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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, have mercy on the women of Afghanistan. Thank You, Jesus, that You treated women radically differently than the world when You were living on this earth. May Your Church be used to Your glory and the benefit of women in Afghanistan.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hundreds of Americans and thousands of American allies are still stuck in the country of Afghanistan. Come together with a coalition of believers and action-takers to pray not for only those left behind, but also the other critical issues arising with the Taliban-control of Afghanistan. Prayer is on the second and fourth Mondays each month from 9:15-10:00pm ET. Dial (667) 771-7910 code 2452#

  • In a rare demonstration of bipartisan unity, all two dozen female senators have joined together in a letter to call upon the Biden administration to devise a plan to defend the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan.
  • “In the wake of the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan, we write to urge your Administration to develop an interagency plan to preserve the political, economic, social, and basic human rights of Afghan women and girls. This plan should also address how the United States will lead international organizations, such as the United Nations, in holding the Taliban accountable,” the 24 lawmakers said in the letter.
  • Read the letter HERE.

“American disengagement from Afghanistan puts at risk hard-won gains for Afghan women and girls. Women earned college degrees, joined the workforce, and participated in
Afghanistan’s public life. Last year an estimated 3.5 million girls were in school, with 100,000 women enrolled in public and private universities. Women also began to succeed in business and government. . . .

“However, lacking a legitimate Afghan government and military forces to protect them, women and girls are now suffering the predations of a Taliban regime with a track record of
brutalizing, isolating, and denying them life and liberty. Taliban leaders who promised that women would be treated well under the new government are not upholding those commitments.

“You have committed to press the Taliban to uphold the rights of women and girls, and you have stated that America will maintain an enduring partnership with the people of
Afghanistan resisting Taliban rule.

“Afghan women and girls need our action now.”

(Excerpt from The Blaze. Picture Credit: Getty Images.)

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Karen Olexsak
November 9, 2021

Often God called and obviously still calls women to act as His doers. I am so pleased to see a bipartisan effort by the women in government. Kudos, ladies, to overlook differences and come together to defend those who can’t defend themselves against tyranny. I hope they are praying together also.


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