I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Before the 2016 election, there were many prophetic words that the 45th president of the United States would be a type of Cyrus, as described in Isaiah 45:1, 4:

This is what theĀ LordĀ says to his anointed,Ā to Cyrus,Ā whose right hand I take holdĀ of to subdue nationsĀ before himĀ and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before himĀ so that gates will not be shut: ā€œ . . . I summon you by nameĀ and bestow on you a title of honor,Ā though you do not acknowledgeĀ me.ā€

We find more about Cyrus in Daniel 10, as Daniel describes a revelation given to him in the third year of the reign of Cyrus, king of Persia (verse 1). Today, we are in the third year of President Trumpā€™s presidency. Verse 2 tells us that Daniel fasted and mourned for three weeks. This is often called the Daniel Fastā€”during the First Friday Prayer Conference Call on January 4, 2018 I called IFA intercessors to a 21-day (three week) fast for our nation.

Verses 4 and 5 of Daniel 10 show us that 3 days after Daniel stopped fasting, God gave him a vision of a warrior angel who spoke these amazing words:

Do not be afraid,Ā Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humbleĀ yourself before your God, your wordsĀ were heard, and I have come in response to them.Ā But the princeĀ of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael,Ā one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.Ā (Dan 1-12-13)

In these verses we see that fasting prayer dispatched heavenly warriors and that the spiritual battles we face as a nation are territorial.

Letā€™s look also at what the angel spoke to Daniel in verses 18-19:

Again the one who looked like a man touchedĀ me and gave me strength. Ā ā€œDo not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,ā€Ā he said. ā€œPeace!Ā Be strong now; be strong.ā€ When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, ā€œSpeak, my lord, since you have given me strength.ā€

The teaching from this chapter for us today is powerful. Daniel committed to 21 days of fasting and on the first day spiritual warriors were dispatched. This warrior was restrained for the length of the fast, 21 days. On the last day, Michael was sent to break the restraint, which is a breakthrough. After 3 days of spiritual breakthrough, this warrior appears to Daniel to provide strength and wisdom.

Then the warrior angel told Daniel that he must return to the battle, and he added, by the way, that another powerful, territorial angel would be coming.

Fasting changes things. It supercharges our prayers and releases spiritual powers behind the scenes. Victories are won.

We must realize that reigning with Christ through intercession is a marathon and not a sprint. Territory is taken and maintained through prayer. We cannot give up or give inā€”we must press on and press in to God, through fasting and prayer.

Letā€™s fast and pray with expectation that breakthrough is about to happen and that every purpose God has for President Trump would come to pass.



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Vincent Shaw Flack
July 29, 2020

Thank the Lord you said nothing good about that hollow man, his life work built on bankruptcy, friend of Saudi Arabia, probably their bought slave, Sunni Arabs they, our worst enemy in the world. Our president is weak, waffles, and turns away from Israel and the fighting in the Middle East to enrich America and China. For shame, granted he followed Obama in this. He is utterly unlike Cyrus, worthy of no honor, capable of enduring no good work, immoral, unable to do the least thing to protect the women, poor weak women, who are attracted to him. He only continues in office to which he was elected, because of the weakness of Evangelicals, of whose number I count myself, we who rely on him to “protect our so called “freedom of religion,” the Bible being ninety seven percent politics. Shame on us! I am fasting now, albeit for my health, and what I say of the President, I say of my own town also, which has elected a health officer and given her power to close the church, which we have heroically kept open, empty of all but pitiful old folk, knowing we must obey God rather than men, the only open Presbyterian Church, U. S. A, that I know of still open. Concerning my town and his White House and Congress and Courts, I pray, “overthrow, overthrow, overthrow until he comes whose right it is.”

January 21, 2019

Dear Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ our savior lift up a standard against all the plans of Santan against our President D.Trump and his family and every one in his cabinet. Give them wisdom and strength and great strategies to defend the nation of USA continue your favor upon him

Robert Bruce Toth
January 21, 2019

Cause your people to embrace humbling and through fasting Lord.

Ernestina Cavazos
January 20, 2019

LORD JESUS, forgive us (U. S. A.)for all our sins that we have done. and for all the blood that is crying to YOU. Forgive us, forgive us, forgive us. And help us to call on YOUR name, everyday. Wash our land with the BLOOD of JESUS. LORD, help our President TRUMP, and send Him all the help He needs, also send Him angels, We love YOU, LORD JESUS. Amen.

Karen Murphy
January 20, 2019

I pray that our President is protected by a wall of Archangels, that our Lord is guiding him in every word and action Trump does. I pray he will envision exactly what God wants and brings it to fruition. I pray for forgiveness for each and every war that America was involved with; I pray that the cabal is fully exposed for their part in financing these wars. I pray citizens wake up to the truth and are horrified and turn their backs to these evil people who were held on a pedestal. I pray for full exposure of each person dead or alive be it in our government, the EU, the Queen, the Royals in foreign countries, all of them, each and every one. I pray that people return to God, search their hearts, repent, atone, make right where they can and begin living righteously in Our Lordā€™s eyes. For we are nothing without him. We err on our own devices and we were lied to about our past as a nation. I humbly pray and ask God for his pity, grace and blessings on each one of us. And to keep President Trump Under his hand at all times until his will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

Bill DeLauder
January 20, 2019

Father in Jesus name glorify your Son, The Lord Jesus Christ in this world. May His Name be proclaimed and with every knee bowed and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Father that you would send those willing to die for Christ and His Church into battle even as our Fathers David proclaimed against the demonic Goliath that his mouth would not defile the Lord and so the enemies of Christ and His Church would know Jesus Christ is lord of all. Prayer in School. Prayer in buisness, Prayer everywhere. Amen

friend of Jesus
January 20, 2019

I pray that fellow Americans will combine prayer and action to fight for our country. That there will arise modern day Abraham Lincolns, George and Martha Washingtons, Betsy Rosses and the like. Father, show us how to take action after we pray. We pray a hedge of protection around President Trump. We align with him. We declare that no weapon formed against him shall prevail. We declare the first shall be last and the last shall be first. I break off the spirit of lethargy and complacancy off everyone who reads this because you readers are called for such a time as this to rise up! You are leaders. Do the right think and be an example for others to follow. I bless America in Jesus’ name.

Neal L Burgess
January 19, 2019

Yes, The Holy spirit says an emphatic “YES” I will make rivers in the the desolate dry wasteland and refresh my people. What refreshes, what renews and leaves a legacy; more than a people in a nation that have hope for today and tomorrow because the the gift of righteousness has been embrace and lifted up. “Central Oregon House of Prayer”

Cora L. NEAL
January 18, 2019

Cora L. Neal says: I Pray in the name of Jesus we continue to Pray and stand on the word of God using our mouth as a sword decreeing and declaring that everything that is not of God in this land is demolish;[Isaiah 49v2]. Also that the Judges have integrity and God is working behind the scene bringing the mountain of deception down and destroying the spirit in the people that exalt against the word of God. IN THE NAME OF JESUS

Felicia Penner
January 18, 2019

Lord God, thank you for IFA, for all those that have been fasting. May great fruit happen here in USA because of their sacrifice before your throne. Thank you for our modern day Cyrus, our Jehu; we ask that you would continue to make the crooked roads straight before him, that you would continue to bless the works of his hands. Like Reagan, who you also raised up in response to our cry before you, our President is having global affects for the sake of freedom. I pray for the fall of the EU Lord, and that all countries would regain their autonomy. I pray the the European churches would again be filled with worshiping believers in our precious Jesus. i pray that many would come to salvation here in America. i pray that your Spirit, Lord, would fall on all flesh. Have your way in Washington DC, Lord, have your way with our “king Cyrus”.
A special blessing on The Trumps and Pences, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

toni Kushner
January 17, 2019

I pray for our president and all those in office. I pray that we His people will not grow weary in well doing, but continue to call upon the Lord. God Almighty for His intervention for America. To God be all glory and honor.

January 17, 2019

Our Father is waiting on us to follow His spoken and written Word. All of our solutions to correcting any issues or problems are written in the Bible. Our obedience and prayer are Keys for our Nations survive the Lord is a Spirit to which we must be obedient also, speaking in prayer staying connected.

Father, I ‘m praying that our nation would open its hearts and minds to understand your Word. May the obedient servants continue to Fast and Prayer releasing the promises of God as we stand fast proclaiming a National crisis to avert hardship that God would reverse His decision as (Joel did 1:13-14; 2:12-15). “Now, therefore,” says the Lord “Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.” So rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the Lord your God. Joel 2:12-13. Amen.

Jerry E Sauls
January 17, 2019

I prayed and will continue to pray for President Trump, his family, his Cabinet, and all of those in Government at the City, State and National level. I place all of them into the hands of God Jehovah believing that His will may be accomplished throughout our land. In the Name that is above all names, Amen!

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