Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) vowed to take executive action this week banning “vaccine passports” that businesses and local governments could potentially require to show digital or physical proof of vaccination against COVID-19.
The Florida governor said during a Monday press conference that he would take action by “an executive function, emergency function” against vaccine passports and requested the Republican state legislature draft a bill forbidding such passports.
“We always said we wanted to provide it for all but mandate it for none,” DeSantis said in Tallahassee. “And that was something that, while it was advised to take particularly if you’re vulnerable, we were not going to force you to do it.”
“It’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply participate in normal society,” he added.
DeSantis said he believes people “have certain freedoms and individual liberties” to decide whether to get the vaccine and conveyed concerns about privacy if such a program was launched. . . .
DeSantis has previously expressed his disapproval of vaccine passports, which some countries including Denmark, have already begun implementing.
New York was the first state in the U.S. to announce its vaccine passport program called Excelsior Pass which will use a QR code to get into different venues.
Andy Slavitt, White House senior adviser on COVID-19, said earlier Monday that the federal government is not “viewing its role as the place to create a passport, nor a place to hold the data of citizens.” . . .
“We view this as something that the private sector is doing and will do,” he said, noting that the government plans to ensure equitable access to and privacy of these programs. . . .
White House press secretary Jen Psaki reiterated Slavitt’s comments during a press briefing, adding that there will not be a “centralized, universal federal vaccinations database” and “no federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential.”
What do you think of vaccine passports? Will you be praying for Governor DeSantis and others who are pushing back on vaccine passports?
(Excerpt from The Hill. Article by Justine Coleman. Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
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Gov Desantis – YOU ARE THE MAN! STAY STRONG – YOU ARE OUR ONLY HOPE – THANK YOU FOR YOUR STRENGTH, COURAGE AND BRAVERY TO STAND UP TO THIS TYRANNY AND INSANITY!!! We need more like you – come on everyone – stand up and support Gov Desantis!!!
Father, in Jesus’ Name, I pray your blessing on Florida Governor Desantis. I appreciate his protecting freedom of choice regarding vaccinations. I pray, Father, other countries of the world will not allow fear to invoke them, and choose to limit the freedom of choice” of their citizens.
Certainly, for those who desire, for business, or personal pleasure, restrictions foreign countries place will determine what our citizens might choose to do in regard to vaccinations. I see the focus as being, “a sticky wicket” for certain.
I pray for all governors of our states. I pray they will stand to protect our Constitution in all matters.
I pray they will be as concerned about lives of the unborn, implementing laws that protect our voting privileges, schools where children are taught the truth about history; support, protect, encourage law enforcement, and a just legal system as they are about about vaccination passports. All are important, and
by Your Grace and Mercy, Lord work through our elected officials to bring about Your good and perfect will in all matters. Amen
Father thank you for speaking through Gov. Desantis and giving him a spirit of boldness🙌🙌May his willingness to stand up for the people’s constitutional freedoms be a catalyst for other leaders in our nation to do the same. We ask a hedge of protection around him and his family in the mighty name of Jesus🙏🙏
Thank you, Father, for giving our Governor the strength and courage to stand up for our God given rights, especially when it comes to these vaccines and the restrictions that the government is trying to impose on us. You have given us a spirit of freedom, not fear, and I am praying that this country will come back to you in sincere repentance under the leadership of men like Mr. DeSantis and President Trump. Please help us remain standing in faith and not overwhelmed by the evil in the country and world. Amen!
Praise God for Gov DeSantis who is standing up and defending our constitutional rights.I pray that more Gov will be bold enough to stand against the wiles of the enemy that would try to deceive the people and promote fear. Our God reigns! We must stand for what is right, truth and righteous will prevail!
Thank you Governor DeSantis for standing up and fighting for our American freedoms & liberties. Keep on fighting
Thankful for Gov DeSantis!
This administration is pushing socialism down our throats, it is true facism. They are destroying the United States of America and trying to hurt the apple of God’s eye, Israel.
Judgment is coming!
Come LORD Jesus!🙏✝️
Lord, Our God, we ask other godly Governors to stand with DeSantis. We pray for boldness and anointing for him and those who would follow him as well as a hedge of protection. We pray a ground swell of patriots who know You to take this fight of freedom to the local squares. We ask forgiveness for not being the salt and light that has put our country in such need and ask that you will lead us now, Jesus, and help us to follow. May your will be done in this crisis. In Jesus name, Amen
I have a medical condition that every time I take a shot, a keloid, an overgrowth of scar tissues around the “injury” would develop. I’ve already had 3 big ones (2 to 3 inch long each), one in each arm, and one on my chest wall. All the doctors I went to told me there was nothing they could do other than giving me steroid shots but the keloid would grow back. I took multiple steroid shots and everytime the keloids grew back in vangence just as the doctors told me. As a result, I have stopped taking any, including flu shot, for many years.
I would not take the COVID vaccines because I already know it would have an adverse impact on my body. Can anyone mandate me for that?
The godless secular “elites”/Globalists are trying to train the people to be controlled through fear. A Biblical quarantine was only for those afflicted with the plague, NOT the whole population! Deut. 28 says “plagues” are part of the “curse of the Law, and Gal.3.13,14 says Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the Law! I simply take God at His Word….I have been redeemed from plagues, I am blessed and not cursed. I curse you covid in Jesus Name! No plague shall come near my dwelling! I did not wear a mask, social distance, or do anything the experts said and I’m 100% healthy. I did feel fear at first, but rebuked it in the Name of Jesus and it instantly left. (It was a spirit/demon). There are worse things coming on the Earth, and we are being trained for war now. I am very encouraged by seeing how many of God’s precious people are standing firm, maintaining their morale and pushing back against anti-Christ forces! Let us continue to stand firm, preach the gospel of the Kingdom, and contend for righteous people to “inherit the Earth!” Halleluya!
So proud of and thankful for our Governor in the great State of Florida! The people need to realize the power of NO that they have in this country. We need to stand up to those trying to overrun us and everything that is decent and good! Especially, the people of God! We must not follow along with the others nor allow the spirit of fear to overwhelm us! They use fear to control people! Stand up and believe the promises of the Lord Most High! We are overcomers! Praise you Father that YOUR plan for America prevails…..everytime!!!!!!!!
Thanks for asking. Could these passports be fulfillment of prophecy from Revelations about having the mark that prohibits one from buying and selling?
No! We are not in the tribulation yet.
The 10 King Empire out of which Antichrist comes is not here yet. (Possibly forming)
That happens in the middle of the Tribulation.
Rapture of believers, the church, before that.
Nancy: I understand and agree, yet some signs and actions like this could be setting the stage, providing a foundation for such events. Thanks for your feeedback.
Another way to control& limits the few freedoms we still have. Next we will have to wear something that tells what gender we think we are,race& religious choice or none. Where will this stop?
thank you for standing up for our rights on not having vac psssports
Governor DeSantis continue to FIGHT for our Constitutional Rights snd this goes for ALL of our Representatives in my state of FL. This is WAR and our lives you are fighting to defend
Vaccine passports – The answer is NO. Citizens need to “immediately” contact and put pressure on all members of their state legislatures to reject any moves toward the federal government’s “power and control grab” disguised as protection. It is anything BUT protection. Have we awakened yet ? There is nothing but double speak and lying coming forth from the new illegitimate administration.
Mario Murillo said recently that he has changed the way he prays concerning what is taking place in our nation due to this president and those working with him. We need to take heed also and take the authority that God has given to his people through prayer.
*Lord, thank you for the leadership of Gov. DeSantis. Thank you that he sees that action and follow through are needed to counter the overreach of this new administration that is given over to deceit and falsehoods. We ask that other governors across our nation would follow his leadership and do the same. In Jesus name amen.
I am against the vaccine passport idea. It is an individual’s decision and choice and should not be mandated by any governmental agency.
The executive actions in this admin. should be challenged openly and forcefully just as Gov. DeSantis is doing. Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world. He is our eternal champion. However, we need our leaders to be that in the flesh and in might to work out the “right” for us. I commit Gov. DeSantis to prayer and for every state in our nation to be protected from this “federal mandate” and all others proposed by this admin. I can no longer even name these people as they are truly criminal. My heart has never been so hateful towards anyone as it is now, for the president and the rest. I need to ask God for forgiveness but I cannot get past my desire for their judgement. Prayers coveted.
Thank you, Susan CC. I agree completely, especially about not being able to speak their names, and having to change channels when their faces come on the screen. Father, forgive me and help me to pray successfully for these enemies of God, and help me have more faith in knowing you are working in this administration, even if we cannot see it right now. Open our eyes, Lord; open THEIR eyes to what they are doing! Thank you for being with us at all times, Abba. We love and revere you.
Amen!! Praise the Lord…He helps us to live in love!!
Father, release Your roar through Gov DeSantis! And raise up an army of Governors and Senators that see the truth, are true public servants, and will do mighty exploits for You! The righteous are bold as lions. Raise up standard bearers…..and release supernatural boldness to leaders willing to be obedient to You. Cause unrighteous leaders to repent by Your kindness. And if they will not repent….raise up righteous servant leaders to take their place. We desperately need You.
Raise up and rise up Lord, we desperately need You! Yes and amen Tari!
Tari, thank you for your prayer. I will continue to say this prayer every day, not only got FL but for every state in the Union as I know our Heavenly Father and his Beloved Son Jesus always hears the prayers of their children
Oh Lord help us! I pray this Govenor will continue to advocate for rights of Americans! We need a voice! God bless this Govenor and use him in this fight! Help me to help in any manner that zi may be called to!
Thank You, Lord, for leaders like Governor DeSantis. Please bless him.
Lord, we love our Governor DeSantis! As he continues to stand for righteousness and common sense give him boldness and wisdom. May there be a groundswell of support among his constituents in the face of Charlie Crist’s accusations and left wing hatred. Protect our Governor, his family and his staff/families from those who would seek to bring harm simply because Ron’s views defy the left wing agenda. Put companies of angels around them for protection and ministering angels to give strength and encouragement. Bring salvation to each, in Jesus’ name, amen.
I pray our Governor in South Carolina will do the same!
We left CA a number of years ago due to the left wing ideology of their Democratic government. I pray for the conservatives who remain.
God bless Governor Ron DeSantis for standing up for what is right and against tyranny.
This is no joke as one day it might come to this! Let us rise up together and do what is necessary!!! Your comment is right on!
Michele, I prayed through the states this morning. I feel great encouragement when I recite them aloud before the Lord. I pray for all who are interceding in this time, for our brothers and sisters locked into states with little to no true leadership, and for those who are completely deceived. May God direct our every intention!
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Amen. Standing in agreement to do the same.
Thank You LORD for Governor Ron’s spine, and may many governors rise up against a corrupt and out of control federal government. LORD, please “strike down” evil! IN THE POWERFUL NAME OF CHRIST JESUS!!
Thank you gov DeSantis
Yes! A resounding thank you for common sense and for taking a firm stand against Big Brother tactics.
NO NO NO – totally wrong. Please Father give the governor the guts to stand against this and help the other governors understand that they cannot do this – it is total nfringement on our freedom – we pray and take authority over the evil that this whole movement stands for, we bind it and send it where it belongs!!! We ask that the Blood spilled by our Lord on this day 2021 years ago, cover this land and every person in it to protect it from this evil and to cleanse it from the degradation it has fallen into. This land was dedicated to YOU Father – it is one Nation under YOU GOD!! It is Your Nation – we are Your people – Let us arise anew on this Easter morning – renewed, stregthened to fight the good fight against the enemy at our door and NOT LET HIM IN!!!
Lord, we pray for more leaders to take a stand and speak up for what is right! Strengthen these leaders and protect them and their families. Thank you for emboldening them!
I am totally against the vaccine – and against mandating the vaccine as a requirement for ANY TRAVEL, or admittance to a building or business. This is NOT about health, it is about control. We as American citizens MUST push back in every way we can: prayer, letting our voice be heard through our lawmakers and social media, etc. Believers need to take back the 7 mountains which includes the media! So much of the media is spewing out propaganda which causes simple-minded people to fear. Fear causes folks to do irrational things, like wear masks religiously believing it will ‘save them’ from covid and ‘there people’s germs. This is just not true. Taking the vaccine does not stop a person from getting covid. The biggest thing to remember about the vaccine is that it is experimental – NOT PROVEN. Also, there is credible reason to believe that the vaccine causes sterilization. It causes your immune system to continue to fight 24/7, which eventually will wear a person out, which could cause premature death.
I soooo agree with you Karen. Fear is being used as a tool in this spiritual warfare and I stand against fear in the name of Jesus.
Lord open the eyes of those who are intimidated by false reporting and scaremongering tactics in Jesus name and under His blood.
We pray for our country, for our freedoms, for our true Patriots that our fighting for our religious freedoms. We pray for a protective hedge around them and there families. Lord GOD help us please. We love you, Your are Lord father GOD. Amen 🙏🇺🇸
I think the idea of requiring vaccine passports is just a Segway into placing mandatory restrictions on other areas in our lives. I’m thankful for those leaders who see what something like this would lead to & are taking a stand early to push back & say no. I pray for Governor DeSantis & every leader that is standing up to protect the rights of the citizens who have entrusted them to look out for their best interest. Father dispatch your angels to encamp around them to protect & to keep them from every evil plan & plot that the enemy would try to work against them. Lead them by your Spirit Father & may they be a catalyst for change for other leaders in our nation in Jesus Name. Amen