Eyes Wide Open – Good and Evil
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Eyes Wide Open – Good and Evil
It has happened numerous times in the past few years, we have all experienced it. We become inundated with an online video which seems to be everywhere at once. Friends in our contact list send us a video, urging us to watch it.
Recently, wondering what this latest widespread video was about, I hit play. It was by Glenn Beck, about a dream he had 10 years ago and then again, more recently.
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My first thought after watching the video was from 2 Timothy 1:7: that God has not given us a spirit of fear.
I have learned, as have many of you, to resist fear, even though it seems to be thrown at us daily from all sides — not only from popular videos and prophetic words, but also from news media. Unfortunately, most people do experience fear as they watch such videos or hear the latest news.
Fear is never of God. That was my first thought.
My second thought was: Biblically, God does warn us through dreams.
For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds, then he opens the ears of men and terrifies them with warnings, that he may turn man aside from his deed and conceal pride from a man; he keeps back his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the sword (Job 33:14–18).
Knowing this truth, I watched the video a few more times, praying for insight into what God was revealing through this dream Mr. Beck shared. A few things stood out to me:
- being pushed or ushered into a confined space;
- This is not political; man is not our enemy — Satan is behind it all;
- We must take a stand — now;
- We must filter everything we see, hear, and read through the word and the will of God;
- Spiritual eyes and ears and quick obedience are vital.
It is crystal-clear that Satan is attempting to push each of us into a place of confinement, a place of bondage — into a place of moving completely away from the kingdom of God and from His ways.
We are not being herded in by any political party, but rather by the very Enemy of God. The Enemy’s agenda is to push us into seeing things differently from the way God sees them. That plan is to get us to come into agreement with the ways of the world; in doing that, we forfeit the plan of God for our nation, and perhaps for our own lives.
Additionally, it is the Enemy’s desire for us to accept and embrace things that go against the plan and purpose of God: such things as abortion and same-sex marriage.
We cannot allow ourselves to be ushered into this place. We must resist and stand firm on the word of God and on His plan for our nation. We cannot afford to be lax in this area; we must take a stand and refuse to back up. We must continue to pray and to bombard our government leaders until some enduring change starts to take place.
Fear is a big part of the Enemy’s plan. We must resist fear and remain bold in our faith and our confession of what we believe. If we fear standing up for what we know is right, we will inevitably compromise truth. There is absolutely no room for compromise in this season.
To steer clear of fear, we must filter every news source, video, or prophecy through spiritual eyes and ears. Looking and listening with natural ears and a worldly mindset will only lead to fear, anxiety, doubt, and unbelief.
In this current atmosphere, we are all being shaped by something, every single day. We alone determine what that something is. Will it be the word of God and His plan, or will it be the views of this world and all the evil that entails?
Our own view must be through spiritual eyes — spiritual eyes, wide open. There is no other choice.
To maintain a spiritual outlook, we must cultivate a close relationship with God and His word. We must also pray that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened and that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Ephesians 1:7–18). This is our key to breakthrough. This is our key to standing firm through adversity.
To reiterate, the Bible does say God warns us in dreams. However, the dream does not necessarily predict the outcome; sometimes the conclusion is up to us. Perhaps, if we heed the warning, we can change the end result, just like in the story of Joseph and Pharaoh in Genesis 41.
On a final note, whether you are listening to local news, watching dream videos, or hearing the latest prophecy, remember these words of Jesus: “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer, take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted! For I have overcome the world. I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you” (John 16:33, AMPC). He has already conquered it for us! What a wonderful reason to praise the Lord today!
Has the Lord given you any warnings or insights regarding today’s news? If so, share them below!
Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine, and on Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the hearts of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life. To receive her daily inspirational writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com. Photo Credit: Canva.
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Wonderful. Thanks for this encouraging & timely word!
Appreciated Glen Beck sharing his dream as a warning from God; + some of his takeaways. We are to be aware of what’s going on, even so not give over to fear, but lean into God’s provision for us as Believers, of power, love & a sound mind! Pray & live appropriately.
Thank you, Kim, for this encouraging article. I got a lot of blessing out of it.
May all the lies be cursed, and may Satan be cursed forever.
But may the word of God be blessed, and may our Lord Jesus be blessed forever.
As one of Jesus aging followers who seeks eternal union with God the Eternal Father, I am sometime a little too eager to leave this earth and ascend to the Lord Jesus place of human rebirth and there I might be privileged to stand in his presence. What a great and sublime day that would be and an opportunity to honor Jesus and my Eternal Father. But alas, there is a little time left in this body for me to finish my assignment on earth, whatever that may be. So today I venture out into the world once more, there to work, take risks, and offer a little encouragement and comfort to whomever the spirit of truth tells me is ready for my particular godly gifts.
Ha ha -A true kindred spirit my friend John !! May we finish well this life-through th power of Holy Spirit in our beloved savior Jesus Christ’s name !!
Stand firm. Do not respond to all of the banking and financial scares or allow them to frighten you “I will provide”.
During the speaker election process, it was disgusting to see left wing communists (Satan’s followers) slinking about whispering their poison to each other in their attempts to disrupt the proceedings. One could almost smell the rotting flesh odder as they passed close to Gods people. The site resembled a dark Halloween play about evil spirits lurking about, and it seems it was actually a real melodrama. I had to turn off the TV and ask the holey sprit to clean my mind before I could sleep. May Lord Jesus send his army of angelic beings to protect and defend God’s people who serve in our federal Government for they must walk among the depraved.
I agree with Kim’s assessment. God created us to DISCERN good and evil, not to KNOW it. The world system and the principalities behind it want to press us into the place of fear. God’s perfect love casts out all fear! May the Holy Spirit be our filter as Christ followers. Thanks IFA for providing such a wonderful balance to the body of Christ!
After struggling for many years, I began searching the Word to understand what my responsibility is to the current chaos in our nation. I previously thought my plan was to identify the enemy and pray it’s power out of our nation. That has not worked so well. The problem as I see it is that we have put our hope in something God never intended. It it possible to pray for our rulers over our nation but have our hope elsewhere? I believe that not only is the answer yes but also necessary. Let me explain. If we look at the New Testament you will never see the Christians fretting over the tyranny and corruption that Rome and the Jewish leaders were inflicting on them. Why? These saints of God understood a bigger plan put into motion at the very beginning of creation. Mankind “fell” in the garden and was forced out. Some of the spiritual beings created by God to help him administrate this new World that He created, rebelled and became the “gods” of this world influencing mankind with all sorts of evil ideologies. Also you have some of these rebellious spiritual beings disobeying God and creating offspring (Nephilim). The result of this rebellion is a fallen, chaotic, corrupt world. But God in His wisdom knew this would happen and created His Son who would redeem not only mankind ,but all of creation. He would also create His Ekklesia that would play a part in this redemption. We all are part of the body of Christ. When we join in by faith in our Savior, we become instruments to usher in His Kingdom. Our hope is in this plan alone. We also understand that all our trials and suffering are used by God to transform us into the person He wants us to be to serve Him and rule and reign in eternity. This bedrock of faith in Christ, understanding His purpose, is essential to be of use for Him.
With this understanding, we can accept that it is possible that our well being here on earth, may not be in our best interest when doing the will of God. It is not about us, it’s about Gods plan being fulfilled. When you arrive at this understanding you will not wring your hands and fret at every article you read that demonstrates the depravity that has taken over our nation. You will understand that God even uses the principalities and powers of darkness for His purposes, otherwise why would Paul say that we are to demonstrate the manifold wisdom of God to them. Eph. 3:10?
How did I become so deceived to get my priorities mixed up. I think false teaching has crept into the church. Every day a so called prophet is speaking that the victory is just around the corner. We have doctrine teaching us to use our authority to obtain our every whim, whether it be success, or power, or health, etc. This has taken our eyes off who we really are in Christ and given us false hopes to rely on. When it becomes clear their is no easy answer, we get discouraged and depressed. We want to avoid suffering at all costs. Embrace the suffering and learn from it.
We know God’s plan is to bring as many souls into His Kingdom using His Ekklesia as instruments of His love to a fallen world. Let us balance our priorities and rise above the fray by putting aside all false teachings and finding our purpose through His guidance by His Word. Remember our time here on earth is but a blink of an eye compared to eternity with Him. I believe we we will be blown away by the beauty and purpose we shall inherent when this life on earth has been fulfilled.
Well said Michael-Thanks !!
Thank you Kim for this reminder. I listen to Julie Green Ministries International prophecy and prophecy fulfilled. She has a sign in her office. BUT GOD! We must keep our eyes on JESUS and not on the storm. The moment Peter took his eyes off JESUS he sank. We must look up and say HELP ME LORD!
Thanks Monica! I also follow Julie Green Ministries and her prophecies, it encourages me and I speak her prophecies forth! Everybody don’t worry, because Christ has conquered for us at the cross( John 16:33), and plead the precious Blood of Christ Jesus over yourself and all your loved ones morning and evening, we have the victory in Christ!