Prominent evangelist Franklin Graham warned of “all-out socialism” if Americans do not vote for leaders who “love this country, defend the Constitution, & support law & order.”
In a Twitter thread Monday, Graham warned about the consequences of complacency from evangelical conservatives and “every person who loves this country.”. . .
“If this kind of leadership wins in local, state & national elections in November, we’ll see more of this, which would lead to the demise of our nation as we know it,” said Graham, son of the late evangelist Billy Graham.
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In a subsequent tweet, he described the violence and unrest in Portland, Oregon, as “an example of what will take place in other cities if Americans do not take a stand in defense of the nation—through the power of the vote.”
“Socialism is dangerous, and we have a party and many politicians who are flirting with all-out socialism,” he stressed.
“I would encourage every person who loves this country to pray & to turn out by the millions to vote. Don’t just watch the news & be depressed—stand up for America! Vote for leaders who love this country, defend the Constitution, & support law & order. Most importantly, pray.” . . .
In an op-ed Tuesday, Dr. James Dobson, psychologist and founder of the Christian organization Focus on the Family, echoed Graham’s concerns about the perils of socialism. He listed the battle between “capitalism versus socialism” as one of several reasons why “the stakes are high this election year.”
“Socialism limits enterprise and creates undue reliance on the state,” he said. “Socialism, at its core, is a secular framework that installs government as ‘god.’ It has no use for faith, freedom, or the will of the people.” . . .
According to Pew Research Center, Trump received 81% of the white evangelical vote in the 2016 presidential election, exceeding the share received by the three previous Republican presidential nominees.
While some polls have shown the president’s support slipping with white evangelicals, a poll from Pew Research Center taken last month showed that 82% of white evangelicals planned to vote for Trump.
Graham is not the only evangelical leader working to motivate Christians to get out and vote in November. Jason Yates, the CEO of the group My Faith Votes, has launched a bipartisan initiative called Our Church Votes. Through this initiative, Yates hopes to encourage the 25 million Christians who did not vote in the 2016 presidential election to participate this time around.
(Excerpt from The Christian Post. Article by Ryan Foley. Photo credit: Unsplash.)
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Agree totally with Franklin Graham !!! We Christians need to stand against evil as did David to Goliath !!! So thankful for our Christian leadership !!!!
He’s absolutely positively correct. I’m right behind Franklin Graham. I pray believers would wake up and that the blinders would be removed and that Christians would repent of hating Trump and see it’s not about a person. It’s a wicked agenda that’s before us.
In Jesus Name, Heavenly Father, thank you for Franklin Graham’s leadership, as well as, James Dodson’s, and Mike Huckabee’s (Vote Your Faith), and all movements getting the “word out” that it is critical for every American who loves the freedoms we have enjoyed for generations to get out and vote “their faith”. I pray
hearts will be stirred and citizens remember brave men and women died to protect our right to vote for leadership. Protect, guide defend those on the frontline who are informing and encouraging. Provide them with all they need to reach the hearts of all Americans for the good of our country. Motivate Christians who have become discouraged with politics and quit voting to “get out and vote their faith”. Amen
Radio Station Prayer Site Started by Billy Graham CENSORS CHRISTIAN PRAYERS… READ THIS… Letter To A Minneapolis Prayer Site: Censorship is WRONG (Acts 28:31)… The censorship of Christian Prayers on 98* KTI$ is ILLEGAL. I post prayers for The Lord’s Prayer, (Matt 6:9-13), Government (1 Tim 2:1-5), Vaccines and Medicines (Dan 12:4), Hurricanes to Calm (Mark 19:14), My Dad (Eph 6:2-3), Peace our Our Cities (Jer 29:7), Freedom of Speech (Acts 28:30-31), Salvation of Communist Officials and Strengthening of Persecuted Asian Christians and Churches (Heb 13:3) and The College founded by BILLY GRAHAM takes them down… Shame on You… If he came back he would preach a serious message to Minneapolis… You could have had prayer for your city for over two years but now your sins be on your own heads — you would have had prayer for Minneapolis — The very seat and head of all the civil unrest that came to The United States of America through the death and violence done to and resulting from George Floyd — tell me the devil is not behind this web site! Please pray for me in this ministry, (Acts 28:30-31), in Jesus’ name. I am still going to post because YOU CAN’T STOP THE PREACHING OF THE WORD OF GOD. By The Blood of JESUS CHRIST, so be it, Amen.Paul Preached the Word of God with ALL openness, unhindered (Acts 28:31). Shame on You!
Thank you for your steadfast service to God and all of His followers. Mr. Graham, I would encourage you to connect with all Christian pastors and priests to speak to their memberships about voting. Even though they may risk losing their tax write offs it is essential to get this message to all Christians. With church services online, this is a way to reach additional people outside of their congregations. If churches lose money, most of us will support them. If Trump wins the next election, he can find a way to return the tax incentives. Standing up will be a risk, but I believe that is what God expects of us. His army is here, just waiting to be told what to do. Also encouraging all Christian denominations to unite at this time is essential. Praying for you and for these things to be accomplished in Jesus’ name!
I’m An Evangelical and a Republican and proud of it. I’m ready to dig in n make this happen. What can do? I don’t work n have time to dedicate myself in crucial weeks ahead. I don’t have the gift of speaking in front of a group, but can write, make phone calls( I’ve done fundraisers on the Phone)I’ve been told I have the gift of encouragement, so I’d like to use most effectively. I’ve been with IFA a while n believe in this powerful ministry.
Sally Chakola
Praise the Lord for real men like Franklin Graham who is not afraid to stand up for what is right in the eyes of God. Who is like a Jehu and Cyrus who stood up against the evil during the ancient times of Israel.
May the Lord raise up more men like Franklin Graham and Jonathan Cahn. These two men have been anointed by God to bring this nation back to the teachings of our Founding Fathers, so children of God, real believers in Christ lets follow in their footsteps because they are walking with the Lord. Lets get on fire for what pleases our Lord and help men like them change this world for Jesus, by the grace of God.
Romans 8:35-38 God Bless and Walk in Faith
Praise the Lord for real men like Franklin Graham who is not afraid to stand up for what is right in the eyes of God. Who is like a Jehu and Cyrus who stood up against the evil during the ancient times of Israel.
May the Lord raise up more men like Franklin Graham and Jonathan Cahn. These two men have been anointed by God to bring this nation back to the teachings of our Founding Fathers, so children of God, real believers in Christ lets follow in their footsteps because they are walking with the Lord. Lets get on fire for what pleases our Lord and help men like them change this world for Jesus, by the grace of God.
Romans 8:35-38 God Bless and Walk in Faith
I agree in prayer with my brothers and sister for our nation. Second chronicles 7:14. Amen and amen.
I totally agree we must press in and vote and take action. I do pray daily for our country and the need to vote.
Franklin Graham is right on! We NEED to all be praying and vote in this upcoming election.
Rise up church and do your duty.
Find out the truth about all candates and vote responsibly.
Thank you Franklin, Dr. Dobson and many many more who are sounding the alarm.
Be part of the,army of GOD.
Can not understand why so called Christians would want to forfeit our freedom for the bondage of Socialism, but let’s call it what it is Communism. After all they just endorsed the Biden campaign and he’s considering Ms Bass a communist herself as a running mate. Wake up church and get up and VOTE.
I agree and believe also that they have skidded right past socialism and head first into communism.
Lord in Heaven, we lift you up because you are worthy of all praise and glory. You are mighty to save! We humbly ask Father that you impress upon your people the importance of being informed and of exercising their God-given right to raise their voices and vote their values. Please, Father, remove all obstacles for true Christians to get registered to vote and then vote Your values on election day. Remove fear, economic, travel, knowledge obstacles to voting for all. We want YOU to win this election!
Praying in Jesus most matchless and wonderful name!
I absolutely agree that this election is critical for our nation. We pray that the eyes of the people especially the body of Christ.
For as many years as I have been a Believer, our pulpits have been quite regarding politics. I believe God is saying this has to stop. We must become involved in politics and in influencing culture. Our preachers need to be emboldened to teach their members to fight for our country. Churches need to stop focusing on building more buildings but focus instead on building / maturing christians. We must teach the Bible again.
I agree, to many Christians are not registered to vote and there are many what I call crisis Christians, those who believe in God, but do not turn to Him on a daily Basis. This crisis in our country is separating the wheat from the chaff in the church and those who will follow him and those who will not follow him. It is getting closer to the time of Christ’s return
Lord please intervene and save us from this attack. Remove the blinders that are holding us back. Open the eyes of America. Heal our land, bring us back to our roots! An unquenched thirst for you Lord! In the mighty name of Jesus Amen!
In full agreement. This is not the America many remember, were seeing hatred, violence, and destruction and worse it’s within our own nation, trying to promote socialism and destroy and replace our godly foundation. Though all this is going on my prayer is this moved people to get out and vote for the change they want. My in laws are boomers. They always felt that voting was pointless, that their vote never mattered. For the first time they are registered and ready to vote in November for Trump. They said I think if Biden is elected this violence will only get worse. I pray many more wake up to the very real threat of socialism and the importance of voting.
Hallelujah! Everything the Democrats are doing is just giving Pres. Trump more votes! They overplayed their hand on “racial injustice” when they switched to “defund the police” – even Democrat voters won’t tolerate that! Now that they’ve removed their masks to their voters, people are waking up! Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus!
Loved and agree with this article. May every believer be moved to vote for life and alleviation of the immeasurable suffering of the pre born whose lives are taken through abortion. May we all follow the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14 in our personal walk with the Lord as we appeal to Him to heal our land. May we have faith in God. In Matthew 8:8 the centurion said to Jesus about his paralyzed servant whom he wanted Jesus to heal, 8. But the centurion replied, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.” Jesus replied in Matthew 8:13 ESV, 13. “Go; let it be done for you as you have believed.” And the servant was healed at that very moment. All Jesus has to do is say the word and our land will be healed and even the babies can be spared the suffering and death, and once again, get to live, and once again be embraced by their mothers and fathers. Let’s pause and take up the walk of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and make our appeal to Jesus to heal our land to be a light in the darkness and a refuge for the suffering. Let us work for and pray for the welfare of our nation and our cities.
1 Chronicles 7:14 ESV, 14. “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
As the Lord spoke to Sarah, recorded in Genesis 18:14a, Amplified Bible, “Is anything to difficult or too wonderful for the Lord?”
In Jesus’ love and mighty Name.
Our Father God, you know more than anyone why Your Church in America is largely asleep at their posts. We ask great healing of the spiritual virus of despondency and apathy in your believers, dear Lord. We pray that all the believers that prayed in ’16 would vote this time, and that the 25 million of Christians that did not vote last time would be convicted that they are not being the salt and light you have called them to be, and that they would repent by voting your values, dear Lord, In Jesus name, Amen.
Father God,
We ask that Christians and others heed the warnings. Please grant clarity of vision and mind to everyone in this 2020 year, and cause Your will to be done here on earth as it is in Heaven in the name of Jesus and through His authority. Amen.