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For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. (Mat 7:2)
A federal appeals court blocked the Trump administration’s religious and moral exceptions to the Obamacare birth control mandate from being implemented in five states.
On Thursday, a split three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld a preliminary injunction by the district court. Judges John Clifford Wallace, a Richard Nixon nominee, and Susan Graber, an appointee of Bill Clinton, upheld the district court’s ruling.
The decision allows the states of California, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, and New York to ignore the Trump administration’s rules that protect employers with religious or moral objections to abortion-inducing drugs and birth control from being forced to provide them to workers. . . .
Planned Parenthood celebrated the ruling . . . .
In November, Trump’s Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and the Treasury issued two rules intended to protect those with religious or moral objections to Obamacare’s mandate for most employers to provide abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives, or sterilization procedures – free of charge – to employees via health insurance plans.
The first rule provided an exemption from the contraceptive coverage mandate to entities that object to services covered by the mandate on the basis of faith beliefs. The second final rule provided protections to nonprofit organizations and small businesses that have non-religious, moral convictions opposing the services covered by the mandate.
The religious and conscience exemptions provided by these rules also applied to institutions of education, issuers, and individuals. The rules were scheduled to go into effect at the start of 2019.
The Trump administration can now petition the Supreme Court to take up the case.
The case is California v. Azar, No. 18-15166, in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. (Breitbart)
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My comment is very simple. I will pray that. God the Father will open the eyes of these so servent of God ,to do their job, not be blind. May The Lord forgive them, remembering, one day they, the judges ,will be judged by the Creator of everything. Amen
From Mark Taylor’s youtube:
What is a 501 C 3 to a church, synagogue, or ministry?
The 501 C 3 is a demonic portal in which you are in covenant with the kingdom of darkness through Baal. You take a bribe. The Bible says: “when you take a bribe it blinds the eyes of the wise and perverts the words of the righteous and they become defiled.” The churches, synagogues, ministries, and leadership are under judgement. Even if our government does away with it and you get free speech, you are still married in a covenant to the government.
We are called to rule, reign, and govern. Your ministry can not govern when you are governed over. You do not have good leadership when you are governed by Baal. A church is a corporation and if a rogued state like California say because you are a corporation you have to preach on homosexuality and transgenders. You also have to marry homosexuals or we will shut you down. (California has already told pro life centers they have to refer them to abortion clinics).
The church will have a slavery mentality. They have already done test runs in Idaho telling them to put transgender bathrooms in the churches. Hillary and Obama’s agenda was to shut down all the churches and synagogues and use them for mosques. The church system is under judgement. The government has wanted to control churches and schools that is why they hate home schools because they can not force their agenda on them.
Just like in John 11 in the story of Lazarus, the Lord said take the stone away and arise. Take the stone or the501 C 3 away because it is blocking life from your ministry. The Lord is using Trump to do what he can do to open the door for the church to arise and do what they can for themselves.
I have personally not seen a verse in the Bible that says when you tithe you should get some of it back through taxes. We can not stay in bondage.
Even though these judges vote in this way, it is the churches responsibility to not be tied to this. We need to pray. The money we get on donations on our taxes is paid for from murdered babies.
Our Lord God, continue to raise convictions of the murder each abortion is, whether done with a pill or surgery. Forgive us Lord, may your truth be our light in this darkness. We pray for these states that are now free to pass out this death to all. We cry out to you, Lord, and ask for your deliverance from this diabolical scheme of the Devil to bring more murder of the innocent. We thank you that our President is trying to implement mandates that counter this. We pray he will be successful Lord, for the sake of the babies and their would be mothers.
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus,
You alone are the final Judge in our lives. Judges have been appointed to rule in an impartial manner, without bias. But because abortion had been ruled as a “right,” too many people believe the lie. That permission has been granted to kill an innocent life.
I pray that the conscience of each judge who ruled to keep abortion-inducing drugs in five states will overwhelm them with guilt. Guilt for protecting the lies and sin of abortion.
I pray that more and more people realize Truth: abortion is all about lies, greed and is offensive to the Most High God of the Universe.
I pray for confession, repentance and forgiveness that leads to salvation because of Jesus Christ’s resurrection which demonstrated the True Power of God: There is Life After Death. And it’s only through Faith in Jesus Christ.
In His Name ~ Amen