are going to NOW step up, get that strength once we expose our only backstop against full tyranny-our Constitution-to their modifications (elimination)? What are those ‘modifications’ to be proposed that are going to be more powerful than impeachment and criminal charges against those not defending the constitution? …Which is all available without an Article V…
Disinformation is the name of the game. Exploitation of desperate people is their fame. Dont be desperate. Please get educated on decades of history…
Share, share, share…
We need to contact our legislators and insist they STOP this Globalist agenda (supporters are Ben Sasse, Glenn Beck, Mercury One-Mitt Romney backed media and people…used to love Glenn Beck :-(…
AND they do what they should of been doing to stand up and contest and challenge, impeach Judges that are not following constitution, recall, criminally charge those who are doing damage to our soverignty.
Really disappointing to see the greedy, wicked never rest…
Lord, strengthen us!! Focus us and dont allow us to give up!!!
Article V calls for a Convention of States. A COS cannot abolish the U.S Constitution because it is BOUND by the framework of it. 34 states are needed to call a COS, 34 must agree to the amendments to be voted on. 38 states are required to ratify the amendments to be added. If you believe the wisdom within this great document was inspired by our Creator then you have to know we have a duty to be responsible stewards of the blessing called America. WE the People are the Republic. Not the representatives we send to DC.
Mike Lindell said that by this Gov not doing the right thing and taking away all the fraudulent votes from this election, such as thousands and thousands of dead people, children, people living in two states, or other states, it brought out into the light the election fraud. (Not just this state either as you all know) It may have been going on for decades. That may be how red states for decades overnight turned blue. Election theft. Dominion software is being exposed. Other states are taking actions. Unless the election theft and satellite manipulation of votes is dealt with, our votes never will matter again. The Democrats know this and the globalists and the countries involved know that a conservative republican can never be put in again if the election fraud is not dealt with. Sad to say, so many have beeen intimidated by the MSM to shut up on it. Mike Lindell is one of the few that is not being intimidated. Please go to Rumble and watch his video “Absolute Proof” which gives you the total breakdown on the election fraud. Pres. Trump did win absolutely. Biden and Harris are counterfets. They will push forth their evil ANtiChrist agenda quickly and are destroying our nation. They are tools of Satan. It is all preparation for the one world order and the AntiChrist coming forth to rule in terror and horror. They used COVID19 to push it forth and instilling fear in so many people that they acquisenced to the fear and allowed their liberties to be stolen by oppressive Democratic and even some republican leaders. These tyrants became rulers not elected by the people for the people. The will of the people was no longer the question. It was how much power they could acquire to control the people. In fact, the MSM is doing all it can to keep COVID19 fears alive! They refuse to allow Americans to go back to normal living. They want to keep it going forever. Just listen to Fraud Fauci! Now look at what we have lost! Our speech freedoms, (Cancel culture) they are going after guns, our borders are destroyed. They now have Critical Race Theory going forth in the schools to destroy the minds of our children. What are we doing? We are seeing this ship (America) being flooded and soon to topple over with huge amounts of illegal migrant children, last count 18,000 children alone in one month flooded the borders so that the families can now come in because their child is here. This is wicked. This is how nations fall. My suggestion is to everyone. “Look up for our redemption draws near” When people are willing to give away all their liberties out of a fear of a virus that only kills 1% of it’s victims, mostly elderly and infirmed, than those people and that nation have lost all rights to their liberties. Now they are talking about vaccine passports. You will not be able to go to a theatre, perhaps a store, or any large gathering place without it. This is right out of the book of Revelations!!! BTW. When a nation allows men to call themselves women, destroy female sports and all areas of safety for women, and pervert the God given role of one man one woman married for life to raise children, when a nation allows over 60 million innocent little babies to be murdered in a brutal painful death, do you really believe God will turn a blind eye? No. Judgement has come to America. Church wake up.
Kemp is still a traitor. He could have rejected Biden votes and chosen Trump votes but he chose not to. I’m sure he slipped in a wishlist from the radical left into this bill.
I agree with Delores. This is the Governor who could have stepped up and done the right thing in the November elections. He and his attorney general chose not to. They would have made all the difference if they had. We, as Christians, need to understand, the Republican Georgia lawmakers are responsible for this law. Kemp just signed it because he wants to be re-elected. What he chose to do in the November election is disgraceful. We wouldn’t be fighting these battles if he and his attorney general had done the right thing! I am surprised that Americans don’t remember what this man did to ALL of us at that time. Thank you, Georgia legislatures!
Thank you.
This is an EXCELLENT move on the Governor’s part. When I voted, no one asked for my identification; in earlier days of voting, I had to present identification and sign my signature on a piece of paper. This time, I signed with my “finger” on a small computer screen; the signature was “NOT” a true signature in my book. If this procedure had taken place in COURT, both procedures would not have gone through the process of being legal.
God protect Gov Kemp and Georgia’s elections. May Your will be done and may there be a peaceful and honest election each election day. I thank you God for Gov Kemp and the Georgia state legislature for the courage to
write and pass this law.
Yes Lord, keep bringing correction & redirection as it relates to the election processes in this nation. Let your hand continue to move over this nation & governmental leaders to correct every illegal act & system in place. Move by your Spirit in Jesus Name Amen.