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Lord, protect the freedom we still experience in our nation today. Please heal our land and give us wisdom of how to move forward..
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The largest social media web site in the world has started censoring a a LifeNews.com article exposing how vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris attempted to put pro-life journalists in prison for exposing how the Planned Parenthood abortion business sold the body parts of unborn babies.

In August, LifeNews.com ran an article from Liberty Counsel, a pro-life legal firm that has represented Sanda Merritt, who worked alongside David Daleiden to expose the Planned Parenthood abortion company for selling body parts like hearts and livers of babies killed in abortions. After over a dozen undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood staff members on the record explaining how they changed abortion procedures to secure aborted baby parts to sell to make enough money to possibly afford Lamborghini sports cars, Harris launched a retributive effort to charge the pro-life journalists with criminal charges in an attempt to put them in prison.

As the article explains:

Five years ago, it was former California attorney general Kamala Harris (now senator and VP candidate) who launched the investigation into the work of Sandra Merritt and David Daleiden, the founder of the Center for Medical Progress, after these citizen journalists discovered and produced videos documenting Planned Parenthood’s illegal trafficking of aborted baby body parts.

Under California law, conversations that “may be overheard” are, by definition, not “confidential” and can be recorded without consent. The recorded abortionists admitted under oath that their conversations with Merritt and Daleiden could be overheard by others in the public spaces where they were recorded, and they took no steps to prevent others from overhearing their candid discussion of what Planned Parenthood does behind closed doors. Therefore, the undercover videos produced by Merritt and Daleiden did not violate California video recording law. . . .

But that did not stop Planned Parenthood and Harris from wielding a politically motivated prosecution against the two citizen journalists.

With Harris running for vice president, the article has received new life and has been shared over 572,000 times on Facebook.  . . .

Politifact yesterday issued a factually incorrect and misleading “false” rating on the article that leaves out considerable information and distorts the facts of how Harris persecuted these pro-life journalists so aggressively she ordered her agents to raid Daleiden’s home.

Based on that misleading factcheck, Facebook is now censoring the article — a decision that deprives Americans of important information about a vice presidential candidate just days before they head to the polls in a critical presidential election. Any Facebook user sharing the article is met with a false and misleading warning before they are allowed to post it, and any posts of the article carry the same misleading warning:

Facebook is also censoring the story exposing Harris by limiting its distribution and censoring any Facebook page or group that shared the story because Facebook makes it clear that when pages get a strike from a factcheckers that it will throttle the page’s content.

It’s ridiculous that Facebook censors content and limits views based on false and misleading ‘factchecks’ from liberal media factcheckers with a history of supporting abortion. Facebook should be a robust forum for free speech, not in league with places like China that limit and censor what people say. . .

(Excerpt from LifeSite News. Article by Steven Ertelt. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Helen Voss
October 20, 2020

We must rise up, pray ,and act. We must speak the truth and not back down. Thank you for yoi work.

October 20, 2020

End Censorship, Propaganda, Distortion & Falsehood, Bless Free Speech, Free Internet, Salvation of Press, Big Data & Media (Ex 20:16)

    October 20, 2020

    Father, we ask You strengthen righteous reporters and help those that are lost to repent (2 Peter 3:9). It is written, “Thou shalt not bear false witness” (Ex 20:16). We long for unbiased news, freedom of the internet, lack of censorship, accurate reporting & free and open journalism across the nation and world (Prov 25:25). We ask “newscasters” would not bear false witness, relate hearsay, gainsay truth & forward outright lies (Ex 20:16). We pray for repentance & reformation in news agencies, big data (FAANG — f@cebook, @pple, @mazon, netfli#, g00gle), and government in restricted areas. May reporters, big tech CEOs and their attorneys be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:1-5). Remove those who are not going to be saved (Ps 68:2). Grant mercy on the in the masses in the meantime (Matt 9:36) and give us the gift of discerning of spirits (1 Cor 12:10). May falsehood not cause any of these little to stumble (Matt 18:6, Mark 9:42, Luke 17:2). Hold back the powerful delusion (2 Thes 2:11) and let not people trust in any lie (2 Thes 2:11). Let free speech, democracy and freedom of the press run swiftly throughout the offices and quickly across the airwaves, internet and various forms of media throughout the world (2 Thes 3:1-2). Keep us and religious sites from the evil one as well, and strengthen our resolve in these matters (2 Thes 3:3). Thank You in Jesus’ Name

Pamela barber
October 20, 2020

Let truth shine forth. Whatever is done in the dark be brought to light for the whole world to know.

October 19, 2020

Of course Kamala Harris would persecute Sandra Merritt and David Daleiden! She, Facebook, and main stream media did not want the truth of this horrific practice to be known. She, again, is trying to make evil good and good evil. Harris, Facebook, twitter, and main stream media are complicit of millions of very small people (the yet to be born) being murdered, and worse, actually profiting by selling body parts. Blood of the innocents is on their hands!
Each and every one of us should be sickened and propelled into action to stop the censors and get the truth out about Biden, Harris, and media, both main stream and social.
Creator God, Giver of Life, please reveal the truth no matter how painful. Bring to light the evil so that it may be stopped! I ask that You do not allow these things to continue, and every evil plan of the enemy will fail. Thank you for Your great wisdom and power. You see all things and judge all things Nothing is hidden from You. Revive Your church who needs to stand for right.

October 19, 2020

Lord, we thank you that the dark is not dark to you. We believe in your power and sovereignty. We will not fear the efforts of your Enemy to mislead and hide the truth. The gates of hell will not prevail against the relentless assault of truth. We ask YOU to spread truth in our nation. May TRUTH be like Jesus said; if no one proclaims it, the very rocks will cry out. Amen.

Mel Teoh
October 19, 2020

Thank you for this article. Please have mercy on the FB founder. Help him to repent so that he can use his platform to do the right thing i.e to just promote FACTS and TRUTH. No more concealing truth. FB has enough money to be able to stand on what is right. Please allow Zuckerberg to realize that his company, money, power can not save his soul or his family or children souls.

It is written:
Matthew 16:26 ESV For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

Mark 8:36 ESV For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?

Matthew 22:37 ESV And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

In Jesus name. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.


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