Evidence of Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin
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Video Evidence of Voter Fraud in Georgia Coming Soon
Evidence of Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin
As people continue to investigate the 2020 election, some are disciplined, reassigned, and removed. What are our leaders trying to hide from us, the general public?
From The Gateway Pundit. Truck driver Jesse Morgan moved mail for the US Postal Service and came out after the election and shared his story of how he hauled tens of thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania before the 2020 Election. We reported on this in December 2020.
We learned in the summer of 2021 that former US Attorney General Bill Barr ordered the US Attorney in Eastern Pennsylvania to stop investigating 2020 Election issues in the state and turn any issues over to the Democrat Pennsylvania Attorney General. This would have included the reports of approximately 288,000 ballots entering Pennsylvania on a semi-trailer from New York….
This past week, Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer discussed the Jesse Morgan story and the work he and others performed to vet the story after the 2020 Election. Shaffer said that after his team fully vetted Morgan, he decided to move forward with the story. He contacted his friends in law enforcement to get them on board with further investigating the matter. When former AG Bill Barr heard the news he called Tony, screamed at him … Tony was shortly thereafter removed from the investigation….
We next heard the following day in an interview with attorney Tom King in Pennsylvania that the investigation into this issue was moved to the USPS (United States Postal Service) since the event included US mail….
In addition to the voter fraud in Pennsylvania, the organization True the Vote has found countless fraudulent ballots in Wisconsin, more than enough to meaningfully affect the election.
From The Gateway Pundit. Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips from True the Vote testified Thursday before the Campaigns and Elections Committee in the Wisconsin Assembly…
According to True the Vote 7% of the ballots in Wisconsin at the ballot drop boxes were likely fraudulent votes.
They estimate over 137,000 ballots were trafficked in Wisconsin….
And Phillips then added that at least 4.8 million ballots were trafficked in the 2020 election.
How are you praying for election integrity? Share this article to update your friends and family.
(Excerpts from The Gateway Pundit and The Gateway Pundit. Photo Credit: Tiffany Tertipes on Unsplash)
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I listened to all the investigations and my question for everyone to ponder is this, why would all these people come forward and testify, knowing full well that they would be bullied for doing so and even might lose their job! I have been asking WHERE IS JESSE´S TRUCK for a long time.
How sad that the IFA Leadership continues to promote issues that only serve to further divide the body of Christ. When my dear brothers in Christ; Derek, Lance and Johannes, supported and promoted this ministry, it was for the building up of the body of Christ in Unity.
It is truly amazing at the amount of fraud that was in our Presidential election, all conducted by the Democratic Party and its wealthy supporters!!!!! And when investigations were started the Democrats threatened everyone doing the investigations with prison etc. It is very obvious that Biden did not with the election!!! I pray that the those who committed the crimes will be exposed and sentenced to jail.
Father, what will it take what more can we do as A Christian Believer to HELP get This mess of darkness turned around so our children will be safe, our homes, borders will be safe. My comments and concerns are that we keep seeing murders, indoctrinated children, drug cartels, Supreme Court judges get voted in that allowed demonic filled men be loosed upon our streets to continue the cruelty to our youth. What more can we do to STOP this destruction to our American Families.? I know thousands are praying , thousands are standing, are we praying incorrectly? I know Jesus Christ is hurting and I know tears fall from His Eyes seeing the cruelty and Forgotten words of our Father that has allowed the destruction of our United States and other Nations. Jesus my comments to Heaven what else can we be doing to block the agendas of Satan so we can get a break through to the many blinded souls that need you to remove the darkness? My prayer this morning was and is every day is to See the name of Jesus spoken, flying freely on banners, the red, white, blue stripes and stars flying freely from homes. Gods word the ( Bible) being read carried into churches, ministers preaching about Gods Love, Jesus plan of salvation, people praising God for His Faithfulness, alters full people praying. This was my prayer this morning. Asking for miracles, asking Jesus what more can I do? I know I am not alone but I want to make sure All of my prayers are knocking on Heavens Gate. Reading a powerful book titled: Furnace Grace; The power to stand when the Heat is on. I want to be like Shadrack, Meshack, Abednego. We need more of these Hebrew children learn not to bow, oh the trust they had in God to rescue them, their declarations were powerful that God would save them, I’ve never forgotten the first time this story impressed my life and to start to understand Gods power. The circumstances we are facing is overwhelming, that sometimes I feel what I am praying is not enough. I truly believe God is going to give us a second chance but more must be done than what happened after 911. We focused on God a short while then complacency set in. I am one of many who is pouring out their hearts we need a supernatural importation from God. That will empower and strengthen us. I also feel in my Spirit and I know a lot of people just thought President Trump had all power in himself and were actually worshiping Him, they just did not understand that He was picked by God, I feel President Trump needs to be honored for the role he played for four years, I do understand that Exposure needs to take place and Gods cleansing can do that, I also understand that only Gods supernatural ability plays a major part in the extreme mess we are in. Hopefully my comments are not sounding extreme, blame it on God he dropped this into my spirit as I prayed, he reminded me of the book Furnace Grace. Trust God, let Faith be our Guide: Philippians 4- 6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by Prayer & Supplication, with Thanksgiving let your requests be know to God. Well that is what I did today. I ask God to give insight and power to all of the Prayer warriors even though the Furnace is getting hotter. Remember to pray for Israel as well as all of the thousands trials that we are faced with. I know God has a purpose to make us more like Jesus, he is the potter we are the clay. Be blessed I know God loves us. Prayer is essential.
Priscilla, I could have written each of these statements/questions. As I read your comment, wait upon the Lord was the word on my heart. So ponder on sister, He will give you the answers that you seek. This link is attached for confirmation. https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Waiting-On-The-Lord Your sincerity blessed me today, thank you. May the Lord continue to bless you as you seek Him.
are we praying incorrectly?
what else can we be doing to block the agendas of Satan?
See the name of Jesus spoken, flying freely on banners
Gods word the ( Bible) being read
Asking for miracles, asking Jesus what more can I do?
sometimes I feel what I am praying is not enough.
I truly believe God is going to give us a second chance
Remember to pray for Israel as well as all of the thousands trials that we are faced with
Philippians 4- 6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by Prayer & Supplication, with Thanksgiving let your requests be know to God.
Gods supernatural ability plays a major part in the extreme mess we are in
people just thought President Trump had all power in himself and were actually worshiping him
I know God has a purpose to make us more like Jesus, he is the potter we are the clay.
We all know that the elections were FRAUDALANT. What I can’t accept is all the covering up and that our Representatives are spineless or RINOS Very few doing anything to fight for us
God bless True the Vote and their focused, relentless, unstoppable, unquenchable thirst for truth. Shelter them Holy Father. Nurture them and instill in the rest of us that same thirst and hunger for you and your Word in Christ Jesus name amen
Praying in agreement, Ingrid, in Jesus’ Mighty Name!
Oh how I love e-mails from IFA. It girds me up. I am an intercessor and I have to admit – these last 2 1/2 years have definately, at times, been daunting. I share with other intercessors and low and behold they were experiencing the same thing. We then would get into prayer together and break the stronghold of the enemy.
It never ceases to amaze me how – group prayer- can give me the oomph I need to get back up on my horse and beat back the enemy!
On a humorous note: Not too long ago, I was so upset with Biden, and his global agenda, I said- OFF WITH HIS HEAD LORD!!!!!!! Then, I apologized to the Lord, and said, “OK Lord, I am calmed down now, do what you do, and I will try and not direct from the peanut gallery.!!!! IN HIS SERVICE, Terrie(one short but fiesty intercessor!)
So what???
How many times throughout creation did God allow evil to prevail in order to awaken His children??
These opinions I speak from looking at my own heart. Before 2020 I only casually prayed for our government. My wife and I being opposed to abortion casually prayed ever since Roe. I felt that surely God would help Trump succeed. … then it happened….i Initially I felt anger, dismay and confusion. I dove into th word, I sought every webcast regarding prayer and intercession. I discovered IFA , Dutch and Tim Sheets . I pray in unison daily with all you guys. I believe our warriors heart would not be here if God hadn’t kicked us in th tail and told us to “get to work you lazy bums!!’
Now as never before babies are being saved and it is spreading from state to state. State governors have become emboldened to stand up for th constitution and our godly roots… Why finally now you may ask ?? Because for th past two years Christ’s church has been locked arm in arm warring in spiritual combat against Satans stronghold over America!! Keep it up my friends!! Satans forces are on th run!!!
Thank You
Your story is my story.
Trusting those in authority must be discerned by God’s wisdom and prayer.
When will justice be exercised relating to the election fraud? Why is this political when it is illegal to traffic ballots from one state into another? Why were the people who ran the election polling places not held liable? While there are individuals who are suffering in solitary confinement for attending a January 6 Presidential Rally, what about those individuals and their leaders who participated in the acts of election fraud? I am a conservative and am concerned about the upcoming mid-term election that this will reoccur as it did in California and Georgia. Let’s get some priority on this issue and some attention to correct this concern. It’s about time!
Proverbs 29:2b when the wicked rule, the people groan. (NIV)
💯💯👍👍Same feeling here I don’t feel so lonely anymore Thank you Jesus is LORD 🙏
Job 42:2 “I know that You can do all things and that no plan of Yours can be thwarted.
Jeremiah 32:17 “Oh, Lord GOD! You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for You!
Luke 18:27 But Jesus said, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”
Psalm 31:5 Into Your hands I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O LORD, God of truth.
Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that run swiftly to evil, a false witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up discord among brothers
Isaiah 45:23 By Myself I have sworn; truth has gone out from My mouth, a word that will not be revoked: Every knee will bow before Me, every tongue will swear allegiance.
Dear Heavenly Father, I am praying for a miracle. Fraud on this level is seemingly insurmountable. But You are El ‘Emet, God of Truth, You hate lies. I repent for every lie I have spoken or hold in my heart and I ask for mercy on this nation Lord. I pray it will please You to usher in a fair election this year and in the years to come. This is not too difficult for You. May every state in this nation be subject to Your Truth. May every vote count. May Your Truth marshal fairness in voting. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
How I wish we could publish this across every public news outlet available! Thank you for getting God’s Words together, reminding us how much He detests this evil that’s taken place in America! Thank you 🙏
Anna, I believe apart from His Word our feelings are irrelevant. I believe you are of the same mind. We are so blessed to have access to this in the Bible and online. So many do not and we know there are countless who care NOT. Thank you for taking the time….We are so blessed and I pray His blessings are abundant in your life.
My first reaction is , if this is all true, that I was very deceived about AG Bill Barr. It is so disheartening to hear about a man I thought could be trusted. I had thought he was an honorable and trustworthy man, and apparently President Trump thought he was the best, because he placed him in that position in his administration.
Who on earth can we trust? The answer seems to be that we can only trust God to do the right thing . I pray that all these results from the investigation into the 2020 election will make a difference.. as we know, the mainstream media will not report on any of this to the people of the US. We also cannot trust in them.
We know that God does not like this deception and with our prayer to him , he will take care of it. Thank you Lord for revealing the truth through some faithful people looking into it💛 I believe the 2020 election must be solved completely, so that we can figure out how to have honest elections in the future. Thank you Lord ✝️
“Who mon earth can we trust?” No one, my dear. I don’t even trust myself.
Only God
This is one of the most disturbing things that has ever happened in our great country, especially since it seems that both parties were involved in the cover-up. I am praying that God brings EVERYTHING into the open – down to the “why”. Great damage has been done to confidence in our elections AND our government.
If the truth were to come out, the whole world would know Trump won and he would reinstated. He’d open th Keystone Pipeline and all this craziness would stop.
Why isnt this happening? We are heading for total destruction of the American way if life. We have a senile president who didnt win the election and most of his appointees are corrupt or incompetant. Do something before its to late. Get rid of the Rhinos as well.
As with Rome . . . the swamp and ‘deep state’ beneath was not built in one day.
As one who survived teen years during the ’60’s’ I’ve come to understand that American politics had become what our founding forefathers feared the most. A place where career politicians mired themselves in place for DECADES and in the process of making themselves filthy rich at “We The Peoples” expense they created the stinking cesspool known as Washington D.C.
So NOTHING will change until the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Graham and many others are removed . . . but even after that is done one must turn their attention to the mucky mire of the ‘deep state’ because if that is not destroyed nothing one reforming politician does will last.
Don’t believe me? Ask #45 and then take in what #46 spent his first six months in office doing. Writing executive orders to undo almost all 45 had done.
Reading, praying, revealing are great; but what are we DOING ???!! How can I stop the fraud?? I can talk, but what can I DO?? This is SO frustrating for this little nobody in nowheresville!!!
Join Doug’s team. It’s a statewide, grassroots movement. His motto is In 8:36. We pray at every meeting.
Check out Mike Lindell’s Frank Speech.
Father we pray that the hidden things would come to the light. And those who’ve participated in this fraud would be held accountable. In Jesus name
The ballot fraud issue in PA caused me to begin to follow the actions of our State Senate. The President Pro-Tem is complicit in obfuscation of action and one Senator, Doug Mastriano, was sidelined from effectiveness. He is now running for Governor and I am on the team to get him elected.
Go to doug4gov.com.
Just read up on your candidate, Mel, and Senator Mastriano has a sterling record and would be a wonderful Governor for Pennsylvania. I am not in PA myself, but want you to know I am praying for God’s blessings and success for Sen. Mastriano and your state.
This country needs Republican Governors, City Mayors, District Attorneys, Senators, Congressmen, and President. We need the corruption OUT of government at every level. We need well run cities and states, and federal government. We need election fraud stopped. (Heaven help us!)
Best of luck to you in PA, Mel; will add your state to my on-going prayers.
“How am I praying for election integrity?” God wants us to pray according to His will, according to His character (1 John 5:14,15): I find great comfort in praying Psalm 146:9, “He thwarts the way of the wicked.” Also, “He opens the eyes of the blind” (146:8) (those who are blind to the fraud going on). We need to pray for those in authority over us (1 Tim. 2:1,2), so that they do what is right concerning fraud investigation and prosecution of wrong doers. We can pray that God would expose the darkness with His light, and that there would be the fear of God upon all government officials, including judges (we see the fear of Him brought upon various people in the Old Testament, from time to time). Pray for believers in government, that they would be strong and courageous, and filled with knowledge and wisdom as to how to wend their way through the real political landscape and Satanic opposition (Eph. 6:12,18). We can pray that all His workings would cause His name to be lifted up, that the name of Christ be exalted! And let’s fast and pray. I praise God for this report from IFA – God is working!!!! I believe, also, that the electronic voting machines were indeed connected to the internet and manipulated; 29,000 pieces of data were captured in the 2020 elections, showing the IP addresses of where each manipulation was coming from; it was discovered by Dr. Frank that each state was manipulated based on a particular algorithm (set of instructions). For more info, go to Frankspeech.com, the August, 2021 symposium, at which all 50 states had representatives attending.
I was going to write a comment, but you said it all! I so long for lies to be exposed and truth to prevail – but for that to happen the eyes of the blind do need to be opened, and the way of the wicked thwarted. I will pray this from Psalm 146 and that God’s light will shine in all this darkness and expose what has been done. I am praying for truthtellers to rise up and be courageous and tenacious in pursuing a just outcome. I am praying for our leaders to fear God more than men and do what is right and for more believers to serve God by serving our country in local, state and federal government. It seems the media immediately covers up/dismisses/spins away any truth that surfaces – we need to know the truth – about this election, about COVID, about vaccines – we can’t make good decisions without the truth – it is the truth that will set us free. Thank you for the information in this article, we need to know what really happened. Praying and trusting God to “work all things together for good” – resting in His sovereignty. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com
When I was a private in the army, I learned there are legal and illegal orders. Bill Barr issued and unconstitutional i.e., illegal order. Why is it that the US attorney is so ignorant of the law that he followed the order? What can be done about it now?The Republican controlled Senate refused to hear Senator Cruz’s request to investigate the situation before certifying the election in Jan 2021? My opinion there are plenty of traitors in the Congress who should be held accountable and punished under the law as well as Mr Barr.
i am praying for justice to be prevailed in this false election and the false leaders be removed from all levels of government, we can’t let communism win
Agreed! Amen!
Father God,
We trust Your goodness because the foundation of Your throne is righteousness and justice. We are appealing to Heaven in the name of Jesus that You administer Your justice now that You have exposed the corruption by shining the light of truth on the 2020 election.
Girl…this so good. Thanks