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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray for Justice Kavanaugh, that everything that You have planned for him will be accomplished.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Months ago the Brett Kavanaugh family, and the nation, was dragged through a sordid, painful, and polarizing process of Justice Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court. His accusers offered no credible proof. Dr. Blasey Ford’s own father supported the nomination and the Senate eventually confirmed him.

Now, over the weekend, the New York Times published a story with another accusation of improper behavior, leaving out one important fact—the accuser did not remember the incident.


Then what was the story based on?

In all of my life I have never witnessed the public ostracizing of a person like the Honorable Brett Kavanaugh.

We must ask ourselves, why? Why is this happening to him? I don’t know him personally, but the facts indicate he is an incredible jurist, committed husband, and loving father. I have heard reports of his love for the Word of God and how he regularly studies it with others.

The only thing I can think of is that the enemy of our souls somehow has an awareness of how this man could be used of God. Some have said this man will be at the center of the reversal of Roe v. Wade. I don’t know. All I know is that the enemy does not waste time and energy on someone who does not have a great calling upon their lives.

Pray for our judges, justices and courts in America with the IFA exclusive prayer resource.

We need to pray for this man, his wife, his children, his staff, and his support system. I am declaring an “All Points Bulletin” for prayer for this man. Pray that everything God has planned for this man would be accomplished.

Will you commit to pray for Justice Kavanaugh? Leave a comment.

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September 22, 2019

father I come be before you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth You are the Creator of the Heavens & the Universe “No weapon formed against Justice Kavanaugh shall Prosper” Your will be done in all matters that you reveal and give your Angels charge over him and his family. Give that perfect Peace that surpasses all understanding. Judges 6:12and the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon ” the Lord is with you Mighty Warrior”, just as you were with Gideon thus you are with Judge Kavanaugh, thank you Lord Jesus. Lord equip him with your strength to accomplish Your Will—–Bless Him and His Family.

Carolyn Reeves
September 20, 2019

Roe v Wade is certainly a battleground, but another very important battleground is just getting started about the issue of gender reassignment.
Some very young children are being allowed to decide what gender they want to assume. Competition between women athletics and men who claim to be women is grossly unfair to the women who have trained for athletic events. Parental rights are being challenged by “experts” and “counselors” within school systems who are encouraging children to make permanent decisions that make them infertile, susceptible to cancer, and more likely to commit suicide. Some teachers and nursing home workers are losing their jobs because people who are transitioning to another gender are trying to force them to use (and show acceptance) of their transition. There are even some state laws that require others to honor men who claim to be women and women who claim to be men.

September 18, 2019

Thank you Lord for your amazing grace. Thank you for putting Justice Kavanaugh in office and thank you for the plan your have for him and his family. Your plan will go forth no matter how hard the enemy fights.
He is on the winning team, covered by your blood, equipped for battle, and Your banner over him is Love. We praise you for covering him with your mighty arms of love and your peace over him to with stand. We decree your truth to prevail Lord over the lies. We love you Father and all glory goes to you!

    Betty Beardsley
    September 19, 2019

    Amen and Amen. Heavenly Father, thank You for Justice Kavanaugh being one of our Supreme Court Justices. I agree in prayer for his protection and also protection for his family. Let Thy will be done to glorify Your Holy Name. Amen

    September 23, 2019

    Join me in praying for increased wisdom coupled with humility to be like a mantle on this chosen servant of God. For the gift of peace and joy to be with him and his entire family as they keep their eyes on you Lord. Also that what the enemy intended for evil will turn to glorify our God. We pray for the accusers eyes and hearts be opened to the God’s love.

September 18, 2019

Lord Jesus, Would You bless Justice Kavanaugh, his wife and children with Your lovingkindness that reaches to the heavens, peace that passes understanding and joy unspeakable. Would You return the evil planned against him to rest upon the heads of his accusers and their helpers. Would You clearly bring such honor to Justice Kavanaugh as to silence his accusers, even as for Mordecai in the Old Testament. Let perfect love cast out fear. May he rather be emboldened to seek Thee, speak Thy words and accomplish all the purposes for which You have granted him this appointment. May he and his family have a strong sensing of Thy presence at all times. I pray in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

September 17, 2019

You, O Lord, love justice, and Judge Kavanaugh needs your justice for his cause. Contend with those who contend against him, fight against those who fight against him. May those who seek his life be disgraced and put to shame; may those who plot his ruin be turned back in dismay. May the many who try to destroy his reputation find that God loves even them repent and find Jesus’ free gift of salvation.

    September 18, 2019

    Amen, Amen, and AMEN

      Lynne Morris
      September 18, 2019

      Beautiful prayer, I am in agreement. Father we thank you for the victory of Justice Kavanaugh’s appointment. We thank you for all y’all he great things he will do for America. Praise you, Lord.

    September 18, 2019


    Elizabeth Ferrell
    September 18, 2019

    I agree with this prayer. His Word says “when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19. We call upon the Lord to defend Judge Kavanaugh and show the truth to the American people about this evil coming against him.

September 17, 2019

I watched a talk show between two women on PBS not long ago. Apparently “they” think that Roe v. Wade is very close to being overturned.

These women discussed this possibility and what it may mean.

So this is not a surprising attack on Justice Kavanaugh and a futile effort to see him impeached. Nothing is off-limits to the desperate perpetrators of the anti-Christ spirit that would see God’s creation destroyed.

“They” are terrified of a third Trump appointee to the Supreme Court that might possibly overturn Roe V. Wade. This is an attack from the pits of Hell and the “father of lies” to ensure that the money-making business of abortion is continued. God is on his throne and “righteousness and justice” are the foundations of his throne according to his word. And “righteousness and justice” will prevail.

I pray for the salvation of “them” and that their plans come to naught against this man.

Virginia Bumgarner
September 17, 2019

I will pray for Justice Kavanaugh and I will also add him to our church prayer list. It is so sad that our nation is being ripped apart by those who are unhappy because their “team” lost an election. How delighted satan must be with the response of the “losers”. There is much hanging in the balance following the 2016 election and MUCH more hanging on the 2020 election. May we pray for our nation and her leaders as we have never prayed before. I am so happy to know that I am on the side of the “Greater is He”!

September 17, 2019

Father, we thank You for answering our prayers before we even call. Thank You for preparing and positioning The Epoch Times newspaper for such a time as this when we need honest journalism and diligent reporters. I praise You God for knowing and providing what we will need before we are aware of it. You are the awesome and mighty God of all creation. May Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Thank You for a truthful news source.

Thank You also for Intercessors for America and “headline news to pray about.” Thank You for all Your people who have responded to this need for prayer over Justice Kavanaugh, and whose hearts are grieved over injustice. May ALL Your plans and purposes for his life be fulfilled, and may all the lies and plots of the enemy be defeated, nullified, and destroyed.

We pray Your blessings and protection not only over his family, but also over his staff. Help them be strong, loyal, and trustworthy. Help them not be frightened or intimidated. Help them not grow weary; strengthen them and guide them by Your Holy Spirit. Help them grow courageous and wise through these difficult times so that they are prepared to walk into the destiny You have for each of them.
We ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    September 17, 2019

    Yes! Agreeing in prayer! Amen and Amen! We thank You, Lord for all You have done, are doing and will do. In Jesus name, Amen

Nita Morris
September 17, 2019

Yes,agreeing with you in prayer for Justice Kavanaugh.

Donna Nelson
September 17, 2019

Donna Nelson, (Canada)
Agreeing with all the righteous prayers for this family! You Lord are their hedge of protection. Pray utter confusion into the camp of the enemy. God’s word is sharper than a two edged sword and the swords in the spirit realm are clashing. The eyes of the wicked are blinded to the truth of the Word of God! Oh all the righteous ones would have hearts like David fighting Goliath. Like Samuel may they be listening to you Lord and may we all be listening and have great discernment at this time. The King is coming and the days are being shortened! Thank you Lord for your shield around Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his family. Thank you Lord for your treasury of weapons that are at our disposal. I agree with Trish that Jehovah Mishpat is the God of Justice. Oh Lord render us invisible to Satan and all of his hordes.
Blessings to all the intercessors! Shalom

Douglas Oldfield
September 17, 2019

Thank you Lord for raising up your servants like Justice Kavanaugh to provide wise justice for our Nation. Guide and comfort Justice Kavanaugh and his family during this false attack. Give the Nation the vision to see this evil plan, not only to impeach him, but to threaten and scare all future judicial nominees.

September 17, 2019

Father God I ask you to bless IFA abundantly for keeping we Intercessors on target with our prayers! I take heart that you have and are still putting Justices in place to stop the horrendous murders of innocent babies as you overturn Roe v Wade! The enemy is terrified of the UNITY we have as believers in the one true God, who as an army, have risen up to plead the blood of our precious Redeemer Jesus, over Justice Kavanaugh and his beloved family. Lord let Your voice thunder from heaven and silence every satanic spirit of character assassination once and for all coming against Justice Kavanaugh in every form; false unfounded accusations thru media, individuals, or written words. Let Your thunderous voice roar louder than every lying, foul, evil spirit of character assassination and let Your enemies be scattered! Bring confusion into the enemies camp and let them fall into the pit they were trying to devise for Justice Kavanaugh. Bless Brett Kavanaugh and his precious family, keep them sweet through these vicious attacks and born from above (save) the deceived people who dare to rail against God’s anointed! Thank You Lord for the hedge of protection you have surrounded the Kavanaugh family with. Heal every wound caused by these lying scathing attacks. Thank You for making America Great again! In Jesus Name, Amen

Tracy Clark
September 17, 2019

We ask you to please bless the Kavanaugh family. YOu say may are the afflicitons of the righteous buy you deliver him out of them all. Please deliver this family from these afflicitons.

Barbara Blaine
September 17, 2019

It is beyond comprehension that a “use-to-be” honorable journalist newspaper would allow the
substance of an article attacking the character and integrity of Justice Kavanaugh, after the horrendous confirmation hearings he endured. Evidently, the Lord has great plans for Justice Kavanaugh or
the devil would not be wasting his time. I pray a hedge of protection and your peace over him and his family and that you, O Lord, would turn the evil of each person who is spreading this lie back on them. You alone are our justifier, O Lord.

nancy jesudass
September 17, 2019

I have been praying for you and your family day and night. I pray for God’s purpose to work through you and bring you success and that the enemy will be defeated in Jesus Name!

    Marlene Harrington
    September 17, 2019

    I am joining you in prayer for Judge Kavanaugh, his wife and daughters, President Trump and our Country.

September 17, 2019

Our Father in Heaven, I ask that you would please thwart the enemy and all of his wicked slander against Kavanaugh and his family. Please give them both supernatural and physical protection and please also give them peace in the midst of this storm. Please cause those who’ve slandered this man to understand that bearing false witness is a very serious sin and that your patience has limitations! Thank you for being so merciful and patient with us whom you’ve redeemed although we are completely unworthy.

September 17, 2019

Father, one of your many names is Jehovah Mishpat, the God of Justice. So I believe that you will bring justice in this matter to our wonderful Justice of the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh. As he works to bring justice and righteousness to the decisions before the Court, grant him more wisdom, knowledge and discernment. Protect him from the lies of the enemy and do not let him grow weary in well doing, because in due season, we reap if we don’t faint. (Galatians 6:9). Bless his family, friends, and the Body of Christ as we lift him up in prayer and trust You to bring victory in this situation. We ask this in Jesus’ Name, the Name above all names! Amen

Georjean Allenbach
September 17, 2019

Father in heaven, we ask that you put a hedge of protection around Justice Kavanaugh, a wall of consuming fire, that will put a stop to the lies of the enemy. We pray for good people, who know the truth to rise up! The deception of the evil one is working overtime to bring these senseless allegations. It is confused, deceived and weak people who allow it to continue. We must speak up, the church must be able to discern Truth from fiction and teach the people to uphold the good. Fear and intimidation is the weapon the enemy is using so efficiently… and the bored, lazy complacent people take it all in like warm milk… Lord have mercy!!!! Raise up an army Lord of warriors who will pray and battle for righteousness in our churches, our government and lives!!!! Start with me, Lord, light a fire in us to pray and to seek You. End the evil attacks!!! Amen

Mark Fray
September 17, 2019

God, be with Kavanaugh, intervein on his behalf he needs you now.

September 17, 2019

Thank you Lord Jesus for Brett Kavanaugh at such a time as this! May you fill him with your peace, your wisdom your love. Please keep him steadfastly connected to Holy Spirit in Jesus name protect his marriage and his children and thank you that you said no weapon formed against us will prosper. thank you in Jesus name amen

C Brown
September 17, 2019

Dear Father, Please build a hedge of protection around Judge Kavanaugh and his family. DO NOT let him lose hope, may his faith stay strong. Father I ask you to forgive this person who is falsely accusing him of something he did not do. If this person cannot remember the incident, then apparently it did not happen. Thus, Father open this person’s eyes to the real truth, and to the danger of bearing false witness against someone. Heavenly Father, you are all that is good, true and honest. Guide Your believers in the way that we should go.

September 17, 2019

Our Father which arr in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name they kingdom come thy will be done on earth as in heaven. I pray Father God that your will be done in this Satan driven act against Mr. Kavanagh and his family. Father drive out the demons that are so bent on ruining lives. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Linda Heifner
September 17, 2019

No weapon formed against me will prosper. We stand on this promise from our Lord for Justice Kavanaugh. God has great things planned for him and no evil will stop that. We pray for the Holy Spirit’s presence to be felt by the Justice and his entire family. We pray for peace, joy, love and all fruits of the Spirit to surround the Justice. We ask all these things in the sweet name of Jesus. Amen!

Amanda Davis
September 17, 2019

Powerful God,
I thank You that You have already heard the prayers of Your Children and have responded with force to bring Your will into action. Though the enemy is a roaring lion he is nothing compared to You. I thank You in advance for all you are & will do. AMEN SO BE IT.

Toni Kushner
September 17, 2019

Father, We give thanks for the stedfast life of Justice Kavanaugh and we ask for your hand of blessing and protection for him and his family.May they lift their eyes unto the heavens from where their strength comes for you will not let their foot slip. Keep their minds safe from the enemy and may they know the peace of God. I pray that they will be encouraged and know that when you are done they shall come forth as gold and all glory shall be to the Lord, Our God. For you are faithful and your promises are true. Amen

Gloria Hall
September 17, 2019

Father in Heaven we seek your face on behalf of Justice Kavanaugh and family we pray to You Oh, Lord to deliver him from the hands of those who accuse.
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my (his) light and my(his) salvation: Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? V2- When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, My enemies and foes. They stumbled and fell. V3- Though an army may me (him) encamp against me, My heart shall not fear: Though war my rise against me ( him) , In this I WLL be confident. ……

Proclaiming the Word of God over his life, wife, family, and the call upon the position that he has been appointed to in office.

Prayers go forth…. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I Pray!

    September 17, 2019


    Mary L McClellen
    September 17, 2019

    I agree with the prayers of others for Judge Kavanaugh. I ask that your surround him and his family with your divine protection. Lord, I pray that he would not become bitter but could instantly forgive his enemies. May he know peace that passes all understanding. We know that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places. Eph. 6:12. We rejoice that you are a powerful God and greater that the forces that are trying to destroy Judge Kavanaugh. May the anger, bitterness and deceit be uncovered and brought to light. May those who wrote or contributed to this article be convicted of their lies and seek repentance. We are shocked oh Lord that stories with no basis are printed. You are not shocked and we take great joy in knowing that you are gearing our prayers.
    Thank you Lord for IFA and all they do to keep us informed.
    God Bless America

Michael Guidera
September 17, 2019

Dear God, the father of lies has set his sights on Judge Kavanaugh. For he knows this man will do much harm to his evil plans. By the authority given to us Christians, I pray against each false accusation. I pray to shine Your light of truth on each one and render them powerless. May this trap set for Judge Kavanaugh backfire on the perpetrators and may they receive full judgement for their actions. I lift up the judge and pray for strength and courage in this difficult time. Comfort him, draw him into your arms and give his heart peace. Give him faith to understand You have placed him in a position where you will use him for Your purposes. May he understand that blessed are those who are persecuted who abide in You. May his faith grow and become his anchor during these tribulations.

I also do battle in the Spirit against the evil media that has become the mouthpiece for the devil. Lord, enough is enough. I pray You destroy them that have failed to honestly communicate the facts to the American people. Instead they have become a force of evil spreading lies to manipulate the public to incite them to take positions against what is good, appropriate and moral. Raise up honest journalists and media companies that understand their role in our democracy and behave with honesty, competence, and fairness. Lord I ask that You would protect those wanting to fill this void and allow them to prosper.

    David Sharp
    September 17, 2019


    September 17, 2019

    Amen! Amen!

    September 17, 2019

    Father, we thank You for answering our prayers before we even call. Thank You for preparing and positioning The Epoch Times newspaper for such a time as this when we need honest journalism and diligent reporters. I praise You God, for knowing and providing what we will need before we are aware of it. You are the awesome and mighty God of all creation. May Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Thank You for a truthful news source.

    Thank You also for Intercessors for America and “headline news to pray about.” Thank You for all Your people who have responded to this need for prayer over Justice Kavanaugh, and whose hearts are grieved over injustice. May ALL Your plans and purposes for his life be fulfilled, and may all the lies and plots of the enemy be defeated, nullified, and destroyed.
    We pray Your blessings and protection not only over his family, but also over his staff. Help them to be strong, loyal, and trustworthy. Help them not be frightened or intimidated. Help them not grow weary; strengthen them and guide them by Your Holy Spirit. Help them grow courageous and wise through these difficult times so that they are prepared to walk into the destiny You have for each of them.
    We ask all this in Jesus name. Amen.

September 17, 2019

Beloved Father, please expose the root of these false accusations. Please restore clear, truthful journalism reporting. Please cover Justice Kavanaugh with your strength and with an assurance of Your love and presence over him. Bless the meditations of his heart and of his families’ hearts. Let these false words fall to the ground and please expose the root of those who are not just doing this against him, but against anyone that disagrees with their agenda. Have mercy on our nation, Father. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Emily Arnot
September 17, 2019

Dear Lord God Almighty, Your word makes it clear that our purpose is to glorify you, and Satan comes to lie and to steal. I pray for your protection of Judge Kavanaugh, his family, friends, and staff. May all their faith in you grow during this difficult time. Please thwart the plans of the devil. May Judge Kavanaugh be your instrument of justice and truth, and may he glorify your holy name. Amen.

Carla S. Shier
September 17, 2019

Father, by your grace and mercy we ask for protection to be placed around Justice Kavanaugh, his wife, his children, and extended family, his staff, his community of believers, and his support team. We ask this in the power of the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, in whose name we trust.

Alan K. Veasey
September 17, 2019

Lord God use Justice Kavanaugh for your purposes. Bring the knavish tricks of the legacy media to nought.
To the lying liberal media: mene, mene tekel pharsin.

September 17, 2019

Praying protection over Justice Kavanaugh and his family. May God strengthen them, protect them and use him for His Glory. For such a time as this.

Barbara Sonin-Robbins
September 17, 2019

Father we call upon Your Holy Spirit of truth to reveal the evil lies behind this attack. When Jesus said “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.” He reminds us to leave all judgement to Him. Send Your mighty angels with Your Holy Fire to protect him, in Jesus Name, Amen

September 17, 2019

I asked the Alimighty God to intervene in Justice Kavanaugh life, that’s the good thing he has started in his life will be complete In Jesus Name. It’s a great thing his a Christian. We as Christian should not be afraid to send the word back to the enemy just like how Jesus answered the devil when he was tempted and indeed he flee.

Newt Kellett
September 17, 2019

It is so disappointing to see that the Leftist trolls just want give up. Satan sure has his share of followers.

susan millinor
September 17, 2019

We are in a war for justice to be restored in America I pray for protection for Justice Kavanaugh and his family that they will walk through this fire and not even smell of smoke. The people bringing out these accusations will be exposed for what and who they are and bring them into salvation in Christ Jesus
Psalm 91:13-16 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
13 You will tread upon the lion and cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you will trample down.
14 “Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.
15 “He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.
16 “With a long life I will satisfy him
And let him see My salvation.”

    September 17, 2019

    I agree with this prayer! Beautiful! Thank You Father for hearing us when we pray!

September 17, 2019

Yes , Father we join our hearts in prayer for Justice Kavanaugh and his family and pray for protection
and stand with you Lord against the lies of the enemy working through people. Lord you know all
things. We are known by you. You have appointed this man. We stand and worship you for you are
above all things and are tender to us in Your magnificent mercy and grace. In Jesus Name. Amen

    September 17, 2019

    This is a platform to lift up the name of Jesus & to pray for our country. “Dr Bill”
    perhaps you can find another platform to discuss politics, as you clearly aren’t bringing glory to God. We shall pray for you.
    God bless & peace out brother.

      September 17, 2019

      I’m afraid you are crossing the church-state line and confusing Christ’s dictum to separate God from politics. God watches over his children and will do so, if Kavanaugh is not reprobate as seems likely. The public square is full of those saying ‘Lord, Lord’ when the Lord says ‘I never knew you’. Be careful to lift up according to truth, which AGAIN seems to escape Kavanaugh.

September 17, 2019

Praying Is 53 over Judge Kavanaugh

No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD.

    September 17, 2019

    Heavenly Father,
    We pray for justice Kavanaugh & his family in a spirit of love and unity. We cover them with the precious blood of Jesus. It is with clarity and discernment that we see the accuser who comes to condemn and quote scripture but without love… a clanging symbol making noise.
    Dr Bill Lemon we come against all the false accusations that are not backed up with facts. Can you share something coming from a place of love? To God be all glory. Amen

September 17, 2019

Romans 12:19- kept circulating in my mind this weekend and this is probably why… Father, We stand on your Word, ” we will never take our own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. “but if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” We thank you, Lord for your Word and we trust in you and lean NOT on our own understanding. You will avenge Judge Kavanaugh and his family and turn this ugliness back on the perpetrator.We claim Holy Spirit’s word through Peter, “and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame.” In Jesus name

    September 18, 2019

    Lord, surround Judge Kavanagh with your strength and Peace. Be his protector from the evil sent against him.Send all the evil darts from the enemy back to those who sent them. May all the plans that you have for Judge Kavanagh come to fruition for the Glory of your name and for this nation. Amen

Linda Phelps
September 17, 2019

Father, let righteousness rule! “O God you have taught Judge Kavanaugh from his earliest childhood, and he constantly tells others about the wonderful things you do, Father….do not abandon him, O God. Let him proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after him.
Your righteousness, O God, reaches to the highest heavens. You have done such wonderful things. Who can compare with you, O God? You have allowed Judge Kavanaugh to suffer much hardship, but YOU WILL RESTORE him to life again and lift him up from the depths of the earth. You WILL restore Judge Kavanaugh to even greater honor and comfort him once again.
Then he will praise you with music on the harp, because you are faithful to your promise, O God. Judge Kavanaugh will sing praises to you O Holy One of Israel. He will shout for joy and sing your praises for you have ransomed him. He will tell about your righteous deeds all day long, for everyone who tried to hurt him “will be” shamed and humiliated.” Ps 71: 17-24. Be glorified Jesus!

    September 17, 2019

    A beautiful, accurate, powerful prayer. I could not say it any better, so I say Amen to your prayer!

    September 17, 2019

    Amen! I stand in agreement with this prayer and praise the Lord for what He has done and is doing in judge Kavanaugh’s life.

    Linda Ward
    September 17, 2019

    Amen!! May it be done for Judge Kavanaugh as it is proclaimed in this prayer!

    Linda Ruble
    September 17, 2019

    I stand in agreement with your great prayer to God our Father for the protection of Judge Kavanaugh and his family. Protect them from Satan who is trying his best to bring them down. The Judge and his family are strong Christians and can fight against the evil . Amen

    Mary Watkins
    September 17, 2019

    Amen. I am in agreement.

    Betty G
    September 17, 2019

    Written and proclaimed from the authority and power of your Word, and I say Amen!

Shirley Bonard
September 17, 2019

Amen! I stand in agreement with the above mentioned prayers in Jesus Name!

September 17, 2019

I pray this accusation will wither away having no effect against the Kavanaugh family. The lies will not be able to spread. Satan will have no power. The Lord will fight the enemy and he will flee.

September 17, 2019

Many years ago I learned that the enemy puts some of his greatest attacks on someone who is going to make a definite difference for God’s truth and His glory.
Judge Kavanaugh’s vindication will be very great. Psalm 91 tells us many times that He will deliver us and the proverbs say many times that negative things of all sorts will happen to those who come against His teachings and/or His people.
Our prayers are that God’s continued blessings will be on the Kavanaugh family!!

    September 17, 2019

    Ebony father in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Ghost Nord vindicate judge Kavanaugh as you have promised just those who walk uprightly before you. Cover his family cover his wife cover his children and cover him Lord. Caused him to stand strong and to stand firm knowing that his help comes from you, knowing that no weapon formed against him shall prosper and knowing the truth always prevails. Lord call the lies of the New York Times to be exposed. How’s the perpetrator of these lies to be exposed. Lord you promised if those who serve you will not be forsaken. Give judge Kavanaugh the peace that passes all understanding. Caused him to mount up as with the wings of an eagle and to soar above. Allow the joy of the Lord to be his strength let him keep his trust in you. Thank you Lord that your truth shall prevail. Thank you that the enemy is defeated

      September 17, 2019

      Ebony father in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Ghost Nord vindicate judge Kavanaugh as you have promised just those who walk uprightly before you. Cover his family cover his wife cover his children and cover him Lord. Caused him to stand strong and to stand firm knowing that his help comes from you, knowing that no weapon formed against him shall prosper and knowing the truth always prevails. Lord call the lies of the New York Times to be exposed. How’s the perpetrator of these lies to be exposed. Lord you promised if those who serve you will not be forsaken. Give judge Kavanaugh the peace that passes all understanding. Caused him to mount up as with the wings of an eagle and to soar above. Allow the joy of the Lord to be his strength let him keep his trust in you. Thank you Lord that your truth shall prevail. Thank you that the enemy is defeated

      September 17, 2019

      Praying in agreement! Amen and amen!

Sue Seymour
September 17, 2019

Serious battle cries….Amen and Amen!

    Ann Tubbs
    September 17, 2019

    I pray for Judge Kavanaugh and his family that you would surround them and give them peace. Cause the Body of Christ to rise up in defense of him. Keep him strong in You and cause this assignment to remove him as judge to be cancelled, in Jesus’ name!

      September 17, 2019

      The weapons of our warfare are NOT CARNAL BUT MIGHTY THROUGH GOD to the pulling down of STRONGHOLDS!! Judge Kavanaugh is not overcome by evil but overcomes evil with good!! You have promised, Father, that vengeance is yours and YOU will repay! So we decree that it is YOUR COUNSEL concerning Judge Kavanaugh shall stand. That your determinate heavenly counsel concerning his purpose and destiny cannot be altered by man! That he will be used mightily in the days ahead to right the injustices the enemy has perpetrated in this land and that he will be used by you to destroy satans works of lawlessness in America!! So we bind the enemy concerning him, his family and his appointment to the Supreme Court, saying touch not the head of my anointed and do him NO HARM!! In Jesus’s mighty name.2Cor 10:4; Matthew 16:19;Job 22:8, Psalm 33:11, Ps. 105:15

        Connie Smith
        September 17, 2019

        AMEN!! All Christians are in a SPIRITUAL BATTLE. We do not fight against flesh and blood but principalities and powers of darkness. The only way we can over come the darkness which Satan brings is to be FULL of the Holy Spirit, full of the Word or God. We are not strong in our self’s but MIGHTY THROUGH GOD – THE LOVER AND CREATOR OF OUR SOUL. So, BE STRONG IN THE LORD AND THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT! ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR OUR GOOD TO THOSE WHO ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE.
        Jesus we pray for Judge Kavenaugh now for the POWER OF OUR GOD to intervene in this horrific time of tribulation against Him and his family. Complete the work you have started in him and help him Holy Spirit to cling to you completely….In JESUS PRECIOUS NAME…….AMEN

      Jamie Capobres
      September 17, 2019


Tamera Bell
September 17, 2019

Proverbs 11:21, Though hand join in hand (they make a league) the wicked shall not go unpunished, but the seed of the righteous (our brother) shall be delivered (from their hands).
Isaiah 14:24-27, The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying, surely, as I have thought and planned, so shall it come to pass, and as I have purpose, so shall it stand— that I will break the Assyrian in My land, and upon My mountains I will trade him under foot. Then shall the Assyrians yolk depart from the people of Judah, and his burden depart from their shoulders. This is the Lord‘s purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth; and this is His omnipotent hand that is stretched out over all the nations. For the Lord of host has purposed, and who can annul it? And His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?
Isaiah 62:1, 6-11
Joshua 1:5-6a, 9
Psalms 27:1-3, 5-6, 11-13
Zechariah 9:14-16
Isaiah 54:14-17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper…

    Marta G
    September 17, 2019

    Amen! Heavenly Father we ask your continued hedge of protection around the Kavanaugh family. You O Lord are Mighty to save. Your arm is not too short. Your name be exalted above every name. The lies of the enemy are without substance, Father, they cannot stand! Your ways O Lord are high and lifted up. Give to all the Kavanaugh family a peace, your peace, Father that surpasses our understanding. Let them see the victory in this battle. Remind them Father that You fight for them. Father, thank you for going before them and preparing their path, give them understanding of your word Lord as it is a light unto them. Father bless them as they continue in fight for righteousness on the earth. You are our Strong Tower Father, we love you Lord and we give you all the praise for the battle won on their behalf. Father we pray always in the name of Jesus.

      September 17, 2019

      I’m praying in agreement with the above prayers. Thank You for hearing our prayers Father. We are commanded to pray for those who are in government, those who make policies and decisions and judgement. I pray especially for Judge Kavanaugh’s family. I pray that You will continue to shield and protect his daughters from the out right evil against their father. I pray that they will grow in their faith in You as they see how You work everything out for Your Glory and Honor. In Jesus Holy and Powerful Name!!

Cindy Miller
September 17, 2019

Our Mother of Perpetual Help, I pray that you join your prayers w ours for the protection, visitation, salvation, and health, of this family. Cover them w the mantle of your Grace. Obtain justice for them, from your Son and our brother Jesus Christ. For as at the wedding of Cana, he can refuse you nothing. Amen

Nancy Williams
September 17, 2019

King of the universe, we are witnessing a great clash of kingdoms, but Yours alone reigns. We proclaim Your power and authority above all others, and ask for Your forgiveness, mercy and grace over the United States of America. We ask You to push back the darkness and cause Your light to shine through Your people, including Judge Kavanaugh.Teach him to raise up a standard against the enemy and to stay fully armored. Surround his family with Your protective angels. Seal their destinies and cause them to be fruitful in You. May they stay in fellowship with those who love You and will pray and passionately seek after You together! I ask this by the power and authority of Yeshua Messiah.

Christina Morris
September 17, 2019

Amen, I issue the love of God and the favor of God to surround him and his family .

Kelly L Short
September 17, 2019

Yes, I will definitely pray for Brett Kavanaugh. I think what is happening to him is shameful and full of dishonesty and untruth. May the Lord grant His truth to be known through this man and that He will continue to bless him in spite of what these enemies have to say.

Nancye Allen
September 17, 2019

Amen to all of you above prayers !🙏

Karen Anderson
September 17, 2019

Lord, I pray no weapon formed against Justice Kavanaugh, his family or his staff will be able to prosper. Give him Godly wisdom, perseverance and fortitude to withstand these attacks. Pour out your grace on him and his family and sustain them through this time. Give them eyes to see and understand what is going on in the spiritual realm and bring them comfort to know You are fighting on their behalf. Let them be encouraged to know believers stand with him and are praying for him. In the powerful of Name of Jesus, I pray.

    September 17, 2019


    Grace Cushman
    September 17, 2019

    Amen & Amen

    Maggie Casola
    September 17, 2019


      September 17, 2019

      A resounding Amen to this and the other prayers.

      Lord raise up Your angel armies to wage war in the heavenlies to bring down all that is against this man and his family.

tama prahlow
September 17, 2019

I declare that Justice Kavanaugh will continue to speak with grace exactly what he believes and thinks. I proclaim that he have the Mind of Christ when he speaks his opinion in a non-threatening and respectful manner. Help Justice Kavanaugh do exactly what the Holy Spirit leads him to do; keep his word; not bow to man but to God alone. God make him stronger, better, more dependable, and more truthful everyday. Help Justice Kavanaugh be exactly the man other authorities can rely on. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Priscilla J Santi
September 17, 2019

Yes, I agree in faith believing we will succeed in overturning Abortion. I have been and will join in this prayer that the enemy will not scare Brett Kavenaugh but this situation will only strengthen him.

victoria beylouni
September 17, 2019

Heavenly Father, we pray psalm 91 over Brett Kavanaugh and his family. We ask you to send warring angels with swords of fire to quench the lies of the enemy. No weapon formed against him shall prosper. Thank you for this divine protection I Jesus name we pray

    Carlene Calmes
    September 17, 2019

    Dear Gracious Heavenly Father thank you for you are mighty and love us unconditionally even when we fail. Help us oh Lord not to fail in prayer As you have spoken in your word when two are more are gathered together in my name you hear our prayers and will answer them .We ask for Satan to be bound and neither Judge Kavanaugh nor Judge Barr be harmed in these attacks Give them strength and courage to face off this enemy of slander and lies In Jesus Name

Germaine Copeland
September 17, 2019

God Most High, you are the hope that holds Justice Kavanaugh and the Stronghold to shelter him…protect him from this false accusation. You are his defense…rescue him from all his accusers…defend him everyday…keep him safe out of the reach of his enemies.

    Dave Kubal
    September 17, 2019


      September 17, 2019

      Yes, we will Pray for him:

      Father God, I ask that You intervene in this situation.

      I ask that all lies be silenced against Mr. Kavanough, and that you and the Truth will prevail!

      In Jesus’ Name I Pray, AMEN!

Jerry E Sauls
September 17, 2019

Father, I thank you that your will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven and no man can stay your hand. I thank you that your will and purpose will be fulfilled regardless of how strong the spirit of evil will come against it with intention to tare down and redirect your plan. You have raised up individuals such as Justice Kavanaugh and placed them in their positions to accomplish your divine purpose; that being so, no man or any number of men may alter your plan. I place this man, his family, his staff into your hands for this time and this season. May it be so in the Name of Our God, Jehovah, Amen!

September 17, 2019

Father, I thank you for protecting Judge Kavanaugh and his family. I ask You to help him to stand strong against every device and plan of the enemy to attempt to thwart Your good purposes for his role on the US Supreme Court. I bind up all lies, curses and words spoken against Judge Kavanaugh and his family. God, I ask that You send the light of Your word to bring all truth regarding Judge Kavanaugh, so that our nation will stand for life, liberty and justice for all. All in the name of Jesus!

Come Holy Spirit and have Your way. Thank You Lord. Amen.

    Dave Kubal
    September 17, 2019


    Kathryn Franklin
    September 17, 2019

    In agreement! Amen!

      Anna Marie Natale
      September 17, 2019

      In agreement with these prayers as we petition our Most High God to protect all those who stand for righteous sake in our nation Jesus is still on His throne Amen

Jim Revelle
September 17, 2019

O Lord, hear our cry to You. We our appeal before You O Father. Are You Not the God who rules all nations? Consider their threats O Lord. Render the enemies attack impotent. Rescue us O Lord from those with evil intent. Have You not given us authority to pray in Your Name? Yes, Lord prevail. Wrap Your loving arms of protection around the Kavanaugh family. May this attack gain no traction, be exposed for its deception and melt away into obscurity. Amen.

    Dave Kubal
    September 17, 2019


      September 17, 2019

      Lord thank you for Your gift of The Armor of God (Eph. 6:11-17. I place the full armor of God over the Kavanaugh family and extended family members. Lord thank you for IS 54:17 No weapon forged against you shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is the vindication from me, declares the Lord. Thank you Lord that the Victory has been won. 1 Cor. 15:57 Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Christ Jesus. Lord You are our Banner! The Most High God, El Elton. Dan. 4:34, Lord of Peace, 2 Thess 3:16, Jehovah Nissi (Exo. 17:15, Spirit of Truth, John 15, 26, Judge, Matt. 12:36. We praise You for who you are. Lord what Satan means to kill and destroy I pray Your favor and blessing over the attacks, lies, agendas that our media have against Your chosen ones and ask for the Gospel to be known to them, that the Holy Spirit would pursue them and that they would be taken out of the darkness and into the light. I pray for Salvation to those who are not of You Lord. May all the lies, deception, false accusations, unpure motives fall on deaf ears and be exposed to those who seek the Truth in this Nation. Forgive the sins of this Nation Lord and take back the ground we have given to the enemy. Let this bring to You Glory and Honor and Praise Abba Father. In Jesus name. Amen

        Trudie Coetzer
        September 17, 2019

        Our Father, we plead the Blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God over Justice Kavanaugh and his family. We pray that You expose the roots of these lies that are aimed at him. We pray Psalms 91 over him and his family. May You bless him with wisdom and insight in these days and may You thwart all attacks from the evil spirits which are aimed against him. Clothe him with Your armour of Light. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Darlene W
September 17, 2019

Father I thank you that no weapon formed against Justice Kavanaugh will prosper and every tongue that rises up against he shall show to be in the wrong.In Jesus Name.

    Nancy P.
    September 17, 2019

    Amen to this prayer!

    Virginia Stanton
    September 17, 2019

    I declare your word over Judge Kavanaugh, “if God be for him who can be against him”, Lord, you are a promise keeper ! We trust you.

    Sharon Johnson
    September 17, 2019

    I agree with this prayer based on Isaiah 54:17. May God vindicate Justice Kavanaugh and condemn those who are spreading these lies against him.
    Strengthen Justice Kavanaugh in the Lord. I ask this in the previous name of Jesus, Amen

      September 17, 2019


      September 17, 2019

      Thank you Lord for your word (Isaiah 54:17), and we agree in prayer that
      no weapon forged against Justice Kavanaugh will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses Justice Kavanaugh. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from the Lord.

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IFA President
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