I Prayed have prayed
Father, we lift the people of Gaza up to You. Help them in their need, and lead them out of hatred and into salvation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Will the Lord use this war in the Middle East to bring souls into the kingdom? A former Jew-hating terrorist thinks so.

From CBN. A one-time terrorist who turned to faith in Jesus in the 1990s is predicting thousands of Gazans will become Christians as the war between Hamas and Israel rages on.

Who is praying on the wall?


The 73-year-old Taysir “Tass” Abu Saada, a former member of the Fatah terrorist group, recently told Joel Rosenberg, an American-Israeli communications strategist, he believes the war will lead many in Gaza to feel hopeless, abandoned, and lied to by Hamas, the terror group governing Gaza. As a result, he predicted they will turn from Islam and toward Christianity.

“Hamas is an ideology that is spread among many people, not only in the Gaza Strip but all over the world,” Saada explained on the “Rosenberg Report” from TBN. “However, God has a plan. And I believe the Arabs’ and the Jews’ plan is also part of that — and that is where my hope is.” …

Saada, born in Gaza, was overcome with rage toward Jewish Israelis in the aftermath of the Six Day War in 1967. His family moved to Saudi Arabia and Qatar when he was young and, ultimately, ran away to join Fatah. …

A series of events landed Saada in legal trouble that ultimately sent him to the U.S. After integrating, he married an American woman and met a Christian who led him to faith in Jesus.

The Christian man told Saada, “If you want to experience the peace of mind that I have, you have to love the Jews.” He recalled, “I completely froze and asked him how he could even think of such a — to love the Jews? He knew I hated them. For me, as for most Arabs, a good Jew was a dead Jew.” …

Saada said that, in time, “the harvest is going to be huge,” referring to the number of Gazans he is confident will ultimately turn to the same faith in Jesus he has found.

Share your prayers below that the Arabs in Gaza would encounter Christ.

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Fayek Ramzy/Getty Images via Canva Pro)

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Darlene Estlow
January 8, 2024

Praise God. As Gazans come to Christ may they be discipled and serve you efffectively.

January 8, 2024

“Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2 Father God, lifting up to You in prayer all in Gaza and surrounding areas who are currently living through such devastation to turn their eyes upon Jesus. “Then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10 Praying for opportunities for them to hear and receive You Lord Jesus as their Redeemer, to be Born Again by the revelation that You are the way, the truth and the life. May they be set free in Jesus’ name from the strongholds of hatred towards the Jews as they encounter Yeshua. All Praise and Glory to You Lord for Your Grace and Mercy, and Salvation for all who believe and receive You Christ Jesus as their Savior & Lord. Amen, in Your Glorious Name.

Susan CC
January 8, 2024

Some thoughts:

The war in Gaza has exposed the incredible extent to which the children are taught to hate the Jews. In light of this, how can they have any love for them?

I really appreciated this when I first read it and remembered it after reading Mr. Saada’s statements:
“The Biblical name Elah and the Arabic word “Allah” are virtually identical. When Moslems pray to Allah, they know they are praying to the Creator of the universe…. Christians should not tell them that they are praying to a false god. The situation is similar to the Jewish people who have a zeal for God, but are not praying to Him with sufficient knowledge. It is similar to the situation with the Samaritans….We don’t witness to Moslems by telling them that they are worshiping a false god, but rather that their knowledge about God is insufficient.” Rabbi Loren, “The Names and Titles of God” https://shema.com/the-names-titles-and-descriptions-for-god-236/

Jesus said to the Samaritan woman “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.” John 4:22

Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

Dear Lord and God, I believe You are The Messiah, Hamashiach, al-Masīḥ and I’m praying You are drawing Jew, Arab, Gentile…all people in numbers too great to count. I am praying Salvation will saturate Gaza and all of the Middle East. In prayer, I have praised Your Name over every nation and people and do so again this morning. You are the answer to every question in the millions of minds and You are the answer to every problem suffered in the world. I pray the hopes expressed by Mr. Saada are Your intentions. Jesus, You are what is “insufficient“ in the hearts of Jew and Arab. Please open eyes and hearts and minds to Your Truth. Please enable these countless to KNOW You are the Triune God. I ask this and so much more, in the Name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen

January 7, 2024

Father, as Your voice in the earth, the Church must release Your will. We do so now, decreeing in Christ’s name, which is all powerful and carries all authority, that revelation and repentance are being released into atmospheres throughout the earth. We decree the release of Calvary’s victory in the Middle East, breaking the stronghold of the prince of Persia over millions of people. They will have revelations of Yeshua, they will experience miracles; they will receive dreams and visions. Revival will explode in that region. We declare this over Asia, as well. The greatest revival in earth’s history is coming to these two parts of the world. In Jesus name, amen.

Susan Dunn
January 7, 2024

I believe this also and I lift my prayers up with many others that these suffering people, both Arab and Jewish, will find salvation through Jeshua, LORD Jesus.

January 7, 2024

Father, we believe you are at work in the hearts of both the people of Gaza and Israel, revealing the Jewish Messiah who came to bring His Kingdom of life to all people. Amen.

January 7, 2024

Father, we believe you are at work in the hearts of both the people of Gaza and Israel, revealing the Jewish Messiah who came to bring His Kingdom of life to all people. Amen.


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