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Lord, we pray for Godly wisdom for the leaders in America. We pray that the Holy Spirit would guide all governmental officials in decisions of all kinds.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Former White House physician Ronny Jackson, who served in the role under both Presidents Obama and Trump, told Fox News on Thursday night that he believes that President Joe Biden will be forced to resign or will face the 25th Amendment over issues related to his fitness for office.

Jackson, who now represents Texas’ 13th Congressional District, told Fox News that he has been saying for a while that “something’s going on here.”

“And I’ve been saying that it’s only going to get worse, and guess what? We’re watching that happen right before our eyes right now,” Jackson said. “And I’m at the point right now where, you know, I went from, you know, telling people, we should be concerned about what might potentially be going on, to now saying, hey, what is happening right now?”

“Where are the people in our academic medicine that were out there calling for President Trump to have a cognitive test? Where are these people?” Jackson continued. “There’s something seriously going on with this man right now. And you know, I think that he’s either gonna, he’s either gonna resign, they’re going to convince him to resign from office at some point in the near future for medical issues, or they’re going to have to use the 25th Amendment to get rid of this man right now. There’s some serious stuff going on right now.”

Jackson said that members of Biden’s cabinet are likely looking at Biden and wondering if he is able to effectively carry out his duties as President of the United States. Jackson added that “this is a national security issue at this point … it really is.” . . .

Jackson also took note of a clip that went viral from CNN’s Biden town hall on Wednesday night, writing: “WHAT IS WRONG with this guy!!!! The American people deserve to know. This is our Commander in Chief… I am terrified for our country!”

In the clip, Biden was asked about when children under the age of 12 will be able to be vaccinated.

“Soon, I believe,” Biden responded. “Now look, one of the things that I committed to do when I got elected, I said–”

“How soon is soon, Mr. President?” CNN’s Don Lemon pressed.

“–[inaudible] well, let me finish the question. The answer, soon in the sense that I do not tell any scientists what they should do, I do not interfere,” Biden responded. “And so, they are doing, they’re doing the examinations now, the testing now and making the decision now. When they are ready, when they’ve done all the scientific need be done to determine children at ages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, they, in fact, are, all have different makeups, they’re developing, they’re trying to figure out whether or not there’s a vaccination that would affect one child with, that’s at such and such an age and not another child.”

Do you think that Biden might have to resign due to these issues? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Dailywire. Article written by Dailywire News. Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

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Richard Eugene Palmer
June 22, 2022

Yes,YES most for sure he is a total mass BLUNDER for this Great Country for all the WROND things he did to DESTROY WE The People way of Life…………….

July 27, 2021

Can’t happen soon enough! The information stated above about how he attempted to answer that question posed to him clearly underscores the need to have him removed from office ASAP. What scares me, is Kamala Harris would be President. She is even more radical than Biden. She does not appear to be any more with it than Biden, just more dangerous for our country’s future. Please , Lord, let Your will be done in D.C. I pray for president Trump to be restored to office soon. He is no Boy Scout, but he at least APPEARS to have America’s best interest at heart, which is more than I can say for the evil people who occupy the white House currently. Lord, may your will be done.

July 27, 2021

Biden was never God’s chosen and he was never appointed legally as God will bring to light. He cannot bless what is not his will. We will see Biden removed according to the plan of God. We continue to pray for repentance to come from those who have been part of this evil charade. God’s will be done. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers and establishing truth, justice and righteousness in this nation in Jesus name.

July 26, 2021

This egocentric, fraudulent, treasonous, and evil, man will not resign, they will have to DRAG him and Jill out! What this selfish, money hungry man, and his family, and Democrat cohorts, have done, to destroy our country is beyond disgraceful! He, and the Democrats, are the most unAmerican people I have ever witnessed. They have literally made multi millions of dollars off cheatng America! Biden’s “backers” will prop him up, if they have to! My love for my God, and my family, and my country, is strong, and I deeply resent what this man has had the gall to do.
I am praying that the American people will see through ALL the deception and election fraud that has been perpetrated against America! It sickens me to see what Joe Biden and his ilk, have done to this country!! They are blinded by their greed, power and pride.
I do pray Biden ,and all the administration, would come to the Lord, repent, turn, and ask for forgiveness. Do I think they will, no I don’t, because Biden’s mind has been deluded for a long time. I have watched him, for years, disintegrate mentally. No one can convince me that Biden, with his limited, obvious, mental deficiencies, could legally win any Presidency!

Darlene Estlow
July 26, 2021

I think he will go, whether to resign or have the 25th amendment used against him. Will we need any better with Ms Harris as president? I outside God He is healing our country and bringing revival. Only He can.

July 26, 2021

Question: you think that Biden might have to resign due to these issues?

My thoughts:
In my view all this was planned in advance. He is being used as a puppet by the evil people behind the scene orchestrating the plans for America’s destruction. Still attempting to accomplish their “16 year plan to destroy America.”
BUT the word of God declares “For the kingdom is the Lord’s And He rules over the nations. He abides forever He has established His throne for judgement And He will judge the world in righteousness; He will execute judgment for the peoples with equity.”
(Psalm 22:28 &
Psalm 9:7-8)

To save him from further embarrassments
it would be preferable and would be wise for Biden to resign before they implement the 25th Amendment on him.

Thank you Father that You are in our mist throughout all the chaos around us. Thank you
for fighting for us, You are our YAHWEH-NISSI.
We shall continue to fight along side You by Your Spirit,
in Jesus’s name.

Bobbi G Wells
July 26, 2021

He never should have been elected based on the cognitive issues alone. So yes, he should resign and or the 25th Amendment should be invoked.

July 26, 2021

I don’t know but taking it to God.

James Oyler
July 26, 2021

yes he should


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